Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung DSP-402 des Produzenten Intelligent Motion Systems
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Excellence in Motion DSP-402 APPLICATION GUIDE TM TM C A N open TM FORCE DRIVE C A N open.
The information in this book has been carefully checked and is believed to be accurate; ho wever , no responsibility is assumed for inaccuracies. Intelligent M otion Systems, I nc., reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products herein to impro ve reliability , function or design.
i Contents Section 1: Intr oduction to the MDrivePlus CAN open DSP-402 Implementation .................................. 3 Introduction ...................................................................................................................
ii Object 2006h: Input F ilter T ime (ms) .........................................................................................19 Object Description ..................................................................................................
iii Entry Description ...................................................................................................................32 Data Description ..............................................................................................
iv Entry Description ...................................................................................................................50 Object 6066h — F ollowing E rror Timeout .....................................................................
v List of Figures F igure 1.1: M essage F ormat ...........................................................................................................3 F igure 1.2: MD rivePlus Architectur e .......................................................
vi This P age Intentionally Left B lank.
Excellence in Motion DSP-402 Application guide TM Section 1: Introduction to the MDrivePlus CANopen DSP-402 Implementation Section 2: Manufacturer Specific Objects Section 3: Accessing the MDrivePlus.
2 MDrivePlus CAN open R020507 P age Intentionally Left Blank.
3 P art 2: DSP-402 Implementation Section 1 Introduction to the MDrivePlus CANopen DSP-402 Implementation Introduction This document describes the Operational M odes and Objects utilized by the MD rivePlus CAN open.
4 MDrivePlus CAN open R020507 Device Control The starting and stopping of the drive and several mode specific commands are executed b y the state machine.
5 P art 2: DSP-402 Implementation T rajectory Generator The chosen operation mode and the corresponding parameters (objects) define the input of the T rajector y Generator . The T rajectory Generator supplies the control loop(s) with the demand values.
6 MDrivePlus CAN open R020507 Object Formatting This manual will display the Object and Entry data using the model detailed below . Object Description Index XXXX h Name Index Name Object Code V AR Data T ype I/U Index The Index is the hexadecimal number that repr esents the index number of the object in the CAN open Object Dictionary .
7 P art 2: DSP-402 Implementation PDO Mapping Describes whether (Y es) or not (No) the Index may be mapped to a PDO (P rocess Data Object). If yes it may be mapped to a PDO, if N o the Object must be accessed using SDO (Service Data Objects). Category M .
8 MDrivePlus CAN open R020507 P age Intentionally Left Blank.
9 P art 2: DSP-402 Implementation Section 2 Accessing The MDrivePlus CANopen Introduction The access from the CAN network to the drive is done through data objects. Process Data Object (PDO) PDOs are messages in an unconfirmed service. They are used for the transfer of r eal-time data to and from the drive.
10 MDrivePlus CAN open R020507 PDO Mapping The MDrivePlus CAN open allows you to map objects to PDOs to reduce the transfer application data more efficiently . By using the PDO the user can map a PDO to multiple objects (8 Data Bytes max.) The example will show RPDO 1400 h mapped to Control W ord (6040 h ) and T arget P osition (607A h ).
11 P art 2: DSP-402 Implementation PDO Objects Consumer PDO1 (RPDO1) 1400h (Object Description) Index Name Object Code Data T ype Category 1400 h Receive PDO1 Parameter Record PDO Communications Param.
12 MDrivePlus CAN open R020507 Consumer PDO2 (RPDO2) 1401h (Object Description) Index Name Object Code Data T ype Category 1401 h Receive PDO2 Parameter Record PDO Communications Parameters Optional C.
13 P art 2: DSP-402 Implementation Consumer PDO3 (RPDO3) 1402h (Object Description) Index Name Object Code Data T ype Category 1402 h Receive PDO3 Parameter Record PDO Communications Parameters Option.
14 MDrivePlus CAN open R020507 Producer PDO1 (TPDO1) 1800h (Entry Description) Sub-Index Description Category Access V alue Range Default 00h Highest Supported Sub-Index Mandatory R 02 h 01h COB-ID us.
15 P art 2: DSP-402 Implementation 1A01h (Object Description – Mapping Parameters) Index Name Object Code Data T ype Category 1A01 h T ransmit PDO2 Mapping Record PDO Mapping Conditional if 1801 h i.
16 MDrivePlus CAN open R020507 1A02h (Entry Description – Mapping Parameters) Sub-Index Description Category Access V alue Range Default 00h Highest Supported Sub-Index Mandatory R/W 02 h 01h 1st Application Object Mandatory R/W 6041 0010 h 02h 2nd Application Object Optional R/W 6064 0010 h 03h 3rd Application Object Optional R/W Mfg.
