Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung Network Interface Card NC-6 des Produzenten Konica Minolta
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Network Interface Card ( NC-6 ) User Manual.
NC- 6 i Cont en ts 1W e l c o m e 1.1 Tradem ark Acknowl edgements ......... ............ ........... ...... ........... .. 1-2 1.2 About Pa geScope Light................. ..... ............ ........... ........... ........ 1 -2 2 Getting Ready 2.1 Selec ting the Ne twork Print Method.
ii NC-6 7.2 Setting Up the Network Co nnect ions ............ ............ ........... ...... 7-2 7.2.1 Peer-to-Pe er Printi ng ... ..... ............ ........... ........... ........... ............ 7 -2 Windows 95 (O SR 2.5)/ W indow s 98/ Windows 98 SE/ Windows M E .
NC- 6 iii User Instruct ions For the U.S.A. FCC Part 15-Ra dio Freq uency Devic es For Canada Inte rference -Causin g Equip ment S tandard (ICES-003 Is sue 3 ) For Europe CE Marki ng (Decl aration of .
iv NC-6 For cou ntries subjec t to Class B regul ations For cou ntries not subject to Class B re gulations This dev ice mu st be used with shielde d interfa ce cables. T he use of no n-shield ed cables i s likely to resu lt in inter ferenc e with radio c ommun ications a nd is pr ohibi ted un der CISP R 22 rules and loca l rules.
Welcome 1 NC- 6 1-1 1 Welcome This manu al prov ides inform ation o n sett ing up and usin g a co pier as a net wor k prin ter. Read t hese i nstruc tions thoroug hl y befo re usin g the f unctio ns. For in struct ions o n usi ng the copie r itsel f and fo r gener al s afety prec aution s, refer to th e man ual pro vided w ith the copier.
1 Welco me 1-2 NC-6 1.1 Trademark Acknowledgements PageScop e is tradema rk of KONICA MINOLTA BUSINESS TECHNOLOGIES, INC. Ethern et is a reg istere d tradem ark o f Xerox C orpo ration. PCL is a regi stered tradem ark of H ewlet t-Packa rd Compa ny. Micr osoft , Windo ws, and Window s NT a re regi ster ed trade marks of Micr osoft Corporati on.
Getting Re ady 2 NC- 6 2-1 2 Gettin g Ready This manua l prov ides d etaile d inform ation on usi ng a co pier as a netw ork print er. Howe ver, no t all in format ion prov ided w ill be requi red by all us ers. This chap ter is des igned to mak e it ea sier t o find the info rmatio n and proc edures req uired fo r your s etup.
2 Getting Rea dy 2-2 NC-6 2.1 Selecting the Network Print Method Once a netwo rk car d ha s been insta lled, vari ous me thod s fo r netw ork print ing beco me av ailabl e. This sec tion de scrib es how to se lect the appro priate n etwork pri nt meth od for the ty pe of op erating system th at you are u sing.
Getting Re ady 2 NC- 6 2-3 For Wind ows NT 4.0 LPR P rint in g G You c an connec t a co pier an d compu ter via the LPR Print Servic e. G The L PR Prin t Service i s ava ilabl e with a standa rd ins tallati on of t he opera ting s ystem. G The TCP/ IP protoc ol is used.
2 Getting Rea dy 2-4 NC-6 For Win dows 2 000 LPR P rint ing G You c an con nect a c opier a nd compu ter via the LPR Print Servic e. G The L PR Prin t Service i s ava ilabl e with a stand ard ins tallat ion of the opera ting s ystem. G The T CP/IP pr otocol is used .
Getting Re ady 2 NC- 6 2-5 For Wind ows XP IPP Printing G You c an connec t a co pier an d compu ter via the IPP Pri nt Serv ice. G The IPP Print Serv ice i s availa ble wit h a sta nda rd instal lation of the opera ting s ystem. G HTTP (Hyper Te xt Tran sfer Prot ocol), whic h is part of t he TCP/IP protoc ol is used .
2 Getting Rea dy 2-6 NC-6 For NetWare (NetWare Server/ Windows Client) When using NetW are, yo u can use a comp ute r runnin g Wind ows as a NetWare clie nt to pri nt to a copie r v ia a Net Ware se rver . Supporte d Environments The con troller su pports the sy stem env ironm ents des cribed below.
Getting Re ady 2 NC- 6 2-7 2.2 Checking the Setup Procedures This sect ion de scribe s the required pro cedures for sett ing up net work print ing for the se lected netw ork pri nt method . Peer-to-Peer Printi ng 1 Check that all of the a ccessor ies hav e been in clude d in the pack age.
2 Getting Rea dy 2-8 NC-6 LPR / PORT 9 100 Printin g 1 Check that all of the accesso ries hav e been i nclud ed in the pack age. ( “ 3 Che ckin g the A ccesso ri es ” ) 2 Conne ct the netwo rk cable. ( “ 4 Con nec tin g the N et work Cabl e ” ) 3 Speci fy the IP addre ss, sub net ma sk, an d defa ult gateway setti ngs fo r the c opier.
