Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung E4446A des Produzenten HP (Hewlett-Packard)
Zur Seite of 80
Getting St arte d Guide PSA Series Spectr um Ana lyzers This manual provides documentation for the following instruments: E4440A (3 Hz - 26.5 GHz) E4443A (3 Hz - 6.
2 Notice The information contai ned in this document is subject to change without noti ce . Agilent T echnologies makes no warranty of any kind with reg ard to this material, i ncluding but not limited to, the implied w arranties of merchantabili ty and fitness for a partic ular purpose .
Con tents 3 1. Installation and Setup Init ial In spec tion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Pow er R equir emen ts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4 Con tents Opt ions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 1 Acc essori es . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5 1 Installation and Setup.
6 Chapter 1 Installation and Setup Thi s chap ter prov ide s the fo llowi ng info rmati on t hat you may n eed whe n you firs t re ceiv e your spectr um analyzer: • “ Initial Inspection ” on pag.
Chapter 1 7 Installation and Setup Initial Inspection Initial Inspecti on Inspect the shi pping container and the cus hioning material for signs of stress . Retain the shipping mat erials f or future use , as yo u may wish to ship the analyzer to anothe r location or to Agi lent T e chnologies for service .
8 Chapter 1 Installation and Setup Initial Inspection If The r e Is a Problem If the shipping mat erial s are damaged or the cont ents of the container are incom pl ete: • Contact t he nearest Agilent T echnologies offi ce to arrange for repai r or rep lacement ( T able 6-2 .
Chapter 1 9 Installation and Setup Pow e r R e q u i r e m en t s P ower Requirements The only physical installation of your Agilent spe ctrum analyzer is a co nnection t o a power sour ce. Line voltage d oes not need to be select ed. This analyzer does not contain cust omer servicea ble fuses .
10 Chapter 1 Installation and Setup P ower R equirements NO TE F or more information regarding analyzer specification s, see the Specificatio ns guide. AC P ow er Cord The an a l y z e r i s eq u i pp ed wi th a th re e-w ir e powe r co rd, in ac c orda nce w i th in t erna t iona l safety sta ndard s .
Chapter 1 11 Installation and Setup Pow e r R e q u i r e m en t s T able 1-2. AC P ower Cords.
12 Chapter 1 Installation and Setup P ower R equirements Battery Information The analyzer uses a Lithium P olycarbo n Monofloride battery to po we r the analyzer c lock. The battery is locate d on the CPU board. Y ou can order the service documentatio n for Agilent spectrum analyzers through your Agilent Sales and Servic e office .
Chapter 1 13 Installation and Setup T urning on the Anal yzer for th e First Time T urning on the Analyzer for the F irst T ime ❏ Plu g in t he p ower cord.
14 Chapter 1 Installation and Setup T urning on the Anal yzer for th e First Time ❏ If using LAN , set the IP addres s of the analyzer to an appropriate number for your network ( one that the network recognizes , bu t that is no t yet i n use): — Press Syst em , Config I/O , an d note the IP addr ess .
Chapter 1 15 Installation and Setup Firmware Revis ion F irmware Revision T o view the firmw are re vision of you r analyzer , press System , More , Show Syst em . If you call Agilent T echnologie s regarding your analyze r , it is helpful to have this re vision and the analyzer ser i al numb er a vailable .
16 Chapter 1 Installation and Setup Running In ternal Alignments Running Internal A lignments Each time the analyzer is powered on, the internal alig nme n t rout ine runs automatically . The analyzer w as shipped fr om the fact ory with the Alignments mode set to Auto.
Chapter 1 17 Installation and Setup Printer Setup and Operation Printe r Setu p and O peratio n A pri nter can be con nect ed to you r ana lyzer if it is eq uip ped with a n ext erna l I/O i nte rface. Supporte d printers a ccept Hewle tt- P ackar d Pr inter Control Language Level 3 ( PCL3) or 5 (PCL5).
18 Chapter 1 Installation and Setup Printer S etup and Operation Inter connection and Setup 1. Turn off the print er and the analyzer . 2. Using an IEEE 1284 compliant parallel pri nter cable , conn ect the printer to the analyzer para llel I/O interface connec tor on the rear panel (see “ Rear -P a nel F eatures ” on pa ge 27 ).
Chapter 1 19 Installation and Setup Protecting Against Electr ostatic Discharge Protecting Agains t Electrostatic Disc harge Electrost atic disch arge (ESD) can da mage or dest roy electroni c components (the possibility of unseen damage caused by ESD is present whenever co mponents are transported, stored, or used ).
