Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung EASYSHARE M753 des Produzenten Kodak
Zur Seite of 73
K odak EasyS har e M753/M85 3/MD853 zoom digital camer a User’ s guide www F or i nter activ e tu torial s: www .k o owto F o r help wi th yo ur cam era: www .k od ak .com/go /m75 3suppo rt , www /go/m853s uppor t , www .
East man K oda k Compa ny Roch ester , NY 14650 © Eas tman K odak Compa ny , 2007 All screen images are simulated. K o dak, EasySh are , and P erfect T ouc h a re trademar ks of Eastma n K od ak C ompany .
Product fe ature s www .kodak .com/go/s upp ort i Fr ont view 1 Shutt er butto n 7L e n s 2 Mode d ial 8 Spe ake r 3 Fl ash bu tto n 9 U SB 4 On /O f f bu tto n 10 D C-I n (5 V ) , fo r optional AC ad.
ii www .koda go/supp ort Prod uct f eatur es Back view 1 LCD 9 Slo t fo r opt ion al S D or M MC card 2 Rea dy/ Batt er y cha rgin g li gh t 10 Batter y c ompa rtme nt 3 LCD /Info butto n 11 Sh.
www .kodak .com/go/s upp ort iii T able of contents 1 1 Setting up your camera ................................................................... ...... 1 Atta ching the strap ....... ...... .. ..... ..... ... ..... ..... ...... .. ..... ...... .. ..
iv www .koda go/supp ort T ab le of con tents Using th e framin g g rid t o co mpose a pi ctur e . ...... .. ..... ...... ..... .. ..... ...... .. ..... ... 31 Shar ing yo ur pi ctur es ..... ... ..... ..... ... ..... ..... ... ..... ..... ....
www .kodak .com/go/s upp ort 1 1 Setting up your camer a Attaching the strap Loading the KLIC-7001 battery T o replace batter ies and e xten d batt ery l ife , see pa ge 57 .
2 www .koda go/supp ort Sett ing up your came ra Charging the battery with the USB cabl e NO TE: If the b attery charg ing light does not turn on , en sure: ■ T he U SB c ab le i s c onn ect .
Setti ng up y our camera www .kodak .com/go/s upp ort 3 Turning on the camera Setting the language , date/ time NO TE: To cha nge the date / time an d la nguage in th e fut ur e , us e th e Me nu but to n ( see pa ge 29 ). 2 1 to cha nge . for pr evious/ne xt field.
4 www .koda go/supp ort Sett ing up your came ra Storing pic tures on a n SD or MMC car d Y our cam er a has inte rnal me mor y . Y ou ca n p urch ase an S D or MMC car d to conven iently stor e mor e pict ures and vi deos ( www .k oda /go/m753a ccessor ies , www .
www .kodak .com/go/s upp ort 5 2 T aking pictur es/videos Taking a picture Reviewing the picture just taken Afte r you tak e a pic ture or vi deo , the LC D d ispl ays a qu ick vie w f or a pp ro xim ate ly 1 0 seco nds . (T o exit t he qui ckv iew soon er , pre ss th e Shut ter b utto n halfway .
6 www .koda go/supp ort T ak ing p ictures/vi deos Using the fra ming marks to take pictures F raming marks ind icat e the camera focus a rea. T h e came ra attemp ts t o foc us on foregr ound subj ects , even if the subj ects a re no t cen tered in t he s cene .
T ak ing p ictures/vi deos www .kodak .com/go/s upp ort 7 Usin g optical zoom Us e o ptical zo om to g et up to 3X clo ser to you r su bje ct. 1 Use th e LCD t o frame you r subj ect. 2 Pre ss T e leph oto (T ) to z oom i n. Pr ess Wi de Angl e (W) to z oom o ut.
8 www .koda go/supp ort T ak ing p ictures/vi deos Usin g the flas h Use the flash when you take pi ctur es at night, indoo rs , or out doors in heavy shadows . Flash-to-subject distance Zoom pos ition Flash distan ce Wide angl e 0.6–3 .5 m (2–1 1.
T ak ing p ictures/vi deos www .kodak .com/go/s upp ort 9 Using different picture-taking modes Use this mode Fo r Aut o Gener al pictu re takin g—offer s an excelle nt balance of image qualit y an d eas e of use . Digital Image Stabilization Minimizing the effe cts of camera sh ake and subject movement.
