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BASIC-SO REFERENCE MANUAL Manual Order No. 9800758-02 Copyright © 1978, 1979 Intel Corporation I Intel Corporation, 3065 Bowers Avenue, Santa Clara, California 95051 r.
ii Additional copies of this manual or other Intel literature may be obtained from: Literature Department Intel Corporation 3065 Bowers Avenue Santa Clara, CA 95051 The information in this document is subject to change without notice.
PREFACE This manual describes and explains the features and conventions of Intel Disk Ex- tended BASIC-80, as implemented on Intel Intellec microcomp~ter development systems using the Intel Systems Implementation Supervisor (ISIS-II), and on Intel Single Board Computer Systems using the Intel Real-Time Multitasking Executive (RMX-80).
iv • RMX-80 User's Guide, 9S00522, which describes how to operate the Intel Real-Time Mulitasking Executive (RMX-SO). • RMX-80 Installation Guide, 9803087-01, which describes installation and operation of the Intel Real-Time Multitasking Executive.
CHAPTER! PAGE INTRODUCTION TO BASIC-SO Operating System Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1-1 Invoking BASIC-80 ........................... 1-1 Manipulating Files from BASIC-80 .. . . . . . . . . . . .. 1-2 Listing the Directory of a Disk.
FIGURE TITLE PAGE 5-1 Random 1/0 Characteristics ................. ' 5-5 E-l Intel Numeric Representation ................. E-3 E-2 8080/8085 Assembly Language Program ....... E-5 E-3 PL/M-80 Program. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION TO BASIC-80 BASIC-SO is Intel's implementation of disk extended BASIC for Intellec and Intellec Series II Microcomputer Development Systems, which use the Intel Systems Im- plementation Supervisor (ISIS-II), and for Intel Single Board Computers, which use Intel's Real-Time Multitasking Executive (RMX/SO).
Introduction to BASIC-80 1-2 To invoke BASIC-80 from ISIS-II, enter the name of the file that contains the BASIC interpreter. Options also allow you to specify the name of a file that contains a program to be loaded after BASIC-80 is running, and upper memory limit for BASIC-80's work area.
BASIC-SO Introduction to BASIC-SO Listing the Directory of a Disk To list the directory of a disk, enter DIR followed by the drive number. BASIC-80 assumes drive 0 if you don't specify: DIR NAME.EXT RECS LENGTH ATTR ALPHA 31 3728 ATTRIB 38 4677 BASIC 178 22571 COpy 64 7967 DCOPY 32 3961 DELETE 37 4501 DIR 46 5728 DSORT 11 1264 EDIT .
Introduction to BASIC-80 1-4 Loading a Program The LOAD command loads a BASIC-SO program from disk. The program can be stored in either ASCII or internal format. To load a program named ANL YZE from a disk in drive 1: LOAD ":F1 :ANLYZE" OK You can now run, list, or edit the program.
CHAPTER 2 LANGUAGE ELEMENTS A BASIC-80 program consists of instructions, which tell BASIC-80 what to do, and data, which gives BASIC-80 the inform.ation necessary to do it. This chapter describes the different types of instructions and data, and shows how to represent them.
Language Elements BASIC-80 Table 2-1. BASIC-80 Commands (Cont'd.) Command Description Example MERGE Combines file program with current MERGE ":F1:TIME" program. NEW Deletes current program, clears NEW variables. NULL Specifies nulls added to a line.
BASIC-SO Language Elements Functions Functions are built-in routines that return a value based on the argument or arguments supplied. They can be used to form expressions with either commands or statements. BASIC-SO includes both numeric and string functions.
Language Elements 2-6 Constants Constants are numeric values that do not change during program execution. A con- stant can be a decimal integer, hexadecimal integer, octal integer, single-precision floating-point number, or double-precision floating-point number.
BASIC-80 Language Elements Octal Integer Constants Octal integer constants are identified by the suffix Q following the numeric value. The numerals 0-7 are used as octal digits.
