Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung Officejet 6600 des Produzenten HP (Hewlett-Packard)
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OFFICEJE T 660 0 Us er Gui de.
HP Officejet 6600 e-All-in- One series User Guide.
Copyright informati on © 2012 Copyright Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. Edition 1, 1/2012 Hewlett-Packar d Company notices The information contain ed in this document is su bject to change without notice.
Contents 1 Get started Accessibility......................... ................................................................ ......................... ..............9 Eco............ ........................ ...................... ..................
Print on envelopes ..................................... ............................................ ............................ .......30 Print on envelopes (Windows)............. ........................................................ ...........
Set up speed-dial entries. ............................................. .......................................... .............. ....55 Set up and change speed-dial entries.............................................................................
8 Solve a problem HP support.......... ............................... ............................... ............................ ................. ...... .....76 Obtain electron ic support......... ........................... ......................
Solve wireless problems.............. ................................................ .......................................... .115 Basic wireless troubleshooting......................................................................................
Regulatory informatio n........................... .............................................................. ................ ..1 44 Regulatory Model Number. ................................. ................................... ..................
C Additional fax s etup Set up faxing (parallel phone systems)........................................... ..................... ..................167 Select the correct fax setup for your home or office.......................................... ......
E Printer managemen t tools Toolbox (Windows)........... ............................................ ............................................... ........ ...198 HP Utility (Mac OS X)........... ....................................................
1 Get started This guide provide s details about how to use the p rinter and how to resolve problem s. • Accessibility • Eco • Understand the pri nter parts • Use the printer cont rol panel .
Eco Hewlett-Pa ckard is committed to providing quality prod ucts in an environmentally sound manner. Design for recycl ing has been incorporated into this product. For more information , see Environmental product stewards hip program. HP is committe d to helpi ng customers redu ce their e nvironmental f ootprint.
Understand the printer parts This section cont ains the following topics: • Front view • Printing supplies area • Back view Front view 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 6 9 10 1 Automatic document feeder ( ADF) 2 S.
Printing supplies area h 2 3 1 1 Ink cartridge access door 2 Ink cartridges 3 Printhead NOTE: Printing supplies shoul d be kept in the printer to pre vent possible print quality issues or prin thead damage. Avoid removin g supplies for extended periods of time.
Use the printer control panel This section cont ains the following topics: • Overview of buttons and lights • Control panel d isplay icons • Change printer setti ngs Overview of b uttons and lights The followin g diagrams and related tables pro vide a quick reference to the prin ter control panel features.
Control panel disp lay icons Icon Purpose Shows that a wireless network connection exists. The signal strength is indicated by the number of curved lines. This is for in frastructure mode. For more information, see Set up the printer for wireless commu nication.
TIP: If the printer i s connected to a computer, you can also cha nge the printer settings using HP sof tware tools available on your comput er, such as the HP printer software, HP Utility (Mac OS X), or the EWS. For m ore information about these tools, see Printer ma nagement tools.
The model numbe r is printed on a label locate d on the inside of the ink-cartridge access door, near the ink cartrid ges area. HP Digital Solutions The printer incl udes a collection of digit al solutions that can h elp you simplify and streamline your work.
Recommended pa pers for printing and copying If you want the b est print quality, HP recommen ds using HP papers that are specifical ly designed for the t ype of project you are printing. Depending on your cou ntry/region, some of these pap ers might not be available.
To order HP papers a nd other supplies, go to Go to Shop for Products & Services , and select Ink, to ner & pape r . NOTE: At this time, some port ions of the HP web site are available i n English only.
• When loading the t rays and ADF, make sure the medi a is loaded correctly. For more inform ation, see Load media or Load an original in the aut omatic document feeder (ADF). • Do not overload the tra y or ADF. For more informatio n, see Load media or Load an original in the aut omatic document feeder (AD F).
3. Close the li d. Load an original in the auto matic document feeder (ADF) You can copy, scan, or fax a docum ent by placing it in the automatic document f eeder (ADF). CAUTION: Do not load phot os in the ADF; th is might cause damage to your photos.
Load media This section provides instru ctions for loading media into the printer. This section cont ains the following topics: • Load standard -size media • Load envelop es • Load cards and photo paper • Load custom-size medi a Load standard-s ize media To load standard-size m edia Use these instructio ns to load standard media.
Load envelope s To load envel opes Use these instructio ns to load an envelope. 1. Lift the o utput tray. 2. Slide out the paper w idth guides in the input tray a s far as possible. 3. Insert the envelopes print-si de down and load according to the graph ic.
3. Insert the media print -side down in the tray. Make sure the stack of media is inserted as far inside th e printer as possible and does not exceed the l ine marking in the tray. If the pho to paper has a tab along one edg e, make sure the tab is pointing tow ards the front of the printer.
5. Lower the output tray. 6. Pull out the tray exte nder. Maintain the printer This section provides instru ctions for keeping the printe r in top working condition.
3. Clean the gla ss by using a soft, lint-f ree cloth that has been spraye d with a mild glass cleaner. Dry the gla ss with a dry, soft, lint-free cloth. CAUTION: Use only glass cleaner to cle an the scanner glass. Avoid cleaners that contain abrasives, acetone, benzene, and carbon tetrachloride, al l of which can damage the sca nner glass.
cover to access the pick assem bly inside the automatic document feeder, clean the rollers or separator pad, an d then close the cover. To clean the ro llers or separator pad 1. Remove all origina ls from the document feeder tra y. 2. Lift the autom atic document feeder cover (1).
TIP: To enable the printe r to automa tically ch eck for upda tes, touc h Settings , touch Product Updates , touch Auto Update , and then tou ch Automatically . Turn off the printer Turn the printer of f by pressing (Pow er) button located on the printer.
2P r i n t Most print settings a re automatically handled by the sof tware application. Change t he settings manuall y only when you want to change p rint quality, print on specific typ es of paper, or use special f eatures. For more information about selecting the best print media for your do cuments, see Select print media.
