Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung WORKPADC3 des Produzenten IBM
Zur Seite of 248
Handbo ok for the WorkPad ® c3 PC C omp anion.
Pa ge ii Copyright Copy right © 1998 3Com C orporat ion or its subsidiari es. All rights reserv ed. 3Com, the 3Com lo go, Pal m Com put ing, Graff iti , and Hot Syn c are r egist ered trad ema rks, an d Palm OS, Palm, the Pal m Co mputing Platform logo, and the HotS ync logo a r e trade- mar ks of Palm C ompu ting, I nc.
Content s Page iii Conten ts About This Book ..... .. ... ..... .. ..... .. ..... ... .. ..... .. ..... ... .. ..... .. ..... ... .... ... .. ..... ... .... .. 1 Chapter 1: Introduci ng Your WorkPad c3 Companion Ge tti ng t o kn ow yo ur W or kPa d c3 c o mp ani on .
Page i v Handbo ok for the Wo rkPad c3 PC Compan ion Cate go ri zin g a ppl i cati on s ... .. ..... ... .... ... .. ..... ... .... ... ..... .. ... .... ... ..... .. . 39 C han gin g the A pp lic ati ons L au nch er di sp lay ..... ... .. ..... .. ..
Con ten ts P age v Chapter 5: Communica ting Using Y our Companion M an agi ng des kto p E-Ma il a way fro m yo ur des k ..... .... ... ..... .. ..... . 111 Se ttin g up M ail on th e des kt op .... .. ... ..... .. ..... .. ..... ... .. ..... .. .....
Page vi Handbo ok for the Wo rkPad c3 PC Compan ion F orm at s p ref er ence s .... .. ... .... ... ..... .. ... .... ... ..... .. ..... .. ... ..... .. ..... .. ..... ... . 154 C ou ntr y def au lt ..... ... ..... .. ..... .. ... ..... .. ..... .. ..
Content s Page vii H ard war e W arra nt y Su m ma ry . ... ..... .. ..... .. ... ..... .. ..... .. ..... ... .. ..... . 194 B efor e You C all fo r S er vic e .... .. ..... .. ... ..... .. ..... .. ..... ... .. ..... .. ..... ... .. .19 4 Ge tti ng Cu st ome r Sup po rt and S er vic e .
Page vi ii Handbo ok for the Wo rkPad c3 PC Compan ion.
Abou t T his Bo ok Page 1 About T his Book Welc ome to the IBM ® Wor kPad ® c3 PC com panio n. This handboo k descr ib es all you need to k now about how to use your Work Pad c 3 comp anion and the ap plicatio ns that come with it.
Pa ge 2 Abo ut T his Book.
Chapter 1 Pag e 3 Chapte r 1 Intr odu cing Your WorkPad c3 Comp anion This chapter explains the physical buttons and controls on your W orkP ad c3 P C co mpa nio n, how t o u se yo ur Work P ad c3 com.
Pa ge 4 Intr o duci ng Y our Wor kP ad c 3 Com pa nion System requirements To insta ll an d operate P alm Desk top for IBM WorkPad , your computer system must meet the foll owing requirements: Min i mum r e qu ir em ent s ■ Window s 98, Wind ows 95, or Wind ows N T 4.
Chapter 1 Pag e 5 WorkPad c3 components Locating fro nt pa nel controls Wor k Pa d c3 compa nion screen D isplay s the applicat ions and informa tion s tored in your Wo rkPad c3 companio n.
Pa ge 6 Intr o duci ng Y our Wor kP ad c 3 Com pa nion Us ing the onscreen contrast c ontrol Even w ith the backlight on, you may need to make further ad ju st me n ts b y ch an gi ng th e am oun t of co nt ra st on t he s cr e en. To adju st the co ntra st: 1.
Chapter 1 Pag e 7 Using th e backlight If y ou have difficult y seeing the information on yo ur W orkPad c3 compa nion, you can use the backlight to illuminat e your screen. To activ ate the backl ight: ■ Pres s the po wer butt on and hold it d own f or a bout two s econd s.
Pa ge 8 Intr o duci ng Y our Wor kP ad c 3 Com pa nion Lo cating back pa nel compon ents Side cha nnels Ho ld the stylus o r front co ver, whic h slid e in and out of ei ther si de chann el and cl ick int o place. To use the stylus, remove it from th e side channel and ho ld it as you woul d a pen or pencil.
Chapter 1 Pag e 9 Seri al c onne ctor Conne cts your c ompanion to the crad le, which in tur n con n ect s to t he b ack of y our c om put e r an d t hro ugh th e AC ad apt er to the wal l cu rr ent.
Pa ge 10 Intr o duci ng Y our Wor kP ad c 3 Com pa nion Recharging the battery The Work Pad c3 comp anion con tain s a Lit hium- ion batt er y that is recharged each ti me you place the companion in t h e cradle. You never need to replace t he bat tery.
Chapter 1 Page 11 Vie wi ng da ta w hile in the c radle You ca n set a preference so that you can continue to view data while your compa nion is in the cr adle an d whil e t he batter y is bein g recharged. See “Gener al preferences” in Ch apter 7 for more in f or matio n.
Pa ge 12 Intr o duci ng Y our Wor kP ad c 3 Com pa nion Insta lling Palm De sktop fo r IBM Work Pad The fo llow ing ins tructions guid e you thro ugh ins talling Palm D esk to p fo r IB M Wo rk P ad. Af ter in st a lla tio n, ref er t o the on li ne He lp in Pa lm Des ktop f or IBM W orkPad for in formation a bout ho w to u se the s oftwar e.
Chapter 1 Page 13 4. Follow the onscr een instruct ions to comple te t he ins tallation. Du ring install ation y ou will be a sked to ins ert your compa nion in to the c radle .
Pa ge 14 Intr o duci ng Y our Wor kP ad c 3 Com pa nion Tappi ng and typin g Tap with t he stylus to get things done Like using a mous e to clic k e lemen ts on a computer scree n , using the stylu s to t ap elem ents on your companio n sc reen i s the ba sic acti on that ge ts thin gs done on y our comp anio n.
Chapter 1 Page 15 Elements of the comp anion i nterface Me nu ba r A set of comma nds that are spec ific to th e appl icat ion. No t all a pplic ations h ave a men u b ar. Comma nd bu ttons Tap a b u t ton to per form a co mmand . Comma nd buttons appear in dialog boxes and at the bottom of applicat ion s cre en s.
Pa ge 16 Intr o duci ng Y our Wor kP ad c 3 Com pa nion Op en ing a ppl ic atio ns You ca n use the Applications Launcher to open any application insta lled o n your companio n.
Chapter 1 Page 17 In a ddition to p roviding a w ay for you t o open applic ations , the Ap plicatio ns Laun cher d isplays t he current t ime, battery level, a nd applic ation cate gory. To o pen an a pplication: 1. Tap the App licatio ns icon . 2. Tap t h e icon of the applic ation that yo u want to open.
Pa ge 18 Intr o duci ng Y our Wor kP ad c 3 Com pa nion In this ex ample, three menus a re av ailable: Record, Edit, and O ptions . The Re cord menu i s sel ect ed and conta ins the c ommand s New Me mo, Dele te Memo , a nd Beam M emo.
Chapter 1 Page 19 Draw the Comma nd s troke anyw her e in the Graf fiti area, and immediately wr it e the c o rresponding c o mmand letter in the Graf fiti letter area. When you draw t h e Command s t roke, the word “Command” a ppears just above the Gr affiti writing a r ea to indic ate that you ar e in Command mode.
Pa ge 20 Intr o duci ng Y our Wor kP ad c 3 Com pa nion Ons cre en ke yboard When you create or edit a rec ord in an applicat i on such as Addr ess Book, you can open the onscreen alphabetic and numer ic keyboards to e nter data . After a key board is open, you can tap to open any of the other k e y boards , including t he inter national keybo ard.
Chapter 1 Page 21 Your WorkPa d c3 co mpani on als o inc ludes Gi raff e, a ga me you c an use t o practi ce Graffiti w ritin g. See “ Installing and rem oving applic ations” in C hapter 3 for inst allation instru ctions. The Memo Pad applic ation is ide al for pr acticin g Graf fiti w riting.
Pa ge 22 Intr o duci ng Y our Wor kP ad c 3 Com pa nion Us ing Palm D esktop for IBM Wo rkPad If you have n ew recor ds you wan t to ad d to your Wor k Pad c3 companion and prefer to use t he computer.
Chapter 1 Page 23 Customi zing your c ompanion You can cus tom iz e your companion by using the Pr efer ences applic ation. Y ou can enter your p ersonal info rmation such as yo ur name and ad dress; .
Pa ge 24 Intr o duci ng Y our Wor kP ad c 3 Com pa nion To se t the c urr en t dat e : 1. T ap the Set Date box . 2. T ap the arrows to select the current year.
