Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung LaserJet 2100 TN des Produzenten HP
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Printed on Recycled P aper Copyright© 1998 He wlett-Packard Co. Printed in Germany Manual Part No. C4170-90901 *C4170-90901* *C4170-90901* C4170-90901 LaserJet 2100 2100 M 2100 TN Printers HP User Gu.
HP Laser Jet 2100, 2 100 M, an d 2100 TN Printers User Guide ______ ________ ___.
Hewlett -P ackard Company 11311 Chinden Boule vard Boise, Idaho 83714 U .S.A. © C opyrig ht Hew lett - P ackard Company 2002 All Rights Reser v ed. Reproduction, adaptation, or translation without prior w ritten permis sion is prohibited, e xcept as allowed under the copyright laws .
EN iii HP Support Online S ervices : f or 24-hour access to inf or mation ov er your modem, we suggest these ser vices: W orld Wide W eb URL - Printer dr ivers , updated HP pr inter software, plus product and suppor t information may be obtained from the f ollowing URLs : in the U .
iv EN HP Servic e Inf ormation: T o locate HP- Authorized Dealers, call 1-800-243-9816 (U.S .) or 1-800-387-3867 (Canada). HP Servic e Agreements: Call 1-800-835-4747 (U .
EN v Customer Support W orldwide Customer Support and Pr oduct Repair Assistance f or the U.S. and Canada: (Refer to the service and support chapter of this us er guide fo r additional pr oduct repair information.
vi EN In - country/region support numbers: If you require suppor t after your warranty has expired, additional product repair ser vices, or if your countr y/region is not list ed below , see “ Worldwide Sales and Serv ice Offices.
EN vii Contents 1 Prin ter Basi cs Getting t o Know the P rinter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Printer Fea tures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Printer S oftware .
viii EN Reloading Media in to Tray 2 o r Optio nal Tray 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Changing P aper Size in Tray 2 or Option al Tray 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 3 Printing Ta sks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
EN ix Cleaning Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 Font List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 Clearing P aper Jams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
x EN VCCI St atement (Jap an) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 7 Korean E MI Statem ent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 7 Laser State ment fo r Finland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
EN Chapter 1 Prin ter Basi cs 1 1 Pr inter Basics Getting t o Know the Printer This ch apter p rovides in f or mati on in th e f oll owing areas: ! Print er F eatur es ! Pr inter So ftware ! Cont rol .
2 Chapt er 1 Print er Ba sics EN Printer Features F ast Print Speed ! 10 pages -per-minute printing (with I ntel 80960JD RISC-based f or matter). Excellent Print Quali ty ! T r ue 1200 x 1200 d ots per inch (dpi) te xt and g raphics.
EN Chapter 1 Prin ter Basi cs 3 A utomatic L anguage Switching ! When opti onal printer langu ages (su ch as PS em ulation) are inst alled, the prin ter automatic ally dete r mines an d s witches to the appropriat e language f or the print jo b.
4 Chapt er 1 Print er Ba sics EN Printer Software The pr inter comes with helpfu l soft ware includi ng pr inter d rivers and option al software. The prin ter dr ivers (Wind ows) and PPD s (Macin tosh and W indows) provided must be ins talled to t ake full advantage of the pr inte r ’ s features.
EN Chapter 1 Prin ter Basi cs 5 Win dows Inst all ati on 1. Run the inst all program by f ollowing th e instructi ons for y our Wind ows ve rsion . Note If you don ’ t hav e a CD -ROM drive , see page 13 f or instr ucti ons. 2. Select insta llation type .
6 Chapt er 1 Print er Ba sics EN 3. Register y our printer with HP . If you ha ve access to th e World Wide Web , please t ake a moment to com plete t he reg istr atio n f or y our HP Laser Jet 210 0 at th e f oll owin g web sit e: http://www 2100_reg ister This will help He wlett- P ackard better provid e suppor t for your prin ter .
EN Chapter 1 Prin ter Basi cs 7 Note F or dr iver only or OE M setup, see the Re adme on the install ation CD . HP FontSmart Access H P F ontS mar t from the HP LaserJ et f old er or throu gh the Star t menu. HP FontSmar t is a f ont ma nageme nt utility (f or W indows only) w hich does the following: ! Installs, un installs, an d delet es fonts.
8 Chapt er 1 Print er Ba sics EN *The s oftware f or the se systems is not i ncluded on the com pact dis c with the pr inte r , but is av ailable from the Inter net. If you do n ot hav e access to the Inte r net, s ee the HP S uppor t pages at the fro nt of this user gu ide to obta in this software.
EN Chapter 1 Prin ter Basi cs 9 HP JetSend (CD-R OM - Windows 9x/NT 4.0 only) HP JetSe nd is a new tech nology from Hewlett-P ackard that all ows de vice s to c ommunicate w ith each o ther sim ply and directl y .
10 Chap ter 1 Prin ter Bas ics EN Macintosh Installation 1. Run the install pr ogram by placing the c ompact disc in the CD-ROM drive. The installation window will appear on the desktop. Select the correct language and double- clic k the installer i con.
EN Chapt er 1 Printe r Basics 11 Software For Macintosh Computer s P ostScript Printer Desc ription Files (PPDs) PPDs, in com bination with the LaserWr iter dri v er , access the pr inter f eatures and allow the c omput er to com municate wit h the pr inter .
12 Chap ter 1 Prin ter Bas ics EN DOS Installation DOS Remote Contr ol P a nel 1. Place the compact d isc in the C D-ROM drive . 2. Fr om the DOS pr ompt, type x : (w here x i s the dri ve lette r of the CD-R OM drive), and press Enter . 3. Change to the appr opriate language directory (f or example: cdenglish ).
EN Chapt er 1 Printe r Basics 13 Softwar e Installa tion Tips I do not ha ve a CD-ROM drive. If you ha ve access to an other co mputer with a CD-ROM dr iv e, you can use t he MakeDisk ut ility in Wind ows to cre ate the dis ks you need f or the i nstallat ion.
