Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung DCS500 des Produzenten Kodak
Zur Seite of 251
U s e r ’s Guide for DC S 500 Series Digital Cameras D C S 5 0 0 Ser ies Digital Ca m er as.
© Eastman Kodak Company and Cano n In c., 2000 Al l ri ghts rese rved Kodak an d Kodak Pr ofess ional are tr ademar ks of Ea stman Koda k Company “CANON ® and EOS® a re registered trademark s of Canon I nc.” Adobe, Pho toshop, and Acro bat ar e tra demarks of Adobe Systems Inc.
Limitatio ns REP AIR OR REPLACEMENT WITHOUT CHARGE IS KODAK’S ONL Y OBLIGA TI ON UNDER T HIS W ARRANTY . W ar ranty serv ic e will not be pr ovid ed witho ut dated pr oof of pur chase. Plea se retur n the W arra nty Regist rati on car d withi n 30 days of pur chase .
Outside the United States In coun trie s other than the Uni ted State s, warr anty ter ms may be di ff erent. Unl ess a speci fic Kodak war rant y is co mmunicat ed to t he purc haser in wri ting by Koda k, no warran ty or l iabili ty exi sts e ven though d efect, da mage o r loss may b e by negligen ce or other act of Koda k.
Product Support Options During t he warr anty p eriod for t he Kodak Prof essio nal DCS 50 0 Serie s Camera , you are entitle d to pr oduct s upport for b oth har dware a nd soft ware, p rovide d your c amera is regis tered with the Ea stman Kod ak Company .
5 Out-of -W arrant y Suppor t Opti ons There wi ll be a char ge f or call incid ents i f you wish t o spea k to a Ko dak supp ort repre senta tive. A c all i ncide nt is defin ed as on ly tho se iss ues ra ised d uri ng the firs t telep hone o r email conta ct.
Contents T able of Contents Im port ant In for matio n . ....... .... ..... ....... ..... ...... ..... ..... ..... 1- 1 System Requi rements for your Computer............ ........ ................. ........... 1-2 MACINTOSH .......... ................
Using the Quick Control Dial ........... ................. ................. ........ ........... 2-15 Using the Quick Con trol Dial For Di gital Fun ctions ................ .... 2-15 Using the Quick Con trol Dial For Non- digi tal Functio ns ........
Contents AC Adapter ........................ ........ ................. ................. ........ ................. . 3-12 Connecting the AC Adapte r ....................... ................ ......... .......... 3-13 Us ing P C C ards .... ....... ..
Resetting Al l Camera Function s .............. ................. ................ .... 6-19 Resetting Al l Custom Func tions ...................... ......... ................ .... 6-20 Camera Properties .................... ......... ................
Contents Selecting a White Balance Sett ing ..................... ........ ................. .... 8-3 Using Custom White Balanc e ........... ................. ........ ................. .... 8-4 Setting the ISO .. ................. ................. .
Foc usin g . .... ..... ..... .. .... ..... ..... .... ... .... ..... .... ... .... ..... .... ... . 9- 1 Selecting the AF Mode ............ ................. ......... ................. ................ ..... 9-2 One-Shot AF .................. ......
Contents Image Review Mode .......... ................. ........ ................. ................. ......... 11-1 Setting the Revi ew Mode .......... ................. ........ ................. .......... 11-2 Reviewing Images .....................
Cam era Care . .... ..... ....... .... ....... ..... .... ....... ..... ....... .... .. 14- 1 Handling.................. ......... ................. ................. ................. ........ ........... 14-1 Cleaning .......... ................. ..
INS ER T PHOT O HERE 1 Impor tant Inf o 1-1 Importa nt Informa tion 1 Thank you fo r purchas ing your new KODAK PROFESSIONAL DCS 5 00 Series Camera . This porta ble came ra sys tem, whic h co mbines t echnologi es of Canon Inc .
1-2 Syste m Req uir emen t s for you r Co mput er The fol lowing sec tions list th e requi red a nd opti onal c omputer hardwar e and soft ware needed to run t he DCS Host soft ware for use with ADOBE PHOT OSHOP software on MACINT O S H, and TW AIN -compli an t appl icati ons on the PC.
1-3 1 Impor tant Inf o Wa r n i n g s ✔ T o prevent fire or shoc k ha zard, u se o nly th e reco mmended acc essor ies an d attac hment s. ✔ Use extr eme c are when ha ndlin g PC Card s, as the y are ea sily da mage d. If dro pped , the PC Car d may be destr oyed, resul ting in the loss of all data on the c ard.
1-4 Important Safeguards and Pre cautions ✔ Read Inst ructi ons —Read all t he saf ety a nd opera ting ins truct ions b efore operat ing you r camera. ✔ Follow I nstruct ions —Fol low all op erati ng and u sag e inst ruct ions. ✔ Co nt r o ls —Adjust o nly th ose cont rols that are co vered b y t he oper ating instr uctio ns.
1-5 1 Impor tant Inf o ✔ Object or Li quid Entry —Never push f oreign objec ts of a ny kind in to your camera o pening s. Th e objec ts cou ld tou ch dange rous vo ltage point s or sh ort ou t parts and cau se a f ire or el ectr ic sho ck. Never spil l liquid of any kind on your came ra.
1-6 ✔ Humidity , Condensati on —W e recomme nd oper ating your ca mera withi n the range o f 8% to 85 % relat ive hu midity , non-cond ensing . If co ndensat ion oc curs, added ti me may be req ui red to r ead fr om or wri t e to a PC Card .
1-7 1 Impor tant Inf o Electr omagnetic Emiss ions Th is equ ipm ent ha s be en tes ted a nd f o und to comp ly w i th th e lim its f or a Cl as s B di gita l device , pursu ant to Part 1 5 of th e FCC Ru les.
INS ER T PHOT O HERE 2 Y our Camera 2-1 About Y our Camer a 2 Feat ur es This manual de sc ribes th e use of both t he DCS 520 and the DCS 560 came ras. Any dif ferences between the t wo mode ls are noted . Y our came ra pro vid es a ri ch set of f eatur es tha t all ows y ou to ca pture ima ges of t he highe st qua lity .
2-2 These f eatur es ar e avail able on both the D CS 520 and 560: ✔ Enhance d Whit e Bala nce fun ction alit y incl uding a bili ty to save Whit e Balan ce sett ings ✔ An In te rv alo mete r tha .
2-3 2 Y our Camera Nomenclature Came ra Front * W ith fir mware ver sion 3 .09, or hi gher , white bal ance i s accompl ishe d using image da ta rat her t han the White Ba lan ce sens or . ☛ An IR filte r is includ ed with the base c amera kit. An anti -aliasing filt er is include d with th e regul ar ki t.
2-4 Camer a Back Cust om Fun ction butto n Palm door Drive M ode se lec tor Clea r button T op LC D Panel Focus ing Po int Sel ecto r AE Loc k button Quic k Control Dial sw itch Palm Door Quic k Contr.
2-5 2 Y our Camera Came ra T op Came ra Bo ttom X Cont acts Accesso ry Shoe Shooti ng Mode Selec tor AF Mode S elector Meter ing Mode Se lector/ Flash Exp osure Compen sation b utton Tripo d S ock et .
2-6 Came ra Si de s Strap Att achment Palm D oor AC A dapter C onnectio n IEEE 1394 C onnection V iew finder Dioptric Adjustment dial PC T erminal (C over) for fl ash sync (external ) Battery/ PC Card.
2-7 2 Y our Camera Open Battery/PC Card Door Ba ttery in slo t Serial Port Card Busy light PC Ca rd in slo t Eje ct bu tto n.
2-8 T o p LCD Panel Shooting Modes Ma nual Exposu re: M Shu tter priori ty AE: Tv Bul b Exposure: bu lb Progra m AE: P Aperture-p riority AE: Av Aper ture V a lue Cust om Function Cont r ol AEB V alue.
2-9 2 Y our Camera Back LCD Pa nel Imag e Disp lay The I mage Displa y has be en desi gned f or ease of use wit h maximi zed spa ce for menu choi ces an d ima ge-re lated in format ion. Menu Bar The Menu b ar is o nly di splay ed at your reques t. When you turn on t he Image Displ ay , the las t screen used ap pears without the Men u bar .
2-10 When y ou sele ct a Men u bar i con, the fo llowi ng scre ens app ear: Ico n Function Dro pdow n M enu Folder icon Displ ays th e Folde r dropd own menu. One PC Card: Tw o P C C a r d s : Menu ico n Displ ays a dropd own menu with c hoice s f or the Main, Pr opert ies, and Cust om Settings menus.
2-11 2 Y our Camera Navigat ion T e chnique s Use t he fol lowing guidel ines w hen n avigat ing t he Image Displa y T o display t he Menu bar and selec t a Me nu bar ic on Press and hol d the DI SP/MENU butto n and ro tat e the Quick C ontr ol dial until the de sired ic on is highl ighted .
2-12 T o choos e an it em fr om a dr opdown menu Continue to press the DISP/MENU butt on and r otate the Qui ck Cont rol dial un ti l th e d esi re d me nu choi ce i s highl ight ed. T o chos e an it em fr om a menu scree n Press and hol d the SELECT button and r otate the Qui ck Contr ol di al to highl ight your ch oice.
2-13 2 Y our Camera S tatus Ba r A S ta tus ba r appe ar s whe nev er ima ges ar e d ispla yed (Si ng le, Four , or Nine I mage Revi ew mod e). In form ation about t he curre ntly s elect ed image ap .
