Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung ATM OC-3c des Produzenten IBM
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8271 Nw ays E ther net L AN Sw itc h A T M OC-3 c Modu le User ’ s Guide.
Before usin g thi s informa tion an d the prod uct it sup ports, b e sure to rea d the ge ner a l in for ma tio n und er Appe nd ix A, “Sa fe ty Info r- m atio n” and Ap pe nd ix F, “N oti ces , T rade mar k s, an d W arr an tie s ”.
C ONTE NTS A BO UT T HIS G UI DE Int r oduc t i on 1 T er m inology 1 AT M Te r m i n o l o g y 1 F in din g Inf orma ti on in Th is G ui de 2 Convent ions 2 Rela t ed Doc ument ation 3 1 F EATU R ES .
4 P UTTI NG Y OUR AT M N ETWO RK T OG ETHER Pla nning Y our Networ k 4-1 A TM Configur ation R ul es 4-2 Exte nding VLANs Thr ough t he A T M Network 4-2 A TM Co nnec tions Within Y our Network 4-3 5 .
A S AFE TY I N FOR MA TI ON S afe ty Not i ces A- 1 W orld T rade Safe ty In fo rmat ion A-1 B S CR EEN A CC ESS R I GHTS C AT M M ODULE T ECHN ICAL S PEC IF ICATI ON S En vi ronmen tal Specifi cat i .
A BOUT T HI S G UIDE In tr oduc tion This guide provides the information that you need to install and configure the IBM 8271 Nway s Ether ne t LAN Switc h A TM OC-3c Mod ul e (ag en t soft w ar e version 1.05) within an IBM 8271 Nways Ethern et LAN s witch which ha s version 3.
2 A BOUT T HIS G UIDE Finding I n f ormatio n in This Guide The followin g table shows you where to fin d specific information within this gu ide. Conve ntion s T abl e 1 and T able 2 list conventions that are us ed throughout this guide.
Rela t ed Documentati on 3 Rel ated D ocu ment atio n The A TM OC-3c Mo dule docum etation set in cludes: ■ IBM 8271 Nw a y s Ethernet LAN Switch A T M OC-3c Module Quick Reference Guide. Part N umber 02L 1333 ■ IBM 8271 Nw a y s Ethernet LAN Switch A T M OC-3c Module Release Notes.
1 F EATU R ES AND B ENEFI TS This c hapter describes the ma in feature s of the IBM 8271 Nways Ethern et LAN Switch A TM OC-3c Module and the benefits of A T M withi n your network. The A T M Mo dule provides a high-speed A TM connection between your IBM 8271 N way s Ether net LAN Switch and the A TM network.
1- 2 C HAPTER 1: F EATURES AND B ENEF I TS A TM Modu le Featur es The followin g list summ arizes the A TM Module fea tu re s . Th es e f e atu r es are d e scr i b e d in m o re d et ai l in this guide.
2 N ETW ORK L AY ER C ONCEP TS This guide contains several chapters that des cribe the basic c onc epts behin d A T M technol ogy , and integrating A TM into your e x isting network: ■ This c hapter describes some of the concepts behind the network layer ar chitectur e of a ty pica l A TM network.
2- 2 C HAPTER 2: N ETWOR K L AYER C ONCEPTS Up per L aye r P r oto c o ls The Upper Layer i s the laye r in the netw ork archite ctu re tha t r elate s to user appli c a tions and se r vice re qu ests.
What is LAN Emulat i o n (LANE)? 2- 3 LAN E mula tion Com ponent s Each E mulat ed L AN (ELAN) is c omp os ed of a se t of LAN Emulation c omp one nts. This section de scribes each of these components. LAN Emu lation Clie nt (L EC) Ea c h A TM de vice has a n umber o f L A N Emul atio n clients.
2- 4 C HAPTER 2: N ETWOR K L AYER C ONCEPTS LAN E mula tion Com ponent s i n Y our Networ k Each Emul ated LAN consis ts of a singl e LANE Servi ce , and a number of LAN Em ul ation clients.
What is LAN Emulat i o n (LANE)? 2- 5 Joining the ELAN Before a LAN Emulation C l i ent (LEC) can transmit any Ethe rnet frames on t o the A TM network it must first join an EL A N . T o join t h e EL AN : 1 The L EC must know the name o f the E LAN it is to join.
2- 6 C HAPTER 2: N ETWOR K L AYER C ONCEPTS Mappi ng Ethern et and A TM Addr esses Each device connected to an E thernet port has one or mo re MAC addres se s. Each A TM device has a number of LAN Emulation clients, and each LAN Emulation Client (LEC) has an A TM ad dr e ss .
