Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung Express 510T des Produzenten Intel
Zur Seite of 144
Intel ® Expr ess 510T Switch User Guide 6818 86-004 P age i T hursday, September 2, 1999 1:30 PM.
Year 2000 c apabl e An Int el produc t, wh en used i n acco rdanc e with a ssociated d ocum entation, is “Yea r 2000 Capabl e” wh en, upon install ation, i t ac- curate ly stores, disp lays, proce.
iii Contents C h a p t e r 1 Intel Ex press 510T Switch 1 Introduction t o the product . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Front Panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
iv CONTEN TS C h a p t e r 3 Standard Configuration 41 Changing th e Set up of the S witch or Stack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
v CONTENTS Tools for t he Stack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 Stack Synchronization Man ager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P age vi T hursday, September 2, 1999 1:30 PM.
vii Inf or mati on sou rces f or this s witch This Use r Guide is o ne of three sources of informat ion de livered with this switch . Quic k Star t de scription A printed gui de that describe s t hese.
viii PREFACE viii Wa r n i ng El ectros tatic S ensitiv e Devi ce Produ cts c ov ered This User Guid e gives you instruct ions on how t o use: • Intel Express 51 0T Switch • Intel Device V iew Prerequi site kno wledge This Use r Guid e is intended f or perso nnel authorized to confi gure and manage local area net works.
ix ix PREFACE Access to subm enus You access submenus using a menu hierarchy. T hese are shown by use of ang le brackets an d the courier typeface. For ex ample, File>Configuration>Setup shows that to select the Se tup sub- menu you must first clic k File and then Configura t ion.
x Page x Thursday, September 2, 1999 1:30 PM.
1 In this chapter This chap ter covers the f ollowi ng topics. 1 Intel Expr ess 510T Switch T opic See P ag e Intr oductio n to the product 2 Front Panel 3 Rear Panel 5 Installa tion 5 500.
2 C H A P T E R 1 Intel Ex press 51 0T Switch 2 Intr oduct io n to the pr oduct Pur pose of the s wit ch T he Intel Express 510T Switch uses your exi sting n etwork cables to integrat e switching techn ology into your co mputer network.
3 3 C H A P T E R 1 Intel Ex press 51 0T Switch Softwa re fea tures The switch offers the foll owing features: • Intel Devic e V iew for W indows* 95, W indows* 98 and W indows NT* or Intel Device V.
4 C H A P T E R 1 Intel Ex press 51 0T Switch 4 Front pa nel po r ts These ports are on t he front pane l : Slots f or module s After r emoving one o r both of the cover pla tes, the modul es can be inserted t o expand the func tionality of the swit ch.
5 5 C H A P T E R 1 Intel Ex press 51 0T Switch Rear P anel Introducti on The rear panel has a cooling f an outl et and the mai n supply cable, so you should posi t ion the switch with the rear panel faci ng away fro m you.
6 C H A P T E R 1 Intel Ex press 51 0T Switch 6 Bef ore In stallation Contents of the pac k Unpack the swit c h carefully and check that t h ese parts are present: Chec k the pac kage conten ts If yo u have not r eceive d all of t he parts, or any of the part s are dam- aged, co ntact you r dealer immedi at ely.
7 7 C H A P T E R 1 Intel Ex press 51 0T Switch P o sitioning an d Installing t he Switch Allo w adequ ate ve ntilation The switch contai ns t wo fans to air-cool th e internal circuit ry. The air is drawn i n from the le f t of the uni t and expelled t hrough the out l et grills o n the right si de and the rear.
8 C H A P T E R 1 Intel Ex press 51 0T Switch 8 • Custome r-supp lie d screws for se curing the switch in the ra ck. Mountin g screws are not provi ded beca use the requi r ed sizes may vary fr om rack t o rack.
9 9 C H A P T E R 1 Intel Ex press 51 0T Switch Installing a Mod ule Introducti on You can increase the connect ivity opti ons of your switch by instal ling a module. Wa r n i n g Modules are n ot designe d to be install ed in , or remov ed from, th e switch whil e it is in opera tion.
10 C H A P T E R 1 Intel Ex press 51 0T Switch 10 Remo ving the mo dule To remove a mod ule: 1 If the switch is a l ready operational, disconnect it from th e main power suppl y . 2 Follo w th e instruc tions in “ A voidin g dama g e to the cir cuit board” abo ve.
11 11 C H A P T E R 1 Intel Ex press 51 0T Switch RJ-45 c onnector p in assig nment s The RJ- 45 ports on the f ront of the switch have t he foll owing pin as- signments: Connec ting a de vice to the RJ-45 por ts To connect a workst ation compatibl e with IEEE 802.