10 www .koda go/supp ort T ak ing p ictures/vi deos Scene mod es Choo se a Scene mod e—for gre at p ictur es i n pract icall y an y si tuat ion! 1 T ur n the Mode dial to Scene . 2 Press to displa y Scen e mode descri ptions . If the mod e descriptio n turns off before you fin ish reading it, press O K.
T ak ing p ictures/vi deos www .kodak .com/go/s upp ort 11 Using came ra Hel p T o bette r und ersta nd ea ch menu opt ion, u se cam er a Hel p . Select an opt ion y ou want to l earn more about, then press t he butt on. Mann er/ Mus eu m Quie t oc cas ions, lik e a we dding or l ectu re .
12 www .koda go/supp ort T ak ing p ictures/vi deos Taking panoramic pictures Use panorama to “s tit ch” up to 3 pi ctur es i nto a pan oramic sc ene . NO TE: F or best results , use a tr ipod. Indi vidual pictures ar e not saved, even if panor am a cap ture is cancell ed befor e stitching oc curs .
T ak ing p ictures/vi deos www .kodak .com/go/s upp ort 13 Understanding the picture-taking icons In capture mode—shutter pressed halfway Pict ure size Pict ures/t ime rem aini ng Stor ag e locat io.
14 www .koda go/supp ort 3 W orking with pictur e s/vide os Reviewing pictures/videos Press the Revi ew b utton t o view and work wi th yo ur pi ctures /videos . Pr ess R eview aga in to ex it. 1 Pres s t he Rev iew b ut ton. 2 Pre ss to view pr evious/ne xt picture/v ideo .
W orking wi th pi ctures/ vide os www .kodak .com/go/s upp ort 15 Playing a video 1 Pres s t he Rev iew b ut ton. 2 Pre ss to find previo us/next v ideo . 3 Pres s to p la y . Pr es s O K to paus e/ un pa use . 4 Pre ss during pla yback to a djust the vol ume .
16 www .koda go/supp ort W orking with pict ures/v ide os Dele ting picture s/videos 1 Press the Revi ew b utto n. 2 Press for previous /next pict ure/vide o . 3 Press the Dele te button. 4 F o llow the screen promp ts . Protecting pict ures/videos from d eletion 1 Press the Revi ew b utto n.
W orking wi th pi ctures/ vide os www .kodak .com/go/s upp ort 17 Using Kodak Perfect Touch technology K o dak P er fect T ouch techn ology hel ps ensur e bett er , brigh te r pic tures . 1 Press the Review b utto n, th en fo r pre vious/ next pictu re .
18 www .koda go/supp ort W orking with pict ures/v ide os Editing videos Making a picture from a video Y ou can choose a single frame from a video , the n mak e a pictur e suitable for printin g. 1 Pre ss t he Rev iew butt on, t hen to find a video .
W orking wi th pi ctures/ vide os www .kodak .com/go/s upp ort 19 Making a video actio n print F r om a vid eo , yo u can m ak e a 4 -, 9 -, or 16-up pic ture , sui tabl e for a 4 x 6-i nch (10 x 15 cm) print. 1 Pre ss the R evie w butt on, t hen to fi nd a vid e o .
20 www .koda go/supp ort W orking with pict ures/v ide os Changing the slide show di splay interval T he default inter v al s etti ng displa ys each picture for 5 seco nds . Y ou can set the displ ay in terv al from 3 –60 se con ds . 1 On the Slid e Show menu , pre ss to highl ight Int erval, then pr ess OK.
W orking wi th pi ctures/ vide os www .kodak .com/go/s upp ort 21 Co pying pic tures/ videos Y ou can copy pic tures /vi deos from a car d to intern al memory or fro m inte rna l memory to a car d. Before you co py , ma ke sure that: ■ A card is insert ed in the camera .
22 www .koda go/supp ort W orking with pict ures/v ide os Understanding the review icons Pictures Vid eo s Scrol l arro ws Emai l ta g F avori te ta g Print tag/ number of pr ints K odak P er fect T ouch tech.
W orking wi th pi ctures/ vide os www .kodak .com/go/s upp ort 23 Understanding blur warning icons A pict ure blur w arning icon is display ed dur ing q uickvi ew and review . Green— Pic ture is s harp enoug h for an accept able 4 x 6- inch (10 x 1 5 c m) pri nt.
24 www .koda go/supp ort 4 Doing more with your camera Changing picture-taking settings Y ou can cha nge set ting s to ge t th e be st resul ts fro m y our came r a. 1 Press the Me nu but ton. 2 Press t o hig hli ght a sett ing, t hen press OK.