20 Chapter 1 Installation and Setup Safety Inf ormation Safety In formati on WA R N I N G This is a Safe ty Class 1 Produc t (provided with a pr otective ear thing ground incorpor ated in the power cord). The mains plug shall be inserted only in a socket outle t provided with a protective earth contact.
21 2 F ront and Rear P anel F eatures This chapt er gives you an overview of the front and rear panel s of your analyzer . F or detail s on analy z er k eys and remote progra m ming , ref er to the User ’ s and Programmer ’ s Reference . F or connector specific ations (inclu ding input /output levels), see the Specificatio ns guide.
22 Chapter 2 F ront and Rear P anel Feature s Fron t Pane l Over view F ront P ane l Overview This section provides informatio n on the ana lyzer ’ s front panel, includ ing: • Front P anel Connec.
Chapter 2 23 F ront and Rear P anel Features Fron t Pan el Overview 7 System Keys Access fea tures us ed with al l analyze r modes an d affect th e state of th e entir e spectrum analyz er . 8 V ol. Contr ol/ Earpho nes Not currently implemented. T o be implemented in futur e firmware upgrade.
24 Chapter 2 F ront and Rear P anel Feature s Fron t Pane l Over view Display Annotations Item Des c ri ptio n Ass o ciate d Fun ct i on K e y s 1 Detector type a Det/Demod, Detector 2 Referen ce level Ampl it ude , Re f Le vel 3 Active function block Refer to the description of the activated functio n.
Chapter 2 25 F ront and Rear P anel Features Fron t Pan el Overview 11 Data invalid indica tor Aster isk ( * ) means some or all trace data may not match annotation due to possible analyzer setting changes. 12 Status message a rea Dis plays s tatus me ssages (see “ Types of Spectrum Analyzer Messages ” on page 71).
26 Chapter 2 F ront and Rear P anel Feature s Fron t Pane l Over view 29 Phase noi se optim iza tion a Auto Coup le, PhNoise Opt Phase n oise can be optimi zed for : f<50k : frequen cies less than 5 0 kHz from carrier . f>50k : f reque ncie s gre ate r tha n 50 k Hz f rom ca rri er .
Chapter 2 27 F ront and Rear P anel Features Rear-P anel Features Rear-P anel F eatures Item Description # Name 1 NOISE SOURCE DRIVE OUT +28 V (P ULSED) Provid e s 28 V to driv e a noise s ource. Used o n Option 2 19 Noise Figu re person a lity . 2 PR ESEL TUN E OUT Output s tu ning voltag e for pres elected harmoni c mixer .
28 Chapter 2 F ront and Rear P anel Feature s Rear-P anel Features 11 KYBD Enables connectio n of an exte rnal PS-2 k eyboard usin g a 6-pin mini-DIN conne ctor . Always turn off power before plug ging in keyboard . T his featur e not fully implemented.
Chapter 2 29 F ront and Rear P anel Features Ke y Overview Key Overview The keys labeled F REQU ENC Y Ch annel , Syst em , and Marke r are all examples of fr ont- panel keys . The front-pane l keys are dark gray , light gray , green, or white in color .
30 Chapter 2 F ront and Rear P anel Feature s Ke y Over view In other key menus , one key label will alw ays be highlighted to show which key has been selected bu t the me nu is immediatel y exited when a selection is made. F or ex ample, when you press the Or ientation key (on the Pr int Setup menu), it will bring up its own menu of keys.
Chapter 2 31 F ront and Rear P anel Features Front a nd Rea r Panel S ym bo ls Front and Rear P anel Symbols This symbol is us ed to ind icate power ON (green LED). This symbol is used to indicat e power ST ANDBY mode (yellow LED). This symbol is used to indi cat e the ON position of the power button.
32 Chapter 2 F ront and Rear P anel Feature s Fron t and Rear P anel Symbols.
33 3 Making a Basic Measurement This chapt er pro vides information on basi c analyzer operation. F or more information on making measurements , see the measure ment guide for your analyzer .
34 Chapter 3 Making a Basic Measurement This chapter is divide d into the following section s: •“ Using the Front Pa nel ” on page 35 •“ Presetting the Sp ect rum Analyzer ” on page 36 •“ Viewing a Signal ” on page 37 CA UTION Ensure that the tot al power of all signal s at the analyze r input does not exceed +30 dBm (1 wat t).