2-14 V i ewfin der Focusi ng Poin ts/Spot M etering Posi tion Indic ators Lase r-matte Screen Ec-Cll Manual Exposure Indic ator AE Lock / AEB Indicator Shut ter Speed Depth - o f -Fie ld AE Indi cator Aper ture V a lue Exposure Level Displa y Fine S pot Metering Area ☛ The viewf ind er rep re sen ts the actu al li ve are a of the CCD s ensor .
2-15 2 Y our Camera Using the Quick Contr ol Dial The Qui ck Cont rol dial works i n two di ff erent modes. ✔ When yo u us e i t in co nju nct io n with the DI SP/MENU bu tton, the SELECT but to n, or t he W .BAL b utton, you can access digit al f uncti ons thr ough th e Ima ge Disp lay or the Back LCD panel.
2-16 Using the Qu ick Con tro l Dial For Non-d ig ital Func ti ons The Quic k Contro l d ial is a lso av ailab le for other funct ions wh en the Quic k Contro l Dial sw it ch i s set to the On posi tion.
2-17 2 Y our Camera Bu tton s Ther e are f our but tons which ac cess or ch ange you r camer a’ s digita l f uncti ons when used in c onjunc tion with the Quick Contr ol di al, the Image Di splay , and the Back LCD panel. RECORD/T A G Button ✔ Pres s and r eleas e t he butt on to tag (or un tag) t he cur ren tly s elect ed imag e.
2-18 Attaching the Lens 1 Remov e the len s rear dust c ap and t he camer a’ s body cap by turn ing them cou ntercloc kwi se. 2 Align the red do ts on t he len s and camer a body , then rotate th e len s cloc kwis e unti l it lo cks in plac e with a cl ick.
2-19 2 Y our Camera Remo ving th e L en s ☛ Whe n the lens is removed from the came ra, pl ace i t fa ce down on a sta ble surf ace t o prev ent da mage t o the elect ron ic con tacts . 4 Remove th e front lens cap. T o remove the lens, press the Lens Releas e butt on and t urn th e lens counte rcloc kwis e.
2-20 The Imager The i mager i s th e compone nt of the camera that record s light whe n you cap ture an ima ge. The DCS 520 image r is 2 mil lion pixels and ope rates at 20 0 - 1600 ISO. The DCS 56 0 imager is 6 mi llion pixels a nd oper ates a t 80 - 200 ISO.
2-21 2 Y our Camera Illuminating the LCD Panels Y ou can illu mina te the T op and Back LCD pan els for e asy vi ewing at ni ght or i n low l ight situ ation s. T o do so, pr ess t he Panel Illumin ation butto n. The pan els r emain illu mina ted fo r appr oxima tely six seconds .
2-22 Came ra St rap s T wo camera st raps a re in clud ed wit h your c amera. Y ou can a ttac h eith er or b oth . At ta chin g the N ec k Strap Atta chin g the H an d Strap Threa d the e nds of t he nec k stra p thro ugh the stra p fixt ures a s shown.
2-23 2 Y our Camera 4 Thread the to p stra p ba ck throug h the b uckle a s shown. 5 Thread both en ds of t he strap back t hrough t he loo ps o n the hand st rap pa d. 6 Place the two- holed buckle on the t op str ap. 7 T uck the to p str ap thr ough the botto m loop in th e hand s trap pad.
2-24 Atta c hin g the Han d Strap and Ne ck Strap 1 Attach the Ha nd Strap (page 2-22) . 2 Threa d the ne ck strap throug h the t hre e- hol ed buc kle as s hown.
INS ER T PHOT O HERE 3 P ower 3-1 P o wering Y our Camer a 3 Y ou must oper ate yo ur camer a usin g either batte ry or AC power . An AC adapter i s incl uded w ith y our ca mera (excep t with th e base c amera ki t). Batt erie s are a vaila ble thr ough your camera deale r .
3-2 Batte ries Y our c amera pr ovide s up to the fo llowin g numbe r of im ages pe r ful ly-ch arg ed batt ery: Extende d camer a metering , focus ing, or Image Di splay oper ation reduce s the number of imag es ava ilabl e fro m a cha rg e. ☛ Batte ry perfor mance de teri orate s in temper ature s belo w 32°F (0° C).
3-3 3 P ower Inser ting/Re m oving Bat teries ☛ Y o u mus t ch arge a ba tte ry bef ore us ing it f or th e fi rs t tim e . 1 If th e camera i s on, check the PC Card i con on the Ba ck LCD panel .
3-4 4 T o insert : s li d e t he ba tt er y to the back of t he ba tter y sl ot a nd press firm ly in pla ce . T o remov e: sl ide th e batt ery out of th e batt ery s lot. 5 Close the Batte ry/PC Ca rd door . ☛ Y ou can inse rt or remo ve a batt ery wh ile the ca mera is con nect ed to the A C ada pte r .
3-5 3 P ower Chec ki n g Ba tt er y Sta tus Y ou can d etermi ne wheth er a bat tery needs ch ar ging by viewi ng the Bat tery Status icon on your ca mera ’ s Back LCD p ane l. (If t he came ra is us ing th e AC a dap ter , the Bat te ry ic on is not di splayed.
3-6 Battery Charger Y o u will need to c harge a batte ry b efore usin g it for th e firs t tim e, th en w henev er it i s lo w . If yo u pl an to us e y our ca mera wit hou t the AC a dapt er f or an extend ed per io d of t ime, it i s a good i dea to char ge one or more batt eries bef ore yo u begin .
3-7 3 P ower T o Char ge Ba tt er ie s 1 Remove t he batt ery from t he came ra (p age 3-3 ). 2 Plug t he cable f rom the AC adapt er for char g er int o the batt ery cha rg er jac k. 3 Se lect th e in te rna tio na l p ower cord t hat i s appr opria te for your area.
3-8 If you r batt ery c har ger doe s not f unc tion a s expec ted, ch eck th e foll owing: ✔ Be sure the wal l ada pter i s prop erly c onne cted. ✔ Be sure there are no fo reign object s lodg ed in th e pock ets. ✔ Be sure th e batt erie s are i nsert ed so t hat t hey proper ly mate wit h the connect or in the bo ttom of the poc ket.
3-9 3 P ower Cond itio ning From time to t ime you may need t o cond itio n (dis cha rg e) a b atter y . Y ou would on ly do so if a b atter y provi des a notic eably s horte r run t ime (l ess t han 50% of nor mal cap acity ). IMPOR T A NT : Don’ t condition your batteri es too ofte n or the y will wear out pr ematur ely .
3-10 Battery Conservation PowerSave Mod e PowerSav e mode mini mizes drain on your batte ry .If yo ur camer a is r unning on a bat tery , and you don’ t touc h it f or 30 minut es, it will enter Power Save mode (g o to slee p).
3-11 3 P ower Imag e Di spla y T imeo ut The Imag e Di splay can dr ain y our ba tter y consi derab ly . T o min imize the dr ain, t he I mage Displa y turn s of f if you have not pe rformed any camera activ itie s for 60 secon ds. ☛ The Image Dis play do es not tur n of f if the A C adapt er is connec te d.
3-12 AC Adapter An AC adapter is provi ded with you r camera (exc ept with the b ase camera kit). Use the AC adapt er when workin g indoo rs to l ess en dra in on the ba tter y . Y ou will al so want t o u se it whe n connec ted to a comput er to prevent loss of power if the batte ry shou ld los e its char ge.
3-13 3 P ower Conn ecti ng t he AC Ada pter ☛ The AC adapter wi ll NOT ch ar ge a ba tter y in th e ca mera. 1 Open the sma ll doo r on the si de of th e cam era. 2 Plug t he AC ada pter i nto the AC Adapte r conne ction . 3 Selec t the uni versal power cord that is app ropri ate f or y our ar ea.
INS ER T PHOT O HERE 4 PC Cards 4-1 Usin g PC Car ds 4 As you c aptur e images , they are st ored o n a PC Card (PCMCIA card) in your camera . Befor e capt uring imag es, you may want to prepa re your camera so that the images a re stor ed acc ordin g to yo ur needs.
4-2 Dual Slots for PC Cards Y our camer a has t w o PC Card sl ot s. W ith T ype II PC Ca rds , y ou c an use on e or b oth sl ot s. W ith T ype II I PC Car ds, onl y one sl ot can be used . The car d in the b ottom s lot i s referr ed to as CARD0, and th e card in the top sl ot is refe rred t o as CARD 1.
4-3 4 PC Cards Inser ting/Rem oving PC Cards It is not ne cessa ry to t ur n of f the camer a bef ore in serti ng or r emovi ng a ca rd. T o Inse rt or Remove a PC Ca r d 1 Check t he Card ic on on th e Back LCD panel . It bli nks when a card is busy .
4-4 3 T o in ser t: s lid e the P C Car d all of th e way into the lower s lo t and pr ess f irmly . ☛ A labe l insi de th e door indi cates the pr oper po siti on for t he car d. IMPOR T ANT : Befor e conti nuing, be su r e that the r e d warning l ight is not bli nki ng.
4-5 4 PC Cards T o re mov e: pr ess th e Ej ec t butt on and pu ll th e PC Card o ut. 4 Close the Batte ry/PC Card d oor . The Car d icon i s displa yed on the Ba ck L CD panel whe n ther e is a c ar d in the came ra.
4-6 Form atting a PC C ard As a pre cauti on agai nst f ormatt ing th e wrong c ard, t here c an only be o ne card in th e came ra when y ou for mat. F ormat the c ard us ing eithe r the quick f orm at or t he ful l for mat feat ure.