14 Chap ter 1 Prin ter Bas ics EN What other softw are is a v ailable to me? See “ Pr int er So ftware ” on pag e 4 for descrip tions of the opti onal pri nting sy stem sof tware av ailable for installati on. Note Check the ReadMe file provided on the com pact dis c f or ad ditional software inc luded and suppo r te d langu ages.
EN Chapter 1 Printer Basics 15 Contr ol P anel Button Usage The printer has two buttons: J OB C ANCEL and G O . Job Cancel Press J OB C ANCEL to cancel a job the printer is currently printing. The control panel lights will cycle while the print job is cleared from both the printer and the computer , and then retur n to ready .
16 Chapter 1 Printer Basics EN Light P atterns Light patterns provide both status and error messages. The lights can be in any one of the f ollowing states: Contr ol P anel Light Messages The f ollowing control panel messages indicate v arious conditions of the printer in preparation for , or during, printing.
EN Chapter 1 Printer Basics 17 Pr ocessing The printer is receiving or processing data. Pressing J OB C ANCEL cancels the current job . One or two pages ma y print as the pr inter clears the print job . The pr inter will retur n to the ready state after the job has been canceled.
18 Chapter 1 Printer Basics EN P aper Out The attention light is on. The printer is out of paper . The attention light will stay on until paper is added. Pressing the G O or J OB C ANCEL button has no eff ect. P aper Out (requested tray) The G O light is on.
EN Chapter 1 Printer Basics 19 Continuab le Error Pressing the G O button causes the printer to attempt to recov er from the error and print whatev er it can. If the recov e r y is unsuccessful, the printer will retur n to the continuable error state .
20 Chapter 1 Printer Basics EN Printing with the Infrared P or t (Wireless Printing) The infrared (IR) por t is located on the low er ri ght corner of the printer . This por t is compliant with the specifications deter mined by the Infrared Data Association (IrD A).
EN Chapter 1 Printer Basics 21 Printing Instructions 1. Make sure the printer is in ready state (Ready light on). 2. Align an IrD A-compliant computer within 1 meter (3 feet) of the IR por t. Ensure that the por ts are facing each other with no more than a 15° angle to either the left and right or abov e and below .
22 Chapter 1 Printer Basics EN Interface P or ts The HP LaserJet 2100 and the 2100 M printers include two interface por ts: an IEEE-1284 parallel and a LocalT alk por t. The HP LaserJet 2100 TN printer also includes an HP JetDirect 600 N print ser ver card that includes a 10Base-T (RJ-45) por t.
EN Chapt er 1 Printe r Basics 23 Accessories and Or dering Inf ormation The following list of ac cessor ies was curren t at the tim e of pr inti ng. Order ing infor matio n and av ailab ility of the acces sor ies may change dur ing the lif e of th e pr inters.
24 Chap ter 1 Prin ter Bas ics EN Cab le and Interf ace Accessories HP J etD irec t 600 N EIO Pr int serve rs Ether net (10Base-T) Ether net (10Base-T ,10Base2 LocalT alk) T okenRing (RJ-45 and DB9) F.
EN Chapt er 1 Printe r Basics 25 HP LaserJet Labels Letter (8.5 by 11 i n.) white labels Letter (8.5 by 11 i n.) clear labels A4 (210 by 297 mm) white labels A4 (210 by 297 mm) clear labels Call an authorized HP dea ler f or label siz es and av ailability .
26 Chap ter 1 Prin ter Bas ics EN.
EN Chapt er 2 Printing Tasks 27 2 Pr inting T asks Over view This cha pter explains your pr inting option s and gives common pri nting tasks : ! Prepar ing for Pr inting ! Medi a Inpu t Opt ions ! Loa.
28 Chap ter 2 Prin ting Task s EN Preparing f o r Printing Pur cha sing P ape r and Ot her Me dia HP LaserJ et pr inter s produce e xce llent pr int qu ality document s.
EN Chapter 2 Printing Tasks 29 Media Input Options The printer comes with two paper tra ys. By def ault, the printer draws first from T ra y 1. If T ray 1 is empty , the pr inter dra ws from T ra y 2 (or optional T ra y 3 if it is installed). T ray 1 Media Sizes T ra y 1 adjusts for siz es from 76 by 127 mm (3 b y 5 in.
30 Chapter 2 Printing Tasks EN T ray 2 and Optional T ray 3 P aper Sizes T ra y 2 and optional T ray 3 ha ve settings f or the follo wing paper sizes: l A4 l A5 l B5 (ISO and JIS) l Letter l Legal l Ex ecutive l 8.5 by 13 in. See “Changing P aper Size in T ra y 2 or Optional T ra y 3” on page 33 to change the paper size .
EN Chapter 2 Printing Tasks 31 Loading Media into T ray 1 T ra y 1 (multi-pur pose) holds up to 100 sheets of paper or up to 10 env e lopes. 1 Open T ra y 1 by pulling the front cov er down. 2 Slide out the plastic tra y e xtender . If the media being loaded is longer than 229 mm (9 in.
32 Chapter 2 Printing Tasks EN Reloading Media into T ra y 2 or Optional T ray 3 1 Pull the desired tra y out of the printer . 2 Push down on the metal paper lift plate to lock it in place . 3 Add the media and make sure it is flat in the tra y at all f our cor ners.
EN Chapter 2 Printing Tasks 33 Changing P aper Siz e in T ray 2 or Optional T ray 3 1 Pull the desired tra y out of the printer and remove an y paper . 2 Press on the blue tab on the rear paper length guide to adjust f or the paper length. 3 Adjust the paper length guide so the pointer matches the desired paper size .
34 Chapter 2 Printing Tasks EN 6 Load up to 250 sheets into the paper tra y . Make sure the paper is flat in the tra y at all f our cor ners. K eep the media below the height tabs on the paper length guide in the rear of the tra y . 7 Move the paper width guides inw ard so they touch the media on each side.
EN Chapter 2 Printing Tasks 35 Printing T asks Printing on En velopes CA UTION Bef ore you load en velopes in T ra y 1, make sure the y are undamaged and are not stuck together . Ne ver use en v elopes with clasps, snaps , windows, coated linings, self-stick adhesiv es, or other synthetic materials.