Chapter 3 35 Making a Basic Measurement Using the Fro nt P anel Using the Front P anel Entering D ata When setting measur ement par ameters , there are sever al w ays to enter or modify the value of the ac tive f unction: Using Menu Keys Menu Keys (whic h appear along t he right si de of th e displa y) provide ac cess to many analyzer functions .
36 Chapter 3 Making a Basic Measurement Presetting t he Spectrum Anal yzer Presetting the Spectrum Ana lyzer Preset provide s a known starting point for making measure ments . The analyzer has thr ee typ e s of pres et : Factory Pr eset Restores the analyzer to its fa ctory-defi ned state .
Chapter 3 37 Making a Basic Measurement Viewing a Sig nal V iew ing a Si gnal 1. Press Preset . If the softkeys Fac t or y P re s et and User P reset appear , sele ct Factory Prese t . 2. Press Syst em , Reference , th en note the 10 MHz Out se tting.
38 Chapter 3 Making a Basic Measurement Viewing a S ignal F igure 3-1 10 MHz In ternal Reference Signal and Associ ated Spectrum Setting Frequenc y Span 6. Set the f requency span t o 50 MHz: Press SP AN , 5 , 0 , MHz . This displays the sign al as shown in Figu re 3-2 .
Chapter 3 39 Making a Basic Measurement Viewing a Sig nal F igure 3-2 Span Changed to 50 MHz Reading Frequenc y & Amplitude 7. Place a mar ker (labeled 1 ) on the 10 MHz peak, as shown in Fig ure 3 -3 .
40 Chapter 3 Making a Basic Measurement Viewing a S ignal Figure 3 -3 A Mar ker on the 10 MHz P eak F igure 3-4 Relationship Between F requency an d Amplitude Marker A nnotation Active functi on block.
Chapter 3 41 Making a Basic Measurement Viewing a Sig nal Impro ving Fr equency Accurac y 10.While not all of the zeros following the decimal in the active functi on bloc k are significan t, the numbers after the decimal in the marke r annotat ion (upper -rig ht corner of scree n) ar e significant.
42 Chapter 3 Making a Basic Measurement Viewing a S ignal F igure 3-5 Increasin g Marker F requency Accu racy F igure 3-6 Using Marker Counter Frequency C ount increase s accuracy.
43 4 V iewing Catalogs and Saving F iles.
44 Chapter 4 Viewing Catalogs and Sa ving Files The analyzer s to res and retr iev es data similarly t o the wa y that a pers onal computer ( PC) does: both have inte rnal storage and a floppy disk drive . While a PC has an internal driv e , the analyzer ’ s int ernal s torage is nonvolatile (flash) me mor y , which acts as an inter nal drive .
Chapter 4 45 Viewing Catalogs and Sa ving Files File Menu Functi ons F ile Menu Func tions This chapt er describes how to use the func tions located under the fr ont-panel File key . Data storag e and re trie val are h andle d s imilarly t o that of persona l comput ers (PCs ).
46 Chapter 4 Viewing Catalogs and Sa ving Files File Menu Fun ctions Press Fi le , Catal og to br ing up a scre en display as shown in Figure 4- 1. F igure 4-1. Catalog Men u NO TE Use the front-p anel Step Keys or Knob and the Dir Up or Dir Select ke ys to move up and down within the direc tory informati on b ox .
Chapter 4 47 Viewing Catalogs and Sa ving Files File Menu Functi ons b. Type: column displays the extension of the f ilename, for example , .SET , .STA , .TRC . Directories are d isplayed as DIR and d rives have nothing liste d under Type: . They are only designated by the Name: column ( [-A-] or [ -C-] ).
48 Chapter 4 Viewing Catalogs and Sa ving Files Saving a Fil e Saving a File Y ou can save files (se tups , sta tes , traces , limits , correctio ns , mea sur ement results , or screens) to a flop py disk ( A:), or t he internal drive (C :). In this example you will save a trac e to the i nte rnal C: d riv e.
Chapter 4 49 Viewing Catalogs and Sa ving Files Saving a File 6. Activate trace 2 and put it into minimum hold by pressing T race (2) , Mi n Hol d . Y o u r analyzer displa y sho uld look similar to Figure 4-4. F igure 4-3. V iewing T races 1 and 2 7.
