Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung DCS600 des Produzenten Kodak
Zur Seite of 295
U s e r ’s Guide for DC S 600 Series Digital Cameras D C S 6 0 0 Ser ies Digital Ca m er as.
© Eastman Kodak Company and Niko n Corp., 2 000 All right s rese rved Kodak and Kodak Pro fessi onal a re tr ademark s of Eas tman Koda k Company Adobe, Pho toshop, and Acro bat ar e tra demarks of Adobe Systems Inc.
Limitatio ns REP AIR OR REPLACEMENT WITHOUT CHARGE IS KODAK’S ONL Y OBLIGA TI ON UNDER T HIS W ARRANTY . W arranty serv ice wi ll not be pr ovid ed witho ut dated pr oof of pur chase. Plea se retur n the W arra nty Regist rati on car d withi n 30 days of pur chase .
Outside the United States In coun trie s other than the Uni ted State s, warr anty ter ms may be di ff erent. Unl ess a speci fic Kodak war rant y is co mmunicat ed to t he purc haser in wri ting by Koda k, no warran ty or l iabili ty exi sts e ven though d efect, da mage o r loss may b e by negligen ce or other act of Koda k.
Product Support Options During t he wa rranty p e riod for the Kod ak Prof essio nal DCS 60 0 Serie s digi tal c amera, you are ent it le d to pr oduc t sup port fo r both h ard ware and softwa re , provide d your camer a is registe red with the Ea stman Kodak Co mpany .
5 Out-of -W arrant y Suppor t Opti ons There wi ll be a char ge for call incid ents if y ou wish t o spea k to a Ko dak supp ort repre senta tive. A c all i ncide nt is defin ed as on ly tho se iss ues ra ised d uri ng the firs t telep hone o r email conta ct.
Contents T able of Contents Im port ant In for mati on . ..... ...... ..... ..... ....... .... ....... ..... .... . 1 -1 System Requi rements for your Computer............ ........ ................. ........... 1-2 Macintosh ................. ........
Top Statu s LCD Panel ............. ........ ................. ................. ........ .... 2-11 Back Status LCD P anel ........... ................. ................. ........ ............ 2-12 Image LCD Panel ........... ................. .......
Contents Sync Terminal ... ................. ................. ........ ................. ................. ......... 2-30 Self-Diagnos tic Shutt er System .......... ................. ................ ......... ......... 2-31 Changing Viewfinders ...
Co nfigu ring You r Ca mera ... ....... .... ....... ..... .... ....... ..... . 4 -1 Date and Time ......... ......... ................. ................. ................. ........ ............. 4-1 Camera Properties .................... ......... ..
Contents The AC Adapter for Camera ............. ................. ................. ............ 7-5 Connect ing the AC Adap ter for Camera ........... ......... ............ 7-5 Optional S ettings Before You Start ............ ................. ....
Setting the Metering System ........... ................. ................. ........ .... 8-13 Exposure Mode ........................ ................. ................. ......................... ... 8-14 Programmed Auto Ex posure Mo de ......... ....
Contents Two-Button Reset ............. .......................... ................ ................. .. 10-8 ISO ........... ......... ................. ................. ................. ........ ................. ......... 10-9 Drive Mode ........
Creating a Na tural-looking Stream of Ligh t ..................... .. 11-15 Guide Numbers f or Determining th e Correct Aperture ...................... . 11- 17 Calculati ng the Correct Apert ure ............. ................. ........ .......... 11-17 Calculati ng the S hooting Dista nce .
Contents Aperture-Prior ity Auto Exposu re Mode ..................... ................. .. 13-4 Locking the Aperture ................ ................. ................. ........ .. 13-7 Different Proce dures for Di fferent Lenses ....................
Tra nsmit ting Data .. .... ....... ..... ....... .... ..... ....... ..... ...... .. 15- 1 Connecti ng a Device to the Serial Port ..... ................. ................. ........... 15-1 Accessing Seri al Port Options .................. ...........
Contents Other symptoms, causes a nd remedies: ............... ................ ................. .. B- 3 Appendix C - L ens and Viewfinde r Compati bility .. ... C-1 Compatible Lenses ............. ................. ........ ................. .......
INS ER T PHOT O HERE 1 Important Info 1-1 Importa nt Informa tion 1 Thank you for purch asing your ne w KODAK PROFESSIONAL DCS 60 0 Seri es Camer a (DCS 620 , 620x, 660 , or 660M) .
1-2 Syste m R e qui r emen ts for yo ur Co mpute r The fol lowing sec tions list th e requi red a nd opti onal c omputer hardwar e and soft ware needed t o run t he DCS Host Software with Adob e Photo shop on t he Ma cinto sh, and TW AIN-compliant applica tions on the PC.
1-3 1 Important Info Wa r n i n g s ✔ T o prevent fire or shoc k hazard, u se on ly th e reco mmended acc essor ies an d attac hment s. ✔ Use extr eme c are when ha ndlin g PC Card s, as the y are ea sily da mage d. If dro pped , the PC Car d may be destr oyed, resul ting in the loss of all data on the c ard.
1-4 Important Safeguards and P r ecautions ✔ Read Inst ructi ons —Read all t he saf ety a nd opera t ing ins truct ions b efore operat ing you r camera. ✔ Follow I nstruct ions —Fol low all op erati ng and u sag e inst ruct ions. ✔ Co ntr ols — Adjust o nly th ose cont rols that are co vered b y t he oper ating instr uctio ns.
1-5 1 Important Info ✔ Object or Li quid Entry —Never push f oreign objec ts of a ny k ind in to your camera o pening s. Th e objec ts cou ld tou ch dange rous vo ltage point s or sh ort ou t parts and cau se a f ire or el ectr ic sho ck. Never spil l liquid of any kind on your came ra.
1-6 ✔ Humidity , Condensati on —W e rec ommend oper ating your ca mera wit hin the range o f 8% to 85 % relat ive hu midity , non-cond ensing . If co ndensat ion oc curs, added ti me may be req ui red to r ead fr om or wri t e to a PC Card .
1-7 1 Important Info Electr omagnetic Emis s ions Th is equ ipm ent ha s be en tes ted a nd f o und to comp ly w i th th e lim its f or a Cl as s B di gita l device , pursu ant to Part 1 5 of th e FCC Ru les. The se li mits a re desi gned t o provi de rea sona ble pr ote ction agai n st har mful inte rf ere nce in a resi d entia l in stal la tion .
INS ER T PHOT O HERE 2 Y our Camera 2-1 About Y o ur Camera 2 Y our DCS 600 Se ries camera (a n inte grati on of Nikon an d Kodak t echnol ogies ) prov id es a ric h set o f feat ures tha t all ow you t o ca pture images o f the hig hest q ualit y .
2-2 Image Cap t ure: ✔ DCS 620, 620 x: 0.5 f rame/s econd c ontinu ous fr ame rat e with 3 .5 fra me/seco nd burst for 12 images DCS 660, 660 M: 0.15 fr ame/se cond con tinuou s fra me rate with 1.
2-3 2 Y our Camera Nomenclature Came ra Front * W ith fir mware ver sion 3 .09, or hi gher , white balance i s accompl ishe d using image da ta rat her t han the White Ba lan ce sens or . ☛ An IR filte r is includ ed with the base c amera kit. An anti -aliasing filt er is include d with th e regul ar ki t.
2-4 Camer a Back Eyep iece Shut ter leve r Finder Rel ease but to n Alert LED Im ag e LCD pan el Dis pla y but ton Sele ctor button Re cord/T ag button White Ba lanc e but to n Back Status LC D pa nel.
2-5 2 Y our Camera Came ra T op Came ra Bo ttom C S L MODE O O F N F AF Area M ode button Power/LCD Panel Illumin ation swit ch Sh utter Re leas e b utto n Power S witch lock rele as e Exposure Comp e.
2-6 Came ra Si de s Batt ery/P C Ca rd doo r Ba ttery/PC Card door latch IEEE 1394 c able port (co ver not shown) AC Adapte r connecti on (cover not shown) V ertical shutte r release l ock V ertical S.
2-7 2 Y our Camera Op en B att er y/P C Ca rd D oo r Bat tery Card Busy LED Serial por t PC Car d Eject bu tton.
2-8 V iewfinder 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 1 12 13 14 15 16 17 1. Focus ar ea indicators 2. Exposure level (for wais t-level finder DW -30 or 6x high-magnification finder D W -3i in manual exposure) 3. Reference circle for Center-weighted metering 4. Focus br ackets/Spot metering 5.
2-9 2 Y our Camera Navi g a te Sw i t ch The N aviga te swi tch i s a four -way r ocker swit ch loc ated o n t he back of the came ra. It is acce ssibl e wheth er you a re holdi ng the camera h orizon tall y or ve rticall y .
2-10 Digital Function Buttons There a re fou r butt ons ass ociat ed wi t h your ca mera ’ s di git al fu nct io ns. Y ou can a cce ss the digit al fu nctio ns when y ou use t hese bu ttons in con juncti on with the Na vig ate swi tch. Di sp lay B utton ✔ Press and release the button t o turn the Ima ge LCD panel On o r Of f.
2-11 2 Y our Camera LC D P anel s T op St atus LCD Panel L CSM BKT ISO C S L MODE O O F N F REAR SLOW AUTO ISO BKT CUSTOM + LOCK LOCK LOCK BKT + T op St atus LC D panel Im age L CD pane l Back S tatus.
2-12 Back S tat us LCD P anel Image L CD Panel The Ima ge LCD pa nel h as bee n d esigned f or e ase of use with maximiz ed spa ce fo r menu choic es and i mage -rel ated i nform atio n. Menu Bar The Menu ba r is o nly di splaye d at yo ur req uest. W hen you turn o n the I mage LCD pan el, the l ast sc reen u sed appear s witho ut the Menu b ar .
2-13 2 Y our Camera Whe n you sel ect a Menu b ar icon , t he fol low ing scr eens a ppear: Icon Function Dropdown Men u Folder ico n Di sp lay s the F o lder dropdown menu. One PC Card: Tw o P C C a r d s : Menu icon Displays a dropdown menu wi th cho i ces f or the Main, Proper ties , an d Cu stom Set ting s menus.
2-14 Navigat ion T echniqu es Use the foll owing gui deli nes when nav igating t he Image LCD pa nel T o Display the Menu bar and sele ct a M enu bar i con: Press and hol d the Displa y butt on and us e the N avig ate swi tch unti l the d esire d icon is hig hligh ted.
2-15 2 Y our Camera T o Choo se an i tem fr om a drop down menu: Continu e to press the Displa y button and use the Navi gate switch until the de sired menu c hoice is highl ighted . T o Choo se an i tem from a menu scr een : Press and hol d the Se le ctor b utton and use the Navi gate switch to highl igh t your choi ce .
2-16 Stat us Ba r A S t at us bar ap pear s whene ver i mage s a re di spl aye d (S in gle , Fo ur , or N i ne I mage Rev i ew mode). Info rmat ion ab out th e curr ently selec te d image a ppe ars on.
2-17 2 Y our Camera Command Dials Y our camera ’ s Main -Command dial and Sub-Command d ial can be used a lone or in combi natio n with ot her b uttons to se lec t variou s funct ions or mod es.