What is LAN Emulat i o n (LANE)? 2- 7 LAN Emul a t ion Ad dre ss Res ol uti on Pr oto c o l (LE_ARP) An LE_ ARP re ques t i s se nt to t he LES to l oc ate the destina t ion MA C addr e ss. The LES in turn sends the LE_ARP reque st to all of the LE Cs in the Emulated LAN.
2- 8 C HAPTER 2: N ETWOR K L AYER C ONCEPTS A TM Adapt ation Laye r (AAL) Etherne t frames ca n be betwe en 64 and 1514 by tes in length. A T M transmits da ta in fixed l ength cells . Each cell contains 48 bytes of user data. The AT M Adaptation Layer (AAL) c onverts data betw een the Et hernet and A TM formats.
Asynchr onous T ransfer Mode ( A TM) Lay er 2- 9 A TM is S ervice T ransp ar ent A TM al lows fo r the hig h sp eed tr ansfer of a w ide range of use r t raff ic, inclu ding v oi ce, vi de o a n d other da ta . The cell fo rmat means that more th an one servi ce (traf fic type ) can be mult iple xed over the sam e physical l ine, se e Figure 2-4.
2-10 C HAPTER 2: N ETWORK L AYER C ONCEPTS A VC C is defin ed as s panning en d-to-e n d, wher eas a V irt ual Channel (VC) is the name giv en to a section of the VCC, refer to Figure 2-6. F igur e 2-6 Connecti o n T ermin ology Many virtual channels can exist on the same physical li nk.
Asynchr onous T ransfer Mode ( A TM) Lay er 2-11 F igur e 2-7 S witching Cell s using VPI a nd VCI value s..
2-12 C HAPTER 2: N ETWORK L AYER C ONCEPTS Swit ch ed V i rtua l Ci rcuits (SV Cs ) SVCs u se the signall i ng protocol to dynamically define conne ctions as they are needed a n d to r elease th em when th ey ar e no l on ger need ed. SVCs use signalling for: ■ Connectio ns initiated by the user/application.
Asynchr onous T ransfer Mode ( A TM) Lay er 2-13 Interim Lo cal Mana gemen t Interfa ce (ILM I ) The A TM F orum produced the Interim Local Management Interface (IL M I) to inc rease monitoring and d iagnostic fac ilities, and to pr ov ide A T M address regi s trati on at the U ser -to-Network I nterface (U NI) .
2-14 C HAPTER 2: N ETWORK L AYER C ONCEPTS The A TM Layer a nd Cell Str uct ur e This section describes the cell structur e, and how the A TM Layer us e s the information stored in the c ell header to pe rform eac h of its task s.
Physi cal Layer 2-15 Physic al La yer The physical layer i s r esp onsible for transmitting and receiving A TM cells over a physic al mediu m . It is also responsible for ch e c king the in t egrity of the bi t s being tr ansferr ed over a physical med ia, and for maki ng sur e that th ey ar e err or -fre e.
3 V IRTUAL LAN C ONCEP TS This chapter pr o v ides a brief overv i ew of V irtua l LA N (VL AN) concepts, an d describes how to extend VLA Ns into the A TM network. This user guide does not describ e how to create or configure VLANs. VLAN configuration is described in the user g uide th at accompani es yo ur Swi tch.
3- 2 C HAPTER 3: V I RTUAL LAN C ONCEPTS E xte nding VLANs into the A TM N et wo rk Y ou can us e LAN Emulation to define an d extend VLANs seam lessly thr ough the A TM network , as shown i n the e x ample in F igure 3-3. T raff ic from one Emulat ed LAN ( EL AN) is no t seen on another ELAN as they ar e logically se parate doma i ns.
Exten ding V LANs i nto th e A TM Net work 3-3 F igur e 3-3 Extending VLANs into the A T M N etw ork..
4 P UT TING Y OUR AT M N ETWO RK T OGET HER This chap ter takes y ou thr ough the pr ocess of planning your network. T opi cs include: ■ Planning and tracking your network configuration. ■ A TM C onfiguration Ru les. ■ Extending Vir tual LANs (VLANs ) i nto the A T M network.
4- 2 C HAPTER 4: P UTTI NG Y OUR AT M N ETWORK T OGETHER ■ Does yo ur netw or k m eet s afety sp e c i fi catio ns? Y ou sh ould alway s follow safety requir eme nts and ensur e tha t yo ur devi ce env ironment meets all technical specifications . For the A TM Module these requirements are sp e cified in A ppendix A.
A TM Connec tions Wit hin Y our Network 4- 3 ■ Virtual circuits r e quired. ■ MAC addresses that can be held in the device LAN Emul ati on ARP T able. When a LAN Emulation Client (LEC) jo ins an ELA N, up to fi ve control co nnections may be required before any data is transfe rr ed o ver a s eparat e d a ta connection (VCC).