4-7 4 PC Cards 4 Remov e the i nacti ve car d, t hen sele ct Ret ry . If yo u remove the act ive c ard, the mes sa ge at t he lef t appe ars. 5 Re-in sert the car d in the proper slot , then s elect Retr y . A conf irmati on scr een appe ars. 6 Selec t Y es or No.
4-8 Select ing a PC Card or Folder Imag es are stor ed on th e PC Ca rd in f older s. T here i s alway s at l east o ne e mpty folde r on the ca rd. Whe n you store an im age in a n empty fo ld er , a new em pty fol der i s autom ati cally creat ed. The n ew f older is called Fo lde rX, wi th X bei ng the nex t num ber ava ilabl e.
5 Saving Files 5-1 Saving Files 5 JPEG an d TIF F Fi le Pr ocessing The DCS 52 0 ca me ra supp ort s backgro und i mage proces si ng t ha t produ ces JPEG o r TIFF RGB files that can be op ene d direct ly by an y ima ge editi ng soft ware. Th is fe ature is not curr entl y avail able on the DCS 5 60 c amera.
5-2 Processing Images 1 Sel ect th e Men u ico n, the n choos e Main M enu from the dropd own menu. Ref er to “Nav igat ion T echniq ues” on page 2 -1 1. 2 Selec t Processi ng from the Main menu. The P roc essing me nu appears . If two PC Car ds ar e inser ted, the acti ve car d is indicat ed, for exampl e, All on CARD1.
5-3 5 Saving Files When y ou enabl e Proc es sing, c ertai n cond ition s ma y exis t whi ch wil l cau se other scree ns to appe ar , as sh own in t he tabl e bel ow . Conditi on Screen Y our Action There is no PC Card in the came ra. Click OK and inser t a PC Card.
5-4 Y our pro ces si ng se tt in gs a re s et to dele te the origi nal TI FF im age when you proces s files . Refer to “Changi ng Pro cessi ng Sett ings” on pag e 5-5. If you cl ick OK, a secon d co nfirma tion scre en appe ars . If yo u click Ca ncel, Proce ssing is n ot start ed.
5-5 5 Saving Files Cha ngi ng Processin g Settings There a re sev eral p roces sing s etti ngs tha t you c an chang e. Th e sett ings a re app lied t o imag es as t hey ar e proce ssed. 1 Se lect C hang e Se ttin gs fro m th e Proce ssing me nu. The Pro cessi ng Sett ings me nu appear s wi th th e curr ent va lues shown i n paren these s.
5-6 * The Sha rpeni ng Level sett ing in the Pr oce ssing menu det ermines whether shar pening is appli ed when i mage s are p rocess ed on t he camer a. The Sh arp ening p ropert y in t he Proper ties menu d etermi nes whethe r shar pen ing is appli ed by t he DCS Ho st softwa re.
5-7 5 Saving Files W ork ing with TI FF Custom File s on yo ur Compute r If you don’ t pro ces s image s on your camera , you need t o use o ne of t he fol lowing softwa re applicatio ns to work wi th the TI FF Custom files . (The TIFF Cus tom file format is propri etar y to K odak.
5-8 IP TC Data Management This f eature a llows i nclus ion of Internat ional Press T eleco mmunicat ion Counc il ( IP TC) data as pa rt of t he im age he ader . Y ou en te r the I P TC dat a on you r comput er u si ng the DCS Acquir e Module o r DCS TW AIN Data Sou rce (v ersio n 5.
5-9 5 Saving Files Loadi ng IP T C Data from a PC Card 1 W ith the IP TC Da ta sc reen displ ayed ( page 5- 8), cho ose Load fr om Card. The Load IPTC Data scr een appear s with a list of the I PTC file s on th e ac ti ve PC Card. (I f only o ne ca r d is in th e ca mera, the c ar d choi ces do not app ear .
INS ER T PHOT O HERE 6 Configuring 6-1 Config uring Y our Camera 6 This secti on desc ribes how t o chan ge vari ous ca mera setting s su ch as th e ISO a nd Drive modes, a llowi ng you t o preci sely confi gure t he camer a for s pecif ic sh ooting situa tions .
6-2 Dioptric Adjustment of t he V iewfinder The vie wfinde r ha s a bui lt-in d iop tric adjustment mech anism that let s you adj ust t he eyesi ght cor rect ion to achie ve a sha rp vie wfinde r im age. Thi s all ows near -sighte d or fa r- sight ed user s to c aptur e images withou t we aring glass es.
6-3 6 Configuring Custom Functions A set of cu stom fun cti on s is pro vi ded t o l et y ou tail or th e came ra’ s functi ons acc ord ing to your person al pre ferences and sh ooting style . Full descr iptio ns of e ach cus tom functi on are provided later in this cha pte r .
6-4 4 While t he custo m functi on numb er is displ ayed, pr ess t he CF butt on to c hange t he set ting. The numbe r c hanges each t ime the Cu stom Functi on butt on is pres sed. Dots a r e d ispla yed bel ow the expos ur e scale to in dica te opti onal cu stom fu nctio n sett ings t hat ha ve b een se lecte d.
6-5 6 Configuring Reset ti ng In divid ual Cust o m Func ti ons Resetting All Custom Functions At Once Y ou can res et al l cust om funct ions to the ir def ault (0).
6-6 Custo m Funct ion Ch art Ty p e Cus tom Function No. Af fect ed Funct ion T op L CD Panel Display Setting No. Beeping on/off F-3 Beeping whe n in focus 0 1 Focus F-4 AF Operation metho d 0 1 F-4 A.
6-7 6 Configuring Oper ation Usefu l Situati ons No be e p ing when subje ct is in focus. Bee ps wh en th e su bje ct is in f ocu s. Set t o suit yo ur shootin g style a nd the envir onment. Au tofocus starts w hen the Shutter button is press ed. Exposure is l ocked when AE Lock button (T) i s pressed.
6-8 Ty p e Cus tom Function No. Af fect ed Funct ion T op L CD Panel Display Setting No. Exposure F-5 Shutt er speed an d aperture v alue sett ing metho d in Manual Ex posure mode 0 1 F-6 E V st ep s .
6-9 6 Configuring Oper ation Usefu l Situati ons Shut ter speed is set by the Main di al. Apertu re value is set by Quick C ontrol dial or b y combined op eration of the Exposur e Com pensati on button ( ) and Main dia l. Apertu re value is set by the Main dial.
6-10 Ty p e Cus tom Function No. Af fect ed Funct ion T op L CD Panel Display Setting No. Fo cus F- 7 Ma nu al fo cus ing wit h th e el ectr oni c manu al focusin g ring 0 1 3 2 1 1 2 3 0 3 2 1 1 2 3 .
6-1 1 6 Configuring Oper ation Usefu l Situati ons Man ual focusing i s possible . • This functio n wor ks only with len ses equip ped with an el ectronic manual focusing ri ng. Man ual focusing i s prohibit ed. • Manu al focu si ng by setting the L ens’ Focu s Mode switch t o “ M ” is po s si bl e.
6-12 Ty p e Cus tom Function No. Af fect ed Funct ion T op L CD Panel Display Setting No. Exposure F-8 Center -weighted avera ge meteri ng 0 1 F-9 AEB (A uto Exposure B racketing) exposur e sequence 0.
6-1 3 6 Configuring Oper ation Usefu l Situati ons Ev aluative m etering Ce nte r-wei ght ed av era ge m ete ring . • The T o p LCD panel still shows the e valuative metering indication . Setti ng this f u nction to ce nter-weight ed aver age meter ing provid es you with a predic table meteri ng pattern for determ ining expos ure.
6-14 Ty p e Cus tom Function No. Af fect ed Funct ion T op L CD Panel Display Setting No. Focus F-10 Elimi nation of AF frame disp lay 0 1 F-1 1 Focusin g point selecti on 0 1 2 Mirro r opera tion F-1.
6-1 5 6 Configuring Oper ation Usefu l Situati ons Focusi ng point superimpos e d ( red) Super impose is proh ibited Y ou mig ht use this option if you are anno yed by the AF frame illu mination in the vie wfinder, or if you frequently u se ma nual focusi ng to adjus t the fina l focus.
6-16 Ty p e Cus tom Function No. Af fect ed Funct ion T op L CD Panel Display Setting No. Exposure F-13 Spot me tering at the AF frame 0 1 Flas h F-14 Fill - in f lash contr ol 0 1 3 2 1 1 2 3 0 3 2 1.
6-1 7 6 Configuring Oper ation Usefu l Situati ons Fin e spot mete ring in ce nter of im age area . Spot meterin g linked to the man ually selecte d focusing point. • In automatic focusin g point selection mode, spot metering is car ried out for the c enter foc us ing p oi nt onl y .
6-18 Combined Use of Cu stom Func tions F-5 and F-1 1 When c ustom f unctio ns F-5 a nd F-1 1 are co mbine d, shut ter s pee d and ape rtur e value sett ings a re carri ed out as shown in the fo llowin g tabl e. Custom Functi on No. F-5 Selec tion No.
6-1 9 6 Configuring Resetting the Camera to Its Initia l Settings Resetti ng Al l Ca mera Func ti on s Reset a ll of the ca mera ’ s funct ions (excep t for the cus tom fun ct ion s) to their def aul t setti ngs by ope ni ng t he palm door and pr essin g the Cl ear butto n.