2-18 Rotating the Main-Comman d Dial While Pr essing But tons ✔ Selec t Expos ure mode. Refer to “Expos ure Mo de” on p age 8-1 4. ✔ Perf orm Exposu re Compensa tion. Refe r to “Expos ure Compen sati on” on page 1 3-19. ✔ Select AF area mode.
2-19 2 Y our Camera Sub-Com m and-Dia l Use t he Sub- Command dial by it self or with va rious button s to pe rfor m the fol lowin g: Rota ting t he Sub- Command Di al by itse lf Rota ting t he Sub- Command Di al Whil e Pr essing Bu ttons : ✔ Select the a pertu re in Apert ure- Pr io rity A uto o r Manu al ex posu re mo de.
2-20 Drive Mode /Sel f-T imer Selecto r This du al-pu rpose c ontro l all ows you t o se lect a Drive mode or set t he sel f timer . When you selec t a Drive mode, you speci fy whether one or mo re imag es wil l be cap tur ed when you d epres s the Sh utter Relea se butt on.
2-21 2 Y our Camera Len s Refe r to Appe ndix C f or a lis t of l enses tha t are compati ble with your ca mera . Mounti ng t he Le ns CAUTION: Only use lenses tha t are l iste d in Append ix C. Other le nses c an potent iall y br eak your camer a’ s anti-al iasing or IR fil ter .
2-22 Setti ng t he Len s to the Mi nimu m Apertu re For Progra mmed Auto or Shu tter -Priori ty Auto mode, use the minimum ap erture lock lever to lo ck t he le ns aper ture a t f/ 16. 2 Posit i on th e le ns i n th e ca mera ’ s bayone t mount so that the mounti ng inde xes on t he le ns and ca mera bod y are a ligned .
2-23 2 Y our Camera 1 Set th e lens to it s mi nimum apert ure (f/1 6). 2 Slide the lo ck l ever in the direc tion o f the apert ure ri ng so that the w hite dot on t he tab align s with the or ange dot . Slide the lo ck l ever in the opposi te dir ecti on to r eleas e the lock.
2-24 Remo vi ng t he L ens Press and hol d the Lens Rel ease butt on and t urn th e lens clock wise. ☛ If yo u don’ t plan t o mount a len s for a w hile , atta ch the suppl ied BF- 1A body ca p. (The BF- 1 body cap c anno t be used o n your c amera.
2-25 2 Y our Camera Imager The i mager r ecords light whe n you cap ture a n image. The imager s ize an d ISO var ies, depe nding on your ca mera mode l.
2-26 V ie wfi nder Diopter Y ou ca n compensa te fo r near - or f ar -sighte dnes s and s ee more c lear ly thr ough th e viewfi nder b y adjus ting the finde r diop ter wi thin a continuou s range of fr om –3 to + 1.
2-27 2 Y our Camera Illumination Switch Y ou can il luminate t he T op and Bac k St atus LCD panels for e asy vie wing at night or in low li ght situat ion s. Rota te th e LCD Pa nel Il lumina tion switch toward th e to il lumi nat e the T op and Back S tatus LCD panels .
2-28 Mirr or Lo ckup Lever When usi ng super -telephot o lense s or pe rfor ming phot omicrog raphy , it is n ecessa ry to reduce came ra vi bration t o the abs olute minimum. Lock t he refle x viewing mi rror i n the up po siti on by ro tati ng the mirro r lock up lever count erclo ckwi se unt il it stop s.
2-29 2 Y our Camera Depth-of-Field Pr e view Button The de pth of fiel d is the z one of accept able f ocus i n fron t of a nd behind t he subj ect. Y ou can p revie w this zone us ing the Depth- of-Fi eld Previ ew butt on. The D epth- of-Fi eld Pr eview b utt on wil l not w ork proper ly if th ere is no PC C ard i nsert ed.
2-30 Accessor y Shoe Sync T e rminal Lo ca ted at th e t op o f t he M u lti - Meter Fi nde r , the I SO-t ype hot s hoe all ows direct mounting of a wide range of Nikon -dedi cated e lectroni c Speedl ights. Ref er to “Att aching the SB-28D or SB-28DX” on pa ge 1 1- 3.
2-31 2 Y our Camera Self-Diagnostic Shutter System Y our cam era is equipped with a self- di agnos tic shut ter th at a utom atica lly contr ols th e shut ter s peed for e ach rel eas e o f th e s hut ter .
2-32 Changing V iewfinders A modifi ed DP-30 viewfi nder i s include d with t he DCS 620 and 620x cameras . (A stand ard DP -30 vi ewfind er is inclu ded with th e DCS 660 an d 660 M cameras .) Se e Appendi x C for a list of comp atible vi ewfin ders.
2-33 2 Y our Camera Attachi ng t he Fi nder Slide the fi nder i n u ntil it cl icks i n pl ace. 4 Be sure th at the Finder Relea se butto n has re turne d to i ts origi nal po siti on. IMPOR T ANT : Be sur e the v iewfi nder is attac hed when y ou ar e capturi ng ima ges .
2-34 Changing Focusi ng Screens 1 Turn off th e came ra an d rem ove the f inder . Refer to “Remov ing the Fi nder” on page 2-32. 2 Inse rt your fingern ail u nder t he rear edge of the f ocusi ng scre en and l ift t he scr een out .
2-35 2 Y our Camera Came ra S t r ap s A neck stra p and a hand s trap are i ncluded with yo ur cam era. Y ou can attac h eit her or bot h. Attachi ng the Neck S tra p Thread the end s of t he neck strap throug h the s trap fi xtures . Pull firml y on the st rap to make su re it is held s ecurel y b y the bu ckles.
2-36 Atta chin g the H an d Strap 1 Threa d the s trap thr ough bot h loops in th e hand s trap p ad. 2 Place the t hree- holed b uckle on the s trap and thr ead th rough t he camera ’ s top st rap f ixtur e. 3 Threa d the oth er end of the str ap thro ugh the camera’ s bot tom stra p fi xture .
2-37 2 Y our Camera Name Plate Using th e DCS Acquire Module or DCS TW AIN Data Sour ce, you can e nter tex t that appe ars in ce rtai n scree ns on yo ur camera. T he Name Pla te is usefu l for person alizi ng your came ra, for exampl e, “T his ca mera bel ongs t o Jo e Smith” .
INS ER T PHOT O HERE 3 Power 3-1 Powering Y o ur Camera 3 Opera te your ca mera usi ng eith er batt ery or AC power . Y ou can pr eserv e batte ry power by usin g the AC adapt er when ever po ssibl e. Y ou can char ge your came ra bat teri es usi ng a bat tery char ger a nd an i ntern ational p ower cord set.
3-2 Batte ries Y our c amera can us e eit her NiMH ( nickel metal hydri de) or NiCd b atter ies. Extende d camera mete ring, a utofo cus, or extens ive LCD pa nel ope rati on redu ces th e nu mber of imag es ava ilabl e fro m a fu ll bat tery char ge.
3-3 3 Power Inserting/ Remov ing Bat teries ☛ Y ou must char ge a batt ery be fore u sing i t for the f irst ti me. 1 Check tha t the Card Pr esent ic on on th e Back S t at us LCD pan el i s not bl inking.
3-4 3 Lif t the la tch as semb ly on the Batt er y /PC Card door and turn it count er -cloc kwise t o op en the door . IMPOR T ANT : Be sur e that the Car d Busy LED is Off befor e you c ontin ue.
3-5 3 Power The wh ite a rrow opp osite th e connect or sho uld be pointi ng upwards as the batt ery is inser ted. Some (not all) ca meras h ave a white arrow po inting downwards (towar ds the c amera botto m) just above t he bat tery co mpar tmen t.
3-6 Che cking B attery Status Y ou ca n deter mine whet her a batte ry nee ds c har ging by viewin g the Bat tery icon o n your camera’ s Back Sta tus LCD pa nel.
3-7 3 Power Batter y Charger Y ou need to cha rge a batte ry befor e using it for the fir st ti me and whenev er it i s low . If you pla n to us e you r camer a with out the AC adapt er for an ext ended period of ti me, it is a go od ide a to ch arg e one or more batt eries befor e you be gin.
3-8 Charging Batteri es 1 Re move the ba tte ry fr om the cam era (p age 3-3 ). 2 Plug t he cab le from th e AC adapt er fo r ch ar ger in to the batt ery ch arg er jack.
3-9 3 Power If your bat tery char ger d oes not funct ion as expect ed, check t he fol lowing : ✔ The wal l ada pter i s prop erly conne cted. ✔ Ther e are n o fore ign objects l od ged in t he pock ets. ✔ The ba tter ies ar e in ser ted so that t hey pr operl y mat e with t he con nect or in the bott om of t he pocke t.
3-10 Cond itionin g (Disc harging Bat terie s) Y ou may o ccasi onall y need to co nditi on a bat tery . Y ou wo uld only d o so if a b attery provi des a no ticea bly sh orter ru n time ( less tha n 50 % of norma l capac ity). ☛ Y ou ca n condi tion a bat tery in one s lot whi le char ging a bat tery i n the o ther .
3-11 3 Power Batt ery C on serva tion Y our camera has sever al built -in f uncti ons th at minimize drai n on your batt ery . PowerSave Mode ☛ If your ca mera is powered by an AC ad apter or is connect ed to a compute r with IEEE 13 94 cable, i t wil l not ent er PowerSave mode.
3-12 Image LCD Pan el T imeout The Image LCD panel will turn of f if you have not used the camera f or 60 s econds . ☛ Y ou ca n cha nge th e sett ing f or Im age LCD ti meou t.
3-13 3 Power AC Adapter for Cam era Use an A C adapte r when ever poss ib le to le ssen dra in on the batt ery . Y ou shoul d also use it wh en your camera i s conn ected to a compute r to preve nt lo ss of p ower if th e batt ery sho ul d lo se its c harge.
3-14 Conn ecting t he AC Adap te r for Camer a 1 Open th e conne cto r cove r at th e side of the came ra. 2 Plug t he A C adapte r for came ra into the AC Ada pter c onne ction . 3 Selec t the in terna tional power cord that i s appr opria te for your area .
3-15 3 Power 4 Plug t he appr opriat e end o f the power co rd i nto t he AC a dapte r for ca mera . 5 Plug the power cord into a wall outle t. ☛ Y ou ca n c onnect or di sc onne ct th e AC ad apte r while a batte ry is in the camera . ☛ The AC a dapte r for camer a will NOT cha rg e a bat tery i n the ca mera .
INS ER T PHOT O HERE 4 Configuring 4-1 Config uring Y our Camera 4 This secti on desc ribes how to c han ge vari ous ca mera set ting s. Date and Time Y ou can set the da te and time . The fo rmat fo r the date i s year /month/ day , and the format for time i s hour: minute :secon d ba sed on a twenty -four -hour cl ock.
4-2 The Date /T ime s cr een appears . Ther e ar e six fi elds: yea r , month, day , and ho ur , min ute s, s ec onds . 3 Press and hol d the Se lect or butto n and pr ess th e lef t or r ight side o f the Navigat e swit ch to highl ight the desir ed fie ld.
