Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung 7000N des Produzenten HP (Hewlett-Packard)
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HP Scanjet 7000n Series User Guide.
Copyrigh t and Li cense © 2011 Copyright Hewlett-Packard Development Compan y, L.P. Reproduction, adaptation, or translation without prior written per mission is prohibited, exce pt as allowed under t he copyright laws. The information contained herein is subjec t to change without notice.
Table of contents 1 Product basics .............. ............ ........ ............ ........ ........... ......... ............ ........... ........ .... ................ ........ ........... 1 Convent ions used in t his guide ....... ......... .....
Configure e-ma il settings ......... .................. ............ .................. ............ .................. ............ .. ............... 26 Supported pr otocols ........... ................... ........... ................. ............ .
Secure e-mail ................ ............ ................. ............ ................ ............ ................. ........... .... 54 Restrict soft ware access .... ............. ......... .............. ........ .............. ......... ....
Initializ ation or hardware problems ....... .................. ............ ................... .................. ............ ..... .......... 85 Check the E thernet connectio n ....... ................. ............ ................. .............
Customer self-repair w arranty service .......... ............ .................. ............ ................. ............ ........ ..... 103 Customer supp ort .............. .............. ........... ............... ............... .......... ...
1 Product basics ● Conventio ns used in this gui de ● Product fe atures ● Product walk around 1.
Convention s used in this g uide Througho ut this g uide, sev eral tip s, notes , cautions, and warni ngs alert y ou about importan t infor matio n. TIP: Tips provi de helpfu l hints or sh ortcuts. NOT E: Notes provide i mporta nt inform ation to e xplain a concept or to c omplete a task.
Product fea tures Table 1-1 F eatures Resolution 600 pixels per inch (ppi) Memory ● 512 MB of random-access memory (RAM). ● Memory Enhancem ent technology (M Et) automatically compres ses data t o use RAM more efficiently.
Table 1-1 F eatures (continued) Security feature s ● Secure disk erase ● Secure storage erase ● Secure file erase ● Authentication ◦ User access code authenticat ion ◦ Windows (Kerberos and NTLM) ◦ LDAP ● Jetdir ect car d ◦ IPsec ◦ Password p rotection ◦ SSL ◦ TLS ◦ SNMPv 3 ◦ 802.
Product walka round Front view CAUTION: If you need to mo ve the produ ct, alway s lift the p roduct f rom the b ase. Do not lift us ing the ke yboard.
Back view 1 Power switch 2 Power connector 3 USB ports 4 Network link speed indicators 5 Ethernet port 6 Covered Ethernet port for service acce ss 7 EIO slot containing a Jetdirect c ard Serial number.
2 Control panel ● Use th e contro l pane l ● Navigate the Ad ministr ation menu 7.
Use the co ntrol pa nel The c ontrol pa nel has an SVG A touch sc reen that provide s acces s to all produc t function s, virt ual an d physi cal keyboa rd, and a keypad with b uttons for common tas ks. Use the button s and k eyboard to contro l jobs a nd the product status.
9 Reset button Resets the job s ettings to factory o r user-defined default values. 10 Touch screen brightnes s- adjustment control Use this control to increase or decrease the brightness of the touch screen display.
Home screen The ho me screen provide s acces s to the product features , and it i ndicates the cur rent sta tus of the prod uct. 1 Features Depending on how the product is configured, the features tha.
Buttons on the tou ch screen The to uch scree n provid es infor mation ab out the product status. Various bu ttons can appear in thi s area . Home button . Touch this button to go to the Home screen from any other screen. Start butto n . Touch this button to begin the acti on for the feature that you are using.
Navigate the Administration menu From the Home scre en, touch the Admi nistrat ion bu tton to open the m enu stru cture. Y ou might need to scroll to the bottom of the Home scre en to see this feature. The Admin istr ation men u has several sub-menus that you can use f or some setup tas ks.
Table 2 -2 Jetdirect me nus (continued) Menu item Sub-menu item Sub-menu item Values and Description Host Name An alphanumeric string, up to 32 characters, used to identify the product.
Table 2 -2 Jetdirect me nus (continued) Menu item Sub-menu item Sub-menu item Values and Description Manual Settings (Available only if the Config Method item is set to th e Manual valu e) Configure parameter s directly f rom the control panel: IP Address : The unique IP address of the product (n.
