Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung DX3500 des Produzenten Kodak
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KODAK DX3500 Digital Camera User’ s Guide Visit Kodak on the World Wide Web at www
Eastman Kodak Compan y 343 State S treet Rochester , New York 14650 © Eastman Ko dak Co mpany , 2001 Kodak is a tradem ark of Eastman Kodak Compa ny .
iii P roduct Ov erview Fr o n t V i e w Bottom V iew 1 Shutter b utton 2 Flash u nit 3 Self Tim er light 4 Light s ensor 8 Video out / USB connec tor 7 On / O f f / Cl ose- up switc h 6 Lens with buil.
iv P roduct Ov erview Ba c k V i e w 1 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Vie wfinder 2 Mode dial 3 Shutter button 4 Picture Card door 10 Flash button 9 Menu b utton 8 4-w ay arro w button 7 Select bu tto n 5 Wr.
v Table of Contents 1 Getting S tarted ......... .............................................. ............ 1 What Can I Do W ith My Ca mera? ...... ...... ....... ...... ......... ...... .... 1 What Can I Do W ith My Di gital Pictures ? ......... ..
vi Displayi ng the Pict ure Just Taken ....... .......... ...... ...... ....... 22 3 Reviewing Your Pictures ..................... .......................... 23 Viewing P ictur es on the LC D ....... ...... ...... .......... ...... ...... ....... 23 Naviga ting Thro ugh th e Pictures .
vii Transfer ring Yo ur Pictu res ........ ...... ...... ....... ......... ...... ...... .. 40 Working W ith Yo ur Pictu res . ...... ......... ...... ....... ...... ......... ...... .41 Transfer ring Yo ur Pictu res Ma nually ......... ...... ...... .
viii Orig inal Fact ory Sett ing s — Came ra. ...... .......... ...... ...... .... 70 Using Y our Batteri es ........ ...... ...... ......... ...... ....... ......... ...... .... 70 Tips, S afety, Main tenan ce . ...... ...... ...... ......... .....
1 1 Gett ing Star ted Congratulati ons on your purchase of the KODAK DX3500 Digita l Camera—the camera that takes p ictures without fil m and captures full detail with 2.
2 Chapter 1 Camera Package Contents The KODAK DX3500 Digital Camera is packa ged with the following it ems. 1 Camera with wrist strap 2 AA lith ium ba tt erie s * 3 USB cable 4 Video cable (for viewin.
3 Chapter 1 Loading the Batteries AA lith ium batteries ar e included w i th you r camera.* T o load the batteri es: 1 T urn the camera off . 2 On th e botto m of the c amera, s lid e the battery doo r in the direction of the arrow , then lif t to open.
4 Chapter 1 Inserting a Picture Card Think of Picture Cards as removable and reusable f ilm, or remo vable computer memory . Picture Ca rds provide easy pict ure storage and tr ansfer . See page 73 for Picture Card st orage ca pacities. T o insert a Picture Card : 1 T urn off the camera.
5 Chapter 1 Turning the Camera On and Off 1 T o turn on the camera, slide the power switch to the On ( | ) or Close Up ( ) positi on. The viewfinder light blinks green while the camera performs a self-check. When the viewfinder light glows steady green (and the Mode dial is set to S till ) the camera is ready to take pictures.
6 Chapter 1 Automatic Powerdown Saves Batt eries The a utomatic powe rdown featu res help exte nd battery life by turnin g off the LCD or ca mera power when the camera has been inactive (n o butto ns pushed and no pictures take n) for the given time period.
7 Chapter 1 Checking the Battery L evel Check the battery p ower level b efore you b egin taki ng pict ures. Don ’ t mi ss a n important picture because the camera batt eries are low or exhausted. For guidelines on battery usage, see page 70 . 1 T u rn on the camera.
8 Chapter 1 Mode Dial—Settings and Menus Use the Mode dial to access three ways to use your camera: Still — take pictures an d change picture-ta king options Review — view and work with your pic.
9 Chapter 1 Review Menus Use the menus in Revie w mode to view and work with the pictures in your camera. For d etails on appl ying the menu options, refer to th e page number list ed. T o access the Review mode menus: 1 T urn the Mode dial to Review .
10 Chapter 1 Setup Men us Use the menus in Setup mode to customize your camera settings. For details on applying the menu options, refer to the page number listed. T o access the Setup mode menus: 1 T urn the Mode dial t o Setup . The Setup menu screen is displayed on the LCD.