4-3 4 Configuri ng Camera Pr oper ties Y ou can se t the f ollo wing cam era p roper ties using c amer a contr ols: Dis play Of f time, Powersa ve time , Reso luti on, Enabl e Sharp ening, Use FOLDER0 1,and T otal A ctuation s. ☛ The li st of proper ties may change as new v ersio ns of f irmware become a vailabl e.
4-4 En abling Sharpe ning DCS 62 0, 620x, and 6 60 came ras a re equipp ed wit h an antia lias ing fil ter , an o ptica l fi lter that i s mou nted i nside the ca mera in fr ont of the elec troni c imager . This filt er el imi nates unwanted col or a rtif acts, and i mproves o ver all i mage qu alit y at the expense of a sm all l oss of shar pness.
4-5 4 Configuri ng Settin g File Re solu ti on Y ou can speci fy a fi le r esolut ion t o be sav ed in t he hea der of subsequ e ntly cap tured images. This prope rty doe s not a ff ect i mage proces sing i n the c amera, t he DCS Acquir e Module, or the DCS TW AIN Data So urce.
4-6 Deter minin g T ota l Actu ation s Y ou can deter mine the number o f image s capt ured by your ca mera fr om the t ime of it s manufact ure. Us e F ol de r 1 Y ou can speci fy wh ether the def ault place to store images is an empty fold er o r fold er 1 when you i nsert a n ew PC Card.
4-7 4 Configuri ng Custom Settings Y ou can set Cus tom Set tings using the Cust om Sett ings men u (desc ribed below) or the butt on ( page 4- 7). In genera l, the method d escri bed bel ow is e asier to use, sinc e the se ttin gs a re la beled. 1 Se lect th e Men u ico n, the n choose Custom Se ttin gs fro m the dr opdown men u.
INS ER T PHOT O HERE 5 PC Card 5-1 Using a PC Car d 5 As you c aptur e images , they are st ored o n a PC Card (PCMCIA card). Before captur ing image s, you may wa nt to make a fe w prepar atio ns so t hat t he image s will be s tore d accor ding t o your needs.
5-2 Du al Slot s for PC Cards Y our camer a has t w o PC Card sl ot s. W ith T ype II PC Ca rds , y ou c an use one or both slot s. W i th T ype II I PC Car ds, only one slot can be u sed.
5-3 5 PC Card Inser ting/Rem oving PC Cards It is not ne cessa ry to t ur n of f the camer a b efore inser ting o r rem oving a card . 1 Check t he Card Presen t icon on the Ba ck St atus LCD pane l. It blin ks when a card i s busy . 2 Lift the l atch a ssem bly on t he Batte ry/PC Card door and tu rn it count er -cloc kwise t o open t he door .
5-4 3 T o insert a PC Car d: sli de it al l of t he way i nto t he car d slot a nd pres s fir mly . ☛ A labe l insi de th e door indi cates the pr oper po siti on for t he car d. IMPOR T ANT : Be sur e that the Car d Busy LED is Off befor e cont inuin g.
5-5 5 PC Card 4 T o remove a PC Card, pr ess th e Eject butt on and pu ll th e card out. 5 Close the Batte ry/PC Card d oor . The Ca r d Pr esen t icon is displ ayed on the Bac k S tat us LCD panel when th er e is a PC Car d in th e camera .
5-6 Form atting a PC C ard T o prevent format ting the wron g PC Card, there ca n only b e one ca rd in the ca mera when you fo rmat a card. Format t he car d usi ng eit her t he qui ck f ormat o r the full for mat fe ature.
5-7 5 PC Card If yo u remove the act ive c ard, the mes sa ge at t he lef t appe ars. 5 Re-in sert the car d in the proper slot , then s elect Retr y . A conf irmati on scr een appe ars. 6 Selec t Y e s or No. If you cho ose No, the Main menu app ear s and the ca rd is not form atte d.
5-8 5 PC Card Sel ectin g a PC Ca rd or F older Imag es are store d in f old ers on a PC Card. There i s a lways a t leas t one e mpty folde r o n your PC Ca rd. When you stor e an imag e in an empty f older , a new empt y fol der is au toma ticall y cr eated .
6 Saving Files 6-1 Saving Files 6 JPEG an d TIF F Fi le Pr ocessing The DCS 62 0 and 620 x came ras s upport bac kground image pr ocess ing th at pro duces JPEG or TIFF RGB fi les t hat ca n be ope ned dir ectly by any im age edit ing sof tware . This feat ure is n ot avai labl e on the DCS 660 or 660M c ameras.
6-2 Processing Images 1 Sel ect th e Men u ico n, the n choos e Main M enu from the dropd own menu. Ref er to “Nav igat ion T echniq ues” on page 2 -14. 2 Selec t Processi ng from the Main menu. The P roc essing me nu appears . If two PC Car ds ar e inser ted, t he acti ve car d is indicat ed (f or exampl e, All on CARD1).
6-3 6 Saving Files When yo u enabl e pr oc essing, ce rtai n condi tions may e xist w hic h will cause o t her scr eens to appe ar , as sh own in t he tabl e bel ow . Conditi on Screen Y our Action There is no PC Card in the came ra. Click OK and inser t a PC Card.
6-4 Y our proces sing se tt in gs a re s et to dele te the origi nal TI FF im age when you proces s files . Refer to “Changi ng Pro cessi ng Sett ings” on pag e 6-5. If you cl ick OK, a secon d co nfirma tion scre en appe ars . If yo u click Ca ncel, proce ssing is not s tarte d.
6-5 6 Saving Files Cha ngi ng Pro cessing Setti ngs There a re sev eral p roces sing s etti ngs tha t you c an chang e. Th e sett ings a re app lied t o imag es as t hey ar e proce ssed. 1 Se lect C hang e Se ttin gs fro m th e Proce ssing me nu. The Pro cessi ng Sett ings me nu appear s wi th th e curr ent va lues shown i n paren these s.
6-6 * The Sha rpeni ng Level sett ing in the Pr oce ssing menu det ermines whether shar pening is appli ed when i mage s are p rocess ed on t he camer a. The Sh arpening p ropert y in th e Proper ties menu d etermi nes whethe r shar pen ing is appli ed by t he DCS Ho st softwa re.
6-7 6 Saving Files W ork ing with TI FF Custom File s on yo ur Compute r If you don’ t pro ces s image s on your camera , you need t o use o ne of t he fol lowing softwa re applicatio ns to work wi th the TI FF Custom files . (The TIFF Cus tom file format is propri etar y to K odak.
6-8 IP TC Data Management This f eature a llows i nclus ion of Internat ional Press T eleco mmunicat ion Counc il ( IP TC) data as pa rt of t he im age he ader . Y ou en te r the I P TC dat a on you r comput er u si ng the DCS Acquir e Module o r DCS TW AIN Data Sou rce (v ersion 5.
6-9 6 Saving Files Loadi ng IP T C Data from a PC Card 1 W ith the Load IPTC Da ta s cree n displ ayed ( page 6- 8), cho ose Load fr om Card. The Load IP TC Data screen appear s wit h a lis t of t he IP TC file s on th e ac ti ve P C Card . (If only o ne card is in th e cam era, the c ard cho i ces do not appea r .
INS ER T PHOT O HERE 7 Quick S tart 7-1 Quick S tart 7 This chapte r c ontai ns inf ormati on that enabl es you t o star t usi ng your came ra. Much of th e inf ormati on in t his ch apter can be f ound i n great er det ail in oth er are as of t he manua l.
7-2 4 Inse rt the batte ry into the ba ttery slot . 5 Inse rt a PC Ca rd int o the card slot ..
7-3 7 Quick St art 6 T urn t he lat ch ass embl y clock wis e to cl ose t he Battery/ PC Card d oor . 7 Remove t he camer a body ca p and th e fron t a nd rear lens caps.
7-4 8 Posit i on th e le ns i n th e ca mera ’ s bayone t mount so that the mounti ng inde xes on t he le ns and ca mera bod y are a ligned . T aking car e not to pr ess the Le ns Re le ase bu tton, twis t the le ns count er cl ockwise until it lock s in pl ace.
7-5 7 Quick St art The AC Ada pt er fo r Came ra Conserv e your b attery a nd po wer your camera by usi ng the AC a dapter for c amera, whenever possi ble. Refer to “AC Ada pter f or Camer a” on pa ge 3-13 . Connect ing th e AC Adapt er for Camera 1 Open the co nnecto r cover at t he side of the came ra.
7-6 3 Sel ect th e pow er c or d with unive rsal p lug t hat is appropr iate for y our ar ea. 4 Plug t he appr opria te end of the powe r cor d into the AC adapt er for came ra.
7-7 7 Quick St art Optional Settings Before Y ou S tart Se t t he Date and Time Se le ct a P C Card or F o ld er Before captur ing i mages , you sho uld sp ecify a PC Ca rd and f older for s tori ng images . Refer t o “Sel ecting a PC Card or Folder ” on pa ge 5-8.
7-8 Basic Shooting 1 Set the le ns ape rtu re to it s minimum po siti on as de scribed in t he “Set ting t he Lens to the Min imum Ape rture ” sect io n on page 2 -22. 2 Set t he D r ive mo de s el ect or to S for S ing le-f rame sho oti ng. 3 Set t he Focu s mode sel ector to S for S ingle Servo AF .
7-9 7 Quick St art 4 Press and hol d the AF Area Mode button and rot ate the Main -Comman d dial to sel ect Singl e Area AF m o de. The se lecte d focus ar ea of the T o p S t at us L CD p an el d i s pla y s only [ ] . The Focu s brack et al so appea rs in th e viewf inder .
7-10 P appears in th e T op St atus LCD panel and vi ewfinde r . 7 Press the N avig ate swi tch t o posi tion t he foc us b racket s on your ma in subj ect.
7-1 1 7 Quick St art 8 Light ly pre ss the Shutt er Relea se butt on. ☛ If HI a ppears in th e shut ter speed posit ion —Over - exposure alert: Use a NIKON ND filter . ☛ If Lo a ppears in th e shutter speed posit ion —Under - exposu re al ert: Use a n accessory NIKON Speedli ght .
7-12 9 Confi rm t hat a g reen “•” appe ars insi de the viewf inder ( i n dicating succe ssful fo cusin g), the n fu lly depre ss the Shutt er Rel ease butt on to c apture the i mage. The Shut ter cannot be rel eased in the follo wing si tuat ions: ✔ When bli nks: Foc us manually .
7-1 3 7 Quick St art Reviewing Image s on Y our Camera Y ou can displ ay one, four or nine im ages o n the I mage LCD pane l. Sin gle Image Review mode Four I mage Revi ew mode Nine I mage Revi ew mode 1 Se lect th e Di s play ic on , then choose Singl e, Four , or Nine Image Re view mode from the dropdo wn menu (pa ge 2-14 ).
7-14 Sett ing Dis p lay Con tra st Y ou ca n change the co ntrast to l ighte n or da rken t he im ages di splay ed on t he Image LCD panel . Selec t the Contra st icon. Re fer t o “Menu Bar ” on pag e 2-12. A grays cale b ar is displ ayed at the s ide of the i mage and a sli der is displ ayed ac r oss t he top.