Getting Re ady 2 NC- 6 2-9 IPP Printing 1 Check that all of the a ccessor ies hav e been in clude d in the pack age. ( “ 3 Chec king the Accesso rie s ” ) 2 Connec t the n etwo rk cab le. ( “ 4 C onn ectin g th e Net work Cab le ” ) 3 Speci fy the IP a ddre ss, subn et ma sk, an d defa ult gat eway s ettings for the c opier.
2 Getting Rea dy 2-10 NC-6 NetWare Serve r/Clien t (except NDPS) 1 Check that all of the accesso ries hav e been i nclud ed in the pack age. ( “ 3 Che ckin g the A ccesso ri es ” ) 2 Conne ct the netwo rk cable.
Checki ng the Acces sories 3 NC- 6 3-1 3 Checking the Accessories Check that all of the accesso ries lis ted bel ow are i nclud ed in the pa ckag e. If any item is mis sing, contac t your servi ce repr ese ntativ e.
3 Chec king t he A ccessori es 3-2 NC-6.
Connect ing the Netw ork C able 4 NC- 6 4-1 4 Connecting th e Network Cable Conne ct the netwo rk cable to t he copier . 4.1 Types of Cable That Can Be Used Use a Category 5 or 5 E net work ca ble. 4.2 Connecting the Network Cable Inse rt the c onnec tors on the ne twork ca ble in to the network port s.
4 Conn ec ting t he Ne tw ork C abl e 4-2 NC-6.
Assignin g an IP Ad dress 5 NC- 6 5-1 5 Assigning an IP Address From the co ntrol pa nel of the copi er, assign an IP a ddress to the copie r. ✎ Note Always ass ign an IP addre ss only after c onsul ting y our netwo rk admi nistra tor.
5 As sign ing an IP Add ress 5-2 NC-6 5.2 Assigning an IP Address The I P ad dress can be assi gned u sing a func tion on the “ NETWORK SETTING ” m enu. Othe r functi ons o n the “ NETW ORK SETTING ” menu can be us ed to s pecif y the s ubnet mask and de fault g ate way se ttings .
Assignin g an IP Ad dress 5 NC- 6 5-3 Check with your n etwor k admini strator to d etermi ne if t here is a DHCP server available on the network. (If there is, a special IP addres s will be as signe d by t he AutoI P functi on.
5 As sign ing an IP Add ress 5-4 NC-6 8 Use th e 10-k ey pad and the and keys t o enter the subn et mask addres s. ✎ Note The s ubnet mask addres s show n in th e illu stratio n is o nly a n exampl e. Alw ays che ck with your n etwo rk adm inist rator bef ore enteri ng a subnet mask address.
Printing the Con figur ation Page 6 NC- 6 6-1 6 Printing t he Configu ration Page Detail ed inform ation o n the s etting s can be prin ted so that th e cont ents o f the se tti ngs can be e asi ly ch ecked.
6 Printing the Con figur ation Page 6-2 NC-6.
Connect ing the Com puter a nd C opier 7 NC- 6 7-1 7 Connecting th e Computer an d Copier This chapte r desc ribes h ow to c onnec t the c ompute r and co pier, an d th e setting s re quired to enable the co pier to pri nt jobs re ceive d ove r the net work.
7 Conne cting the Compute r and C opie r 7-2 NC-6 7.2 Setting Up the Network Connections 7.2.1 Peer-t o-Peer Pr inting Window s 95 (OSR 2.5)/ Win dows 9 8/ Windo ws 98 SE/ Window s ME ✎ Importa nt Before conti nuing to set u p the ne twork s ettings, check the follow ing: Check that t he compu ter is set up to use the TCP/IP prot ocol.
Connect ing the Com puter a nd C opier 7 NC- 6 7-3 7.2.2 LPR Printing Window s 2000 ✎ Importan t Before contin uing t o set u p the n etwork s etting s, che ck th e follo wing: Check th at the c omputer i s set up to u se the TCP/IP prot ocol. Check that th e copier is als o set up to u se the TCP/IP prot ocol.
7 Conne cting the Compute r and C opie r 7-4 NC-6 10 Click [Ne xt>]. 11 Clic k [Fi nis h]..
Connect ing the Com puter a nd C opier 7 NC- 6 7-5 Window s NT 4.0 ✎ Importan t Before co ntinui ng to set up the ne twork setti ngs, che ck the fol lowing: Check th at the c omputer i s set up to u se the TCP/IP prot ocol. Check that th e copier is als o set up to u se the TCP/IP prot oco l.
7 Conne cting the Compute r and C opie r 7-6 NC-6 6 After th e Add L PR Compati ble Pri nter dia log bo x app ears, e nter the copi er IP ad dress in the Na me or ad dress of s erver prov iding lpd servic es box, a nd t hen cl ick [ OK] . Enter t he nam e of th e print queue in the Name of prin ter or pr int que ue on tha t ser ver box .
Connect ing the Com puter a nd C opier 7 NC- 6 7-7 7 Enter th e IP add ress for the cop ier into the Printe r Name or IP Address box , and t hen cl ick [ Next >]. 8 Select Cus tom , and then c lick [Se ttings]. 9 Select RAW as the prot ocol. 10 Enter “ 9 100 ” fo r the Port Number set ting, an d then clic k [ OK].