11 Chapter 1 Navigating Throug h The Menus The method of movi ng through t he menus and se lecting o ptions i s the same in all three of the camera modes. T o display t he menus on the LCD: m In Still and Review modes, press the Menu button to display t he menus.
12 Chapter 1 Checking Current Camera Status In Stil l mode, press the button at any time to check which c amera settings are active. 1 T urn the Mode dial to Sti ll and turn on the camera. The current camera status icons are briefly displayed on the LCD.
13 Chapter 1 Choosing Internal Memory or Picture Card The KODAK DX3500 Digital Camera offers two storage optio ns for taking and storing pictures in the camera: Internal Memory — tak e and store up to 50 pictures at Good Qu ality (16 pictures at Best Quality) in the camera ’ s 8 MB of internal memory .
14 Chapter 1 4 Select Cont inue (or C ancel to ch ange your mind), then pre ss Select a gain. A message appears while the camera changes storage location s.
15 2 T aking Pictur es Use the Still setting on the Mode dial whene ver you take pic tures or wish to customize your pi cture-ta king settings. Before yo u take a pi cture, make sure your pi cture storage location is set the way you want it ( page 1 3 ).
16 Chapter 2 Previewing Your Picture on the LCD When the Preview feature is on, a live image is di splayed on the LCD. Use the LCD instead of the viewfinder to frame your subject . NOTE: Preview is required when you are using the Digital Zoom ( page 1 7 ) feature.
17 Chapter 2 Using the Digital Zoom The Digital Zoom feature pro vides up to 3X magnific ation o f your pictures. You may notice a decrease in printed image quality when using Digital Zoom. 1 Make sure the Mode di al is set to S till , then pr ess the Select button to turn on Prev iew .
18 Chapter 2 Using the Fl a sh When you take pictu res at night, indoors, or out doors in heavy shadows, your pictures need flash. The camera f lash is effective when you are 2.5 to 7.5 fe et (0.75 t o 2.3 m) from yo ur subje ct. Press the button repe atedly to scroll through th e flash optio ns.
19 Chapter 2 Putting Yourself in the Picture The Self T imer creates a 10-second delay between the time you press the Shutte r button and the time the picture is taken. Th is setting is ideal wh en you want to include you rself in the picture. T urn on the Self T imer: 1 T urn the Mode dial to Still , then press the Menu butt on.
20 Chapter 2 Setting Picture Quality Use the Quality sett ing to s elect a pictu re resolution. T o change the Quality setting: 1 T urn the Mode dial to S till , then press the Menu button. 2 Highlight t he Quality me nu , then press t he Select button.
21 Chapter 2 Placing the Date on Pictures Use the Date Stamp setting to imprint the date on your pictures. This setting is ideal when you wish to record when a picture was taken; for example, for a birthday or an insurance claim. 1 Make sur e the c amera clock is set to the corre ct date ( page 6 ).
22 Chapter 2 Displayin g the Picture Just Taken The QuickView feature displays each picture on th e LCD immediately after you take it. Whi le the pict ure is displayed, you have the opportuni ty to dele te it. Save space i n internal memory or on yo ur Picture Card by ke eping onl y the pictures you l ike.
23 3 Reviewing Y our Pictures Use the Review setting on the Mode dial to display and work wit h the pictures that are stored in your camera ’ s inte rnal memory or on a Pictu re Card.
24 Chapter 3 Navigating Throug h the Pictures 1 Use the arrow buttons to scroll forward or backward throug h the pictures. 2 T o move throug h the pi ctures one at a t ime, press and release an arro w button. 3 For fast scrolling th ro ugh the pictures, press and hold an arrow button.
25 Chapter 3 Deleting Pictur es Use th e Delete fe ature to quic kly delete o ne or all pic tures from t he camera ’ s internal memory or the Picture Card. 1 T u rn the Mode dial to Review and press the Menu button. 2 Highlight the Dele te menu , then press the Select button.
26 Chapter 3 3 Highlig ht th e Print O rder opti on you want to use: CANCEL PRINT ORDE R — cancels t he entire print ord er from th e Picture Card. INDEX PRI NT — orders a cont act sheet contain ing a th umbnail pri nt of each pi cture on the Pict ure Card.
27 Chapter 3 Protecting Pictures From Deletion Use the Protect feature to prevent spec ific pictures from being accidenta lly deleted from the int ernal memory or from the Pic ture Card. A protect ed picture c annot be delete d. T o protect a pict ure: 1 T urn the Mode dial to Review and display the picture you wish to protect.