7-1 5 7 Quick St art Setting Display Options Y ou can view ar eas of overe xposure , an exp osure h istog ram, and inf ormati on about the selec ted im age. 1 Se lect th e Men u ico n, the n choose Main Menu fro m the dropdo wn menu. Ref er to “Nav igati on T echniq ues” on page 2- 14.
7-16 If y ou turn th e Histo gram/ Info opti on on whi le in singl e image r eview mode, th e Hi stogram and expos ur e in fo will a ppear . ☛ The in formation will n ot be disp layed I n Four o r Nine Image Re view mode . The ima ge hist ogram s hows the range and di stri bution of ton al value s for an im age.
7-1 7 7 Quick St art T agging Images Y ou can ta g images to be p rocessed (page 6 -2) or NOT to be del ete d (pa ge 7- 19) . Ima ges retai n thei r ta gs wh en acqui red us in g the DCS H ost softwa re wh ere you can selec t tag ged or unt agged images and perform a variety o f operation s.
7-18 Deleting Images Y ou ca n dele te one or mor e image s fro m a PC Car d in y our ca mera. W hen you do so, any assoc iat ed sou nd f i les ar e als o d ele te d.
7-1 9 7 Quick St art Delet ing More Than One Image Y ou can delet e a ll ima ges on t he PC Car d, al l imag es in a fo lder , al l unta gged im ages on th e PC C ard, or al l unta gge d imag es in a fold er . 1 T o delete untagg ed image s (desc ribed below) , tag an y im ages th at you DO NOT want to delet e.
7-20 Associating a Sound File wit h an Image Y ou ca n recor d sound file s for your images , then p lay bac k the s ound fi les u sing t he DCS Host so ftware (if your co mputer h as a so und boar d). Ref er to t he KODAK PROFESSIONAL DCS Host Sof tware User’s Manual on t he DCS Host Softwar e CD included with yo ur camera.
7-2 1 7 Quick St art Y ou can not re cord s ounds an d th e Microp hone ic on is n ot dis playe d in the Bac k St atus LCD panel under t he fol low ing ci rcumsta nces: ✔ No i mage is in th e curr e.
INS ER T PHOT O HERE 8 Exposure 8-1 Contr olli ng Exposur e 8 This chap ter d escri bes th e funct ions avail able f or contro llin g exposu re in your camera . Whi te Bala nc e The DCS 62 0, 620x, a nd 660 ca mera s of fer Cu stom Whit e Balan ce func tiona lity .
8-2 Th e tabl e belo w sho ws th e pred icte d col or temp era tu re a t ea ch W hite B alan ce se tt ing : T o de ter mine the cu rren t whi te bala nce sett ing, check th e White Balan ce ico ns on t he Back LCD panel . The ic ons r eflect th e curr ent set ting.
8-3 8 Exposure Sele c ti ng Cu sto m White Ba la nc e Y ou must selec t Custom Wh ite Ba lance before selec ting, delet ing, or lo ading Cu stom W h ite Ba lanc e sett ings. Press and hol d the W hite Bal ance butt on and us e the Na vigate s witch unti l no Whi t e Bal ance icons app ear in the Bac k LCD panel.
8-4 Using Whi te Bala nc e Set t ings Once you have se lecte d Custo m White Bal ance, yo u can ac cess s evera l Custo m White Balanc e funct ions. 1 Pre ss the Whit e Bala nce b utton . If the Ima ge Display was Of f, it turn s On. If t her e ar e n o imag es i n th e fold er , th is scr een app ears .
8-5 8 Exposure Options — Th e Whi te Bala nce Sett ings men u appear s. Y ou can : ✔ Selec t a Whit e Balan ce sett ing fr om thos e loade d on the c amera (page 8-6) ✔ De le te a W h ite Ba lan.
8-6 Selec ting Whi te Bal ance Se ttin gs W i th the Whi te Balanc e Sett ings men u displaye d (pag e 8-4), choose one of the followin g: Image #x xxx: The Whit e Balan ce val ues fr om the s elect ed image are ap plied to images that y ou capt ure.
8-7 8 Exposure Loading Whit e Ba lance S etti ngs Y ou can load W hite Balance sett ings f rom a PC Ca rd int o your c amer a. (The sett ings ar e saved t o the car d usin g the DC S Host s oftw are. There a re a f ew rule s to r emember when you lo ad White Balance se ttin gs.
8-8 1 W ith the W hite B ala n ce Set ting scre en dis pla yed (pa ge 8-4) , choos e Load f rom Card. The Loa d W hi te Bal anc e S ett i ng scr een appea rs wi th a li st of the Whi te Bal ance se tting s on the acti ve PC Car d. (If only on e car d is in t he camer a, t he car d cho ices d o not ap pear .
8-9 8 Exposure Saving White Ba lance S etti ngs using y our Camer a Y ou c an sa ve t he cur re nt cam er a-g ene rat ed Whi te Ba la nce s ett i ngs, then apply th e set ti ngs to subs equent ly captur ed imag es.
8-10 Expo sure Met e ring Sy stem Y our c amera has t hree t ypes o f expos ure met ering systems: ✔ 3D Col or Ma trix Mete ring ✔ Center -W eig hted Met ering (page 8 -1 1 ) ✔ Spot Met ering (p.
8-11 8 Exposure Cen ter-W ei ghted Me tering W it h appro ximat ely 7 5% of th e mete r ’ s sensit ivit y co ncentr ated on the 1 2 mm di amet er circl e within the viewfind er and 2 5% out side thi s cir cle, the mete r become s usef ul in situa ti ons w he re you wan t to bas e expo sur e on a specif ic ar ea in the sc ene.
8-12 Spot Me te ri ng Nearly 100 % of the mete r ’ s sensit ivit y is co ncentr ated i n a 4 mm diam eter area (appr oxima tely 1.5% of the en tire fram e) wit hin t he sel ected focus are a of t he view fin der .
8-13 8 Exposure Se tt i ng the M e te ring Sy s t em The appr opria te symbo l appea rs in th e viewfind er . Ro ta te th e Mete ring S yst em Selec tor whi le press in g the Meteri ng Syst em Se lecto r Lock Relea se to s elect the desir ed t ype of exposu re me teri ng.
8-14 Exposure Mode Light reachi ng the i mager i s cont roll ed by t he shut ter speed a nd lens aper ture. The p roper combin ati on res ults i n a cor rect exposur e. Shutte r spee d an d lens apert ure set ting s are based o n the I SO speed and the opera tion o f the c amera’ s exposure control syste m.
8-15 8 Exposure Shutt er-Pri orit y Au to Expos ur e M ode This mod e al lows yo u t o manua lly set y our de si re d s hut te r spe ed. T o fr eez e t h e a cti on, use a high shut te r spe ed; to cre at e mo ti on ef fects, choos e a slo wer sh utter speed.
8-16 Manual Ex posur e Mode The Ma nual ex posure contr ol all ows you t o chan ge both ape rture and shu tter speed sett ings. Fo r a te chn ically c orrec t e xposure , foll ow the r ecommenda tion o f the c amera’ s light meter , as i ndicat ed in t he vie wfinde r .
8-17 8 Exposure Setti ng E xposu re Mode Ro ta te th e Main -Com m and dial while pressing the M ODE button . The exp osure m ode ch anges a s in the s equence show n at the l eft: If yo u use l enses.
INS ER T PHOT O HERE 9 F ocusing 9-1 Fo c u s i n g 9 This chap ter d iscuss es fo cus are a, Focus m ode, spe cial foc using situa tions , and the ef fect of t he anti ali asing f ilt er on f ocu s. It a lso di scuss es s harpe ning in th e DCS 660 ca mera.
9-2 Corresp onding foc us are as appe ar in the T op Stat us LCD pan el and the vi ewfinde r . Arrow s on top and to the righ t of t he viewf in der al so ind icate the s ele cted f ocus a rea. ☛ When Spo t Met er in g i s sel ected, shifti ng t he foc us are a a ls o s hif ts t h e S pot Me te ri ng area a ccordi ngly .
9-3 9 F ocusing Loc king th e F ocus Ar ea Y ou can loc k the f ocus ar ea usi ng the lo ck func tion. 1 Select the d esire d focus ar ea, then pr ess t he Navi gate swit ch to any posit ion whil e pre ssing the ( Focu s area lock) butto n.
9-4 Selecting AF Area Mode 1 Press and hold t he AF are a mode butt on and r otate t he Main- Command dia l to s elect Si ngle Area AF or Dyna mic AF mode.
9-5 9 F ocusing When Dynamic AF mode is selec ted, a or appear s in t he selec ted fo cus area, + appe ars in all five f ocus a reas o f the T op St atus LCD panel, and all five AF s ensors are ac tive. The example at the left shows cent er focus are a sele ctio n.
9-6 Focus Mod e Y our ca mera has two fo cus mo des: a utofoc us and manual . Au tofocus There ar e two d efaul t Auto focus modes: ✔ Single Servo AF wi th Foc us-Pri ority ✔ Continu ous Ser vo AF.
9-7 9 F ocusing Sing le Ser vo AF wit h F ocus- Priorit y (Sta tionar y Su bject ) 1 Se t the D rive Mod e sele cto r to S (Singl e Serv o AF). 2 Lightl y pres s th e Shut ter Releas e butt on to a ctiva te autof ocus. 3 Confir m that a g reen • appears in the vi ewfind er , then f ully depres s the Shutte r Relea se butto n.
9-8 Single Servo A F wit h F ocus-Pri orit y (Movi ng Subj ect) ☛ Single Serv o AF is co nve nie nt f or of f-ce nt er subj ect s. Refer to “ Focus Lock For Of f - center Subjec ts” on page 13 -14. 1 Pe rfor m ste p s 1 - 3 as for a stat ionar y subje ct (page 9-7).
9-9 9 F ocusing ☛ Afte r c apturi ng images w ith the Drive m ode se t t o S , you do not have to remov e yo ur fin ger fr om t he Shut ter Rel ease b utton to captur e the next i mage. Slight ly re le ase pres su re on the bu tt on so i t i s onl y half- dep res se d , the n ful ly depr es s it to re le ase the shut ter a gain.
9-10 If a appears in the viewfi nder , the lens is fo cused be hind t he subj ect. If a appears in the viewfi nder , the lens is fo cused i n fron t of t he subj ect. If a blink s in the vi ewfin der , auto focus i s n ot pos sible . Refer to “Speci al Focu sing Situat ions i n AF” on p age 9- 13.
9-11 9 F ocusing Manual F ocus with t he Ele ctr onic Ran gefi nder The El ectr onic Ra ngefi nder pr ovides you wi th vie wfinde r indi cati ons th at sh ow th e focu s sta tus while you are focus ing. It works with most Nikon l enses (i ncludi ng AF Nikk or wh en oper ated man ually) ha ving a maxi mum aper ture of f/ 5.
9-12 2 Whil e lig htly p ressi ng the Shutt er Rele ase butt on, rot ate the l ens foc using ring i n the direc tion indica ted by the fo cus- to-l eft a rr ow or focus- to-r ig ht arrow , unt il the arrow disap pears and the in-f ocus indic at or • appea rs .
9-13 9 F ocusing Man ual F ocus Using a Clea r Matte F ield Special Focusing Situations in AF Autof ocus op erati on depe nds on gener al ligh ting, s ubjec t cont rast and detail, a nd o ther tec hnical facto rs.