Print document s (Windows) 1. Load paper in the tra y. For more information, see L oad media. 2. On the File menu in your software application , click Print . 3. Make sure the printer you wan t to use is selected. 4. To change setting s, click the button that opens t he Properties dialog box.
Print brochures (Win dows) NOTE: To set print settings for all print jobs, make the changes in the HP software provided with the prin ter. For more information on the HP sof tware, see Printer management tools. 1. Load paper in the tra y. For more information, see L oad media.
• Thick, irregular, or curled edges • Areas that are wr inkled, torn, or otherwis e damaged Make sure the folds of envelop es you load in the printer are sharply creased. NOTE: For more information a bout printing on envelopes, see the do cumentation available with the sof tware program you are using.
Print photos Do not leave unused photo paper in the input tray. The paper might start to curl, w hich could impair the q uality of your printout. Phot o paper should be flat before print ing.
5. Select the appropriate pap er size from the Paper Size pop-up menu (if available). 6. Click Paper Type/Quality from the pop-up menu, and then se lect the followin g settings: • Paper Type: The ap.
1. Load the appropriat e paper in the tray. For more informatio n, see Load me dia. 2. Select a paper size: a .F r o m t h e File menu in your sof tware application, click Page Setup . NOTE: If you do not see a Page Setup menu item, go to step 3. b . Make sure the printer you w ant to use is selected in the Format For pop-u p menu.
Follow the inst ructions for your operating syst em. • Print borderless documents (Windows ) • Print borderless documents (Ma c OS X) Print borderless documents (Windows) 1. Load paper in the tra y. For more information, see L oad media. 2. On the File menu in your software application , click Print .
3 Scan You can use the printe r’s control panel to scan documents, ph otos, and other originals and send them to a vari ety of desti nations, su ch as a fold er on a comput er. You can also scan these origin als from your computer using eith er the HP software provided with the printer or TW AIN-compliant or WIA-complian t programs.
Use these steps to scan from the control panel. 1. Load your original prin t-side down in the right-front corne r of the glass or in the ADF. For more in formation, se e Load an original o n the scanner glass or Load a n original in the aut omatic document feeder (AD F).
TIP: To scan document s as editable text , you must instal l the HP software included with the printer. For more info rmation, see Scanning docu ments as editable text. Scanning documents as editable text When scanning document s, you can use the HP software t o sca n documents into a format that you can search , copy, paste, and edit.
3. From the HP Sca n menu, click Preferences . 4. Select the Documents preset from the Pres ets pop-up menu. 5. To start the scan, click Scan . 6. After the s can is complete, click the Save button i n the HP Scan toolb ar 7. Select the type of edita ble text you want to use in t he scan: I want to.
• Choose th e correct profile. Be sure to select a shortcut or preset that allows scanning as edita ble text. These options use scan settings d esigned to maximize the quality of yo ur OCR scan. In Windows, use the Ed itable Text (OCR) or Save as PDF shortcuts.
4C o p y You can produce high-quality color and grayscale copies on a variety of paper types and sizes. NOTE: If you are copying a documen t when a fax arrives, the fax is stored in the printer's me mory until the copying finishes. Thi s can reduc e the number of fax pages stored in memo ry.
You can use these settin gs for single copy jobs, or you can save set tings to be used as defaults for f uture jobs. To change copy setti ngs for a single job 1. Touch Copy . 2. Select the copy function se ttings you want to change. 3. Touch Start Black or Start Color .
5F a x You can use the printer t o send and receive faxes, including color faxes. You can schedule faxes to be sent a t a later time and set up speed-dia ls to send faxes quickly and easily to frequent ly used numbers.
TIP: You can also se nd a fax manually from a ph one or by using monitor dialing. These features allow you to control the pace of your dialing. Th ey are also useful when you want to use a calling ca rd to charge the call and you have to resp ond to tone prompt s while diali ng.
Mac OS X 1. Open the document on your computer that you want to fax. 2. From the File menu i n your soft ware applic ation, cl ick Print . 3. Select the printer t hat has “(Fax)” in the name. 4. Select Fax Recipi ents from the pop-up men u below the Orientation setting.
4. If the recipient answers the tele phone, you can engage in a conversation bef ore sending your fax. NOTE: If a fax machine an swers the ca ll, you wi ll hear fa x tones from t he receiving fax machine. Pro ceed to the next step to transmit the fax.
unavailable. T he printer scans the originals into memory and sends them once it is able to connect to the receivin g fax machine. After the printer scans the pages into me mory, you can immedia tely remove the originals from the document feeder tray or scanner glass.
To cancel a sched uled fax 1. Touch the Send Fax L ater message on the display. – OR – Touch Fax , and then select Fax Options or Fax Settings . 2. Touch Cancel Sche duled Fax . Send a fax to multiple recipients You can send a fax to mul tiple recipients at once by grou ping individual speed dial entries into group spe ed dial entries.
Receive a fax You can receive faxe s automatically or manually. If you turn off the Auto Answer option, you must receive f axes manually. If you turn on the Auto Answer option (the default settin g), the printer automatically answers incoming call s and receives faxes after the num ber of rings that are specified by the Rings to Answer setti ng.
4. If you are currently on the phone with the sender, instruct the sender to press Start on their fax machine. 5. When you hear fax ton es from a sending fax machine, do the fo llowing: a . Touch Fax , and then select Sta rt Black or Start Color . b .
NOTE: After the memory becomes ful l, the oldest, printed faxes are overwritte n as new faxes are received . If all the stored faxes are unprinted , the printer does not receive any fax calls until you pr int or delete the faxes from memory. You mi ght also want to delet e the faxes in memory for security or privacy purposes.
4. Touch On (Print and Forw ard) to pr int and forwar d the fax, or select On (Forward) to forward the fax. NOTE: If the printer is not ab le to forward the fax to the desi gnated fax machine (for example, if it is not turned on), the printer prin ts the fax.
When an incoming fax cal l is received, the printer compare s the number to the list of junk fax numbers to det ermine if the call should be bl ocked. If the number matches a number in the blocked f ax numbers list, the fax is not printed. (T he maximum number of fax numbers you can block varies by model.
