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M8501 and M8502 AC L T ape Drive I nst allation and Us er ’ s Guid e Abstra ct This g uide provi des inform ation about inst alling, op eratin g, and maintai nin g the M850 1 and M8502 A CL t ape drives on an HP Inte grity Non S top™ NS-ser ies ser ver .
Docum ent Hist ory Part Nu mber Produ ct V ersio n Publish ed 5299 72- 00 1 N. A. July 20 05.
He wlett-Pac kard Company — 529972-001 i M8501 and M8502 ACL T ap e Driv e I nst alla tion and User ’ s Guide Glo ssar y Index Exam p les Figures Ta b l e s What ’s New i n This Manu al v Manual Info rmation v New and Change d Info rmation v Abou t This Manua l vii Not ation Co nventions vii 1.
Contents M8501 and M8502 A CL T ape Drive Installation and User’ s G uide — 529 972-001 ii 5. Mai ntenance T echnica l Support Information Opti on 4-5 Access Magazine Op tion 4- 6 Move Media 4- 6 .
Contents M8501 and M8502 A CL T ape Drive Installation and User’ s G uide — 529 972-001 iii T ables Fi gure 2-2. Insta l lin g the Slide M embers 2-3 Fi gure 2-3. Insta l lin g Slide Mem ber Faste ners 2- 4 Fi gure 2-4. T abletop M odel Clea r ances 2-5 Fi gure 3-1.
Contents M8501 and M8502 A CL T ape Drive Installation and User’ s G uide — 529 972-001 iv.
M8501 and M8502 A CL T ape Drive Installation and User’ s G uide — 529 972-001 v What’ s New i n This Manual Ma n u a l In f o rm ati o n M8501 an d M8502 ACL T ape Drive Inst allation and User .
What’ s New in Th is Manual M8501 and M8502 A CL T ape Drive Installation and User’ s G uide — 529 972-001 vi New and Changed Inform ation.
M8501 and M8502 A CL T ape Drive Installation and User’ s G uide — 529 972-001 vii About Th is M a nual Not ation Conventi ons Hype rte xt L inks Blue u nder l ine is used to indica te a h ypertext li nk within t ext. By cli cking a passage o f text w ith a b lue underl ine, you are t aken to the locati on describ ed.
About T his M anual M8501 and M8502 A CL T ape Drive Installation and User’ s G uide — 529 972-001 viii General Syntax Notation each si de of the l ist, or h orizont a lly , enclosed in a p air of bra ckets and separat ed by verti cal lines. For exam ple: FC [ num ] [ -num ] [ text ] K [ X | D ] address { } Braces.
About T his M anual M8501 and M8502 A CL T ape Drive Installation and User’ s G uide — 529 972-001 ix N otation f or M essages Li ne S p aci ng. If the synt ax of a comm and is t oo long to fit o n a single line, ea ch conti nuatio n line is ind ented thre e spaces a nd is sep arated from the prece ding line by a bl ank line.
About T his M anual M8501 and M8502 A CL T ape Drive Installation and User’ s G uide — 529 972-001 x Notation f o r Management Programming Interfaces lower case it alic lette r s. Lowerca se it alic letter s indicate variable items w hose valu es are disp layed or re turned.
About T his M anual M8501 and M8502 A CL T ape Drive Installation and User’ s G uide — 529 972-001 xi Change B ar Notation UPPERCASE LE TT ERS. Upper case letters indicate names from defi nition files. T ype these names e xactly as shown. F or ex ample: ZCOM-TKN-SUBJ-SERV lower case lett er s.
About T his M anual M8501 and M8502 A CL T ape Drive Installation and User’ s G uide — 529 972-001 xii Change B ar Notation.
M8501 and M8502 A CL T ape Drive Installation and User’ s G uide — 529 972-001 1- 1 1 Overvi ew and Features This section includes: Overview The M 8501 and M8502 auto cartridge l oader ( ACL) t ape drives su ppor t the L T O Ultr ium Gen 3 tape drive.
Overview an d Features M8501 and M8502 A CL T ape Drive Installation and User’ s G uide — 529 972-001 1-2 Models and A ccessor ies Models and Accessories These a uto ca rtridg e load er tape drives are configur ed with one int erna l L TO Gen 3 t ape driv e al ong with one remo vable tap e cart ridge magazin e.