36 Chapter 2 Printing Tasks EN 4 Place the env elopes into the tra y shor t-edge in, print-side up. The stamp end must enter the printer first. 5 Slide the width guides inward until they lightly touch the en velope stac k without bending it. The env elopes should be centered between the paper guides and under the tabs on the paper width guides.
EN Chapter 2 Printing Tasks 37 Printing on Labels Only use labels recommended f or laser pr inters, such as HP LaserJet labels. See “Labels” on page 148 f or specifications. l Print labels from T ra y 1. l Load labels print-side up. l Use the rear output tra y for labels .
38 Chapter 2 Printing Tasks EN Printing on T ransparencies Only use transparencies recommended f or use in laser printers, such as HP transparency film. Ordering info r mation is located on page 25. Appendix B lists transparency specifications on page 149.
EN Chapter 2 Printing Tasks 39 Printing on Custom-Sized Media or Cardstoc k P ostcards, 3 by 5 in. (inde x) cards, and other custom-sized media can be printed from T ra y 1. The minimum media size is 76 by 127 mm (3 by 5 in.) and the maxim um media size is 216 b y 356 mm (8.
40 Chapter 2 Printing Tasks EN Printing on Both Sides of Media (Manual Duple xing) l Print the first side of the media as you w ould nor mally . l Print the second side from T ra y 1, making sure the printed side is f acing down with the top-edge tow ard the printer .
EN Chapter 2 Printing Tasks 41 Long and Short Edg e Manual Duplexing There are two w ays to manu ally duplex, long edge or short edge binding. Long edge manual duple x ing prints your document on both sides of the page with the binding on the long edge.
42 Chapter 2 Printing Tasks EN Printing on Special Media Letterhead or Preprinted Forms Orientation T ray 1 letterhead orientation: print-side up, top-edge to ward the printer . T ray 2 or optional T ray 3 letterhead orientation: print-side down, top-edge tow ard you.
EN Chapter 2 Printing Tasks 43 Canceling a Print Job A print job can be stopped from a software application, a print queue, or the J OB C ANCEL button. l If the printer has not star ted pr inting, first tr y to cancel the job within the software application that sent the print job .
44 Chapter 2 Printing Tasks EN Software T asks This section lists the common printing tasks that are controlled through the printer software. Some printer drivers do not suppor t all printer features .
EN Chapter 2 Printing Tasks 45 Using the Printer Driver Help Each printer dr iver has help screens that can be activ ated from the Help button in the printer driver . These help screens give detailed inf or mation about the specific driver being used.
46 Chapter 2 Printing Tasks EN Creating and Using W atermarks The W atermar k options allow you to specify that te xt be placed “under neath” (in the backg round) of an existing document.
EN Chapter 2 Printing Tasks 47 PCL 6 (Windows NT 4.0) T o use an existing watermark 1. Click the Start button, point to Settings, then clic k Printers. Right-click the printer icon and choose Document Def aults. 2. F rom the Effects tab , click the W ater marks drop-down list.
48 Chapter 2 Printing Tasks EN Windows NT 4.0 PS T o use an existing watermark 1. Access the printer driver . 2. F rom the Adv anced tab , click Document Options , then Printer Features to expand their subentries.
EN Chapter 2 Printing Tasks 49 Macintosh LaserWriter 8.4 and higher 1. Select P age Setup from the File menu. 2. Click the pop-up and select W ater mark/Overlay . 3. Click on each desired w ater mark option and select the desired setting. T o use your own te xt, type text in the custom text bo x.
50 Chapter 2 Printing Tasks EN Printing Multiple P ages on One Sheet of Paper (N-up Printing) Y ou can select the number of pages you want to print on a single sheet of paper . If you choose to print more than one page per sheet, the pages will appear decreased in size and arranged on the sheet.
EN Chapter 2 Printing Tasks 51 Windows NT 4.0 PS 1. Access the printer driver . 2. F rom the Adv anced tab , click Document Options , then Printer Features to expand their subentries. 3. Click P ages per Sheet. 4. Select the desired op tion (1, 2, 4, 6, 9, or 16) in the Change ‘Pages per Sheet’ Setting box.
52 Chapter 2 Printing Tasks EN Setting a Custom P aper Siz e Use the Custom P aper f eature to pr int on paper sizes other than standard sizes . Custom P aper Siz e Printer Driver Procedure PCL 6 (Windows 3.1/9x) 1. Access the printer driver . 2. F rom the P aper tab, clic k Custom.
EN Chapter 2 Printing Tasks 53 Windows 9x PS 1. Access th e printer driver . 2. F rom the P aper tab, scroll to the right of the P aper Size bo x and click Custom P age. 3. Click the Custom b utton. 4. F rom the Custo m-Defined Size window , type the name of the custom paper size.
54 Chapter 2 Printing Tasks EN Creating and Using Quic k Sets Quick Sets allo w you to sa ve the current driv er settings (for e xample, page orientation, n-up pr inting or paper source) f or reuse. F or conv enience, Quick Sets can be selected and sa v ed from most printer dr iver tabs .
EN Chapter 2 Printing Tasks 55 PCL 6 (Windows NT 4.0) Creating Quick Sets If you a re running the printer driver from the server , you need administrator rights to sav e new Quick Sets . 1. Click the Start button, point to Settings, then clic k Printers.
56 Chapter 2 Printing Tasks EN Using EconoMode EconoMode (Sav e T oner) allows the printer to use less toner on each page. Selecting this option will e x tend the lif e of your toner car tridge and reduce your cost per page , but will reduce print quality .
EN Chapter 2 Printing Tasks 57 Macintosh LaserWriter 8.3 1. Select Print from the File menu. 2. Click Options . 3. Select the desired EconoMod e setting. 4. Click OK. Macintosh LaserWriter 8.4 and higher 1. Select Print from the File menu. 2. Click the popup f or print options and select Imaging Options.