Print a Junk Fax Rep ort Use the follow ing procedure to print a list of blocke d junk fax numbers. To print a Junk Fax Report 1. Touch (right arrow), an d then touch Setup . 2. Touch Fax Setup , and then touc h Basic Fax Setup . 3. Touch Junk Fax Blocker .
To set up Fax to Mac (Mac OS X) 1. Open HP Utility. For more inf ormation, see HP Utility (Ma c OS X). 2. Click the Applications ico n on the HP Ut ility toolba r.
TIP: In addition to crea ting and managing speed-dial entri es from the printer’s control panel, you ca n also use tools available on your comput er, such as the HP software included w ith the printer and the printer’s embed ded web server (EWS). For more information, see Printer mana gement tools.
1. On the printer’s cont rol panel, touch (right arrow), and then to uch Setup . 2. Touch Fax Setup , an d then select Speed Dial Setup . 3. Touch Group Sp eed Dial , and then tou ch an unused entry number. 4. Touch the speed-di al entries you want to include in the group speed-dial entry, and then touc h OK .
• Set the fax speed • Set the fax so und volume Configure the fax head er The fax header prints your nam e and fax number on the top of every fa x you send. HP recommends that you set up the fax header by using the HP softw are provided with the printer.
monitors the line. If the printer det ects fax tones, it receives the fax. If t he call is a voice call, the answeri ng machine re cords the incoming message. To set the number of ri ngs before answering 1. Touch (right arrow), an d then touch Setup .
5. A message appears statin g that this setting should not be changed unless you have multiple numbe rs on the same telephone line. Touch Yes to continu e. 6. Do one of the fo llowing: • Touch the ring patte rn assigned by your telephone company t o fax calls.
Set the fax speed You can set the fax speed used to communicate between you r printer and other fax machines when sendi ng and receiving faxes. If you use one of the f ollowing, setting the fax sp eed.
HP printers are design ed specifically for use with tr aditional analog phone services. I f you are i n a digita l phone en vironment (suc h as DSL/ADSL , PBX, or ISDN), yo u might need to use digit al-to-analog filters or converters when setting up the printer for faxing .
NOTE: Ink level alerts and indicators provide estimates for plann ing purposes only. When you rece ive a low-ink alert, consider having a repla cement cartridge available to avoid po ssible printing delays. You do not need to replace the ink cartridges unti l prompted to do so.
3. Touch On (Fax Send) or On (Send and Receive) . 4. Touch Fax Confirm ation with image . Print fax error reports You can configure the printer so that it automatically prints a report w hen there is an error during t ransmission or reception. To set the printer to print fa x error reports automatical ly 1.
Print the details of th e last fax transaction The Last Fax Transactio n report prints the details of the la st fax transaction to occur. Details include th e fax number, number of pages, and the fax status. To print the Last Fax T ransaction report 1.
6 Web Services The printer offers inno vative, web-enabled solutions that can help you quickly access the Internet, ob tain documents, and print them faster and with less hassle—and all without using a compute r. NOTE: To use these web feat ures, the printer must be connected t o the Internet using a wireless connection .
Set up Web Services To set up Web Services, complete the following steps. NOTE: Before you set up Web Services, ma ke sure you are connected to the Internet usi ng a wireless connection.
5. If your network u ses proxy settings when connecting to the Int ernet, enter these settings: a . Touch Enter Proxy . b . Enter the proxy server settings, and then touch Done . 6. Follow the instruct ions on the Web Services informati on sheet to finish the setup.
NOTE: Make sure that the print er’s email addr ess is the only addr ess listed in the “To” line of the email messag e. If other email addresses are listed in the “To” lin e, the attachments you are sending might not print.
NOTE: To remove all Web Services, see Remove Web Services. Remove Web Services To remove Web S ervices, c omplete the fo llowing st eps: 1. On the printer’s cont rol panel display, touch (HP ePrint), and th en touch Settings . 2. Touch Remo ve Web Services .
7 Work with ink cartridges To ensure the best print q uality from the printer, you need to perform some simple maintenance pro cedures. This section provides guide lines for handling the ink cartridges, in structions for replacing the ink cartridges, and aligning an d cleaning the printhead.
Check the estimated ink levels You can check the estimate d ink levels from the printer soft ware or from the printer control panel. For inf ormation about using these tools, see Printer managem ent tools and Use the pri nter control panel.
Replace the ink cartridges NOTE: For information on recycling used ink supplies, see HP inkjet supplies recycling program. If you do not alread y have replacement ink cart ridges for the printer, see HP supplies and accessories. NOTE: At this time, some port ions of the HP web site are available i n English only.
Make sure that you insert t he ink cartridge into the sl ot that has the same colored letter as the color you are i nstalling. 6. Repeat steps 3 th rough 5 for each ink cartridge you are replacing.
If you are concerned about providing this anonym ous information, you can make thi s information in accessible by turning off the memory chip's abilit y to collect the printer's usage information : To turn off usage informati on collection 1.
8 Solve a problem The information in this section suggests solutions to comm on problems. If your printer is not operating corre ctly and these suggesti ons did no t solve you r probl em, try using one of the follo wing support services to obtai n assistance.
Obtain electronic support To find support and warrant y informati on, go to the HP web s ite at www.hp .com/go/ customercare. This website provides informat ion and utilities that can help you correct many common printer pro blems.
• Messages t hat appear when the situation occurs • Answers to these question s: ◦ Has this situat ion happened before? ◦ Can you re-create it? ◦ Did you add any new ha rdware or software to.
For the most current list of telephone support numbers, see www.h customercare. This website provides informat ion and utilities that can help you correct many common printer probl ems.
After the phone support period After the phone supp ort period, help is available fr om HP at an additional cost. Hel p may also be available at th e HP online support web site: customercare. This website provides informat ion and utilities that can help you correct many common print er problems.