7 Conne cting the Compute r and C opie r 7-8 NC-6 Setting Up the IPP Prin t Connection Set up the IPP Pri nt connec tion. In order to set up IPP printi ng, yo u must start by ins tallin g the pri nter driver. (F or instr uct ions on in sta lling t he GDI driv er, refer to “ GDI Printe r Control ler ” in the manua l provide d with the cop ier.
Connect ing the Com puter a nd C opier 7 NC- 6 7-9 7.2.5 Connecting a Copier to the NetWare Serve r Supported Environments The con troller sup ports the sy stem env ironm ents desc ribed bel ow. Setting Up NetWar e 4.x/ 5.x/ 6 Prin t Server Mode 1 Log i n with a dmini strator privil eges.
7 Conne cting the Compute r and C opie r 7-10 NC-6 7 Selec t the con nectio n sett ings, and ch eck th at the PServer you crea ted is liste d in the activ e con necti ons s ection . * If chang es are ma de to s ettings m arked with “ * ” , turn the machin e off, t hen on again.
Connect ing the Com puter a nd C opier 7 NC- 6 7-1 1 5 Start up Pa geS cope Light and log in to t he Admi nistrat or mode, se lect NetWare C onfigu ration from th e “ Network ” tab, an d then use PageSc ope Light to specify the following set tin gs on the copie r.
7 Conne cting the Compute r and C opie r 7-12 NC-6 Setting Up NetWar e 5.x/ 6 Novell Distributed Pr int Serv ice (NDPS) ✎ Note Before specify ing the NDPS setti ngs, c reate t he NDPS Broker a nd NDPS Man ager an d chec k tha t they are loa ded. Check th at the Ne tWare s erver is s et to u se the TCP/IP protoco l.
Connect ing the Com puter a nd C opier 7 NC- 6 7-1 3 Setting Up the Wind ows Compute r for the NetWa re Cli ent 1 Click [Start] - [Setting s] - [Prin ter], an d then double -clic k the “ Add Printer ” icon.
7 Conne cting the Compute r and C opie r 7-14 NC-6.
Using Pa geScop e Light 8 NC- 6 8-1 8 Using Page Scope Light 8.1 What is PageScope Light? PageSc ope Lig ht is a devic e contr ol utili ty pr ogram pro vided by th e HTTP server built i nto th e ne twork i nterfac e ca rd.
8 Usin g PageSc ope Li ght 8-2 NC-6 Here a re som e exa mples of the types of task s that can be perform ed with PageScop e Ligh t. G Ch ange Sett ing s Chang e network setti ngs Chang e printe r sett.
Using Pa geScop e Light 8 NC- 6 8-3 8.2 System Requirements PageSc ope L ight can b e use d in th e follo wing syst em envi ronmen ts. 8.3 Accessing PageScope Light PageSc ope L ight is ac cess ed di rectly us ing a Web bro wser. 1 Start up your W eb brows er.
8 Usin g PageSc ope Li ght 8-4 NC-6 8.5 About the Screen Layout The f ollow ing s creen appear s wh en you access PageSc ope Li ght . ✎ Note Scree n images us ed in thi s manual m ay diffe r from the actu al scre en disp lay. T hey ar e al so su bject to cha nge w ithou t notic e.
Using Pa geScop e Light 8 NC- 6 8-5 8.6 Logging In as an Administrator Some of the sett ings avail able i n PageSc ope Li ght ca n only be chan ged by a n adm inistra tor. The se se ttings are onl y dis played w hen you lo g in to the Ad ministra tor mod e.
8 Usin g PageSc ope Li ght 8-6 NC-6.
Appendi x 9 NC- 6 9-1 9A p p e n d i x 9.1 Produ ct Speci fications *1 This device s upports the BootP p rotoco l, whic h is part o f the TCP/I P pro toc ol. I f th e Boot P s erver has been ena ble d wit h th e Net work Set up utili ty, the IP addr ess fo r the c opier wi ll be a utoma tically assig ned.
9 Append ix 9-2 NC-6 9.2 Troubleshooting Check the fo llow ing c hart if you ha ve pro ble ms usin g the c opier a s a net work pri nte r. Checkp oint Possible cause So lution 1 Has the print job rea che d th e co pie r? Yes A copier erro r has occur red.
4508-7782-01 The information contained in this manual is subject to change without notice to incorporate improvements made on the product or products the manual covers. 2003. 12 P/N: 91264C013H011 Copyright 2003 KONICA MINOLTA BUSINESS TECHNOLOGIES, INC.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Konica Minolta Network Interface Card NC-6 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Konica Minolta Network Interface Card NC-6 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Konica Minolta Network Interface Card NC-6 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Konica Minolta Network Interface Card NC-6 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Konica Minolta Network Interface Card NC-6 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Konica Minolta Network Interface Card NC-6 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Konica Minolta Network Interface Card NC-6 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Konica Minolta Network Interface Card NC-6. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Konica Minolta Network Interface Card NC-6 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.