Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung QR516B des Produzenten HP (Hewlett-Packard)
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HP 3P AR VMw ar e E SX Imple men tati on Gui de Abstract This imple mentation gui de pr ov ides inf ormati on for e stablishing comm unications be tween an HP 3P AR Sto re Serv Stor age and a VMwar e E SX host .
© Cop yr ight 20 1 3 Hewlett-P ackar d Developmen t Compan y , L.P . Conf identi al computer s oftwar e. V alid lice nse fr om HP r equir ed for pos sessi on, u se or cop ying .
C ont ents 1 Intr oducti on...............................................................................................6 Supported C onf igur ations ...................................................................................................
Sc ript A lter nati ve f or P ath P olic y Changes o n Stor age Dev ice s w ithout a Hos t Reboo t..............46 P erf ormance C onside r ations f or Multiple Hos t Conf igurati ons........................................................47 E SX/E SXi Handling S CSI Queue F ull and Bus y Mess ages fr om the HP 3P AR Sto r eS erv Stor age Ar r ay .
HP 3P AR document ation.......................................................................................................... 85 T ypogr aphic co nv entions...........................................................................................
1 Intr oducti on This im plementati on gui de pr ov ides inf ormati on f or est ablishing communi catio ns betwee n an HP 3P AR Stor eServ Sto r age and a VMwar e E SX hos t .
HP 3P AR O S Upgr ade Consi der ations F or infor mation abo ut planning an online HP 3P AR Oper ating S y stem (HP 3P AR OS) upgr ade , see the HP 3P AR Operating S ys tem Upgr ade Pr e -P lanning Guide , whi ch is a v ailable on the HP Bu siness Support Cen ter (B S C) w ebsite: http://www .
2 C onf igur ing the HP 3P AR St or e Se r v S tor age f or F ibr e Channe l This c hapter e xplains ho w to est ablish a F ibre C hannel connecti on betw een the HP 3P AR Stor eServ Sto r age and a VMwar e E SX host and co ver s HP 3P AR OS 3 . 1 .x, O S 2 .
2. If the port has not bee n conf igur ed , tak e the port offline be fo r e confi gur ing it for the E SX hos t b y issuing the fo llo w ing HP 3P AR O S CLI command: controlport offline [node:slot:p.
2. T o c r eate hos t def initions , issue the createhost command w ith the -persona option to spec if y the per sona and the ho st name . F or HP 3P AR O S 3 . 1 . 1 or earli er : # createhost -persona 6 ESXserver1 10000000C9724AB2 10000000C97244FE F or HP 3P AR OS 3 .
NO TE: For conf igur ations that ar e intended t o hav e more than one h ost ty pe (for e xample , an E SX host and a W indo w s host) co nnected to a shar ed HP 3P AR S tor e Serv Stor age HB A port .
Cr eating the Hos t Def initio n Bef or e connecting the E SX hos t to the HP 3P AR Stor eServ St or age , cr eate a host de finiti on f or each HP 3P AR Stor eServ St or age that is to be connect ed to a hos t HB A port thr ough a f abr ic or a dir ect connecti on .
Y ou can set up f abr ic z oning b y ass oc iating the de v ice W orld W ide Names (WWNs) or the s wit ch ports w ith spec if ied z ones in the f abr ic .
3 . 0.2 or later , ver ify that each s witc h port is in the corr ect mode using the Br ocade telnet interf ace and the portcfgshow command , as fo llo ws: brocade2_1:admin> portcfgshow Ports 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 -----------------+--+--+--+--+----+--+--+-- Speed AN AN AN AN AN AN AN AN Trunk Port ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON Locked L_Port .
◦ HP 3P AR HBA 4G: 1 6 3 8 ◦ HP 3P AR HBA 8G: 3 2 7 6 (HP 3P AR S tor e Serv 1 0000 and HP 3P AR St or eS erv 7 000 s y stems onl y) • The I/O queue s ar e shar ed among the connect ed host HB A ports on a fir st-come , f irst-serv ed basis .
In HP 3P AR Stor age ar ra ys w ith mor e than t w o nodes, f ailov er behav ior occ urs on node pair s; that is, if n ode 0 goes do w n, ports on n ode 0 fail o v er to node 1 , if node 2 goes do wn , ports on node 2 fail o v er to node 3, and s o on.