58 Chapter 2 Printing Tasks EN Choosing Print Quality Settings The printer’ s default print quality setting is Best Quality , which uses 1200 dpi to provide the best combination of print speed and print quality . If you need adv anced pr int quality , you can choose custom settings.
EN Chapter 2 Printing Tasks 59 Windows NT 4.0 PS 1. Access the printer driver . 2. F rom the Advance d tab, clic k Graphics to e xpand its subentries. 3. Click Resolution. 4. Select the de sired Resolution option in th e Change ‘Resolution’ Settin g box.
60 Chapter 2 Printing Tasks EN Using Reduce/Enlarge Options Reduce/Enlarge options allow y ou to scale your document to a percent of its normal size. Y ou can also choose to scale y our document to fit on letter- or A4-size paper . Reduce/Enlarge Printer Driver Procedure PCL 6 (Windows 3.
EN Chapter 2 Printing Tasks 61 Windows NT 4.0 PS T o reduce or enlarge your document 1. Access the printer driver . 2. F rom the Advance d tab, clic k Graphics to e xpand its subentries. 3. Click Scaling. 4. T ype th e percentage by which you want to reduce or enlarge y our document in the Change ‘Scaling’ Setting bo x.
62 Chapter 2 Printing Tasks EN Selecting a P aper Sour ce If your application supports pr inting paper by source , make the selections from your application. Application settings o verride printer driver settings. Selecting P aper Source Printer Driver Procedure PCL 6 (Windows 3.
EN Chapter 2 Printing Tasks 63 Using REt When REt (Resolution Enhancement technolog y) is on, it refines the print quality of characters by smoothing out jagged edges that can occur on the angles and cur ves of a printed image. Choose Off if graphics , par ticular ly scanned images, are not printing clearly .
64 Chapter 2 Printing Tasks EN Windows 9x PS 1. Access the printer driver . 2. F rom the Device Options tab , select the desired Resolution Enhancement option from the Printer Fe atures drop-down list. 3. Select the desired Resolutio n Enhancement option in the Change setting f or ‘Resolution Enhancement’ drop-down list.
EN Chapter 2 Printing Tasks 65 Restoring Default Printer Driver Settings Restoring Defaults Printer Driver Procedure PCL 6 (Windows 3.1/9x) 1. Access the printer driver . 2. In the Quick Sets bo x, click Def aults PCL 6 (Windows NT 4.0) 1. Click the Start button, point to Settings, then clic k Printers.
66 Chapter 2 Printing Tasks EN Printing on Different P aper for the Fir st P age Note Printing on different paper f or the first page of a print job is av ailable only with the HP PCL 6 printer and Macintosh LaserWr iter driver . Some applications ma y also hav e this f eature.
EN Chapter 2 Printing Tasks 67 Note The paper size f or all pages of the pr int job must be the same in the driver . Macintosh LaserWriter 8.3 1. Select Print from the File menu. 2. Select First F rom and then select the desired tra y for the first page from the pop-u p menu.
68 Chapter 2 Printing Tasks EN T ray Loc king T ra y Locking is a f eature that allows you to “loc k” a tra y so that the only time the printer will draw from that tra y is when it is specifically requested. This is useful when you w ant to put special paper in a tra y , such as letterhead.
EN Chapter 3 Printer Tips and Maintenance 69 3 Pr inter Tips and Maintenance Overview This chapter provides suggestions f or high-quality and economical printing.
70 Chapter 3 Printer Tips and Maintenance EN Managing the UltraPrecise T oner Car tridge HP P olicy on Non-HP T oner Car tridg es Hewlett-P ackard Compan y cannot recommend use of non-HP toner car tri dges, either ne w , refilled, or remanuf actured. Because they are not HP products, HP cannot influence their design or control their quality .
EN Chapter 3 Printer Tips and Maintenance 71 Redistrib uting the T oner When toner is low , f aded or light areas ma y appear on a pr inted page. Y ou may be able to tempor ar ily improv e print quality by redistrib uting the toner . The f ollowing procedure ma y allow y ou to finish the current print job bef ore replacing the toner car tr idge.
72 Chapter 3 Printer Tips and Maintenance EN Note If toner gets on your clothing, wipe it off with a dr y cloth and wash clothing in cold water . (Hot w ater sets toner into f abric.) 4 Reinser t the toner car tr idge into the printer and close the top cove r .
EN Chapter 3 Printer Tips and Maintenance 73 Cleaning the Printer T o maintain pr int quality , f ollow the cleaning procedures on the f ollowing pages e v er y time the toner car tridge is changed or whene ver print quality problems occur . As much as possib le, ke ep the printer free from dust and debr is.
74 Chapter 3 Printer Tips and Maintenance EN Note Make sure the toner car tridge is not empty when using the toner car tri dge cleaning. A near empty toner car tr idge ma y also cause print def ects. This 10-minute process consumes toner and if used often can reduce toner car tr idge lif e.
EN Chapter 3 Printer Tips and Maintenance 75 Internal Cleaning Pr ocedure Over time , par ticles of toner and paper will begin to accumulate inside the printer . This may cause print quality problems during printing. Cleaning the printer will eliminate or reduce these problems .
76 Chapter 3 Printer Tips and Maintenance EN.
EN Chapter 4 Problem Solving 77 4 Prob lem Solving Overview This chapter helps you troub leshoot printer problems in the f ollowing areas: l T roubleshooting Checklist l T roubleshooting General Print.
78 Chapter 4 Problem Solving EN T roub leshooting Chec klist If the printer is not responding proper ly , complete the f ollowing checklist in order . If the printer does not pass a step , follo w the corresponding troubleshooting suggestions . T roubleshooting Chec klist Make sure the printer Ready light is on.
EN Chapter 4 Problem Solving 79 Print a shor t document from a software application to verify the computer and printer are connected and are communicating correctly . If the page does not print, check the cable connection between the printer and computer .
80 Chapter 4 Problem Solving EN T roub leshooting General Printing Pr oblems T roubleshooting General Printing Pr oblems Symptom P ossible Cause Solution Printer selects media from the wrong tra y . The tra y selection in the software application ma y be incorrect.