Table 2 -2 Jetdirect me nus (continued) Menu item Sub-menu item Sub-menu item Values and Description Manual Use this item to m anually set IPv6 addresses on the server. Enab le : Select this it em and choos e the On s ettin g to enable manual configuration, or the Off settin g t o disable manual configuration.
Table 2 -2 Jetdirect me nus (continued) Menu item Sub-menu item Sub-menu item Values and Description 802.1X Reset 802.1X settings to factory defaults. No (default): Retain current 802.1X settings. Yes : Re set 802.1X settings to factory defaults. Enable Wipe Most configuration settings are erased during a cold reset.
3 Supported utilities for Windows ● HP Web Jetadm in ● Embed ded Web Serv er ● HP Digita l Sendin g Softw are (HP DS S) 17.
HP Web Jeta dmin HP Web Jetadmin i s a sim ple print a nd imagi ng perip heral ma nagement s oftware tool that h elps optimiz e product use , contro l color cost s, secure pr oducts, and str eamline s.
4 Configure the product You mi ght need t o conf igure c ertain ne twork pa rameters on th e product. Y ou can config ure thes e parame ters fro m the Em bedded W eb Server or (for m ost ne tworks) the H P We b Jetadmi n software.
Supported n etwork protoc ols The produc t supports the T CP/IP network pro tocol, the most wi dely used and ac cepted net working protoc ol. Ma ny networ king se rvices ut ilize this pr otocol. The foll owing tabl es list the supp orted netw orking service s and pr otoco ls.
Table 4-4 Se curity features Service name Description IPsec/Firewall Provides network-layer security on IPv4 and IPv6 networks. A firewall provides simple control of IP traffic. IPsec provides additional protection through authentication and encryption protocols.
Configure th e product to use the n etwork View or change network settings You ca n use the Embe dded Web Server to view or cha nge IP co nfigurati on se ttings. 1. Touch the N etwork Address button on the Home screen to l ocate the IP address. ● If you a re using IPv4, th e IP addr ess co ntains on ly digi ts.
Manually configure IPv4 TCP/IP pa rameter s from th e control panel In addi tion to using th e Embedde d Web Ser ver, yo u can also use the c ontro l-panel menus to set an IPv4 addres s, subne t mask, and defaul t gateway. 1. At the product co ntrol panel, touch the Admin istrati on button.
Manually configure IPv6 TCP/IP pa rameter s from th e control panel In addi tion to using th e Embedde d Web Ser ver, yo u can also use the c ontro l-panel menus to set an IPv6 add ress . 1. At the product co ntrol panel, touch the Admin istrati on button.
Disable netwo rk protocols (optional ) By fac tory def ault, all supporte d network protoc ols are en abled. Disablin g unused protocols has the followi ng benefits : ● Decreases p roduct-gene rated.
Configure e-mail settings The prod uct of fers color -scanning and digi tal-send ing capa bilities. B y using the contr ol panel , you ca n scan b lack-and- white or color documents and send them to an e-mail address as an e -mail attachm ent. To use digita l sending, the produ ct must be con nected to a local area network (LAN ).
TIP: You mu st spec ify an ou tgoing SM TP serv er and c omple te the From: field. See the Embedded W eb Server Hel p for more infor matio n. 5. To add a ddresse s to the Address b ook, cli ck the Address Book entry in the left na vigation pane and then f ollow the onscr een ins truction s.
Configure ot her digita l sending se ttings Use the Embe dded Web Server ( EWS) to c onfigu re e-mail setti ngs and a dditional features such a s: ● E-mail ● Digi tal fax ● Save to network folde.
3. Select the E nable Sa ve to U SB checkb ox. 4. Set the de fault sett ings you wa nt. 5. Click the Apply button. Configure quick sets 1. Click the General tab. 2. On the l eft navigatio n menu , click th e Quick Se ts Setup entry. 3. Click the Add button, and then f ollow the onscree n instru ctions in the Qu ick Set Wizar d.
5 Load originals ● Su pport ed docu ment sizes ● General d ocumen t loading tips ● Document loa ding tips for mi xed-siz e documents ● Load doc uments 30 Chapter 5 Load original s.
Supported d ocument sizes The ma ximum c apacity of the document feeder is 5 0 she ets of 75 g/m 2 (20 lb ) pap er. When us ing heavie r pape r, the m aximu m capaci ty is d ecrease d. The m aximum capacity of th e documen t feede r with card stoc k is 10 card s.