Bef or e P ersisten t P orts is acti v e , the output o f the showhost command displa y s as fo llo ws: # showhost Id Name Persona ---------------WWN/iSCSI_Name--------------- Port 1 server1 Generic 5.
3 C onf igur ing the HP 3P AR St or e Se r v S tor age f or iS CS I This c hapter e xplains ho w to est ablish an iS C SI connec tion be tween the HP 3P AR Sto r eS erv Stor age and the VMw ar e E SX ho st . If y ou ar e running spec ific CN A car ds, a s oftwar e or hard war e iS CS I initiato r can be used .
3. Is sue the HP 3P AR OS CLI showport -iscsi command to chec k the c urr ent settings of the iS CS I ports: # showport -iscsi N:S:P State IPAddr Netmask Gateway TPGT MTU Rate DHCP iSNS_Prim iSNS_Sec iSNS_Port 0:1:1 offline 11 1500 n/a 0 0.
E SX/E SXi u ses the gene ri c legacy ho st per sona of 6 f or HP 3P AR O S 3 . 1 . 1 or earli er . As of HP 3P AR OS 3 . 1 .2 , a second hos t pers ona 1 1 (VMwar e) , w hic h enables a s ymme tri c logical unit access ( AL U A) is a v ailable .
ports mus t hav e been se t up and an iS CS I connection/s essi on mu st be est ablished . The iS CS I connecti on/se ssi on is esta blished by f ollo wing the st eps in “Setting Up the P or ts f or.
The f ollow ing ex ample us es the CHAP sec r et (CHAP pass wor d) host_secret3 fo r the E SX hos t . Be aw are that the CHAP s ecr et must be at leas t 1 2 char acte rs long . 2. On the E SX host ’s VI/vSpher e clien t , open the Stor age Adapters tab , then selec t the iS CS I Softw ar e Adapt er , and select the Pr operties link.
Figur e 2 CHAP Credentials in E SX/ESX i 4.x or ESX/E SXi 5 .x 3. En ter the CHAP Secret (mus t be at least 1 2 char acter s long) . U se the same s ecr et that you enter o n the stor age side . 4. Cli ck OK w hen y ou are done . A war ning sc r een appears indi cating that a r eboot of the E SX hos t is r equir ed .
5 . Clic k OK again to confir m. 6. On the HP 3P AR Stor eSe rv Stor age , issue the HP 3P AR OS CLI sethost command w ith the initchap par ameter to s et the CHAP sec r et f or the E SX host .
Figur e 3 CHAP Credentials in ESX 4.x and 5 .x Issue the HP 3P AR OS CLI showhost -chap command to v er ify that the spec if ied CHAP sec r et has been s et fo r the host de f inition .
2. Pr ess Ctrl+S to en ter the utility . Figur e 4 iSCSI Utility 3. S elect a contr oller and pr ess Enter . 4. F r om the Contr oller Configuration sc r een , select Networ k Configuration and pr ess Enter . 5 . In the Net w ork Configur ation scr een, se lect Configur e Static IP Address and pre ss Enter .
1 . After en ter ing the iSCSI Initiat or Configuration sc r een, w hich w ill be the firs t sc r een displa y ed, obtain the IQN f or the car d and cr eate a host de finiti on on the HP 3P AR Sto r eS erv Stor age . F or ex ample: # createhost – iscsi – persona 11 Esx50Sys1 iqn.
1 1 . If y ou do not w ant to u se CHAP as an au thenti cation meth od, e xit the CN1 1 00E setup sc r eens and r eboot no w . If y ou w ould lik e to us e CHAP as an authe nticati on method , retur n.
Figur e 9 CHAP Configuration f or Mutual CHAP F ill in the T arget CHAP Name (the initiato r IQN name) , the T arget Secret , the Initiator CHAP Name ( w hic h is the DNS name of the s tor age), and an Initiator Secret , and then cli c k OK .
T ar get P ort Limits and S pec if icati ons T o av oid o v erwhelming a t arge t port and ensur e continu ous I/O oper ations, ob serve the f ollow ing limitatio ns on a tar get port: • I/O queue d.
4 C onf igur ing the HP 3P AR St or e Se r v S tor age f or FC oE Setting Up the FC oE S w itc h , FCoE Initi ator , and FCoE t ar get por ts Connec t the E SX host FC oE initiato r port(s) and the HP 3P AR S tor e Serv Sto rage FC oE tar get ports to the FCoE s wit ch(es).