Language Elements 2-8 If a variable is referenced before it has been assigned a value, its value is zero. The NEW, RUN, CLEAR, LOAD, and MERGE instructions set all variables to zero. Individual variables can be specified by individual type identifier suffixes, which override group type identifiers used to specify blocks of variables.
BASIC-SO Language Elements Converting Data It is sometimes useful to convert one type of data into another. BASIC-SO suppo. I..., these conversions with the HEX$, OCT$, CHR$, STR$, VAL, CVD, CVI, CVS, CDBL, CSNG, CINT, MKS$, MKD$, and MKI$ functions.
Language Elements 2-10 String Arrays Like numeric arrays, string arrays can be dimensioned with the DIM statement. The format for dimensioning a string array is the same as for numeric arrays: DIM A$(5,25,40) If you don't execute a DIM statement, a default of 10 for each subscript is assumed.
BASIC-80 Language Elements Table 2-6. BASIC-SO Operators in Order of Precedence (Cont'd.) Order 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Operator Logical NOT, used to invert a given argument. Logical AND, used to test if the nth bit of X and the nth bit of Yare both on.
Language Elements 2-12 Logical Operators The logical operators NOT, AND, OR, XOR, IMP, and EQV are operators that compare the nth bit of argument X with the nth bit of argument Y. They are evaluated after the arithmetic and relational operators; therefore, arithmetic expres- sions resolve to a number which is compared with another number.
CHAPTER 3 ENTERING AND EDITING PROGRAMS With BASIC-80, you can create new programs by entering statements line by line, or you can access saved programs from disk storage. If you're using ISIS-II BASIC-80, you can use the ISIS-II BASIC-80 Text Editor to alter new or saved instruction lines.
Entering and Editing 3-2 In the Command Mode, the RUBOUT key deletes the last entered character each time you press it, and backspaces the cursor on a CRT. On a teletype, or with RMX/SO BASIC-SO, RUBOUT echoes the last-entered character. If you then press CR, the program statement is entered without the rubbed-out characters.
BASIC-SO Entering and Editing Complete editing of a line replaces the old line with the edited line. This resets all variables to zero or null. To end editing without losing prior variable values, exit the editing mode with the Q subcommand after the line number has been printed.
Entering and Editing 3-4 L Subcommand The L subcommand prints the rest of the original line, and waits for further editing subcommands. The cursor is to the left of the first character.
BASIC-SO Entering and Editing The syntax of the X subcommand is: X character [character] ... Returning to the previous example, if you wish to add text at the end of the given in- struction line, use .
Entering and Editing 3-6 C Subcommand The C subcommand changes the next n characters to the specified character(s). If no integer is specified, the character immediately to the right of the cursor is changed. The syntax of the C subcommand is: [integer] C character [character .
CHAPTER 4 ERROR HANDLING If you enter improper instructions, syntax, or formats, BASIC-80 issues an error message. This chapter explains what these errors mean, how they may be trapped with the ON ERROR statement and pinpointed with the TRON, TROFF, ERR, and ERL instructions, and how errors may be simulated with the ERROR statement.
Error Handling 4-2 Underflow. Single-precision floating-point underflow occurs when the magnitude of a single-precision numeric value is less than (±) 1.2 x 10- 38 (1.2E-38). Double- precision floating-point underflow occurs when the magnitude of a double- precision numeric value is less than (±) 2.
BASIC-80 Error Handling 10 ON ERROR GOTO 100 20 INPUT A 30 PRINT 521 A 40 GOTO 20 100 PRINT "Error";ERR;"at line";ERL 110 IF 11=ERR THEN PRINT "Division by zero" 120 RESU.
Error Handling 4-4 Error Simulation BASIC-SO provides a statement that can simulate any errors which produce an error code. When the ERROR statement is encountered during program execution, BASIC-SO acts as if the specified error had occurred. The example below demonstrates how ERROR can be used to test an error handling routine.
