Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung go1984 Professional Edition des Produzenten Intellinet
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User manual Alfred-Mozer-Str. 42 D-48527 Nordhorn Germany Telephone (+49)(0)5921 7139925 Telefax (+49)(0)5921 7139929 go1984.
go1984 Alfred-Mozer-Str. 42 D-48527 Nordhorn Germany Telephone (+49)(0)5921 7139925 Telefax (+49)(0)5921 7139929 http://www.logiware.
Contents go1984 User manual © 2000-2009 logiware gmbh Table of Contents ................................................................................................................................... 1 1 Introduction .............................
1 go1984 User manual Introduction © 2000-2009 logiware gmbh 1 Introduction go1984 is software designed for professional and hassle-free monitoring by closed circuit TV (CCTV). It sets a new benchmark in the industry: it is simple to use, packed with features and available at an affordable price.
2 Editions © 2000-2009 logiware gmbh 2 Editions go1984 is available in various editions. The following figure highlights the differences..
3 go1984 User manual Installation © 2000-2009 logiware gmbh 3 Installation Installing go1984 is a matter of minutes even for users unfamiliar with the program.
4 Installation © 2000-2009 logiware gmbh If you prefer to install to a different directory or hard-drive, please select the corresponding option in the following dialog.
5 go1984 User manual Installation © 2000-2009 logiware gmbh Then select the components to be installed. You can choose the go1984 client as well as go1984 (see “ LAN Broadcast ” section).
6 Installation © 2000-2009 logiware gmbh The installation routine will automatically create an entry labeled go1984 in your Windows start menu. If you prefer a different name, you can change it at this point. All settings needed for the installation processes are now available.
7 go1984 User manual Installation © 2000-2009 logiware gmbh The installation of go1984 has now been completed. The installation routine is closed when you click on the "Finish" button. You can choose to have go1984 launched directly afterwards.
8 Launching the program © 2000-2009 logiware gmbh 4 Launching the program After installing go1984, there are various ways to launch it. 1. Launch using the Windows quick start bar 2.
9 go1984 User manual Launching the program © 2000-2009 logiware gmbh 4. Autostart If you want go1984 to be launched automatically when your computer is switched on, please activate the option shown in the following diagram.
10 Entering the license code © 2000-2009 logiware gmbh 5 Entering the license code go1984 runs as a demo version after being installed. In order to make go1984 function without any time or feature restrictions, you need to enter the activation data you purchased into the appropriate fields.
11 go1984 User manual Entering the license code © 2000-2009 logiware gmbh Please take care to transfer the data exactly as you received them by e-mail or on the license card. You will sometimes find a numerical input for the name or place in the activation data.
12 Entering the license code © 2000-2009 logiware gmbh If you have purchased a license extension or an update to a higher edition, click on “Input upgrade key” to enter the new activation data. Note: You must always enter the data for the full version first.
13 go1984 User manual Basic setup © 2000-2009 logiware gmbh 6 Basic setup In order to use go1984, one or more image sources are required. The following sources can be used: · IP cameras · Capture cards and TV cards · Webcams (USB) This section explains how to integrate cameras or other image sources into go1984.
14 Basic setup © 2000-2009 logiware gmbh 6.1 Adding a camera 6.1.1 IP camera To add an IP camera, select the entry "IP cameras" in the go1984 explorer. You now have two options for adding a new camera. 1. Camera picture A list is displayed showing you pictures of all the available cameras, arranged in alphabetical order.
15 go1984 User manual Basic setup © 2000-2009 logiware gmbh You then double-click on the picture of the camera model you want to add. 2. Selection list If you click on the “Add camera” button a list appears of the supported camera providers you can choose from.
16 Basic setup © 2000-2009 logiware gmbh In both cases, the following dialog box appears. You should set the following parameters in it: Name Give the camera a unique nickname which can be used for it in go1984. IP Enter the camera ’ s IP address or host name here.
17 go1984 User manual Basic setup © 2000-2009 logiware gmbh The camera you've added will now appear in the branch "IP cameras" of the go1984 explorer. The basic setup of the camera has now been concluded. go1984 has automatically activated motion detection and recording for this image source.
18 Basic setup © 2000-2009 logiware gmbh 6.1.2 PTZ camera If the IP camera which has been added is a PTZ camera (PTZ = Pan/Tilt/Zoom), you can easily operate this via go1984.