Chapter 2 Page 25 Chapte r 2 En teri ng Data in You r Work Pad c 3 Co mpanion This chapter explains how to ente r d ata int o y our WorkPad c3 comp anion, by writing w ith the stylu s in the Graf fiti ® writing a rea, by using the onsc reen keyboard, by using the comput er keyboard, or by impo rting dat a from anoth er applicat ion.
Pa ge 26 Ente rin g Da ta in Yo ur W ork Pa d c3 Co mp ani on ■ Most char acter s re qui re only a sin gle s troke . When you li ft the styl us fr om the Gr affiti wr i t ing ar ea, you r compan ion rec ogniz es and dis plays t he text char acter immed iately.
Chapter 2 Page 27 4. Start your stroke a t the heav y dot an d draw the stro ke s hape as i t appears in the tables. 5. Lift the stylus from th e scr een at the end of the stroke shape.
Pa ge 28 Ente rin g Da ta in Yo ur W ork Pa d c3 Co mp ani on The Graffiti alphabet Let ter Strok es Lett er Strok es AN B O CP D Q ER F S G T HU IV JW KX LY M Z Spac e Bac k Spac e Carri age Return P.
Chapter 2 Page 29 Wr itin g ca pi tal let ters You make capit al le tte rs wi th the s ame st roke sh apes as t he basic alphabet char acter s. To mak e capi tal lett er s, you must first “sh ift” to ca p s — just as yo u press the Sh i f t key on a keyboar d — and then write the char acter st rokes.
Pa ge 30 Ente rin g Da ta in Yo ur W ork Pa d c3 Co mp ani on Graffiti numbers W rit ing pun ct ua tion ma rks Gra ffiti wri ting c an cre ate any pun ctuat ion symb ol that y ou can en ter from a sta n dar d key board. All punctu ati on mar ks begin wi th a sin gle tap on the Graffiti writing area.
Chapter 2 Page 31 Additiona l Graf f iti pu nctuatio n Writing symbol s and extended characters All symb ols and extend ed charac ters be g in wi th the s troke in the Graffiti writin g area of your co mp anion: When the Sym bol Shift is activ e, a slanted shift symbol appears i n the lower -righ t corn er of the scre en.
Pa ge 32 Ente rin g Da ta in Yo ur W ork Pa d c3 Co mp ani on Writing accented characters To create accent ed charac ters, draw the s troke normally used to cr eate the le tter, follow ed by a n accent s troke. Gra ffiti writing t hen add s the acce nt to the l etter.
Chapter 2 Page 33 Naviga tion strokes In a ddition to cha racter s ymbo ls, Graff iti writing inc ludes s pecia l str o ke s th at y ou ca n u se to na viga t e wit hi n te xt or fie ld s in you r applic ations . Graffiti Short Cuts Graf fiti Shor tCuts mak e enterin g comm only used w ords or phr ases quic k and easy.
Pa ge 34 Ente rin g Da ta in Yo ur W ork Pa d c3 Co mp ani on Your companion i ncl udes t he follow ing predefined Graffiti Short C ut s: Entry Sh ortCut Da te st a mp ds Ti me stam p ts Dat e / time .
Chapter 2 Page 35 Usin g the onscre en k eyboard You c an open the onscreen keybo ard anytime you n eed to enter text or n umber s on y our compa nion. Note that y ou c anno t ent er Gr affi ti char acter s wh ile usin g the onsc re en keyboar d. To use t he o nscreen k eyboard : 1.
Pa ge 36 Ente rin g Da ta in Yo ur W ork Pa d c3 Co mp ani on Im porti ng data If yo u have da ta store d in com puter appl ication s su ch as spr eadsh eets and da tab ases , or if you wan t to import data from a n o ther compani on, you can trans fer the dat a to your Work Pad c3 comp ani on with out hav ing to key it in m anually.
Chapter 2 Page 37 7. To import data into the correct Palm Desktop fields, drag fi elds in the l eft-hand c olumn so th at they a re opposite the corresponding imported field o n the r ight. 8. If you do n ot want to import a f ield , deselec t the ch eck box f or th at field.
Pa ge 38 Ente rin g Da ta in Yo ur W ork Pa d c3 Co mp ani on.
Chapter 3 Page 39 Chapte r 3 Managing Your Applic ations This chapter explains how to s witch bet ween applic ations on y our W ork Pa d c3 co m pa nio n, h ow to cha ng e ap pl icat io n se tti ng s so th ey are person alized to your wor k meth ods, and h ow to c ategori ze appli cati ons so you vi ew them in rela ted gr oups.
Page 40 Managing Y our Applicatio ns To cate gori ze an app lica tio n: 1. T ap t he A pplic ations ic on . 2. T ap the Menu i con . 3. T ap App, and then t ap Cate gory. 4. T ap th e pick li st nex t to eac h applic ation to sele ct a cat egory. Tip: To c re ate a ne w ca teg ory , t a p E dit C a tego ri es fr om th e pi ck lis t .
Chapter 3 Page 41 To change the Applications Launcher display: 1. T ap t he A pplicat ions icon . 2. T ap the Menu icon . 3. Tap Options, and then ta p Preference s. 4. T ap the View By pi ck list a nd select List. 5. T ap OK. To ope n th e Ap pli cati ons Laun ch er to the las t op ened cate go ry: 1.
Page 42 Managing Y our Applicatio ns Insta lling an d re movi ng appli cations This sectio n exp lains how to install and remove a pplica tions on your Work Pad c3 c ompan ion an d how to rem ove Pal m™ Deskto p fo r IBM W orkP ad f rom y our co mpu te r.
Chapter 3 Page 43 3. C lic k Inst all. Tip: You can also ac cess th e In stal l Tool dia log by sel ecti n g Insta ll Tool fr om the Palm Des ktop for IB M WorkPa d prog ram grou p or by double- clickin g any file w ith a PR C file ext ension .
Page 44 Managing Y our Applicatio ns 4. In the User dr op-d own li st, sele ct th e name that cor r es ponds to y our W orkP ad c 3 co m pan io n. 5. C lick A dd. 6. Se lect the ap plicatio n(s) you wa nt to install on your comp anion. 7. C lick O pen.
Chapter 3 Page 45 Removing applications In t he ev ent tha t y ou r u n out of me m ory or d eci d e tha t y ou n o l on ge r need an app lication you ins talled, you can remo ve application s from your c ompani on.
Page 46 Managing Y our Applicatio ns Secur ity Your compan ion comes with a Securi ty app lica tion so that unaut horiz ed us ers can not view t he entr ies yo u wish to prot ect. In Se curity , you ca n d o the fo llow ing: ■ Turn off an d lock your com panion so that it does no t o perate unti l you enter the correct password.
Chapter 3 Page 47 Changing or deleting a pas sword Once you de fi ne a pa ssword f or your comp ani on, you ca n ch ang e or delet e it at any t ime. You mu st ente r th e cur rent pas sword befo re you ca n chang e or dele te it. To ch ange or del ete you r pa ssw ord: 1.
Page 48 Managing Y our Applicatio ns To lo ck yo ur co mp an io n w it h a pa ss w ord: 1. Perform a Ho tSync operation to synchroniz e the data between you r co mpan ion and your comp ut er. See “ Ex chang i ng an d updating data: HotSyn c operat ions” in Chapt er 4 for informat ion on s y nc hroni zing y our data .
Chapter 4 Page 49 Chapte r 4 Using Your Basi c Applicat ions Your Work Pad c 3 PC c ompanio n inc ludes t h ese basic applicat ions: ■ Date Bo ok ■ A ddres s Boo k ■ To Do Lis t ■ Mem o Pa d �.
Pa ge 50 Us ing Y ou r Ba si c Ap plic at ions Over view of bas ic appl icat ions Date Boo k D ate Book lets you quic kly and e asily s chedule appoint ments or an y ki nd of ac tivit y as soci ated with a ti me a nd dat e.
Chapter 4 Page 51 Address Boo k Address Book e nabl es you to kee p names , addresses , phone numbe rs, and ot h er in format ion abou t your pers onal or busi ness co n tac ts. In Addres s Book , you can do the fol low ing: ■ Quick ly lo ok up or ente r n a mes, a ddres ses, phone nu mbers , and ot her i nfo rmati on.
Pa ge 52 Us ing Y ou r Ba si c Ap plic at ions To Do List To Do L ist is a convenient place to create reminders and prio ritiz e the th ing s that you have to do . In To D o Lis t, you c an do t h e fo llow in g: ■ M ake a q uick and conv enient li st of thing s to d o.
Chapter 4 Page 53 Me mo Pad Memo Pad pro vides a plac e to take n ote s th at are not asso ciat ed with recor ds in Date Book , Addr ess Book, or To Do List . In M emo Pad, y ou ca n do the fol lowing: ■ Take n otes o r writ e any kind of mess age on y our PC co mpani on.
Pa ge 54 Us ing Y ou r Ba si c Ap plic at ions To open Ca lcul ator: ■ Tap the Calcu lator icon next to the Graff it i ® wr iting area. Expense Expense lets you keep track of yo ur expenses a n d then transfer the information to a spreadsheet on your computer.