General document loadin g tips ● Scanning the follo wing t ypes of documents might res ult in paper jam s or dam age to the document s. Wrinkled or creased documents Curled documen ts Torn documents.
● When pla cing a s tack of documents into the feeder, gently set the stack i n the doc ument feede r. Do not drop the stack into the feeder a nd do not tap the top edge of the stack af ter placing the stack in th e docume nt feed er.
Docume nt lo ading tips for mixed- size docu ments You ca n load th e docu ment feede r wit h groups of docum ents that have different widths or lengths . If your document contains different sized pages, yo u can scan it us ing t he methods in this sectio n.
Load docume nts 1. Pull up the docum ent feeder extensi on and adjust the outp ut tray. Ensu re that the outpu t tray does not extend beyond the surf ace on which the sca nner sits. 2. Adjust th e paper guides to the width of the documen ts. Take care not t o overti ghten the guides, which ca n restr ict paper feeding .
4. Align the edges of the doc uments b y tapping the botto m of th e stack against the tab le top. Rotate t he stack 90 degrees and rep eat. 5. Gently set t he stack in the do cument fee der. Load the pages face do wn with the top o f the p ages pointing into the fe eder.
6 Scan and send documents ● Sign In ● Preview a scan ● Send a s canned do cumen t to one o r more e-mails ● Fax a s canned d ocument ● Save to a network folde r or USB storage dev ice ● Se.
Sign In Depen ding on h ow yo ur admin istrator has configur ed acce ss priv ileges, you mig ht need to sign in before using the produc t as well as when you a ccess produ ct feat ures. T he access your a dministrato r has set for yo u might limit the fea tures avail able to you.
Preview a scan Use the touch s creen to navigate through the opt ions on t he Image Preview screen . 1 Home button Touch this button t o open the Home screen. 2 Start button Touch this button to scan the document and send it to the specified destination.
3. To see a m ulti-pag e view o f the s canned d ocument a nd move, append, de lete, o r rotate pages, touch the View butt on. 4. When you are don e making changes , touch th e Start button t o save you r change s and s end the scan or the Cance l Job butto n to cancel your chan ges and r eturn to the prev ious s creen.
Send a scanne d document to one or more e-ma ils The e-m ail feat ure offers the foll owing bene fits: ● Sends docu ments to mul tiple e- mail addres ses, savi ng time and deliv ery costs . ● Delivers files in black- and-white or in col or. Fil es can be sent i n differe nt file fo rmats th at the recipie nt can man ipulate .
Add entrie s to th e Personal or Shar ed Contact s address books 1. Touch the a dd button . 2. Touch the Name field, and type a n ame for t he new ent ry. The name is the alias for the entry. 3. Type the e- mail ad dress f or the ne w entry, complete any additional optional fields, and then touch the OK button.
6 Scroll bar Use the Scroll bar to view and set up the cc: , bcc: , Message: , and File Name: fields. Touch any of those fields and add the necessary information. 7 Address book buttons Touch these buttons to use the address book to populate the To: , cc: , or bcc: fields.
Fax a scan ned do cument Use the Send Fax screen Use the touch sc reen to navigate thr ough the options on the Send Fax screen. 1 Home button Touch this button to open the Home screen. 2 Send Fax button Touch this button to scan the document and send a fax to the provided fax numbers.
Send a fax 1. Place th e origin al docum ent face down i n the doc ument feede r. 2. From the Ho me scr een, touch the Fax butto n. 3. If prompted, typ e your user name and pass word. 4. Specify the fax n umber s by us ing one or bot h of these metho ds: Use the Fax Num ber: field Type the fax number.
Save to a network fold er or USB sto rage device If the system ad ministr ator has m ade the feature a vailable, t he pro duct can scan a fil e and save it to either a USB s torage de vice or a ne twork folder .
Send or s ave a documen t using Q uick Sets If the system ad ministr ator has m ade the feature a vailable, t he pro duct can s can a fil e using preset setti ngs fo r fax num bers , e-mail recip ient s, netw ork fol ders, or USB st orage devic es.
Scan to a workflo w destinatio n NOT E: This p roduct featu re is p rovided by the op tional Di gital Se nding Software. If the system ad ministr ator has enabled the workflow funct ionality, you can sca n a docum ent and send i t to a cu stom w orkflow des tination.
7 Manage and maintain the product This se ction presents i nformatio n about h ow to c are for an d main tain the p roduct. ● Use info rmati on pages ● Embed ded Web Serv er ● Use HP Web Jetadmi.