50 Chapter 4 Viewing Catalogs and Sa ving Files Saving a Fil e F igure 4-4. V iewing T races 1, 2, and 3 Step 2. Save the file 1. T o access the Save menu, pres s, File , Save . 2. Select the type of file you want to sa ve . In this example you are sa ving a trac e; press Ty p e , Tr a c e .
Chapter 4 51 Viewing Catalogs and Sa ving Files Saving a File 5. Enter a filename by pressing Name . The Alp ha Editor a ppears . F or this example you will name the file, “ TEST1 ” .
52 Chapter 4 Viewing Catalogs and Sa ving Files Saving a Fil e Loading a file 1. Reset th e analyzer by p ressing Preset , Factory Preset (if present) . 2. T o access the Load menu, press File , Load . 3. Select th e ty pe of file y ou w a nt to load (setup , s tate , trac e , li mit s , or co rre ction s).
Chapter 4 53 Viewing Catalogs and Sa ving Files Saving a File NO TE Y ou should notice that the trace you saved, in this example trace 3, is loade d to trac e 2. If you wish to verify this cond ition, remov e the si gnal input. Press Input/Output , In put P ort , Amptd Ref (Off) .
54 Chapter 4 Viewing Catalogs and Sa ving Files Saving a Fil e Renaming a File 1. T o access the Rename menu, press File , Rename . 2. Select t he type of file you want t o rename (setup , stat e, trace, limits , screens , or correcti ons). I n this exampl e you are r enaming a trace file; pr ess Ty p e , Tr a c e .
Chapter 4 55 Viewing Catalogs and Sa ving Files Saving a File Copying a File 1. T o access the Copy menu, press File , Copy . This menu function brings up 2 director y boxes as described by the From: and To: fields locate d direc tly above the bo xes .
56 Chapter 4 Viewing Catalogs and Sa ving Files Saving a Fil e NO TE Highlighting a filename i n the To: directory box has no significance . The file cannot be placed ins ide another file. 7. Press Cop y No w to execute the operation. The message: “Copying file” is displaye d during the copying proc ess.
Chapter 4 57 Viewing Catalogs and Sa ving Files Using the Alpha Editor Using the Alpha Edi tor The Alph a Editor enables you to s elect lett ers to enter a name for a file o r directo ry ( File , Rename , for ex a mp le). 1. Use the More keys t o dis play the s oftke y that list s the cha ract er you want.
58 Chapter 4 Viewing Catalogs and Sa ving Files Using the Alpha E ditor.
59 5 Options and Accessories This chapt er lists options and acc es sories availa ble for your analyzer ..
60 Chapter 5 Options and Accessories Orderin g Options and Accessories Orde ring Op tions and Acc essor ies Options and acc essories hel p you configure the analyzer for your specific app lications , and enable yo u to use the analyzer .
Chapter 5 61 Options and Accessor ies Options Options Option Number Name De scription 0B0 Manual Set on CD-ROM Only The docume ntation CD-R OM contain s the standar d docume ntat ion se t as well as Ado be Acroba t Reade r with S earc h . 0B1 Additional Manual Set An additional set of the stan dard documentation shipped with the anal yzer .
62 Chapter 5 Options and Accessories Options 124 Y -axi s Video O utput Provides a 0 to 1 V signal that corre sponds to the b ottom and top of the di s play gratic u le, respect ive ly . The output vo ltage track s the Y - axis po si tion of th e trace dat a while t he analy z er is sweeping .
Chapter 5 63 Options and Accessor ies Options 226 Phas e Nois e Me asur ement P erson ality Prov i d es phas e noise me asure me nts: Monito r sp ectrum Spot frequency Log plot 233 License for N5531A Measuring Receiver Software This opti on allows you to li ce nse you r PSA to use the N5 531A Measur ing Rece iver So ftware .
64 Chapter 5 Options and Accessories Options B78 cdma200 0 Measurem ent P erson ality Provides cdma2000 transmi tte r measurements: chan nel po wer ACPR intermodulation spectrum emission mask occupie d BW code domain po we r modul a t io n accu ra cy (com posit e rh o) QPSK EVM power statistics CCDF Requir es Option B7J hardware.
Chapter 5 65 Options and Accessor ies Options UK6 Commer ci al Cali br at io n with T est Dat a a Prov ides the fac tory cali bration t est da ta and the stand ard comme rcial ca librat ion cert ificate at initia l shipm ent. W30 3-Y ear W arranty Serv ic e Support a A total of 3 years of war ranty se rvice suppo rt.