28 Chapter 3 Starting the Slide Sh ow 1 T u rn the Mode dial to Review and press the Menu button. 2 Highlight t he Slide S how menu , then p ress the Sel ect button .
29 Chapter 3 Copying Pictures The Copy feature allow s you to copy pic tures between a Pictu re Card and the camera ’ s internal memory . Y ou can cap ture pictures on a Pi cture Card, t hen copy and save your favorites into internal m emory .
30 Chapter 3 Viewing Picture Information Use the Picture Inf o feature to displ ay information about each pictur e stored in your camera. 1 T urn the Mode dial to Review and press the Menu butt on. 2 Highlight the Picture Info menu , then pr ess the Select button.
31 4 Customizing Y our Camer a Settings Use Setup on the Mode dial to customize the camera settings according to your personal preference s. Adjusting LCD Screen Brightness Y ou can adjust the LCD screen brightness to make the display easier to see. 1 T u rn the M ode d ial to Se tup .
32 Chapter 4 Setting Video Out The Video Out feature allows you to match the camera ’ s video signal to the standard that applies in your geographical lo cation. Video Out must be set correctly to run a slide show on a television o r other extern al device.
33 Chapter 4 Select in g a Lang uage The Language feature a llows you t o display t he menus an d screen messages in different languages. 1 T u rn the M ode d ial to Se tup . 2 Highlight the Lang uage menu, then press the Select but ton. 3 Highlig ht the language you want to use.
34 Chapter 4 For matting Memo ry or Pic ture Card Y ou may need to format the camera ’ s internal memory if it becomes corrupted. Y ou may need to fo rmat a Picture Card if it becomes corru pted or if it was used in a different camera. When formatting is necessary , an error message appears on the LCD screen.
35 5 Installing the Sof twar e Make sure that you install the software from the KODAK Pict ure Software CD before you transfer pict ures from your camera to the computer . Install the Software 1 Before you begin, close a ll soft ware appl ications running on your computer .
36 Cha pte r 5 Softwar e Includ ed With Your Camera The KODAK Pic ture Software CD cont ains the follow ing applica tions th at let you access, transfer , and have fun with your digital pictures. For detailed information o n using the applicatio ns, refer to the onlin e help supplied with each appl ication.
37 Cha pte r 5 Computer System Requirements For acceptable picture transfer and edi ting, we recommend the follow ing minimum requirements: WINDOWS-Based System Requirements m Personal comp uter desig.
39 6 Using Pictur es on Y our Computer T ransfer your pictures t o your computer and see the p ower of digital imagi ng at your finger tips. Before You T ransfer Your Pictur es Before you transfer your pictures from the camera to the computer , make sure you have installed th e software from th e KODAK Picture Sof tware CD ( page 35 ).
40 Cha pte r 6 Connecting With the KODAK Cam era Dock 1 Open th e connecti on door on the bo ttom of the camera. 2 Place the camera in the Camera Dock. 3 Push the Conne ct butt on. For more information, see Cha pter 7, Using th e KODA K Camera Dock . NOTE: You can also use a K ODAK USB Pi cture Card Reader to transfer your pictures.
41 Cha pte r 6 Transf erring on a MACI NTOS H Com puter m Select the Automati c T ransfe r radio button, t hen cli ck T ransf er . Automati c Transfer copies a ll of t he pictu res from t he picture storage location to your computer , using the current settings.
42 Cha pte r 6 Transferring Your Pic tures Manua lly KODAK Camera Connection So ftware let s you direc tly access the pictures in your camera and allows you to: display and brow se thumbnail s of your.
43 Cha pte r 6 Printing Your Pictures Choose your favorit e method to enjoy long- lasting print s of your digital pictures. From KODA K Pictur e Softwar e m Print to your home printer with KO DAK Premium Picture Pap er .
45 7 Using the K OD AK Camer a Do c k The KODAK C amera Dock makes it easier than ever to transfer yo ur pictures to the computer . In a ddition, the Camera Dock is a rap id battery charger for t he included Rechargeab le Battery Pack, and supp lies power to the camera.
46 Chapter 7 Installing the Dock Insert KODAK DX-series cameras are package d with a Dock i nsert, which i s used to custom-fit the camera to the Camera Dock . 1 Place the front tab s on the insert into the slots in th e Camera Dock ca vity . 2 Fit the insert dow n into the cavity and snap the insert into place.