Use informa tion pa ges From the Home scre en, touch the Admi nistrat ion bu tton and the n touc h the Inform ation option to view pages that gi ve detail s about the devic e and its current con figurat ion and status .
Embedd ed Web Ser ver When th e HP Sc anjet Ente rpri se 7000n is conn ected to a network , you c an use th e Embedde d Web Serve r to view status infor mation , change settin gs, and mana ge the product fro m your compu ter. To use the Emb edded Web Ser ver, you must have Microsof t Internet Expl orer 5.
Tab Opti ons Scan/Digital Send The Scan/ Digita l Send tab allows you t o set up an d configure e-mail, sav e-to-USB, save-to-network-folder , and digital-sendi ng- software options, populate an address book, and connect to w orkflow s ervices.
Use HP Web Jetadmin softwar e HP Web Jetadmi n is a Web -based s oftware s olution for remotel y instal ling, mo nitoring, and trouble shooting network -connected peripheral s. M anagement is proa ctive, al lowing n etwork admini strators the abil ity to r esolve issues before u sers are affected.
Controlling di gital-s ending security The pr oduct ha s been d esigned w ith se curity in mind. It inc ludes a variety of fe atures that w ork to protec t the secur ity of the digital -sending pr ocess.
Security features The fo llowing s ecurity featur es are available on this product. ● Secure the Em bedded Web Ser ver ● Manage tem porary job f iles ● Secure St orage Eras e ● Secure F ile Er.
Sanitati on and the U.S. Depa rtment of Defens e Updated DSS Clear ing and Saniti zation Matrix . 3. Click Apply . Secure Storage Erase Use the Secu re Stora ge Erase opti on in the Embedded Web Server to prote ct deleted data from unauthor ized ac cess o n the pro duct hard d rive.
HP High-Performance Secure Hard Disks This pr oduct su pports an encr ypted ha rd disk that mig ht be installed in the E IO slot , on the fo rmatter board, or in bo th locati ons. Th e only e ncrypted ha rd di sk that is supporte d is the disk th at com es bundled with the product.
To co nfigure t hese set tings using the Embedde d Web Server, f ollow these ste ps. 1. In the Embedded Web Ser ver, c lick the Secur ity tab , and th en clic k the Acc ess Control lin k. 2. Configu re access co ntrol option s. ● Enable and Conf igure Sign In M ethods .
Test and calib rate the to uch scr een If tou ch screen touches are yi elding un expected (or no) resul ts, y ou may n eed to ca libra te the touch screen. To v erify that cal ibration is nece ssary, you should first test the touch s creen. Test the touch screen To test the touc h screen, fol low these steps: 1.
Instal l the hardw are integration p ocket Use the incl uded hardwar e integrati on pocket (pack aged with the output tr ay) with a separ ately- purcha seable H P acces sory suc h as a s ecure car d re ader to p rovide sec ure ac cess to your pr oduct.
4. Using a credit c ard, gen tly pry up one e dge of the hardwar e integra tion pock et inser t, and the n remo ve the i nsert. 5. Carefully thread the ha rdware i ntegratio n pock et conne ctor thr ough the opening in the l eft side of the pocket. 6.
7. Follow the instal lation i nstru ctions th at came with the HP acces sory, e nsuring that you place the accessory cable such that you can fit t he acc essory o n top of th e hardwa re in tegration pocket.
Clean the prod uct Cleanin g produc t compone nts help s keep y our pro duct in optimal w orking order. ● Clean the touch sc reen ● Clean the produ ct glass ● Clean the paper path ● Clean the roll ers Clean the touch screen Clean the t ouch screen when ever it is nece ssary to re move fingerpr ints or dust.
4. Dry the glass wi th a dry, s oft, l int-free cl oth. 5. With a ligh t touch, d ust the tw o small stri ps of gray refl ective materia l with a dry, soft, lin t-free cloth .
TIP: HP recommen ds clean ing rollers ev ery 10,000 pag es, though you may want to clean the roll ers more f requently if you scan pa ges that a re du sty or hav e pencil lead or ink ma rks tha t could t ransf er to the r ollers.
5. Reinsert the r oller i nto the ho using. 6. Open the door on the in side of the pro duct, open the roller covers, and then re move the ro llers. 7. Remove a ny vi sible l int or du st from the roll ers and their ho using using e ither co mpress ed air o r a clean lint-fre e cloth m oistened with iso propyl alc ohol.