Overview an d Features M8501 and M8502 A CL T ape Drive Installation and User’ s G uide — 529 972-001 1-3 Intern al T ape Drive Int e rna l T a pe Dri v e The A CL unit s suppor ts a single in terna l ta pe drive. T he inte rnal t ape dr ive can b e hot- swap ped.
Overview an d Features M8501 and M8502 A CL T ape Drive Installation and User’ s G uide — 529 972-001 1-4 Magazi ne Magazine The A CL unit s cont ains one rem ovable ta pe cartridg e magazi ne that is accessibl e throug h the front lef t door . The door i s opened by using the GUI tou ch scre en on the co nt r o l pa ne l .
Overview an d Features M8501 and M8502 A CL T ape Drive Installation and User’ s G uide — 529 972-001 1-5 Robotics Figu re 1-4. View of B arco de Read er and Shuttle As sembly Barco de Re ader Sh .
Overview an d Features M8501 and M8502 A CL T ape Drive Installation and User’ s G uide — 529 972-001 1-6 F ront P anel Indicators Front Panel Indi cator s The A CL t ape driv e’s fr ont panel i.
M8501 and M8502 A CL T ape Drive Installation and User’ s G uide — 529 972-001 2-1 2 Setting Up the ACL T ape Drives This section includes: Setti ng up the M8501 ACL Rackmount Unit Setting up th e ACL rackm ount unit require s a template and storage cabine t slide r ails to i nstall the unit in a storag e cabinet.
Setting Up the A CL T ape Dr ives M8501 and M8502 A CL T ape Drive Installation and User’ s G uide — 529 972-001 2-2 Setting up th e M8501 ACL R ack mount Unit a. Push back the tabs i n the top of the templa te and place t hem in the co rrec t hol es in the mou n ting rack.
Setting Up the A CL T ape Dr ives M8501 and M8502 A CL T ape Drive Installation and User’ s G uide — 529 972-001 2-3 Setting up th e M8501 ACL R ack mount Unit 6.
Setting Up the A CL T ape Dr ives M8501 and M8502 A CL T ape Drive Installation and User’ s G uide — 529 972-001 2-4 Setting up th e M8501 ACL R ack mount Unit 7. Push the middle slide mem ber as far as possible to t he front of the slide mem ber assembly .
Setting Up the A CL T ape Dr ives M8501 and M8502 A CL T ape Drive Installation and User’ s G uide — 529 972-001 2-5 Setting up the M8502 ACL T abletop 14. Atta ch the unit to t he rack using t wo 10-32 cap tive thum bscrews that a re located on the l ower l eft and right f ront pa nel.
Setting Up the A CL T ape Dr ives M8501 and M8502 A CL T ape Drive Installation and User’ s G uide — 529 972-001 2-6 Setting up the M8502 ACL T abletop.
M8501 and M8502 A CL T ape Drive Installation and User’ s G uide — 529 972-001 3-1 3 Inst a lling and Co nf igu rin g th e ACL T ape Drive for the N onS top NS- Se ri es Server This section includ.
Installing and Configuri ng the ACL T ape Dr ive f or the NonStop NS -Ser ies Ser ver M8501 and M8502 A CL T ape Drive Installation and User’ s G uide — 529 972-001 3-2 Overview Figu re 3-1.
Installing and Configuri ng the ACL T ape Dr ive f or the NonStop NS -Ser ies Ser ver M8501 and M8502 A CL T ape Drive Installation and User’ s G uide — 529 972-001 3-3 In st al l a ti on Inst allation 1. Conne ct one end of the fiber cab le to th e top Fibr e Chann el por t at the re ar of the t ape drive.
Installing and Configuri ng the ACL T ape Dr ive f or the NonStop NS -Ser ies Ser ver M8501 and M8502 A CL T ape Drive Installation and User’ s G uide — 529 972-001 3-4 In st al l a ti on Fi gure 3 -3.
Installing and Configuri ng the ACL T ape Dr ive f or the NonStop NS -Ser ies Ser ver M8501 and M8502 A CL T ape Drive Installation and User’ s G uide — 529 972-001 3-5 In st al l a ti on 3. Atta ch the power cord t o the ACL t ape dr ive’s A C pow er recept acle (see Figu re 3-5 ) a nd th en plug the other end into an AC powe r outl et.
Installing and Configuri ng the ACL T ape Dr ive f or the NonStop NS -Ser ies Ser ver M8501 and M8502 A CL T ape Drive Installation and User’ s G uide — 529 972-001 3-6 In st al l a ti on Figure 3-5.