CHAPTER 5 DISK FILE INPUT/OUTPUT BASIC-SO includes two types of disk file Input/Output operations: sequential and random. Sequential I/O lets you read or write a file from the beginning to the end; random I/O lets you specify where in the file you read or write.
Disk File Input/Output 5-2 String and numeric expressions can replace any of the parameters: OPEN M$,FN, DN$+ "OUTPUT" This statement opens a file for either input or output, depending on the value of M$ (it must be either "I" or "0") and assigns the file number represented by FN (it must be from 1 to 6).
BASIC-80 Disk File Input/Output LINE INPUT, on the other hand, ignores blanks, commas, and quotation marks, and reads everything between the current file position and the next carriage return- line feed, or up to 255 characters.
Disk File Input/Output 5-4 Random File I/O Random I/O requires a bit more care and coding than sequential I/O, but is more flexible because you can move back and forth within a disk file.
BASIC-SO Disk File Input/Output The FIELD statement can precede or follow the GET statement, but N$ doesn't contain those first 20 bytes until the FIELD statement.
Disk File Input/Output 5-6 Opening and Closing a Random Disk File As with sequential disk files, you must open random disk files before you can write to them or read from them, and close them when you're through.
BASIC-SO Disk File Input/Output It's not quite so simple to print or do calculations with numeric values from random I/O files, however, because they are represented as strings.
Disk File Input/Output 5~8 Remember that random disk files are stored as strings. Just as you must convert fields that represent numeric values when you read them (using eVI, CVS, or CVD), so must you convert numeric values to their corresponding strings when writing to a random file, using the MKI$, MKS$, and MKD$ functions.
ATTRIB CHAPTER 6 COMMANDS AND STATEMENTS The A TTRIB command changes certain specified attributes of BASIC-80 disk files. You can protect any file from writing or deleting or renaming by enabling the 'write protect' attribute, and you can later disable this attribute to alter or delete the specified file.
Commands and Statements 6-2 If a second expression is specified, it indicates the highest memory location available to BASIC. This number is similar to the MEMTOP option. If not specified, the highest memory location used is unchanged. At sign-on only 100 bytes of string storage space are available.
BASIC-SO Commands and Statements DATA The DATA statement prefaces lines of data that are read sequentially by the READ command and assigned as values to variables.
Commands and Statements 6-4 DEFSNG DEFDBL DEFSTR DEFINT The DEFSNO, DEFDBL, DEFSTR, and DEFINT statements are used to specify that a given block of letters will designate a specific data type when used as the first letter of variable names.
BASIC-SO Commands and Statements DELETE' The DELETE command removes specified instruction lines from program tex,t. A single line or block of lines may be deleted, as shown in the syntactic format and example below. Instruction lines prior to and including the specified line may be deleted by adding a dash (-) before a line number.
Commands and Statements 6-6 DIR The DIR command displays the names, number of blocks, and length (in bytes) of the files saved on the specified disk. If no drive number is specified, the default is drive O. DIR may be used as a command or as a statement.
BASIC-SO Commands and Statements ERROR expression 10 INPUT A,B,C 12 IF B=O THEN ERROR 11 14 PRINT AlB 20 END RUN ? 40,0,17 DIVISION BY ZERO IN 12 Ok EXIT The EXIT command terminates operation of the BASIC-80 interpreter and returns control to ISIS-II.
Commands and Statements 6-8 If the TO expression is larger than the starting expression and the step expression is negative then the loop will not execute. Similarly, if the TO expression is less than the starting expression and the STEP expression is positive, then the loop will not execute.
BASIC-SO Commands and Statements GOTO The GOTO (line number) statement transfers execution of instruction lines from the current line to the line number specified. There is no provision for a return to the branching point. GOTO line numberl GO TO line number The GO TO in line 270 causes a jump to line 100.
Commands and Statements 6-10 KILL The KILL command deletes files from disk storage, and removes all references to the deleted file from the directory. Once a file has been killed, it cannot be reopened. KILL filename LET The LET statement is used to give a value to a variable.