12 C H A P T E R 1 Intel Ex press 51 0T Switch 12 Connecting th e P ower Introducti on After connecti ng the de vices to the swit ch, con nect th e power cabl e. There are certa in practical and sa f ety considerations to b e made be- fore power ing the swit ch on.
13 13 C H A P T E R 1 Intel Ex press 51 0T Switch P o wer up Power i ng up t he switch Follo w th ese steps to p ower up th e switch: 1 Push the female end of t he p ower cable i nto t he ma in socket (i n the rea r panel); plug th e oth er end into the powe r suppl y outlet.
14 C H A P T E R 1 Intel Ex press 51 0T Switch 14 Def a ult se ttin gs after start- up Once the switc h has start ed successfull y, installa tion is comple te and the switch is usi ng it s defaul t set ting ( al so known as defau lt conf i gu- ration ): • All ports are enab led.
15 15 C H A P T E R 1 Intel Ex press 51 0T Switch Follow t he instructi ons in Cha pter 2 to cha nge the conf igurat ion while the swit ch is ope ra ting.
16 C H A P T E R 1 Intel Ex press 51 0T Switch 16 P or t Status b utton To see the speed and duplex set tings of al l the ports, press the Port Status button.
17 In this chapter This chap ter covers the f ollowi ng topics. 2 Intel Device V iew T opic See Pa ge System Requiremen t s 18 Installat ion and Removal 19 Using Intel Devi ce V iew 20 Installi ng and.
18 C H A P T E R 2 Intel De vice View 18 System Re qu ire me nts Requirem en ts f or Intel De vice View under Wi ndows You need a PC with the foll owing minimum requir ements to run Intel Device View: • Microsoft W indows NT workst ation or server , v ersion 4.
19 19 C H A P T E R 2 Intel De vice View Web ser ver rest ri cti ons To manage the swit ch from a web server connect ed dire ctly to the switch, the web server must not use f rame tagging. To manage th e switch from a web server with IEEE 802.1Q tagg ed frames, manage- ment must b e through a device whi ch untags the frames.
20 C H A P T E R 2 Intel De vice View 20 T o install Intel D e vice Vie w for Wi ndow s Clic k Install Windows and fol low the on-scr een inst r uctio ns. When th e installati on is comple te , Intel Devic e View will star t auto- matically when “Launch Int el Device View” i s selected.
21 21 C H A P T E R 2 Intel De vice View Nav igati ng throu gh Intel Device View Many comman ds are available from within Intel Devi ce View. These are best accessed usin g mouse actio ns. However, Windows users can also access most of them through t he menu bar.
22 C H A P T E R 2 Intel De vice View 22 • A list of IP addresses — contains the last eight switches success- fully contac t ed from Intel Device V iew.
23 23 C H A P T E R 2 Intel De vice View After a Switch or Stac k is Contacted Comman ds When Intel Device View co ntacts a switch, the basic co mmands are supplem ented with : • Local Managemen t access — provides T elnet access to moni tor- ing fu nctions embed ded in the switch.
24 C H A P T E R 2 Intel De vice View 24 Setting the Preferences Setting the pol ling interval s The poll ing inter vals determi ne how often Intel Device Vi ew contacts the switch or stack and upd ates the status and infor mation displayed. To change t he poll ing parameter s: 1 Select Monitoring>Pref erences .
25 25 C H A P T E R 2 Intel De vice View Setting the timeo ut param eters f or SNMP The t imeo ut dete rmines the interv als bet ween poll ing a nd th e num ber of ti mes the req uest is r etrie d if a device i s not respo nding. To change the time out par ameter s : 1 Select Monitoring>Pref erences .
26 C H A P T E R 2 Intel De vice View 26 Installing and Ma naging Switches F ollowing installa tion o f Intel De vice Vie w After inst alling Intel Dev i ce View, you can add new switches, estab- lish or expand st acks of swit ches, an d manage exis tin g switches and stacks.
27 27 C H A P T E R 2 Intel De vice View Matrix Mo dule connec ted to a ne w sw itch When the In stall wizard de tects that a new switch i s connected to a Matri x Module, a message info rms that you must deci de how to man- age the switch .
28 C H A P T E R 2 Intel De vice View 28 3 Select t he box if you want to open the swi tch in a n ew Intel Device V iew window . 4 Click OK . Estab lishing and e xpan ding a stac k If you connect switches that al ready have IP addresses assigned to- geth er via a M atrix Module, you can manage them as a st ack.
29 29 C H A P T E R 2 Intel De vice View De vice T ree Introducti on The Device Tree d isplays t he separate subnets on your LAN as branches in a tree.