4- 4 C HAPTER 4: P UTTI NG Y OUR AT M N ETWORK T OGETHER Figure 4-1 shows an example of a network conf igurat ion wher e a r em ote edge-d evice d oes not support L AN Emu l at i on based on SVCs ( i t only supports PVC LA N Emula tion).
5 N ETW ORK C ONFIGURATI ON E XAMPLES This chapter p r ov ides exampl e s of poss ible network configurations usin g the A TM Module. If you ar e unfamiliar w ith A TM, you should r ead thi s chapte r in conjunction with Chapter 4, “Putting Y our A TM Network T ogether”.
5- 2 C HAPTER 5: N ETWOR K C ON FIGU RA TION E XAM PLES Camp us Conf igur a tio n The sec ti o n gives an example of A TM withi n a campus environment. The diagram shown in Figure 5-2 on page 5-3 demonstrates a balance between c ost and performanc e r equirements.
Campus Confi gur ation 5- 3 F igur e 5-2 Campus a nd Cost Sens itive Ne twork.
5- 4 C HAPTER 5: N ETWOR K C ON FIGU RA TION E XAM PLES Makin g a B uildi ng Re silie nt to Netw ork Failure Y ou can build resilience into your bui lding backbon e as shown in F igur e 5-3. The provision of r esilient links protects y our network against cable and ne twork failur e b y using a main a nd a standby link.
6 I NST ALLING AND S ETTING U P TH E M ODULE Followin g Sa f ety In format ion A TTENTION : Only hold the A TM Module by the edges to av oid damage from static.
6- 2 C HAPTER 6: I NST AL LING AND S ETTING U P THE M ODULE qualquer trabalho de manutenção, deve ler o conteúdo do Apêndic e A, “Informaç ões sobre Segura n ça” , deste m anual.
Devic e S upport 6- 3 Dev ice Su ppor t The A TM Module a llows y ou to conne c t your IB M 8271 Nways Ethern et LAN Switch to an A TM network. Switches that suppo rt the A TM Module a re lis ted in the “R ele ase Notes” that ac co mpany your A TM Modu le.
6- 4 C HAPTER 6: I NST AL LING AND S ETTING U P THE M ODULE Ins tallati on This section describes how to i nstall the A TM M odule using the example of an IBM 8271 N ways E thernet LAN Switch Model 624 device. Installation is similar for all dev ic es co m patible wi th this A TM Module.
Po st-I nstalla tion Chec ks 6-5 Conne ctin g a ca ble to th e A TM Port 1 Ensure that the cable you wish to connect to the po r t meets the correc t spec i fic ati on . For cable specifications, refe r to “A T M Cable Specification” on page C- 1.
6- 6 C HAPTER 6: I NST AL LING AND S ETTING U P THE M ODULE LED S ummary This section describes the LEDs that provide status and tr o ubleshooting information.
Po st-I nstalla tion Chec ks 6-7 Chec king th e Power Supply Check the MGMT LED on the Sw itc h . If the MGMT LED is not lit ther e is a p ower supply pr ob lem. T ry the following tr oubleshooting pr ocedures: 1 Check that the power supply is plugged into the device, using a power outlet that is known to be working .
6- 8 C HAPTER 6: I NST AL LING AND S ETTING U P THE M ODULE 4 Remove a ny objects obstructing the cable and stra ight en out any kin ks in the cable. 5 If you suspect that t he fiber optic connector i s dirty , refe r to “Cl e a ning Dirty F i ber Optic C onnectors” on page D- 24.
7 A CC ESSING M ANAGE MENT F EA TUR E S The men u - driv en user interf ace built into the device is known as the VT 100 or Loca l M a nage me n t int er f a ce . The VT10 0 manage m ent interface ha s a form s-based structur e with pre-defined security levels, enabling access to be restricted to particular users.
7- 2 C HAPTER 7: A CCESSI NG M ANAG EM ENT F EATURES F igur e 7-1 Screen Map.
Logg ing On 7-3 Logging On 1 Connect your terminal to the C ons ole port using a cr oss-over cable for a serial line connec tion. 2 At your term inal, pr ess [Return] two or more t imes until the Main Banner is displayed, as shown in Figure 7-2.
7- 4 C HAPTER 7: A CCESSI NG M ANAG EM ENT F EATURES T o find out whic h A TM screens can be accessed for each of the security levels , r efer to Appendix B, “Screen Access Rights”. For acc ess rights to Switch s cr eens, see th e user guide that accompan ies you r Swi tch.
8 M AN AGING THE AT M M ODULE This c hapter describes how to ma nage the A TM Module. If y o u wish to view stat istics, refe r to Chapter 9, “Monitoring the A T M M odule”. Figure 8-1 shows the scr een map . Manage ment features are show n in gray to help yo u locate the scr een you need.