Installing and Configuri ng the ACL T ape Dr ive f or the NonStop NS -Ser ies Ser ver M8501 and M8502 A CL T ape Drive Installation and User’ s G uide — 529 972-001 3-7 Configuration Configur ation Foll ow steps 1 - 4 to navigat e through the AC L tape drive’ s menu confi guration to view the P ORT NAME of the t ape drive.
Installing and Configuri ng the ACL T ape Dr ive f or the NonStop NS -Ser ies Ser ver M8501 and M8502 A CL T ape Drive Installation and User’ s G uide — 529 972-001 3-8 Configuration 2.
Installing and Configuri ng the ACL T ape Dr ive f or the NonStop NS -Ser ies Ser ver M8501 and M8502 A CL T ape Drive Installation and User’ s G uide — 529 972-001 3-9 Configuration 3.
Installing and Configuri ng the ACL T ape Dr ive f or the NonStop NS -Ser ies Ser ver M8501 and M8502 A CL T ape Drive Installation and User’ s G uide — 529 972-001 3- 1 0 Configuration 4. View the W orl d W ide Port 0 Na me number . T his number will be used as the PORTNAME in step 5 .
M8501 and M8502 A CL T ape Drive Installation and User’ s G uide — 529 972-001 4-1 4 Operati on This section includes: Front Panel The fr ont p anel of th e ACL unit s includ e the le ft mag azine door , a Graphi cal User Interfa ce (GUI) touch screen, an A CL st atus LE D, and a viewing wi ndow (se e Fi gure 4-1 ).
Operation M8501 and M8502 A CL T ape Drive Installation and User’ s G uide — 529 972-001 4-2 Maga zine Door Ma ga z ine Door The m agazine door has b oth an electrica l relea se (via the GUI t ouch screen) and a manual release . It is alw ays recom mended th at you open the magazine door using t he GUI t ouch screen.
Operation M8501 and M8502 A CL T ape Drive Installation and User’ s G uide — 529 972-001 4-3 Initialization Screen Ini t ia l iz atio n S c r e e n When power i s first a pplied t o the ACL t ape drive s, a series of p ower-on se l f test (POST ) diag nostics are per formed.
Operation M8501 and M8502 A CL T ape Drive Installation and User’ s G uide — 529 972-001 4-4 ACL Def au lt Screen ACL Def ault Screen Af ter t he POST exe cutes successful ly and the ACL initi aliza tion completes, the ACL t ape driv e Default Scre en appears as sho w n in F igu r e 4- 4 .
Operation M8501 and M8502 A CL T ape Drive Installation and User’ s G uide — 529 972-001 4-5 T echnica l Supp or t Infor mation O ption T ech nical Suppor t I nform atio n Option Selecting the HP logo in the top left corner will display HP specific technical support assist ance infor matio n.
Operation M8501 and M8502 A CL T ape Drive Installation and User’ s G uide — 529 972-001 4-6 Acces s Magazine Option Access Magazi ne Option Selecting this op tion let s you display th e Access Ma gazine screen (see Figure 4- 6 ).
Operation M8501 and M8502 A CL T ape Drive Installation and User’ s G uide — 529 972-001 4-7 Mov e Media These f igures illustrate moving a car tridge from the tape dr ive to a slot in th e magazi ne: 1. T ouch the Sour ce inp ut box or Sou rce Eleme nt T yp e from th e Move Me dia Scree n.
Operation M8501 and M8502 A CL T ape Drive Installation and User’ s G uide — 529 972-001 4-8 LCD Con trast Controls 4. T ouch the de stination option that you w ant to move med ia to. From the De stination Element T ype se lections. The o ptions availabl e are Driv e and S lot.
Operation M8501 and M8502 A CL T ape Drive Installation and User’ s G uide — 529 972-001 4-9 Status Stat us Selecting this op tion let s you display th e ACL S tatus screen.
Operation M8501 and M8502 A CL T ape Drive Installation and User’ s G uide — 529 972-001 4- 1 0 Menu S elections Menu Selections Selecting Menu on t he ACL Defau lt Screen l et s you view , confi gure, and use the ACL.
Operation M8501 and M8502 A CL T ape Drive Installation and User’ s G uide — 529 972-001 4- 1 1 Vie w Syst e m Data Ta b l e 4 - 2 below , lists and describes the available ACL options. Note. Y ou ca n v iew the next se qu en ti al ACL Opt io ns s c ree n by sele c t ing th e up arrow .