Chapter 4 Page 55 Common task s The t asks desc ribed in th is s ectio n use th e t erm “recor ds” to refer to an indi vidu al ite m in any of the basi c a pplicatio n s : a single Date B ook event, Address Book entry, To Do L ist item, Memo Pad memo, o r Expense item.
Pa ge 56 Us ing Y ou r Ba si c Ap plic at ions Entering tex t F or infor mation o n ho w to en ter t ext us ing Gra ffiti wr iting, th e onsc reen keyboa rd, or th e keyboar d attac hed to your computer , see Chapte r 2. Edi t men u The Edit menu is available with any screen where you enter or edit text .
Chapter 4 Page 57 De l eti ng re co rd s To dele te a rec ord in any of the basic app lica tion s: 1. Select the r ec ord y ou want t o delete. 2. T ap the Menu icon .
Pa ge 58 Us ing Y ou r Ba si c Ap plic at ions Purging records Ov e r tim e , as y ou use Da te B ook, T o D o L ist , and Ex pe nse, yo u wil l accumulate records in these appli cations that have outl ived their usefulness.
Chapter 4 Page 59 Desktop for IBM WorkPad appear in bo th places afte r a HotSync operation. H o tSync t ec hnology s ynchronizes o nly the need ed por tions of f ile s, th us reduci ng synchron izatio n time.
Pa ge 60 Us ing Y ou r Ba si c Ap plic at ions 2. If the Ho tSync Manage r is not runnin g, start it: click the Wind ows Start b utt on, choo se Progr ams, ch oose the Pal m Desk top fo r IBM WorkPa d pro g ram g rou p, and then choose HotSy nc Manag er.
Chapter 4 Page 61 Categorizi ng records Cate gor ize reco rds in the Ad dress Book, To Do Li st, Mem o P a d, and Expense applicat ions so that they are grouped logically and are easy to re view. (You can al so cate gor ize app licati ons . See “Usi ng the Ap plicatio ns Launche r” in Chapt er 3 fo r mo re inform ation.
Pa ge 62 Us ing Y ou r Ba si c Ap plic at ions To disp lay a cat egory of reco rds: 1. Tap the ca tegory pick list in the upper-right corner of the List screen. 2. Select the c a tegory you want to v iew. The List scr een now dis play s onl y the rec ords as sign ed to that cat egory.
Chapter 4 Page 63 4. E nte r th e n ame of th e ne w c ate go ry, and the n ta p OK . 5. T ap OK. You can ass ign any of your reco rds to the n ew cat egory. To re name a ca teg ory : 1. Tap the category pick list in the upper-right corner of the screen.
Pa ge 64 Us ing Y ou r Ba si c Ap plic at ions 4. E nte r th e new name f or th e catego ry, and t hen tap OK. 5. T ap OK. Tip: Y ou can gr oup the r ecord s in two or mor e ca tegor ies in to one c ate go r y by giv ing th e ca teg ori es the sam e n am e.
Chapter 4 Page 65 To look up an A ddres s B ook recor d: 1. Di sp la y th e Ad dr e ss Li st sc re en. 2. E nte r t he fi rst le tt er of the na m e you wa nt t o fi nd. T he li st s cr ol ls to th e f irs t en try tha t be gin s wi th th at l ett er.
Pa ge 66 Us ing Y ou r Ba si c Ap plic at ions As your c o mpanion searches for the t ext, y ou can tap Stop at any tim e. You may wan t to do th is if the e ntry you want ap- pears before your companion finishes th e searc h . To continue the s earch af ter y ou ta p Stop , t ap Fin d More.
Chapter 4 Page 67 5. T ap Add. The na me you sele cted , along wi th the o ther i nfor mation ass ocia ted with it, is pasted into the record you s elected in step 1. Phone Lookup tips Write the Gr affi ti Comman d stroke “/L” to act ivate the Pho ne Looku p fe atu r e.
Pa ge 68 Us ing Y ou r Ba si c Ap plic at ions 3. T ap Who. 4. T ap Lookup. The Atte ndees Lookup screen d ispl ays all th e names i n your Address Book that ha ve d ata in the Company f ield. 5. Select the name y ou want to ad d, and then tap A dd. The name appea rs in t he Attendees scre en.
Chapter 4 Page 69 3. Tap Options, and then ta p Preference s. Address Book : Me mo Pad : 4. Do on e of th e fol lowi n g: Address Book: Tap the setti n g you want. Me mo Pad : Tap the Sor t by pi ck list and selec t Alphabe tic or Ma nual . 5. T ap OK.
Pa ge 70 Us ing Y ou r Ba si c Ap plic at ions To hid e pri vat e re cord s: 1. T ap t he A pplic ations ic on . 2. T ap Securi ty. 3. T ap Hide. 4. T ap H ide to confirm that you want to hide p rivat e reco rds. To disp lay pr ivate rec ords: 1. T ap t he A pplic ations ic on .
Chapter 4 Page 71 To make a rec ord privat e: 1. Di splay the ent ry that you want to make pr ivate. 2. T ap Deta ils. 3. Tap the Pr iv ate check box to select it. 4. T ap OK. Attachi ng notes In all basic applicatio ns except Memo Pad , y ou can attach a note to a rec ord.
Pa ge 72 Us ing Y ou r Ba si c Ap plic at ions Choosing f onts In all basic applications ex cept Expense, you can change the font style to make tex t easier to rea d. You can c hoose a dif fe rent font st yle for eac h applic ation. To ch ange th e f ont styl e: 1.
Chapter 4 Page 73 A ppl icat io n- spe cif ic t as ks Date Bo ok When you ope n Date Boo k, the scr een sho ws the cur rent d ate and a li st of time s f or a norm al busin ess da y. Sche duli ng an even t A rec or d in Da te B o ok is c all ed a n “ev ent .
Pa ge 74 Us ing Y ou r Ba si c Ap plic at ions 2. E nter a desc riptio n of the event. You can enter up to 255 char acter s. 3. If the event is one hour long, sk ip to step 7. If the event is longer or sh o rte r th an an h ou r, t ap th e t ime of th e ev en t to ope n th e S et Ti m e dia lo g b ox .
Chapter 4 Page 75 To sche dule an ev ent for another day : 1. Select the date you w ant for th e event by doing one o f the follo wing: ■ Tap t he day of the week that you want i n the da te bar at th e top o f the screen. If neces sar y , tap the Previous week o r Next w eek scroll arro ws to move to an other week.
Pa ge 76 Us ing Y ou r Ba si c Ap plic at ions To sch edule an unt imed ev ent: 1. Select t he date th at you want f or th e ev ent as de scribe d in “To schedule an ev ent for an other day.” 2. T ap New. 3. T ap OK, so that n o star t or e nd times are def ine d for the n ew ev ent.
Chapter 4 Page 77 Res chedu li ng an ev ent Yo u c an ea s ily mak e ch an g es to yo ur sc he du l e with yo ur com pa ni on . To resc hed ule a n ev ent: 1. Tap the ev ent you want to reschedule. 2. T ap Deta ils. 3. T o c hange the time, tap th e Time box an d selec t a new time .
Pa ge 78 Us ing Y ou r Ba si c Ap plic at ions Alarm fo r unt imed ev ents: You can set a si lent alarm for an untimed event. In this ca se, the alar m trigger s at the spec ifi ed period of minut es, hours, or days befor e midn ight (be gin ning) of t he da y of the un timed event.
Chapter 4 Page 79 5. Enter a n umber that c orresponds t o how often you want the event to r epeat on the Every li ne. For example, if you select Month and enter the number 2, the event r epeats every other month. 6. To specify a n en d date for the repeating o r co ntinuous event, tap the End on pick list an d tap Choose Date.
Pa ge 80 Us ing Y ou r Ba si c Ap plic at ions To dis pla y th e cu rrent t im e: ■ Tap t he dat e in th e date bar to dis play th e curren t ti me. Af ter a f ew seconds, the date reappears. W o rk in g in W e ek V ie w : W eek View shows the calendar of your events for an entire week.
Chapter 4 Page 81 3. T ap an event to show a descripti on of the event. Tips for using W eek Vie w : Ke ep the follow ing points in mi nd. ■ To resched ule an event , tap and d rag the event to a di fferent time or d ay. ■ Tap a blan k time o n any day t o m ove to that day and have th e time sele ct ed f or a n ew e vent.
Pa ge 82 Us ing Y ou r Ba si c Ap plic at ions W orkin g in Mon th Vie w The M onth View screen shows w hich days have events scheduled. Dots and lines i n the Month View in dica t e events, repeating events, and un ti med events. You can control the dots and lines t hat appear in the Month View.
Chapter 4 Page 83 Date Book me nus, pre ferences, and display op tions Date B o ok m enus ar e shown her e for your refer en ce , an d Dat e Book features that are not explained elsewhere in this book are desc ribed here . See “Using menus” i n C hapt er 1 for informatio n about choosi ng menu co mmand s.