19 go1984 User manual Basic setup © 2000-2009 logiware gmbh There are different camera control options depending on the camera model: 1. Via the arrow keys 2. Via the slider 3. Via "click and drag" Click on the button in the centre and hold the mouse button down.
20 Basic setup © 2000-2009 logiware gmbh 4. Via "Ctrl" + mouse-click in the live image If the live image is visible and the camera name highlighted, you can also control the camera using the Ctrl key and clicking inside the live image.
21 go1984 User manual Basic setup © 2000-2009 logiware gmbh Preset-Positions You can save up to 16 camera positions for each camera. To do this, simply click on the position you want. Then enter a position description: The new position is now displayed in color and can be accessed by clicking on it.
22 Basic setup © 2000-2009 logiware gmbh If you want the position to be displayed at certain times, you can link it via a right-click to a scheduler created beforehand.
23 go1984 User manual Basic setup © 2000-2009 logiware gmbh 6.1.3 Webcam (USB) In order to be able to use your USB webcam in go1984, first install all the necessary drivers according to the camera manufacturer's instructions. Once the camera is available as a DirextX device in Windows, you can integrate it into go1984.
24 Basic setup © 2000-2009 logiware gmbh 6.1.4 Capture card Capture cards are physically installed into the PC and convert analog image signals into digital signals. Start by installing the card in your computer and installing all required drivers as indicated by the card manufacturer's instructions.
25 go1984 User manual Basic setup © 2000-2009 logiware gmbh 6.2 Recording Recordings are automatically sorted by month to the respective camera in the go1984 explorer. If you wish to view the recordings, select the "Recordings" entry of the respective camera in the go1984 explorer.
26 Basic setup © 2000-2009 logiware gmbh Daily overview If you wish to view the recordings for a specific day, select the day in the go1984 explorer as described below. You'll be provided with an overview over the scenes recorded on that day. Here, too, moving the mouse pointer over a scene will display a preview.
27 go1984 User manual Basic setup © 2000-2009 logiware gmbh Scene playback You have two different modes available when you come to play back individual scenes.
28 Basic setup © 2000-2009 logiware gmbh 6.2.1 Calculating memory requirements One of the most frequently asked questions is: how much hard-drive space will the recordings use? There's no simple answer to the question because many factors play a role.
29 go1984 User manual Basic setup © 2000-2009 logiware gmbh 6.2.2 Memory management go1984 includes efficient ring storage. This enables you to optimize available hard-drive space allocation to the cameras, thereby ensuring that there is always enough memory space available for new recordings.
30 Basic setup © 2000-2009 logiware gmbh 6.2.3 Scene generation go1984 can aggregate recordings made during a certain interval to so-called scenes. This makes it much easier to find them later.
31 go1984 User manual Basic setup © 2000-2009 logiware gmbh 6.2.4 Pre-/Post alarm Usually, motion-triggered recording begins the instant a motion has been detected. However, it is sometimes desirable to extend the recording by a few seconds before or after the event.
32 Basic setup © 2000-2009 logiware gmbh 6.2.5 Access time period Access to the recordings can be limited individually per user in the user management. Among other things, you can permit full access, no access, or access to a specified time period. This is where you can define the time periods valid for this camera.
33 go1984 User manual Basic setup © 2000-2009 logiware gmbh 6.2.6 Export Recordings are saved in a proprietary format. However, the scenes recorded may be exported in AVI format or individual images in JPEG format.
34 Basic setup © 2000-2009 logiware gmbh 6.3 Motion detection go1984 includes high-performance motion detection based on an optimized image difference process. When motion detection is triggered, the so-called "Motion" signal is activated for this camera.
35 go1984 User manual Basic setup © 2000-2009 logiware gmbh It often makes sense to exclude certain areas of the camera image from motion detection. In order to do so, you can draw any kind of mask over the image. Various tools are available for doing so.
36 Basic setup © 2000-2009 logiware gmbh For normal purposes, motion detection settings do not need to be adjusted more than described above. If the default values don't work perfectly for your needs, you'll find additional setup options on the "Properties" tab.
37 go1984 User manual Basic setup © 2000-2009 logiware gmbh The analyzed segments are sorted in ascending order in the bar chart according to detected motion intensity. The maximum motion share indicates which percentage is relevant to the analysis. The segments before this are excluded.
38 Basic setup © 2000-2009 logiware gmbh You will also find the following set-up options: Analyze only every x th frame motion detection is highly processor-intensive due to the image decompression required. Delayed detection delay in seconds until the motion signal is triggered.