EN Chapter 4 Problem Solving 81 The printer prints, but the te xt is wrong, garbled, or incomplete. The parallel cab le is loose or def ective . Disconnect the parallel cab le and reconnect it. T ry a pr int job you kno w works. If possible , attach the cable and printer to another computer and try a print job that you kno w works.
82 Chapter 4 Problem Solving EN The parallel cable between the computer and the printer is not connected properly . Disconnect and reconnect the parallel cab le. The parallel cab le is defectiv e. If possible , attach the cable to another computer and print a job you kno w works.
EN Chapter 4 Problem Solving 83 The printer does not respond when “print” is selected in the software. The printer is malfunctioning. Check the lights on the printer to determine if the pr inter is indicating an error . The Attention light sta ys on.
84 Chapter 4 Problem Solving EN Printing Special P ages There are special pages within the memor y of the printer that will help you to diagnose and learn about problems with y our printer . Demo P age T o pr int the demo page, press the G O button when the printer is ready .
EN Chapter 4 Problem Solving 85 Clearing P aper Jams Occasionally , paper can become jammed during a pr int job . Some of the causes include: l P aper tra ys loaded improperly or overfilled. l T ray 2 or optional T ra y 3 is removed during a print job .
86 Chapter 4 Problem Solving EN P aper Jam: T oner Cartridg e Area 1 Open the top cov er . CA UTION P aper jams in this area ma y result in loose toner on the page. If y ou get any toner on your clothes , wash them in cold water because hot w ater will set the toner into the f abric.
EN Chapter 4 Problem Solving 87 Note If the paper is too difficult to remov e or has already entered the output area, remov e the jam as described for the output areas on page 89. 4 When the jammed paper has been remov ed, gently flip down the registration plate .
88 Chapter 4 Problem Solving EN P aper Jam: T ray 2 or Optional T ray 3 P aper Feed Area Note If paper has entered the toner car tr idge area, f ollow the instructions on page 86. It is easier to remov e paper from the toner car tridge area than the paper feed area.
EN Chapter 4 Problem Solving 89 P aper Jam: Output Areas CA UTION P aper jams in this area ma y result in loose toner on the page. If y ou get any toner on your clothes , wash them in cold water because hot w ater will set the toner into the f abric. 1 Open the top cov er and remov e the toner car tr idge.
90 Chapter 4 Problem Solving EN P aper Jam: Remo ving T orn Pieces of P aper Sometimes a piece of jammed paper can tear when being remov ed. Use the f ollowing procedure to remov e any small pieces of paper left in the printer .
EN Chapter 4 Problem Solving 91 Solving Print Quality Pr oblems Print Quality Chec klist General print quality problems can be solv ed by f ollowing the checklist belo w . l Check the printer driver to make sure y ou are using the best av ailable print quality option (see page 58).
92 Chapter 4 Problem Solving EN Image Defect Examples The e xamples below depict letter-size paper that has passed through the printer shor t-edge first.
EN Chapter 4 Problem Solving 93 Light Print or Fade If a v er tical white streak or faded area appears on the page: l The toner supply is low . Y ou ma y be able to temporarily e xtend the toner car tr idge lif e. See “Redistributing the T oner” on page 71.
94 Chapter 4 Problem Solving EN V er tical Lines If blac k or white ve r tical streaks appear on the page: l The photosensitive drum inside the toner car tr idge has probably been scratched.
EN Chapter 4 Problem Solving 95 V er tical Repetitive Defects If marks repeatedly appear on the pr inted side of the page at e ven inter vals: l The toner car tr idge may be damaged. The circumf erence of the toner car tri dge drum is 94 mm (3.7 in.).
96 Chapter 4 Problem Solving EN Wrinkles or Creases l Make sure that paper is loaded properly . l Check the paper type and quality . See “Media Specifications” on page 139. l Open the rear door and tr y pr inting to the rear output bin. l T ur n over the stac k of paper in the tray or try rotating the paper 180° in the input tra y .
EN Chapter 4 Problem Solving 97 Infrared Printing Pr oblems Infrared Printing Prob lems Symptom P ossible Cause Solution The connection cannot be established or the transmission seems to be taking longer than usual.
98 Chapter 4 Problem Solving EN The connection cannot be established or the transmission seems to be taking longer than usual (continued). Bright lights are interfering with the signal. Make sure that no bright light is shining directly into either IR por t.
EN Chapter 4 Problem Solving 99 T roub leshooting Err or Messages When the printer experiences an error , the control panel will indicate the error message by fiv e light patter ns. Find the light patter n below that matches the printer light patter n and follo w the recommendations to troubleshoot the error .
100 Chapter 4 Problem Solving EN Attention There are three possible causes that will displa y the Attention light patter n: l Door open l T oner car tridge missing l P aper jam After the cause of the problem has been addressed, pressing the G O button will cause the printer to attempt to recov er from the cause of the error .
EN Chapter 4 Problem Solving 101 Service Error An error has occurred that has caused the printer to halt the current print job. Pressing the G O button or the J OB C ANCEL button with this message has no eff ect. T o clear the error , tur n the printer off and then on again.
102 Chapter 4 Problem Solving EN Secondary Light P atterns Continuable Err or T ype of Error Light P attern Recommended Action Memory Overflow The printer memor y is full. Press Go to resume printing. If you lose some data, tr y to free some printer memor y by removing any unnecessary f onts, macros, or an y data currently in printer memor y .
EN Chapter 4 Problem Solving 103 IO Error The cable between the pr inter and computer has a bad co nnection or the cable is of poor quality . Check the cable connections to see if the y are secure. Make sure you are using a high-quality cable. T emporar y Erro r The printer ha s e xper ienced a temporar y error .
104 Chapter 4 Problem Solving EN EIO Error The printe r has experienced a temporar y EIO error . Reset the printer by turning the printe r off and back on again.
