Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung 6600 SERIES des Produzenten HP (Hewlett-Packard)
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HP Net w orking 6 600 S witch Series T echnical Overvie w v1 .0 T able of cont ents T a b l e o f c o n t e n t s ................................. 1 T abl e of f ig ures a nd ta bles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Ex ec ut iv e su mma r y.
C o n s o l e p o r t ................................ 1 5 Et hernet o ut-of -band ma nage ment ( OOBM ) port . . . . . . . . 1 5 A ux il i ary (U S B ) port. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 5 66 00 ser ies s yst em ar ch i tectu re .
HP P roC urve 6 600 S wi tc h P ow er S up ply (J 9 2 6 9 A) . . . . . . . . 2 4 HP P roC urve 6 600 S wi tc h Fa n T ra y (J9 2 7 1 A ) . . . . . . . . . . . 25 R a c k m o u n t i n g o p t i o n s ........................... 2 5 2 - p o s t t e l c o r a c k s .
L a t e n c y m e a s u r e m e n t s .......................... 3 7 P ow er c ons um pt ion mea su reme nts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 7 P o w e r S a v e m o d e ............................. 3 8 S e r v i c e s a n d s u p p o r t ....
Fi gure 1 : T op- of -ra ck us e model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Fi gure 2 : HP P roC urve 6 600 S wi tc h Ser ie s (po w er s uppl y s i d e v i e w ) ............................ 1 0 Fi gure 3 : HP P roC urve 6 600 S wi tc h P ow er S up ply ( J 9 2 6 9 A ) .
T able 5 : S F P + vs . X2 opt ics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 7 T able 6: Ca pac ity , p erfo rman ce , a nd featu res co mpar is on of th e 66 00 seri es pr oducts . . . . . . . 3 3 Fi gure 1 8: 4-por t 1 0 -GbE bloc ks sho wi ng ho w ports are gr ou ped to a 1 4 .
7 Ex ec utiv e summ ar y HP net worki ng has an exte ns ive li ne of net working products built around the concept of the Pr oCur ve Adapti ve Net work vi sion that provides the securi t y , mobility .
8 P roduc t posi tioning Ove r vi e w The intelli gence, throughput , scalabil it y , and p h ysical c onnec ti vit y options of the 66 0 0 series mak e them sui table for applications at the ser ver edge or aggrega ti on/ distri bution layer of a compute net w ork.
9 Fig ure 1 provides an e xample of a three -tiered networking model with top -of-rack net worki ng compon ents. Data center network Core Server and network “packs” All applications have standard .
1 0 6 6 00 s eries sy stem o v er vie w The HP ProCurve 6600 S witch Seri es was de s igned to b e co-lo cated with data center ser vers for both top -of- rack edge access and e nd- of -row aggregation and distribut ion deployment mo dels.
1 1 suppor ts only the 1 200 W AC s upply , although the 6600 series is capable of suppor ting DC and other common-slot supplies. T wo A C-to - 1 2 - V DC power suppli es can be configured as 1 + 1 redundant supplies.
1 2 Figur e 4: Defau lt air flow di rec tion an d con nec tivit y sid e view of th e 6600 - 24XG swit ch In the event of an i ndividual fan fa ilure , an SNMP trap a nd event log entr y is generate d .
1 3 swit ches would more lik ely have their network p ort s fac ing tow ard the b ack ( hot aisle ) of the cabinet to fac ilitate ser ver connectivi t y .
1 4 Figur e 6: Close up view of t he HP Pro Cur ve 6600 Swi tch S eries LE Ds Proc ess or The CPU processor is a Freescale P ow erPC 8540 operating at 66 7 MHz . Mem or y SD RA M S ynchronous Dynamic RA M ( SDR AM) is used for the storage of uncompresse d ex ecutable code and da ta structures.
1 5 Con sol e por t The console por t allows for R S- 2 3 2 serial connectivity for local manag ement and confi guration . For the 6600 - 48G , 6600 - 4 8G -4X G, a nd 6600 - 24 XG sw itches, the console por t is an R J- 4 5 connector .
1 6 Des cr ipt ion The HP ProCurve 6600 - 2 4G Sw itch is a data center optim ized , advanced Layer 3 1 U stackable swit ch with 20 1 0 / 1 00 / 1 00 0Base - T por ts and 4 dual- personality p ort s.
1 7 The ASIC layout sho wn in Fi gure 8 for the data center focused 6600 - 24G- 4 XG swi tch adds an NGX AS IC to provi de a 1 0- Gb uplink capabi lity to this swi tch mode l .
1 8 HP P r oC ur v e 6 600- 4 8 G S wi tc h (J 9 4 5 1 A) 4 port mGBIC 6 port PHY 6 port PHY 6 port PHY 6 port PHY NG ASIC 24 gig MACs 4 port mGBIC 6 port PHY 6 port PHY 6 port PHY 6 port PHY 6 port P.
1 9 HP P r oC ur v e 6 600- 4 8 G -4 X G S wi tc h (J 9 4 5 2A) SFP+ port SFP+ port NGX ASIC 18MB pkt buffer 4 10gig MACs SFP+ port SFP+ port Four Wire speed 10 GbE NGX ASIC 18MB pkt buffer 4 10gig MA.
