Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung Deskjet 1000 des Produzenten HP
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HP Deskjet 1000 J110 series.
Contents 1 How Do I? ............................ ...................................... ................................. ............................ ...3 2G e t t o k n o w the HP Printer Printer parts.................................. ............
2 Contents.
1H o w D o I ? Learn how to use your HP Printer • Printer parts • Load medi a • Replace the cart ridges • Clear a paper jam How Do I? 3 How Do I?.
Chapter 1 4 How D o I? How Do I?.
2 Get to know the HP Printer • Printer parts • On button Printer parts 1 Input tray 2 Paper width guide 3 On button: Turns the product on or off. When the product is off, a minimal amount of power is still used. To completely remo ve power, turn off the product, then unplug the power cord.
• When the product is tu rned on, the On button light will be lit. • When the product i s processing a job, the On button lig ht will be b linking. • If the On button light is blinking very quickly, the printer is in an erro r state that you can resolve by followi ng the onscreen messages.
3P r i n t Choose a print jo b to continue. Print documents Print photos Print envelopes Print documents To print from a software ap plication 1. Make sure the output tray is open. 2. Make sure you have pa per loaded in the inp ut tray. 3. From your software appli cation, click the Print button.
7. Click OK to close the Properties dial og box. 8. Click Print or OK to begin print ing. NOTE: You can p rint your document on both sides of t he paper, instea d of just one side. Click on the Adv anced bu tton on t he Paper/Q uality or Layout tab. Fr om the Pages to Print drop-down menu se lect Print Odd Pages Onl y .
7. Select the appropriate opt ions. •O n Layout tab select Portrait or Landscape ori entation. •O n Paper/Quality tab select the appropriate paper t ype and print qu ality from the Media drop-down list. • Click Advanced t o select the appropriate paper si ze from the Paper/Output list.
6. Click the button that op ens the Properties dialog box. Depending on your sof tware appli cation, this butt on might be cal led Properties , Options , Printer Setup , Printer , or Preferen ces . 7. Select the appropriate options. •O n Paper/Quality tab select a Plain paper type.
Notes • Genuine HP ink cartridge s are designed and test ed with HP printers and papers to help you easil y produce great results, ti me after ti me. NOTE: H P cannot guarante e the quality or rel iability of non -HP supplies. Pro duct service or repairs requ ired as a result of using a non-HP supp ly will not be covered under warrant y.
4. Click the button that op ens the Properties dialog box. Depending on your sof tware appli cation, this butt on might be cal led Properties , Options , Printer Setup , Printer , or Preferen ces . 5. Click the Paper/Quality tab. 6. In th e Media drop-down list, click Photo Paper, Best Quality .
4 Paper basics You can load many diff erent types and sizes of p aper in the HP Printer, including let ter or A4 paper, p hoto paper, transpa rencies, and envel opes.
HP Brochure Paper or HP Sup erior Inkjet Paper These papers are glossy-coated or matte-coat ed on both sides fo r two-sided use. They are the perfect choice for near-photograp hic reproductio ns and business graphi cs for report covers, spe cial presentations, brochures, mailers, and calendars.
Load media ▲ Select a paper si ze to continue. Load full-size pa per a . Raise the input t ray ❑ Raise the inpu t tray. b . Lower the output t ray ❑ Lower the output t ray and pull out the tray extender.
c . Slide paper-width gui de to the left ❑ Slide paper-width guide to the left . d . Load paper. ❑ Insert stack of p aper into input tr ay with short edge forward an d print side up. ❑ Slide stack of paper down un til it stops. ❑ Slide paper-wi dth guide to the ri ght until it stops at edge of paper.
Load small-size paper a . Raise the input t ray ❑ Raise the inpu t tray. b . Lower the output t ray ❑ Lower the output t ray and pull out the tray extender.
c . Slide paper-width gui de to the left . ❑ Slide paper-width guide to the left . d . Load paper. ❑ Insert stack of ph oto paper with sho rt edge down and side t o be printed on facing up. ❑ Slide stack of paper f orward until it st ops. NOTE: If the photo paper you are using ha s perforated ta bs, load photo paper so that tabs are on top.
Load envelope s a . Raise the input t ray ❑ Raise the inpu t tray. b . Lower the output t ray ❑ Lower the output t ray and pull out the tray extender.
❑ Remove all paper from the main input tra y. d . Load envelopes. ❑ Insert one or mo re envelopes int o far-right side of the input tray. The side to be printed on sho uld face up. The flap should be on t he left side an d facing down. ❑ Slide stack of envel opes down un til it stops.
5 Work with cartridges • Check the es timated in k levels • Order ink supplies • Replace the cart ridges • Use single-cartrid ge mode • Cartridge warranty information Check the estimated ink levels You can easily check the ink su pply level to determi ne how soon you might ne ed to replace a cartridge.
Order ink supplies Before ordering cartridges , locate the correct cartridge num ber. Locate the cartridge number on the printer ▲ The cartridge n umber is located insid e the cartridge door. Model No. xxxxx HP Ink Cartridge Product No. xxxxxx xx Locate the ca rtridge nu mber in the Prin ter Software 1.
