Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung BC-201 des Produzenten IBM
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BC-201 Cisco IOS Bridging and IBM Ne tw orking Configuration Guide 78-11737-02 Overview of IBM Networking The IBM networkin g technologies described in this publication can be categ orized as network-rel ated or host-related technol ogies.
Overview o f IBM Networ king RSRB BC-202 Cisco IOS Bridging and IBM Ne tw orking Configuration Guide 78-11737-02 Note All commands supported on the Cisco 750 0 series routers are also supp orted on the Cisco 7000 series routers.
Overview of IBM Ne tworking RSRB BC-203 Cisco IOS Bridging and IBM Networking Con figu ratio n Guide 78-11737-02 Configuration Considerations Use IP encapsulation only o ver a TCP co nnection within c.
Overview o f IBM Networ king DLSw+ BC-204 Cisco IOS Bridging and IBM Ne tw orking Configuration Guide 78-11737-02 Note As previously stated, local ackn o wledgment for LLC2 is meant only for e xtreme cases in which communication is not possible otherwise.
Overview of IBM Ne tworking DLSw+ BC-205 Cisco IOS Bridging and IBM Networking Con figu ratio n Guide 78-11737-02 This section contains a b rief ov ervie w of DLSw+: • DLSw Standard , page 20 5 • .
Overview o f IBM Networ king DLSw+ BC-206 Cisco IOS Bridging and IBM Ne tw orking Configuration Guide 78-11737-02 IP Multicast Multicast service av oids duplication and excessi v e bandw idth of broadcast traff ic because it replicates and propagates messag es to its multicast members only as necessary .
Overview of IBM Ne tworking DLSw+ BC-207 Cisco IOS Bridging and IBM Networking Con figu ratio n Guide 78-11737-02 This section contains inf ormation on the follo wing topics related t o DLSw+ features.
Overview o f IBM Networ king DLSw+ BC-208 Cisco IOS Bridging and IBM Ne tw orking Configuration Guide 78-11737-02 Figure 86 illustrat es an LLC2 session in which a 37x5 on a LAN se gment communicates wi th a 3x74 on a dif ferent LAN segment separated via a wide-area b ackbone network.
Overview of IBM Ne tworking DLSw+ BC-209 Cisco IOS Bridging and IBM Networking Con figu ratio n Guide 78-11737-02 3x74 operates as if the ackno wledgments it recei ve s are from the 37x5.
Overview o f IBM Networ king DLSw+ BC-210 Cisco IOS Bridging and IBM Ne tw orking Configuration Guide 78-11737-02 If you are using NetBIOS applications, note t hat there are two NetBIOS timers—one at th e link le v el and one at th e next higher le vel.
Overview of IBM Ne tworking STUN and BSTUN BC-211 Cisco IOS Bridging and IBM Networking Con figu ratio n Guide 78-11737-02 Figure 88 VDLC Inter action with Higher -Lay er Prot ocols The higher -layer protocols mak e no distinction betw een the VDLC and an y other data-link control , bu t they do identi fy the VDLC as a d est inat ion .
Overview o f IBM Networ king STUN and BSTUN BC-212 Cisco IOS Bridging and IBM Ne tw orking Configuration Guide 78-11737-02 Figure 89 Compar ison of STUN in P assthr ough Mode and Local Acknowledgment .
Overview of IBM Ne tworking STUN and BSTUN BC-213 Cisco IOS Bridging and IBM Networking Con figu ratio n Guide 78-11737-02 • Allo ws networks with IBM main frames and communi cations contro llers to share data using Cisco routers and exi sting network links.
Overview o f IBM Networ king STUN and BSTUN BC-214 Cisco IOS Bridging and IBM Ne tw orking Configuration Guide 78-11737-02 Figure 90 sho ws the dif ference between an IBM network with STUN and one with out STUN.
Overview of IBM Ne tworking LLC2 and SDLC Parameters BC-215 Cisco IOS Bridging and IBM Networking Con figu ratio n Guide 78-11737-02 BSTUN Networks The Bisync feature enables your Cisco 2500, 360 0, 4000, 4500, 470 0, and 7200 series r out er to support devices that use the Bisyn c data-link p rotocol.
Overview o f IBM Networ king LLC2 and SDLC Paramete rs BC-216 Cisco IOS Bridging and IBM Ne tw orking Configuration Guide 78-11737-02 modifying the control f ield parameter s, you can de termine t he number of ackno wledgmen ts sent for frames receiv ed and the le v el of polli ng used to determine av ailable stat ions.
Overview of IBM Ne tworking IBM Network Media Tran slation BC-217 Cisco IOS Bridging and IBM Networking Con figu ratio n Guide 78-11737-02 The Cisco Implementation of SDLC The Cisco SDLC implementatio.