Pa ge 84 Us ing Y ou r Ba si c Ap plic at ions Dis p la y Op tio ns Allow s you t o change Dat e Book’s a ppearance and which events display. ■ Show Time Bars. Ac tiva tes the time bars that appear in the D ay View. The t ime bars show the dur atio n of an even t and illus trate eve nt con fli ct s.
Chapter 4 Page 85 P refere nce s ■ Star t/ End Time. Def in e s th e st art a nd e nd t im es fo r Date Bo ok scr eens. If the ti me slot s y o u se lect d o not fi t on one s c r een, you can tap the sc roll arr ow s to scro ll u p an d do wn . ■ Alarm Pres et.
Pa ge 86 Us ing Y ou r Ba si c Ap plic at ions Address Book Address Book i s th e a pplic ation i n which y ou stor e name and addr ess info rmation about pe ople or b usin ess es. Creati ng an Addre ss Bo ok en try A rec ord in A ddress B ook is called an “ entry.
Chapter 4 Page 87 4. Use the N ext Field Graffi ti st roke to move to the Fi rst Name field . Tip: You can al so move to an y fie ld by tap pin g it di rectl y. 5. Enter the person's first name in the F irst Nam e field. 6. E nt er the oth er inf ormat ion tha t you want t o incl ude in this en try.
Pa ge 88 Us ing Y ou r Ba si c Ap plic at ions 3. Tap the pick lis t next to the label you want to c hange. 4. Select a n ew label . Chan ging Address Entry details T he A d d res s En tr y De t ail s d i al og bo x pro vid e s a v ari et y o f o p ti on s that you can ass o ciat e wi th an entr y.
Chapter 4 Page 89 See “Using menus” i n C hapt er 1 for informatio n about choosi ng menu co mmand s. The Record and Opt io ns menus differ depending on whether you are displaying the Address List screen or the A ddres s View screen. Re cord menus Optio ns menus P refere nce s ■ Remember last category .
Pa ge 90 Us ing Y ou r Ba si c Ap plic at ions Rena me Custom Fields These c u stom fi elds appear at the en d of t h e Address Edit screen . Rename them to identify the kind of inform ation you enter in them . T he nam es you give t h e custom fields appear in all entries.
Chapter 4 Page 91 To Do List A To Do Lis t item i s a remin der of som e t ask that y ou have to comp lete. A record in To Do List i s calle d an “ item .” To create a To Do Lis t item: 1. Press the To D o L ist app lic ation butto n on th e f ront of y our comp anio n to d isp lay th e To Do List.
Pa ge 92 Us ing Y ou r Ba si c Ap plic at ions To set the prio rity of a To Do Lis t i tem: 1. Tap the Pr iori ty num ber on the left side of t he To Do List item.
Chapter 4 Page 93 To dis play the To Do Item D etai ls di alog b ox: 1. T ap th e tex t of the i tem whose detai ls you wan t to change. 2. T ap Deta ils. Set ting a due d ate You can ass o cia t e a due d ate w i th an y To Do L ist it em. You can al so sort the items that appear in the list based on their due date.
Pa ge 94 Us ing Y ou r Ba si c Ap plic at ions To Do S how Op tions The Show O ptions dialog box enables you t o control the appearance of To Do List . To chan ge t he Show Opti ons set ting s: 1. In T o Do L ist , tap Sh ow . 2. Select any of the f ollowi ng s ettings: Show Comple ted Items Displa ys y our co mpleted items in t he To Do L ist .
Chapter 4 Page 95 3. T ap OK. To Do List m enus To Do List menu s a re show n here for your r eferenc e, a n d To Do List features that are not explained elsewhere in this book are desc ribed here . See “Using menus” i n C hapt er 1 for informatio n about choosi ng menu co mmand s.
Pa ge 96 Us ing Y ou r Ba si c Ap plic at ions Mem o P ad A m em o can co nt ai n up to 4 ,00 0 ch ara cte rs. The num be r of me mo s you can s tore is dependent only on the m emory available on your co mpa ni on . A r eco rd i n Mem o Pad is c all ed a “ mem o.
Chapter 4 Page 97 To revi ew a m emo: 1. In th e Me mo L is t, tap th e te xt o f t he me m o. 2. R eview o r edit the text i n the memo. 3. T ap Done. Memo Pa d menu s M emo Pad m e nus are s ho wn h ere fo r you r re fere nc e, an d M emo Pad features that are not explained elsewhere in this book are desc ribed here .
Pa ge 98 Us ing Y ou r Ba si c Ap plic at ions Go t o Top of Page M ov es to th e top (fir s t) li n e o f t he m em o . Go to Bo ttom of Page M ov es to the bo tt om (las t ) lin e o f th e me mo . Prefere nce s Displays the Memo Preferences dialog box, where you def ine the sor t order fo r memos.
Chapter 4 Page 99 Calculator The Cal cul ator incl u des se vera l button s to hel p you perf orm ca lcu lati ons. Re cent Calcu lati ons The R ecen t Calc ulations c omma nd ena bles yo u to r evi e w the last series of c alculatio ns and is p articularl y usef ul for confirm ing a series of “chain” ca lculations .
Pa ge 100 Us ing Y ou r Ba si c Ap plic at ions 3. Afte r you fini sh re viewi ng t he ca lcu lat ions, ta p OK. Calc ulator m enus C alcu l ato r men us a re sho w n here for yo ur re fe ren ce, a nd Ca lcu la tor features that are not explaine d elsewhere in this book are described her e.
Chapter 4 Page 101 Expense Expense enables you to record t h e date , expense type, and the amount that you spen t. A rec ord in Expe nse i s called an “item .” You can sort your E xp ense i te ms i nto categ ories or add other infor mati on t hat you want to assoc iate wit h the item.
Pa ge 102 Us ing Y ou r Ba si c Ap plic at ions Tip: A quick way to create a new Expense it em is t o make sure th at no Expense item is selec ted in the Expense List, write the first letter(s) of t he expense t ype, and then writ e the n umerical amount of the E xpense item.
Chapter 4 Page 103 3. Select any of the foll owin g opti ons: 4. T ap OK. Custom izing the Currency pick l ist You can select th e currencies and symbols that a ppear in the Curr en cy pick list. Category See “C ategorizin g reco rds” ear lier in this ch ap ter .
Pa ge 104 Us ing Y ou r Ba si c Ap plic at ions To cu sto mize the C urre ncy pick li st: 1. T ap the Currency pick list in the Receipt Detail s dialog box, and then selec t Ed it cu rren cies. 2. Tap each Currency pick li st and select the country whos e currency you want to disp la y on that l ine.
Chapter 4 Page 105 5. T ap OK to c lo se the Curr ency Properties dialog box. 6. T ap OK. Not e: If you want to use your c ust om cu rrenc y symb ol as the default for all Expense items, select the symbol in the P refer ences dialog box.
Pa ge 106 Us ing Y ou r Ba si c Ap plic at ions Trans ferring your dat a to Mic rosoft Ex cel After you en ter your expen ses into the Expense application on your comp anion, P alm Desktop for I BM WorkP ad en ables you to vie w an d prin t the dat a with yo u r com pu t er.
Chapter 4 Page 107 4. If you want to d efine an end da te for the expense report, enter the date in the End Dat e box. Not e: If you do n ot specify an end date, all expense entries for the selected ca tegories appear — up to the date o f the last HotSync operation.
Pa ge 108 Us ing Y ou r Ba si c Ap plic at ions If you wan t to stre aml ine or custo mize your expe nse rep ort s, you can change th ese templates. For example, y ou c an add your company name to a template. See Appendix C for information on changing templ ate s.
Chapter 4 Page 109 To vi e w your expens e data using a M icr osof t Exc el te mplate: 1. Di sp lay yo ur exp ens e da ta in a M i cr oso ft Ex cel sp r ea dsh ee t a s described in the pr evious procedure. 2. C li ck Opt ions. 3. E nt er name, department, an d other in format ion as nece ssary f or your expen se report.
Pa ge 110 Us ing Y ou r Ba si c Ap plic at ions Option s menu Prefere nce s ■ Use au tomat ic fill . Lets you sel ect an ex pense type by w r iting t he first letter of an expense type in the Graffiti writing area. For example, if you write the letter “T,” it enters th e “Tax i” expense type.
Chapter 5 Page 111 Chapte r 5 Communicating Using Your C ompanion The previous chapter described the features of your W orkPad c3 companion that h elp you stay organize d.
Page 1 12 Comm unicati ng Using Your C o mpan ion In M ail, yo u can do the follow ing : ■ View, delete, file, and r eply to incoming mail. ■ Create outgo ing e-mail i tems and draf ts of e-ma i l i tems.
Chapter 5 Page 113 To sel ect Ho tSyn c o pt ion s: 1. C lick t he Ho tSync ic on i n th e Window s syst em t ray (bot tom- rig ht co rner of t h e taskb ar) . 2. C hoo se Custom. Tip: You can al so cho ose Cus tom from th e HotSync menu in Palm D esktop for IBM WorkPa d.