Replace the cartridges To replace the cartri dges 1. Check power. 2. Load paper. 3. Remove cartridge. a . Open cartridge door. Wait for print carriage to move to center of the product . b . Press down to release cart ridge, then remove i t from slot. 4.
b . Remove plastic t ape using pink pull t ab. c . Slide cartridge into slot until it clicks into place. d . Close cartridge door. NOTE: T he HP Printer pr ompts you to ali gn the cartridges wh en you print a document after i nstalling a new cartridge .
Related topics • Choose the right cartridges • Order ink supplies Use single-cartri dge mode Use the single-cartridge m ode to operate the HP Printer wit h only one print cartridge. The single-cartridge mode is i nitiated when a p rint cartridge is re moved from t he print cartridge carriage.
Chapter 5 26 Work with cartridges Work with cartridges.
6 Solve a problem This section contai ns the following topics: • Improve print qu ality • Clear a paper jam • Unable to pr int • HP support Click here to go onli ne for more in formation . Improve print quality 1. Make sure you are using genu ine HP cartridges.
streaks in the color and bl ack boxes, or no ink in porti ons of the boxes, the n automatica lly clean the cartrid ges 6. Clean the print cartridges au tomatically, if t he diagnostic page shows steaks or missing portions of the color and black bo xes.
Clear a paper jam Clear a paper jam. To clear a paper jam ▲ Locate the paper jam Input tray If the paper jam is loca ted near the back input tra y, pull the paper ge ntly out of the input tray. Output tray • If the paper jam i s located near the front o utput tray, pull the pa per gently out of the output tr ay.
Inside of prin ter • If the pape r jam is located insid e the printer, open the cleanout doo r located on the bottom of th e printer. Press tabs on both sid es of the cleanout door. • Remove j ammed paper. • Close the clean out door. Gently pu sh the door towards the printer until b oth latches sn ap into place.
Unable to print Make sure that the printer is turned on and that there is paper in the tray. If you are stil l unable to print, try the following in order: 1. Check for error messages and resolve. 2. Disconnect and recon nect the U SB cable. 3. Verify that the pro duct is not pa used or offlin e.
c . If the wrong product is set as the default print er, right-click the corre ct product and select Set as Default Printer . d . Try using your produ ct again. 5. Restart the print spooler. To restart the prin t spooler NOTE: HP provides a Printer Diagnostic Utility that can automatical ly fix this issue.
7. Clear the print queue To clear the print qu eue NOTE: HP provides a Printer Diagnostic Uti lity that can automatically fix this issue. Click here to go onli ne for more information .
Print cartridge may be defective To determine if a cartridge is defect ive do the foll owing: 1. Remove black cartridge and t hen close cartridge do or. 2. Try pri nting a doc ument. 3. If you get the defect ive cartridge messa ge again and the On button light blinks quickly, the tri-color cart ridge should be replaced.
HP support • Register the prod uct • Support process • HP support b y phone • Additional w arranty options Register the produ ct By taking just a few quick minute s to register, you can enjoy qu icker service, more efficient support, and product supp ort alerts.
Placing a call Call HP support while yo u are in front of the co mputer and the pr oduct. Be prepared to provide the following informat ion: • Product name (HP Deskjet 1000 J110 series) • Model num ber (located inside t he cartridge doo r) Model No.
7 Technical information The technical specificat ions and international regul atory information for the HP Printer a re provided in this section. For additional specifications, see the pr inted documentation that came with the HP Printer.
Output tray capacity Plain paper sheets (80 g/m2 [20lb]): Up to 30 Envelopes: Up to 5 Index cards: Up to 10 Photo paper sheets: Up to 10 Paper size For a complete list of supported media sizes, see the pr inter software.
Cartridge yield Visit for mor e information on estimated cartridge yields. Acoustic information If you have Internet access, you can get acousti c informatio n from the HP Web site.
Recycling program HP offers an increasing numbe r of product return an d recycling prog rams in many countries/regions, and partners with some of the largest electron ic recycling centers throughout the w orld. HP conserves resources by r eselling some of its mo st popular products.
Disposal of waste equipment by users in private households in the Europ ean Union Disposal of Waste Equipment by Users in Private Households in the European Union This symbol on the pr oduct or on its packaging indicates that this product m ust not be disposed of w ith your other household w a ste.
1907/2006 of the European Parliament and the Cou ncil) . A chemical information report for this product can be found at: . Toxic and hazardous subst ance table Regulatory no tices The HP Printer meets product requirements fr om regulatory agencies in your country/reg ion.
FCC statement FCC sta tement The Unit ed State s F ederal Communi cations Commissi on (in 4 7 CFR 1 5 . 1 05) has s pecifi ed that the follo wing notice be br ought to the attention o f users of this pr oduct.
Notice to users in Japan ab out the power cord HP Deskjet 1000 J110 series declaration of conformity DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY according to ISO/IEC 170 5 0-1 and EN 17050-1 DoC #: VCVRA-1003 -01 Suppl.
Index A after the support period 36 C customer support warranty 36 E environment Environmental product stewardship program 39 environmental specifications 37 P paper recommended types 13 phone support.
46 Index.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts HP Deskjet 1000 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie HP Deskjet 1000 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für HP Deskjet 1000 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von HP Deskjet 1000 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über HP Deskjet 1000 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon HP Deskjet 1000 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von HP Deskjet 1000 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit HP Deskjet 1000. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei HP Deskjet 1000 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.