Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung MaxLoader des Produzenten IBM
Zur Seite of 118
MaxLoader User’s Guide 1 1. INTRODU CTION................................................................................................................ .................... 7 P ROGRAMMER M ODELS FOR PC USB I NTERFACE ..............................
MaxLoader User’s Guide 2 PLD Features .............................................................................................................................. ......... 24 M ICROCONTROLLER ......................................................
MaxLoader User’s Guide 3 File/ Load Project ............................................................................................................ ................. 45 File/ Save Project ........................................................
MaxLoader User’s Guide 4 Device / Select by history .................................................................................................... ............. 62 Select ........................................................................
MaxLoader User’s Guide 5 Config Option / Device Insert Test .......................................................................................... 82 Config Option / Device ID Check ...............................................................
MaxLoader User’s Guide 6 5. C ONTACTING C USTOMER S UPPORT ...................................................................................................... 106 6. S ERVICE I NFORMATION ..........................................................
MaxLoader User’s Guide 7 1. INTRODUCTION This manual describes the operation of EE Tools’ programmers. TopMax/Chi pMax/ChipM ax2/To pMaxII/Uni Max/ProMa x8G (4G) a re software, MaxLoader, driven de vice program mers. The inf ormation c ontained i n this manual has been reviewed for accuracy, clarity, and c ompleteness.
MaxLoader User’s Guide 8 Programmer Models for PC USB Interface Multi-Sockets Programmer Models for PC parallel Interface.
MaxLoader User’s Guide 9 About This Manual TopMax/Chi p M ax/ C hi pM a x2/TopMax II/ UniMax/Pr oM a x-8G (4G) User Gui de explains ho w to instal l and run the program ming softwa re in your computer. Chapter 2 co ntains inst ructions for i nstalling and running MaxLoade r.
MaxLoader User’s Guide 10 The great advantage of a programmer is their programmi ng speed an d superior software. All progr ammers are controlled via a host IBM PC computer. The operating software has a user-frien dly interface that includes window pull- down menus a nd virtual memory m anagement t o deal with very large fil es.
MaxLoader User’s Guide 11 Follow the steps b elow for Windows. 1. Make sure a programmer is not connected wh en tur ning on your computer. 2. Note: If you se e New Hardware Wizard scre en then disconnect your programm er. You cannot i nstall programmer s oftware that way.
MaxLoader User’s Guide 12 NOTE : Customers who want to install the latest software may download the MaxLoader file from www.eetoo
MaxLoader User’s Guide 13 5. Set up MaxLoader software 6. Install Ma xLoader an d the MaxL oader icon and USB d river (eetus b.inf and eetusb.sys files) will be generated in directory C:program filesEE Tools. Follow the steps below for installation for USB 2.
MaxLoader User’s Guide 14 7. Connect a USB cable between progra mmer and your computer a nd turn the power switch ON after connecting the power cord in the programmer. NOTE : In Windows2000, you need to choose “specific location” when the “Found New Hardware Wiza rd” appears.
MaxLoader User’s Guide 15 in directory C:program filesEE Tools. Or you can find the USB driver files in the CD-ROM c omes in the pr oduct packa ge. 8. Click on the Finish button on the Wizard screen an d you can confirm the USB driver i n Device Mana ger in your c omputer syst em.
MaxLoader User’s Guide 16 NOTE : For a computer t hat doe sn’t instal led USB 2. 0 control ler, you nee d to install USB 2. 0 driver for t he particular product ven dor. 9. Execute Ma xLoader a nd choose Pr ogrammer m odel 10. Choose your programmer that is r eady to be use in your computer.
MaxLoader User’s Guide 17 NOTE : Watch the model name in left-up co rner screen and the ProMax- 4G(8G) won ’t be ready if “ DEMO mode ” appears in the screen.
MaxLoader User’s Guide 18 NOTE : For the latest software upgrade, remove th e o ld MaxLoader in “Add/Remove Program” of “Setting / Contro l Panel” in 2000/XP/VISTA before installing a new MaxLoa der in your PC.