BASIC-SO Commands and Statements In the example below, LIST 30 prints line 30 only; LIST -30 prints all lines up to and including 30; list 30- prints all lines after 30, including 30; LIST 30-50 prints lines 30, 40, and 50; LIST prints the entire program text.
Commands and Statements 6-12 cannot later be assigned values with the LET statement. This is because strings are assigned new storage locations when given new values and this destroys the effect of the FIELD statement. Accordingly, the LSET and RSET statements must be used to assign new values.
BASIC-80 Commands and Statements NEXT The NEXT statement is used with a previous FOR statement to end an iteration of a FOR-NEXT loop; when BASIC-SO encounters a NEXT statement, control passes back to the statement line containing the last FOR statement.
Commands and Statements 6-14 ON ... GOSUB The ON ... GOSUB statement transfers program control to one or one of a set of subroutines.The line numbers of the first lines of these subroutines follow sequen- tially, separated by commas. If the expression evaluates to 3, control transfers to the third line number following GOSUB.
BASIC-SO Commands and Statements The example below shows a typical use of OPEN in an 110 program.See Chapter 5 for further details of disk random 110. 10 OPEN "R" ,#3, "F1 :PERSON" 20 GET #3,1 30 FIELD #3,20 AS N$, 9 AS SS$ 40 PRINT N$,SS$ RUN JONES, JOHN J.
Commands and Statements 6-16 PRINT The PRINT statement returns the value of expressions or the text of strings to the console, or to any ISIS-II file. Literal strings must be enclosed in quotation marks ("); variables and expressions need no quotation marks.
BASIC-80 Commands and Statements As can be seen, PRINT USING "!" prints a string consisting of the first letters of each string. PRINT USING 2 spaces prints a string consisting of four characters from X$ (3 plus a space) and four from Y$ (also 3 plus a space).
Commands and Statements 6-18 $$ The double dollar sign ($$) adds a single dollar sign to the immediate left of the number being formatted. PRINT USING "$$###.##"; -48.28; 364.90 -$48.28 $364.90 ($$) specifies space for two additional characters, but the $ added takes up one posi- tion.
BASIC-SO Commands and Statements PUT file number, [sector number] 10 OPEN "R", 1, ":F1:FILE.1" 20 FIELD 10 AS A$ 30 INPUT A$ 40 PUT 1,1 50 CLOSE 1 60 STOP RUN ? "A STRING" Ok RANDOMIZE The RANDOMIZE statement prompts the user for a new random number seed for the random number function RND.
Commands and Statements 6-20 REM The REM statement is used to insert commentary remarks into program text. Any instruction line that begins with REM following its line number is passed over, and program control passes to the next line. Within a remark, : (colon) is simply another character, not a statement separator.
BASIC-SO Commands and Statements RESTORE [line number] 10 DATA 48,49,51,53,58 20 DATA 104,108,116,132,164,5000,5000 30 READA,B 560 IF B<5000 THEN 30 570 RESTORE 580 READA,B RESUME The RESUME statement restarts program execution after an error has been detected and handled.
Commands and Statements 6-22 RUN The RUN command starts the execution of a program or a set of programs. If you enter RUN alone, it executes the current program starting at the lowest line number. If you enter RUN followed by a line number, it executes the current program start- ing at the specified line number.
BASIC-80 Commands and Statements SAVE string expression [,A] 10 INPUT A,B,C 20 PRINT (A + B + C)/3 30 END SAVE "AVER" OK RUN "AVER" ? 5,8,2 5 Ok STOP The STOP statement halts program execution and prints a BREAK IN (line number) message.
Commands and Statements 6-24 TRON TROFF 10 INPUT A,B,C 20 PRINT(A+B+C)/3 30 END TRON OK RUN [10]42, 48, 45 [20]45 [30] OK TROFF OK RUN 30, 18,12 20 Ok WAIT The WAIT statement instructs BASIC-80 to monitor incoming bytes from a specified port. These bytes are tested with a mask byte, which is an integer expres- sion in the range 0 to 255.