• Blank or partial pa ge printed • Something on the page is missing or incorrect • Placement of the t ext or graphics is wrong The printer sh uts down unexpectedly Check the power and p ower connections Make sure the printer's p ower cord is connected firmly to a funct ioning power outlet.
installed correct ly. To resolve this, uninstall th e HP software completely, and t hen reinstall th e HP software. For more information, see Uninstall and re install the HP software. Check the cable connections • Make sure both ends of t he USB cable are secure.
NOTE: The printer can ope rate with one or more deplete d cartridges. However, printing wi th depleted cartridges slows the pri nter and affects the quality of pri nted documents. If the black cartri dge is depleted, blacks are not as dark. If a color cartridge is depleted, output is in grayscale.
Check the medi a settings • Make sure you select the corre ct print quality settings in the printer driver for the media loaded in the trays. • Make sure the page sett ings in the printer driver match the page size of media loaded in the t ray.
Check the media size • Content on a page mig ht be cut off if the documen t size is larger than the media that you are usin g. • Make sure the medi a size selected in the printer driver match t he size of media loaded in the t ray.
NOTE: HP cannot gua rantee the quality or reliabil ity of non-HP supplies. Printer service or repair s required as a result of using a non-HP suppl y are not covered under warra nty. If you believe you pu rchased genuine HP ink cartridges, go to: www.
Solution 3: Check the paper loaded in the input tray Solution: Make sure the paper is load ed correctly and that it is not w rinkled or too thick. • Load paper with th e print side facing down. For exampl e, if you are loading glossy photo paper, load the pape r with the glos sy side down.
Solution 5: Check the print settings Solution: Check the print settings. • Check the prin t settings to see if the color settings a re incorrect. For example, check to see if the document is set to pr int in grayscale.
6600 6600 If defects are seen on the Print Quality Diagnostic rep ort, follow the steps below: 1. If the lines in T est Pattern 1 are not straight and connect ed, align the printer. For more information, see Align t he printh ead. 2. If you see white line s in any of the color blocks in Test Pattern 2 , clean the printhead.
prints, a Print Quality Diagno stic page can help you determine if the printing system is working correctly. Solution 7: Contact HP s upport Solution: Contact HP support for service. If prompted, choose your country/region , and then click Co ntact HP for information on calling fo r te chnical support.
To clean the printhead from the control panel 1. Load Letter, A4, o r Legal unused plain white pape r into the main input tray. For more inform ation, see Load standard-size media. 2. Touch (right arrow), an d then touch Setup . 3. Touch Tools , an d then touch Clean Prin thead .
To align the printhead fro m HP Utility (Mac OS X) 1. Load Letter, A4, o r Legal unused plain white pape r into the main input tray. For more inform ation, see Load standard-size media. 2. Open HP Utility. For more inf ormation, see HP Utility (Ma c OS X).
• Remove excess media from the output tray. T here is a limit to the number of sheet s the tray ca n hold. Pages are skewing • Make sure the m edia loaded in the trays is align ed to the paper guides. If needed, pull out the trays f rom the printer and reload the media co rrectly, making sure that the paper guid es are aligned correctly.
Copies are b lank • Check the medi a The media might not meet Hewlett-Packard medi a specifications (for exam ple, the media is too moist or too roug h). For more information, see Media spec ifications. • Check the setti ngs The contrast sett ing might be set too light.
Copy quality is poor • Take steps to impro ve the copy quality ◦ Use qualit y originals. ◦ Load the medi a correctly. If th e media is loa ded incorrectl y, it might skew, causing unclea r images. For more informat ion, see Media specificat ions.
• Large, black typ efaces look splotchy (not sm ooth) The default en hancement setting might not be suita ble for the job. Check the setting and chang e it to enhance text or photographs, if ne eded. For more informatio n, see Chan ge copy settin gs.
Scan takes too long • Check the setti ngs ◦ If you set the resolut ion too high, the scan job takes longer and re sults in larger files. To obtai n good results, do not use a resolution that is higher than needed. You can lower the resolutio n to scan more quickly.
◦ If you are using a sepa rate OCR (optical character reco gnition) program, the OCR program mi ght be lin ked to a word -processing program th at does not perform OCR tasks. For more information, see the doc umentation pr ov ided with the OCR program.
◦ Make sure that the resolut ion and color settings are correct for the type of scan jo b. ◦ For best results, use the scanner glass for scanning rather than t he ADF.
Scan defects are a pparent • Blank pages Make sure that the ori ginal document is placed correctly. Place the o riginal document face down o n the flatbed scanner with the to p-left corner of the document located in the lower-right corner of the scanner glass.
• The printer is having problems sending and receiving faxes • The printer is having prob lems sending a manual fax • The printer cannot re ceive faxes, but can send faxes • The printer cannot.
customercare. Th is website provides information and utilities that can help you correct many commo n printer problems. If prompted, select your country/region, and then click Contact HP for info rmation on calling for technica l support.
Figure 8-1 Back vi ew of the printer 1 2 1 Telephone wall jack 2 Use the phone cord supplied in the box with the printer to connect to the "1-LINE" port 2. After you have connecte d the phone cord to the port labeled 1-LINE, run the fax test again to make sure i t passes and the print er is ready for faxing.
connected to t he port labeled 1-LINE on the b ack of the printer, and the ot her end to your teleph one wall jack, as shown in t he illustration. 1 2 1 Telephone wall jack 2 Use the phone cord suppli.
The "Dial Tone Detection" tes t failed Solution: • Other equipm ent, which uses the same phon e line as the printer, might be causing the test to fail. To fi nd out if other equipment is causing a problem, disconnect everythin g from the phone line, and the n run the test again.
The "Fax Line Condi tion" test failed Solution: • Make sure you connect the printer to an analog ph one line or you cannot send or receive faxes. To check if your phone line is digital, connect a regular analog phone to the li ne and listen for a dial tone.
example, you cannot use the printer for faxing if a n extension phone is off the hoo k, or if you are using a co mputer dial-up modem to send email or access the Intern et. The printer is h aving problems sending a nd receiving faxes Solution: Make sure the print er is turned on.
store that carries p hone accessories. You also need ano ther phone cord, which can be a standard pho ne cord that you might already have in you r home or office. • Try connecting a w orking phone and phone cord to t he telephone wall jack that you are using for the p rinter and check for a dial tone.