8- 2 C HAPTER 8: M AN AGING THE ATM M ODULE Conf igu rin g an A T M Por t The A TM Module C onfigu ration Scr een shows the settings and standards used by the A TM Module to communic at e wi t h other devi ces on the A TM network. It is unlikely that you wil l nee d to change the valu e of these setti n gs once they have been set.
Configu ring an A TM Port 8- 3 SONET/SDH Specifies the fram ing used. Sel ect ei ther SONET S TS-3c or SDH ST M-1 . Th e d e f a ul t i s SONET STS-3 c. The MAX VPI Bits an d MAX VCI B its fields de scribed below , a r e used t o determine how many bits c an be used w ithin each cell h ead er to define the value of the VPI and VCI.
8- 4 C HAPTER 8: M AN AGING THE ATM M ODULE Up gra dab le Sof t war e V ers io n Show s the versio n number of agent s oft w ar e stored on the A TM M odule (i n Flash EP ROM ). Boot Sof tware Version This is the v ersion num ber of the boot software stored o n the A TM M odule.
Exten ding V LANs i nto th e A TM Net work 8-5 2 If the VLAN is to be connected t o an ELAN, select Ye s . If you do not w ish the VLAN to be connected to an ELAN, selec t No . 3 If there is a LECS con t ro llin g ELAN s on you r netwo rk , it should a utomatically supply the LES address for the ELAN, and you should select th e LECS optio n.
8- 6 C HAPTER 8: M AN AGING THE ATM M ODULE F igur e 8-5 VLAN Sele cted Scr e en F igur e 8-6 Switch VLAN S etup Sc re en Use [C trl ]+[D] keys to s cro ll down the li s t bo x to view the res t of the li s t, including the A TM port. The A TM port is s hown as AT M in the Ty p e field, or as AT M B p if it has been set up as a ba ckbone port.
A TM Port Setup 8- 7 F igur e 8-7 A TM Por t Se tup Scr een The scr een s hows the following fiel ds : Port Identifies the selected port. Port Sp eed Show s the speed of the port connec tion. Port St ate Allows you to turn the port on and off . If you wish to al low traf fi c to pass through this port, sele ct th e Enabl e option.
8- 8 C HAPTER 8: M AN AGING THE ATM M ODULE Los t Link s T he numb er of tim es a link was unable to transmit traffi c, that i s, the number of times (since the device was reset) that t he L i nk State became Not Avail ab le . LEC State s Shows th e st atus o f the L EC for each VLA N.
Mapping Far E nd MAC Addr esses 8- 9 VLA N A llow s you t o se le ct a VLA N , and disp la y address information about remote systems connec te d to that VL A N . Port Identifies the selected port. Far MAC Address Shows the MAC Address on the edge-device at the far end of the c onnection.
8-10 C HAPTER 8: M AN AG ING THE AT M M ODULE Fin ding an Ad dres s Ent ry 1 In the Fa r MA C A d dre ss field, type in the MAC addr ess as s o ciate d with the A TM addr ess you are trying to l ocate. 2 Sele ct the FIND A TM AD DRESS but ton. An asteri sk (*) is shown next to the entry in the d atabase lis tbox.
Sett ing Up Re silien t Links 8-11 A T M A ddress Shows the A TM address of LEC for either the A T M M odul e or the A TM Switch. If Near is sh own in the End fiel d, t he addr ess is the addr ess of the L EC in th e A TM Module.
8-12 C HAPTER 8: M AN AG ING THE AT M M ODULE Every 2 minutes the Switch checks the r esil i ent lin ks to ensure that the fastest link is the Ma in (acti ve) link in the resi lient link pair .
Up gra din g So ftw are 8-13 When the OK bu t ton is sel ecte d, the status of the upgrade i s displayed. The following e rr or and sta tus mes sa ges ar e avai l ab l e: Error Me ssages This s ec t i.
8-14 C HAPTER 8: M AN AG ING THE AT M M ODULE Status Message s This section list s status messa ges that can a ppear when you download new softwar e images to a device. Active The file is c urr e ntly be ing downloade d to the sel ected device. Allow time fo r the download to c omplete.
9 M ONITORIN G TH E AT M M OD U LE This chapter descri bes how to monitor th e status and performance of your A T M Mod ule. Figure 9-1 s hows the s c reen map.
9- 2 C HAPTER 9: M O NITO RING THE AT M M ODULE Stat istics Ove r vi ew This section prov ides a brief overview of the addition al st atist i cs th a t are ava i lable when y o u inst all an A TM Module. Re fer to the user guide that accompanies the Swit c h for inform at ion a bout the statist ics that are prov i de d by the Swit ch softwar e .
A TM Por t Stati s t ics 9- 3 A TM Port Stat ist ics The A TM Port St ati st ics scr ee n pr o vi des a top level summary of tra ffic level s on the A TM Port . Y ou can use the sum mary to estimate the am ount of traf fic on your network backbone, and to check the health of the i ncom ing connectio n.