30 C H A P T E R 2 Intel De vice View 30 Instal ling a nd man aging swi tc h es Double clicking the switch’s IP addr ess or MAC address opens exist- ing switc h es in the I ntel Devi ce View window, or sta rt s the Instal l Wizard for new swit ches.
31 31 C H A P T E R 2 Intel De vice View De vice Vi e w (Main Displa y) Switch cont acted When Intel Device View cont acts the switc h or stack, t he front (in ter- face side) of the swi tch or stack is di splayed. This view p rovides a real-time v iew of the switch, or stack and ports, which behav e in the same way as the physical switch.
32 C H A P T E R 2 Intel De vice View 32 Right m ouse b utton comm and s f or a single swi tc h Right click a si ngle switch and I ntel De vice Vie w off ers: Functions Description Device Setu p Displays comprehensi ve informat ion about the switch ’ s overall setup.
33 33 C H A P T E R 2 Intel De vice View Right m ouse b utton comm and s f or a stack border When managin g a stac k of switches, right cl ick the stack bo r der and Intel Device Vi ew offers: Functions Description Stac k Setup Dis play s c ompreh e nsive in formatio n about the switch ’ s overall setup.
34 C H A P T E R 2 Intel De vice View 34 Right m ouse b utton comm ands f or a s witch in a stac k When managi ng a stack of switche s, right click a switch and Intel De- vice View offers: Config urat.
35 35 C H A P T E R 2 Intel De vice View Right m ouse b utton comm and s f or a por t Right click a si ngle port and Inte l Device View of fers: Color coding The switc h and port s are displaye d in different colors: Functions Description Port Setup Displays the po rt status, t he speed and duple x set t ings, an d spanning tr ee sett i ngs.
36 C H A P T E R 2 Intel De vice View 36 Expl orer Intel De vice Vie w Explo rer The Explorer within Intel Devic e View displa ys management infor- mation, fo r example VL A Ns on thi s switch and ot her switches. If a switc h is disabled or not opera tiona l, it i s displayed with a r ed cross thro ugh it.
37 37 C H A P T E R 2 Intel De vice View Dia gnostics Windo w Intel De vice Vie w Diagnos tics The Diagnosti cs window hel ps you troubleshoot the switch/st ack to get i t working p roperly in ca se of prob lems.
38 C H A P T E R 2 Intel De vice View 38 Dia gno s t ic de tail s wind ow This win dow provid es comprehensive deta ils of the er ror. T rap Windo w T raps win do w The Traps wi ndow display s all traps generat ed by the swi tch. Color coding Traps a r e gen erated by the s witch for many events, both normal and errors.
39 39 C H A P T E R 2 Intel De vice View System Win dow System windo w The Syst em window contains a log of all the major sw itch e vents with date and times (for exampl e, return to factory default, filter ent ry set- tings, mo dules inse rte d in slots).
40 C H A P T E R 2 Intel De vice View 40 Right m ouse b utton comm ands Right click a message and Intel Devic e View offers: Functions Description Refresh Reloads and up dates all th e informat ion in this win dow . Clear Clea rs all the messages displ ayed.
41 In this chapter Configur at ion i s th e way we chan ge t he set up o f the swi tc h or sta ck. In this chapte r you wil l find al l the instr uctions you need to chang e setups that a ffect the switch, or stack, and the p orts. In chapt er 4 you w ill find inst r uction s to integrat e VLANs into y our setup.
42 C H A P T E R 3 Standard Config uration 42 Changing t he Setup of the Swit ch or Stac k Im pr oving switch secu rit y To restrict t h e use of the switch or stack , you can: • Change t h e administrato r password for loc al manageme nt. • Change t he user password f or loca l managemen t.
43 43 C H A P T E R 3 Standard Config uration System Identif y ing the s witch To assist w ith swit ch id entifi c a tion and a dministra ti on, you c an change certain switch d etails (name, lo cation and contact pe rson). With a switch o r stack in the Device V iew window: 1 Select Device Setup or Stack Setup.
44 C H A P T E R 3 Standard Config uration 44 Internet Protocol Changin g IP details To change t he main IP address and network mask : 1 Select Device Setup or Stack Setup . 2 Click IP . 3 Change th e details. 4 Click OK . This is u sed to co nt act the sw itch vi a IP (TFTP, S NMP, TEL- NET etc.
45 45 C H A P T E R 3 Standard Config uration Local Time Setting the date and cloc k to local time To chang e the clock in the sw itc h to you r local tim e: 1 Select Device Setup or Stack Setup . 2 Click Date/Time . 3 Click Insert Current PC Date/Time to show the present settin g s.
46 C H A P T E R 3 Standard Config uration 46 Security The authentic ations list defines t h e hosts that can carry out SNMP , TF TP or T elnet mana gement on t h e switch, have read-wr ite or r ead- only right s and access to co m munities.