Page 1 14 Comm unicati ng Using Your C o mpan ion Tip: T o turn of f Mai l, sele ct Do N othing a nd then selec t the Set As De fa ul t c hec k box . To ch ange your M ail se tu p opti ons : 1. C li ck the Hot Sync icon in the Windows sy ste m t ray. 2.
Chapter 5 Page 115 To o pen an e -mail item : ■ Tap an e-mail item to open it. To close an e-ma il ite m: ■ Tap Done to c lose t he e-mail item. Disp lay ing full head er info rmatio n By d efault, Mail displays abbr eviated h eade r info rmation, whic h comprises only the From: and Subj: fields.
Page 1 16 Comm unicati ng Using Your C o mpan ion To crea te an e-ma il item: 1. T ap New. Tip: You can also create an e-mail item by tappi ng N ew from the Me ssag e men u. 2. Enter the e- mail address o f the r ecipient. Not e: Enter the add r es s as if y ou wer e ent erin g it from your desktop E-Mail a pplication.
Chapter 5 Page 117 Tip: If the address, C C, subject , or body e xceeds the ca pacity of the s creen di splay, tap t he name of th e field (fo r example, tap “To:”) to expand that field. Tap the Done butt on to r eturn to the N ew Mes sage scree n.
Page 1 18 Comm unicati ng Using Your C o mpan ion Looking up an address To identify the r e cipient of an e-mail item, you need to enter that pers on’s e-ma il address. You can do this e ithe r by ente ring the dat a dir ect ly into th e fi eld or by usin g the Loo k Up comm an d to ac cess th e inf ormatio n in yo ur Ad dress B ook .
Chapter 5 Page 119 Add ing d eta il s to e -ma i l it ems Bef ore you sen d your e-mail i tem, yo u can atta ch additi onal at tribut es to it, such as a sign a ture o r a priority level . T hese features are dependent on the desktop E-mail application you u se.
Page 1 20 Comm unicati ng Using Your C o mpan ion Setti ng a prio rity To set a p rior ity fo r yo ur e-m ail i t em: 1. In the New Messa g e scre en, tap De tails.
Chapter 5 Page 121 4. T ap the BCC: field and enter an address. A dding a sign atu re t o your e-ma il item A signature consist s of information about yourself t h at is appended t o your e-m a il item as its closing. For example, a signat ure can c ontai n your name, address, phone an d fax numbers, and any other te xt you want to include.
Page 1 22 Comm unicati ng Using Your C o mpan ion To add a sign ature to yo ur e-m ail item: 1. In the New Messa g e scre en, tap De tails. 2. Tap the Signature check bo x to select it and add yo u r s ignature t o the e-m ail item.
Chapter 5 Page 123 To retri eve an e-m a il ite m: 1. In the Mes sage List, tap Outbo x from the pick list in the upper- rig ht co rner . 2. Tap the e-ma il i tem yo u want to retrieve.
Page 1 24 Comm unicati ng Using Your C o mpan ion To save an e-mail item as a d raft : 1. C reat e an e -m ail item. 2. T ap the Menu i con . 3. T ap Message, and then tap Save D raft . To edit an e- mail ite m sav ed as a dr aft: 1. In the Mess age List, tap Draf t from the pick list in the upper-rig h t corn er.
Chapter 5 Page 125 To re move e- mail from the Filed folde r: 1. In the Mes sage List, tap Filed from the pick list in t he upper-right co rner . 2. Tap the e-ma il i tem yo u want to restore.
Page 1 26 Comm unicati ng Using Your C o mpan ion Purging deleted e-mail Be cause your com panion stores dele ted e-m ail in the Dele ted folder until you per form a Ho tSync operation, deleted e-mail can monopolize storage space. To avoid or correc t this problem, purge your Del eted fol der.
Chapter 5 Page 127 Date column The Date column is o ption al in the Mes sage L ist. By def ault , the Dat e column is hidden to increase the avail able screen space. To show t he Da te colu mn: 1. In th e Me ss a ge L i st, ta p S h ow . 2. T ap th e Show Date chec k box to se lec t it.
Page 1 28 Comm unicati ng Using Your C o mpan ion HotSync opti ons HotSy n c options enable yo u t o man age your e-mai l more effec tivel y by selecting wh ich e-ma il it ems do wnload when yo u synchro nize your com puter and your companion. You can d efine different sett i ngs for local an d re mote synchr onizatio n.
Chapter 5 Page 129 Not e: The A ll s etting does not m ean t hat a ll inf ormatio n includ ed in ea ch e-m ail ite m d ownloads t o your comp anion. Trunc ation s ettin gs (expla ined in a follo wing sect ion) for lon g e-mail it em s still apply . Also, Mail n ever down loads a ny att achments to you r c ompanion.
Page 1 30 Comm unicati ng Using Your C o mpan ion To ac cess the special f ilter set tings: ■ Tap the F ilte r box in th e HotSync Opti ons dial og box . Ignoring or rece iving e-ma il The first step in es tabl ishing a special filter is to determine whether you wan t to ign ore or r etrieve e -mail that m atch es the i nform ation y ou specify.
Chapter 5 Page 131 Defini ng f ilter st rings E-ma il items are filt ered based on the info rmation co ntaine d in their T o:, Fro m :, a nd Su bj : fie l ds. T he info rm atio n th at d e fin es wh at yo ur comp anion is lo oking for is ca lled a f ilt er s tri ng .
Page 1 32 Comm unicati ng Using Your C o mpan ion To defi ne a filter string: 1. Tap a h eader field in the HotSync Options d ialo g box. 2. Enter your filter string, using commas or spaces to separate the w ord s. Do not ad d co nne cto r s, s u ch as AN D or O R, b et w een w ord s in a stri n g.
Chapter 5 Page 133 2. T ap t he Retrie ve All High P riori ty chec k box to sel ect it. 3. T ap OK. Not e: This se tting is applic able o nly if your E -Mail a ppli cation ha s the capacity to flag h igh-prio rity e-m ail items.
Page 1 34 Comm unicati ng Using Your C o mpan ion Mai l menu s M ail menus are show n here for your reference, a nd Ma il features t hat are not explained e l sewhere i n this bo ok are descr i be d here. See “Using m enu s ” in C hapter 1 for informat ion abo ut c hoosing m enu comm ands .
Chapter 5 Page 135 Beam ing i nform ati on Your WorkPa d c3 co mpani on is eq uippe d with a n IR (i nfra red ) po rt that you can use to beam in formatio n to anot her Wor kPad PC comp anion that is cl ose by a n d al so has an IR por t. The IR por t is loca ted at the t op of the c ompa nion, behi nd the smal l da rk shield .
Page 1 36 Comm unicati ng Using Your C o mpan ion 5. W ait f or t he Beam Stat u s dial og box to ind icate that t he trans fer is co mpl et e be fo re yo u c on tin ue wo rkin g on y ou r c o mpa ni on . To beam an ap plicatio n: 1. O pen t h e Applicat ions Launcher .
Chapter 6 Page 137 Chapte r 6 Ad va nc ed Hot Sy nc ® Oper ations Hot Sync ® tec h no lo gy en ab le s y ou to syn ch r on ize d at a be tw ee n one or mo re W o rkP ad PC co mpa ni on s an d Pal m™ D esk to p for I BM WorkP ad or a n o ther PIM suc h as M icroso ft Outl ook .
Page 138 Advanced Ho tSync® O perations Tip: If you are not sure w hich option to use, keep the default set ting: Alw ays available. 4. C li ck the Loc al tab to d i s play the setti ngs for t he connec tio n between your computer and the com panion cradle, and adjust the foll owing opti ons as needed .
Chapter 6 Page 139 5. C li ck the Mod em tab to display the mode m sett ings an d a djust t he optio n s a s neede d. See “Condu cting a H otSync o p e ration vi a mo dem ” lat er i n t hi s c ha pter fo r mor e i nfo rm at ion .
Page 140 Advanced Ho tSync® O perations Customi zing HotS ync appl icatio n settin gs F or ea ch ap pl ic ati on , y o u c an d ef ine a set o f o pti on s tha t d ete rm i nes how rec ords are han dled duri ng synch roniz ation. The se option s are called a “con duit.
Chapter 6 Page 141 6. C lick t he direc tion in whi ch you w ant to wr ite dat a, or click Do No thing to skip d ata tra nsfer for an app lication. Not e: Chang ing the Hot Sync sett ing from th e defaul t aff ect s only the next H otSync operat ion. Thereafter , the HotSync Actio ns re vert to t h eir defau lt settin gs.
Page 142 Advanced Ho tSync® O perations Conducti ng a HotSy nc operation vi a modem You can use a mod em to sy nchron i z e your compa nio n when yo u are away from yo u r computer. Not e: The first H otSync o peration mus t be lo cal, us ing th e cradle.