9- 4 C HAPTER 9: M O NITO RING THE AT M M ODULE Recei ve Errors S hows the per c entage of cells r ecei ved th at have errors . For ex am ple, c ells re ceiv ed with c orrupted header information ( H eader E rror Control – H EC ).
A TM VLAN LE C Status 9- 5 The scr een al so shows the follow ing A TM statis ti cs: Cells Rec eive d The number of A TM cells r e ceived by the port. Ce ll s T rans mitt ed The numbe r of A TM c e lls transmitted per second by the port.
9- 6 C HAPTER 9: M O NITO RING THE AT M M ODULE Port ID Identifies the c urrently select ed port. VLAN Allows you to select t he VLAN you wish to monitor . T he default i s VLAN 1. If y ou wish to revi ew the s t ate of all VLANs o n th e A TM Module, s ee “ A TM Port Setup” on pag e 8-6.
A TM VLAN LE C Status 9- 7 Invalid Req uest Par ameter s Th e LE S/L ECS has r ejec t ed a requ est fr om the LEC because the r equ est par ameters were incompatible w ith the ELA N. Th e LEC ma y be r eques ting a r esour ce that i s on an E LAN which has a d if fer en t L AN t ype to t he LEC.
9- 8 C HAPTER 9: M O NITO RING THE AT M M ODULE Insuf ficient Res our c es Ther e are insuf ficient r esour ces to g rant a re que st . T oo many connecti on s have bee n r equ este d and t he table s used b y the L ES may be fu ll, and t he conn ection canno t be set up.
A TM VLAN LE C Status 9- 9 LEC Op eration at Failu re Identi fies the opera ti on that was being carried out when the LEC setup failed. This field s hould be u sed in conjun ction with the Last LEC F ailur e Reason to i dentify th e cause of the problem.
9-10 C HAPTER 9: M O NITO RING THE AT M M ODULE Frames R eceived The nu mber of Ethe rnet frames r ec ei v ed b y the LEC. Frames T ransmi tted The number of Ethe rnet frames transmit ted by the L EC . Octets Received The number of Ethernet octets r ec ei v ed b y the LEC.
A TM Physi cal L ayer Stati sti cs 9-11 F igur e 9-5 Physic al La yer Stat istic s Current Sampl e Spe cifies the number of seconds elapsed wi thin the c urr ent sampling period. SONET/S DH co u nt ers are acc u mul ated over a period of 15 m inutes (900 seconds).
9-12 C HAPTER 9: M O NITO RING THE AT M M ODULE The follow i ng stati stics ar e ava ilab l e: Error ed Seco nds (Near) The number of error ed secon ds at the A T M M odule end of the connection. Error e d Second s (Far) The num ber of se conds at the A TM Switch end of the connec tion.
A TM Physi cal L ayer Stati sti cs 9-13 7 If you s us pect that the fiber o pti c cable is not working, replace the c ab le with a c able know n to be worki ng, a n d check th e Link Status LED. 8 Check that the cab l e has not be en accidently plugged into an FDDI connector at one end of the c onnection.
A S AFE TY I NFORM ATION Y ou must re ad the following safety information before carrying out any installation or removal of compon e nts , or any maintena nc e pr ocedu r es on the Swi tch. Safe ty No tices Safety notices are pri nted thr o ughout this m anual .
A-2 A PPENDIX A: S AFETY I NFORMATION Gevarr: V oo r dat u begint met het installeren van dit produkt, dient u eerst de v e iligheidsrichtlijnen te lezen die z i jn v e rm eld in de publ i katie C aution: Safety Informtion – Read This First , SD 21-0030.
S afe ty Not i c es A-3 Vi gyáz at: Mielôtt m egk ezdi a berendez é s üzembe hely ez és ét , olv assa el a Caution: Safety I nfor mation – Read Thi s First, SD 21-0030 könyvecs k é ben leírt biz t on sági info rmác iókat.
A-4 A PPENDIX A: S AFETY I NFORMATION A TTENTION DANGER: In stallat ion a nd remo val of the unit must be carri ed out by qualified personnel only . DANGER: L' installa tio n et l 'enlèv ement de l'unité doivent être fa i ts seulem e n t par le pe rsonnel quali- fié.
S afe ty Not i c es A-5 DANG ER : This uni t operate s und e r SE L V c ondition s (Safety Extra Low V oltage) according to IEC 950, the conditions of which are maintained only if the equipment to which it is connected is also opera- tional un der S E L V .
A-6 A PPENDIX A: S AFETY I NFORMATION Gervaar: Deze ee nheid werkt ond er extra lage spann ing (SEL V , Safety Extr a Low V o l ta ge) volgens norm IEC 950. Er wo r dt ui t s l uitend aa n de ze norm voldaan z ol ang de apparatuur w a a rmee de ee nheid is verbonden, o ok werkt onde r SEL V .