NO TE: If changing the conf ig fr om iS CS I to FC oE , follo w the steps belo w . 1 . Issue the showport command . # showport 0:3:1 target ready - 000E1E05BEE6 iscsi iSCSI - - - 0:3:2 target ready - 000E1E05BEE2 iscsi iSCSI - - - 2 .
Cr eating the Host Def initio n Bef or e connecting the E SX hos t to the HP 3P AR Stor eServ St or age , a host de f inition needs to be cr eated that spec if ies a v alid host per sona (h ost mode) f or eac h HP 3P AR Stor eServ St or age port that is to be connec ted to a ho st HB A por t thr ough a fabr ic or dir ect connec tion .
Use showhost -persona to sho w the pers ona name and Id r elationship . # showhost -persona Id Name Persona_Id Persona_Name Persona_Caps 0 ESXserver1 6 Generic-legacy -- 1 Esxserver2 11 VMware SubLun,.
5 C onf igur ing the Ho st f or a F ibr e C hannel C onnec tion This c hapter desc r ibes the pr ocedur es and consi der atio ns that ar e r equir ed to set u p an E SX host to communi cate w ith an HP 3P AR St or eS erv Stor age ov er a F ibre C hannel connecti on .
T o change P ath T OV v alue (r epeat f or all ports) fo llo w the ex ample belo w . Also this command can be included in E SX hos t startup suc h that it w ill be run au tomati cally .
NO TE: VMwar e and HP r ecommend the LS I logic adapter em ulation f or W indo w s 2003 S erver s. The L SI L ogic adapter is als o the defa ult option f or W indo w s 2003 w hen cr eating a ne w v irtual machine .
F ibre Channe l” (page 39) for pr ocedure s on implemen ting and conf igur ing the r ound-r obin path polic y on E SX/E SXi 4. 0 and later w ith an HP 3P AR St or eS erv Stor age. • A path polic y of "r ound-r obin" is the pre fe rr ed multipath imple mentati on f or E SX/E SXi 4.
• A path polic y of MR U (most r ecently us ed) does not main tain or r eins tate balanc ing of I/O load after a failo ver/f ailback m ultipath e ven t . This could lea ve I/O in an unplanned f or and unbalanced stat e whi ch ma y yi eld signif ican t I/O perfor mance issue s.
Figur e 1 0 LUN Set to R ound Robin Managing a r ound r obin I/O path polic y sc heme thr ough the VI/vS pher e cli ent GUI f or a large netw ork can be c umbersome and c hallenging to main tain becaus e the polic y mus t be spec if ied fo r each L UN indi vi dually and u pdated w hene ve r new de vi ces ar e added .
NO TE: • S A TP rule c hanges cannot be aff ected thr ough vSpher e GUI. • S A TP rule change s thr ough esx cli commands populate the esx.conf file .
E SX/E SX i 4. 0 G A - 4.0 U x NO TE: • Th ough E SX 4.0 G A - 4. 0 Ux su pports cu stom S A TP rules, the -P opti ons f or setting P SP (path polic y) w ithin the c usto m rule ar e not suppo rted. P SP must be def ined w ithin the def ault S A TP rule s.
CA UTION: T he pr ocedur e for c hanging the default S A TP rule s to use the r ound r obin I/O multipathing poli cy is int ended to appl y onl y to VMw ar e hos ts using HP 3P AR Stor eServ S tor age L UNs.
T o r emo ve the a bo ve A cti ve -Ac tiv e cus tom S A TP rule: # esxcli storage nmp satp rule remove -s "VMW_SATP_DEFAULT_AA" -P "VMW_PSP_RR" -O iops=100 – c "tpgs_off&quo.
S A TP Cu sto m R ules and Ass oc iated Def ined P ar ameter s T o list S A TP cu stom r ules and as soc iated def ined par ameter s, issue the f ollow ing commands: E SXi 5 .
E SX/E SXi 4.x e xample The co mmand is the same fo r E SX/E SXi 4.x . T he output sho wn is f or E SX 4.0: # esxcli nmp device list naa.50002ac000b40125 Device Display Name: 3PARdata Fibre Channel Disk (naa.
E SX/E SXi 4.x # esxcli nmp device list -d naa.50002ac0005800ac NO TE: If I/O is activ e to a L UN and an attempt is made to modify the path polic y , a failur e can occ ur : error during the configur.