Doing mo re w ith your c ame ra www .kodak .com/go/s upp ort 25 Exposure Com pensation Increase or decrease brig htn ess be for e t aki ng a pict ur e. (Al so see page 3 1 .) -2 .0 t o +2.0 ( in 0 .3 i nc reme nt s) Pict ur e Siz e C hoos e a p ic ture reso luti on.
26 www .koda go/supp ort Doing mo re with your ca mera White Balance C hoose your lig hting cond itio n. Auto (default) — autom atic ally cor rect s white balan ce. Ideal for ge neral p ict ure ta king. Daylight— f or pic t ures i n na tu ral l ig htin g.
Doing mo re w ith your c ame ra www .kodak .com/go/s upp ort 27 AF Z one Se lect a larg e or co ncent rated area of focus. Mul t i- zon e ( def a ult )— evaluates 5 zones to give an even pict ure fo c us. I dea l f or gen eral p ictu re tak ing. Center-zo ne— eva lua tes th e smal l a rea cente red in the vie wfi nder.
28 www .koda go/supp ort Doing mo re with your ca mera Customizing your camera Use Set up to c ustomi ze yo ur ca me r a s ettin gs . 1 In any mode , pr ess t he Me nu bu tton. 2 Press to highli ght Se tup , the n press OK. 3 Press t o hig hli ght a sett ing, t hen press OK.
Doing mo re w ith your c ame ra www .kodak .com/go/s upp ort 29 5 Press the Menu button to exi t. NO TE: Press the LCD/ Info bu tton for inform ation abo ut ca mer a setti ngs and option s . T hese se tt ings remai n un til you cha nge the m. Press Menu, to highl ight Setup , then OK to access settings Options Return to pre vio us menu .
30 www .koda go/supp ort Doing mo re with your ca mera Red-e ye Pre-flash Choose if t he Red- eye flash f ires automatically befor e a pictu re is tak en. NO TE: T he camer a automatically corrects red -eye when the Red-eye Pre-f lash is set to Off .
Doing mo re w ith your c ame ra www .kodak .com/go/s upp ort 31 Usin g exposu re compens ation to adjus t picture brightness Before you tak e a pictu re , you can adjust exposur e com pensa tion to ma k e pi ctur es dark er or li ghter . ■ Press to decrea se expo sure compe nsa tion.
32 www .koda go/supp ort Doing mo re with your ca mera Tagging pictures for printing 1 Press t he Sha re bu tton . Pre ss to loc ate a pictu re . 2 Press t o hig hli ght P rint, then pres s O K.* 3 Press t o se lect the nu mber of cop ies (0 -99).
Doing mo re w ith your c ame ra www .kodak .com/go/s upp ort 33 Tagging pictures and videos for emailing Firs t—on you r c omp uter Use K odak E asySh are software to cre at e a n ema il addr ess b ook o n your com puter . The n c o p y u p t o 3 2 e m a i l a d d r e s s e s t o t h e c a m e r a ’ s i n t e r n a l m e m o r y .
34 www .koda go/supp ort Doing mo re with your ca mera Tagging pictures as favorites Y ou can preser ve you r favor ite pi ctur es in the F avor ites se ction of yo ur came ra’ s in tern al m em ory , t hen shar e t hem wi th fri end s and fam ily .
Doing mo re w ith your c ame ra www .kodak .com/go/s upp ort 35 Optional s ettings In F av orites mode , pr ess t he Menu button to acc ess o ption al setti ngs . NO TE: Pictures tak en at 3:2 an d 16:9 pict ure sizes have a bl ack bar at t he top and bottom.
36 www .koda go/supp ort Doing mo re with your ca mera Preventing camera favorites from synchroniz ing with the software If yo u don’t want to use th e favo rites fea ture: 1 Open Easy Sha re so ftw are . 2 F rom the T ool s menu, selec t Ca meras/Viewer s > S ync and T r ansfer Mana ger .
Doing mo re w ith your c ame ra www .kodak .com/go/s upp ort 37 Second —on y our came r a 1 Press the Review b utto n, th en loc ate the pi ctur e or vide o . 2 Press the Me nu but ton. 3 Press to highli ght Album , the n press OK . 4 Press t o hig hli ght a n al bum fol der , then press OK.
38 www .koda go/supp ort Doing mo re with your ca mera Second —on y our came r a 1 In any mode , pr ess t he Me nu bu tton. 2 Press to highli ght Se t Album, th en pre ss OK. 3 Press t o highli ght a n al bum name , then pres s O K. Re peat to m ark p ictur es or vi deos for alb ums .
www .kodak .com/go/s upp ort 39 5 T ransferring and pr inting pictur es Installing the software CAUTION: Instal l EasySha re software bef o re connec ting the came ra to th e computer .