Operation M8501 and M8502 A CL T ape Drive Installation and User’ s G uide — 529 972-001 4- 1 2 Vie w Syst e m Data Dr iv e and Sl ot Nu mber in g Let s you sp eci f y whe ther S CSI elem en t s i n t he A CL displ ays with either zero-based or one-b ased.
Operation M8501 and M8502 A CL T ape Drive Installation and User’ s G uide — 529 972-001 4- 1 3 Inser ting and Rem oving T a pe C ar tri dges Insert ing and Removi ng T ape Cartr idges The m agazine must be removed from the ACL in order to remove or insert tape cartri dges.
Operation M8501 and M8502 A CL T ape Drive Installation and User’ s G uide — 529 972-001 4- 1 4 Barcode Lab els Bar cod e Lab els Fi gure 4-15 show you how to inst all a barcode label on to a tape car tridge. L TO Cartridge M edia The fo llow ing are ti ps to e nsure maxim um L TO cartr idge medi a perfo rma nce and l ife: 1.
Operation M8501 and M8502 A CL T ape Drive Installation and User’ s G uide — 529 972-001 4- 1 5 Barcode Lab els Note. Ba rcod e lab els ma y be pla ced o n th e me dia with the al pha -nu meri c cha ra cters on t he left o r th e right. Figu re 4-15.
Operation M8501 and M8502 A CL T ape Drive Installation and User’ s G uide — 529 972-001 4- 1 6 Barcode Lab els.
M8501 and M8502 A CL T ape Drive Installation and User’ s G uide — 529 972-001 5-1 5 Ma i nt ena nce This section includes: Intr oduction This section d escribes the Clean One D rive menu o ption cont ained i n the Maintenance submenu of th e Utilities area on the front pan el display .
Maintenance M8501 and M8502 A CL T ape Drive Installation and User’ s G uide — 529 972-001 5-2 Manually Runn ing a Cleaning Car t ridge Ma nua l ly R unni ng a Cl e a nin g Cartr i dge A clean i n.
Maintenance M8501 and M8502 A CL T ape Drive Installation and User’ s G uide — 529 972-001 5-3 Replacing a Cl eaning Car tridge i n a Reser ved Slot Running a Cleaning Cartridge from the Cleaning Slot 1. Reserve the clea ning car tri dge slot. S ee the section o n “S etting up Reser ved S lot s” in Chapter 3 for more inform ation.
Maintenance M8501 and M8502 A CL T ape Drive Installation and User’ s G uide — 529 972-001 5-4 Replacing a Cleaning Car tridge in the Right Magazi ne.
M8501 and M8502 A CL T ape Drive Installation and User’ s G uide — 529 972-001 6-1 6 T rou bleshooting This section includes: Plat form Problems An inco rre ct inst allation o r configura tion can cause p lat form pro blems. I n this case , the uni t appear s to be o perating normal ly , but n o dat a can be interch anged.
T roubleshooting M8501 and M8502 A CL T ape Drive Installation and User’ s G uide — 529 972-001 6-2 Error Re cov er y Fig ur e 6 - 1 . T r ou bl e sho ot i ng Fl o w C hart.
T roubleshooting M8501 and M8502 A CL T ape Drive Installation and User’ s G uide — 529 972-001 6-3 Error Reco ver y Procedures Error Recovery Procedur es Ta b l e 6 - 1 lists ERPs for errors r eported o n the GUI touch screen of th e ACL. Th is list includ es only p rocedure s that ca n be safel y perform ed by an end user .
T roubleshooting M8501 and M8502 A CL T ape Drive Installation and User’ s G uide — 529 972-001 6-4 F ault Symptom Code s (FSCs) SCS I FI F O Erro r 100 3 D, G T he SCS I con t roll er d ata FI F O shoul d be empty bu t sti ll cont a ins dat a bytes.
T roubleshooting M8501 and M8502 A CL T ape Drive Installation and User’ s G uide — 529 972-001 6-5 F ault Symptom Code s (FSCs) Open D oors Fa ult 209 3 C, G Doo r ope n se nso r time -ou t dete cted w he n open d oo r . Open D L T Ha nd le Fault 20 94 C, G Fail ed to open DL T ha ndle.
T roubleshooting M8501 and M8502 A CL T ape Drive Installation and User’ s G uide — 529 972-001 6-6 F ault Symptom Code s (FSCs) Un de fi ned Con fig 3020 C , G In load er , u nexpe cte d con fi g, n ot a Th un der or Li gh tn ing .
