Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung D2D2503 des Produzenten HP (Hewlett-Packard)
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HP S to r eOnce D2D Bac k up S y ste m r ac k models nl s er v i ce and maint enance gui de Abstract This gui de is intended for us ers who main tain the follo wing r ack -mounted models of the HP S t.
© Cop yr ight 2009–20 1 2 Hew lett -P ac kar d Dev elopment Compan y , L .P . Conf idential com puter softwar e. V alid license fr om HP r equired f or posses sion, u se or copy ing.
C onte nts 1 Intr oduc tion............................................................................................... 5 P erformance be st pr actices.................................................................................................
HP D2D4 3 2 4....................................................................................................................29 HP D2D4 3 1 2..........................................................................................................
1 Intr oducti on This is the S ervice and Main tenance Guide f or the follo w ing r ack -mount ed models of the HP D2D Back up S y stem: G2 models: • HP D2D4 3 2 4 G2 ( 1 2–disk) • HP D2D4 3 1 2.
NO TE: The s oftwar e and, in s ome cases , the BIOS ar e unique t o the HP D2D Back up S ys tem; it does not u se the same softw are (no r , in some cases , BIOS) as the Pr oL iant s er v er . The re ar e a number o f wa ys o f accessing the Pr oLi ant doc umentation o n the HP web .
Using the Pr oL ian t Guide w ith HP D2D4 3 2 4 G2 models When u sing the HP ProL iant DL3 7 0 G6 guide , be a war e of the f ollow ing HP D2D-spec if ic info rmation: • The CP U is Inte l Xeon W5 6 80 (K it part number 6 0 1 3 1 5-B2 1 include s Heatsink) – there ar e two per s y stem .
Using the Pr oL ian t Guide w ith HP D2D4 3 1 2 G2 models When u sing the HP ProL iant DL3 7 0 G6 guide , be a war e of the f ollow ing HP D2D-spec if ic info rmation: • The CP U is Inte l Xeon W5 58 0 (Kit part numbe r 4 9 5 9 2 8-B2 1 includes Heatsink) – ther e ar e two per s y stem .
Using the Pr oL ian t Guide w ith HP D2D4 1 06/4 1 1 2 G2 models When u sing the HP ProL iant DL1 80se G6 guide , be a war e of the fo llow ing HP D2D-spec if ic info rmation: • The CP U is Inte l Xeon X5 5 50 (S pare P/N 4 900 7 0 -00 1 ) – ther e ar e t w o per s y stem • The HP D2D ha s 1 2 re mov able har d disks.
• HP D2D2 5 0 2 Back up S y stem: T he confi gurati on of the s ys tem memory is 2 4 GB ( 3 x 8 GB DIMMs) for the HP D2D2 5 0 2 Back up S y stem . HP D2D2 5 04 Bac kup S y ste m: The conf igur ation of the s y stem memo r y is 3 2 GB (4 x 8 GB DIMMs) .
• The HP D2D is su pplied w ith an HP Smar t A rr ay P800 con trolle r (w ith 5 1 2 MB and t w o BB W Cs) pr e -installed in one o f the full-hei ght PCI-e slo ts. F or mor e inf ormatio n about this car d, sear ch o n http://w ww pport/manuals .
• The HP D2D is su pplied w ith an HP Smar t A rr ay P400 co ntro ller (w ith 5 1 2 MB and BB WC) pr e -installed in one o f the full-hei ght PCI-e slo ts.
• The co nfigur ati on of the s yst em memory is 8 GB (4 x 2 GB DIMM S PC2 -6400). The part number f or each 2 GB DIMM is 4 9 9 2 7 6 -06 1 . • The HP D2D is su pplied w ith an HP Smar t A rr ay P400 co ntro ller (w ith 5 1 2 MB and BB WC) pr e -installed .
Using the Pr oL ian t Guide w ith HP D2D2 5 04 G1 mode ls When u sing the HP ProL iant DL1 6 5 G5 guide , be aw are o f the follo w ing HP D2D-spec ifi c info rmation: • The AMD Opt ero n 2 3 84 2 .7GHz ( 7 5W) , part number 4 9 5 6 43-00 5, is the only pr oces sor that is supported .
2 T he f lash memory module Ov ervi e w The f lash memory module is r equir ed to boot up the HP D2D Bac kup S y ste m. • W ith HP D2D43 2 4/4 3 1 2 Back up S y stems , this consists of a U SB flash s tick that plug s into the s ys tem board . • W ith all other HP D2D Back up S y stems , this consists of a U SB flash s tic k and cable.