17 P art 2: DSP-402 Implementation Section 3 Manufacturer Specific Objects Introduction The objects detailed in this section are IMS manufacturer specific configuration objects to conF igure : I/O T .
18 MDrivePlus CAN open R020507 Object 2002h: I/O Discretes (Config) Object Description Index 2002 h Name Config Input Switches Object Code V AR Data T ype Unsigned 8 Entry Description Sub-Index Descri.
19 P art 2: DSP-402 Implementation Object Description Index 2004 h Name Input Filter Mask Object Code V AR Data T ype Unsigned 8 Entry Description Sub-Index Description Category Access PDO Mapping V a.
20 MDrivePlus CAN open R020507 Object 2010h: Analog Input Object Description Index 2010 h Name Analog Input Object Code V AR Data T ype See Entry Desc.
21 P art 2: DSP-402 Implementation Object 2031h: Unit Options (Encoder Enable, Capture In/T rip Out) Object Description Index 2031 h Name Unit Options Object Code V AR Data T ype Unsigned 8 Entry Description Access R/W/S PDO Mapping No Range 0/1 Default 0 N ote: Encoder functions only apply to the MDrive pr oducts.
22 MDrivePlus CAN open R020507 Entry Description Sub-Index Description Category Access PDO Mapping V alue Range Default Data T ype 01h Enable Capture Position R/W Y es 0/1 02h Enable Capture Input Fla.
23 P art 2: DSP-402 Implementation Hold Current % By Device 2205 h MDrivePlus (All) MForce MicroDrive (Amps RMS) MForce PowerDrive (Amps RMS) 10 MDrive Range 0 T o 100% Actual Current Not required as Motor is appropriately sized to the device. 0.3 0.5 20 0.
24 MDrivePlus CAN open R020507 Entry Description Access R/K PDO Mapping No Range N/A Default Factory Object 5002h: ASCII Serial Number The following object is set at the factory , and is not user configurable. It can be read by the user in the event that the con- tained data is needed for technical or application support.
25 P art 2: DSP-402 Implementation Section 4 Device Control Device Control The device control function block controls all the func- tions of the MDrivePlus CAN open and is divided into to sections: 1.
26 MDrivePlus CAN open R020507 State Machine T ransitions T ransition Number From State T o State Event/Action 0 Start Not Ready T o Switch On Event: Reset. Action: The drive self-tests and/or self-initializes. 1 Not Ready T o Switch On Switch On Disabled Event: The drive has self-tested and/or initialized successfully .
27 P art 2: DSP-402 Implementation Power Disabled Power Enabled F ault Start Not Ready to Switch O n F ault R eaction Active F ault Switch On Disabled Ready T o Switch On 0 1 2 7 4 5 6 Switched On Ope.
28 MDrivePlus CAN open R020507 Object 6040 h — Controlword Ths controlword is a mandatory , unsigned 16 bit number containing bits for controlling the state and operating modes for the MDrivePlus CAN o- pen .
29 P art 2: DSP-402 Implementation Object 6041 h — Statusword The Statuswor d is a read-only object that indicates the curr ent state of the drive, no bits are latched. S tatuswor d consists of bits for: The current state of the driv e. The operating state of the mode.
30 MDrivePlus CAN open R020507 Bit 4: Voltage Enabled The Disable V oltage request is active when the voltage_disabled bit is cleared to 0. Bit 5: Quick Stop Active When reset, this bit indicates that the drive is reacting on a quick stop r equest.
31 P art 2: DSP-402 Implementation Section 5 Modes of Operation Object 6060 h — Modes of Operation The performance of the MDrivePlus CAN open depends on the activated Modes of Operation. I t is not possible to operates the modes in parallel. The user must select a mode to operate in.
32 MDrivePlus CAN open R020507 Mode of Operation (6060 h ) Manuf . Specific Mode s R eser ve d R eser ve d Interpolated P osition Mode R eser ve d Profile P osition Mode Profile V elocity Mode Homing Mode V elocity Mode Profile T orque Mode -1... -128 8.
33 P art 2: DSP-402 Implementation LSB MSB 31 16 15 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Profile Position V elocity Profile V elocity Profile T orque Reserved Homing Interpolated Position Cyclic Sync Position Cyclic Sync V elocity Cyclic Sync T orque Reserved MFG Specific 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 = M ode S upported 0 = M ode N ot Supported Figur e 5.