47 Chapter 7 Installing the Battery Pack in the Camera 1 Open the batt ery door on the bottom of the came ra. 2 Install th e Battery Pack in the direc tion of the arrows, as illustrat ed. CAUTION: The Battery Pack can only be inserted into the cam era in the orien tatio n shown.
48 Chapter 7 3 Place the camera in the Camera Dock; insert the locator pin int o the camera tripod socket and push do wn to seat the connec tor . The Camera D ock li ght glo ws gre en when the connecto rs are properly sea ted. The camera is now powered by the Camera Dock instead of the camera batteries.
49 Chapter 7 Transferring Pic tures T o transfer pictures from your camera to your computer: 1 Place the camera in the Camera Dock. 2 Push the Conne ct butt on.
51 8 T roubleshooting P roblems There may be times w hen you have qu estions about using your KODAK c amera or Camera Dock. This chapte r help you find the answers quickly . Additional techn ical information is available in the ReadMe file located on t he KODAK Pict ure Software CD.
52 Chapter 8 Camera Commu nications Probl em Cau se Solution The comput er cannot communicate w ith the camera. There is a problem with the co nfigurati on of t he USB port on your computer. See the following file on the KODAK Picture So ftwa re CD: USB.
53 Chapter 8 Camera Problem Cau se Solutio n Shutter bu tton does not work. Camera is not tu rned on. Turn on the camera ( page 5 ). The camera is processing a picture, the viewfi nder light is bli nking. Wait until th e light stops bli nking bef ore attemp ting to take another pi cture.
54 Chapter 8 In R evi ew mo de, you do not see a picture on the LCD or do not see the picture you expected. The camera may not be accessing the correct stora ge locati on. Check the picture storage locat ion setting ( page 13 ). Picture i s too dark. Flash is not on or did not funct ion.
55 Chapter 8 Pict ure is too lig ht. T he flash is not n e ede d. Change to Auto flash ( page 18 ). The subject is to o close when the flash was used. Move so there is at least 2.5 ft (0.75 m) between the camera and the subject. The light sensor is covered.
56 Chapter 8 Picture is not clear. The lens is dirty. Clean the lens ( page 71 ). Subject too close when ta king pic ture. Move so there is at least 2.5 ft (0.75 m) between the camera and the subject. Subject or the camera moved while the picture was taken.
57 Chapter 8 Camera Viewfind er Light The viewf inder ligh t glows steady green when t he camera is on and ready to take a picture. Prob lem Caus e Sol ution Viewfinde r lig ht does not tu rn on and t he camera does not work. Camera is not t urned on.
58 Chapter 8 LCD Messages Message Cause Solution No images to display There ar e no pictures in the cu rrent storage location. Change your p icture storage location setting ( see page 13 ). Memory card requires formattin g The Picture Card is corrupted, or formatted for another digital camera.
59 Chapter 8 Date/Time entry screen appears auto matically This i s the fir st ti me yo u turned on the camera; or the b atteries have been removed for an extended peri od of time; or t he batteries are exhausted. Reset the clock ( p age 6 ). Camera needs service #xxx A camera error has occurred.
60 Chapter 8 Troubl esho otin g — Camera Dock Unrecogniz ed File Format The camera c annot read the picture format. Transfer the un readable picture t o th e computer ( page 40 ), or d elete the picture ( page 25 ).
61 Chapter 8 Camera Dock indicator ligh t Light Statu s Cause Solu tion Light glows st eady green Camera is docked. The camera and Camera Dock are operating normally. Light glows st eady red Camera Dock is charging Battery Pack. Light bli nks green Connecti on (USB) between the computer and the Camera Dock is active.
63 9 Getting H elp If you need help with your camera or Camera Dock, it is available from a number of resources: Software Help Help with any software applic ation packaged with your camera can be obtained from the online h elp provide d with th e appl ication.
64 Chapter 9 Telephone Customer Suppo r t If you have questions con cerning the operat ion of KODAK soft ware or the camera, you may speak directl y to a customer support representat ive.
65 Chapter 9 m Outside th e U.S., Canad a, and Europe — calls are charged at National Rate. Austria/O sterreich 0179 567 357 Belgiu m/Belg ique 02 713 14 45 China 86 21 63500888 157 7 Denmark /Danma.