9-14 V ery dark subjec t: Focus m anual ly w ith th e cle ar matte field, or for Single Servo AF , focus o n anoth er bri ghter su bjec t loca ted at the s ame dist ance, t hen lock t he focu s and re compos e. Refer to “Foc us Lo ck For Of f- cente r Subje cts” on pa ge 13- 14.
9-15 9 F ocusing In t he fol lowing situa tions , ignor e the in-fo cus in dicat or (•) . ✔ Whe n the s ubject is ob scured by an obj ect s uch as a fenc e in th e fo regr ound, use Sing le Ar ea AF mode a nd selec t the su bje ct’ s focu s area ( des cribe d on pag e 9-1) or focu s man ual ly wit h th e cle ar ma tte f ield .
9-16 Sha rpe ning Y our DCS 620 , 620x, or 6 60 camera is equippe d with a n anti alias ing fi lter , an opt ical f ilt er that i s mou nted i nside the ca mera in fr ont of the elec troni c imager . This fi lter improve s overal l image qua lity at th e expens e of a smal l los s of sh arpn ess i n the i mage.
INS ER T PHOT O HERE Capturing 10 10-1 Capturin g Im ages 10 This chapte r prov ides a n overvi ew of t he thi ngs you need t o do to c apture an d mana ge image s. M uch o f t he i n fo rmat i on is des cr ibed i n gre ater det ai l i n ot her parts of t h e manual .
10-2 Lightl y pres s th e Shut ter Re lease butto n to st art t he aut of ocus operat ion a nd swit ch the exposur e meter on. Indic at ors i nsi de th e viewfin der an d Sta tus LCD panels t urn On. They remain on for approxi mately 8 second s aft er you t ake you r fin ger of f the S hutte r Relea se but ton, then au toma ticall y tu rn Off.
10-3 1 0 Capturing Basic S hooting 1 Se t the le ns a pe rture to it s minimum positi on. Refer to “S etti ng the L ens to the Minimum Aper ture ” on page 2- 22. 2 Set th e Driv e Mode sel ec tor to S for Si ngle-fr ame shoo ting. Re fer to “Dr ive Mode” on page 10- 10.
10-4 4 Press and hold t he AF are a mode butto n and ro ta te the Main - Command dia l to s elect Si ngle Area AF mode. The sel ecte d focus ar e a of the T op S t atus LCD panel displays only [ ] . The Focu s brack et als o appear s in th e viewf ind er .
10-5 1 0 Capturing P appears in th e T op St atus LCD panel and vie wfinde r . 7 Press the N aviga te swi tch to posit ion t he focu s brac kets o n your mai n subj ect. Re fer to “Navig ate Switch ” on pag e 2-9. 8 Light ly pre ss the Shutt er Relea se butt on.
10-6 If HI a ppears in th e sh utter speed p ositi on—Over -exposur e alert: Use a NIKON ND filter . If Lo a ppears in the sh utter speed p ositi on—Unde r- exposur e al er t: Us e an a cce ssory NIKON Speedlig ht.
10-7 1 0 Capturing The Shut ter ca nnot be re lease d in t he fol lowing sit uati ons: ✔ When blink s—Focus manuall y . Refer to “Speci al Foc using Si tuat ions i n AF” on page 9-13. ✔ When appears—Sub ject is to o close. Move away from your subj ect.
10-8 T wo-B utton R eset Pressi ng the and bu ttons simult aneous ly for more than t wo seco nds res ets or cancel s vari ous se ttin gs. T wo-But ton R eset sets the fo llow ing mode s: T wo-Butto n .
10-9 1 0 Capturing ISO The ISO sett ing co ntrol s image r sens itiv it y . The hig her the nu mber , the gr eater the sensi tivi ty , and vi ce ver sa.
10-10 Dr iv e M od e Drive m ode de term ines wh eth er one or more i mage s are captur ed when you a re pressi ng the Shut ter Re lease butt on. There are f our aut omat ic Dri ve modes : ✔ Single .
10-11 1 0 Capturing Singl e-Frame S hooti ng W ith the Drive m ode at S , ful ly press ing t he Shutt er Rel ease b utton captu res on e image. T o captu re the next i mage, lif t your fi nger fr om the butt on, then f ully pr ess i t agai n.
10-12 Continu ous Shoot ing Imag es are ca ptured co ntinuo usly as long a s you kee p the S hutter Releas e butt on ful ly pre ssed. W ith t he DCS 620 a nd 620x, y ou can ca ptu re up t o 3.5 fp s in C H mode, up t o 2.0 f ps in C L mode a nd approx imat ely 1.
10-13 1 0 Capturing Using the V ertical Contr ols Y our c amer a is de signed to fa cili ta te cap turin g ima ges in a vert ical orien ta tion. 1 St arti ng wi th the camera in the normal posit ion fo r capt uring imag es, tu rn it 90 d egrees in a count er clo ckwi se dir ecti on.
10-14 Interval ometer Y our ca mera has an Int erval omet er whi ch you ca n set so tha t a seq uence o f images are captur ed aut omatica lly a t spec ifie d inte rvals over a speci fied p eriod of ti me. Y ou might use the Inte rva lometer t o capt ure a f lower bud openi ng or for unatt ended s urvei llanc e.
10-15 1 0 Capturing Y our c hoices on the Inter valomet er sc reen c ause t he fol lowing s creen s to ap pea r: ☛ T o change se ttin gs in t hese s creens , use t he same t echni que des cribe d for s etti ng Display Off T ime. Refer to “Se tting Dis play Of f Ti me” on pa ge 4-3.
11-1 11 Flash Flash Photog ra phy 11 The NIKON Autof ocus SB- 28D Speedli ght has bee n specif ically de signe d for DCS 600 Series cameras. This Sp eedlight retains al l function ality of the NIKON SB-28 Speedlight and a dds func tiona lity devel oped spe cifi call y for yo ur camer a.
11-2 Auto Apertu r e Mode While a v ariet y of fla sh modes a re ava ilable wi th th e SB-28D Sp eed light, onl y Auto Apertur e mode is di scu sse d i n th is Chapt er . (Othe rs a re di scus se d in th e SB-2 8 instruc ti on manual. ) Auto Apertur e mod e has be en deve lop ed spec ific ally for you r camera.
11- 3 11 Flash Attaching the SB-28D or SB-28DX T urning on the SB-28D or SB-28DX 1 Mount t he SB-28D o nto your came ra’ s acc essor y shoe. The r ed flas h symbol appear s in the view finde r whe n a fl as h is ins tall ed.
11-4 S tandby Mode The SB-28D f eatures a S tandby mod e that helps conser ve the batt ery in your Spe edlig ht. When the Sp eedli ght is in th is mode, it wil l go t o sleep i f you do n’t touch any came ra or Speedli ght co ntrol s for 80 s econds.
11- 5 11 Flash Setting Up Y our Camera for Flash Photography 1 Press and hol d the I SO butt on and rota te the Main-C omm an d dial to set the d esire d I SO.
11-6 4 Se t Exp osure mode . Ref e r to “Captur ing I mages in Eac h Exposur e Mode” on page 13- 1. While y ou c an use an y expos ure mode, Apertur e P riori ty ( A ) or Progra m ( P ) ar e reco mmended .
11- 7 11 Flash Setting Up the SB-28D or SB-28DX Whenever you mount the SB- 28D on your came ra, th e Flash mode is aut omatic ally set to Auto Apertu re mode.
11-8 The Plus ( + ) and mi nus ( - ) butto ns all ow you to se t the approp riat e comp ensat ion le vel in 1/3E V in cre ment s fro m - 3 EV to + 1EV in Auto Aperture mode. The fol lowing list provi des inf orma tion s pec if ic to the dif fere nt zon es.
11- 9 11 Flash Te s t F i r i n g Y ou can te st to deter mine if a subj ec t is wi thin t he app rop riat e dist ance r ange fo r the curre nt aper ture . 1 Tu rn o n t h e c am e r a. 2 T urn on the Speedl ight. 3 Light ly pre ss the Shutt er Relea se butt on, then r eleas e.
11-10 Using the SB-28D . 1 T urn on the camera. 2 T urn th e Speedl ight On by press ing it s ON/OFF bu tton for approx imatel y 0.5 second s. The Spee dligh t’ s Re ady li ght comes on as soon as the flas h is r ecyc led and r eady t o fi r e.
11-11 11 Flash Auto Flash Distance Range The LCD pane l will not s how the f -sto p nor indi cator bars wh en the f -stop i s out o f rang e. Y our c amer a works w ith in the fo llowin g ISO range: D.
11-12 The rang e of f- stops for y our cam era in A uto Ap ertur e mode is: ISO 80: F/ 2 to F/ 32 ISO 200: F/2. 8 to F/45 ISO 400: F/4 to F/64 ISO 800: F/5. 6 to F/64 ISO 1600: F/8 to F/64 Minus exp osure c ompensat ion i s not p ossibl e in Zo ne A. Expos ure compe nsati on exceedi ng - 1EV is not poss ibl e i n Zone B.
11-13 11 Flash Flash Syn c Mode Flash S ync mo de lets yo u modify how and whe n the f lash fi res dur ing ex posure . Slow Sync Making a Dark Backgr ound Mor e V isibl e W ithout Slow Syn c, the a utomatica lly c ontrol led s hutte r speed is con trolle d betwee n 1/250 s econd a nd 1/60 sec ond.
11-14 1 Se t the E xpos ure m ode to P for Programmed Aut o or A for Aperture-Pr iority Aut o. Refer to “Sett ing Expo sure Mode ” on page 8- 17. 2 Press and hol d the c amera’ s Flash Sync Mode bu tton a nd rotat e the Main -Command di al until appear s in t he Back Sta tus LCD panel .
11-15 11 Flash Rear Cu rtain Sync Cr eati ng a Nat ural-look in g S tr e am of Lig ht Normall y in flas h synchr oniza tion, the Spe edligh t fires at th e begi nning of the e xposure . When t he s hut te r sp eed is slow , the res ult i s a streaki ng l igh t pa tt ern i n fr ont of the sub je ct.
11-16 1 Set the camera’ s exposure mode to M for Manua l expos ure mode. Refe r to “ Set ting Exposur e Mode” on page 8- 17. 2 Se t the f- sto p t o a se t ting approp riat e for t he ISO. ✔ IS O 80 : F/ 2 to F/ 32 ✔ ISO 200: F/2.8 to F/ 45 ✔ ISO 400: F/4 to F/64 ✔ ISO 800: F/5.
11-17 11 Flash Gu i de N u m b e rs f o r D et e rm in in g t he C o rrec t A pe r tu re Guid e numbers he lp you d eterm ine a corre ct exp osure o r p roper apert ure (f /sto p) when using t he SB-2 8D in th e Manual or Repea ting Flash mode.
11-18 W ith ISO set to 200, yo u can l ocate the gui de numbe r in t he tab le (s hown on t he pre vious page), t hen us e the f ormulas on the previous pag e to deter min e apert ure or t he opti mal flash shooti ng dista nce.