40 www .koda go/supp ort T ransfe rrin g and prin ting pi cture s Transfe rring pict ures wi th the USB c able NO TE: Vi si t www /howto f or an onlin e tuto rial on c onnectin g. Also available for transferring Y ou can a lso us e the se K o dak p roduc ts to t ransfer yo ur p ictures and vi deos .
T r ansf erri ng and prin ting picture s www .kodak .com/go/s upp ort 41 Printing pictures Printing with a Kodak EasyShare printer do ck Dock you r camera to th e K odak EasyS hare pr inter dock a nd pr int dir ectly —with o r withou t a co mputer .
42 www .koda go/supp ort T ransfe rrin g and prin ting pi cture s Pr intin g fr om a Pic tBr idge ena bled pr inte r 1 T ur n o n the prin ter . T urn on the c amera. The Pic tBridge log o is displayed , followed by the cur rent pictu re and menu.
T r ansf erri ng and prin ting picture s www .kodak .com/go/s upp ort 43 Ordering prints o nline Kodak Galler y ( www . k odakgallery . com ) i s on e of t he many onl ine pr int servi ces of fere d in the K oda k Eas ySha re sof tw are . Y ou can easi ly: ■ Uploa d you r pic tures .
44 www .koda go/supp ort 6 T roubleshooting F or step-by-step product support, visi t www .k odak. com/go/m753su pport , www /go/m853s uppor t or www .k odak.c om/go/md 853 suppor t , a nd se l ect Inte r act ive T roubl eshoo ting & Repa irs .
T r ouble shoot ing www .kodak .com/go/s upp ort 45 Store d pi cture s are corrup ted. ■ Reta k e p ictur es . D o not remo ve card whi le t he c ame ra is acce ssi ng it . K eep rechargeable batteries charged. ■ T ransfer pi cture s to th e co mputer (see pag e 40 ), the n f orm at th e car d in th e camer a ( see page 30 ).
46 www .koda go/supp ort T ro uble shoot ing Pic tur e is too d ark. ■ T u rn on th e f lash (see page 8 ). ■ Mov e s o th ere is no more tha n 11 .5 f t (3. 5 m) in w ide ang le and 6.6 ft (2.0 m ) in te lep hoto betw een th e ca mera an d the su bjec t.
T r ouble shoot ing www .kodak .com/go/s upp ort 47 Camera/computer communications LCD screen messages If ... T ry one or mor e of the fol low ing The co mp uter d oes not co mmun ica te wit h the ca mer a. ■ T urn on th e camera (se e pag e 3 ). ■ Install new b atte ries (see page 1 ) or charge rechargeable bat teries (see page 2 ).
48 www .koda go/supp ort T ro uble shoot ing On ly o ne USB conne ctio n allo wed. Disc onne ct ca ble or rem . (r emov e) camera from dock . ■ Un plug the USB cab le fro m the c amera. Intern al me mory requi res form atting ■ F orma t the int erna l me mory ( see page 30 ).
T r ouble shoot ing www .kodak .com/go/s upp ort 49 Date and time have been rese t ■ Res et t he cl ock (see pag e 3 ). No a ddre ss bo ok on camera (Co nn e ct w it h compu te r to impo rt addres s book ) ■ Crea te and copy addre ss boo k from com put er .
50 www .koda go/supp ort 7 Getting help Camer a Software Other Emai l, w rite , or p hone c ustome r supp or t www .k m/g o/cont act Get sup por t fo r y our p rodu c t ( FAQ s, troub le shootin g informa tion, ar range fo r repa irs, etc.
Getting h elp www .kodak .com/go/s upp ort 51 NO TE: If you have questions co ncerning this p roduct, y ou may speak wi th K od ak customer support . Aust rali a 1800 267 588 Netherl ands 020 346 9372.
52 www .koda go/supp ort 8 Appendix Came ra speci fica tions F o r mor e sp ecifica tion s , visit www .k o da k.c om/ go/m 75 3s upp or t , www /go/m853s uppor t , www .kodak.c om/go/md 853s upport . CCD— 1/2 .5 in. CCD , 4:3 asp ect rat io Picture sizes— Color displa y— 6.
Appe ndix www .kodak .com/go/s upp ort 53 0.15–0 .7 m (5.9–28 i n.) @ close-u p/mac ro , wi de 0.40–0 .7 m (15.7–2 8 in .) @ cl ose-up/ma cro , tele 10 m (32.