ABS CHAPTER 7 FUNCTIONS The ABS function returns the absolute value of the specified expression. The absolute value of an expression is its numeric value with a positive sign.
Functions 7-2 COBl The CDBL(X) function changes the type of expression (X) into double precision floating-point representation. In this format, calculations are accurate to 16 decimal places, compared to an accuracy of 7 decimal places in single precision floating- point representation.
BASIC-80 cos The COS function returns the cosine value of the specified expression. The input is given in radians. The calculation is performed in single precision.
Functions 7-4 DSKF The DSKF function returns the number of 128-byte sectors that are free on the specified disk. The examples below signify that there are 50* 128, or 6.4 kilobytes of free space on disk 1. DSKF (drive number) PRINT DSKF (1) 50 OK EOF The EOF function detects when the end of the file is reached when reading a sequen- tial data file.
BASIC-SO The following program asks for a divisor and a dividend, and uses the error- trapping routine in lines 60-90 to prevent division by zero (which has code 11) from stopping the execution: 10 ON.
Functions 7-6 HEXS The HEX$(X) function returns a string of hexadecimal digits which represents the hexadecimal value of the integer argument. In BASIC-SO, integers are from -3276S to 32767, but SOSO/SOS5 memory addresses go from 0 to 65535 decimal. HEX$ will handle arguments in both ranges correctly.
BASIC-80 INSTR The INSTR function searches for the first occurrence of the second given string within the first given string, and returns the first position of the second string as an ordinal number. The optional argument, an expression I greater than 0 and less than 255, starts the search at I characters.
Functions 7-8 LEN The string function LEN(X$) returns the length, in number of characters, of string X$. All characters are counted, including non-printing characters and blanks. LEN (string expression) 10 X$ = "JOHN J. JONES" 20 PRINT LEN(X$) 30 END RUN 13 Ok LOC The LOC function has two uses.
BASIC-SO MID$ The MID$(X$,1. [,J]) function examines string X$ and returns the rightmost characters starting at pointer 1. I and J are integers in the range 1-255. If argument J is specified, J characters are returned, starting at position 1. If I is greater than LEN(X$), the MID$ function returns the null string.
Functions 7-10 PEEK The PEEK function reads a single byte from memory at the location specified. The corresponding POKE statement writes a byte into a specified memory location. PEEK (expression) PRINT PEEK(OFABH) 200 P~S The POS function returns the position of the cursor after the last PRINT statement.
BASIC-SO SGN The SON function returns the sign of the specified expression. If the expression is greater than 0, SON returns 1. If the expression is 0, SON returns a 0. If the expres- sion is less than 0, SON returns -1. SGN(expression) 10 INPUT A 20 LET B = 3.
Functions 7-12 SPC The SPC function returns a string of spaces n characters long when used with a PRINT statement, as in the example below. SPC, unlike the SP ACE$ function, does not return an actual string, only a series of spaces. It may only be used with a PRINT statement.
BASIC-SO STR$ The STR$ function returns a string of decimal digits that represent the value of the integer expression. STR$ (expression) 10 FOR 1=0 TO 9 20 A$ = A$ + MID$ (STR$ (I), 2) 30 NEXT 1 40 PRINT A$ RUN 0123456789 Ok TAB The TAB function spaces to the specified column position at the terminal.
Functions 7-14 Only integers can be used as arguments; other variables must be passed by reference. This is done with the V ARPTR function, which returns the address of the specified variable.
APPENDIX A BASIC-SO ERROR CODES Table A-I. BASIC-80 Error Codes Error NEXT without FOR SYNTAX ERROR RETURN without GOSUB_ Outof DATA Illegal function call Overflow Out of memory Undefined line number .
BASIC.80 Error Codes Table A-I. BASIC-SO Error Codes (Cont'd.) A-2 Error Missing operand line buffer overflow FOR without NEXT FIELD overflow Internal error Bad file number File not found Bad fil.
APPENDIX B BASIC-SO RESERVED WORDS The following list shows 126 words that cannot be used as names of variables. If you attempt to do so, errors, error messages, or both will result. A valid variable name is one or more alphanumeric characters, the first of which must be a letter.