Overview o f IBM Networ king IBM Network Media Translation BC-218 Cisco IOS Bridging and IBM Ne tw orking Configuration Guide 78-11737-02 Figure 91 illust rates how SDLLC pro vides data li nk layer sup port for SN A communication.
Overview of IBM Ne tworking IBM Network Media Tran slation BC-219 Cisco IOS Bridging and IBM Networking Con figu ratio n Guide 78-11737-02 As part of its virtual telecommuni cations access method (VT AM) conf igurat ion, the IBM node on t he T oken Ring has knowledge of the SDLLC VTRA of the ser ial de vice with which it communicates.
Overview o f IBM Networ king IBM Network Media Translation BC-220 Cisco IOS Bridging and IBM Ne tw orking Configuration Guide 78-11737-02 QLLC Conversion Qualif ied Logical Li nk Control (QLLC) is a data lin k protocol def ined b y IBM that allo ws SN A data to be transported acro ss X.
Overview of IBM Ne tworking IBM Network Media Tran slation BC-221 Cisco IOS Bridging and IBM Networking Con figu ratio n Guide 78-11737-02 Figur e 95 QLLC Conv ersion Running on a Ro ut er with an Int er mediate IP Networ k The Cisco Implementation of QLLC Conversion SN A us es QLLC and X.
Overview o f IBM Networ king IBM Network Media Translation BC-222 Cisco IOS Bridging and IBM Ne tw orking Configuration Guide 78-11737-02 Figure 97 QLLC Conversion Betw een a Single 37x5 and Multiple .
Overview of IBM Ne tworking SNA FRAS BC-223 Cisco IOS Bridging and IBM Networking Con figu ratio n Guide 78-11737-02 Ta b l e 3 shows ho w the QLLC commands corr espond to the SDLLC commands.
Overview o f IBM Networ king SNA FRAS BC-224 Cisco IOS Bridging and IBM Ne tw orking Configuration Guide 78-11737-02 Management service point supp ort in FRAS allo ws the SNA netw ork management application, NetV ie w , to manage Cisco routers over the Frame Relay ne twork as if i t were an SN A do wnstream PU.
Overview of IBM Ne tworking SNA FRAS BC-225 Cisco IOS Bridging and IBM Networking Con figu ratio n Guide 78-11737-02 permanent virt ual circuit, Cisco supports SAP multiple xing, which allo ws you to conf igure unique LLC2 SAPs for each do wnstream SN A device so that they can share a single permanen t virtual circuit to an FEP .
Overview o f IBM Networ king NCIA BC-226 Cisco IOS Bridging and IBM Ne tw orking Configuration Guide 78-11737-02 NCIA Nativ e Client Interface Architecture (NCIA) is a new software architect ure introduced by Cisco to make accessing IBM SN A applicat ions ov er routed in tern etworks more scalable and flexible.
Overview of IBM Ne tworking NCIA BC-227 Cisco IOS Bridging and IBM Networking Con figu ratio n Guide 78-11737-02 • The NCIA Server communicates with other components in router , such as RSRB, SN ASw , DLSw+, and DSPU. • Supports both connect-i n and connect- out.
Overview o f IBM Networ king NCIA BC-228 Cisco IOS Bridging and IBM Ne tw orking Configuration Guide 78-11737-02 After the peer session has been esta blished, the NDLC protoco l establis hes the circuit between the client and server . This circuit is used to transfer end-user data between the clie nt and the server .
Overview of IBM Ne tworking ALPS BC-229 Cisco IOS Bridging and IBM Networking Con figu ratio n Guide 78-11737-02 Migration Support Using a clie nt/ser ver model allows the NCIA Serv er feature to be independent of th e upstream implementation, allo wing it to be implemented in a network that is still using RSRB and in a DLSw+ network.
Overview o f IBM Networ king DSPU and SNA Service Point BC-230 Cisco IOS Bridging and IBM Ne tw orking Configuration Guide 78-11737-02 Figur e 1 04 ALPS Arc hit ectur e The Cisco ALPS feature provides an end-to-end solutio n for airlines and central reserv ation systems.
Overview of IBM Ne tworking DSPU and SNA Service Point BC-231 Cisco IOS Bridging and IBM Networking Con figu ratio n Guide 78-11737-02 Figure 105 sho ws a router functioning as a DSPU concentrat or .
Overview o f IBM Networ king SNA Switching Services BC-232 Cisco IOS Bridging and IBM Ne tw orking Configuration Guide 78-11737-02 SNA Switching Services Note SN A Switching Services fu nctionality super sedes a ll functionality pre viously av ailable in the APPN feature in the Cisco IOS software.
Overview of IBM Ne tworking Benefits of SNASw BC-233 Cisco IOS Bridging and IBM Networking Con figu ratio n Guide 78-11737-02 Scalable APPN Networks W ith the Br anch Extender (BEX) fu nction, the numbe r of net work nodes and th e amount of broadcast traf f ic are reduced.