VMw ar e E SX Releas e 3 .5 Update 4 thr ough E SX 4.x and E SX i 5 .0 As of VMw ar e E SX relea se 3 . 5 update 4 , and inc luding E SX 4.0 G A and E SX 4.
F ollo w-up A cti ons/R ecommendatio ns fo r E SX 3 . 5 Update 3 and E ar lier The be hav ior of the HP 3P AR Stor eServ St or age port being o ve rr un is limited onl y to E SX 3 . 5 update 3 and ear lier s erver s. Other HP -supported oper ating s ys tems handle Queue F ull notif icati ons b y backing o ff on I/O fo r a per iod of time .
Ex ample 2 (set up a s follo ws): • LS I 2G FC HB A installed on the HP 3P AR Stor e Serv Stor age • 1 2 E SX hosts attac hed to a LS I port on the HP 3P AR Stor e Serv Stor age F ormula: 510 / 12 = (recommended max target port queue depth = 42) Setting tgt_que ue_depth for Em ule x in E SX 3 .
3 . Mak e a back up copy o f /etc/vmware/esx.conf . cp /etc/vmware/esx.conf /etc/vmware/esx.conf.orig 4. Identify the QLogi c HB A module that is cur r entl y loaded. vmkload_mod -l | grep qla2300 Depending on the model of the HB A, the module can be one of the f ollo w ing: qla2300_707 (E SX 3.
E SX extensi ons that mak e use of thes e pr imitiv es ar e collecti v ely r efer r ed to as vS tor age APIs f or Ar r ay Int egr ation (V AAI) . T he VMwar e primiti ves ena ble an E SX/ESX i host to con ve y v irtual machine oper atio ns to stor age hard w ar e at a meta le v el instead o f at the tr aditional dat a lev el.
NO TE: V AAI Plugin 2 .2 .0 is r equired if the E SX i 5 .x serv er is connected t o two or mor e arr a ys that ar e running a mi x of OS HP 3P AR OS 2 . 3 . 1 .x and OS 3 . 1 .x . F or L UNs on HP 3P AR OS 3 . 1 .x, the de fault VMw are T1 0 plugin will be e ffecti ve , and for st or age L UNs on HP 3P AR O S 2 .
additional disk s pace is added, u se the Retry optio n on the war ning mes sage to br ing the VM back t o the read-w rite s tate . If y ou selec t the Cancel option , the VM is rebooted . In the fo llo w ing ex ample, an HP 3P AR Sto r eS erv Stor age TPVV volume w as cr eated w ith a war ning limit of 6 0%, as sho wn in the showvv -alert command.
Figur e 1 1 Virtual Machine M essage — Retry and Cancel options Additi onal Ne w Primiti v es Support on E SX i 5 .x HP 3P AR OS 3 . 1 . 1 or later supports additional ne w primiti v es , called TP L UN R eporting, w her e the E SXi 5 .
V AAI P lugin V er if icati on NO TE: V AAI Plugin 2 .2 .0 m ust be inst alled if an E SX i 5 .x serv er is connect ed to two o r mor e arr ay s that ar e running a mi x of HP 3P AR OS 2 .3 .x and 3. 1 .x. F or L UNs fr om HP 3P AR OS 3 . 1 .x, the def ault VMw ar e T1 0 plugin will be eff ectiv e, and f or stor age L UNs fr om HP 3P AR O S 2 .
• On E SX 4. 1 , you can v er ify that the V AAI P lugin is installed and ena bled on de vi ces u sing the fo llo w ing commands: • T o sho w the v ersi on of the ins talled V AAI plugin: # esxupdate --vib-view query | grep 3par cross_3par-vaaip-inserv_410.
Figur e 1 2 Hardw are Acceler ation for HP 3P AR devices VMw ar e All P aths Do w n All P aths Dow n ( APD), a featur e of the VMw are E SXi ho st us ed in case s whe r e all paths to the VM go do wn becaus e of st or age failur e or administr ati ve er r or , is pr oper ly handled in E SX 5 .
6 C onf igur ing the Ho st a s an FC oE Initi ator C onnecting t o a FC tar get or an FC oE T ar get All cont ents of the F ibr e Channel s ectio n of this guide a pply to FC oE connecti vity as w ell .
Figur e 1 3 Configuring FCoE 2. In the S ystem Options pane , select NIC P ersonality Options . Figur e 1 4 NI C P ersonality Options 3. In the P CI Slot 2 P ane, s elect FCoE f or both P ort 1 and P or t 2 .