MaxLoader User’s Guide 19 Make sure that the programm er hard ware unit is connected to your PC printer port or USB port directly. A pr ogrammer for parallel port interface will not work with multiple port conn ectors. Be sure your printer cable is fi rmly connected to your com puter and the programm er.
MaxLoader User’s Guide 20 Flash Memory Flash Memory Technologies A B C(and) C(nand) A B C(or) C(nor) 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0.
MaxLoader User’s Guide 21 Performance Comparison * NAND Flash: High Wright Performance Serial Flash EEPROM The non-volatile Serial Flash Memory is widely used for code storage an d user settings in .
MaxLoader User’s Guide 22 changed from HIGH t o LOW, but not vice v ersa. To cha nge the pol arity, cli ck on the Optio n button a nd check the Rese t bit box be fore program ming yo ur device. To make certain that the RESE T Polarity has been change d, read the device again.
MaxLoader User’s Guide 23 16-bit 1-Megabits Any devices with the number 2721 0, 271024 and th e MITSUBISHI 271 02. 27011: The 27011 is a 28-pin 1 -megabit dev ice that is orga nized into 8 pages of 16k-bytes. NOTE : Th e 27512 is 4 pages of 16k-bytes.
MaxLoader User’s Guide 24 count and turnaround tim e. PLDs are programmed according to a fuse m ap, which is typically cont ained in a JEDEC fi le. NOTE : PLD compiler CUP L EE Tools o ffers PLD development t ool for engineers who w ant to gener ate a JEDEC f ile for data of PLD devices.
MaxLoader User’s Guide 25 reprogrammed like EPROMs. These ICs a re called erasable programmable logic devices or EPLDs. Internally, th ey have the same programmable AND- OR-register structures of the PAL and FPLA. Microcontroller These devices are CPU's with on-chip EPROM and RAM.
MaxLoader User’s Guide 26 PIC family is used to setup different Oscillato r types, to set Memory Code Protection and Watchdog timer, and etc. To program th is fuse: 1. Program the EPROM portion of the d evice 2. Click on Option 3. Make any changes if necess ary 4.
MaxLoader User’s Guide 27 menu. It will find out a correct device ID and cho ose a correct device for you. (To Find a Device ID) After selecting a cert ain devic e from Sel ect Device menu and plug -in a correspondin g device in ZI F socket, you can see the ID(s ) when you pressing “Shift” and “F 1” keys in yo ur keyboard.
MaxLoader User’s Guide 28 In the software m enu, Chip (i n socket) MF G (manufacture r) ID an d DATA (i n software) I D must be identical if your target device is valid . If it does not, check the sock et with your device if you use NON-Stand ard (DIP) device or use t est other devi ces in case t he first devi ce may be de fective.
MaxLoader User’s Guide 29 Device : The IC y ou are attem pting to read , program , or verify . Buffer : The work area in your computer memory to execute Rea d, Save, Program, and Verify.
MaxLoader User’s Guide 30 Different Device Packages DIP PLCC QFP T SOP SOJ SOIC BGA PGA.
MaxLoader User’s Guide 31 Different Programming Adapters PLCC-TO-DIP TSOP-TO- DIP QFP-T QFP- TO-DIP SOIC-T O-PLCC BGA- TO-DIP DIP-TO-PLCC (for Em ulator).
MaxLoader User’s Guide 32 5. QUICK START EXAMPLES If you are using a programmer for the first time, this section will help you to become familiar with the ba sic operating procedure. This section includes two examples of de vice program ming wit h your pro grammer.
MaxLoader User’s Guide 33 4. Click on the Load to load a file f rom a flop py or ha rd disk int o the buffer. Change your fi le directory by choosing a directory in Look i n box. Cho ose a file name and type of the file. Make s ure th at the file type is selected; ”All Hex File” or “Binary file” is located in the File of type box.
MaxLoader User’s Guide 34 5. Insert the 27C010 device i nto the ZIF s ocket. After i nserting the part , make sure that the socket h andle is down (close) to secure the chip. See the illustration below: 6. Click o n the highl ighted c ursor Blan k Check .