Overview o f IBM Networ king HPR Capable SNA Routing Services BC-234 Cisco IOS Bridging and IBM Ne tw orking Configuration Guide 78-11737-02 HPR Capable SNA Routing Services SN ASw pro vides the fo llo wing SN A routing functions: • Routes SN A sessions between clients and target SN A data hosts.
Overview of IBM Ne tworking Enterprise Extender (HPR/IP) BC-235 Cisco IOS Bridging and IBM Networking Con figu ratio n Guide 78-11737-02 Figure 107 illu strates the BEX functionality . Figure 1 0 7 BEX Functionality Enterprise Extender (HPR/IP) SN ASw also supports the EE functio n.
Overview o f IBM Networ king Usability Features BC-236 Cisco IOS Bridging and IBM Ne tw orking Configuration Guide 78-11737-02 Usability Features SN ASw contains the fol lo wing usability features des.
Overview of IBM Ne tworking Management Enhanceme nts BC-237 Cisco IOS Bridging and IBM Networking Con figu ratio n Guide 78-11737-02 Mode ARB architecture.
Overview o f IBM Networ king LAN and IP-Focuse d Connection Types BC-238 Cisco IOS Bridging and IBM Ne tw orking Configuration Guide 78-11737-02 MIB Support for Advanced Network Management Awareness S.
Overview of IBM Ne tworking Cisco Transaction Connection BC-239 Cisco IOS Bridging and IBM Networking Con figu ratio n Guide 78-11737-02 same LAN. When using nati v e LAN support, SN ASw responds only to requests that tar get the MA C address conf igured on t he local interface.
Overview o f IBM Networ king Cisco Transaction Conn ection BC-240 Cisco IOS Bridging and IBM Ne tw orking Configuration Guide 78-11737-02 The CTRC software feature provides the follo wing functionalit.
Overview of IBM Ne tworking Cisco Transaction Connection BC-241 Cisco IOS Bridging and IBM Networking Con figu ratio n Guide 78-11737-02 Figure 1 09 Cisco Router Configured with the CTRC Feat ur e for CICS Communications CTRC and DB2 CTRC enables Cisco routers to implement IBM ’ s DRD A ov er TCP/IP .
Overview o f IBM Networ king CMCC Adapte r Hardware BC-242 Cisco IOS Bridging and IBM Ne tw orking Configuration Guide 78-11737-02 For a TCP/IP host connection, th e router with CTRC routes the DRD A packets ov er TCP/IP without protocol changes.
Overview of IBM Ne tworking CMCC Adapter Hardware BC-243 Cisco IOS Bridging and IBM Networking Con figu ratio n Guide 78-11737-02 Figur e 1 12 Cisco Mainfr ame Channel Connection Adapt ers Channel Int.
Overview o f IBM Networ king CMCC Adapte r Hardware BC-244 Cisco IOS Bridging and IBM Ne tw orking Configuration Guide 78-11737-02 The Cisco 7200 series rout er supports onli ne insert ion and remo v al (OIR), whi ch allo ws you to install or remov e port adap ters while the system is operat ing.
Overview of IBM Ne tworking CMCC Adapter Features for TC P/IP Environments BC-245 Cisco IOS Bridging and IBM Networking Con figu ratio n Guide 78-11737-02 Supported Environments The Cisco IOS software.
Overview o f IBM Networ king CMCC Adapter Features for TCP/IP Environments BC-246 Cisco IOS Bridging and IBM Ne tw orking Configuration Guide 78-11737-02 IP Host Backup Y ou can connect multiple mainf rames to a single CM CC adapter using an ESCON director .
Overview of IBM Ne tworking CMCC Adapter Features fo r SNA Environments BC-247 Cisco IOS Bridging and IBM Networking Con figu ratio n Guide 78-11737-02 CMCC Adapter Features for SNA Environments The C.
Overview o f IBM Networ king CMCC Adapter Features for SNA Environments BC-248 Cisco IOS Bridging and IBM Ne tw orking Configuration Guide 78-11737-02 Cisco Multipath Channel CMPC is Cisco System’ s implementation of IBM’ s MultiPath Channel (MPC) feature on Cisco 7500, Cisco 7200, and Cisco 7000 wit h RSP7000 series routers.
Overview of IBM Ne tworking CMCC Adapter Features fo r SNA Environments BC-249 Cisco IOS Bridging and IBM Networking Con figu ratio n Guide 78-11737-02 The TN3270 server feature of fers an attractiv e.
Overview o f IBM Networ king CMCC Adapter Features for SNA Environments BC-250 Cisco IOS Bridging and IBM Ne tw orking Configuration Guide 78-11737-02 T o enable the TN3270 server feature, you mu st ha ve a CMCC adapter installed in a Cisco 7000 with RSP7000, Cisco 7500 series router , or a Cisco 7200 router .
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