66 Chapter 5 Options and Accessories Accessories Access ories A number of accessori es are available from Agilent T echnologies to help you configure your analyzer for your specifi c applications . They can be ordered through your loc al Agilent Sales and S ervice Offic e and are listed below .
Chapter 5 67 Options and Accessor ies Accessories GPIB Cable F or use with Option A4H. The Agilent 10833 Se ries GPIB cables i nterconnect GPIB devices and are a v ailabl e in four different lengths (0.5 to 4 meters). GPIB cables are us ed to connec t controlle rs to a s pectrum analyzer .
68 Chapter 5 Options and Accessories Accessories HP/Agilent 11974 Series Pr eselected Millimeter Mixer s 11974 Serie s preselect ed millimete r mixers are a vailable to e xtend the f requency range of analyzers with Option A YZ (ext ernal mixing) up to 75 GHz.
69 6 In Case of D ifficul ty This chapt er inc ludes information on how to chec k for a problem with your Agilent T echnologies s pectrum analyzer , and how to return it for se rvice.
70 Chapter 6 In Case of Difficulty Before calling Agil ent T echnologies , however (or ret urning an analyzer for service), perform t he quick c hecks l isted in “ Chec k the Basic s ” on page 72. This chec k may eliminate the prob lem. If a problem pers is ts , you may choose to: • Repa i r th e a n a lyzer y ou r se lf .
Chapter 6 71 In Case of Difficulty T ypes of S pectrum Analyzer Messages Types of Sp ectrum Analyzer Mes sages The analyzer c an generate var ious messages that appear on the displa y during op eration. F or a complete list of s pectrum analyzer messages , see the Ins trument Messages and Functional T ests manua l.
72 Chapter 6 In Case of Difficulty Before Calling Agilent T echnologies Before Calling Agilent T echnologies Check the Basics ❏ Is th ere power a t the receptac le? ❏ Make su re there is no d isk in th e front- panel disk drive . ❏ Is th e analyzer turne d on? Check to see if the green LED above the p ower switch is on.
Chapter 6 73 In Case of Difficulty Before C alling Agilent T ec hnologies ❏ P erform an Alignment. Pres s System , Alignments , Align Now , All . ❏ If the previou sly per for med alignments did not reso lve the problem, press Syst em , Alignments , Restore Align Defaults .
74 Chapter 6 In Case of Difficulty Before Calling Agilent T echnologies Read the W arranty The w arranty for your analyzer is in the f ront of your Specificat ions Guide . Please read it and become familiar with its terms. If your analyzer is covered by a separate mainten ance agreement, please be famil iar with its te rms .
Chapter 6 75 In Case of Difficulty Before C alling Agilent T ec hnologies T able 6 -2. Contacting Agilent T echnologies Online assist ance: www.agilent.
76 Chapter 6 In Case of Difficulty Returning an Anal yzer for Service Returning an An alyzer for Service Service T ag When you are r etur ning an ana lyze r to A gile nt T echn olog ies fo r serv ice, fi ll out and a ttach one of the blue service tags provided at the end of this chapter .
Chapter 6 77 In Case of Difficulty Returning an Anal yzer for Service 5. Surround the equip ment with three to four inches of packi ng material and prevent the equipment from moving in the carton. If pack ing foa m is not available , the best alternative is S .
78 Chapter 6 In Case of Difficulty Returning an Anal yzer for Service.
Index Ind ex-79 Numeric s 10 MHz refere nc e, tur ning on , 37 50 ohm/7 5 ohm mi nimum loss pad , 66 75 ohm matching transformer , 66 A AC probe , 66 Accesso ries , 66 access ories 50 oh m/75 ohm mini.
Index-80 Index per son ality op ti o ns not in instrum ent , 14 power amplifiers , 66 preamplifiers , 66 preset factory , 36 types , 36 user , c reatin g , 36 printer setup , 17 probes AC and DC , 66 .
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts HP (Hewlett-Packard) E4446A (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie HP (Hewlett-Packard) E4446A noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für HP (Hewlett-Packard) E4446A - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von HP (Hewlett-Packard) E4446A reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über HP (Hewlett-Packard) E4446A erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon HP (Hewlett-Packard) E4446A besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von HP (Hewlett-Packard) E4446A verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit HP (Hewlett-Packard) E4446A. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei HP (Hewlett-Packard) E4446A gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.