9. Clean the non-r emovabl e rollers using e ither co mpresse d air or a clea n lint-f ree c loth moi stened with iso propyl alcohol. 10. Cl ose the hatc h. 11. Press the Power button to turn on the product. 12. Update the product mai ntenance hi story.
Order main tenance a nd scanni ng sup plies You ca n purch ase m aintenance part s for y our produc t. HP rec ommends that you purchas e rolle rs and cle anin g clot hs bef ore th e exist ing co nsuma bles re ach th eir serv ice lif e. 1. See the HP parts Web site at www.
Replace su pplies and parts ● Replace the ro llers ● Replace the ke yboard ● Replace t he Jet direct car d ● Replace the har d drive ● Upgrade t he firmwa re Replace the rollers Replace the rol lers un der the f ollowing condi tions: ● When t he Serv ice men u indica tes they are due for main tenance.
Replace the Jetdirect card To re place the Jetd irect c ard, foll ow these steps. 1. Press t he Power b utton to tu rn off the prod uct (1) , press the Power s witch on the ba ck of th e product to the off position (2), disconn ect power from th e product ( 3), and then disc onnect th e Ethernet c able (4).
a. Align th e card with the guid e rails in th e slot. b. Firmly press the card int o the slo t until the card is seate d, and the n tighten each thumbscre w a little at a time unti l both thu mbscrews are secure. 4. Connect th e network c able to t he card.
Replace the hard drive To re place the hard drive, follow th ese steps . 1. Press t he Power b utton to tu rn off the prod uct (1) , press the Power s witch on the ba ck of th e product to the off position (2), disconn ect power from th e product ( 3), and then disc onnect th e Ethernet c able (4).
4. Press the co nnector tab on the fla t cable (1) and di sconnect the cable (2), and the n disconnec t the cable bundl e (3). 5. To remove the d rive, ge ntly lift the driv e rail lever on the left le ading edg e of th e drive ( 1), sli de the driv e forwar d (2), and then rem ove th e drive.
7. Slide the new d rive into the driv e housin g until i t snaps into pl ace, ensur ing that t he pegs on the side of the driv e rails fit into the slot on the driv e housing. 8. Attach the flat cab le and the cable b undle to the new drive. 9. Secure the ca bles with the cable ties you previo usly unfast ened.
Upgrade the firmware You can upgr ade both the produ ct firmware and the HP Je tdirect Ins ide firmware. ● Upgrade the pro duct firmwa re ● Upgrade t he HP Jetdirect I nside firmwar e Upgrade the product f irmware NOT E: You must h ave access t o the p roduct's local administrator p assword to complete this task .
3. Select the d evice that you want to up date, click the Firmwa re tab in the status are a at in th e bottom p ortion o f the Device Management scr een, an d then se lect J etdirect F irmware to view the curr ent ver sion of Jetd irect fi rmware. 4. See ww w.
8 Sol ve probl ems This se ction contains solutio ns for c ommon pr oblems with the p roduct. ● Error c odes ● Basic troub leshootin g tips ● Restore fac tory settings ● Interpret cont rol-pan.
Error co des Follo w the dis playe d instru ctions a nd, if applicab le, vide o to r esolve an error. Error Type Description ADF empty No document was detected in the document feeder. Automatic calibration failed A hardware failure occurred when the product attempted to calibrate prior to scanning.
Basic troub leshoot ing tips Simple issues s uch as smudges on the s canner g lass or l oose cab les can c ause you r product to produc e fuzzy scans, operate in an une xpecte d manner, o r fail to operate. Alway s check the follow ing items when you encounter scanning probl ems.
Restore fa ctory settings Use the Resets menu to restore f actor y sett ings. 1. Touch the Service button, a nd then tou ch the Rese ts button. 2. Touch th e buttons associ ated with the subsy stems y.
Interp ret control -panel st atus light s The prod uct has six LED s on the control panel tha t indicat e product statu s. The table below exp lains how to i nterpret the se LEDs. LED behavior Description All LEDs are off. The product is turned off. Sleep LED is on.
Control-pane l messa ge types Four typ es of co ntrol-p anel mes sages can indicate the st atus of or problems with the product. Message type Description Status messages S tatus messages reflect the current state of the product. They inform you of normal product operation and r equire no interactio n to clear them.