APPENDIX C BASIC-80 COMMAND CHARACTERS BASIC-80 has certain single control characters (characters produced by pressing the letter and the CONTROL key simultaneously) that cause something to happen immediately.
Table D-l. ASCII Code List Decimal Octal Hexadecimal Character Decimal 0 000 00 NUL 64 1 001 01 SOH 65 2 002 02 STX 66 3 003 03 ETX 67 4 004 04 EOT 68 5 005 05 ENQ 69 6 006 06 ACK 70 7 007 07 BEL 71 8.
ASCII Codes BASIC-SO Table D-2. ASCII Code Definition Abbreviation Meaning Decimal Code NUL NULL Character 0 SOH Start of Heading 1 STX Start of Text 2 ETX End of Text 3 EaT End of Transmission 4 ENQ .
APPENDIXE CALLING NON-BAStC-SO SUBROUTINES You can write a subroutine in FORTRAN-SO, PL/M':SO, or SOSO/SOS5 assembly language, convert it into relocatable code, load it into free memory, and access it directly from BASIC-SO. Any number of variables can be referenced, following PL/M conventions for passing parameters to subroutines.
Calling Non-BASIC-80 Subroutines E-2 When you have determined the optimum starting address for your subroutine, you can LOCATE it there with this command. LOCATE converts the relocatable object code to absolute object code, according to the starting address given.
BASIC-80 Calling Non-BASIC-80 Subroutines To return a single-precision floating-point, double-precision floating-point, or string result, you must use the appropriate data type character (see table 2-5 for a list of these characters) before the subroutine number in the USR function.
Calling Non-BASIC-SO Subroutines E-4 Some Real Examples The three sample programs provided in Figures E-2, E-3, and E-4 show how the same subroutine- adding three integer arguments-can be coded in FORTRAN-SO, PL/M-SO, and SOSO/SOS5 assembly language. Notice that each program requires three parameters.
APPENDIX F RMX/SO BASIC-SO This appendix describes the differences between the RMX/SO version of BASIC-SO and the ISIS-II version, and tells you the requirements and procedures for generating disk-based or ROM-based versions of RMX/SO BASIC-SO.
RMX/SO BASIC-SO F-2 • With RMX/SO BASIC-SO, you can create BASIC programs and program them into PROMs for permanent reference. • You can configure RMX/SO to execute a PROM-resident BASIC-SO program immediately on restart.
BASIC-SO RMX/SO BASIC-SO Table F-l. Sample Configuration Jumper Wiring Board Connect Jumper Remove Jumpers iSBC 80/30 Interrupt 131-152 (INTERRUPT 2) Handling 141-132 (EVENT ClK-IR1) 123-138 (COUNT OUT-INTR 7.5) 47-51 (ClK 0-A12-11) 46-47 (ClK 1-ClK 0) 143-127 (RXR INTR-IR 6) 47-52 (ClK O-ClK 2) 142-126 (TXR INTR-IR 7) 145-140 (Ground INTR 5.
RMX/SO BASIC-SO F-4 When you have configured your system, follow these steps to initiate BASIC-80: 1. Insert the supplied PROMl in socket 0 and PROM2 in socket 1 of the iSBC 80/30. 2. Turn on power to the disk drives and iSBC system. 3. Insert your single density BASIC-80 disk into drive O.
BASIC-80 RMX/80 BASIC-80 Drive 1: In drive I, you must have a disk with these modules: The RMX/SO nucleus, factory-configured for an iSBC SO/IO, SO/20,orSO/30. The RMX/SO extension files, including the Disk File System, and the RMX/SO Boot Loader files for the appropriate CPU board.
BASIC-SO RMX/SO BASIC-SO After you modify BQOPS.ASM and verify the contents of the BOOTCM.ASM and BQBMEM.ASM modules, you are ready to generate your boot loader. To do this, you must assemble BOOTCM.ASM and BQBMEM.ASM, and LINK and LOCATE the resultant object code.