4. Be sur e to update the HP D2D so ft w are t o the latest v ersi on. T his is done fr om the W eb Management In terface (Settings/S oftwar e page) , as de scr ibed in the HP Stor eOnce D2D Back up S y stem U ser Guide .
Figur e 1 0 HP D2D250 2 and HP D2D2 504 G2 Series flash memory module location o f the memory module and USB connector 1 sc re w and brac ket sec ur ing USB cable connect or (not HP D2D4 3 2 4/4 3 1 2.
Figur e 1 1 HP D2D 4 1 1 2, HP D2D4004 or HP D2D400 9 G1 flash memor y module Figur e 1 2 HP D2D2500 G1 Ser ies flash memor y module cable and USB co nnector to the memory module 1 sc re w and brac ke.
3 R eplac ing the s y st em mother boar d F or all pr oducts , G1 and G2 , r efer t o the appropr iat e Maintenance and Serv er Guide fo r detailed instr uctions o n replac ing the mother board .
becaus e it has an integr al P4 1 0i card . If yo u do not , the sy stem w ill e xperi ence one of the f ollow ing s ympt oms : • V ery slo w pr oduct perfo rmance (R unning as RAID5 access to the d.
T able 3 J2 7 jumper settings D2D Backup S ystem HP D2D4 1 06/4 1 1 2 G2: Remo ve all j umpers HP D2D2 50 2/2 50 4 G2: Jumper sho uld be set on pins 1 and 2 A f t er r eplac ing the mother boar d G2 pr oducts F or all G2 pr oducts y ou mus t: 1 . Install the late st BIOS r e visi on fr om the r elev ant pr oduct sit e.
T able 5 BIOS IDs for G2 products (continued) 5 9 6 1 4 2 -B2 1 D2D2 50 4i G2 5 9 5 2 4 9-B2 1 D2D4 1 06i G2 5 9 5 88 2 -B2 1 D2D4 1 06fc G2 5 9 5 2 48-B2 1 D2D4 1 1 2 G2 5 8 1 9 7 1 -B2 1 D2D4 3 1 2 G2 6 35 2 3 6 -B2 1 D2D4 3 2 4 G2 5 . Exit RB SU and add the iL O2 license .
4 Battery/F lash Bac k ed W r ite Cac he (BB W C or FB W C) module f ailur es P art number s P ar t numbe rs for a r eplacemen t cache modules ar e as f ollow s: • G1 pr oducts: BB W C = 3 9 8 648.
Figur e 1 5 Example HP D2D4 3 1 2 Stor ag e—RAID page showing battery failure HP D2D400 4 ,/400 9 and D2D2 5 0 2/3/4 G1 and G2 The s tatus of the battery is r eported on the Summary and Status-RAID pages of the W eb Management Interf ace.
Figur e 1 8 FBW C module LEDs HP D2D4 3 1 2 The re ar e thr ee BB WC batte rie s, one f or each Smart Ar ra y contr oller (P4 1 0i and tw o P4 1 1 contr oller s) , and the y are located in the h older in the center o f the HP D2D43 1 2 Back up S y stem .
Figur e 20 BBW C battery and P2 1 2 card, HP D2D4 1 06/4 1 1 2 G2 HP D2D2 5 0 2/2 5 04 G2 The P2 1 2 card ha s one BB W C. Figur e 2 1 BBW C batter y and P2 1 2 card, HP D2D2 50 2/25 04 G2 HP D2D400 4/400 9 and HP D2D2 50 2/3/4 G1 The P4 00 car d has one BB W C.
Figur e 22 BB WC battery and P400 card BB WC 1 cable that connects the BB W C to the P400 con troller 2 HP D2D4 1 1 2 G1 The P8 00 R AID contr olle r is fitted w ith two batter ies . The tw o BB WC s are ali gned as a single unit in the battery clip .
Figur e 24 L ocation of LEDS on the BBW C NO TE: F or a detailed des cr iption of the LEDs , r efer to the “HP Smart Ar r ay s for HP Pr oL iant Serve rs use r guide ” .
5 T he HP Smar tA rr a y P4 1 0i and P8 1 2/P4 1 1 R AID contr oller s and HP S A S e xpander car d (HP D2D4 3 2 4 and 4 3 1 2) Ov ervi e w HP D2D4 3 2 4 The HP D2D4 3 2 4 has f our R AID contr oller s.