Control-pane l messages The prod uct provides r obust contro l panel mes saging. Wh en a message appe ars on the contro l panel, follow the on-scr een inst ructi ons to res olve the issue. I f the p roduct d isplays an “Err or” or “Attent ion” mes sage, an d no st eps are shown to resolve the issu e, turn the pro duct off th en on.
Inst allatio n problem s Cable t ype Actio n Power supply c able The power supply is connec ted between the p roduct and a power outlet. ● Ensure that the power supply is securely connected to the product. ● Ensure that the power cable is securely connected between the power supply and a live electrical outlet or surge protector.
Initializatio n or hardware problems ● Check the Etherne t connection ● Check the power con nection ● Reset the produ ct ● The pro duct has stopped working correc tly Check the Ethernet connection 1. Ensure that the Ethernet cable is fir mly connecte d between the pr oduct and a router , Ethernet jack, or Ethern et swi tch.
Reset the product If you receive an err or message indicat ing th at initial ization failed or th e produc t could not be fou nd when trying to u se the pr oduct, y ou shoul d reset the produ ct. To re set the p roduct, f ollow these ste ps: 1. Close the Embedded Web Se rver an d optiona l HP D igital Send ing So ftware, i f they ar e open.
Operation prob lems ● Product wil l not turn on ● Lamp stay s on ● Scan does not sta rt right away ● Only one s ide of a two-side d page s cans ● Scanned pag es are missing at the sc an dest.
Only one side of a tw o-sided page scans Make sure the sc an option you select suppor ts two-side d scanning. Scanned pages are missing at the scan destination When s canning, pages th at stick tog ether are scann ed as one item. The hid den pages are not scanne d.
Scanning at a higher res olution th an neces sary c reates a l arger fi le with n o additio nal benefi t. ● Color s cans cr eate lar ger file s than do black and whi te scans . ● If you ar e scanning a large number o f pages a t one time, con sider sca nning fewe r pages at a time to c reate mo re, smalle r files.
Pape r path pr oblem s ● Paper j amming, skewin g, misfee ds, or m ultiple- page f eeds ● Scanning fragil e original s ● Paper do es not fe ed corr ectly ● Origina ls are cu rling up in th e o.
A prob lem with the hard ware mig ht exist. Follow thi s proce dure to test the p roduct: 1. Ensure that the po wer supp ly is securely connected between th e produc t and a l ive ele ctrical outlet or surge p rotector . Check that the gr een LED on the power su pply ca se is o n to ver ify that the power suppl y is function al.
2. Open the hatch. 3. Remove th e origin als or any obst ructions from th e pape r path. 4. Remove an y debris (p aper, sta ples, clip s, etc.) tha t you see in the pape r path. 5. Close the hatch un til it snaps into place. 6. Reload the unscann ed origi nals in the do cument feeder.
Solve e-mail problems If you are unabl e to sen d e-mail s by usin g the d igital-sen d feature, you mig ht need to reconfi gure the SMTP ga teway address or the LDAP gatew ay addre ss. Vie w a confi guration page t o find the curren t SMTP an d LDAP gatew ay addre sses.
Solve n etwork pr oblems Check the fol lowing i tems to v erify that the pr oduct is communica ting w ith the ne twork. Before beginni ng, view the infor mation pages. If you still c annot conn ect to the network aft er chec king these items, s ee www.
Contact HP Support For sup port con tact informa tion, see the prin ted mater ials tha t came wi th the product, or see www.hp.c om/ support . Contact H P Support 95.
A S upplies and accessories ● Order parts , access ories, and sup plies ● Part numbe rs 96 Appen dix A Supplies and accessorie s.
Order par ts, access ories, a nd supp lies Sever al metho ds are availa ble for order ing part s, supplies , and access ories. Order genuine HP p arts or acc essories buy/ parts Order through service or support provider s Contac t an HP-authorized serv ic e or support provider.
Part numbers Orderin g inform ation and avail ability mi ght change duri ng the life of the produ ct. Accessories Item Description Part number HP Scanjet 7000n Keyboard Keyboards available in French, .
B Service and support ● Hewlett-P ackard limi ted warrant y stateme nt ● Open SSL ● Customer self- repair warranty s ervice ● Customer support 99.
Hewlett-Packard limited warranty statement HP PRODUCT DURATION OF LIMITED WARRANTY HP Scanjet 7000n One-year limited warranty HP warra nts to you, the end-u ser customer , that HP hardware and acc essories will be fr ee from defects in mater ials an d workmans hip after the date of purch ase, f or the pe riod specifie d above.