MaxLoader User’s Guide 35 Target Device: Erased or blank INTEL 27C256 1. Make su re the MaxLoa der is di splayed wi thout any c ommuni cation error (refer to pr ogramm ing section ). 2. Place the AMD 27C256 de vice into the ZIF socket. 3. Select the manufacturer and part nam es from the Select menu.
MaxLoader User’s Guide 36 • H/W Rev : Hardware revision number for your programmer • S/W Rev : Curr ent MaxLoa der software re vision number • Seri al No : Seri al number of MaxL oader hardw are (Additional Option Information for Non PLD Devices) The following information presents prog ramming information of the selected device.
MaxLoader User’s Guide 37 Verification error . • Count : This number indicates all devices e xecuted success fully and unsuccessfully. NOTE : This feature is useful for repeat programmi ng on th e same device.
MaxLoader User’s Guide 38 (Programm er Object File) is a bina ry file ge nerated by Al tera assem bler (Quartus an d MAX+PLU S II). Thi s file sh ould be loa ded for Altera MAX or EPC family devices only. Binary F o rmat Binary format does not s pecify the addre ss or c hecksum of the file.
MaxLoader User’s Guide 39 :02 0000 02 4A29 02 Check Sum Index address Record type Address Record Length • The Address field is blank because this reco rd is not data.
MaxLoader User’s Guide 40 10 : 24-bit addressing for files greater than 64K. 1 2 : 32-bit addressing for files greater than 64K i n lengt h. X+1 - N Bytes HE X Data (two pe r byte) N+1 – N+2 Check-Sum Tw o digit HEX Check-Sum character calculat ed by one’s complement of DATA, A DDRESS and COUNT.
MaxLoader User’s Guide 41 When this format is selected, the device base address m ust be specified. This address represents the lowest address in the device. T he file created contains an entry for each location in this device. ASCII HEX format can be c reated for programm able memory devices only .
MaxLoader User’s Guide 42 V0007111100X XXNXXXHHLHXXN* V000811111 0XXXNXXXLHHLXXN* C124E*<ETX>8646 STX The fuse map begi ns with an ASCII STX character (02 HE X) Design Specification This item is user specific.
MaxLoader User’s Guide 43 POF file <Altera EPMxxx devices only> The programmi ng o bject fi l e ( .pof ) for an EPM7128A or EPM7256A device can be progr ammed into the EPM71 28AE or EPM7256AE device, r espectively, using the MA X+PLUS ® II soft ware ve rsion 9.
MaxLoader User’s Guide 44 The default sel ection on Fi le Load m enu is in Bi nary Form at. To select any of the HEX files mentioned abov e, ch oose “All HEX File” by pressing ⇓ but t on. When you have selected the desire d file, press the OPEN button to load the file into the data bu ffer.
MaxLoader User’s Guide 45 Data can be reloaded i nto the memory fr om the file directories that contains previously lo ad ed files. Reload remem b ers your file location and typ e (Binary or All Hex) that has been loaded in to th e buffer.
MaxLoader User’s Guide 46 File/ Save Log This function will record all operating procedure. Such as carrying out preloaded ta sks in m axloader soft ware.
MaxLoader User’s Guide 47 File/ Save All Messages This function will record all programming disp layed messages from the MaxLoader m essage window. The .
MaxLoader User’s Guide 48 Buffer.
MaxLoader User’s Guide 49 Buffer / Edit Buffer This command allows the user to exam ine and modify the contents of t he memory buffer. This section applies to a non-JEDEC file (PROM, EPROM, EEPROM, and Microcontroller) or to a memo ry chip. If a PLD is being loaded, see the (vector pattern edit) section.
MaxLoader User’s Guide 50 Find Next Press the Find Next button to locate the rest of the data that you entered in the FIND box. The error “Search Pattern not Fou nd” will be accursed when you press this button withou t entering data in the FIND text bo x.
MaxLoader User’s Guide 51 Copy buffer Copy certain data betwee n 2 addresses t o other locat ion in t he same buffe r. Fill Buffer Enter certain data between 2 di fferent buf fer locations.
MaxLoader User’s Guide 52 Clear buffer Fill entire buffer with the same data in “default buffer va lue” which can be any data. In most, it is “FF” but it can be “00” for Motorola S-record type.