EN Chapter 4 Problem Solving 105 Accessory Error T ype of Error Light P attern Recommended Action EIO P or t Error Remov e the accessor y from the EIO P or t or DIMM Slot indicate d by the error to continue pr inting. DIMM Slot 1 Error Remov e the accessory from the EIO P or t or DIMM Slot indicate d by the error to continue pr inting.
106 Chapter 4 Problem Solving EN DIMM Slot 3 Error Remov e the accessory from the EIO P or t or DIMM Slot indicate d by the error to continue pr inting.
EN Chapter 4 Problem Solving 107 Netw ork Pr oblems Y ou are experiencing shared printer problems. l Print a Configuration page. If an HP JetDirect EIO print ser ver is installed, printing a Configuration page will also print a second page that will show the netw or k settings and status.
108 Chapter 4 Problem Solving EN Common Windows Pr oblems Common Windows Pr oblems Symptom P ossible Cause Solution Windows message during installation reads: “File in Use.” Quit all software . Remove all software from the Star tUp Group, then restart Windows .
EN Chapter 4 Problem Solving 109 Error Message: “General Protection F ault” “Exception OE” “Spool32” “Illegal Operation” (Continued) Delete all temp files from the T emp sub-director y . Y ou can deter mine the name of the directory by editing the A UTOEXEC .
110 Chapter 4 Problem Solving EN Common Macintosh Pr oblems Macintosh Prob lems Symptom P ossible Cause Solution Prob lems in the Chooser Printer dr iver icon does not appear in the Chooser . Software not installed correctly . The LaserWriter driver should be present as a par t of the Mac OS.
EN Chapter 4 Problem Solving 111 Make sure the printer has been chosen in the Chooser by printing a self-test. (Simultaneously press G O and J OB C ANCEL .) Check the AppleT alk name of the pr inter displa yed on the self-test page. Make sure AppleT alk is on.
112 Chapter 4 Problem Solving EN An encapsulated P ostScr ipt (EPS) file does not print with the correct fon t s . This problem occurs with some software applications. T r y downloading the fonts contai ned in the EPS file to the printer before printing.
EN Chapter 4 Problem Solving 113 Selecting an Alternate PPD 1. Open the Chooser from the Apple menu. 2. Click the LaserWriter icon. 3. If you are on a netw or k with multiple z ones, select the zone in the AppleT alk Zones box where the printer is located.
114 Chapter 4 Problem Solving EN T roub leshooting PS Err ors The f ollowing situations are PS language specific and ma y occur when se ver al pr inter languages are being used.
EN Chapter 4 Problem Solving 115 VM Error F ont Error Select unlimited downloadab le fo nts from printer driver . Range Check F ont Error Select unlimited downloadab le fo nts from printer driver .
116 Chapter 4 Problem Solving EN.
EN Chapter 5 Service and Support 117 5 Ser vice and Suppor t A v ailability HP provides a v ariety of ser vice and suppor t options around the world. A vailability of these prog rams will v ar y depending upon your location. HP Express Exchange 1. The customer contacts the local HP Customer Suppor t Center listed in the product documentation.
118 Chapt er 5 Ser vice a nd Supp ort EN Guidelines for Repac k ing the Printer ! Remov e a nd retain any DIMMs (d ual in-lin e memo r y mo dules) insta lled in t he pr inter . ! Remov e an d retain a n y c ables and option al acces sorie s instal led in the pr inter .
EN Chapter 5 Service and Suppo rt 119 Service Inf ormation F orm WHO IS RETURNING THE E QUIPMENT? Date: P erson to contac t: Phon e: ( ) Alternate contact: Phon e: ( ) Return shippin g address: Specia.
120 Chapt er 5 Ser vice a nd Supp ort EN HP Maintenance Agreemen ts HP has s e v e ral types of m aintena nce agreem ents that m eet a wide range of sup por t ne eds. Maint enance agree ments ar e not par t of the standar d warranty . Suppor t ser vices v ar y by area.
EN Chapter 5 Service and Suppo rt 121 Hewlett-P ac kar d Limited W arranty Statement 1. HP warrants to you, the en d-user customer , that HP har dware, accessor ies, and supplie s, will be fr ee from de f ects in mater ials and wor kmansh ip after th e date o f purchase, for the per iod sp ecified a bov e.
EN Chapter 5 Service and Suppo rt 123 Limited W arranty for T o ner Car tridg e Life Note The warranty bel ow applies to t he toner c ar tri dge that c ame with this pri nter . HP toner car t rid ges are warranted to be fr ee from d ef ects i n mater ials and work manship until the HP toner is depl eted.
124 Chapt er 5 Ser vice a nd Supp ort EN W o rld wide Sales an d Service Offices Note Before calling an H P Sales and Se r vice office, be sur e to conta ct the appropr iate Custom er Suppo r t Cente r number listed in the “ HP Suppor t ” s ection.
EN Chapter 5 Service and Suppo rt 125 Colombia Hewlett -Pac kard Colombia Calle 100 No . 8A -55 T orr e C Oficina 309 Bogot á , Colombia Czech Republ ic Hewlett -Pac kard s.
126 Chapt er 5 Ser vice a nd Supp ort EN Japan Hewlett -Pac kard Japan, Ltd. 3-29-21 T ak aido-higashi Suginami-ku, T okyo 168 Phone: (81) (3) 3335-8333 F ax: (81) (3) 3335-8338 Hardware Repair Center.
EN Chapter 5 Service and Suppo rt 127 Singapore Hewlett -Pac kard Singapore (Sales) Pte Ltd 450 Ale xandra Road Singapore (119960 ) Phone: (65)275-3888 F a x: (65)275-6839Hardware Repair Center and Custome r Inf or mation Center : Phone: (65) 272-5300 Extended W arranty Suppor t: Phone: (65) 272-5333 Spai n Hewlett-P ackard Espa ñ ola, S.
128 Chapt er 5 Ser vice a nd Supp ort EN.
EN Append ix A Sp ecifica tions 129 A Specifications Printer Specification s HP La serJet 21 00 HP Laser Jet 2100 wit h Optional T r a y 3 Heig ht 230 mm (9 in.) 309 mm (12.2 in.) Width 406 mm (1 5.9 in.) 406 mm (15.9 in. ) Dep th (b ody) 420 mm (16.5 in.