Figur e 1 5 Configuring the PCI Slots 4. PCI Slot 2 P ort 1 and P ort 2 n o w displa y FCoE . Figur e 1 6 PCI Slot 1 and Slot 2 Configur ed for FCoE 5 .
Figur e 1 7 Exiting the BIOS Utility C onf i gur ing an HP 3P AR Sto r eS erv Stor age P or t f or a FCoE Ho st C onnecti on When s etting up FCoE initi ator to FC t ar get , ther e is nothing uni que that needs to be conf igur ed on the HP 3P AR Stor eServ St or age .
Figur e 1 8 Initiator FCoE to FC T arget NO TE: For co mplete and det ailed instru ctio ns for co nfi gur ing a serve r w ith a giv en Con v er ged Netw ork A dapter , r ef er to the CNA man ufac tur er doc umentati on .
Figur e 1 9 Initiator FCoE to T arget FCoE 1 . Install the CN A card in the s erver j us t lik e an y other P CIe card - r efer t o the server v endor doc umentati on . 2. Inst all the CNA car d dri v er fo llow ing the CNA car d installati on instr ucti ons (it as sumes the serv er is alr eady r unning a supported oper ating s y stem).
7 C onf igur ing the Ho st f or an iS C S I C onnec ti on This c hapter desc r ibes the pr ocedur es f or se tting up an E SX so ftwar e iS CS I conf igur ation w ith an HP 3P AR Stor eServ Sto r age . The instr uc tions in this c hapter sh ould be used in co njunc tion w ith the VMw ar e vSpher e Stor age Guide .
NO TE: When multiple teamed NICs ar e configur ed, all HP 3P AR Stor eServ St or age iS CS I ports and E SX iSC SI NIC s must be in the s ame VL AN o f the IP sw itch .
Inst alling V irtual Machine Gues t Oper ating S ys tem The VMw are E SX documen tatio n lists r ecommended v irtual machine gue st oper ating s y stems (GO S) and their ins tallatio n and setup as v ir tual mac hines . R efe r to the VMw ar e E SX doc umentati on f or info rmati on on setting up y our virtual mac hine conf igur ati on.
3 . Cli ck the Add Networ king L ink. T he Add Netw or k w i z ard appear s. 4. Selec t VMk ernel and c lic k N e xt . This lets y ou connect t o the VMk ernel w hich r uns serv ices f or iS CS I sto r age to the ph ysi cal netw ork . The Netwo rk A ccess page appear s.
8. Cli ck OK to co mplete . NO TE: HP r ecommends an A cti v e/Acti ve NIC T eaming conf igur ati on for be st failo ver perfo rmance . NIC T eaming ho w e ve r , is not suppo rted with E SXi 5 .
1 0. Enter a netw ork la bel. C lic k Ne xt . 1 1 . Spec if y the IP se ttings that w ill be used f or the iS CSI netw or k. C lic k Next . 1 2 . R ev iew the inf ormation .
5 . Enter the Ne twor k La bel and IP addr ess f or the Serv ice cons ole us ed to communi cate w ith the iS CS I so ftwar e initiato r . The IP addr ess mu st be in the same su bnet as the iS CS I. 6 . Cli ck Ne xt . A w indo w appears sh o w ing the change s/additions that ha v e been made .
9 . Check the Configur ation displa y . The ne w networ k conf igur atio n is displa yed w ith the addition of the iS CS I networ k . Y ou should no w be able to p ing the HP 3P AR St or e Serv Stor age por ts that w ere pr ev io usl y def ined fr om the CO S .
4. In the E SX host , selec t the Configuration t ab . T hen selec t iSCSI Softwar e Adapter in Storage Adapter . 5 . Cli ck the Pr operties tab . 6 . Selec t the General tab . 7 . Clic k Configure .. . 8. Selec t the Enabled chec k bo x for the s tatus .
1 1 . Cli ck Add ... . 1 2 . Enter the IP addr ess of one o f the pr ev iousl y def ined HP 3P AR Stor eServ St or age iS CS I ports. 1 3 . Cli ck OK . 1 4. Add additi onal HP 3P AR Stor e Serv Stor age iSC SI po rts if they e x ist and ha v e been def ined on the s y stem .