• If the printer shares the same ph one line with a DSL service, the DSL modem might not be ground ed correctly. If the DSL modem is not g rounded correctly, it can create noise o n the phone line. Phone lines with poor sound quality (noise) can cause faxing problems.
• Make sure the telep hone you use to initiate the fa x call is connected directly to the printer. To sen d a fax manually, the telephone mu st be connected directly to the port labe led 2-EXT on the printer, as shown in the illustration.
• If you have a computer di al-up modem on the same phone lin e with the printer, check to make sure that th e software that came wit h your modem i s not set to receive faxe s automatical ly.
• If the printer share s the same phone line with other typ es of phone equipment, such as an answering m achine, a computer dial-up mode m, or a multi-port switch box, the fa x signal level might be reduced. T he signal level can also be reduced if you use a splitter or connect ex tra cables to extend the length of your phone.
Fax tones are reco rded on my answering m achine Solution: • When you have an answeri ng machine on the same phone line yo u use for fax calls, try connecting the answ ering machine directly to the printer as de scribed in Case I: Shared voice /fax line with answering machin e.
The computer canno t receive faxes (Fax to PC and Fax to Mac) Cause: The com puter selected to receive faxes is turned off. Solution: Make sure the c omputer selec ted to rec eive faxes is sw itched on at all times. Cause: Differe nt computers are configured for setup and recei ving faxes and one of them may be switched off.
• If you are using HP ePrint, check the followin g: ◦ Make sure the printer’s email address is co rrect. ◦ Make sure that the print er’s email address is the only address listed in the “To ” line of the ema il message. If other emai l addresses are listed in the “To” l ine, the attachment s you are sending might not print.
TIP: If you are using a com puter running Windows, HP provi des a tool called HP Home Network Di agnostic Uti lity that ca n help retri eve this info rmation for so me systems. To use this to ol, visit the HP Wirele ss Printing Center ( www.h wirelessprint ing), and then click Network Diagnostic Ut ility in the Quick Links section.
Step 1: Make sure your computer is connected to your netwo rk Make sure your computer is conne cted to your wireless network. If the computer is not connected to the ne twork, you cannot use the printer o ver the network. To check a wirel ess connection 1.
NOTE: If your wireless router or App le AirPort Base Station is using a hidden SSID, your printer cannot automat ically detect the network. A: Make sure the prin ter is on the network 1. If the printer is conn ected to a wireless network, print the network configu ration page.
communicate w ith each other over the network. F or more information, see Configure your firewal l software to work with the p rinter. If you are able to access the EWS, but a re still unable to use the printer even with the firewall tu rned off, try e nabling th e firewall so ftware to recog nize the pr inter.
you have di fficulti es printi ng or connec ting to t he printer, mak e sure the correct versio n of the printer driv er is set as the default. 1. Click Start , and then click Printers or Printers and Fax es or Device s and Printers . - Or - Click Start , click Control Panel , and then do uble-click Printers .
Mac OS X 1. Open HP Utility. For more inf ormation, see HP Utility (Ma c OS X). 2. Click the Applications icon on the to olbar, doubl e-click HP Setup Assista nt , and then follow th e onscreen instructions.
NOTE: At this time, some po rtions of this site are not available in all languages. Solve printer management problems This section provides solutions to co mmon problems that involve managing th e printer.
Check the printe r IP address • To check the IP address o f the printer, obtain the IP address by pri nting a network configuration pag e. Touch (right arrow), touch Setup , touc h Network , and then touch Print Network Settings . • Ping the printe r using the IP address from the com mand prompt (Window s) or from Network Utility (Mac OS X).
Check the in k cartridges Make sure that all of the ink cartridges are firmly install ed and aligned in their correct, color-coded slot. A correctly install ed ink cartridge should not move when pulled slightly. The prin ter cannot work if all the ink cartridge s are not installed.
◦ Make sure the printer is install ed on the same subnet as the computers th at use the printer. ◦ If the installa tion program cannot discover the printer, print the network configuration p age and enter the IP address m anually in the installa tion program.
If you need to call HP, it is often usefu l to print the printer status report before calling. 1 2 3 1. Printer Information: Shows printer informa tion (such as the printer name, mode l number, serial number, and firmware version number), and the numb er of pages printed from the t rays and accessories.
help troubles hoot network connectivity problems. I f you need to call HP, it is often useful to print th is page before calling. 1 2 3 1 2 3 1. General Inform ation: Shows information about the cu rrent status and active connection type of the network, and other information, such as the URL of the embedded we b server.
To print the network configurati on page from the printer control panel From the Home screen, touch (ri ght arrow), a nd then touc h Setup . Touch Reports , and then touc h Ne twork Confi guration P age . Clear jams Occasionally, media be comes jammed during a job.
b . Locate any jamm ed media inside the printer, gr asp it with both hands, and then pull it toward s you. CAUTION: If the paper tears when you are removing it from the rollers, check the rollers and w heels for torn pieces of paper that might be remaining inside the printer.
c . Move the ca rriage to the left, locat e any jammed me dia inside the printe r on the right side of t he carriage, free any paper scraps or wrinkled m edia, and pull the media towards you thro ugh the front of the printer. WARNING! Do not reach into t he printer when it is turned on a nd the carriage is stuck.
3. Gently pull the paper out of the rollers. CAUTION: If the paper tears when you are removi ng it from the rollers, check the rollers an d wheels fo r torn pieces of paper that might remain in side the printer. If you do not remo ve all the pieces of paper from the pr inter, more paper jams are likely to occur.
A Technical information This section contains the following topics: • Warranty information • Printer specifications • Regulatory information • Environmental product stewardship program • Thi.
Hewlett-Packard limited warranty statement A. Extent of limited warranty 1. Hewlett-Packard (HP) warrants to the end-user customer that the HP products specified above will be free from defects in materials and workmanship for the duration specified above, which duration begins on the date of purchase by the customer .