47 47 C H A P T E R 3 Standard Config uration 9 Click OK . Tr a p s Pur pose A trap al erts you of eve nts occurring in the switch. T he traps list shows where SNMP traps (gener ated by the switch) are sent.
48 C H A P T E R 3 Standard Config uration 48 P ermanent Entries Pur pose Enabl es you to allocat e a p ort to a device that d oes not sen d out device information. T hese devices are not removed from the switch’s ad- dress tab l e, regardless of h ow long the y are quie t.
49 49 C H A P T E R 3 Standard Config uration Li nk Ag greg ation Pur pose Combines tw o or four adjace nt ports to increase the bandwidth be- tween two swi tches or stacks. You ca n: • Add a new entry to th e list • Delete an ent ry Adding an Agg reg ate Link T o set up and a dd an aggregate l i nk: 1 Select Device Setup or Stack Setup .
50 C H A P T E R 3 Standard Config uration 50 P or t Mirr oring Pur pose Provid e s a facilit y to de b ug or mo nitor tra f fic on a speci fic port , by duplica ting the tr affic an d sending i t to a specified port. O nly one pai r of ports can be mirrored per switch.
51 51 C H A P T E R 3 Standard Config uration Local Manag ement Changin g pass word detail s The administrator has read-write access at all l evels. The user can read the monitoring screens, but can not chang e the config uration, up- date softwa re or rese t the st ation.
52 C H A P T E R 3 Standard Config uration 52 TFTP Changin g pass word detail s T o give added security , you can limit the n umber of staff authorized to tran sf er TFTP file s by changi ng the TFTP password. To change the pass wor d: 1 Select Device Setup or Stack Setup .
53 53 C H A P T E R 3 Standard Config uration Changin g the flow c ontrol Flow cont rol preven ts the loss of fr ames during busy periods. Note that t he indivi dual port setti ngs overrul e the default setting. To change the default flow mechanism on all ports: 1 Select Device Setup or Stack Setup .
54 C H A P T E R 3 Standard Config uration 54 Adap tive Fo rwar ding Mode Pur pose You can: • Change the S ample T ime • Define the mini mum and maximum errors a cceptable before changi ng the f o.
55 55 C H A P T E R 3 Standard Config uration 4 Click t he requi red pa rameter . 5 T ype the percent age of err ors or run ts. 6 Click OK . Spanning T ree Pur pose You can c hange the: • Prior ity .
56 C H A P T E R 3 Standard Config uration 56 Changin g the spanni ng tree priority The h igher the value , the lower the ch ance of the switch being u sed as the r oot bri dge. To change the pr iority value: 1 Select Device Setup or Stack Setup . 2 Click Spanning Tree .
57 57 C H A P T E R 3 Standard Config uration 5 Click OK . Changin g the f orward dela y e xpir y time To change the time betwee n port states while the bridge atte mpts to become the ro ot: 1 Select Device Setup or Stack Setup . 2 Click Spanning Tree .
58 C H A P T E R 3 Standard Config uration 58 • Specify t h e spanning tree Using t he mouse There are t wo ways to access the Port Setup win dow: • Double - cli ck the port • Right -click on th.
59 59 C H A P T E R 3 Standard Config uration Po r t M o d e Disab ling th e por t If you disabl e the port, th e devices at tached to it cann ot use the switch.
60 C H A P T E R 3 Standard Config uration 60 5 Click OK . Changin g duple x mode T o change the port’s duplex mode ( when aut o-negot iation is d is- abled): 1 Click the port you want to change. 2 Select Port Setup . 3 Click Port Mode . 4 Click Half Duplex or Full Duplex .
61 61 C H A P T E R 3 Standard Config uration Changin g the flow c ontrol on a por t Flow control prevents the lo ss of frames duri ng busy periods. To change the flow mechanis m on a port: Note This feat ure is over-r idden b y disabli ng the fl ow contro l set- ting in Device Setup>Switching .
62 C H A P T E R 3 Standard Config uration 62 3 Click Spanning Tree . 4 Click Enable spanning tree on this port . If th ere is a che ck mark in the box, the port i s used in STP .
63 63 C H A P T E R 3 Standard Config uration 5 In Priority , type the required value. If there are two ports with t he same value, the port with the lowest port number is chosen.
64 P age 64 T hursday, September 2, 1999 1:30 PM.
65 In this chapter In thi s chapter you wi ll le arn how to use Advanced Confi gurati on ef- fectively. Thi s chapter covers t h e V irtual LAN (VLAN) features. Y ou can create log i cal network groups (V LANs) by segment ing the switch; for ex ample, ac cording to the subnet ting sch eme within yo ur network.