MaxLoader User’s Guide 53 Print buffer The current buffer data can be printer in different fo rmats. Also, you can review buffer data with an editor in an utility software. Set editor to view mode This mode allows you not to modify data in the buffer.
MaxLoader User’s Guide 54 Set editor to edit mode Data in buffer can be modified in this mode. Set Editor to binary mode The data in current buffer w ill be changed as binary mode.
MaxLoader User’s Guide 55 Set editor to 8 bit(byte) Hex The data in curren t buffer will be chang ed as 8-bit hex valu e. Set editor to 16 bit(word) Hex Th e data in current buffer will b e changed as 16-b it h ex value.
MaxLoader User’s Guide 56 Set editor to 32 bit(double word) Hex The data in current buffer will be changed as 32 -bit mode. Set default editor mode Make the curre nt buffe r mode as sam e da ta si ze as the selected device in the current operation .
MaxLoader User’s Guide 57 Set default Reset Editor The cursor mode will be the first data in address 0. Swap nibble Swap each character (ni bble) i n 8-bit(1 by te) bloc k.
MaxLoader User’s Guide 58 Swap byte Swap each 8- bit (1-byt e) data i n each 16-bi t(4-byte) block. Swap Word Swap each 16 -bit (2-by te) dat a in each 32 -bit(4-byt e) block.
MaxLoader User’s Guide 59 Swap double word Swap each 32 -bit (4-by te) dat a in each 64 -bit(8-byt e) block. Jedec editor This buffer m ode allows y ou to retri eve and m odify data f or PLD de vices. The data can be display ed in two di fferent m ode (unuse d-bit “0” or “X”, u sed- bit ”1”or “ –“.
MaxLoader User’s Guide 60 In the Jedec edito r mode, you can still use all features in Buffer Edit Mode. Clear Pressing this button allows you to fill the buffer with the data located in “Default Buffer Value” in Config Option Menu.
MaxLoader User’s Guide 61 Close Press to exit the HEX Editor. Buffer / Edit UES The UES Edit comman d creates or changes th e User's Ele ctron ic Signature (UES) array in GAL device. Each GAL device contains an electronic signature word consisti ng of 64 bit s of reprog rammabl e memory.
MaxLoader User’s Guide 62 This section presents the main operation menu for the target device that is mounted o n the ZIF s ocket. In order t o process the following c ommands, m ake sure that the device is correctly inserted into the ZIF socket and th e latch is down.
MaxLoader User’s Guide 63 Select During operation, the first step is usually to select a device. This Select command ena bles the user t o define the m anufacture r and the type of the device that will be used.
MaxLoader User’s Guide 64 logic functio n. This sym bol makes a c onvenient referenc e when selecti ng the PAL device that best fits a specific application Select / E (E)PROM, FLASH All EPROMs (.
MaxLoader User’s Guide 65 Select / Device information Pressing this button allows you to review the target device information before selecting a device.
MaxLoader User’s Guide 66 Device / Change Algorithm Users are pr ovided with an opti on of changi ng the pr ogrammi ng paramet ers of most devices. Once you selec t the “Change Al gorithm” opt i.
MaxLoader User’s Guide 67 Device / Auto Menu Option Users can choose a ope ration stream for “ Auto” button. CAUTION : Clicking the Auto bu tton makes the selected device secured. It is highly recomm ended that customer should click on the “auto” button aft er reviewing the “Auto Opt io n” stream.
MaxLoader User’s Guide 68 NOTE : Erasi ng EPROMs. In order to clear dat a in an EPROM, th e chip should be exposed t o a short w ave UV (Ultra viol et) light. Most erasers require between 5 and 3 0 minutes erasin g an EPROM. So me types of chips take long er to erase than ot hers.
MaxLoader User’s Guide 69 Device / Program Program command will enable you to place new data from the memory buffer into the target device. The BUSY GREEN led will be blinking during programmi ng. Make sure t he device is corre ctly inserted into the ZIF socket and the latch is down.
MaxLoader User’s Guide 70 28CXXX fam ily devices s upport Software Data Prot ection. The user has an option of either protectin g or not prot ecting the d ata.