67 10 Appendix This appendix serves as a resource for technical in formation about your camera, batteries, Camera Dock , Picture C ards, and available accessories. DX3500 Camera Specifi cations Camera Spe c ifications Color 24-bit , millions of colors Communicat ion with computer USB Cable included with camera Dimensions Wid th/Depth/ Height 4.
68 Chapter 10 Lens Type Optical quality g lass, 5 elemen t Maximum Aperture Fixed: f/4.5 Close-Up: f/ 8 Focal Length 38 mm (equivalent to 35mm camera) 6.
69 Chapter 10 Camera Dock Specifications Tripod socket .25 in. (.006 m) threaded Vide o Ou t NTS C or PAL sel ectable Viewfin der Albada bright frame typ e White bal ance Automatic Zoom 3X Digita l zo.
70 Chapter 10 Original Factory Settings — Came ra Y our camera is set to the following defa ults at the fa ctory: Using Your Batteries m Replace ment T ype s — your camera can use the following battery types: – 2, 1.
71 Chapter 10 significantly on age, usage con ditions, type, brand , and camera. Digital camera requirements are very demanding on bat teries. Not all batteries perform well under the se challenging con ditions. In Kod ak lab tests, Nickel Metal Hydride (Ni-MH) rechargeabl e batteries delivered the best results in a variety of conditions.
72 Chapter 10 m Clean the outside o f the camera by wipi ng with a c lean, dry cloth. N ever use harsh or abrasive c leaners or org anic solvents on the camera or any of its parts. m Service agreements are availabl e in some countries. Please cont act a dealer of Kodak product s for more information.
73 Chapter 10 Picture Storage Capacities Picture Cards are available in many different sizes, or storag e capacities. The table below indi cates how ma ny pictures, usi ng typical f ile sizes, can be stored on different size Picture Cards or in the camera ’ s internal memory .
74 Chapter 10 the D CIM folde r a re r emov ed. 100K35 00 s ubfo lder — cont ains all t he pictu res taken when a Pict ure Card is inserted in the camera and the storage location is set to Auto.
75 Chapter 10 DCP_0001. m When the interna l memory contains a picture named DCP_999 9, the next picture taken is named w ith the low est unused n umber . For example, if the internal memory conta ins DCP_0002, DCP_0004, and DCP_99 99, the next picture t aken i s named DCP_0003 .
76 Chapter 10 This equipmen t has been tested an d found to compl y with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These li mits are designed to provide rea sonable prot ection agai nst harmful int erference in a residential instal lati on.
77 Index A about camera inf ormation 33 picture information 30 acce ssorie s 72 adjust ing LCD brightness 31 picture quality 20 resoluti on 20 auto shutoff 6 autom atic flash 18 powerdown 6 printing 2.
78 Index turning on a nd off 5 Camera Connecti on Software about 36 online help 42 transferring pictures 42 Camera Dock char ging Batte ry 48 docking camera 47 inst alling insert 46 package contents 4.
79 Index digital pictures, using 39 digital zoom 17 display brightnes s, adjusting 31 display problems 53 displaying sl ide show 27 dock insert 2 , 46 docking camera 47 downloading pictures 39 , 40 , .
80 Index settin g pi ctu re lo cation 13 stor age c apacit y 73 K KODAK software Camera Connecti on 36 gettin g help 63 insta lling 35 Picture 36 Picture T ransfer 36 L langu age, settin g 33 LCD adju.
81 Index modes review 9 setup 10 still 8 monitor , requirements 37 N navigating menus 11 pictures 24 NTSC, video out setting 32 O overview , camera menus 8 P package contents came ra 2 Camera Dock 45 .
82 Index stor age c apacit y 73 stor age lo cati on 13 taking 15 transferr i ng manually 42 transf erri ng to com pute r 39 , 40 , 49 using on computer 39 , 41 view ing 23 power Camera Dock 46 , 48 ch.
83 Index sett ing clock 6 date and time 6 flash 18 language 33 LCD brightness 31 mode dial menus 8 NTSC 32 PA L 32 picture locat i on 13 picture quality 20 picture stora ge location 13 resoluti on 20 .
84 Index menu se ttings 8 telephone support 64 television, slide show 27 time , sett ing 6 timer , shutter delay 19 tips batt ery guidel ines 70 maintenance 71 ReadM e file 51 safe ty 71 transferring .
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Kodak DX3500 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Kodak DX3500 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Kodak DX3500 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Kodak DX3500 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Kodak DX3500 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Kodak DX3500 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Kodak DX3500 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Kodak DX3500. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Kodak DX3500 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.