1 5 . When all o f the desir ed HP 3P AR Stor eServ St or age iS CS I ports hav e been added to the Dy namic Disco very t ab , clo se this w indo w . Conf igur ing the VMw are iS CSI Initi ator 7 5.
1 6. Reboo t the E SX hos t . If v irtual machines ar e acti ve , shut them do wn or sus pend them . The E SX hos t and HP 3P AR Stor eServ St or age should no w be configur ed for u se . Using the showhost command on the HP 3P AR Stor eSe rv Stor age , the ne w iS CS I connecti ons sho uld no w sho w as pre sent .
NO TE: If y ou ar e running W2K8 VM Clu ster w ith RDM-shar ed L UNs , then indi vi duall y change these s pec ifi c RDM L UNs fr om R ound R obin poli cy to F i xed P ath policy .
8 Allocating S tor age fo r Acces s b y the E SX Host This c hapter desc r ibes the basi c pr ocedur es that ar e r equir ed to cr eate and e xport v irtual volumes so the y can be utili z ed b y the VMwar e E SX hos t .
Cr eating Virtual V olumes fo r HP 3P AR OS 2 .2 . 3 or E arli er When r unning HP 3P AR OS 2 .2 . 3 or earlie r , the createaldvv command can be used to c r eate v irtual volume s on the HP 3P AR Stor eServ St or age that can then be e xported and disco v er ed b y the E SX host .
http://www sc Conce rning TPVVs , E SX VMF S- 3 does n ot w rit e data to the entir e volume at initi ali z ation and it can be used w ith TPVVs with out an y conf igur ation change s to VMF S.
Consult the HP 3P AR Management Cons ole Use rs Guide and the HP 3P AR C ommand L ine Interf ace R efe r ence fo r complete det ails on e xporting volume s and av ailable opti ons f or the HP 3P AR OS v ersi on that is being u sed on the HP 3P AR Stor eSe rv Stor age .
Figur e 20 Detaching a L UN Hos t and S tor age Usage Ev entlog and Hos t L og Mess ages All HP 3P AR sy stem debug mess ages can be seen u sing the showeventlog -debug cli command . On the E SX ho st , err ors ar e r eported in /var/log/vmkernel f iles.
At an int erval of e v ery 5 minutes , an E SX host suc h as E SXi 5 .x sends REPORT LUN commands and disco v ers an y new L UNs. On E SXi 5 .x, the f ollo w ing vmkernel log message is n ot harmf ul and can be igno r ed: 34:41.371Z cpu0:7701)WARNING: ScsiDeviceIO: 6227: The device naa.
9 Booting the VMw ar e E SX Hos t f r om the HP 3P AR S tor eS erv S tor age This c hapter pr o vi des a gener al ov erv ie w of the pr ocedures that ar e req uir ed to boot the VMw ar e E SX operating s yst em fr om the S AN.
1 0 Suppo rt and O the r R esour ces C ontac ting HP F or wor ld w ide tec hnical su pport infor mation , see the HP support w ebsite: http://www pport Bef or e contac ting HP , collect the.
See: For inf ormation about: HP 3P AR-to- 3P AR Stor age P eer Motion Gui de Migr ating data fr om one HP 3P AR stor age sy stem to an other HP 3P AR Sec ur e Servi ce Cus todian C onfi gurati on Util.
See: For inf ormation about: Planning f or HP 3P AR storage sy stem setup Hard w are s pecif ications , installatio n consider ations , po we r req uire ments, ne twor king options , and cabling info .
T ypogr aphi c con ve nti ons T able 4 D ocument conventions Element Conv ention Bold text • K eys that y ou pres s • T ext y ou typed into a G UI element , suc h as a te xt box • GUI elemen ts .
1 1 Doc umentati on f eedbac k HP is committed to pr ov iding doc umentatio n that meets y our needs . T o help us impr ov e the doc umentati on , send an y err ors , sugges tions , or commen ts to Doc umentati on F eedback ( docsfeedback@hp.
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Wenn Sie HP (Hewlett-Packard) QR516B noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für HP (Hewlett-Packard) QR516B - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von HP (Hewlett-Packard) QR516B reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über HP (Hewlett-Packard) QR516B erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon HP (Hewlett-Packard) QR516B besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von HP (Hewlett-Packard) QR516B verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit HP (Hewlett-Packard) QR516B. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei HP (Hewlett-Packard) QR516B gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.