39 go1984 User manual Basic setup © 2000-2009 logiware gmbh 6.4 Http event Many of the current network cameras or even external network-enabled motion detectors nowadays offer integrated motion detection and the facility to notify third-party systems of any movement detected via an http message.
40 Basic setup © 2000-2009 logiware gmbh The new signal is now available and can be activated or deactivated via the shown URLs. The other settings are now applied directly via the web interface of the camera or motion detector. Take as an example the settings for an axis camera shown below.
41 go1984 User manual Basic setup © 2000-2009 logiware gmbh You can check the connection directly using the “Test” button. Events can now be defined accordingly at the start and end of the moveme.
42 Basic setup © 2000-2009 logiware gmbh Enter the “On-URL” parameter under “User-defined parameters” for the event at the start of the motion: name=my_event&active=1 Then add a “MotionEnd” event which will be triggered at the end of the motion.
43 go1984 User manual Basic setup © 2000-2009 logiware gmbh Then you must link the recording in go1984, which is linked by default to go1984 motion detection, to the http event. If you are not going to continue using the go1984 motion detection function any more or as an alarm function , for instance, you can now deactivate it.
44 Basic setup © 2000-2009 logiware gmbh Note: Sometimes you need to still change the values for the pre- and post-alarm so that the recorded scenes cover the overall period you want.
45 go1984 User manual Basic setup © 2000-2009 logiware gmbh 6.5 Notification go1984 can use various channels to notify you in case of an alarm. They are: · Playing an audio file via a sound card · .
46 Basic setup © 2000-2009 logiware gmbh 6.5.1 Sound go1984 can play a freely selectable audio file in .wav format via your sound card in case of a notification. Simply choose the corresponding file using the dialog. To prevent too many notifications from being sent, you can set a rest period.
47 go1984 User manual Basic setup © 2000-2009 logiware gmbh 6.5.2 E-mail In order to enable e-mail sending from go1984, a so-called SMTP server (see reference) first needs to be specified. If this has already been done, you can continue here directly.
48 Basic setup © 2000-2009 logiware gmbh 6.5.3 FTP If you wish the images from a camera to be sent to an FTP server in addition to being stored locally, complete the following dialog. First, enter the login data for your FTP server: FTP server Domain name or IP of your FTP server, e.
49 go1984 User manual Basic setup © 2000-2009 logiware gmbh The Action button is linked by default to the "NewImage" signal (see also “ Event management ” section). This means that the FTP upload is activated every time a new camera image is generated.
50 Basic setup © 2000-2009 logiware gmbh 6.5.4 LAN-Broadcast In the event of an alarm, go1984 can notify any users on the LAN via UDP Broadcast. If the go1984 client has been installed and is active, users will be notified about the movement detected on a camera via popup and/or an acoustic signal.
51 go1984 User manual Basic setup © 2000-2009 logiware gmbh Now activate LAN Broadcast for the cameras you want. You also again have the option here to set a rest period by clicking on the clock icon. This means that only when at least the specified period between two broadcasts has elapsed can a new notification be sent.
52 Basic setup © 2000-2009 logiware gmbh You can also apply other settings on the broadcast client. Popup on new image go1984 client appears in front when any motion is detected Startup minimized go1.
53 go1984 User manual Basic setup © 2000-2009 logiware gmbh Note: Most Windows programs are shut down completely when you close the program window. The go1984 Client is only hidden and continues to run in the background. While the program is running, the go1984 Client symbol is displayed in the task bar near the time.
54 Basic setup © 2000-2009 logiware gmbh 6.5.5 External program go1984 offers you the option of launching an external program in case of a notification. In this case, the image that triggered the notification can first be saved on the hard-drive. In this way, special tasks can be carried out for which go1984 itself is not suitable.
55 go1984 User manual Basic setup © 2000-2009 logiware gmbh 6.5.6 ISDN In case of an alarm, go1984 can make a telephone call using an existing ISDN card. Once the connection is set up, the program plays a freely definable audio file to the person being called.
56 Basic setup © 2000-2009 logiware gmbh 6.6 Scheduler go1984 provides the option of executing certain functions such as recording or notifying only at certain times. You can define as many schedulers as you like, which can then be linked to the corresponding functions.
57 go1984 User manual Basic setup © 2000-2009 logiware gmbh You can also use the scheduler to turn various camera functions on or off automatically. The mouse pointer changes to the following symbol when held over linkable functions: . Clicking with the right mouse button opens the menu for creating and editing links.