Ink cartridge wa rranty information The HP cartridge warranty is applicable w hen the pr oduct is used in its designated HP printing . This warranty does not cover HP ink products that have been r efilled, remanufactured, refurbished, misused, or tampered with.
Printer specifications This section contains the following topics: • Physical specifications • Product features and capacities • Processor and memory specifications • System requirements • N.
Feature Capacity Printer control panel language support Language availability varies by country/reg ion. Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, .
• Microsoft Windows 2003 Server Terminal Services with Citrix XenApp 5.0 • Microsoft Windows 2003 Server Terminal Servic es with Citrix Metaframe XP wi th Feature Release 3 • Microsoft Windows 2.
Media size Input tray ADF 8.5 x 13 inches (216 x 330 mm) U.S. Legal (216 x 356 mm; 8.5 x 14 inches) A4 (210 x 297 mm; 8.3 x 11.7 inches)* U.S. Executive (184 x 267 mm; 7.25 x 10.5 inches) U.S. Statement (140 x 216 mm; 5.5 x 8.5 inches) B5 (JIS) (182 x 257 mm; 7.
Media size Input tray ADF A6 card (105 x 148.5 mm; 4.13 x 5.83 inches) A4 index card (210 x 297 mm; 8.3 x 11.7 inches) Hagaki** (100 x 148 mm; 3.9 x 5.8 inches) Ofuku Hagaki** (200 x 148 mm; 7.8 x 5.8 inches) Index Card Letter (216 x 279 mm; 8.5 x 11 inches) Photo media Photo media (76.
Tray Type Weight Capacity (16 to 28 lb bond) (25 mm or 1 inch stacked) Photo media 250 g/m 2 (66 lb bond) Up to 100 sheets (17 mm or 0.67 inch stacked) Labels Up to 100 sheets (17 mm or 0.67 inch stacked) Envelopes 75 to 90 g/m 2 (20 to 24 lb bond envelope) Up to 30 sheets (17 mm or 0.
Media (1) Left margin (2) Right margin (3) Top margin (4) Bott om margin U.S. Le tter U.S. Legal A4 U.S. Executive U.S. Statement 8.5 x 13 inch B5 A5 Cards Custom-sized media Photo media 3.3 mm (0.13 inch) 3.3 mm (0.13 inch) 3.3 mm (0.13 inch) 3.3 mm (0 .
Photo (dpi) Very Fine (dpi) Fine (dpi) Standard (dpi) Black 196 x 203 (8-bit grayscale) 300 x 300 196 x 203 196 x 98 Color 200 x 200 200 x 200 200 x 200 200 x 200 Fax to PC/Fax to Mac Specifications .
Environme ntal spec ificatio ns Operating environment Operating temperature: 5° to 40° C (41° to 1 04° F) Recommended operating conditions: 15° to 32° C (5 9° to 90° F) Recommended relative hu.
Regulatory information The printer meets product requirements from r egulatory agencies in your country/reg ion. This section contains the following topics: • Regulatory Model Number • FCC stateme.
FCC statemen t FCC sta tement The Unit ed States F ederal C ommunications C ommission (in 4 7 CFR 1 5 . 1 05) has spec ified that the follo wing noti ce be brought to the attenti on of users o f this product .
VCCI (Class B) compl iance statement for users in Japa n Notice to users in Ja pan about the power cord Noise emis sion statem ent for Germ any Geräuschemission LpA < 70 dB am Arbeitsplatz im Normalbetrieb nach DIN 45635 T. 1 9 LED indicato r statement LED indicator s tatement The displa y LEDs meet the requir ements of EN 60 82 5- 1 .
Notice to users of the U.S. telephone ne twork: FCC requirements Notice to users of th e U.S. telephone n etwork: FCC requirements This equipmen t complies with FC C rules, P ar t 68. On this equipmen t is a label that contains, among other inf ormation , the FCC Registr ation Number and R inger Equi valent Number (REN) for this equipmen t.
Notice to users of the Canadian tel ephone network Note à l’at tention des utilis ateurs du réseau téléphoni que canadien/N otice to users of the C ana dian telephon e network Cet appar eil est conf orme au x spécif ications tec hniques des équipements ter minaux d’Industr ie Canada.
European Union Regulatory Notice Products bearing the CE marking comply with the following EU Directives: • Low Voltage Directive 2006/95/EC • EMC Directive 2004/108/EC • Ecodesign Directive 2009/125/EC, where applicable CE compliance of this product is valid only if powered with the correct C E-marked AC adapter provided by HP.
Regulatory inform ation for wireless pr oducts This section contains the following regulatory informatio n pertaining to wireless prod ucts: • Exposure to radio frequ ency radiation • Notice to us.
Notice to users in Taiwan Regulatory information 151.
Environmental product stewardship p rogram Hewlett-Packard is committed to providing qua lity products in an environmentally sound manner . Design for recycling has been incorpor ated into this product. The number of materials has been kept to a minimum while ensuring proper functiona lity and reliability.
Disposal of waste equipmen t by users in private households in the European Uni on Disposal of Waste Equipment by Users in Private Households in the European Union This symbol on the pr oduct or on its packaging indicates that this pr oduct must not be disposed of with y our other household wa ste.
Power co nsumptio n Hewlett-Packard printing and imagin g equipment marked with the ENERGY STAR® logo is qualified to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s ENERGY STAR specifications for imaging equipment. The following mark appears on ENERGY STAR qualified imaging products: ENERGY STAR is a U.
EU battery directive European Union Batter y Directive This produc t contains a battery that is used to maintain data integrity of real time c lock or product settings and is desi gned to last the life of the product . Any attempt to servi ce or replace this battery should be performed by a qualifi ed service technic ian.
RoHS notices (China only) Toxic and hazardo us substance table RoHS notices (Ukraine onl y) Appendix A 156 Technical information.
Third-party licenses LICENSE.aes-pubdom--crypto ----------- ---------- /* rijndael-alg-fst.c * * @version 3.0 (December 2000) * * Optimised ANSI C code for the Rijndael cipher (now AES) * * @aut hor Vincent Rij men <vin
This package is an SSL implementation w ritten by Eric Young ( The implementation was written so as to conform wi th Netscapes SSL. This library is free for commercial and non-com mercial use as long as the following conditions are ahear ed to.
ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF TH IS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. The licence and distribution terms for any publically available version or derivative of this code cannot be changed . i.e . this code cannot simply be copied and put under another distribution licence [including the GNU Public Licen ce.
"This product includes software developed b y the OpenSSL Project for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit (" THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE OpenSSL PROJECT ``AS IS'&ap.
* may be used to endorse or promo te products derived from this so ftware * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE PR OJECT AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'&apos.
Appendix A 164 Technical information.
B HP supplies and accessories This section provides informati on on HP supplies and accessories for the printer. The information is subject to changes, vi sit the HP web site ( www.hpsho for the latest updates. You may also make purchases through the web site.
NOTE: Ink level warnings and indicators provid e estimates for pla nning purposes only. When you receive a low-ink warning message, consider having a replacement cartridge available to avoid possible printing delays. You do not need to replace cartridges until prompted to do so.
C Additional fax setup After completing all the steps in the getting starte d guide, use the instructions in this section to complete your fax setup. Keep your getting star ted guide for later use.
Mexico Philippines Poland Portugal Russia Saudi Arabia Singapore Spain Taiwan Thailand USA Venezuela Vietnam If you are unsure which kind of telephone syste m y ou have (serial or parallel), check with your telephone company.
• Answering machine: An answering machine that answers voice calls at the same phone number you use for fax calls on the printer. • Voice mail service: A voice mail subscrip tion through your telephone company at the same number you use for fax calls on the p rinter.
Other equipment or service s sharing your fax line Recommended fax setup DSL PBX Distinct ive rin g service Voice calls Computer dial-up modem Answering machine Voice mail servi ce Case J: Shar ed voi.
To set up the printer with a separate fax line 1. Using the phone cord supplied in the box with the printer, connect on e end to your telephone wall jack, then connect the other end to the port labele d 1-LINE on the back of the pr inter. NOTE: You might need to connect the supplied pho ne cord to the adapter provided for your country/region.
3 Use the phone cord supplied in the box with the printer to connect to the 1-LINE port. You might need to connect the supplied pho ne cord to the adapter provided for your countr y/region. To set up the print er with DSL 1. Obtain a DSL filter from your DSL provider.
Case D: Fax with a di stinctiv e ring servic e on the same line If you subscribe to a distinctive ring service (t hrough your telephone compan y) that allows you to have multiple phone numbers on one phone line, each with a different ring pa ttern, set up the printer as described in this section.
3. Change the Distinctive Ring setting to match the pattern that the telephone company assigned to your fax number. NOTE: By default, the printer is set to answer all ring patter ns.
To set up the print er with a shared voice/fax line 1. Using the phone cord supplied in the box with the printer, connect on e end to your telephone wall jack, then connect the other end to the port labele d 1-LINE on the back of the pr inter. NOTE: You might need to connect the supplied pho ne cord to the adapter provided for your country/region.
Back view o f the printe r 1 2 1 Telephone wall jack 2 Use the phone cord supplied in the box with the printer to connect to the 1-LINE port. You might need to connect the supplied pho ne cord to the adapter provided for your countr y/region. To set up the printer with voice mail 1.
NOTE: If you have a computer dial-up modem, your comp uter dial-up modem shares the phone line with the printer. You cannot use both your modem and the printer simultaneously. For example, you cannot use the printer for faxi ng while you are using your computer dial-up modem to send an email or access the Internet.
4. If your modem software is set to receive faxes to your computer automatically, turn off that setting. NOTE: If you do not turn off the automatic fax reception setting in your modem software, the printer cannot receive faxes. 5. Turn on the Auto Answer setting.
NOTE: You need to purchase a parallel splitter. A parallel splitter has one RJ-11 po rt on the front and two RJ-11 ports on the back. Do not us e a 2–line phone splitter, a serial splitter , or a parallel splitter which has two RJ-11 ports on the front and a plug on the back.
Example of a paral lel splitter To set up the print er on the same phon e line as a computer w ith two phone ports Back view o f the printe r 5 4 3 2 1 1 Telephone wall jack 2 Use the phone cord supplied in the box with the printer to connect to the 1-LINE port.
5. If your modem software is set to receive faxes to your computer automatically, turn off that setting. NOTE: If you do not turn off the automatic fax reception setting in your modem software, the printer cannot receive faxes.
You might need to connect the supplied pho ne cord to the adapter provided for your countr y/region. 5 DSL/ADSL modem 6 Computer 7 Telephone NOTE: You need to purchase a parallel splitter. A parallel splitter has one RJ-11 po rt on the front and two RJ-11 ports on the back.
Case I: Shar ed voice/fax line with answering machine If you receive both voice calls and fax calls at the same phone number, an d you also have an answering machine that answers voice calls at th is phone number, set up the printer as described in this section.
4. (Optional) If your answering machine does not have a built-in phone , for convenience you might want to connect a phone to the back of your answer ing machine at the "OUT" port.
To set up the print er on the same phon e line as a computer w ith two phone ports Back view o f the printe r 1 3 2 7 6 5 4 1 Telephone wall jack 2 "IN" phone port on your computer 3 "O.
5. (Optional) If your answering machine does not have a built-in phone , for convenience you might want to connect a phone to the back of your answer ing machine at the "OUT" port.
4 Phone cord provided wi th the printer connected to the 1-LINE po rt on the back of the printer You might need to connect the supplied pho ne cord to the adapter provided for your countr y/region. 5 DSL/ADSL modem 6 Computer 7 Answering machine 8 Telephone (optional) NOTE: You need to purchase a parallel splitter.
fax tones. If incoming fax tones are detected, the printer emits fax r eception tones and rece ive the fax; if there are no fax tones, the printer stops monitoring the line and your answering machine can record a voice message.