130 Appen dix A Specif ications EN W A RNING! P o wer requ irements are ba sed o n the reg ion wh ere the p rin ter is sold. Do not conver t operating voltages.
EN Append ix A Sp ecifica tions 131 FCC Regulatio ns This e quipment h as been te sted an d f ound to com ply with the limit s f or a Cla ss B di gital device, pursuant to Par t 15 of t he FCC r ules. These lim its are des igned to provide rea sonable protecti on agains t har mful i nterf e rence in a r esiden tial ins tallation .
132 Appendix A Specifications EN En vir onmental Product Ste wardship Pr ogram Pr otecting the En vironment Hewlett-P ackard Compan y is committed to providing quality products in an environmentally sound manner . This HP LaserJet printer has been designed with se veral attrib utes to minimize impacts on our environment.
EN Append ix A Sp ecifica tions 133 The design of this HP LaserJet printer facilitates the recycling of: Plastics Plastic par t s hav e mar ki ngs accor ding to i nter nationa l stan dards th at enhance t he abil ity t o identify plastics f or rec yclin g pur pos es at the end of t he pr inter ’ s life.
134 Appen dix A Specif ications EN Material Safety Data Sheet The T one r Car trid ge/Dr um MSDS c an be obtained by contac ting the HP Laser Jet Supp lies website a t: http://ljs anetpar tners /datashe ets.html If you do not hav e acces s to the Inter net, c all the U.
EN Append ix A Sp ecifica tions 135 Regulator y Statements Dec laration of Con f ormity accord ing to ISO /IEC Gui de 22 and EN45014 Manufacturer's Name: Hewlett-P ackard Company Manufacturer&apo.
136 Appen dix A Specif ications EN Laser Saf ety Statement The Center f or Dev ices a nd Radiologi cal Health (CDRH) o f the U .S. F ood and Dru g Admini stration has implem ented regu lations f or las er product s manufactured si nce August 1, 1976 .
EN Appendix A Specifications 137 VCCI Statement (Japan) K orean EMI Statement Laser Statement f or Finland LASERTUR V ALLISUUS LUOKAN 1 LASERLAITE KLASS 1 LASER APP ARA T HP LaserJet 2100 -laserkirjoitin on käyttäjän kannalta tur vallinen luokan 1 laserlaite.
138 Appen dix A Specif ications EN katsota v ä r iainekaset in vaihtamista, paper iradan puh distusta tai mui ta k ä ytt ä j ä n k ä sikir jassa lue teltuja, k ä ytt ä j ä n te ht ä v ä ksi tarkoitettuj a yll ä pitoto imia, jotka voidaan s uor ittaa ilma n eri k ois ty ö kalu ja.
EN Appen dix B Me dia Sp ecifica tions 13 9 B Media Specifications Over view This p rin ter acce pts a variety of med ia, such as cut- sheet paper (includi ng up to 100% recyc led fiber c ontent pap er), envelopes, labels, transp arencies, and c ustom -size paper .
140 Appen dix B Media S pecific ations EN Suppor t ed Siz es of P aper Note Y ou may e xper ience s ome pa per jams wh en using any media with a length less 178 mm (7 in.). This ma y be cause d by paper th at has been eff ect ed by en vi ronmental conditi ons.
EN Appen dix B Me dia Sp ecifica tions 14 1 Tr a y 2 o r Tr a y 3 Dimensions a a. Th e print er supp orts a wi de range of med ia sizes. Se e “ Pr inting o n Custom -Sized Me dia or Cardstoc k ” on page 39. We i g h t Capacity b b. C apacity may vary de pendin g on media weight a nd thickn ess, and e nvironm ental co nditions.
142 Appen dix B Media S pecific ations EN Guidelines for Using P aper F or be st resu lts, use conventional 90 g /m 2 (24 lb ) paper . Make sure the paper is of good quali ty , and free of cu ts, nic ks, tears, spots, loose par ticles, dust, wr ink les, voids , a nd curl ed or be nt edges.
EN Appen dix B Me dia Sp ecifica tions 14 3 Note Do not use lette rhead paper tha t is pr inted wit h low-temperature inks, such as those used in some type s of th er mography . Do not use raised or em bosse d letterh ead. The pr inter uses heat a nd pr essure to fu se ton er to the p aper .
144 Appen dix B Media S pecific ations EN Prin ting and P aper Stora ge En vir onment Ideally , the pr inting and paper s torage environment s hould be at or near room temperature, and not too d r y or too h umid. Remem ber paper is h ygroscop ic; it absorbs an d loses moistur e rapidly .
EN Appen dix B Me dia Sp ecifica tions 14 5 En velopes Env elope constr ucti on is cr iti cal. Envelope f old li nes ca n var y consid erab ly , no t only bet ween manuf act urers, but also withi n a box from the s ame manufacturer . S uccessfu l pr intin g on env elopes depends u pon the quali ty of the envelopes.
146 Appendix B Media Specifications EN En velopes with Double Side Seams Double side-seam construction has v er tical seams at both ends of the env elope rather than diagonal seams. This style ma y be more likely to wrinkle. Be sure the seam e xtends all the wa y to the cor ner of the env elope as illustrated below .
EN Appen dix B Me dia Sp ecifica tions 14 7 En velope Mar g ins The following gives typic al addre ss ma rgins for a com mercial #10 or DL en v elope . Note F or the best pr in t quality , pos ition mar gins no closer tha n 15 mm (0.6 in.) fr om the ed ges of the env e lope.
148 Appen dix B Media S pecific ations EN Labels CA UTION T o av oid d amagin g the pr inter , use on ly label s reco mmende d f or las er pri nters, such as HP-b rand label s. (F or orde rin g inform ation, see page 25.) T o prev e nt ser ious j ams, alwa ys u se T ra y 1 to pr int labels and a lwa y s use the r ear outpu t bin.