Open SSL Copyri ght ( c) 1998-20 01 Th e OpenS SL Proj ect. All rights rese rved. Redistr ibution and us e in source and binary for ms, with or without mod ificat ion, are permitte d provided tha t the followi ng condition s are met: 1.
Copyri ght rema ins Eri c Young 's, and as such a ny Cop yright noti ces in the code are no t to be remov ed. If this packag e is used in a p roduct, Er ic Young should be given attributi on as the author of the part s of th e librar y used.
Custome r self-repair wa rranty service HP pro ducts ar e desig ned with many C ustome r Self R epair ( CSR) parts to mi nimize repai r time a nd allo w for greater fle xibilit y in performing def ectiv e parts re placement .
Customer support Get telephone support, free during your warranty period, for your country/region Have the product name, serial number, date of purchase, and problem description ready. Country/region phone numbers are on the flyer that was in the box with your product or at www.
C Produ ct specifications ● Physic al specifi cation s ● Po wer co nsump tion ● Environ mental s pecificati ons ● Certific ate of Volatil ity 105.
Physic al specifica tions Table C-1 Product d imensions Produc t Height Depth Wid th Weight HP Scanjet Enterprise 7000n 343 mm (13.5 in) 411 mm (16.2 in) 321 mm (12.6 in) 16. 2 kg (35.6 lb) HP Scanjet Enterprise 7000n (with trays extended) 508 mm (20 in) 685 mm (26.
Certificate of Volat ility This st atement expla ins the volatili ty of customer data stored in memor y and outlines how to erase secure data from the device. Volatile memory The pr oduct ut ilizes volati le memor y (512 MB) to store cus tomer data duri ng the scan proc ess.
D Regulatory information ● Regulator y model numbe r ● Environ mental p roduct stewards hip prog ram ● Sa fety s tat emen ts 108 Appendix D Regul atory in formation.
Regulatory mode l number For regula tory identi fication purpo ses your produc t has been assigned a Regulatory Mod el Number. The Re gulatory Mo del Numbe r for y our produc t is FCLS D-0807. Thi s regul atory m odel numb er should not be c onfused wi th the ma rketing name (HP Scanje t Enterpris e 7000n) o r produc t number (L2708A , L2709A).
Environm ental produ ct stewardship program Protecting the enviro nment Hewlett- Packar d Company is com mitted to providi ng quali ty produ cts in a n envir onmentall y sound manner . This pr oduct has be en desig ned wi th several attribute s to minimi ze impa cts on o ur envir onment.
For rec ycling in formation , you can go to www.hp.c om/ recycle , or contact y our local authoriti es or t he Electr onics Indu stri es Allianc e: www.
Index A access ories orderin g 97 part numbers 98 address books, e-mai l adding address es 41 auto-comple te function 43 importi ng 52 LDAP suppo rt 26 reci pient l ists 41 reci pient li sts, cr eati .
E e-mail addres s boo ks deleting a ddresse s 42 elec tric al s pecif icati ons 106 Embe dded Web Server assigni ng a passwor d 55 features 51 General ta b 51 Information tab 51 Networki ng tab 52 opt.
loading do cumen ts general ti ps 32 tips for mi xed-si ze docu ments 34 log in 3 8 M maint enance clean pa per path 64 clean rolle rs 64 manage EWS 51 manage te mpora ry job files 55 managing network.
files too large 88 fragil e items 90 previe w 39 to e-mail 41 to fax 45 to network folder 46 to USB 46 using qu ick sets 47 Scan/Dig ital Sen d tab, Embedded Web Serv er 52 scanne r rese t 86 scanner .
stop s wo rkin g 86 stre aks 91 two-side d scans 88 uninstall and reinst all software 86 warm-u p time 87 white scans 88 trouble shooting control pa nel messag es 83 gateway ad dresses 93 network prob.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts HP (Hewlett-Packard) 7000N (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie HP (Hewlett-Packard) 7000N noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für HP (Hewlett-Packard) 7000N - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von HP (Hewlett-Packard) 7000N reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über HP (Hewlett-Packard) 7000N erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon HP (Hewlett-Packard) 7000N besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von HP (Hewlett-Packard) 7000N verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit HP (Hewlett-Packard) 7000N. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei HP (Hewlett-Packard) 7000N gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.