6-20 Resett ing All Cust om Func tions Reset all o f the cus tom func tions to the ir init ial s etting s by p res si ng the Custom F unctio n (CF) b utton befor e pres sing t he Cle ar but ton.
6-2 1 6 Configuring Came ra Prope rt i es Y ou can set the f ollowi ng camer a prope rtie s usin g camera con trols: Disp lay Of f t ime, Power Save ti me, Enable Sha rpeni ng, Dropd own Menu Lag T ime, Use FOLDER01,and Resol ution . Y ou can al so spe cify Cu stom Func tions sett ings.
6-22 5 T o hig hl igh t a di ffer e nt nu mb e r , pres s and ho ld t he DISP /MENU butt on. A hori zontal arr ow a ppears at the b ottom of t he scr een. 6 While c ontin uin g to pr ess t he DISP/MENU butt on, rotate t he Quick Cont rol dial to hi ghlight a dif ferent number .
6-2 3 6 Configuring Enab ling Sharpe ning Som e DCS 520 an d 560 cameras are e quippe d with a n anti alia sing f ilte r , an o ptica l f ilter tha t is mo unte d insi de the came ra in front of the el ectr onic ima ger .
6-24 Setting File Resoluti on Y ou ca n sp ecify a fil e reso luti on to be saved in t he hea der of subseq uent ly ca ptured images. This prope rty do es not aff ect i mage pro cessi ng in t he cam era, t he DC S Acquir e Module, or the DCS TW AIN Data Sourc e.
6-2 5 6 Configuring Setting Pow ersave T ime Y ou can chan ge th e Power Save ti me usi ng the s ame proc edure d escri bed fo r chang ing Display Of f time. Refer to “P owerSave Mode” on page 3 -10. Dete rmin ing T otal Ac tuat ions Y ou can det ermine the numbe r of i mages ca pture d by your camera from th e time o f its manuf actur e.
6-26 Se tt in g the D rop down M en u Lag Time The defa ult del ay betwe en the t ime a Menu bar icon is highlig hte d and it s dropdown menu appear s is 7 50 mi llis econds. Y ou can cha nge this time us ing the Pr opert ies menu . Custo m Funct ions Y ou ca n speci fy set tings f or Cust om Functi ons 3 t o 14.
INS ER T PHOT O HERE 7 Quick Star t 7-1 Quic k Start 7 This cha pter i s int ended a s a quick r efer ence. M uch of the in for mation in thi s ch apte r is cover ed in mo re det ai l in other chapt er s. ☛ Th e info rmat ion in this cha pter i s als o a vaila ble in th e Qui ck Star t G uide.
7-2 3 Open th e Batt ery/PC Ca rd door . 4 Inse rt the batte ry into the ba ttery slot . ☛ When worki ng indoor s, conse rve you r batt ery an d power y our came ra usi ng the AC ad apter that is provid ed with y our cam era. 5 Inse rt a PC Ca rd int o the lowe r card slot.
7-3 7 Qui c k St a r t 6 Close the Batte ry/PC Card d oor . 7 At ta ch y ou r le ns to the len s mount by align ing th e red d ots on the lens a nd camer a body , and ro ta ting th e len s cloc kwise un til it lo cks in pla ce wit h a clic k. 8 T urn on the ca mera by setti ng the M ain sw itch to ( A ).
7-4 12 Sel ect a dri v e mo d e (si ngl e or conti nuous) or a self- timer mode (2-s econd de lay or 10-se con d dela y) by pres sing t he Dr ive butt on then turni ng the Main dial .
7-5 7 Qui c k St a r t The AC Adapter When worki ng indo ors, co nserve your ba tter y and powe r your camera b y usin g the AC adapte r that is pro vid ed wi th yo ur c amer a (e xce pt wi th the bas e came ra k it ). Re fer to “ AC Adapter” o n page 3- 12.
7-6 Optional Settings Before Y ou Start Se tt in g the D at e and Time 1 Sel ect th e Men u ico n, the n choos e Main M enu from the dropd own menu. Ref er to “Nav igat ion T echniq ues” on page 2 -1 1. 2 Sel ect D ate/Tim e fro m th e Ma in menu.
7-7 7 Qui c k St a r t Settin g Wh ite Bala nce There a re two wa ys to s et white balanc e: pre set ( which pr ovides prese t setti ngs) a nd custom ( which y ou ba se on a speci fic ima ge). Refer to “W hite Balance ” on pag e 8-1. Sel ectin g a PC Ca rd o r F older Images a re store d on th e PC Card i n fol ders.
7-8 W i th one PC Card , th is dropd own menu appear s with a • disp layed n ext to th e curr ently acti ve fol der . W ith two P C Car ds, th i s dropd own menu appear s with a • disp layed n ext to th e curr ently acti ve car d and t he c urren tly acti ve fol der on th at car d.
7-9 7 Qui c k St a r t Capturing Images 1 Look th rough t he v iewfi nder eyepi ece and fr ame the scene withi n the i nner r ecta ngle of the Focusi ng Scre en. ☛ The focu sing sc ree n provid es a view of the scene matchi ng the size of the ima ge that will be recor ded on t he imager .
7-10 Reviewing Image s on Y our Camera Y ou ca n displ ay one, fou r or nine camer a image s on th e Ima ge Disp lay . 1 Selec t the D ispla y icon. Refer t o “Nav igat ion T echniq ues” on page 2 -1 1. The Dis play me nu appear s. 2 Select S ingle, Four , or Nine Image Re view mode .
7-1 1 7 Qui c k St a r t Setti ng Disp lay Co ntr ast 1 Se lect th e Con tra st ic on. R e fer to “Nav ig ation T echniqu es” on page 2- 1 1. A gr ay scal e bar i s dis played at the s ide of the i mage and a slid er is disp laye d acr oss the top.
7-12 Setting Display Options Y ou ca n view ar eas of overe xposur e, an exp osur e his togra m, and inf orma tion a bout t he sel ect ed im age. 1 Sel ect th e Men u ico n, the n choos e Main M enu from the dropd own menu. Ref er to “Nav igat ion T echniq ues” on page 2 -1 1.
7-1 3 7 Qui c k St a r t T agging I mages Y ou can tag i mages to be i denti fied for pr ocess ing or NOT to be de lete d. I mages reta in their tags when acqu ired u sing t he DCS Host soft ware where yo u can s elect tagge d or untagged i mages and pe rform a var iety of o perations.
7-14 Deleting Images Dele t ing a Sing le Image 1 Press a nd h old th e DI SP/MENU butt on and t he SELECT but ton at th e sam e tim e. If th e Image Disp lay is off, it turn s on. The Del ete I mage scr een appear s sho wing the cu rr ent ima ge. 2 Release the DISP/MENU butt on.
7-1 5 7 Qui c k St a r t Delet ing More Than One Image Delete all i mage s on th e PC Card, all i mages in a f older , all untagg ed image s on th e PC Card, or al l unta gged i mages in a f old er . 1 T ag any image s tha t you DO NOT want to delete.
7-16 Associating a Sound Fi le wit h an Image Y ou ca n recor d sound file s for your images , then p lay bac k the s ound fi les u sing t he DCS Host so ftware (if your co mpute r has a sound b oard). 3 Speak i nto the mi cropho ne while conti nuing t o pres s the RECORD/T AG button.
7-1 7 7 Qui c k St a r t Y ou can not rec ord sou nds a nd the Mi crophon e icon wi ll not be dis playe d in the Back LCD panel under t he f ollo wing ci rcums tance s: ✔ No ima ge in t he cur ren t fol der ✔ Y ou are using the Host software i n T est Shot mode.
INS ER T PHOT O HERE 8 Exposure 8-1 Contr o lling Exposur e and C olor Balance 8 This secti on desc ribes th e func tions availabl e for contr ollin g expos ure in your camera . Whi te Bala nc e When you sel ect a white b alanc e opti on, you i denti fy the type o f ligh ting u sed to cap ture image s.
8-2 T o de ter mine the c u rren t whi t e bala nce sett ing, check th e White Balan ce ico ns on t he Back LCD panel . The ic ons r eflect the c urr ent sett ing.
8-3 8 Exposure Se le c ting a Whi t e Bala nc e Sett in g 1 Press and hol d the W .BAL butt on and r otate the Qui ck Contro l dia l to highl ight the desir ed Wh ite Balan ce ico n on the Ba ck LCD Panel . 2 Press and re le ase th e DIS P/ MENU button to re turn t o the Main menu.
8-4 Using Cu sto m White Ba la nce W ith the cus tom optio n, you can sa ve White Bal ance se tt ings, r euse the m, and delet e them when they are no longer needed. Thi s met hod prov ides t he best po ssibl e color balanc e, but it r equire s a bi t mor e prep arati on tha n th e Pres et mode.
8-5 8 Exposure If t he sel ected folde r co ntain s imag es, th is sc ree n appea rs, show ing th e curr ently selec te d im age. 2 Press and hol d the S ELECT butt on and r otate the Qui ck Contro l dia l to s elect your choic e: OK — The White Balance values from t he s elect ed imag e are saved using t he same name as the imag e.
8-6 Selec ting Whi te Bal ance Se ttin gs W ith t he White Balanc e Sett ings men u displaye d (pag e 8-5), cho ose one of the followin g: Image #n nnn: The Whit e Balan ce val ues fr om the s elect ed image are ap plied to images that y ou capt ure.
8-7 8 Exposure Loading Whit e Balan ce Set tings Once you h ave sav ed White Balanc e sett ings to a PC Car d, loa d them i nto your camera . There a re a f ew rule s to r emember when you do so. I f you s hould f org et any of the rules , an appr opria te err or m essage appear s, as s hown in t he table below .