Chapter 6 Page 143 4. C lick O K. Preparing your companion There are a f ew steps you must perform to pr epare your companion for a mo dem Ho tSync oper atio n. Seri al Port Identifies the port for the mo dem. If you are unsu re of the por t assign ment, look at the Modem Properties in the Windows Control Panel.
Page 144 Advanced Ho tSync® O perations To pre pare yo ur compa nion for a mo dem HotSy nc oper ation: 1. T ap t he A pplic ations ic on . 2. Tap the H otSync icon .
Chapter 6 Page 145 Selecting the conduit s for a modem HotSync op er ation The Cond uit Setu p dialog box on you r compan ion enabl es you to de f i ne whic h files a nd/o r a pplicatio ns sync hronize dur ing a modem HotSync operation. You can use these s ettings to minimize the time requ ired to synch ron ize dat a with a mo dem.
Page 146 Advanced Ho tSync® O perations Performing a HotSync operation via a modem After you prepare your c omputer and your companion, and s elect your Co n dui t Setup option s, you are ready t o perfo rm a modem HotSyn c operation. To per form a mod em HotSyn c ope rati on: 1.
Chapter 6 Page 147 To prepar e y our c ompu ter f or a netw ork H otS ync ope ration: 1. C li ck the Hot Sync Manager ic on in the Windows sys tem tray . Tip: Th e Windo ws system tr ay is u suall y in th e lower- righ t co rner on you r comp uter di splay .
Page 148 Advanced Ho tSync® O perations To prepar e your companio n f or a netw ork Ho tS ync o peration: 1. T ap t he A pplic ations ic on . 2. Tap the H otSync icon . 3. T ap the Menu i con . 4. Tap Options, then tap M odem Sync Pr efs. 5. T ap Network .
Chapter 6 Page 149 To creat e a us er pr ofile: 1. Open Palm Desktop for IB M Wo rkPad. 2. From t he T ools men u, c hoose U s ers. 3. C lick Pr ofiles.
Page 150 Advanced Ho tSync® O perations To use a p rofile for the firs t-ti me Ho tSy nc operati on: 1. P lace the new companion in the cr adle. 2. P ress th e HotSyn c butt on on the cr adle. 3. C lick Pr ofiles. 4. Select the profile that you w ant to l oad on the companion, an d cl ick OK.
Chapter 7 Page 151 Chapte r 7 Setti ng Pr eference s for Your C ompanion The Preferences screens enable you to customize the c onfiguration op t ion s on yo ur W ork Pa d c3 c omp a n ion . In the P ref ere nce s scree n s , you ca n do th e fo llow ing: Vie wing pr eferen ces To open the Prefer ence s screen s: 1.
Page 152 Setting Preferences for Your Companion Butto ns prefere nces The Buttons Preferences screen enables you to associat e different appli c at ions w ith t he bu tton s on the fr ont of th e compan ion.
Chapter 7 Page 153 To c han g e the P en p ref ere nce s: 1. T ap Pen. 2. Tap the p ick l ist a n d s elect one of th e fol lowi ng se tting s f or t h e ful l- screen pen stroke: 3. T ap OK. Backlight Tur ns on the back light of your c ompanion . Keyboard Opens t h e o n screen keyboa rd for en tering t ext charac ters.
Page 154 Setting Preferences for Your Companion HotSync buttons preferences The But tons Pref erenc es screen also enab les you to assoc iate di fferent appli c at ions w ith t he H otSync bu tton on the cr adle and the Ho tSync butto n on the o ption al Work Pad c3 Mode m.
Chapter 7 Page 155 Country def ault T he c o un try d ef au lt set s dat e , ti me , we ek sta r t d ay , a nd n um be r conv enti ons base d on geog rap hic re gion s wher e you mi ght us e your companion. For example, in the Uni ted Kingdom, time often is expressed using a 24-hour cl ock.
Page 156 Setting Preferences for Your Companion Gen eral prefer ences The Gener al Preference s sc reen enables you to set the tim e, date, auto shutof f inte rval, an d sou nds f or your c ompani on. See C hapter 1 fo r inf ormati on on sett i ng th e ti me and dat e.
Chapter 7 Page 157 System, alarm, and game sounds Your comp anion uses a var iety of sound s. The Syste m, Alarm , and Game So und sett i ngs e nabl e you to tu rn the sou nds on or off , and to adjus t th e volu me le vel. To set the system and alarm s oun ds: 1.
Page 158 Setting Preferences for Your Companion Modem pr eferen ces The M odem Preferences screen enables you t o define the set t ings fo r a mode m that i s dire ctl y c onne ct ed to your comp a nion. Th ese set ting s are for appl ications t hat act ivate a n d use th e modem.
Chapter 7 Page 159 Net wo r k pr ef ere n ces an d TCP / IP so ftw are The N etwork Preferences set ti n gs enable you to use the TC P/IP sof tware th at is inclu ded in the companio n oper ating syste m. You can use the T CP/IP software t o connect with In ternet Ser vice Providers (ISP s) or dial-in (remo te a ccess) server s.
Page 160 Setting Preferences for Your Companion To select a serv ice: 1. T ap the Service pick list. 2. Tap the pr edefin ed service template you w ant to use. Entering a user name The User Name setting id en ti fies the name you use when you log into your I nter n et Se rvice Prov ider or y our dial- in serve r.
Chapter 7 Page 161 Entering a password The Password box identifies the password you use to log in to your server or ISP. Your e ntry in this field determines w hether your comp anio n prompt s y o u t.
Page 162 Setting Preferences for Your Companion Adding te lephone set tings When you select the P hone field, your c o mpanion opens a d ialog bo x in w hich you define the tel ephone number you u se to connect with y our IS P or d ia l-i n s erv e r.
Chapter 7 Page 163 To enter a p refix: 1. Tap the Dial Prefix c hec k box to select it. 2. E nter the prefix . 3. T ap OK. Disabling Cal l Waiting Ca ll Waitin g can c ause your sessi on to terminate if you r eceive a call while you are connected.
Page 164 Setting Preferences for Your Companion Us ing a call ing car d The U se calli ng c ard field enable s you to use y our c alling card when dialing your ISP or Intranet server. Keep in m ind that there is us ua l ly a delay befor e you enter your callin g card number.
Chapter 7 Page 165 Connecting to your s ervi ce After you set y our Modem and Net work Pre ferenc es, es tablish ing a conne cti on to your I nter net Serv ice Provi der (I SP) or yo ur comp any’s netw ork (d ial-in se rver) is easy.
Page 166 Setting Preferences for Your Companion Add ing d etailed informat ion t o a servi ce template If you are using one of the predefined service t emplate s, you probably only need to enter your user name and telephone num ber.
Chapter 7 Page 167 2. T ap OK. Defini ng p rimary and s econda ry DNS The Domai n Nami ng Sys tem (D NS) is a me cha n is m in the Int ernet fo r tran slat i ng the nam es of h ost compute rs in to IP addresses . When you enter a DN S number (or IP address), you are identifying a specific server th at handles th e translat i o n servic es.
Page 168 Setting Preferences for Your Companion IP ad dres s Everyone who logs on to the Internet needs to hav e a unique identifier (an IP add re ss), wh ether per manent or tem porary. Some networ ks dyna mically assign a t emp orary IP ad dress w hen clie nts log in.
Chapter 7 Page 169 Creating a login script A login script i s a seri es of c ommands, similar to an autoex ec.b at f ile, that aut omates loggin g into your ISP. You can create logi n script files by s elect ing commands from the Comma nd pick li st i n the Logi n Scr ipt di alo g.
Page 170 Setting Preferences for Your Companion 4. R epeat steps 2 and 3 until the login script is complete. 5. T ap OK. Dele ti ng a se rvic e te mpla te There is onl y one way to de lete a serv ice temp late: use t he Delete comman d from th e Serv ice men u.
Chapter 7 Page 171 Network pref erences menu com mands The Network Pref erences screen in cludes menu commands to make it fast and eas y to creat e and edit se rvic e templat es. TCP /IP appli c a tion menu s are show her e fo r your r eferen ce. See “Using menus” i n Chapter 1 for more infor mation abou t choosi ng men u c omma nds.
Page 172 Setting Preferences for Your Companion To view the Netwo rk Log : 1. Tap Options, and t hen tap View Log. 2. T ap the up and down arrows of the s c roll bar t o see the ent ire Net wor k Log .
Chapter 7 Page 173 Own er p r e fer ences The Ow ner P refer ences screen enables you to record a name, company name, phon e numbe r , o r any othe r informa tion that y ou want to ass ocia te with y ou r com pan ion.
Page 174 Setting Preferences for Your Companion Short Cuts pr eference s The Shor tCuts Pr eferenc es scre en enable s yo u to de fine abbrev iati ons for enter ing text wit h Graffi ti st rokes . This se cti on descr ibes ho w to create, edit, and delet e a ShortC ut.