MaxLoader User’s Guide 71 6. Place a new chip. It must be the sam e chip as the master chip. 7. The buffer still holds your master data and the memory portion. 8. Click on Opt ion again and set all the fuses that you wrote. 9. (To change the option, use the arrow button in th e selection box.
MaxLoader User’s Guide 72 Device / Read Read the data in t he source device m ounted on t he ZIF socket int o the buffer fo r examination. The checksum will be disp layed on the checksum line. The buffer may be edited, saved to a dis k, or used to duplicate the chip.
MaxLoader User’s Guide 73 Device / Data Compare Compares the data in device to the data in buffer and saves any difference into the COMPARE.TXT file. When y ou have a ve rify error during the Verify operation, t he Data Compare command will be useful.
MaxLoader User’s Guide 74 NOTE : When you cl ick on OPTI ON, device security m ode and opti on fuses w ill be available for certain ma nufacture devi ces. Selecting t hese options, programmer will program your device with the checked options continuously.
MaxLoader User’s Guide 75 Device / Auto Auto command will enab le you to execute a operation steam that are selected in auto menu option It will execute all commands sequentially an d it is useful to program a volume quantity devices with the same data.
MaxLoader User’s Guide 76 After inserting a memory device into the ZIF socket, select the memory type from the device select “GE NERIC RAM” select ion screen a nd click on the RAM test button, in the test menu. The program will test each address of the memory.
MaxLoader User’s Guide 77 NOTE : Due to hardware’s limitation, Vector Test is only implemented on 24- pin or less devices. During the vector test, TopMax ap plies high and low signals to th e input pins of a tested PLD and observes signals at th e output pins.
MaxLoader User’s Guide 78 Click on t he Select button and ente r a devic e name and cl ick on Test to begin the test function. A result message will be displayed after testing. Config Config / Select Product After the MaxLoader is installed, you ca n choose one of the progr ammer listed in Select product menu.
MaxLoader User’s Guide 79 Make sure that y ou select a right m odel and turn on the swit ch (TopMax / , TopMaxII, ProMax -4/8G) or connect the AC cord (UniMax, ChipMax/ChipMax2 ) Config / Config Opt.
MaxLoader User’s Guide 80 NOTE : Buffer Clear means that the current buffer will be filled with the Default Buffer Value. I t can be any data of Hex adecimal v alues such as FF, 00, or XX Config Option / Blank Check Before Programming Enabling Blan k Check Be fore Program ming verifi es whethe r the devi ce is erased before p rogramm ing.
MaxLoader User’s Guide 81 CURSOR AT LOCATI ON: 00000000 8 BIT ADDRES SING HEXADECIMA L ASCII ADDRESS -0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -A -B -C -D -E -F 0123456789ABCDEF 00000000 01 23 45 67 89 AB CD EF 00 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 .
MaxLoader User’s Guide 82 De vice MSB LSB Device Address: 0 01 23 1 45 67 2 89 AB 3 CD EF Config Option / Device Insert Test When enabled, this test will allow the MaxLoad er to first examine the physical position of a device as it is sittin g in the programming socket when th e user attempts to take any action to th at device.
MaxLoader User’s Guide 83 NOTE : Pressing “S h ift F1” allows you confirm the device ID from actual chip and MaxL oader algori thm. Config Option / Sound A default sound co mes when you need attention during programming time such as “blank check error,” “program error,” or “Verification error.
MaxLoader User’s Guide 84 Config Option / Port (TopMax, ChipMax) A parallel port address ca n be dete rmined by the Ma xLoader (T opMax / ChipMax) software .
MaxLoader User’s Guide 85 Auto : TopMax / ChipMax will select a valid parallel port as the default address in your PC. LPT1 : The parallel port 378 in HEX will be chosen for TopMax/ChipMax address. LPT2 : The parallel port 3BC in HEX will be chosen for TopMax/ChipMax address.
MaxLoader User’s Guide 86 Enabling #4 socket to be master socket If you want to choose the m aster socket in 4 th location in 8 sockets, select the serial number for 4 th socket a mong 8 se quential serial numbers . i.e the 4 th socket serial number is P8-0057.
MaxLoader User’s Guide 87 Enabling any butto n to be a “ S tart Key ” Config Option / Gang Split Select.