66 C H A P T E R 4 Advanced Co nfiguration 66 • Allocat e network resou rces (such as servers) t o groups For a more comprehen sive explanat ion of the VLAN concept, refer to the online help . W ar ning w hen usi ng STP It is important to be aware of problems t h at may arise when using Spanning Tree and VLANs.
67 67 C H A P T E R 4 Advanced Co nfiguration Adding a VLAN The task of addi ng VLANs is simplified by using the VLAN Wizard . VLANs are not switch specific when managi ng a stack. T herefore, right-click the stack border to access VLAN Setup. To add a VLAN: 1 Select VLAN Setup .
68 C H A P T E R 4 Advanced Co nfiguration 68 Changin g VLAN mode To ch ange the mode o f operation of a VLAN: 1 Select VLAN Setup . 2 Click Advanced . The VLAN mode is shown. 3 Click the VLAN mode t o see the full range of choices. 4 Click the new mode and make sure the rest of the detail s are correct.
69 69 C H A P T E R 4 Advanced Co nfiguration P or ts with IP l ear ning IP lea r ning must be enabl ed when usi ng IP po licies. (I P learning is enabled on all ports by default.
70 C H A P T E R 4 Advanced Co nfiguration 70 Enab ling IGMP pruning IGMP pruning implemen ts a syst em where only the necessary amount of IP mul ticast p ackets are bridged . To ena ble IGMP pruning: 1 Select VLAN Setup . 2 Click Advanced>IP Routing>IGMP .
71 In this chapter This chap ter covers the f ollowi ng topics. 5 Managing the Switch T opic See P age Ma na ge m en t us in g I ntel Dev i ce V ie w 72 Moni toring the Swit ch’ s Perfo rmanc e 73 M.
72 C H A P T E R 5 Managing the Switch 72 Management usin g Intel De vice Vie w Wh y use Intel De vice Vie w? Int el Device View allows you to: • Configur e system, switching, IP , spanning tree, au thentication, and tr ap parame ters for the sw itc h .
73 73 C H A P T E R 5 Managing the Switch Hardwa re details To see the MAC address, h ardware version and memory size: 1 Click Monitoring>Hardware Information .
74 C H A P T E R 5 Managing the Switch 74 Monito ring the to tal activity of transmi tted p acke ts T o vi ew the total ac tivity o f the p ack ets bein g tra nsmi tted o n all the ports: 1 Select Device Activity >Tx Packets . Each co lumn repre se nts the act ivity leve l on that port.
75 75 C H A P T E R 5 Managing the Switch Monito ring the s pannin g tree sta tistics To view the sp anning tree st atistics for the whole switch , select Spanning Tree Statistics . Ov er vie w of all the por ts To view the se t ups of all the ports on the switch: 1 Select Port Overview .
76 C H A P T E R 5 Managing the Switch 76 Stations o n the s witch To view the IP addresses of the devices t h at have accessed manage- ment on th e sw it ch: 1 Click Monitoring>Access Overview . 2 T o change the order of t h e information, click th e appropriate title b ar .
77 77 C H A P T E R 5 Managing the Switch RMON Alar ms Alarm is a usef ul RMON featur e; it en ables you to set your own threshol ds for when the network activit y requires so me atten tion. 1 Right-cl ick a switch and sel ect Monitoring>RMON Alar ms>C onfi gure .
78 C H A P T E R 5 Managing the Switch 78 Monitoring the Stac k’ s P erf ormance Monito r ing th e heal th of th e s tack The Stack Health Moni tor provid es an overall stat us for t he switche s in the stack. To view the health of the stack: Right-click the stack bor- der and select Stack Health Monitor .
79 79 C H A P T E R 5 Managing the Switch Monito ring Intr aStac k activity T o view the total act ivity of t he packets bet ween the switche s in the stack, or across the Matrix Module: 1 Right-cl ick the stack borde r and select IntraStack Traf- fic Each column represents a Mat rix Module p ort and its act ivity leve l.
80 C H A P T E R 5 Managing the Switch 80 Monito ring the total p ac ke t activity per po r t T o view th e total a ctivit y o f the p ackets on all the po rts: 1 Right-cl ick the stack borde r and select Stack A ctiv- ity>Total Packets per Port . Each c olumn rep resen ts a po rt and its a c tivity level.
81 81 C H A P T E R 5 Managing the Switch 3 Click View and change the presentati on style: 3D- to 2D- Graph, wit h or with out a peak v alue indicator and vert ical to horizon tal bars.