Chapter 7 Page 175 Editing a ShortCut After you create a Sh ortCut , you can mod ify it at any ti me. To edit a Short Cut: 1. T ap the Sh ortCut y ou want to e dit. 2. T ap Edit. 3. M ake the changes you want and tap OK. Deleting a ShortCut If y ou no lo ng er n eed a Sh or tC ut , y ou ca n de let e it fr om th e lis t of Shor tCuts.
Page 176 Setting Preferences for Your Companion.
App endix A Page 177 App endix A Maint aining Yo ur Compa nion This cha pter pr ovides inf ormatio n on the f ollowin g: ■ Prope r care of you r compan ion ■ Pr o lon g ing ba tte ry lif e ■ Res.
Pa ge 178 Ma in tai nin g Yo ur Co mp ani on Ba ttery c onsid era tio ns Please note the f ollowing considerations for the battery in your comp anio n: ■ Unde r normal cond itions, your compan ion battery should rem ain char ged by pl acin g it i n t he cr adle for jus t a few minut es ea ch da y.
App endix A Page 179 Reset ting yo ur compan ion Unde r nor mal ci rcumst ances , you will n ot have to use th e rese t butt on. On rar e o ccasi ons, howeve r, your comp anion may n o l onger res pond to butt ons or t he scre en. In thi s case , you nee d to perform a reset t o get your com panio n runni ng again .
Pa ge 180 Ma in tai nin g Yo ur Co mp ani on Performing a hard reset W ith a h ard reset, a ll re cords and e ntries st ored in yo ur co mpan ion are eras ed.
App endix A Page 181 3. Select the appr o pri ate user n ame fr om the list. 4. S elect an ap plicatio n in t he C ondu it lis t. 5. C lic k Change. 6. Se lect Desk top ov erwrite s handheld. Not e: Chang ing the Hot Sync sett ing from th e defaul t aff ect s only the next H otSync operat ion.
Pa ge 182 Ma in tai nin g Yo ur Co mp ani on.
App endix B Page 183 App endix B Freq uently As ked Ques tions If yo u en count er a proble m wi th y our Wo rkPad c3 c ompani on, do not call Techn ical Supp ort until you have reviewed the follo win.
Page 184 Frequently Asked Quest ions Opera t ing pr oblems Problem So lu ti on M y co mpani on will not turn on. Try each of t h ese in turn: ■ P res s the con tra s t cont ro l bu tto n an d adjust th e contra st. ■ Rec harge th e unit. If your c om panion still does no t operate , tr y a so ft rese t.
App endix B Page 185 Tappi ng and wr iting pro blems Problem Sol ut ion When I ta p the butt ons o r scree n icon s, m y co mpani on acti vate s the wr ong feature. Ca librate the s creen. See “ Digitize r preference s” i n Chapt er 7. When I tap th e M enu icon , nothi n g happens.
Page 186 Frequently Asked Quest ions Appli cati on proble ms Problem So lu ti on I tapped the Today button, but it does not sh ow the cor re ct dat e. Your compan ion is not set to the cu rren t date . Make s ure the Set Date b ox in the General Preferences s c reen d isplays the current date.
App endix B Page 187 HotS ync prob lems Problem Sol ut ion I c annot do a HotSync operation; what sh ould I chec k to make sure I am doin g it co rrectly? ■ Chec k the Windows system tr ay to make s ure the Ho tSync Ma nager is running . If it is not, ope n Palm Des ktop for IBM WorkPad.
Page 188 Frequently Asked Quest ions I tr ied to d o a lo c al HotSyn c operation, but i t di d not comp lete succ ess ful ly. Try each of t h ese in turn: ■ Ma ke sure Hot Sync Manager is runnin g. If HotSync Manager is r unni n g, exit a nd res tar t it.
App endix B Page 189 I tr ie d to do a mode m HotSync operation, but it d id no t co mple te succe ssfully . Check the fo llowing on your computer: ■ M ak e s ure you r c o mpu ter is tu rned o n an d th a t it do es n ot sh ut do w n automatically as pa rt of an energy- sa ving feat ure.
Page 190 Frequently Asked Quest ions I tr ie d to do a modem HotSyn c operation, but i t di d not comp lete succ ess ful ly. (c on tin ue d) Check t he follo wing on yo ur com panio n: ■ Confir m that the telephone cable is sec urel y attach ed to y our modem.
App endix B Page 191 Beam ing p roble ms Problem Sol ut ion I ca n not beam dat a to another Wo rkPad PC co mpan ion . ■ Co nfi rm t ha t you r Work Pad compani on and th e othe r WorkPad companion .
Page 192 Frequently Asked Quest ions Rechar ging proble ms Problem So lu ti on When I pl ace my Wor kPa d comp anio n i n t he crad le, the cr adle light d oes not go on.
App endix B Page 193 Passw or d probl ems Problem Sol ut ion I forgot t he password, and my co mpan ion is not loc ked. You can u se Secur ity to dele te t he pass word.
Page 194 Frequently Asked Quest ions Ge tting Hel p, S ervic e, a nd Info rmati on If you n eed hel p, servic e, tech nical assi stan ce, or just wa nt mor e inf ormatio n about IBM p roduc ts, you w ill find a wide vari ety of sour ces av ailabl e f rom IB M to assist you.
App endix B Page 195 To find version and memo ry information: 1. T ap t he A pplicat ions icon . 2. T ap the Menu icon . 3. Tap App, and t hen tap Info. Not e: Th ousand s of third- party a dd-on applic atio ns have been wri tten for the Palm Comput ing platform.
Pa g e 196 F r e q uen t l y Asked Q ues t i ons Co u n try Na m e P h o n e N u mber L a n g u a g e Ho u rs D a y s A S I A P A C I F I C A ustr a l i a 13 1 - 426 E n g li s h 7 : 0 0 AM - 6 : 0 0 .
A p p e n d i x B P a g e 1 9 7 E c u a dor ( 2 ) 56 5 - 130 S p a n i sh 8 : 3 0 A M - 6 : 0 0 PM Mo n d a y - F r i d ay El S a l v a d or 5 0 3 - 2 9 8 - 50 1 1 S p a n i sh 8 : 0 0 A M - 12 : 00 P.
Page 198 Frequently Asked Quest ions.
App endix C Page 199 App endix C Crea ting a Cust om Ex pense R epor t This section explain s how to modify existi ng E xpense appl ication tem plate s and how to crea te y o ur own cu stom exp ens e rep ort tem plates for u se w ith t he E xpense appli cati on.
Page 200 Cr eat ing a Cust om E xpe nse Re port Cu sto miz ing e xisti ng sa mple te mp late s Four sam p le E xpense Repor t temp lates c ome with Pa lm Deskt op for IBM Wor k Pad . Thes e te mpla te s are st ore d in the Templ ate fo lder (which is in the same folder as the Palm Desktop for IBM W orkPad applic ation).
App endix C Page 201 4. From t he Fi le menu, choos e Sa ve As. 5. C li ck th e Save as type d r o p-down l ist and choose Template (*. xlt). 6. N av igate to the Tem plate f olde r (in the Pa lm Desk top for IBM W orkP ad di rect ory ). Not e: If you do not need to c hange the Maptable.
Page 202 Cr eat ing a Cust om E xpe nse Re port Sections A Section is an area of th e repor t that has common formatt ing. It is co mm on for an Exp en se re po rt to hav e mor e th an on e S ect io n. Fo r example, the following sample Expense Report named Sample3.
App endix C Page 203 An alyz ing your cus tom Expense Report If you already have a custom Excel expense repo rt, you can use it with a m o difie d ma pp ing ta ble . H o wev er, be fo re y ou can cr eat e a Maptable.xls file that correspond s to yo ur custom Expense R eport , you m ust fi rst analyze th e ch aracteri sti c s of your rep ort.
Page 204 Cr eat ing a Cust om E xpe nse Re port Progr amming the mapping t able Once y ou hav e analy ze d the compo nents of you r custom E xpense Report, you can program the mapping table to f ill the report with data fr om the com p an ion . To progr am a new cus t o m mappi ng tabl e: 1.
App endix C Page 205 5. Sc roll down to a blank area of t he M a ptable.xls file (below th e rows used for Sample4.xlt ), and clic k on a row number to select a blank ro w. 6. From the Edit me nu, c hoose Pas te. A copy of the ro ws you sel ected in step 3 is p asted into the M aptab le.
Page 206 Cr eat ing a Cust om E xpe nse Re port 10. Define t he dimen sions o f th e Section. T he d im en si on s of th e S ect io n appear in the gr een c olumns ( 10–13). 11. De fine the Dates a nd Interva ls. Th e dat es a nd int e rval s b e twe en da tes appears in the light blue columns (14–1 7).
App endix C Page 207 12. Define w h ether t he Se ction is in list f ormat. T his setting appears in the light purple c olumns (18–19 ). If the S ection w ill present the da ta in a lis t fo rmat, e nter the wo rd “yes”. Otherwise, ent er the word “no”.