MaxLoader User’s Guide 88 All programmers ex cept TopMax and ChipMax must use the Concurrent Gang Mode for multiple socket operations. Split When programming devices for a 16-bit or 32-bit environ ment, you will need to split your data onto two or four devices.
MaxLoader User’s Guide 89 Now, you have two 8-bi t EPROMs that have been p rogrammed. T he first EPROM (#1) contains all the even addr ess or low bytes and the second (#2) device contain s all the odd a ddress or hi gh bytes.
MaxLoader User’s Guide 90 Device Address These addresses will be applied for programming the buffer data. -Chip St art : Device Starting address for the data to be programmed in buffer. -Chip End : Device Ending address for the data to be programm ed in buffer.
MaxLoader User’s Guide 91 -File Offset is s ubtracted from addresses from the file downl oaded t o the programmer. For example, if you set File Off set to 1000h, th en the dow nload ed data minus 1000h would be pl aced into the buffer at the addres s specified by the Buffer Start Address.
MaxLoader User’s Guide 92 Inc Value : This value will be added to th e prev ious data value User must click on Auto Increment to program a mem ory with data increased by one to the previous dat a. Config / Hardware test A hardware te st is designed to assist custom ers in confirmi ng and diagnosi ng problems relating to all programmers.
MaxLoader User’s Guide 93 control. You can e xecute ind ividual s ocket with c orrespon ding start button or all sockets together with p ressing any of START b utton. Do not touch the device in socket until the operatio n stream is not finished (stopped).
MaxLoader User’s Guide 94 Enabling any butto n to be a “S tart Key ” The individual socket with a serial nu mber can be executed once the Start button is pressed. After check th e Enab les START ALL button box in Config option, all 8 sockets will b e executed when you click on any of the “START” key in Gang pr ogram.
MaxLoader User’s Guide 95 Wait 10 – 30 seconds for recognizin g a ll sockets and you can see eac h socket’s serial number in GA NG PROGRAM M ODE. There two differe nt features in the ProMax pr ogram mer operati ons. One feature i s that Dat a in buffe r m emory can be simply duplicated into more one socket (dup lication).
MaxLoader User’s Guide 96 How to program (write) one file into different sock ets ? If the target device is 8-bit EPROM such as 2764,128,256,512,101, m ake the Set Program Mode disabled. The Set Program menu button will not be appeared for all other (non-8 bit) device selection.
MaxLoader User’s Guide 97 EXAMPLE 1: PROGRAM 8 OF 271 28 EPROMS WITH SAME DATA: 1. Select the target device (27128) a nd Lo ad a file that should be sam e size as the selected Device size. The target devices coul d be any devices. 2. Click on the “Gang Program Mode” button.
MaxLoader User’s Guide 98 The next diagram illustrates how to travel the same buffer data(0000-3FFF for 27128 sele ction) to t he eight soc kets. Click for operating all sockets at once, concurrent .
MaxLoader User’s Guide 99 How to progr am (write) buffer ( bloc ks) da ta into di fferent sockets ? This option is not availab le for all other devices that are not 8-bit EPROMs. The menu screen below illustrates that th ere is no Set Program b utton because the device selected D A28F320J5 i s not 8-bit EP ROM.
MaxLoader User’s Guide 100 NOTE : Who may need the “set Programming?” A file can be fit in an EPROM and the file size beco mes bigg er than the EPROM, so the large file should be split into mo re than one EPROMs. The ProMax software will split a file up to 8 blocks and program them in different EPROMs.
MaxLoader User’s Guide 101 5. Click a but ton with seri al number or the “START ALL” butt on and a programming steam will be executed . As illustrated in the diagram, data is routed to sock ets in sequential order(the first block of data goes to the first socket, the second block to the second, etc.
MaxLoader User’s Guide 102 Config / Enter Production Mode This mode makes it more secure and efficient for production lines, where only the “Concurrent Mode” and “Auto Program ” options are available, along with the functions of “L oad Proj ect, Save Log, and Save All Me ssages.