8-8 1 W ith the W hite B ala n ce Set ting menu di splaye d (page 8-5), choos e Load f rom Card. The Loa d W hi te Bal anc e S ett i ng scr een appea rs wit h a lis t of t he Whi te Bal ance se tting s on the acti ve PC Car d. (If only on e car d is in t he came ra, t he car d choic es do no t appea r .
8-9 8 Exposure Saving White Ba lance S etti ngs using y our Camer a Y ou c an sa ve t he cur re nt cam er a-g ene rat ed Whi te Ba lance s ett i ngs, t h en a ppl y th e set ti ngs to subs equent ly captur ed imag es.
8-10 Setting the ISO Y ou ca n se t the ISO on th e ca mera w ithi n the r ange of : DCS 520: 2 00-1600 DCS 560: 8 0 - 200 ☛ In sel ecti ng an ex posure sett ing, beg in wit h lower exposur e inde x sett ings; rese rve the us e of hi gher s peeds f or si tuati ons re quiri ng the ir use .
8-11 8 Exposure Selecting the Shooting Mode Y our c amera provi des th e foll owing s hooting mode s: ✔ Progra m AE ✔ Shutte r- prior ity AE ✔ Ap e rtu re -pri ority AE ✔ Depth-of- Field AE ✔ Manual ex pos ure ✔ Bulb exp osure.
8-12 ☛ If th e In -f ocu s indi cat or blin ks, the aut ofocu s syst em cannot focus the s ubject and the Shutt er will not release . Refer to t he se ction on Ma nual Focusi ng in Ch apter 8 for ins truct ions o n how to foc us the s ubject man ually .
8-13 8 Exposure Pr ogram S hift Func tion When capt uring images i n Progr am AE mode, yo u can “s hift the pr ogram” to c hange t he set sh utter speed and apert ure val ue com bina tion whi le m ainta ining th e same ex pos ure.
8-14 Shutt e r-priority AE [T v] In thi s mo de, you s et the sh utter speed and the came ra aut omat icall y set s the a pertu re accor ding t o the l ighti ng cond ition s. 1 Press and hol d the Shooting Mode Selector butto n an d turn the Ma in dial unt il “Tv” appe ars in th e T o p LCD p ane l.
8-15 8 Exposure Ti p s ✔ When t he num ber fo r the maxi mum aper ture of the le ns bli nks in the di splay , the imag e will be unde rexpos ed. T urn the Main dial t o a slower shutt er sp eed so t he apert ure displ ay st ops bli nki ng.
8-16 Shutt er Spee d Displ ay Shutt er s pee ds a re no rma ll y se t i n 1/ 3-s to p in cre ment s. Fr om 800 0 to 4, th e sh utter spe eds are di splay ed as t he rec iprocal of the actua l time values . For ex ample, 12 5 on the displ ay indic ates a sh utter speed of 1/1 25 secon ds.
8-17 8 Exposure Aper ture-p riority AE [ A v] In thi s mod e, you se t the ape rtur e and th e c amera au toma tical ly se ts the sh utter speed accord ing to the l ighti ng condi tion s. 1 Press and hol d the S hootin g Mode Selector butto n and turn the Ma in dial until “A v” appears in t he T op LC D pa nel .
8-18 ☛ When t he camer a is h and -held, camer a shak e may produce an unsh ar p pict ure if the shutt er spe ed is slower than 1/fo cal lengt h of t he len s in us e. 4 Press the Shut ter b utton h alfway to f ocus t he subjec t and confi rm the e xposur e.
8-19 8 Exposure Ti p s ✔ When a shu tter speed o f 30” bl inks, the ima ge will be unde rexpos ed. T urn the Main dial t o set a lar ger apert ure ( smalle r a pertur e num ber) s o the s hutte r spee d stops bli nki ng. ✔ When a shu tter speed o f 8000 bl inks, the i mage will be ove rexpos ed.
8-20 (pa ge 6-6) In ad ditio n to 1/3- stop i ncrement s, aper ture v alues can also be input in 1-st op or 1/ 2-st op incr ements . In thes e case s, a vaila ble ape rtu re val ues are a s foll ows: 1-st op incr ements 1.0 1.4 2. 0 2.8 4.0 5.6 8.0 1 1 16 22 32 45 64 91 1/2- stop i ncre ments 1.
8-21 8 Exposure Depth-o f-Fi eld AE [DEP] This mode place s ever ything betwee n two poi nts, on e in the f oregr ound and one in the backgr ound wit hin th e zo ne of f ocus, e ff ectiv e for ma king su re everyo ne in a lar ge gro up pictu re or e veryt hing i n a landsc ape phot o is r ender ed shar p.
8-22 3 T ur n the M ain d ial t o se lect the desi red fo cusing point . The focu si ng poi nt s ar e selec ted in the fol lowing order: (1) autom ati c focu s ing poi nt sele ction (a ll fi ve foc us.
8-23 8 Exposure 5 Press and hol d the S hootin g Mode Selector butto n and turn the M ain d ial un til “ DEP ” appear s in t he T op LCD panel . 6 Relea se the Shooting M ode Selec tor butt on. 7 Place the sele cted f ocusing p oint on the neare st poi nt you want in focus (poin t 1), t hen pre ss th e Shutt er button halfwa y .
8-24 Using A utoma tic F ocusi ng Poin t S elect ion M ode In aut omat ic f ocusi ng poin t selec tion mode, use th e cent er f ocus ing po int t o design ate t he near a nd far focus poi nts. Ot herw ise, t he b asic p rocedu re is the sa me as for manu al Focusi ng Point Sele ction mode.
8-25 8 Exposure W arning Ind ica ti ons ✔ If th e aper ture v alue bl inks, the desired depth o f fie ld cann ot be o bta ined. Us e a wide-a ngle l ens or move far ther f rom the su bject and re peat s teps 4 throug h 6 on the pr ecedi ng pages .
8-26 Manu al Exposur e [M] This mode lets you set both the shu tter spe ed and a pertu re. Use this mod e when you need complet e cont rol of exposu re for crea tive e ff ects or when u sing a hand -held exposur e meter . The Ma in dia l set s the s hutte r spee d an d the Qui ck Control di al se ts the ap ertur e.
8-27 8 Exposure 5 Press the Shut ter bu tton ha lfway to foc us the subj ect. “ M” and the exposu re v alues are dis played in the vi ewfin der . The Exposur e Le vel i ndica tor at the r igh t of the viewf inder shows how f ar the curr ent exp osu re set ting is fr om the e xposure value metere d by the came ra.
8-28 Bul b Expo su re [b uL b ] The shut ter stays open fo r as long a s you pr ess t he Shut ter bu tton. By connect ing t he optio nal Remote Switch RS-8 0N3 to the ca mera ’ s remote con trol s ocket, yo u can keep th e shutt er ope n withou t hold ing th e Shu tter but ton pr essed.
8-29 8 Exposure In Bulb Exposur e mode, th e T op LCD panel ’ s frame c ounter display counts the el apsed time f rom when the s hutte r was r eleas ed, sta rting ove r ever y 30 se conds. One bar ( ) appe ar s on the dis play af t er e ver y 30 s eco nds , al lowi ng t ime me asu re me nt u p to 120 sec onds usi ng al l thr ee bars .
8-30 Selecting the Meteri ng Mode Three met er in g modes are avail abl e: Eval uat ive m et er ing ( ), Par ti al me te ri ng( ) and Fine Sp ot me teri ng ( ). (Cente r W eighted A verag e meter ing as well as Spo t meter ing linke d to t he focu sing po ints can als o be se t with th e corr espondi ng cust om funct ion.
8-31 8 Exposure Evalu ative Mete ri ng Us e E va l u ativ e met eri ng ( ) for gener al sub jects and backl it sc enes. By divi ding t he vie wfinder into 12 me te rin g z ones link e d wi th the fi v.
8-32 Pa rt ial Me terin g Part ial m eter ing ( ) l imi ts the meter ing ar ea to the center of t he viewf inder (a ppro ximately 2 3% of the ima ge ar ea f o r t he DCS 520 and 15% for th e DCS 560). Select this mode when the su bject is bac klit or near a str ong light source .
8-33 8 Exposure Fine S pot M etering ☛ In One- shot AF mod e, the e xposur e sett ing i s locked du ring Co ntinuo us S hootin g mode, but the AE l ock ind icato r does not li ght i n the vi ewfinder .
8-34 AE Lock Y our c amer a’ s evalua tive me te ring s ystem i s coupl ed to t he five f ocusi ng poin ts . It contr ols t he expos ure ac cordi ng to t he subj ect’ s posi tion , based o n the f ocusi ng point in use. If you wan t to det er mi ne t he e xpos ure ind epen den tl y fr om the foc usi ng ope ra ti on, us e AE lock.
8-35 8 Exposure AE Lock is au tomatically acti vated upon fo cus completi on when the ca mera is se t f or evalu ative meteri ng and One Shot AF . In this case, t he ( ✳ ) indi cator is not di splaye d in t he viewf ind er .
8-36 When usi ng One-s hot AF to gether with Ev aluativ e meter ing, th e expos ure re ading is automat ical ly loc ked when you pres s the Shutte r butt on hal fway . When us ing One-s hot AF togethe r with Fin e Spot or Par tial mete ring, t he exposu re sett ing is lo cked onl y duri ng Conti nuous Shootin g mode.