82 C H A P T E R 5 Managing the Switch 82 Ov er vie w of all the por ts To view the se tups of all the port s in the stack: 1 Right-cl ick the stack borde r and select Port Ov erview . 2 Double-cl ick a por t to get the specific de tails for that port: port performanc e, faults, di stribu tion and sp anning tree informa t ion.
83 83 C H A P T E R 5 Managing the Switch Stations o n the s witch To view the IP addr esses of t h e devices on the switch: 1 Select Monitoring>Acce ss Overview .
84 C H A P T E R 5 Managing the Switch 84 Ov er vie w of the VLANs on a s witch To view th e VLANs on the switc h : 1 Select VLAN>Monitoring . This sho ws a full list of VL ANs active on th e switch or in th e domain (if distribu ted VLAN or stand-alo ne for a stack).
85 85 C H A P T E R 5 Managing the Switch Inf or mation about the domai n To view the VLAN mode an d Domain name: 1 Select VLAN>Status . 2 T o change the info rmation, see “Chang i ng VLAN mode” i n “VLANs (V irtual LANs)”, p.
86 C H A P T E R 5 Managing the Switch 86 Inf or mation about the server T his provides status information a bout the server: Note This information i s only avai lable from switches i n a stack or from switches in a dist ributed VLAN. 1 Select VLAN>Status .
87 87 C H A P T E R 5 Managing the Switch Monito ring the perf or mance of a por t To monitor the p erformance of a spec ific port: 1 Rig ht-clic k the po rt. 2 Select Port Details>Pe rformance . This ta ble shows th e total n umber of frames an d bytes, u tiliza- tion of the p orts and the number o f packe ts transmitted and received.
88 C H A P T E R 5 Managing the Switch 88 Monito ring the di stri b ution on a por t To mo nitor th e distrib ution p ercentag es of unic ast, mu lt icast a nd broadcast frames on a specific port: 1 Rig ht-clic k the po rt. 2 Select Port Details>Di stribution .
89 89 C H A P T E R 5 Managing the Switch Monito ring the VLANs o n a por t To view the VLANs on t he port: 1 Right-cl ick and select VLAN Port Monitoring .
90 C H A P T E R 5 Managing the Switch 90 T o ols f or the S witc h T o o l s avai l a ble The switch has vario us tools to hel p with mana gement: Ping Pinging a de vice Use Ping to ensu re a device is attached t o the networ k. If the devi ce is on a remote netw ork, you m ay nee d to adjust t h e timeout in ord er to receive th e response.
91 91 C H A P T E R 5 Managing the Switch 3 Change the set tings in the fie lds if re qui red, an d clic k Ping . Repor t Man age r Using th e Repo r t Manag er To view a l og or repo r t: 1 Click Tools>Report Manager . If you are managing a stack, select th e IP Address of the indi vidual s witch.
92 C H A P T E R 5 Managing the Switch 92 • Log file s (to pinpoint troubl e sources) t o provide diagn ostic informati on fo r tro ubleshooti ng • Detail e d sy ste m informa tion an d o peratio .
93 93 C H A P T E R 5 Managing the Switch • Software Update lets you: - Load n ew softwar e to the swit ch - Reset the switch if n ecessary - Monitor t he software st atus Ac ce ss to the Lo cal Man.
94 C H A P T E R 5 Managing the Switch 94 Recovery Manag er Pur pose Use the Recovery Manager if the software in your switch is corrupted or a software download to the switch fail ed, or you have moved a con- figured switch from a nother net, forgott en the swit ch’s IP addr ess, or simply lo st control o f the switch .
95 95 C H A P T E R 5 Managing the Switch 4 Click Close. T o ols f or the S tac k T ool s availa ble for a s tack When managing a stack, the fo llowing t ools are availabl e: Stack Sync hronization Manager Pur pose Before switc hes connected toge ther via a Matrix Mod u le can b e man- aged as a stack , their configurations must be synchronized.
96 C H A P T E R 5 Managing the Switch 96 Switch P osition Organizer Using t he Switch P os ition Organi z er This to ol e nables yo u to reposi tion th e switches d isplay ed on sc reen, so they hav e the same relati v e position to each o ther as the physi cal switches in th e stack.
97 97 C H A P T E R 5 Managing the Switch • Port 3 – dark yel low • Port 4 – dark cyan • Port 5 – purple • Port 6 – cy an • No connec tion – dark gray 500.
98 P age 98 T hursday, September 2, 1999 1:30 PM.
99 In this chapter This chap ter covers the f ollowi ng topics: 6 T echnical Specifications T opic See Pa ge Physical Specifi cat io ns 100 Power Speci fications 102 Performance Sp ecifications 102 500.