Figur e 2 6 HP D2D43 1 2, location of the P4 1 1 controller and HP SA S expander card 3 HP S AS e xpander card 1 and 2 P4 1 1 R AID contr ollers W ARNING! T o r educe the r isk of perso nal injury or .
The units ar e shipped w ith paper cop ies of the S AAP li cense . If you n o longer hav e this licens e and the boar d is still w orking , make a n ote of the li cense bef ore y ou r eplace the mother board . If it is not w orking , contac t HP Support .
5 . Install the S AAP li cense . a . R eboot the s ys tem. b . Dur ing the P OS T sc r een, w hen adv ised , hit an y ke y to see f urther messages . c. Enter the Smart Ar ra y P OS T OR CA utility by pr essing [F8] w hen details f or the P4 1 1 car d ar e display ed dur ing the PO S T messages .
Figur e 2 7 Cabling show ing th e S AS e xpander card Figur e 28 Cabling sho wing the backplan es HP S AS e xpander card (HP D2D4 3 2 4 and D2D4 3 1 2) 3 3.
6 T he HP Smar tA rr a y P2 1 2 R AID contr oller (HP D2D2 5 0 2 G2 , 2 5 04 G2 , 4 1 06 G2 , 4 1 1 2 G2) Ov ervi e w The f ollo w ing G2 HP D2D Back up S ys tems use the HP SmartAr ra y P2 1 2 RAI D con trolle r fitted w ith 5 1 2 MB RAM and BBW C (battery back ed w rite cac he) .
P2 1 2 car d failur es ar e likel y to occ ur only dur ing po wer do w n or po wer up . F ailur e means that the P2 1 2 car d is unable to mount the RAID arr ay .
Figur e 3 1 Inser ting a P2 1 2 card into an HP D2D4 1 06/4 1 1 2 Figur e 3 2 Inser ting a P2 1 2 card into an HP D2D2 50 2/25 04 3 . R econnect the car d to the ex isting BB W C cable . (If pr efer r ed, r eplace the BB W C cable with the one suppli ed with the r eplacement car d .
7 T he HP Smar tA rr a y P4 00 R AID contr oller (D2D4 004/4 00 9/2 5 00 G1 ) Ov ervi e w The f ollo w ing HP D2D Back up S ys tems use the HP SmartAr ra y P400 RAID contr oller f it ted w ith 5 1 2 MB RAM and one BB WC (battery back ed w rite cac he) .
P4 00 contr oller f ailur e Identify ing a P400 car d f ailur e P400 car d failur es ar e lik ely to occ ur onl y during po w er do wn or po w er up . F ailure means that the P400 car d is unable to moun t the R AID arr a y .
Figur e 36 Inserting a P400 card 4. R econnect the car d to the ex isting BB W C cable . Do not us e the cable supplied w ith the r eplacement car d. It is no t long enough to connec t to the BB W C.
8 T he HP Smar tA rr a y P800 R AID contr oller (HP D2D4 1 1 2 G1 onl y) Ov ervi e w The HP S tor eOnce D2D4 1 1 2 G1 Back up S y stem u ses the HP SmartArr ay P8 00 R AID contr oller f it ted w ith 5 1 2 MB R AM and tw o BB WC s (batter y bac ked w r ite cache).
R eplac ing the HP Smart Arr a y P800 co ntr oller F or detailed ins tructi ons on r eplacing the P8 00 contr oller , r efer t o “HP Smar t Ar r ay s for HP Pr oL iant Serve rs Use r Guide ” . The r eplacement P8 00 contr oller is supplied w ithou t the BBW C batter ies .
Suppo r t and other r eso ur ces R elated doc umen tation In addition to this guide , the fo llow ing doc uments pr ov ide r elated inf ormati on: • ‘Start her e' pos ter fo r an ov ervie w o.
HP tec hnical su pport F or w orld wi de techni cal support info rmation , see the HP suppo r t w ebsite: http://www .hp .com/support Bef or e contacting HP , collect the f ollo wing inf ormati on: .
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts HP (Hewlett-Packard) D2D2503 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie HP (Hewlett-Packard) D2D2503 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für HP (Hewlett-Packard) D2D2503 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von HP (Hewlett-Packard) D2D2503 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über HP (Hewlett-Packard) D2D2503 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon HP (Hewlett-Packard) D2D2503 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von HP (Hewlett-Packard) D2D2503 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit HP (Hewlett-Packard) D2D2503. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei HP (Hewlett-Packard) D2D2503 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.