Page 208 Cr eat ing a Cust om E xpe nse Re port 16. Repeat steps 9 through 15 for each Section that you have defined for your cu stom Expense Report. 17. Ma p Ex pense Report O ptions di alog ( magen ta s ection). T he Expense Rep ort O ption s dialo g h as five f ields whe re you can fill in da ta f or the header o n your expense repor t.
App endix D P ag e 209 App endix D Non-ASC II Ch aract ers fo r Login Sc ri pts The fol lowing info rma tion e nables you to crea te custom l ogin scr ipts that r equire non-ASCII character s. It i s provided for advanced us er s who un de rstan d t he use an d r equir ements of such ch aracter s in a cus tom login scr ipt.
Page 21 0 No n-ASC II Cha ra cters for Lo gin S c ript s Liter al cha ract ers The back slas h ( ) char acter defi nes that the next char acter is tran smitted as a literal c haracte r, and is n ot s u bject to a n y special process ing ordinaril y ass ociated wit h that character .
Pag e 21 1 Warr anty and Othe r Product In formation Pr oduc t warr an ties The foll owing product wa rranties ar e included in t h is han dbook. ■ IBM U.
Pag e 212 I BM U. K. St atemen t of War rant y Pa rt 1 - Ge ne ral Te rm s Thi s Statement of Wa rranty inc ludes Part 1 - Gene ral Terms a nd Part 2 - Country- uni que Terms.
Pag e 214 2. obtain author isation from th e own er to have IBM or your res eller service a M achine that you do not own; and 3. where app lica b le, befor e serv ice is provi d ed a. fo llow th e prob lem dete rmin ation, pr oble m an alysis, a nd se rvice requ e s t pr ocedures that IBM or you r resell er provides, b.
Pag e 21 5 IBM U.K. Statem ent Of Warranty Part 2 - Co unt ry-uniq ue Terms ASIA PACIFIC AUSTRALIA: The IBM Warranty fo r Machines: Th e fo llowi ng pa ragrap h is added to this S ection: The wa rrant.
Pag e 216 EURO PE, MIDDLE EAST, AF RICA (EMEA) The following term s apply to all EM EA c ountri es. The t erm s of this S tatemen t of Warra nty app ly to Ma chines p urc hased from an IB M re- sell er. If you pu rcha sed thi s Machin e from I BM, t he terms and cond ition s of the a ppli- cable IBM agreement prevail over this warranty statem ent.
Pag e 21 7 In c ase I BM or your rese ller ar e unab le to rep air an I BM Machi n e, you c an alte rnati vely ask for a pa rtial refun d as f ar as justified b y the re duced value o f the un repaired Ma- chine or ask for a cancellati o n o f the respect i ve agreement for such Machi ne a nd get you r mo ney r efund ed.
Pag e 218 The f ollow ing re places the sec ond pa ragr aph of this Section: Un less othe rwise provide d by man datory law, IB M and your rese ller are n ot lia ble for any o f the f ollo wing: (items 1 and 2 u nchan ged) 3) in direc t dam age s, even if IBM or yo ur res eller is informed of their poss ibilit y.
Pag e 21 9 IBM U. S., Ca nada, an d Puerto Rico State m e nt Of Li mit ed W arr anty Part 1 - General T e rms Thi s Stateme nt of Limit ed Warra nty in cludes Par t 1 - Gener al Term s and Part 2 - Co un- try-uniq ue Terms. THE TERMS OF PART 2 MA Y REPLAC E OR M ODIFY THOS E OF PART 1 .
Pag e 22 1 2. obtain a uthoriz ation from th e owner to have IBM or your re seller serv ice a Mach ine that you do n ot own; and 3. wher e applica b l e, before service is prov ided a. f ollow th e proble m determi nation , problem analysis , and servi ce r eq uest pro- ce dure s t ha t IBM or y ou r res el ler pro vi des , b.
Pag e 222 IBM U.S. Statement Of Li mit ed Warranty Part 2 - Country-unique Terms ASIA PA CIFIC AUSTRALIA: The IB M W arrant y fo r Machines: The f ollow ing p aragra ph is a dded t o this S ection: Th.
Pag e 22 3 EUROPE, MIDDLE EAST, AFRICA (EMEA) The following terms app ly to all EM EA cou ntries. The t erms of this Sta temen t of Warra nty appl y to Machine s pur chased from an IBM re- seller . If you purcha sed this Machin e from IBM, t he terms and condi tions of the appl i- cable IBM agreement prevail over this warranty st atement.
Pag e 224 In ca se IBM o r y our resel ler ar e un able to repai r an IBM M ac hine, you ca n altern atively ask for a pa rtial r efund as far as j ustified by the redu ced va lue of t he unre paire d Ma- ch ine or ask f or a ca ncellat ion of the respect ive ag reemen t for suc h Ma chine and ge t your mon ey r efunded.
Pag e 22 5 The fo llow ing rep laces the sec ond pa ragrap h of t his Section: Unless o therw ise prov ided by m andat ory law, IB M and your reselle r are n ot liable for any o f the f ollowi ng: (item s 1 and 2 unc hange d) 3) in dir ect dama ges, ev en if IBM or your rese ller is in f orm ed of thei r possibi lit y.
Pag e 226 Notic es Re ference s in this pu blicati on to IB M products, program s, or ser vices do n ot imply th at IBM intends to m ake these a vailable in all countries in which IBM o pera tes.
Pag e 22 7 Trademarks The following terms are trademarks or servi ce m arks of the I BM Corpo ra tion in the United S tates and o ther c ountries: IBM WorkPa d HelpC en t er Oth er compa ny, product, and ser vice nam es may be trade mar ks or serv ice ma rks of oth- ers.
Pag e 228 Responsi ble Pa rty: Palm C ompu ting, Inc., a sub sidiary of 3 Com C orporati on 5400 B ayfron t Plaza PO Box 58007 Sant a Cla ra, CA 95052 -8007 United Sta tes of America Tele phone : 4 08.
Pag e 22 9 UL/CSA Statement For your safe ty, a power cord with a ground ed atta chment plu g i s provided to use with this produc t. To avoid electric al sh ock, always use the power cor d and plug with a prop- erly ground ed outlet.
Pag e 230.
Index Page 23 1 Index A ABA (Address Book archive file) 36 AC adapter f or rechar ging bat tery 10 Acce nted chara cters Gra ffit i wri tin g 32 onscreen keybo ard 35 Add-on applications 42–45 Address Book *If Found Call* entry 87 adding c u sto m fields 90 archive files (.
Pag e 23 2 Ind ex C Calc ula tor bu tto ns expla ine d 99 memory 99 ope ning 54 overview 53 recen t ca lcul ation s 53, 99 Cali bratio n 14, 154, 185 Call Waiting, disabling 144, 163 Calling card, usi.
Index Page 23 3 D Da ta en try. See Enter ing data Date Book adding Address Book data to records 66 –67 alar m 77 archi ve file s (.db a) 36 changing event time 7 7 ch angin g e vent to u ntim ed 7 .
Pag e 23 4 Ind ex Entering data 1 9–22 importing from other applications 36–37 problems w ith 185 using Graf fiti w rit ing 25–34 usin g th e c o mp uter ke yb oa rd 35 using t he o nscreen k eyb oard 35 Entries. See Address Book Eudora 11 2 Events.
Index Page 23 5 Help G raf fit i 57 online tips 19 Hiding records 69 High Priority e-mail filter 132 HotSync buttons preferenc es 1 54 condu its f o r synchro nizi ng appli cat ions 140–1 41, 181 cu.
Pag e 23 6 Ind ex M Mai l address lo okup 1 18–119 attachme nts 12 9 BCC ( blin d carbo n copy) 119, 120 changi ng setup 114 clos ing 115 confir m deli very 1 19, 122 confir m read 119, 122 crea tin.
Index Page 23 7 phone settings 16 2 preferen ces 159–172 prim ary DNS 167 seconda ry DN S 167 selecting s ervic e 159 TCP/IP 1 59 user na me 160 Net work HotSy nc o pe ratio n 146 Notes, atta ching .
Pag e 23 8 Ind ex Pur ging deleted e-mail 126 records 58 Se e al so Deleting Q Quattro Pro, f or expe nse report s 208 R Range o f ti mes in Da y view 85 Reading e- mail on c o mpanion 114 Receipts, rec ording in Expense 102 Receiving da t a.
Index Page 23 9 Seri al connect or 9 Seri al port 9, 139, 142 Servic e templ ates 165 , 170 Service, select ing for network 159 Setti ngs . See Pref erences Short C u ts back ing up 140 managi ng 174�.
Pag e 24 0 Ind ex Truncating e- mail 133 Turning off companion au toma tica lly 156 pen stro ke for 153 problems w ith 184 Turning on companion application buttons 5 displaying owner’ s name 1 73 po.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts IBM WORKPADC3 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie IBM WORKPADC3 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für IBM WORKPADC3 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von IBM WORKPADC3 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über IBM WORKPADC3 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon IBM WORKPADC3 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von IBM WORKPADC3 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit IBM WORKPADC3. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei IBM WORKPADC3 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.