100 C H A P T E R 6 Techn ical Specific ations 100 Ph ys ic al Speci ficat ions Appro va ls The switch has the fol l owing appr ovals: Phy s ical The swi tch has the following physical spe cifications: Appr ov al f or Sta ndar d Safety UL 195 0 CSA-C22.
101 101 C H A P T E R 6 Techn ical Spec ifications En vironmen tal The switch has the f ollowing envi ronmental specificat ions: LEDs The switc h has the fol lowing number o f LEDs: Connec tions The s.
102 C H A P T E R 6 Techn ical Specific ations 102 P ower Spec ifica tions Consum ption P ower consumpt ion : 100 W maximum P ow er supply The power supp ly has: P erf ormance Specif ications MA C addresses The number of MAC addresses: Through put Internal backpl ane band width: 2.
103 103 C H A P T E R 6 Techn ical Spec ifications Memo r y s izes The memory sizes are as follows: Suppor ted protocol s This switch su pports t he following pr otocol s: Memory Sw itch Flash Me m ory (M B ) 2 CPU RAM (M B) 1 Buf fe r RAM (MB) 4 Subject Document Re ference Bridg e/Spann ing T ree IEEE 802.
104 C H A P T E R 6 Techn ical Specific ations 104 RMON RFC 17 57 IGMP version 2 RFC 1 1 12 RSVP versi on 1 R FC 2205 Subject Document Re ference Page 104 Thursday, September 2, 1999 1:30 PM.
105 In this chapter This chap ter covers the f ollowi ng topics: 7 Console Port Use and T r oubleshooting T opic See Pa g e Use of the Co nsole Port 106 T roublesh ootin g T ools 1 1 1 T roublesh ootin g Procedur e 1 1 1 T ypical Pro blems and Caus es 1 12 Repor tin g the Pro b lem to In te l Customer Su pport 11 5 500.
106 C H A P T E R 7 Console Port Us e and Troubleshoo ting 106 Use of t he Console P or t Pur pose of Cons ole P or t If you l ose contact with the swit ch and the Recover y Mana ger in Intel Device View or Local Management over the LAN cannot conta ct it, then the foll ow ing is p ossible via the C onsole port on the fron t of the switch.
107 107 C H A P T E R 7 Console Port Us e and Troubleshoo ting Upgra din g So ftwar e If a working switch sof tware needs to be upgraded, i t is recommended to use the S o ftware Upgrade Wizard in Intel Device View rather than the ma intena nce mo de com mands .
108 C H A P T E R 7 Console Port Us e and Troubleshoo ting 108 Reco vering fr om Star t-up Failure Netw ork boot p rocess The network boot process is as f ollows: 1. The switch send s a BOOTP request over the network. The boot request contains the switch’ s MAC address.
109 109 C H A P T E R 7 Console Port Us e and Troubleshoo ting BOOTP re quest and t he name o f the bo ot software to a specified boot ser ver. This is useful if the boot server being us ed does not support the use o f a bootp t ab file. • It runs t ests on har dware and prov ides diagnosti c information.
110 C H A P T E R 7 Console Port Us e and Troubleshoo ting 110 Comman ds al low ed in Mainte nance Mode The fo llowing c omm and is a v ailable fo r the switch in Mai nt ena nce Mode: bootpta b file entr y The entry for the swit ch in th e bootptab should contain a line sim- il ar to : :bf=/intel/switch/es510_x.
111 111 C H A P T E R 7 Console Port Us e and Troubleshoo ting T r oub leshooting T ools T roubl eshoo ting to ols av ail able The tool s availab le for troubl eshooting on the swi tch are: The LED indicator s These are l ocated on t he front pan el of the swit ch.
112 C H A P T E R 7 Console Port Us e and Troubleshoo ting 112 3 Check for any relevant messages in the Trap window. Use of this t ool is described in “Trap W ind ow ” , p.
113 113 C H A P T E R 7 Console Port Us e and Troubleshoo ting Star t-up Pr oblems I’v e for gotten m y pass wor d Explan ation: Y ou are prompted f or a password on the Login screen. Action: Enter Maintena nce Mode, and type : run defparm . Conseque nce: This resets the confi gur ati on to the def aul t v alu es so you can assign a new password.
114 C H A P T E R 7 Console Port Us e and Troubleshoo ting 114 I have poor perf or mance and high n umber s of second port dro ps Explan ation: There may be a lo op in the network and Spa nning T ree is not en abled.
115 115 C H A P T E R 7 Console Port Us e and Troubleshoo ting Repor t ing the Pr oblem to Intel Customer Su ppor t Introducti on If yo u are un able to solve the proble m an d want to r eport the prob lem to Inte l Customer Sup port, there are certai n things that you can do , to enable us t o begin solv ing you r problem q uickly.