12-1 12 Camera Images W orking with Images on th e Cam era 12 The Image LCD pa nel al lo w s yo u to vi ew i mages an d in for m at ion abo ut im ag es sto re d on a PC Card . Y ou can ad jus t the displ ay con tr ast f or a be tt er view of t he i mage s.
12-2 Set ti ng t he Revie w Mode 1 Inser t a PC Card. R efe r to “In ser ting /Rem ovi ng P C Car ds” on page 5-3. 2 Press the Dis play b utton to tur n on the Image LCD pa nel. 3 Se lect th e Di s pla y icon , then select S ingle, Four , or Nine im age R evi ew mod e.
12- 3 12 Camera Images Rev iewin g Imag es Y o u ca n revi ew a ny i m age s that are s tor ed on t he PC Ca rd , a f ol der at a t ime . (Only the imag es in t he cur rentl y sel ected folder are a vailabl e for d ispla y at a ny on e time.) 1 Select a PC Car d and fo lder ( page 5- 8).
12-4 Navigat ing Horizo ntall y Press and hold th e Select or button and pr ess the right si de of th e Navigat e swit ch to scroll horizo ntall y fro m the lo wer n umbered t o the higher numbere d ima ges in the cu rrent ly selec ted fo lde r .
12- 5 12 Camera Images Navigat ing V ert icall y Press and hol d the Se le ctor b utton and pre ss the botto m of the Navigat e sw itch to scro ll verti call y from t he lo wer nu mber ed to t he high er num bered imag es in t he cur rentl y selec ted fo lde r .
12-6 Adjusting Display Contrast Y ou can change t he con trast to ligh ten or darken the i mages di splaye d on the Image LCD panel. ☛ Changing contr ast doe s not a f fec t the sto red im ages , only t he vie w of the imag es on the Imag e LCD pa nel.
12- 7 12 Camera Images Selectin g an Image Y ou must s el ect an i m age if you wan t t o ta g it , recor d a s ound fil e, or sp eci fy that it not be delet ed, as d escribed in the next f ew s ecti ons. Whe n you ca ptu re an i mage, that image automat ical ly bec omes the curre nt image.
12-8 Setting Display Options Y ou can speci fy tha t areas of overe xposur e be hi ghligh ted. I n addit ion, you ca n sp ecify that the ex posure hist ogram a nd infor mation about the i mage be di splay ed. (The hist ogram is onl y displ ayed in Si ngle I mage Revi ew mode.
12- 9 12 Camera Images If you tu rned the Hist ogram/Info opti on On, the hist ogram and expos ur e inf orm ation appears . The imag e hist ogram shows t he range and dis tri bution of ton al value s for an im age.
12-10 T agging Image s Y ou can tag one or mo re imag es the n perf orm oper ation s on the ta gged (o r unta gged) image s usi ng the c amera or th e DCS Ho st sof tware. On the cam era, yo u can sp ecify th at the ta gged im ages be proc ess ed (pa ge 6-2) , t ransmit ted, o r NOT del eted (pa ge 12-1 4).
12-11 12 Camera Images Associatin g Sound Files W ith Images Y ou can at tach a soun d file to the cur ren t image , eith er i mmedia tely af ter yo u captur e it, or later when you revie w it .
12-12 Y ou cann ot re cord so unds and th e Microp hone ic on is n ot d ispla yed in the Bac k St atus LCD panel u nder the fo llowing circu msta nces: ✔ No imag e in the c urren t f older ✔ No PC Card in the camera ✔ The PC Ca rd in the camera is ful l ✔ Y ou are captu ring a n image o r a bur st of imag es.
12-13 12 Camera Images Deleting Images Y ou can delet e one or more i mages from a PC Card to make space f or add itio nal ima ges. Any sound file s asso ciate d with a n ima ge are also delet ed. Del et ing a Sin gle Imag e 1 Press and hol d the Di splay butt on and the Select or but ton at the same time .
12-14 D el et in g More Th an On e Im age Y ou can delet e all imag es in a folde r , all u ntagge d ima ges in a fo lder , all imag es on a P C Card, or all un tagged images on a PC Car d. 1 Selec t a PC Card, i f nece ssary . 2 T o delete al l unt agge d i mages in a fol der or on a card, t ag any ima ges that you DO NOT wa nt t o de lete.
12-15 12 Camera Images Recovering Deleted Image s Y ou can recove r im ages t hat wer e prev iousl y delet ed fr om a PC Card, if they have not been overwr itten. Onl y images that were writte n to a PC Card by a DCS 600 Series camera c an be r eco vered.
INS ER T PHOT O HERE 13-1 13 Advanced Advanced Operation 13 This chapte r e xplains a dva nced pho tograp hic te chniqu es and appl icat ions s uch as Exposu re mod e, Fl exi bl e pro gra m, Focus lo ck, AE/A F loc k, and Expos ure compensa tion. It a lso expla ins t he use o f the Self t imer , long te rm expos ure, an d Custom Se ttin gs.
13-2 2 Press and hol d the MODE button an d rota te th e M ain -Com m and dial until S appea rs in the T op Sta tus LCD panel and viewfi nder . 3 Remove you r fing er fr om the MODE butto n, an d rota te the Main -Command dial to sel ect the de sired shu tter speed.
13-3 13 Advanc ed Locki ng Shut te r Speed Y ou can loc k the s elect ed shut ter s peed t o avoid accid ental change s of se ttin gs. 5 Confir m the automat ical ly set ap ertu r e va lu e. 6 Fully depres s the Sh utter Releas e butt on to c apture the imag e.
13-4 Ap er ture-P riorit y Aut o Ex posure Mo de 1 Press and hol d the MODE button an d rota te th e M ain -Com m and dial until A appear s in t he T op Sta tus LCD pa nel an d in th e viewfi nder . 2 Remove you r fing er fr om the MODE butto n, an d rota te the Sub-Command dial to s elect the desir ed aper t ure .
13-5 13 Advanc ed The ape rt ur e set ti ng is i ndi cated in the T op S tatus LCD panel and viewfi nder . The aper ture indic ation changes in 1/3 stop i ncrem ents betwee n the lens’ maxi mum and minimum apert ures. Y ou can also s et th e apertur e by ro tati ng the lens a pertu re ri ng.
13-6 5 Confir m th e au tomati cally se t shutt er spe ed. 6 Fully depres s the S hutte r Releas e butt on to c aptur e an ima ge. F N F O O MODE.
13-7 13 Advanc ed Loc kin g t he Aper ture Y ou can loc k the s elect ed aper ture to avoi d acci denta l chan ges of set tings . Press the (Aper ture Lo ck) butto n and ro tate th e Sub-Comman d dial. appear s in t he T op S tat us LCD panel and appe ars in the viewfi nder a bove th e apert ur e indic ations .
13-8 Differ ent Pr ocedur es for Diffe r ent L ens es Man ual Exposu re Mode Lens T y pe Procedure Le ns wi thou t a CP U F-- bl inks i nstea d of t he aper ture value i n the T op S tatus LCD pa nel and viewfi nder . Se t the ap ert u re man ually with the le ns ap erture rin g.
13-9 13 Advanc ed 2 Remove your fing er fr om the MODE button , and set th e shut ter speed b y ro tati ng the Main Command dial. Shutte r spee d can be set i n 1/3 stop i ncremen ts. In Manual exposu re mo de, you can se t the shutter spee d to buL b for ex tended time ex posure s.
13-10 4 Look int o the viewfi nder , compo se the scene, and light ly press the Shu tter Releas e butt on. 5 Adju st th e aper ture a nd/or shutt er spe ed unti l the elec tr onic analo g exposu re displ ay shows “ 0 ” or the de sired exposure value .
13-11 13 Advanc ed Locki ng Shut te r Speed /Ap ert ur e Y ou can loc k the s elect ed shut ter s peed/ apert ure to avoid a ccide ntall y chang ing a s etti ng. Y ou can use Cus tom Setting # 19 to ch ange the l owest s hutte r spee d from 30 second s to as much as 30 m inute s.
13-12 Differ ent Pr ocedur es for Diffe r ent L ens es Lens T y pe Procedure Lenses withou t a CPU ☛ F-- bl inks i nstea d of t he aper ture value in the T op Stat us LCD pan el and vi ewfinde r . Se t the ap ert u re man ually with len s ap erture rin g.
13-13 13 Advanc ed Flexible Pr ogram Flex ible P rogram chan ges the sh utter speed/ apert ure c ombin ation in Progra mmed Aut o Expos ure mode. Flexible Progra m le ts you t emporar ily c hange a n automa tical ly se t shu t t er sp e ed/ ap ert ur e co m bina tion in 1/3 st ep i ncrem ents , whi le ma in taini ng c on sis te nt expos ure.
13-14 Focus Loc k For Off-center Subjects In Sing le Ser vo AF mode, f ocus r emains lock ed a s long as the Shutter Re lease butt on is kept l ightl y pres sed. Foc us can b e locke d in an y of the f ive fo cus ar eas. ☛ W ith a mov ing sub ject, foc us cann ot be l ock ed.
13-15 13 Advanc ed 1 Posit ion th e focus bracke ts on the su bject and light ly pr ess th e Shutte r Rele ase but ton t o star t the au tofocu s op eration.
13-16 ☛ If a s ubject is co vered by one of th e five focus bracke ts, you can al so capt ure an image of an of f-ce nter su bje ct by shi ftin g the focu s to t he rele vant fo cus area with out changin g the c ompos itio n. Refer to “Se lecti ng the Focus A rea” on page 9-1.
13-17 13 Advanc ed About AE Lock When you are us ing Auto Exposur e mode, us e AE loc k to con trol exposur e base d on the bri ghtnes s of a specif ic ar ea wit hin a s cene. Cente r- W eighted (pa ge 8 -1 1) or Spot Metering (p age 8-12) is re commended when usin g AE lock.
13-18 4 Keep pre ssing th e AE-L/A F-L butto n, reco mpose the sc ene, then f ully depres s the S hutter Releas e butt on to c aptur e the ima ge. Y ou can use Custom Set ting #21 to set t he AE-L/AF- L button to lock eit her fo cus or exposur e (not bot h, as wi th the defau lt).
13-19 13 Advanc ed Exposur e Compensation Expos ure compe nsati on is a pho togra phic tech nique that enabl es you to var y the f inal expos ure se ttin gs fro m tho se measu red by t he camera’ s light meter .
13-20 Ob ta i n in g the Me te r Re ading in Ma nua l E xpo sure Mode If you a re usi ng Manual Exposur e mode a nd want t o set an e xposur e for a speci fic bright nes s va lue within the scen e, swi tc h the mete ring sy stem to Cen te r- W eighted or Spot and use the fo llowin g method.
13-21 13 Advanc ed ☛ If you are using S ingle Servo AF mod e and r ecomposing t he pic ture c ould c hange subj ect- to-ca mera dist ance, r efo cus by bri efly removi ng your fi nger fr om the Shutt er Rele ase but ton t hen li ghtly pressi ng again.
13-22 Ex posure Comp ensatio n Func tion T o modify exposur e cont rol ( from the ISO st andard) , use t he expo sure c ompensat ion button . Compensat ion c an be a pplie d from – 5EV to +5EV i n 1/3 EV steps . After captu ring your ima ges, be s ure to r eset t he compe nsati on to “0 ” to r esume nor mal oper ation.