54 www .koda go/supp ort Appe ndix Auto powe r off — Se lec tabl e 1, 3, 5, 1 0 minut es Mic r opho ne— Y es (fo r audi o rec ordin g at Video mode) Colo r mode s— Color (high , na tural, l ow), Bl ack & Whit e , Sepia Tr i p o d m o u n t — 1/4 i nch Op era ti ng temp er at ur e— 32– 104 ° F (0– 40 ° C) Size— 93 mm (3.
Appe ndix www .kodak .com/go/s upp ort 55 Upgradin g your software and firmw are Downlo ad t he lates t ve rsions o f the software in cluded on the K od ak E asyS hare softw are CD an d the cam er a fir mw ar e (the soft w ar e that run s on th e cam er a).
56 www .koda go/supp ort Appe ndix ■ Use only bat teries ap proved fo r th is pr oduc t to av oid r isk of e xplos ion. ■ K eep batte ri es ou t of th e rea ch of chi ldren. ■ Do not allo w batteries to t ouch me tal objec ts , in clu ding coins .
Appe ndix www .kodak .com/go/s upp ort 57 Extending battery life ■ See Aut o P owe r Off ( see page 29 ). ■ Limi t th e fo llowing act ivi ties tha t qui ckly deple te ba tte ry po wer : – Revi ewing y our p ictures o n the LCD (see pa ge 14 ) – Excessive use of the flash ■ Di rt on the batter y c ont act s c an affect batter y l ife .
58 www .koda go/supp ort Appe ndix If r eplac ement part s are used i n maki ng re pair s , those par ts m ay b e re manu factu red, or ma y co ntai n rem anuf actu red mater ials . If it i s ne cessa ry t o rep lace th e enti re Produ ct, it may be rep laced with a r emanufac tured Prod uct.
Appe ndix www .kodak .com/go/s upp ort 59 Y our rights Some st ates or juri sdic tions do not a llow exclusio n or limit ation o f in cident al or cons equent ial damages , s o the above limit ati on or exclusi on ma y not app ly to you.
60 www .koda go/supp ort Appe ndix or r elocate the receivi ng ante nna; 2) in crease the separation between the e qui pment and the r eceiver ; 3) con nect the equi pment to a n outl et o n a .
Appe ndix www .kodak .com/go/s upp ort 61 VCCI Clas s B ITE China Ro HS Russian GOST-R Eastman K odak Company Roche ste r , NY 1465 0 AIO -40.
62 www .koda go/supp ort Ind ex 1 A abou t pic ture, video , 1 5 abou t thi s c amera , 3 0 acce ss o rie s, 40 batt ery , 57 buyin g, 50 pri nter doc k, 41 SD/MMC card, 4 album tagg ing pi ctu.
www .kodak .com/go/s upp ort 63 Ind ex from i nter nal m emory , 16 from SD/MMC car d, 16 pro tec ting pi ctu res , vi deo s, 16 digit al im age st abil ization , 9 digit al z oom, u sing , 7 disp lay.
64 www .koda go/supp ort Ind ex bri g htne ss , 29 reviewi ng pictures , 14 reviewi ng videos, 14 LC D/i nf o b ut ton, i i lens clean ing le ns, 54 load ing batt eries , 1 SD/MMC card, 4 softw.
www .kodak .com/go/s upp ort 65 Ind ex tran sfe r , 39 pictu re-ta ki ng sett in gs, 24 port rait , 10 power, c amera , 3 pri nter doc k, 41 print ing from a car d, 43 from c omput er, 42 order onli n.
66 www .koda go/supp ort Ind ex re turn , 2 9 soun d volu me, 2 9 vi deo da te di spl ay, 30 vide o out , 29 video size , 28 white balanc e, 2 6 settin g, albu ms, 2 7 settings pictu re taki ng.
www .kodak .com/go/s upp ort 67 Ind ex storage ca pacities , 55 viewing, 14 videos email ing t ag ged, 33 tran sfe r , 39 viewing pict ure af ter tak in g, 5, 14 viewing pict ure , video infor mati on.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Kodak EASYSHARE M753 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Kodak EASYSHARE M753 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Kodak EASYSHARE M753 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Kodak EASYSHARE M753 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Kodak EASYSHARE M753 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Kodak EASYSHARE M753 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Kodak EASYSHARE M753 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Kodak EASYSHARE M753. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Kodak EASYSHARE M753 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.