116 C H A P T E R 7 Console Port Us e and Troubleshoo ting 116 Retrie ving Inf orma tion fo r Custom er Suppor t T wo meth ods a vaila ble If Intel Devic e View is still function ing, this in formati on c a n be ob- tained using the Report Manager. If the Repo rt Manager i s not acces- sible, use TFTP procedur es.
117 117 C H A P T E R 7 Console Port Us e and Troubleshoo ting 5 If the TF TP access is p assword protected, type: get<password>/<filename> .
118 Page 118 Thursday, September 2, 1999 1:30 PM.
A 119 Limited Hardwar e W arranty Limited Har dware W arranty Inte l warrants to the or iginal owner tha t the hardware pr oduct deliv e re d in this pack age will be free fr om def ects in mate r ial.
120 120 APPENDIX A Limited Hardwa r e Wa rranty If the C ustomer Support Group verifies that the product is de fective, th ey wi ll have t he Ret urn Mate rial Author izatio n Depart me nt issue you an R MA n umber t o place on t he oute r packa ge o f the pr oduct .
121 121 APPENDIX A Limited Hardware Warranty Country Number Languag e France +3 3 (0) 1 41 91 85 29 French Germ any +49 (0) 69 9 509 6099 Germ an Italy +39 (0) 2 696 332 76 Ital ia n UK +44 (0) 87 0 6.
122 122 APPENDIX A Limited Hardwa r e Wa rranty Federa l Communication s Commission (FCC) St atement This eq uipmen t has been tested an d found to com ply with the limits for a Class A digital devi ce, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules.
123 123 APPENDIX A Limited Hardware Warranty A VER TISSEMENT Le systèm e a été co nçu pour fonctionn er dans un cad re de travail norm a l. L’ emplac ement cho isi doit Ítr e: • Propre e t d épou rvu de poussière en suspensi on (sa uf la poussi è re nor mal e).
124 124 APPENDIX A Limited Hardwa r e Wa rranty Prim a di rimuov ere il co perchio d e l telaio, assi curars i che il sist ema sia scolle gato dall ’ a limentazi o n e, da tut ti i coll egamen ti di com uni ca zion e, ret i o line e di mode m. Non avvi a r e i l sistem a senza av er prim a me sso a post o il coper chio.
I 125 Index Numeri cs 10/100B ase-TX port, 4 A Acc ess res tric tio ns to L oc a l Ma nage ment , 14 to Lo cal M anag eme nt, 93 to SNMP, 45 Acrony ms, ix Add a Aggr egate Link, 49 a mirro red port, 5.
126 INDEX Intel® Express 510T Sw itch flow cont rol on a po rt, 61 forward delay expiry time, 57 forwar di ng mod e on a port, 60 hello expiry time, 56 IP details , 44 MAC address ag eing time, 52 me.
INDEX Intel® Express 510T Sw itch 127 transfer using TFTP, 116 Flow contro l chang e on a port, 61 change on switch, 53 defa ult , 14 Forward delay expiry t ime cha nge, 57 For war ding mod e on a po.
128 INDEX Intel® Express 510T Sw itch Local Management, 23 access, 93 over view , 92 Location for a po rt, 58 M MAC addresses ageing tim e , 14 change ageing time, 52 num be r per por t, 102 permanen.
INDEX Intel® Express 510T Sw itch 129 CONSOLE, 4 DB-9, 4 disa ble, 59 disa bled by m a nage men t, 14 dis t r ibu t ion of fr ame s, 88 link pulse active, 13 link pulse active, collision detected, 14.
130 INDEX Intel® Express 510T Sw itch change priority, 56 port specific, 61 Specifications, 99 Stack Health Monitor, 78 Stack Sy nchronization Manager, 23 Start -up proce dure, 13 Start- up problems .
INDEX Intel® Express 510T Sw itch 131 U Uni nsta ll und er Win dows NT 4.0 o r Win dows 95 , 20 V Ventil ation, 7 VL AN add, 67 delete, 67 information, 85 links to other switches, 86 over view , 65 ,.
132 INDEX Intel® Express 510T Sw itch Page 132 Thursday, September 2, 1999 1:30 PM.
A utomated Support You can reach Intel ® auto mated supp ort services 24 hours a day, ev- ery day a t no charge. The servi ces contai n the most u p-to-date infor- mation abo u t Intel products. You can access install ation instruct ions, troub leshooting i nformatio n, and general product info r mation. Page 134 Thursday, September 2, 1999 1:30 PM.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Intel Express 510T (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Intel Express 510T noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Intel Express 510T - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Intel Express 510T reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Intel Express 510T erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Intel Express 510T besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Intel Express 510T verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Intel Express 510T. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Intel Express 510T gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.