8-37 8 Exposure Expo su re Comp ens ati o n When capt uring images i n an AE s hootin g mode, you can compe nsate the exp osu re accord ing to the su bje ct con diti ons eit her by using the Qui ck Contr ol di al whil e look ing throug h the v iewfinder or by u sing t he Expos ure Compe nsati on butt on and t he Main dial.
8-38 (1) i ndica te s corr ect e xposure . (2) i ndica tes mor e than 3 stop s overe xposur e. (3) i ndica tes mo re than 3 stop s un derexpo sure. The ex posur e leve l ind i c ator and expos ur e co.
8-39 8 Exposure If Cust om functi on F-6 i s used to set the e xposure compensa tion amount i n 1/2-sto p or 1/3-s top i ncrement s, th e Exposu re Level indic ators in t he vi ewfinde r dis play a nd in th e top LCD panel appear as shown below .
8-40 Au to E xp o s u re Br a c ke ti ng [A EB ] Use aut o expos ure bra cketi ng to t ake a sequ ence of pict ures a t dif feren t expos ures. W hen this funct ion is set, t he camer a aut omatica lly t akes t hree e xposur es in s equenc e while shifti ng the e xposur e for each ima ge.
8-41 8 Exposure 1 Open th e Palm doo r and simul tan eously press the unlab eled bu tton a nd the Dri ve Mode Select or button. AEB appea rs in t he T op LCD panel. The di splay r emains fo r six secon ds aft er you r elease the butt ons 2 Turn the Main dial to set th e desir ed bra cketi ng am ount.
8-42 3 When you pre ss the Shutte r butt on h al fway and t hen remo ve your f inger , the bracke ting amount is dis playe d by the viewf ind er’ s Exposure Level indi cator .
8-43 8 Exposure By setti ng ex pos ure compens at io n aft er set ting th e auto exp osur e br ack eting step am ount , you can take t hree s equent ial ov erexpo sed or unde rexpos ed shot s whil e varyi ng the compensa tion f or eac h shot . The bra cketi ng step amou nt is not cha nged eve n when shift ing th e standar d (m etere d) expo sure.
8-44 Using Flash There a re sev eral ways to use electro nic flas h with t he DCS 500 Series camera . The bes t way for you wil l depen d on your appli cation.
8-45 8 Exposure Most of the se uni ts fea ture a bu ilt- in AF aux il iary light funct ion th at ass ists autof ocu s operatio n in da rk situa tions. ✔ The 540EZ’ s AF au xiliary light is de signed to work with al l five o f the focus points . Other Speedl ites’ AF auxil iary lights wor k only with t he cent er foc using point.
8-46 How to us e EX-ser ies Sp eedli tes f or ful ly aut omatic E-TTL f lash ph otogra phy wit h the DCS 500 Ser ies camera 1 T ur n On the c amer a’ s Main switch , th en tur n on the flas h.
8-47 8 Exposure Using Fl ash Expo sur e Lock (FE Lo ck) wit h an EX- serie s Speedl ite 1 T urn on the camera’ s Ma in sw itc h, then turn on th e flas h. 2 V erify t hat th e fla sh read y ligh t is i lluminat ed in r ed (i ndica ting a full char ge).
8-48 5 Aim the F E Lock focusi ng poi nt w here yo u want t o obtai n the correc t fl ash exp osure readi ng, the n press the FE Lock but ton. FEL a ppears brief ly in the da ta di splay under the pi ctur e area , and the fo cusing point li nked t o the FE Lock flash es in r ed.
8-49 8 Exposure If yo u wish to l ink FE Lock t o any focus ing po int o ther than the c entra l one, you mus t selec t the focusi ng poi nt manual ly whi le Cust om Functi on F-13 is se t to 1 . If Cust om Funct ion No. F-4 ( AF acti vatio n method a nd AE loc k butt on oper ation) is set t o 1 or 2, FE Lock cannot be use d.
8-50 Using FP Flash Mode with EX- seri es Spee dlit es 1 T ur n on the camera’ s M ain swi tch, then turn o n th e fla sh. 2 Make su re the f lash is set for F P Flash, (Pl ease r efer to the Speedl ite i nstr uctio n book for de tail s) and ver ify t hat t he fla sh rea dy lig ht is il lumina ted in re d (indi cati ng a fu ll char ge).
8-51 8 Exposure What is TTL? TTL (Thro ugh-The- Lens) is th e stan dard flash ex pos ure con trol mode for Speedl ites 480EG , 200E, 160E a nd Macro Ri ng Lit e ML-3 when used with the DCS 500 S eries camera.
8-52 Suita bili ty of A -TTL and T TL fo r the DCS 500 Ser ies ca mera The A-TTL a nd TTL fl ash sys tems wer e ori ginal ly designe d for film ca meras.
8-53 8 Exposure Here’ s some a dditiona l backg round a s to whi ch expos ure mode is bes t acc ording to the situa ti on at hand : P (Pr ogram AE): W ith the c amera se t for fu lly au toma tic op erati on, th e ca mera and Speedl ite wor k toget her whil e you con cen trat e on pictur e-tak ing .
8-54 Flash Exp osure Com p ensa tion Flash exp osure compensa tion adjust s the level of il luminati on p rovided by the fl ash, and is there fore an im portan t metho d of cr eativ e cont rol fo r all kinds of fl ash phot ograp hy .
8-55 8 Exposure 2 Press and hol d the Met erin g Mode selec tor / Fla sh Ex posure Compensa tion bu tton a nd tur n the Quic k Con t r ol di a l to s et the desir ed compe nsati on am ount. The fl ash ex posur e compens ati on amount is displ ayed in t he T op LCD panel ’ s exp osur e compe nsati on displ ay .
8-56 Setting Fla sh Exposur e Compensat ion wi th the Speedl ite Pleas e refe r to the 540EZ or 430EZ ins truct ion boo k for d etail s. In t his c ase, the f lash exposur e compen sati on amount is displ ayed on the Spe edlit e’ s LCD panel.
8-57 8 Exposure Automati c Flas h Exposu r e Reducti on The DCS 500 S eries camera has a bu ilt- in progra m that automat icall y cont rols flash exposur e com pensat ion ba sed on the level of am bient light .
8-58 In gene ra l, man ual fl as h ex posu re is an e xce ll ent cho ic e in si tu at ion s whe re t h e spe edl it e’ s posit ion re lati ve to t he sub ject is fixed, for ex ample i n cert ain ki nds of portr aitur e. The best c amera e xposure modes f or use with manu al flash are ap ertur e-pri orit y and man ual.
INS ER T PHOT O HERE 9 Focusing 9-1 Focusing 9 This ca mera ’ s wide-z one autofo cus system l ets y ou f reely selec t fr om five f ocusi ng point s, al lowing y ou to keep th e scene compo sed whil e concent rati ng on t he subj ect. Se t th e came r a's Main switc h to ( A ).
9-2 Sele cti ng the A F Mod e T wo ty pes of a utofo cus are av ailab le: On e-s hot AF an d AI S ervo A F . Select the mod e most appr opri ate fo r the subjec t a nd shootin g si tuatio n.
9-3 9 Focusing ☛ The s hut ter wi ll not re le ase i f t he i n- foc us ind ica to r i s b li nki ng. T ry ref ocus ing on an alt ernat e subj ect wi th higher contr ast at appro xima tely t he sam e di stance , or use ma nual f ocusin g. (R efer t o the secti on on “Dif fi cult Su bject s for Auto focus” late r in this chap ter) .
9-4 Pr edic tive F ocus Contr o l Predic ti ve f ocus cont in uous ly measur es the di st anc e and spee d of a su bje ct tha t is movin g at a r elati vely c onsta nt vel ocity , and t hen pr edict s the s ubjec t posi tion s o that the s ubject will be sharp ly foc used at the i nstan t of e xposure .
9-5 9 Focusing Se le cti ng the Fi ve Focu sin g Points Y our came ra in corpor ates a high- preci sion AF s ensor calle d Multi -BASIS (Mul ti Bas e- S tor ed I mage Sens or) , equ ipp ed wi th f iv e focusi ng poin ts for wide autofo cus ing cove ra ge.
9-6 Automati c Focus ing Poi nt Sel ecti on Mode The cam er a au tom a ti cal ly se lec ts an ind ivi dua l f ocu si ng po int af t er e val ua ti ng a ll 5 po ints simu ltane ously . In One-s hot AF mode , the s ystem us ually gi ves pri ority t o the c loses t rel iable su bje ct.
9-7 9 Focusing Focus Lock Whe n you want to com pose a scene with t he ma in subj ect p ositi oned ou t of t he zone cove red by t he fi ve focu sing p oin ts, fol low th e proce dure b elow to firs t lock the f ocus on the subjec t bef ore compo sing t he sce ne and c apturi ng the ima ge.
9-8 Difficult Subjects for Autofocus This ca mera ’ s autof ocus sy stem can quickl y focu s mos t subj ects with th e high- preci sion Multi- BASIS ( Bas e-S tored Image Sensor ) AF sensor equipp ed wi th fi ve foc using p oin ts as shown below . However , the sys tem may ha ve dif ficulty fo cusing the s ubject s liste d below .
9-9 9 Focusing Focus th ese di ff icult subj ects a s foll ows : Lo w -ligh t sit uatio n Subjec ts wit h objec ts in front of th em 1 M ak e th e f oll owin g adjust m ent s, as need ed.
9-10 Ma nual Focusing Use man ual fo cusing when the su bje ct is dif fic ult t o focus with the c amera’ s auto focus system, or wh en yo u need t o cont rol t he focu s fo r alt ernat ive f ocus ef fects. 1 Set th e lens’ Focu s Mode sw itch to ( M ).