T roubleshooting M8501 and M8502 A CL T ape Drive Installation and User’ s G uide — 529 972-001 6-7 F ault Symptom Code s (FSCs) Invali d bin num ber 305 f F Inval id bi n nu m be r de te c ted in diag . Zone S equence Error 3060 C, G E ject command ti me-out .
T roubleshooting M8501 and M8502 A CL T ape Drive Installation and User’ s G uide — 529 972-001 6-8 F ault Symptom Code s (FSCs) Picke r J am m e d 1 1 310 B C , G T he pic k er jam m e d du rin g a dr iv e f et c h oper at ion . Picker Ja mmed on St o w 3 10 F C, G The pic k er jam m e d on a sto w ope ra tio n.
T roubleshooting M8501 and M8502 A CL T ape Drive Installation and User’ s G uide — 529 972-001 6-9 F ault Symptom Code s (FSCs) Con tr ol com man d ex ec uti o n fai l e d 7 002 D, G A command r esponse o pcode fro m the Contro l t ask was not a nticip a ted or is u n- ident ifia ble .
T roubleshooting M8501 and M8502 A CL T ape Drive Installation and User’ s G uide — 529 972-001 6- 1 0 F ault Symptom Code s (FSCs) Dea cti vat ion of a dri ve faile d 700F C, G The Con trol t ask is i ndica ting t hat a requ es t to dea ctiv a te a dri ve fa ile d; reas on is not k no w n.
T roubleshooting M8501 and M8502 A CL T ape Drive Installation and User’ s G uide — 529 972-001 6- 1 1 F ault Symptom Code s (FSCs) Unknown 701E C, G Attempt to show detai led drive stat us of a driv e who s e t y pe is un k no w n.
T roubleshooting M8501 and M8502 A CL T ape Drive Installation and User’ s G uide — 529 972-001 6- 1 2 F ault Symptom Code s (FSCs) SMX s end err or A 00 1 C , G An at t em p t to pl ac e a mes s ag e on a t a sk’ s exc ha nge ge ne r at e d a ker ne l err o r .
T roubleshooting M8501 and M8502 A CL T ape Drive Installation and User’ s G uide — 529 972-001 6- 1 3 F ault Symptom Code s (FSCs) If an er ror message app ears that is n ot include d in Ta b l e 6 - 2 , write down the fault code number and follow the recovery procedu re.
T roubleshooting M8501 and M8502 A CL T ape Drive Installation and User’ s G uide — 529 972-001 6- 1 4 F ault Symptom Code s (FSCs).
M8501 and M8502 A CL T ape Drive Installation and User’ s G uide — 529 972-001 St atements - 1 Safety and Comp liance This secti ons cont ains three types of req uired safety and com pliance stat .
Saf ety and Com pliance M8501 and M8502 A CL T ape Drive Installation and User’ s G uide — 529 972-001 St atements - 2 Regulator y Com plian ce Statements Korea M IC Compliance T aiwa n ( BSMI) Co.
Saf ety and Com pliance M8501 and M8502 A CL T ape Drive Installation and User’ s G uide — 529 972-001 St atements - 3 Regulator y Com plian ce Statements European Unio n Notice Prod ucts with the.
Saf ety and Com pliance M8501 and M8502 A CL T ape Drive Installation and User’ s G uide — 529 972-001 St atements - 4 SAFETY CA UTION SAFETY CAUTION The fo llowin g icon o r caution st atements m.
Saf ety and Com pliance M8501 and M8502 A CL T ape Drive Installation and User’ s G uide — 529 972-001 St atements - 5 Waste Electri cal a nd Electronic E quipment (W EEE) HIGH LEAKAGE CURRENT T o.
Saf ety and Com pliance M8501 and M8502 A CL T ape Drive Installation and User’ s G uide — 529 972-001 St atements - 6 Im p o r t a nt S afe ty Info r m a ti o n.
M8501 and M8502 A CL T ape Drive Installation and User’ s G uide — 529 972-001 Index - 1 Ind ex A ACL r ackmou nt 2-1 ACL t abletop 2- 5 B Barco de reader 1-4 , 1- 5 F Fiber opti c cable 1- 1 , 3-.
Ind ex M8501 and M8502 A CL T ape Drive Installation and User’ s G uide — 529 972-001 Index - 2 T.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts HP M8501 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie HP M8501 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für HP M8501 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von HP M8501 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über HP M8501 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon HP M8501 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von HP M8501 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit HP M8501. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei HP M8501 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.