S afe ty Not i c es A-7 Это устройство работает по стандарту IEC 950 в условиях Безопасно низкого напряжения (SEL V) только при условии, что все оборудование в цепи отвечает стандартам SEL V .
B S CR EEN A CCE SS R IGHTS This appendix lists the security access level you must have to be able to access the A TM Module local managem ent scree n s, a nd lists the type of a ct ion tha t can be perform ed for each security level. This appen dix on ly c overs sc reens spec ific all y associate d with A TM functionality .
C AT M M ODULE T EC HNICAL S PE CIFICATIONS Envir onmenta l Sp ecificatio ns The environmental sp e cifications for the A TM Module are shown in T a ble C-1.
C- 2 A PPENDIX C: A TM M ODULE T ECHNICAL S PECIFI CATIONS Maximum a ttenuation includes attenuation and the loss induced by other components suc h as connectors, splices, and the m ating of unlike fiber types. Althoug h some 2km ( 1.25 miles) c ables have a total attenuation of less than 11dB, the 2km (1.
A TM Cab le Sp ec ifica tio n C-3 T o check tha t the bandwidth of y o ur fi ber is withi n an acceptable range: 1 Divide the amount of bandwid t h available ac cor d ing to the fi ber specificat ion by the total length of fib er (km ). 2 If the result is lo w er than 250 M H z, the link m ay be prone to bit e rr ors.
D T RO U B L E S H O O T I N G How to Use this Guid e to T roubleshoot This troubl esh ooti ng secti on describes how to identify the cau se of a problem and sugge sts possibl e solutions.
D- 2 A PPENDI X D: T ROUBLESHOOTING Using LEDs T able D -1 describes the L ED s on the Switch, and T able D-2 describes the LEDs on the A TM M odule. T ab le D -1 LE D s o n the Sw it ch LED Na m e Co.
Ident ifying the Problem D-3 Iden tifyin g the Pr oblem This section describes how to identify pr oblems , and suggests poss ibl e solutions. Flow diagrams have been used to sum m arize the pr ocess, an d ea ch step shown in the flo w diag rams is d escrib ed in more det ail in the text.
D- 4 A PPENDI X D: T ROUBLESHOOTING Fig ure D -1 T roub lesho otin g Flow Diag ram.
Ident ifying the Problem D-5 The num be red st e ps in th is se ct ion r e la t e to the numbered steps shown in Figure D-1. Access the Physical Layer Stati st ics Screen a Se le ct t he SWITCH MANA G E MENT o pti on f r om the Main Menu. The S witch Man agement sc reen is displayed.
D- 6 A PPENDI X D: T ROUBLESHOOTING Check the P h ysical Conn ections Check that the Link Status and F ar End Status LEDs on the A TM M odule are ON and lit green. I f one or both of the L EDs is not lit, ther e is a problem with the physical c onnection.
Ident ifying the Problem D-7 Is the A T M Port Enabled? Is the Port State fiel d set to Enable ? Ye s — go to ste p 7. No — go to ste p 6. Enable the A TM Port a Set the Port State fi el d to Enable . b Select the OK button. Access t he A TM Port Statistics Sc r e en a Se le ct t he SWITCH MANA G E MENT o pti on f r om the Main Menu.
D- 8 A PPENDI X D: T ROUBLESHOOTING Access the A TM VLAN LEC Status Scr een a Fr om the Mai n Menu s elec t the SWI TCH MANAGEM EN T option. The Switch Management screen is d is playe d. b E n s u re th at t he Po rt optio n is se le ct e d in t h e Management Level field.
Ident ifying the Problem D-9 Both Devices Must be AAL5 Complian t The A TM Module i s c ompatible w ith AAL5 A TM devices. If the A TM Switch conne c ted to the A TM Module does not support AAL 5, you will not be able to get the two devices to c om municate.
D-10 A PPENDIX D: T ROUBLE SHOOTING Is the IL MI Con ne cti on Se t Up C or r ect ly? T o comm unica te with each other , edge-devices mu st use the same Interim Local Management Interface (I LMI) connec tion. On t he A TM Module the ILMI c onne ctio n is s peci fie d in the ILMI VCC fi el d, as sh own in Fi gur e D-6 o n pag e D- 9.
Ident ifying the Problem D-11 Why has the LEC Ope ration Failed ? Ther e ar e two fi elds on the A TM VLAN LEC Status scre en, described in step 9, that can be used to troubl esh oot LEC failure pr oblems.
D-12 A PPENDIX D: T ROUBLE SHOOTING T ab le D -4 La st LEC Fai lur e Rea so n Stat e Poss ible Cau ses Poss ible Soluti o ns No ne The L EC is ei t her inact ive or ha s succe ssfully c o m p leted the o peration . None requi red. Time out A t ask coul d not be comple ted with in its allotted time frame.