9-11 9 Focusing Full-time Manual Focusing with USM Lenses USM ( Ultra soni c Motor ) lens es ar e eq uipped with a f ul l-tim e manu al fo cusing funct ion tha t let s you m anual ly adj ust t he focu s af ter a utofo cusing is complet ed to achiev e t he desire d eff ect.
9-12 Anti-aliasing Filter: Effect on Focus The anti -ali asin g fil ter ca use s the dista nce ind ic ator o n your l ens t o sh ow that an ob ject is closer than it act uall y is. Th is is parti cular ly tr ue when you use a wide an gle le ns. It al so sligh tly incr eases the mini mum dist ance at which you can foc us.
INS ER T PHOT O HERE 10 Capturing 10-1 Capturin g Im ages 10 This secti on d escri bes th e step s invo lve d with c aptur ing an image . 1 Se t the c amer a’ s Ma in s witch to ( A ). 2 Look thr ough th e viewf inder eyepie ce and f ra me the s cene within the inner rect angle of the focusi ng scr een.
10-2 Shutter Button Operation and Autofocus The Shutt er bu tt on ha s a two s tep cons truct io n. Pre ss ha lf way ( to t he fi rs t s tep) to activa te focusi ng and meter ing, and press compl etel y (to the se cond step ) to rele ase the shu tter and make the exposur e.
10-3 1 0 Capturing Pressi ng th e Shutter Bu tt on C omplet ely If th e cam era moves at t he in stan t the Shutte r butt on is rel eased , the m otio n durin g exposur e may ca use an unsha rp pic ture.
10-4 Max imum Co nti nu ous Shooti ng Spe e d in Di f feren t AF Modes 1 Open the palm doo r a nd pres s the Dri ve Mo de Sele ctor b utton . The cur r en t dri ve mode i s displ ayed i n the T op LCD pa nel for ap pr o ximatel y six se conds afte r you r elease th e sele ctor .
10-5 1 0 Capturing Using the Self-timer T wo built- in Sel f-time r modes let yo u delay the ex posure 10 s econds or 2 se conds f rom the ti me you pres s the Sh utter button . When us ing the Sel f-time r ( ) pl ace the came ra on a tripod or a stea dy surfac e.
10-6 Usin g th e Ey epie ce Shut ter T o preve nt meteri ng er ro rs cau sed by li ght e nteri ng th e e yepiec e when pre ssing t he Shut ter button wit h you r e ye a way f rom t he v ie wfi nder , clos e t he e yep ie ce s hut te r be fo re p re ssi ng the Shut ter b utton.
10-7 1 0 Capturing Locki ng the Mi r ro r Up Setting c ustom f uncti on F-12 ( page 6) lets yo u swing t he mirr or up b efore openin g the shutt er and start ing t he expos ure. Thi s eli minat es the sligh t vibr atio n cause d by mi rror shock, e nsuri ng maximum s harpnes s when taki ng clo se-up photos or u sing super - telep hoto l enses.
10-8 When the mirr or -up func tion i s set, one image is exp osed at a time , regard less of the Drive mode (Sin gle Expo sure o r Conti nuous Ex posure ).
10-9 1 0 Capturing Using the V ertical Contr ols Y our cam er a has be en des ig ned t o f aci l itat e c apt ur ing im ages i n a v er tical o rient at io n. T he speci al ver tical cont rols will make i t unnec essar y for y ou t o twis t your body or h old your arm in a n uncom fort able p ositi on.
10-10 3 (Opti onal) T o lock i n expos ure, foll ow th ese st eps. a Focus the subject by hol di ng down the Focusi ng Point Selec tor but ton an d turn ing the M ain di al. The cur r en tly s elect ed focus ing poi nt li ghts r ed in the vi ewfin der and the focus ing poi nt ind icato r appears in th e T op LCD panel.
10-11 1 0 Capturing 4 Press the V ertic al Sh utter but ton to ca pture an im age..
11-1 11 Camera Image s W orking with Images on th e Camera 11 Y our came ra’ s Image Displ ay all ows you t o view image s and i nformat io n about images stor ed o n the PC Card. Y ou can adjust the dis pl ay co ntr as t for a be tt er view of the imag es.
11-2 Set ti ng t he Revie w Mode Re vie wing Im ag es Y ou can review any ima ges that have been sto red on the PC Card, a folde r at a time. (Onl y the im ages in the curre ntly s elect ed folde r are avail able f or dis play a t a ny one t ime. ) 1 Inser t a PC Card.
11- 3 11 Camera Images The fol lowing are e xamples of cl ock wise a nd count er -clo ckwise rotat ion of the Main dial in fou r image displ ay mode. Y ou can navigat e fro m lower t o highe r image s.
11-4 Adjusting Display Contrast Using t he Contr ast s lider , you ca n ch ange t he cont rast to light en or da rk en the images o n the Im age Di splay . ☛ Changing contr ast doe s not a f fec t the sto red im ages , only t he vie w of the imag es on the Im age Di splay .
11- 5 11 Camera Images Selectin g an Image Y ou nee d to se lect an im age if you want to ta g it a nd reco rd a so und fi le or s pec ify th at it not be delet ed, as desc ribed in the nex t few sect ions. W hen you captu re an i mage, th at image is a utoma tica lly se lect ed.
11-6 Setting Display Options Y ou can speci fy tha t area s of ov erexpo sure ar e high light ed. In addi tion , you can speci fy that the ex posure hist ogram a nd infor mation about the i mage be di splay ed. (The hist ogram is onl y displ ayed in Si ngle I mage Revi ew mode.
11- 7 11 Camera Images If you tu rned the Hist ogram/Info opti on on, th e Hist ogram and expos ur e inf o appea r . The imag e hist ogram shows t he range and dis tri bution of ton al val ues fo r an im age.
11-8 T agging Image s Y ou can tag one or more images t hat y ou do not want t o delet e. Refe r to t he next sect ion. ☛ Images t hat yo u tag us ing t he camer a reta in th eir t ag when op ene d in th e Kodak softwar e. T agged or unt agged i mages c an then be sel ected for c opying, d eleting , acquiring, et c.
11- 9 11 Camera Images Associatin g Sound Files W ith Images Y ou can atta ch a sound f ile t o the c urren t im age, ei th er imm ediatel y afte r y ou capt ure t he image, or lat er when y ou revi ew it.
11-10 Y ou will not be abl e to re cord sou nds and th e Microph one i con will not be displ ayed in the Back LCD panel under the fol lowi ng cir cu ms ta nce s: ✔ No imag e in the c urren t f older ✔ Y ou are using the DCS Host software i n T est Shot mode.
11-11 11 Camera Images Deleting Images Y ou can d ele te one o r more imag es fro m the PC Card t o make space fo r ad diti onal ima ges . If th ere ar e one or more so und fi les as socia ted with a n image, the y too will be del eted.
11-12 D el et in g More Th an On e Im age Y ou can delet e all imag es in a folde r , all u ntagge d ima ges in a fold er , all imag es on a P C Card, or all un tagged images on a PC Car d. 1 Selec t a PC Car d, if n ecessa ry . 2 T o delete al l unt agge d i mages in a fol der or on a card, t ag any ima ges that you DO NOT wa nt t o de lete.
11-13 11 Camera Images Recovering Deleted Image s Y ou can recove r im ages t hat wer e prev iousl y delet ed fr om a PC Card, if they have not been overwr itten. Onl y images that were writte n to a PC Card by a DCS 500 Series camera c an be r eco vered.
INS ER T PHOT O HERE 12-1 12 Connecting Connecting to Y our Computer 12 There are t wo ways to ac cess c amera i mages fr om you r comput er: ✔ Connec t the camera t o the computer using IEEE 1394 conn ectio ns the n acces s the image s using th e Kodak s oftwar e.
12-2 C on nec t in g Y o u r Came ra to the C o m put er Y ou wil l conne ct your ca mera to th e compute r usi ng IEEE 13 94 cabl e. This cable moves images f rom t he came ra to t he com pute r at a very r apid rat e.
12-3 12 Connecting ☛ Y ou may c onnect more tha n one camer a or o ther 1 394 device s to t he car d as long a s you avoi d a cl osed l oop confi guration.
12-4 Quitting—Disconnecting from the Computer Complete these steps when you h ave compl eted your work with the camera a nd the computer . ☛ Y ou can connect or di sconnec t the camera without turn ing the ca mera or the computer of f. 1 If the DCS Host So ftware is runni ng, cli ck the Done but ton fr om the I mage wind ow .
13-1 13 T ransmitting T ran smittin g Dat a 13 Y ou can use th e s eri al po rt on your ca mera t o t ran sf er dat a bet we en your ca mera an d ot her devi ces . In add it io n, the re i s a pur cha sab le op ti on th at en abl es you to tr an smit im age s to a remot e loca tion u sing a cellu lar ph one.
13-2 Accessing Ser ial Por t Options Sett ing the Bau d Ra te Before trans mit ting data betw een t he camer a and a c onnect ed devi ce, you must set the correc t baud rate requir ed by t he devi ce. Choos e fro m 300, 600, 1 200, 2400 , 4800, 960 0, 19200, 384 00, 57600 , and 1 15200.
13- 3 13 T ramsm i tting Serial In Mode Using Se rial In mo de, your camera acc epts text str ings f rom a con nec ted ext ernal devic e. The inf orma tion i s the n added t o spec if ied i mage h eaders . ☛ Seria l In an d Seri al Out mod es can work at the same time.