1 Telephone wall jack 2 Use the phone cord supplied in the box with the printer to connect to the 1-LINE port You might need to connect the supplied phone cor d to the adapter provided for your country/region. 3 Computer with modem 4 Telephone To set up the print er on the same phon e line as a computer w ith two phone ports 1.
Sweden Norway Netherlands Belgium ( Dutch) Belgium ( French) Portugal Spain ww France Ireland www.
D Network setup You can manage network settings for the printer through the printer control panel as described in the next section. Additional advanced setti ngs are available in the embedded web server, a configuration and status tool you access from your web browser using an existing network connection to the printer.
TIP: If you are using a computer running Window s, HP provides a tool called HP H ome Network Diagnostic Utility that can help retrieve this information for some systems. To use this tool, visit the HP Wireless Printing Center (, and then click Network Diagnostic Utility in the Quic k Links section.
To connect the printer us ing the Push Button Method 1. On the printer control panel, touch (right arrow), touch Setup , and then touch Network . 2. Touch Wi-Fi Protected Setup , and then follow the onscreen instructions. 3. When prompted, touch Push Button .
To change from a wireless connection to a USB co nnection, connect the USB cable to the printer. NOTE: If you are using a computer with Mac OS X, add the printer to the print queue. Click System Preferences in the Dock, click Print & Fax or Print & Scan in the Hardware section, click + , and then select the printer.
To add hardware addresses to a wireless router or wireless acces s point 1. Print the network configuration page, and then locate the printer’s hardware address. For more information, see Understand the netwo rk configuration page. NOTE: The printer maintains a separate hardware addr ess for the wireless connection .
View and print network settings You can display a summary of t he netwo rk settings on the printer control panel or the HP software that came with the printer. You can print a more detailed network config uration page, which lists all of the important network settings such as the IP add ress, link speed, DNS, and mDNS.
4. Automatic is selected by default. T o change the settings manually, touch Manual , and then enter the appropriate information for the following settings: • IP Address • Subnet Mask • Default Gateway • DNS Address 5. Enter your changes, and then touch Done .
E Printer management tools This section contains the following topics: • Toolbo x (Windows) • HP Utility (Mac OS X) • Embedded web server Toolbox (Windows) The Toolbox provides maintenance information about the printer . NOTE: The Toolbox can be installed from the HP Software CD if the computer meets the system requirements.
example, if you have configured the EWS l anguage, a cookie helps remember which lang uage you have selected so that the next time you acce ss the EWS, the pages are displayed in that language.
F How do I? • Get started • Print • Scan • Copy • Fax • Web Services • Work with ink cartridges • Solve a pro blem 200 How do I?.
G Errors (Windows) Fax memory full If Backup Fax Reception or HP Digital Fax (Fax to PC or Fax to Mac) is e nabled and the printer has a problem (such as a paper jam), the prin ter saves incoming faxes to memory until the problem is resolved.
To solve this problem, try the following solutions. Solutions are listed in order, with the most likely solution first. If the first solution does not solve the problem, continue trying the remaining solutions until the issue is resolved. • Solution 1: Turn the printer off and on.
The printer is out of paper The default tray is empty. Load more paper, and then touch OK . For more information, see Load media. Printer Offline The printer is currently offline. While offline, the printer can not be used. To change the printer's status, complete the follo wing steps.
TIP: When completely closed, most doors and covers snap into place. If the problem persists after you’ve securely clo sed all doors and covers, contact HP support. For more information, see HP support. Previously used ink cartridge installed The ink cartridge identified in the message wa s previously use d in a different printer.
Using Genuine HP Cartridges has its Rewards HP rewards loyal customers for using genuine HP supplies. Click the button below the message to view Rewards online. Reward may not be available in all regions. Counterfeit Cartridge Advisory The installed cartridge is not a new, genuine HP ca rtridge.
Use color ink only? The black cartridge is out of ink. Solutions: To temporarily replace black with color, click Use Color Only . Black will be simulated. Text and photo quality will differ from those prin ted when using all cartri dges. The black cartridge will need to be replaced soon.
To temporarily replace black with color, clic k Cancel Print and r e-send the print job. The Use color ink only? message appears before the job prints. Th e black cartridge will need to be replaced soon. Automatic document feeder cover open Close the cover of the Automatic Document Feeder to continue .
Index A accessibility 3, 9 accessories printer status report 126 warranty 133 acoustic emissions 143 ADF (automatic document feeder) load originals 20 media sizes supported 137 ADSL, fax setup with pa.
dots or streaks, troubleshoot copies 95 dots, troubleshoot scan 100 driver warranty 133 DSL, fax setu p with parallel phone systems 171 duty cycle 135 E ECM.
H hardware, fax setup test 101 head 90 header, fax 58 Help 14 Hewlett-Packard Company notices 3 HP Utility ( Mac OS X) opening 198 humidity specifications 143 I ink cartridges check ink levels 72 loca.
O OCR edit scanned documents 38 troubleshoot 97 operating environment specifications 143 operating systems supported 136 originals scan 36 output tray locati ng 11 media supported 140 P pages per mont.
scan error messages 98 from printer control pane l 36 from Webscan 37 OCR 38 quality 98 Scan screen 14 scan specifications 142 slow 97 troubleshoot 96 Scan screen 14 scanner glass clean 24 load origin.
unclear on copies, troubleshoot 95 unclear scans 100 tone dialing 60 tray 2 capacity 139 media sizes supported 137 media types and weights supported 139 trays capacities 139 clear jams 128 load media .
P odręcznik użytk o w nik a © 20 12 Hew lett -P ack ard De velopment C ompany , L.P . www .hp .com/go/cu stomer care.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts HP (Hewlett-Packard) Officejet 6600 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie HP (Hewlett-Packard) Officejet 6600 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für HP (Hewlett-Packard) Officejet 6600 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von HP (Hewlett-Packard) Officejet 6600 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über HP (Hewlett-Packard) Officejet 6600 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon HP (Hewlett-Packard) Officejet 6600 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von HP (Hewlett-Packard) Officejet 6600 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit HP (Hewlett-Packard) Officejet 6600. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei HP (Hewlett-Packard) Officejet 6600 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.