13-23 13 Advanc ed When you r emove your finge r from th e butt on, the symbo l in t he vie wfinder stay s on to i ndicate t hat e xposur e compe nsati on is o n, bu t the compe nsati on valu e disa ppe ars. T o display the co mpensati on value, press the button a gain.
13-24 A uto Expos ure /Fla sh Ex pos u re Brac keti ng In si tuati ons where you might fin d it d if ficult to obt ain a prope r expos ure, Au to Expos ure/ Flash Ex posure bracke ting l ets you s hoot t he same s ubject at two or three dif fer ent exposur es, wit h a var iable exposu re compen sati on degre e of 0.
13-25 13 Advanc ed 2 While pr essing t he but ton, ro tate th e Sub -Com m and dial to selec t the desir ed n umber of shots and the compe nsati on value from one of tho se shown in the tabl e below . MODE L CSM BKT ISO BKT # Shots Compensated EV value Back Status LCD panel T w o 0 a nd +1/ 3 2F0.
13-26 3 Compose t he pic ture, conf irm the f ocus and exposure, the n full y depress the Shutt er Releas e butto n. 4 W ith the Dr ive m ode at Singl e- frame sho oting ( S ), fully depress the Shu tter Releas e butt on the set nu mber of ti mes.
13-27 13 Advanc ed In Aut o Exposu re/Flas h Exposur e brac ketin g, the f ollowing are va ried: ✔ Shut ter sp eed and ape rture in Pro grammed Aut o mode ✔ Apertur e in Shutter -Priority Auto mode ✔ Shut ter sp eed in Aper ture-P riorit y Auto mod e an d Manual E xposure mode ✔ Flash ou tput lev el with a dedi cated NIKON Spe edlight.
13-28 Self-T imer 1 Whil e pressin g the Lock rel ease, set t he Dr ive mode /Se lf-ti mer selec to r to (sel f-ti mer ) posit ion. 2 Compose t he pic ture. L ightly press the Shutte r Release bu tton, and c onfir m f ocus and exposur e. Refer to “Sel ec ti ng the Focu s Area” o n page 9- 1 and “ Setti ng Exposur e Mode” on page 8- 17.
13-29 13 Advanc ed In Singl e Servo AF wi th Focus-P riority , the self-t imer opera tes only when t he green in- focus indic ator • appe ars i n the view finde r . Once th e sel f-ti mer st arts , t he shut ter wil l be rel eased even if th e subj ect i s out o f focu s at t he ti me of shutt er rel ease.
13-30 Long Time E xposure At buLb se tt ing, t he shut ter s ta ys open as lon g as the Shu tter Releas e butt on rem ains depres sed. Use a tr ip od to av oid ca mera shake wh ich may blur the i mage.
13-31 13 Advanc ed 1 Press and hol d the MODE butto n and ro tat e the Main - Command dia l to sele ct M for Manual Exposu re mode. M app ear s in t h e T o p Statu s LCD panel. 2 Remove your fing er fr om the MOD E butt on and r otate the Main-Command d ial unt il buLb (Bulb e xposure ) appe ars i n the T op Status LCD panel and viewfi nder .
13-32 Custom Settings Y ou can use th e Cus tom Sett ing f eatur e to cr eate a co mbinati on o f func tions that are dif fere nt from the fa ctory setting s.
13-33 13 Advanc ed Reset Fa ctory Settings T o reset all Custom Setting s, press t he and butto ns sim ult aneousl y for more tha n two sec onds. Al l Custo m Setti ngs but #0 rev ert to t he fac tory s ettings . (If 0 -b is sel ected when you r eset the fa ctory sett ings, i t wil l remai n sele cted.
13-34 Cust om Set tings T able The fol lowing t able describe s Cus tom Sett ings functi ons an d opti ons, and ind icate s the values that are di splaye d in t he Back S tatus LCD pan e l.
13-35 13 Advanc ed 4 Autofoc us ac tivat ed when t he Shu tter Releas e button is li ghtly pre ssed: At the de fault sett ing, aut ofocus is acti vated and the l ens st arts focu sing wh en the Shutte r Releas e butt on is l ight ly pre ssed. T o dis able autof ocus , se le ct 4-1 .
13-36 10 Drive rate in C L (DCS 620 a nd 620x onl y) At the defaul t setti ng, th e fram e ra te is 2.0 f ps. T o change t he fra me ra te to 2.5 f ps, se lec t 10- 1. Custom S ett i ng # 10 is not a vai la ble o n th e DCS 660 or 660M. Th e fra me r ate is alway s 0.
13-37 13 Advanc ed 17 Bracket ing in Manu al Exposu re mode : At the defaul t s etting, the shutt er sp eed shi fts with ea ch im age ca ptured when bracke ting i s perfo rmed.
13-38 20 Flash Sy nc spee d: T o lock the flash sy nc spee d at 1/ 300, 1/ 250, 1/200, 1/160, 1 /125, 1/ 100, 1/ 80 or 1/ 60, sel ect 3oo , 25o , 2oo , 16o , 125 , 1oo , 8o , or 6o . Y ou can s et the f lash sy nc speed to only1 /300 in Shutt er -Prior ity Au to or M anual exposu re mode.
13-39 13 Advanc ed 24 Auto Expos ure/ Flash Ex posur e brack eting: At the defaul t setti ng, when b racket ing i s acti vated, b oth A uto Expo sure a nd Flas h Exposur e brac keting ar e perf ormed. T o perform o nly Auto Exposur e brac keting or Flash Exposure brack eting , sel ect 01E or 10E .
INS ER T PHOT O HERE 14-1 14 Connecting Connecting to Y our Computer 14 There are t wo ways to ac cess c amera i mages fr om you r comput er: ✔ Connec t the camera t o the computer using an IEEE 13 94 connect ion, th en acce ss the i mage s usin g the DC S Host softw are .
14-2 C on nec t in g Y ou r Came ra to th e Co m put er Y ou conn ect you r camer a to the c omputer using an IEEE 13 94 cabl e. This cable moves images fr om the camer a to the compu te r at a very rapi d ra te.
14-3 14 Connecting 4 Connect the ot her en d of th e cable into a ny avai lable port on the IE EE 1394 ada pt er car d on your co mputer . The adap te r card may ha ve mult iple ports . ☛ Y ou may c onnect more tha n one camer a or o ther I EEE 1394 dev ices t o the card as long as you avo id a cl osed loop co nfigur atio n.
14-4 Quitting—Disconnecting from the Computer Complete these steps when your work wit h the camera a nd the computer i s comp lete . Y ou ca n c onne ct or disc onnect the camera without t urnin g the ca mera or t he compu ter Of f. 1 If the DCS Host So ftware is runni ng, cli ck the Done but ton i n the I mage windo w .
15-1 15 T ransmitting T ran smit ting Data 15 Y ou can use th e s eri al po rt on your camera to t ran sf er dat a b etwe en your ca mera an d ot her devi ces . In add it io n, the re i s a pur cha sab le op ti on th at enables you to tr an sm it image s to a remot e loca tion u sing a cellu lar ph one.
15-2 Accessing Ser ial Por t Options Sett ing the Bau d Ra te Before trans mit ting data betw een t he camer a and a c onnect ed devi ce, you must set the correc t baud rate requir ed by t he devi ce. Choos e fro m 300, 600, 1 200, 2400 , 4800, 960 0, 19200, 384 00, 57600 , and 1 15200.
15- 3 15 T ramsmitting Serial In Mode Using Se rial In mo de, your camera acc epts text str ings f rom a con nec ted ext ernal devic e. The inf orma tion i s the n added t o spec ified i mage head ers. ☛ Seria l In an d Seri al Out mod es can work at the same time.
15-4 Seri al In Status When you se lect New Images or Pre vious I mage fr om the Seri al In Mode menu , the Serial In S tatus choice becom es ava ilable. Select Seri al in Sta tus from the Seria l Port menu . If th e conne cted de vice i s send ing data, a mes sage i ndicat es the most recen t data receive d.
15- 5 15 T ramsmitting Se rial O ut Mo de When t he ser ial p ort i s in Ser ial Out mod e, your cam era s ends da ta to a r emotely connect ed devi ce. ☛ Seria l In an d Seri al Out mod es can work at the same time. 1 Selec t Seri al Out f rom the Ser ial Po rt menu (page 15-2 ).
15-6 Image T r ansmi t Y ou can trans mit imag es fr om your ca mera to a remot e comput er usi ng a cell phone. Th e DCS T ransmission k it (a vail able from y our dea ler of Kodak pr oducts ) includ es har dware and docu mentati on to b e used wh en you co nnect your ca mera to a c ell phone.
16-1 16 Camera Care Came ra C ar e 16 Handling W i th care ful han dling, yo ur camera shou ld produ ce images of the hi ghest qu alit y for yea rs to c om e .
16-2 Cl ean i ng 1 Turn off th e ca m era. 2 Disconne ct th e camera from t he AC adapt er an d from the c omputer if t hey are connect ed. 3 Using a d amp clot h, cle an only the out side cab ine t, the T op St atus LCD panel, the Back S tatus LCD panel , and th e Image L C D pane l.
16- 3 16 Camera Care Anti-aliasing Filter and IR F i lter Y our c amer a c ont ai ns an anti- al ia si ng o r IR f il t er . It may be ne ces sar y t o remov e t h e f il te r for cl eanin g. Altho ugh it is not es senti al, you can wear lint -free, s tati c-free gloves , avail able fro m your ca mera dealer .
16-4 4 Ca re ful ly rem ove t he filt er bracke t fr om the camera . 5 Gently blow of f the dust us ing commerci ally avai l abl e canne d air . If the anti -aliasi ng fi lter is stil l dir ty , contac t your dea ler or servi ce re pre sentat ive.
16- 5 16 Camera Care The Imager The image r rec ords l ight whe n yo u capt ure an i mage. If it s hould g et dir ty , the qua lity of your i mages ca n be af fec ted. Deter mining if the Imager is Di rt y Even tho ugh the imager is lo cated insid e the c amera, it c an get dirt y .
16-6 V isually inspe cting the Im ager 1 Turn off th e ca m era. 2 Remove the le ns fr om the came ra. 3 R em ove t h e anti- alia sing or IR f ilte r . 4 In sert a b att ery , if on e is no t p res ent. 5 Connect the ca mera to an AC a dapter , if one i s not alrea dy conne cted.
16- 7 16 Camera Care If t he batt ery an d AC adapt er ar e in place , the Ope n Shutt er scr een appear s in t he Image LCD panel . 9 Selec t OK to pr oce ed, or Ca nce l to ca ncel t he proc es s. If yo u chose Cancel, you can tur n off the came ra and repla ce the filt er and le ns.
16-8 Cle anin g the Im ager If the imager is di rty , check t he Kodak W eb site for in struc tions on cle aning. Re asse mb ling t he C ame ra Y ou must reass emble yo ur c amera a fter ins pecti ng or c leani ng the imager . 1 Selec t Y es in the Close Sh utter scree n.