34 MDrivePlus CAN open R020507 P age Intentionally Left Blank.
35 P art 2: DSP-402 Implementation Section 6 Profile Position Mode General Information A target_position is applied to the T rajectory Generator . It is generating a position_demand_value for the position control loop described in the P osition Control Function Section.
36 MDrivePlus CAN open R020507 Functional Description There are two differ ent ways to apply target_positions to a drive, are supported by this device profile.
37 P art 2: DSP-402 Implementation V 2 V 1 T 0 T 1 T 2 T 3 V elocity T ime target_position X 1 target_position X 2 Figur e 6.3: Single Set-P oint Mode (Mo ve After a Mo ve) 6040h Bit 5=0 With change_set_immediately set to “1” , symbolized by the clear ar ea in F igure 6.
38 MDrivePlus CAN open R020507 Statusword (6041 h ) of Profile Position Mode 9 14 13 12 1 1 10 9 0 See 1.4 Following Error Set-Point Acknowledge See 1.
39 P art 2: DSP-402 Implementation Object 6082 h — End V elocity The end velocity defines the velocity which the drive must have on r eaching the target position. N ormally , the drive stops at the target position, i.e. the end_velocity = 0. The end velocity is given in the same units as profile velocity .
40 MDrivePlus CAN open R020507 Object 6086 h — Motion Profile T ype The Motion P rofile T ype is used to select the type of motion profile used to perform a move.
41 P art 2: DSP-402 Implementation Section 7 Homing Mode General Information This chapter describes the method by which a drive seeks the home position (also called, the datum, refer ence point or zero point).
42 MDrivePlus CAN open R020507 Statusword (6041 h ) of Homing Mode 9 14 13 12 1 1 10 9 0 See 1.4 Homing Error Homing Attained See 1.4 T arget Reached See 1.
43 P art 2: DSP-402 Implementation Axis Direction 1 Index Pulse Negative Limit Switch Figur e 7.3: Homing on the N egative L imit and Index P ulse Homing Method (6098h) The homing method object determines the method that will be used during homing.
44 MDrivePlus CAN open R020507 Method 2: Homing on the Positive Limit Switch and Index Pulse U sing this method the initial direction of mo vement is rightward if the positive limit switch is inactiv e (here shown as low). The position of home is at the first index pulse to the left of the position where the positive limit switch becomes inactive.
45 P art 2: DSP-402 Implementation 6 6 Index Pulse Home Switch 5 5 Figur e 7.6: Homing on the N egative H ome S witch and Index P ulse Methods 7 to 14: Homing on the Home Switch and Index Pulse These .
46 MDrivePlus CAN open R020507 Home Switch Negative Limit Switch Index Pulse 14 14 13 12 11 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 Figur e 7.8: Homing on the H ome Switch and I ndex Pulse - Negativ e Initial M ove Methods 15 and 16: Reserved These methods are reserved for future expansion of the homing mode.
47 P art 2: DSP-402 Implementation Methods 33 and 34: Homing on an Index Pulse U sing methods 33 or 34 the direction of homing is negative or positive r espectively . The home position is at the index pulse found in the selected direction. Method 35: Homing on the Current Position In method 35 the current position is taken to be the home position.
48 MDrivePlus CAN open R020507 P age Intentionally Left Blank.
49 P art 2: DSP-402 Implementation Section 8 Position Control Function General Information In this chapter , all parameters are described which are necessary for a closed loop position control.
50 MDrivePlus CAN open R020507 Object 6065 h — Following Error W indow This object shall indicate the conF igure d range of tolerated position values symmetrically to the position demand value. If the position actual value is out of the follo wing error window , a following error occurs.
51 P art 2: DSP-402 Implementation Section 9 Profile V elocity Mode Controlword (6040 h ) of Profile Velocity Mode 15 9 8 7 6 3 0 See 1.3 Halt See 1.3 Reserved See 1.3 MSB LSB Bit Name V alue Description 8 Halt 0 Execute the Motion 1 Stop axis T able 8.
52 MDrivePlus CAN open R020507 Object 60FF h — T arget Velocity The T arget V elocity is the input to the trajector y generator and the value is given in microsteps/second.
53 P art 2: DSP-402 Implementation Section 10 Optional Application FE (General I/O) Object 60FD h — Digital Inputs This object provides for digital inputs.
54 MDrivePlus CAN open R020507 Object 60FE h — Digital Outputs This object provides for digital outputs. Object Description Index 60FE h Name Digital Outputs Object Code ARRA Y Data T ype Unsigned 3.
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Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Intelligent Motion Systems DSP-402. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Intelligent Motion Systems DSP-402 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.