RMX/80 BASIC-80 F-8 NOTE The RMX/80 Nucleus declares all interrupt exchanges except RQLIEX (us- ed for the system clock) as EXTERNAL. This is because user interrupt tasks must define the exchanges as needed.
BASIC-SO RMX/SO BASIC-SO The configuration explained below does not use DFS. Accordingly, the CONTR, DFS, and NFILES options shown in the BQOPS.ASM module are set to 0, and there are no references to the DFS libraries in the GBASIC.
BASIC-SO RMX/SO BASIC-SO 2. LiNK RMX810.LIB (START), BASCM.OBJ, and as many DFS and terminal handler system modules as will fit on on-board PROM into one module. Don't worry about unresolved external references-these will be resolved in step 6. 3.
RMX/80 BASIC-SO F-12 Configuring DFS on an iSBC 80/10 If you're using DFS with a PROM-Based BASIC-80 on the iSBC 80/10, you must add a line of code to the GBASIC.CSD module distributed on diskette. This code specifies use of the iSBC 201,202,204, or 206 disk controller.
BASIC-SO RMX/SO BASIC-SO Public Variables An area of RAM as large as possible should be allocated for BASIC-80 work space. The user must supply two routines, BQSMEM and BQEMEM which return the ad- dress of the first byte of BASIC-80 work space in registers Hand L and the last byte of BASIC-80 work space, respectively.
RMX/80 BASIC-80 F-14 Adding User-Written I/O Drivers to RMX/SO BASIC-SO You can add your own 1/0 drivers to any configuration of RMX/80 BASIC-80, so that BASIC-80 input and output statements employ user-defined 110 drivers. BASIC-80 treats these drivers as files with the device label :Ll:.
RMX/SO BASIC-SO F-16 Altering BASIC-80 Workspace The BASIC-80 stores the current BASIC-80 program, variables, con- stants, file buffers, strings. It should be as large as is practical. Table F -2. Sample Configuration Memory Requirements Module PROM (bytes) RAM (bytes) RMXBAS.
BASIC-SO RMX/SO BASIC-SO BAPROM is a program (and the name of the file that contains it) that runs under ISIS-II. It converts an ASCII file to Intel SOSO/SOS5 relocatable object file format. It is not a compiler; it transforms ASCII data to a form that can be LOCATEd.
ABS, 7-1 arithmetic functions, ABS, 7-1 ATN,7-1 COS, 7-3 EXP, 7-5 INT,7-7 LOG,7-8 RND,7-10 SGN,7-11 SIN,7-11 SQR,7-12 TAN,7-13 arrays, 2-9 DIM,6-5 OPTION BASE, 6-15 strings, 2-10 variables, 2-9 ASC, 7.
Index Index-2 DEFDBL, 2-5, 6-4 DEFFN,6-3 DEFINT, 2-5, 6-4 DEFSNG, 2-5, 6-4 DEFSTR,6-4 DEFUSR, E-2, 6-4 DELETE,6-5 DIM, 2-9, 6-5 dimensioning, 2-9 numeric arrays, 2-9 string arrays, 2-10 DIR, 1-3,6-6 d.
BASIC-80 Index INPUT$,7-6 LIST,6-10 INSTR~ 7-7 LOAD, 1-4,6-11 INT,7-7 LOC, 5-8, 7-8 LEFT$,7-7 LOF, 5-8, 7-8 LEN,7-S LOG,7-8 LOC,7-S logical operators, 2-10 LOF,7-S AND, 2-11 LOG,7-S EQV, 2-11 MID$,7-9.
Index Index-4 SAVE, 1-4,6-22 SGN,7-11 SIN,7-11 single-precision floating-point constants, 2-7 SPACE$,7-11 SPC, 7-12 SQR,7-12 statements, CLOSE, 5-3, 6-2 DATA,6-3 DEFDBL, 2-5,6-4 DEFFN,6-3 DEFINT, 2-5,.
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