EN Appen dix B Me dia Sp ecifica tions 14 9 T ranspa rencies T ransparenc ies use d in the pr inte r must be able to wi thstand 2 00 ° C (392 ° F), the printe r ’ s fusing temper ature . CA UTION T o av oid da maging the prin ter , us e only transp arencie s recomm ended f or use in laser pr inters, such a s HP-bran d transparenc ies.
150 Appen dix B Media S pecific ations EN.
EN Append ix C Print er Mem ory and Expansi on 151 C Pr inter Memor y and Expansion Over view ! Pr inter Mem or y ! Installi ng Memor y ! Chec king Mem or y Inst allat ion ! Installi ng an HP J etDire.
152 Appen dix C Printer Memo ry and Exp ansio n EN Printer Memory The pr inter has thr ee dual i n-line m emor y m odule (D IMM) slo ts for upgrading with: ! More pr inter memor y . DIMM s are a vailable in 4, 8, and 16 MB , for a maximum o f 52 MB. ! DIMM-bas ed acce ssor y fonts , m acros, and pa tter ns.
EN Appendix C Printer Memory and Expansion 153 Installing Memory CA UTION Static electricity can damage dual in-line memor y modules (DIMMs). When handling DIMMs, either wear an antistatic wr ist strap or frequently touch the surf ace of the DIMMs’ antistati c package , then touch bare metal on the printer .
154 Appendix C Printer Memory and Expansion EN 6 Remov e the DIMM from the antistatic package . 7 Holding the DIMM by the edges , align the notches on the DIMM with the DIMM slot. (Check that the locks on each side of the DIMM slot are open.) Note F or best results use DIMM Slots in 1-2-3 order .
EN Appendix C Printer Memory and Expansion 155 Chec king Memory Installation T o verify that DIMMs are installed correctly: 1. T ur n the pr inter on. Check that the printer control panel displa ys the Ready light after the printer has gone through the star tup sequence.
156 Appendix C Printer Memory and Expansion EN Installing an HP JetDirect EIO Car d 1 T ur n the pr inter off , and disconnect the pow er cord. 2 Open the interf ace cable door b y pressing on the release tabs. Disconnect all interf ace cables . 3 Locate the EIO Slot.
EN Appendix D P rinter Com mands 157 D Pr inter Commands Over view Most sof tware applica tions do not requi re you to enter pr inte r commands. S ee your compu ter and software docume ntation to find the method f or en teri ng pr inter com mands, if neede d.
158 Appen dix D Printer Commands EN PJL HP's Pr inter Job Lang uage (PJ L) provides control abov e PCL a nd other pr inter l anguag es. The f our ma jor func tions pr ovided by PJL are: ! pri nte.
EN Appendix D Printer Commands 159 Many printer commands use the lowercase letter l ( l ) and the n umber one (1), or the uppercase letter O ( O ) and the number z ero ( 0 ). These characters ma y not appear on your screen as sho wn here. Y ou must use the e xact character and case specified f or PCL printer commands.
160 Appen dix D Printer Commands EN Combining Escape Sequences Escape seque nces may be combine d into one esca pe sequen ce string . Ther e are three important rules to f ollow when co mbini ng code: 1. F or ea ch esca pe seq uence, the f irst two charact ers after th e ? character mu st be the s ame.
EN Appendix D Printer Commands 161 Selecting PCL Fonts PCL printer commands for selecting f onts can be found on the PCL F ont List. A sample section is shown below . Notice the two variable bo xes f or symbol set and point size: These va r iables m ust be filled in or the printer will use defaults.
162 Appen dix D Printer Commands EN P age Contro l Command s P aper Source ? & l #H 0 = prints or ejects current page 1 = T ra y 2 2 = manual f eed, paper 3 = manual f eed, env elope 4 = T ra y 1 5 = T ra y 3 7 = auto select P aper Size ? & l #A 1 = Executiv e 2 = Letter 3 = Legal 4 = A5 5 = A4 6 = B5-JIS 8 = 8.
EN Appendix D P rinter Com mands 163 V er tical Motion Inde x ? & l #C 1/48-inch increments ( compresses pr int vert ically) Line Spacing ? & l #D # = lines per inch (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 12, 16,.
164 Appen dix D Printer Commands EN Language Sele ction Enter PCL M ode ? %#A 0 = Use pre v ious PCL cursor position 1 = Use current HP-GL/2 pen position Enter HP-G L/2 Mode ? %#B 0 = Use pre v ious H.
EN Appendix D P rinter Com mands 165 Pr imar y Stroke Wt . ? (s#B 0 = medium (book or te xt ) 1 = semi bold 3 = bold 4 = ext ra bold T ypef ace a ? (s#T Print a PCL font list to view the command for each internal font. a. The preferr ed me thod is t o use th e primary pitch com mand .
166 Appen dix D Printer Commands EN.
EN Index 16 7 Inde x Numerics 2-sided printing 40 3x5 cards printing 39 A accessing the printer dr iver 44 accessories 23 ordering 23 – 25 acoustic emissions 13 0 additional drivers, obtaining 4 B b.
168 Index EN printing on 39 infrared port printing with 21 installing fonts 7 FontSmart 7 JetSend 9 installing printer memory 153 – 155 internal cleaning procedure 75 J JetAdmin networks compat ible.
EN Index 16 9 double sided 40 duplexing 40 envelopes 35 form s 42 labels 37 letterhead 42 multiple pages on one sheet 50 postcards 39 preparing for 28 quality guidelines 142 stopping print job 43 tran.
170 Index EN.
Co p yright© 2002 He wlett-Packard Co. Manual Part No. C4170-90901 *C4170-90901* *C4170-90901* C4170-90901.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts HP LaserJet 2100 TN (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie HP LaserJet 2100 TN noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für HP LaserJet 2100 TN - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von HP LaserJet 2100 TN reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über HP LaserJet 2100 TN erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon HP LaserJet 2100 TN besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von HP LaserJet 2100 TN verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit HP LaserJet 2100 TN. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei HP LaserJet 2100 TN gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.