Ident ifying the Problem D-13 Dupli c ated A TM Ad dr ess A s our ce A TM addr ess dupl icates a pr ev iousl y r egis ter ed A TM addr ess. The L ES has r ec eive d a r eques t from a L EC which contai ns a n A TM addr ess alr eady regi st ered to a not her LEC o n the sa me ELA N.
D-14 A PPENDIX D: T ROUBLE SHOOTING Is t he LEC Ope rati onal No w? Ye s — Go to step 25. No — C ont a c t T echni c a l S uppor t. R efe r to Appendix E. Invalid Reque stor I D The LEC Identif ier (LECID) is not ze ro, or i s no t r ecogni z ed as t his LEC’ s LECID.
Ident ifying the Problem D-15 Has th e Problem b een Solved? Ye s — No f urther action is r equi r ed. No — There m ay be a configuration problem with your network , see “ELAN Config ura tion Problems”.
D-16 A PPENDIX D: T ROUBLE SHOOTING An exam ple of the A TM L EC Setup scr een is shown in Fig u re D-8 . b Sele ct the VLA N associ ated with the LEC t h at y ou wis h to m ove. c Either enter the A TM add r ess of t he LES th at the LEC is goi ng to join, o r s ele ct LE CS.
S olvi ng K now n Pro ble ms D-17 S olvin g Know n Pr obl em s Use this section if y ou have alr ea dy pin-poi nte d the problem, and wish to l ook up poss ible solutions.
D-18 A PPENDIX D: T ROUBLE SHOOTING Powe r S upply P r obl ems T ab le D -5 Power Su pply Pr oblems Pr ob lem Possi ble Causes Possi ble Soluti o ns Sw i tc h d oes not powe r up ■ Insuffic ient pow.
S olvi ng K now n Pro ble ms D-19 Pow er On Se lf T est ( POST) Failure T ab le D -6 Power On Sel f T est (PO ST) Fail ure Pr ob lem Possi ble Causes Possi ble Soluti o ns Switch Fails Po w e r O n Sel f Te s t ( P O S T ) MG MT LE D is Y ell ow ■ The ver sion of s oftware on your Sw itch is not c o rrect.
D-20 A PPENDIX D: T ROUBLE SHOOTING Cab le Conne cti on Pr oble ms T ab le D -7 Cable Con necti on Pr oblems Pr ob lem Possi ble Causes Possi ble Soluti o ns Li nk St at us LED indicates that th ere i s a p robl em w ith a li nk . Far End Sta tus LED indicat e s th at t he re i s a prob lem w ith t he A TM Module’ s transmi t connec tion.
S olvi ng K now n Pro ble ms D-21 A TM Problem s T ab le D -8 AT M P r o b l e m s Pr ob lem Possi ble Causes Possi ble Soluti o ns The A TM Conn ectio n T able i s only show ing r e se rved A TM Conn.
D-22 A PPENDIX D: T ROUBLE SHOOTING VLAN or ELA N Problem s T ab le D -9 VLAN or E LAN Pr ob lem s Pr ob lem Possi ble Causes Possi ble Soluti o ns The co nfigur ed LEC s ca nno t commu nic ate wit h each oth er Possible symptom: The Las t LE C Fai lure Reason s, des crib ed in T able D -4 on pa ge D-1 2, is LE_ CONFIGURE or similar err or type .
S olvi ng K now n Pro ble ms D-23 If you have problem s that are not addressed by troubleshooting informa tion in thi s guide, conta c t T echnical Support, or your ser vice person.
D-24 A PPENDIX D: T ROUBLE SHOOTING Clean ing Dirty Fib er Optic Conn ectors T o prevent dirt and dust f rom col lecting on the fiber optic connectors , avoid touc hing all surfaces after cl eani n g the connectors , an d keep all unused ports cov ered .
E T ECHNICAL S UPPORT AND S ERVICE This append i x provides contacts for help if yo u have questions a bout the IBM 8271 Nway s Ether ne t LAN Switch products or if the I BM 8271 Nwa ys Ether net LAN Swi tc h products are not working correctly .
F N OTICE S , T RADE MA RKS , AND W ARRAN T IES Refer ences i n this pu bl ication to IBM products, pro- grams, o r services do n ot i mply tha t IBM i ntends to make these avail able in al l c ountri es i n which I BM operates.
F-2 A PPENDIX F: N OTICES , T RADEMARKS , AND W AR R ANTI ES S tatement of Lim ited W arranty The warr anties p rov ided b y IB M in t his Sta te- ment of Limited Warranty apply o nl y to Machines y ou originally pu rc hase f or your use, and no t for resale, from I BM or your reselle r .