MaxLoader User’s Guide 103 With the Supervisor Mode, the user has full access to all options and functions of the MaxL oader softwa re. In this mode the user can pre -set all projects and configure det ails for production lines. Useful functio n key s are enabl ed f or use r friendly na vi gation.
MaxLoader User’s Guide 104 This option will help customer who want to use the MaxLoade r menu as native language with the OS that is installed for own languag es.
MaxLoader User’s Guide 105 4. Quick Self-Diagnostics In order to provide accurate and fast t echnical assistance, we recommend that you check the followin g inform ation before you c all our te chnical s upport departm ent. We recommend t hat you obtai n the latest soft ware revisi on before calling our support lin e with a software problem.
MaxLoader User’s Guide 106 You may need to change your pr in ter port [even though it is working fine with your printer] b ecause TopMax / ChipMax communicat es with your computer via the pri nte r po rt i n a bi-di recti o nal m ode. For new device support, TopMax is no longer su pported since January 2006.
MaxLoader User’s Guide 107 6. Service Information Before sending a unit in for servi ce, c all us at 408-263- 2221 to obtain a Return Authorization Nu mber (RMA). We will not repair your unit unless an RMA w as issued. Warranty Service: Please return the product in the original package with proof of purchase to the belo w address.
MaxLoader User’s Guide 108 Include with the instrument your com plete return shipping addre ss, contact name, phone number, and descrip tion of problem.
MaxLoader User’s Guide 109 8. Useful Web Site Addresses/ Phone Numbers EE Tools, Inc. ..................................... ALTERA ............................................. www. AMD ....................................
MaxLoader User’s Guide 110 9. Programming Adapter Manufacturers Compass Systems (Asia) ................... EE Tools, Inc. ..................................... Emulation Technology ........................ www.1800a dapter.
MaxLoader User’s Guide 111 Port : USB CD ROM Drive for Installation OS : Windows 98/ M E / 2 0 00/ XP Target Systems of EeRom-8U Your target b oard requi red the f ollowing m emory ty pe for proper em ulation with EeRom-8U. The basic EeRom -8U s u pp ort s 8M bi t s wi t h 45 NS Me m ory.
MaxLoader User’s Guide 112 Why NAND Flash NAND-based flash is a low-cost high -capacity memory technology commonly used in large data applications su ch as digital cameras, 3G cell phones, PDAs, etc. In addition to using this data sto rage capability, manufactu rers have found it beneficial in many cases to program code i nto NAND flas h devices.
MaxLoader User’s Guide 113 Note : Usually, new developers for NA ND Flash should have a solu tion how to program their devices with NAND Flash sem iconductor engineers and programm er vendor’ s software development engineer.
MaxLoader User’s Guide 114 connected to the extern al metal interconnect pins of the IC with very small bonding wi res. It can be see n through t he window of erasable EPROMs. DIP Dual Inline Package . An IC package with two ro ws of through- hole pins, usually on 0.
MaxLoader User’s Guide 115 HEX file A human-readable ASCII file that represents any binary data. Each byte in the binary pattern is represent ed by two HEX cha racters (0-9, A-F) so t hat any of the 25 6 possible bytes, whic h include both cont rol and unp rintable characters, may be printed.
MaxLoader User’s Guide 116 be erased. The mem ory’s organi zation refers t o its word wi dth and the number of words i n the devic e. Microcontroller A device that contains a central processing unit (CPU), memory, and I/O ports on a si ngle IC.
MaxLoader User’s Guide 117 device and m ay be free, i nexpensive or expensive. The m ost popular compiler is PALASM (prices unde r $200 , a vailable f rom AMD sal es offices and representatives), which suppo rts most of AMD’s line of PLDs with an easy-to-learn high-level language.
MaxLoader User’s Guide 118 will be applied to the device for the first vector. Then, each output wi ll be applied to the device for the first vector. This process will continue for each vector and any errors will be reported. TQF Thin Quad Flat Pack.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts IBM MaxLoader (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie IBM MaxLoader noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für IBM MaxLoader - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von IBM MaxLoader reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über IBM MaxLoader erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon IBM MaxLoader besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von IBM MaxLoader verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit IBM MaxLoader. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei IBM MaxLoader gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.