58 Basic setup © 2000-2009 logiware gmbh Note: If certain functions need to be active at exactly opposite times (in this case, for instance, opening hours), you do not necessarily need to create an extra scheduler. If you right-click again on a scheduler link you can reverse the scheduler.
59 go1984 User manual Basic setup © 2000-2009 logiware gmbh Under the “Holiday planner” tab you have the option to define days that should be processed separately. These definitions have a higher priority than specified week schedulers. In many countries public holidays are already pre-determined and can be changed or removed as required.
60 User management © 2000-2009 logiware gmbh 7 User management User management allows you to allocate individual authorizations for access to the program interface, the web interface, recordings, and PTZ camera control. Directly after installation, user management is not activated, i.
61 go1984 User manual User management © 2000-2009 logiware gmbh The "User" column displays all existing users. Use the three buttons to create, edit or delete users. Please note that a newly created user has no rights by default. In order to edit a user's right, first select the user.
62 Webserver © 2000-2009 logiware gmbh 8 Webserver go1984 provides an integrated webserver that is accessible from local networks and the Internet using TCP/IP. The server makes it possible to access the live feed and recordings using the Internet Explorer.
63 go1984 User manual Webserver © 2000-2009 logiware gmbh 8.1 Configuration go1984 is delivered with predefined webs that can be called up using an Internet browser. Every web is saved in its own subdirectory. The root web directory can be specified.
64 Webserver © 2000-2009 logiware gmbh The web interface addresses the available cameras using a so-called index. This is a consecutive series of numbers which you can use to define in which order the cameras are displayed on the web interface. You can also view information regarding the currently active and inactive connections to the webserver.
65 go1984 User manual Webserver © 2000-2009 logiware gmbh 8.2 Interface Call up the web interface in your browser by using the following URL: http://ip:port Replace the variables as follows: ip by th.
66 Webserver © 2000-2009 logiware gmbh In the tree web you can also specify the camera or view you want directly: ...?view=x" (1=2x2, 2=3x3 etc.) or ...?camera=cameraname The complete URL could look something like this: The web interface shown in the diagram will then be displayed in your browser.
67 go1984 User manual Webserver © 2000-2009 logiware gmbh If you've activated the user management , you'll first be shown a login request requiring you to enter a valid username and password. Note: In order for all example webs to run correctly, you may have to modify your browser's security settings.
68 Webserver © 2000-2009 logiware gmbh 8.3 iPhone Client The go1984 web server provides a special interface for the iPhone. This offers you the chance to access the go1984 server via the go1984 iPhone client. You can also establish a connection to the go1984 server both via a WLAN and via GPRS/Edge.
69 go1984 User manual Webserver © 2000-2009 logiware gmbh Each camera gives you access to the entire recordings archive. You can use this simply to browse through the scenes available for a particular day or select another day. To help you find the relevant scene quickly, a preview is displayed for each recording.
70 Webserver © 2000-2009 logiware gmbh 8.4 J2ME Client You can also use a cellular phone with Java capability supporting the MIDP2.0 standard to access go1984.
71 go1984 User manual Webserver © 2000-2009 logiware gmbh The following fields need to be completed: Host IP address or dynamic hostname of your go1984 computer Username Username as defined in the us.
72 Webserver © 2000-2009 logiware gmbh After you've completed all fields and confirmed them, you can build up a connection to the go1984 server by pressing "Connect". The image from the camera is displayed. The connection to the server is maintained.
73 go1984 User manual Webserver © 2000-2009 logiware gmbh 8.5 DynDNS In order to make go1984 accessible via the Internet, you need to have either a static Internet IP address or a dynamic domain name. The latter can be set up free of charge using the DynDns.
74 Webserver © 2000-2009 logiware gmbh All you need to do is complete the Hostname field. Choose a hostname that is easy to remember and distinctive. If you like, you can select a different extension for your domain name using the drop-down menu indicated.
75 go1984 User manual Webserver © 2000-2009 logiware gmbh go1984 can now automatically update the domain name. Initiate the process by providing the domain name you've chosen, your username and password, and by selecting the option "Automatically update DynDNS Domain".
76 Webserver © 2000-2009 logiware gmbh 8.6 Clustermode In the Enterprise edition of go1984 any cameras that have been integrated on a remote computer into another go1984 Standard, Pro or Enterprise version can be added as “cluster cameras”.