Stat ement of L imit ed War ran ty F-3 IBM or your r eselle r is unable to repair or replace the Machine, y ou may return it to your place of pur- chas e an d you r mon ey w ill be r ef und e d . If you tran sfer a Machine to anot her user , warranty servi ce is availa ble to that user for the remainder of the warranty period.
Elec t r onic Em issi on Notices F-5 Electronic Emission Notice s Fede ra l Co mmunicati ons Commis sio n (FCC) Statem ent This eq ui pment ha s been te sted and found to com ply w ith th e lim its fo r a Cl ass A d igital device , pursuant t o part 15 of t h e FCC Rules.
F-6 A PPENDIX F: N OTICES , T RADEMARKS , AND W AR R ANTI ES Europe an Un ion (EU) State ment This pr oduct is in conformity with t he protec tion requir e ments of EU Counc i l Direc tive 89/336.EE C on the appr oximation o f the l aws of the Member St ates relat ing to el ectr o m agneti c compatibil ity .
Elec t r onic Em issi on Notices F-7 Ja pane se V olu ntary Contr ol C ounc il for Int e r fe r e n ce (VCCI) Statem ent Cl ass B This is a Class B pr o duct based on the s tandard of the V oluntary Con t rol Coun c il for Interfer ence from Information T echnology Equi pment ( V CCI).
F-8 A PPENDIX F: N OTICES , T RADEMARKS , AND W AR R ANTI ES If necessary , the user should consult the dealer or an experienced radio/te l evision technic i an fo r addi- tional suggestio ns.
G LOSSAR Y AAL A TM Adaptation Layer — A set of protoc ols that translate user higher -layer protocols into A TM cell format. The AAL i s div ided i nto the Converg ence Subl ayer ( C S) and th e Segment ation and R eassembl y (S AR) s u bl ay er . ANSI Ame rican Nation al S tandards Instit ute.
2 G LOSSARY Byt e A n Octet or 8 bits of data. Cell Ba sic A TM t ransmission unit. I t is a 53-byte packe t, consisting of a 5-byte heade r and a 4 8-byte payload. User traf f ic is segmente d into cells at the sour ce and reasse mb led at th e dest ina t io n.
G LOSSARY 3 GFC Generic Flow Control — A 4-bit fi eld in the A TM cell header in or der to su pport multiplexi ng functions. Its default value i s ‘0000’, w hen the GFC pr otocol is not enforc ed. T he GFC mechanism is i ntended to support simple flow control in A TM conne ctions.
4 G LOSSARY mult iple x In this u ser guide, multiplex ing means to take pac kets from several sources and i nte rl e ave them in to one connection. For example, packets from data, voice, and video sources can be fed down one connection. NNI Network Node Interface — Sometim e s known a s Network-to-Network Inter fac e .
G LOSSARY 5 SONET Synchronou s Optical Network — An ANSI-defined standard f or high speed and high quality digital optical transm ission. It ha s been recogniz ed as the North American standard for SDH.
6 G LOSSARY VC I V irt ual Channel Identifier — A 16-bit value in the A T M cell h eader that provid es a un ique iden tifi er fo r the vi rtual channel ( VC) that carries that particular cell .
B IBLIOGRAPH Y Asyn c hr ono us T ransf er Mode (A TM) Book s “A TM F oundation for Broadband N e tworks” Author: U y less Black . Published by : Prentice Hall ISBN: 0-13-297178-X Standards A TM F orum —- In t egrated Local M anagement Interface (ILMI) Specification (V ersion 3.
I NDE X A Addr ess r esoluti on 2-6, 2-1 3 ARP T a ble 8-8 Crea ting an entry 8 -9 Deletin g entries 8-10 Ent ry ty pe 8-9 Locati ng an entry 8-10 U p dat ing ent r ies 8- 10 Async hron ous T ransfer .
2 I NDEX E el ect ronic emmi ssi on notices F-5 Emul ated LAN (EL AN) A TM Mod ul e 4- 3 ELAN n am e 8-5, 9- 6 Manual configu ration 8-5 Mappin g to VLANs 3-2, 4- 2 Res our ce pla nnin g 4-2 Ser vice .
I NDEX 3 Por t C onfi gur at ion 8- 2 Set up 8-6 Speed 8-7 State 8-7 Stati stics 9 -3 Powe r su pply 6-3, 6 -7 PTI 2 -14 R Resili ent Links 8-11 Conf igu rati on e xample 5-4 Routi ng 2-4, D-1 5 Rul e.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts IBM ATM OC-3c (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie IBM ATM OC-3c noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für IBM ATM OC-3c - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von IBM ATM OC-3c reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über IBM ATM OC-3c erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon IBM ATM OC-3c besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von IBM ATM OC-3c verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit IBM ATM OC-3c. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei IBM ATM OC-3c gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.