13-4 Seri al In Status When you se lect New Images or Pre vious I mage fr om the Seri al In Mode menu , the Serial In S tatus choice becom es ava ilable. Select Seri al in Sta tus from the Seria l Port menu . If th e conne cted de vice i s send ing data, a mes sage i ndicat es the most recen t data re ceive d.
13- 5 13 T ramsm i tting Se rial O ut Mo de Using Se rial Out mode, y our came ra sen ds data to a r emotel y connec ted devic e. ☛ Seria l In an d Seri al Out mod es can work at the same time. 1 Selec t Seri al Out f rom the Ser ial Po rt menu (page 13-2 ).
13-6 Image T r ansmi t Y ou can trans mit imag es fr om your ca mera to a remot e comput er usi ng a cell phone. Th e DCS T r ansmission k it (a vail able from y our dea ler of Kodak pr oducts ) inc ludes h ardware and docu mentati on to b e used wh en you co nnect your ca mera to a c ell phone.
14-1 14 Camera Care Came ra C ar e 14 Handling W i th care ful han dling, yo ur camera shou ld produ ce images of the hi ghest qu alit y for yea rs to c om e .
14-2 Cl ean i ng 1 Turn off th e ca m era. 2 Disconne ct th e camera from t he AC adapt er an d from the c omputer if t hey are connect ed. 3 Using a damp c lo th, cl ean only t he outsi de cabi ne t, the T op LCD pan el, the Back LCD panel, a nd the Image Di splay .
14- 3 14 Camera Care Anti-aliasin g an d IR Filters Y our c amer a conta ins an anti- alia sing o r a n IR fi lter . It may be nece ssa ry to r emov e the filt er fo r clea ning. Whi le it is no t esse ntial , yo u can wea r lin t-free, st atic-f ree gl oves, avail able fro m your ca mera dealer .
14-4 The Ima ger The im ager is t he co mpone nt of the came ra th at r eco rds l ight when you c aptur e an image . If it shoul d get di rty , the q ualit y of yo ur image s can b e af fect ed. Deter minin g if the Imag er i s Dirt y Even tho ugh it is lo cated i nside th e c amera, it i s stil l possi ble for the i mager to become dirty .
14- 5 14 Camera Care Examining a T e st Image V isually inspe cting the Im ager 1 Connect your c amera t o your comp uter ( page 12 -2). 2 Se t the le ns a pe rture to it s highe st f s top to provi de for maximum dep th of fi eld. 3 Ca ptu re an im age of a p lai n white object , such a clea n whi te wall.
14-6 4 Inser t a ba tter y if one i s not i n the ca mera (page 3-3). 5 Connect an AC adap te r (page 3-1 3). 6 T urn on the camera. 7 Se lect th e Me nu ic o n th en choose Main menu fro m the dropdown menu (pa ge 2-1 1). 8 Selec t Imager Clean from th e Main menu.
14- 7 14 Camera Care Clea ni ng t he I ma ger If th e ima ger i s dirt y , plea se c heck t he Kod ak W eb sit e for i nstr uctio ns. Rea ssemb ling th e Cam er a Y ou wil l need to rea ssemble yo ur camer a aft er ins pecti ng or c leaning t he imag er .
14-8 St o r i n g When st orin g your c amer a, wr ap it in a cl ean, so ft cl oth and pl ace it in a we ll-v entil ated, cool, dr y , dust-f ree plac e. Be sure to ke ep the camer a out of direc t sunli ght, an d away from “hot sp ots” s uch as the tr unk or rea r windo w shelf of a ca r .
14- 9 14 Camera Care Installing Camera Fi rmwar e on Y our Comp ute r Firmware is t he so ft ware pr ogram whi ch ru ns wit hin the c amera a nd cont rols its opera tion. As new fi rmware v ersio ns beco me avail able, you can a ccess them fr om the Kodak W eb site (htt p://www .
14-10 5 Se lect th e Me nu ic o n th en choose Main menu fro m the dropdown menu (pa ge 2-1 1). 6 Selec t Firmware f rom the Main menu. 7 The Fir mwar e scr een appear s. 8 Selec t your choice . If yo u choose V ersion, t he versi on number of th e fir mwar e in th e came ra appe ars.
Appendix A A- 1 Appendix A - Specif ications CAMERA AND MAJOR COM PONENTS Ty p e : T wo models a re avail able: DCS 52 0 and DCS 560 . Both cameras combi ne 35mm focal plane shutter SLR (si ngle- lens r eflex ) wi th aut ofocus , au to expo sure, buil t-i n digi tal functi onali ty .
A-2 V iew finde r Inf orm atio n: 1) W ithin v iewing are a: Five f ocusi ng poin ts , fine spot meter ing ar ea ma rk (wit h Ec-CII ) 2) Be low viewing area: Shutt er sp eed, ape rtur e va lue, ✳ (.
A-3 Appendix A Shooti ng Modes: 1) Shu tter -priori ty A E (1/3- stop incre ments ) 2) Ape rture-pri ority AE (1/3- stop inc rements) 3) Depth- of-Fiel d AE 4) I ntell igent Progr am AE 5) A-T TL prog.
A-4 AUTOFOCUS AF Contr ol Syst em: TTL-CT -SIR (Sec ondary Image Regi stra tion) ph ase dete ction type us in g Cross- type mult i-BASIS ( Bas e-Stor ed Image S ensor) .
A-5 Appendix A SHUTTER Ty p e : V ertica l- tr ave l, foc al plane shut t er wit h all spee ds elec troni call y contr olled . Shutte r Speed: 1/8000 ~ 30 sec onds. (i n 1/3-st op inc rements ) and b ulb. Maximum X-s ync spee d: 1/ 250 seco nd. Shutte r Relea se: Soft- touch elect roma gneti c rel ease.
A-6 Automatic Fl ash Exposur e: X-sync Shutter Speed an d Apertur e Set tings (wit h EOS de dicated Spee dlites) If a sh utter speed fa ster than 1/25 0 second i s set, t he came ra autom ati call y sets the sh utter sp eed to 1/250 s eco nd.
A-7 Appendix A T op LCD panel Displays nec essar y info rmatio n incl uding AF mod e, Driv e mode, met ering mode, shut ter s peed, a pertur e value, I SO, and exposu re compe n sa ti on.
Appendix B B-1 Appendix B - T r oub leshootin g If y ou run i nto a prob lem operatin g your c amera, c heck th e foll owing t able to s ee if you can f ind th e caus e of th e problem. I f the troubl e per sists, t ake th e camera to your near est serv ice r eprese nt ative .
B-2 Symptom Cause Remedy The sh utter does no t rel ease. Th e Main sw itc h is se t to ( ). Set t he Mai n swit ch to ( A ) The su bject is not focus ed. (The in -focu s indi cator is bl inkin g in the view find er . Press the Sh utter but ton agai n half way .
B-3 Appendix B Symptom Cause Remedy The “F” does no t appea r at t he rig ht of the f ocusi ng scre en. The came ra is bus y savi ng images . W ait unt il th e PC Ca rd ico n on th e Bac k LC D panel and th e red Ca rd Busy ligh t insi de the Battery/ PC Card d oor stop bli nki ng.
B-4 Symptom Cause Remedy The ca mera is “loc ked.” Not hing works. The bat tery is not secur ely i n plac e. Re m ove th en in sert th e batt ery . Th e cam era n eeds to be rese t. Re m ove th e ba tter y . Ope n the B att ery/PC Card door and gent ly inse rt a p aper cl ip in to the Re set bu tton.
Appendix C C-1 Appendix C - Pr ob lem Report KODAK PROFESSIONAL DCS 500 Series Digital Camer as Customer Return Address Name____ _________ ________ ____ _________ ________ _________ ________ ___ Compa.
Index- 1 Ind e x A AC Adapter 3-12 , 7-5 , A-7 Connec ting 3-1 3 , 7-5 Actua tions 6- 25 AE Lock 8-34 , A-3 AF Mode. Se e Focus An ti -a li asi ng Fil te r 2-2 0 Eff ect on F ocus 9- 12 Removi ng and .
Inde x-2 Mult iple 7-15 , 11-12 Singl e Image 7-14 , 11- 11 Untagge d Imag es in Folder or PC Ca rd 11-12 Depth of Field 8-21 , 9-11 Au t omat ic Foc usi ng Po int Se lect io n 8-24 Manua l Focusi ng .
Index- 3 Ind e x Ima ger 14-4 , A-7 De termin in g if Di rty 14 -4 Overview 2-20 Inst alli n g Cam e ra F ir mwa re 14-9 IPTC Dat a Manageme nt 5-8 IR F il ter 2-20 ISO Set ting 7-4 , 8-10 J JPE G Fil.
Inde x-4 S Selec ting I mages 7- 10 , 11-5 Self T imer 10-5 Se rial In Mo de 13- 3 Statu s 13- 4 Serial Ou t Mode 13-5 Serial Po rt Opt ions 13- 2 Seria l Port, Conn ecti ng 13- 1 Sharpe ning 6- 23 Sh.
EASTMAN KODAK COMP ANY Kodak P rofessional Division Roc hester, New Y ork 14650 © Eastman Kodak Compan y , 2000. Kodak and K odak P rofessional are trademarks.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Kodak DCS500 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Kodak DCS500 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Kodak DCS500 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Kodak DCS500 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Kodak DCS500 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Kodak DCS500 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Kodak DCS500 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Kodak DCS500. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Kodak DCS500 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.