77 go1984 User manual Webserver © 2000-2009 logiware gmbh If the user manager is active on the cluster server you must enter a valid username/password combination for authentication. You must then enter the name of the cluster server camera in the “Camera” field which you intend to access.
78 Webserver © 2000-2009 logiware gmbh You can see in the screen below that no images are transmitted as long as there is no kind of movement ("0 fps"). The cluster camera is therefore almost in standby mode. The motion detection function can now be deactivated.
79 go1984 User manual Image Center © 2000-2009 logiware gmbh 9 Image Center The Image Center is a flexible tool for viewing one or several cameras on a screen. The camera arrangement is controlled using so-called views. go1984 provides numerous templates suitable for different resolutions.
80 Image Center © 2000-2009 logiware gmbh You'll now be shown the newly created view in the go1984 explorer, in which one or several placeholders are defined which will be replaced by the camera images later on. To link a placeholder to a camera, click on it using the right mouse button.
81 go1984 User manual Image Center © 2000-2009 logiware gmbh You can define as many views as you like, which can then be displayed simultaneously on various monitors or sequentially on a single monitor. Next, select the "Screens" entry from the go1984 explorer in order to generate such a representation.
82 Image Center © 2000-2009 logiware gmbh Defining customized views If the views supplied don ’ t match up with your expectations, you can add more templates in a simple manner. You will find the definitions for the views (*.ini) under the go1984 installation folder in the “Template” directory.
83 go1984 User manual Additional settings © 2000-2009 logiware gmbh 10 Additional settings 10.1 Camera In order to modify other camera settings, please select the camera in the go1984 explorer. You now have the option of influencing image processing.
84 Additional settings © 2000-2009 logiware gmbh If you want the image to be captioned, use the [Caption] tab. This function is also only available when the button is not activated.
85 go1984 User manual Additional settings © 2000-2009 logiware gmbh You set the image record pause using the following sliders. The default setting is 200 ms, i.
86 Additional settings © 2000-2009 logiware gmbh 10.2 Startup settings You can choose to launch go1984 minimized. In this case, the application will not be visible at first. Only the little go1984 program icon will appear next to the system clock. Double-clicking on the icon will open the application interface.
87 go1984 User manual Additional settings © 2000-2009 logiware gmbh 10.3 HTTP Proxy If a proxy server is required for the HTTP protocol in your network, define the necessary settings here.
88 Additional settings © 2000-2009 logiware gmbh 10.4 SMTP server configuration In order to enable e-mail sending from go1984, a so-called SMTP server first needs to be entered; this only has to be done once. Outgoing e-mails are sent to this server and ultimately to the recipient.
89 go1984 User manual Additional settings © 2000-2009 logiware gmbh In most cases, it is sufficient to complete the fields shown in the diagram. If go1984 is still not able to send e-mails, check the settings or test using the "POP3-before-SMTP" authentication method.
90 Additional settings © 2000-2009 logiware gmbh 10.5 Translation It is possible to integrate new languages for the interface. The following table shows the available languages. If you wish to create a new language option, right-click on a free column in the table.
91 go1984 User manual Event management © 2000-2009 logiware gmbh 11 Event management go1984 includes a highly flexible event management option, which permits go1984 to be individually configured. Various input and output signals are available. These signals can be supplied to go1984 by cameras, schedulers or plug-ins.
92 Event management © 2000-2009 logiware gmbh The following input signals (Events) are available: Signal is activated when... Active the camera is active, which means that the option box next to the “Video” option is ticked.
93 go1984 User manual Event management © 2000-2009 logiware gmbh The different input signals are grouped in the program's IO Manager. LEDs are depicted to the left of the signals.
94 Event management © 2000-2009 logiware gmbh You can create links anywhere the mouse pointer changes to the following symbol: Clicking on the icon with the right mouse key will open the links menu. The following example illustrates the process. Example: An IP camera's digital input has been linked to a doorbell.
95 go1984 User manual Appendix © 2000-2009 logiware gmbh 12 Appendix 12.1 POP3/SMTP-Server A list of the most common POP3/SMTP servers: 1und1 POP3-Server: SMTP-Server: Pop-Kontoname: ptXXXXXX-XXX (Mailbox-Name) ARCOR POP3-Server: pop3.
96 Masthead © 2000-2009 logiware gmbh 13 Masthead logiware gmbh Alfred-Mozer-Str. 42 D-48527 Nordhorn Germany Telephone (+49)(0)5921 7139925 Telefax (+49)(0)5921 7139929 Internet : E-mail sales : E-mail support : support@logiware.
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