16- 9 16 Camera Care St o r i n g ✔ When stor ing yo ur camer a, wrap i t in a clean, s oft cl oth an d place it i n a well - venti lated , coo l, dry , dust -fre e plac e. ✔ Keep the camera out of direc t sunl ight, and away from hot spots such a s the t runk or rea r windo w she lf of a car .
16-10 Installing Cam era Firmware on Y our Compute r Firmwa re is the so ftw are pr ogram t hat ru ns within the cam era and cont rols its o per ation . Access ne w fir mware v ers ions them from t he Koda k WWW sit e (h ttp:/ /www Before you updat e the firmwar e on you r camer a, instal l it on your computer .
16-11 16 Camera Care Upda ti ng Fro m the PC Card 1 Insta ll the f irmware on your compute r . 2 Inser t a PC Card i nto th e card reade r on your compute r . Refe r to “ Using t he Card Reader” on page 14-4. 3 On your c omputer , copy t he fi rmware fil e (dcs 6xx.
Appendix A A- 1 Appendix A - Specificatio ns T ype of cam era Inte gral-motor a u tofocus 35 m m single-lens reflex Imager si ze D CS 620 an d 620x: 2 mil lion pixe ls DCS 660 and 660 M: 6 mi llion pi.
A-2 Shutte r speed s Lithiu m niobate oscillato r-controll ed speeds fr om 1/80 00 to 30 seconds (i n 1/3 stop increm ents); elec tromagnetic ally contro lled Bulb sett ing Vi ew f i n d e r Nikon mul.
A-3 Appendix A Reflex mi rror Automa tic, ins tant-re turn type Accessor y shoe Standard IS O-type ho t-shoe conta ct; ready- light contact, monitor cont a ct; mount re ceptacle for SB-28D/S B-28/SB -.
Appendix B B-1 Appendix B - T r oub lesho oting If y ou run i nto a prob lem operatin g your c amera, c heck th e foll owing t able to s ee if you can f ind th e caus e of th e problem. I f the troubl e per sists, t ake th e camera to your near est deal er or servi ce cent er .
B-2 P or S blinks A appear s Ca n be rel eased Progra mmed Aut o or Sh utter -Prio rity Aut o expos ure mode i s set eve n though attached lens has no CPU. Ca mera au tomatic ally rese ts exposur e mode to Aper ture-Priority Au to. — blinks Locked Autofo cus (and manual fo cus wit h Electron ic Rang e fi nder) is no t possible .
B-3 Appendix B Othe r sy mpt o ms, ca use s and rem edi e s : Symptom Caus e Remedy The ca mera setti ngs cannot be change d. Th e camera is turned Of f T urn o n the camer a. Autofo cusi ng does not operat e. The Focu s Mode s elector is set t o M. Set t he Focus Mode se lect or to C or S.
Appendix C C-1 Appendix C - Lens and V iewfin der Compatibil ity Compati ble Le nses Y our camera works with the following NIKKOR lens es. Some work with the camera’ s anti alia sing o r IR filt er in place , so me work withou t it, and some wo rk in e ither sit uatio n.
C-2 Ai 20/3.5S x Ai 20/4 x Ai 24/2 x x Ai 24/2S x Ai 24/2.8 x x Ai 24/2.8S x Ai 28/2 x x Ai 28/2S x Ai 28/2.8 x x E 28/2.8 x Ai 28/2.8S x x Ai 28/3.5 x x Ai 28/3.5S x x Ai 35/1.4 x x Ai 35/1.4S x x Ai 35/2 x x Ai 35/2S x x E 35/2.5 Series E x Ai 35/2.
C-3 Appendix C Ai 55/3.5 Micro x Ai 58/1.2 Noct x Ai 58/1.2S Noct x x Ai 85/1.4S x x Ai 85/2 x x Ai 85/2S x x E 100/2 .8 x x Ai 105/1.8S x x Ai 105/2.5 x x Ai 105/2.5S x x Ai 105/2.8S Micro x x Ai 105/4 Mic ro x x Ai 105/4S Micro x x Ai 105/4.5S Ultra V iolet x x Ai 135/2 x x Ai 135/2S x x Ai 135/2.
C-4 1 Lenses wit h product num ber 906200 a nd before cann ot be use d. 2 Lenses wit h product num ber between 142361 and 14 3000 canno t be used. 3 Lenses wit h product num ber between 2001 1 1 an d 200310 cannot be used. Ai 300/ 2.8S x x Ai 300/ 4.5 x x Ai 300/ 4.
C-5 Appendix C M anu al Zoom Le nse s Lens Name Lens T ype Wor ks w i th Antial iasing Filter Wo rks without Antial iasing Fil te r Ai Zoom25-50/ 4 x x Ai Zoom25-50/ 4S x x Ai Zoom28-45/ 4.5 x x Ai Zoom28-50/ 3.5 S x x Ai Zoom28-85/ 3.5 - 4.5S xx Ai Zoom35-70/ 3.
C-6 Auto focus Sin gle Foc al Length L ense s Ai Zoom100- 300/ 5.6S xx Ai Zoom180- 600/8 S x x Ai Zoom200- 400/4 S x x Ai Zoom200- 600/ 9.5S xx Ai Zoom360- 1200/ 11 S xx Ai Zoom1200 -1700/ 5.6-8S xx Lens Name Lens T ype W orks with Antial iasi ng Filt er Works without Antial iasing Filt er AF 16/2.
C-7 Appendix C Auto focus Zoom Le nse s AF 60 /2.8D Micro x x AF 85/1. 8 x x AF 85/1. 8D x x AF 85/1. 4D x x AF 105/2 D Defocus Contr ol x x AF 105/2 .8 Mic ro x x AF 105/2 .8D Micro x x AF 135/2 Defocu s Contr ol x x AF 135/2 D Defocus Contr ol x x AF 180/2 .
C-8 AF Zoom 24- 50/ 3.3-4.5 D xx AF Zoom 24- 120/ 3.5-5.6 D xx AF Zoom 28 - 70/ 3.5-4.5 xx AF Zoom 28 - 70/ 3.5-4.5 D xx AF Zoom 28- 80/ 3.5-5.6 D xx AF Zoom 28- 85/ 3.5-4.5 S xx AF Zoom 28- 85/ 3.5-4.5 xx AF Zoom 28-2 00/ 3.5-5.6 D xx AF Zoom 35- 70/2.
C-9 Appendix C Compatible V iewfinders AF Zoom 70- 300/ 4.5-5.6 D xx AF Zoom 70- 300/ 4.5-5.6 xx AF Zoom 80- 200/ 2.8 x x AF Zoom 80- 200/ 2.8D xx AF Zoom 80- 200/ 4.5-5.6 D xx AF Zoom 75- 180/ 4.5-5.6 D Micro x x IX Zoom 20-60/3.5- 5.6 IX Zoom 24-70/3.
Appendix D D- 1 Appendix D - Glossary AE (Auto matic Exposure ) loc k Used t o ho ld an a utoma tica lly co ntrol led sh utter sp eed and/ or ap ertur e. Recommend ed when t he phot ographe r wants to con trol an e xposur e based on a scen e’ s part icula r bri ghtnes s area with Ce nter -W eight ed or Sp ot Me teri ng.
D-2 EV Exposure V alue: A nu mber repre senti ng the avail able c ombinat ions of shutt er speeds and a per tur es t hat gi ve the same ex posu re ef fect und er co ndi ti ons of s imi lar scene b right ness an d ISO. At ISO 100, the combi nati on of a one-se cond shut ter spe ed and an apertu re of f/1 .
D-3 Appendix D F-number The num bers o n the l ens ape r ture r ing and in the ca mera’ s LCD that i ndica te the relat ive s ize of the l ens ape rtur e openi ng. The f -numb er ser ies i s a geo metric progre ssion based o n ch anges i n the s ize of the l ens ap ertur e, as i t is o pened a nd close d.
D-4 Guide number The guid e nu mber ind ic ates t he pow er of a fl ash in relat ion t o IS O. Gui de num bers, quoted in ei ther meters or f eet, are u sed to ca lcula te t he f/ stop for c orrec t e.
D-5 Appendix D Manual flash Flash o utput is con troll ed ma nuall y in manu al fl ash mode, unlik e in au to fl ash mode, wher e flas h outpu t pow er var ies a utoma tica lly ac cordi ng to t he sel ected apert ure.
D-6 R el eas e-Pri ori ty for aut ofocu s Shutte r c an be rel ea sed an yti me ( i . e., even w he n s ubj ect i s n ot in fo cus ). H elp s y ou avoid mi ssed op portun ities whe n you ar e not c oncern ed with absolu te foc using preci sion.
Appendix E E-1 Appendix E - Pr ob lem Repo rt KODAK PROFESSIONAL DCS 600 Series Digital Camer as Customer Return Address Name____ _________ ________ ____ _________ ________ _________ ________ ___ Comp.
Appendix F F-1 Appendix F - Remote Contr ol Accessories The f ollowi ng acce ssori es (av ailab le fr om Nik on) are co m p atible wi th your camera : Nikon Code Name Comp atibilit y Notes Adapt er MC.
F-2 ML -2 Mo dul it e r emo t e contr ol set Ye s M C - 2 5 ML -3 Mo dul it e r emo t e contr ol set Ye s AC-1WE Computer li nk soft ware packag e (for W indows) Out of use Necessary si gnal do es not.
Index- 1 Index Numerics 3D Co lor M atrix Mete rin g 8-10 A AC Adapter 3-13 , 7- 5 Connec ting 3-1 4 , 7-5 Acces sory Sh oe 2-3 0 Actua tions 4- 6 AE/AF Loc k 13 -16 AF Area Mode Sele cting 9- 4 An ti.
Inde x-2 Co n ser ving B att er ies 3- 11 Contin uous Ser vo AF wit h Releas e- Pr iority 9-9 Contin uous Shoo ting 10- 12 Custom Sett ings 13-32 Descri ption 13-34 Making 13-32 Resett ing t o Facto r.
Index- 3 Index Flas h Sync Mode 11 -13 Rear Curtain Sy nc 11- 15 Slow S ync 11-13 Flex ib le Prog ram 13- 13 Foc us A r ea Loc kin g 9-3 Sele cting 9-1 Focus Loc k for Of f-cen ter Subje cts 13-14 Foc.
Inde x-4 Removing 2-2 4 Locking Shutt er Spee d 13 -3 Locking Shutt er Spee d/Ap ertur e 13- 11 Long Time Exposur e 13-30 M Ma ci nto sh System Re quirement s 1-2 Main-Command Dial 2-1 7 Manua l Expos.
Index- 5 Index Sele cting Ima ges 7- 13 , 12-7 Sele ctor B utt on 2-10 Sel f T i m er 13- 28 Sel f-Dia gnos tic Sh utte r Sys tem 2-31 Ser ial In Mode 15-3 Sta tu s 15-4 Serial Out Mode 15-5 Seri al P.
EASTMAN KODAK COMP ANY Kodak P rofessional Division Roc hester, New Y ork 1 4650 © Eastman Kodak Compan y , 2000. Kodak and K odak P rofessional are trademarks.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Kodak DCS600 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Kodak DCS600 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Kodak DCS600 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Kodak DCS600 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Kodak DCS600 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Kodak DCS600 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Kodak DCS600 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Kodak DCS600. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Kodak DCS600 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.