2 0 T able 3 details the comparison of the 6600- 48 G / 48G- 4X G swit ches, the 29 1 0 al-48G , and the 3 500yl -48G swit ches in more detail . 29 1 0a l- 48G 6600 - 48G 660 0- 48G - 4X G 3500 yl- 48G Rack hei ght 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 - Gb R J -45 48 48 48 48 1 - Gb SFP 4 * 4 * – 4 * 1 0 -G b SFP + 4 (2 X2/ 2 C X4 ) – 4 4 (2 X2/ 2 C X4 ) Max.
2 1 For hi gh- availab ility configur ations with the 6600- 48G-4XG sw itch , users should consider trunking the 1 0 -G b uplin ks a cr oss o dd and even port s to take adv antage of the dual p aths to separate NGX chi ps, as shown i n Fig ure 1 1 .
2 2 features, such as QoS and security , to b e i mplem ented in a scalable yet gr anular fashion . With a va riet y of connectivity interfa ces and e xp anded buffering, the 6600 swit ches of fer ex cellent in vestment prote ction , flexi bili t y , and scalabil it y , as well as ease of deployment and reduced o perational expense .
2 3 Poli cy En forc eme nt En gi ne The Pro Visi on net work ASICs contai n the Pol icy Enforcement Eng ine. Th is engine pro vides fast p ack et classif ication to be applied to A CL s, QoS , rate lim iting , and some oth er features through an onboard T ernar y Content Addressabl e Memor y (T C AM) .
2 4 Layer 2 forwarding table is k ept fresh through the use of this CP U . O ther per - por t protocols, s uch as Spanning T ree Protocol and LACP , also are run on th is CPU . The local CPU , being a full-function m icroprocessor , allo ws functionali t y update s through futu re sof tware release s .
2 5 HP P r oC ur v e 6 600 S wi t ch F an T ray (J 92 7 1 A ) See reference in earlier te x t to HP Pr oCur ve 66 0 0 S wi tch Fan T ray ( J 92 7 1 A) . R ac k mou nt i ng opt i ons 2-p ost t elc o rac ks As p art of the 6600 series p ack age, each switc h ships w ith rack ears for mounting in 2 -p ost telco racks.
2 6 6 600 se ri es a i r plen um s The HP ProCurve 6600 Series Air plenum is desi gned to h elp preser ve c old -aisle /hot-aisle separation for impro ved cooling effic iency wh en the 6600 swi tch is co-l ocated with top- of-rack ser vers .
2 7 ser vers at the top of rack. The ai r plenum prevents cold air from leaki ng around sides of the 6600 switch t o promote more efficient c oo l ing and is recommended with installations where the 6600 swi tch is mounted with Ethernet p ort s fac ing the hot aisle .
2 8 Ov er vie w of features an d benefits The ProCu r ve 6600 S witch Ser ies, lik e the 8 200zl , 5400zl, 6 200yl, and 3 500yl series switc hes, uses th e same soft ware i mag e base (letter de si gnate d K -cod e , for exa mple, K.
2 9 Fea ture B enef its Mult iple use r authe nticatio n met hods Client- ba sed acc ess con trol using I EEE 802. 1X, W eb -b ase d, MAC-b ase d authe ntication, R AD IUS, and TA C ACS+ . At initial re lea se, the com bination s of auth enticatio n meth ods all owed simult aneou sly on a p ort a re IEEE 802.
3 0 F eatu re se t su mm ar y Addit ional details about the ProCurve 6600 S witch Series and 8 200zl, 54 0 0z l, 6 200yl, and 3 500yl series features include the follow ing : Da ta c ente r opt imi ze.
3 1 Per form anc e • Hi gh-spe ed/ - cap acit y archite cture : based o n the purpose -built P ro Vision ASICs to prov ide superior system per formance and scalabil it y • S elec tabl e queu.
3 2 • I CMP th rottlin g : defeat s ICMP denial- of - service at tacks by enabli ng any swi tch por t to automatically th rot tle ICMP traf fi c • Vir us throt tling : detects traf fi c p at.
3 3 W ar ran ty a nd su ppo rt • ProCu rve Lifetim e W arrant y ♦ : for as long as you own the product, w ith next-business- day advance replacement (ava ilable in most countries ) • E lec tronic and te lepho ne suppor t : li mited elec tron ic and teleph one suppor t is av ailable from HP ; refer to the HP website at ww w .
3 4 Rout in g and fo r wardi ng ta bl es The ProCu r ve 6600 S witch Ser ies has several routi ng and for wardi ng table fe atures that enhance routi ng and swit ching perfor mance .
3 5 Howe ver , when mo re than two por ts per 4 -p ort 1 0- GbE b lock are i n a link ed state, por ts 1 and 4 are statically mappe d to share one 1 4. 4 -Gb ps channel , while por ts 2 and 3 are statical ly mapp ed to share the other 1 4 .4- Gbps channel.
3 6 Th ro ug hpu t and l aten cy per f orma nc e dat a T ables 7 through 9 describe the per formance capabili ties of the 1 0 - Gbps, 1 - Gbps, and 1 0 0- Mbps interface module po rt s of the P roCur ve 6 600 Swi tch Series.
3 7 In the unli kely case where the average packet si ze is cons istently smaller , th e throughput w ill be les s than wi re spee d . For exa mple, consider a w orst- case scenario , where the average p ack et siz e is 64 byte s . This w ould result in a thr oughput of approxi mate ly 7 0% to 80% of the rated wire-sp eed capacity .
3 8 Pow er S ave mode Cer tai n mo dels of the 6600 series swit ches ha v e implemente d advanced pow er-savi ng capabilit ies to reduce power cons umed by unused or idle p ort s .
3 9 Opt i ona l su pport ser v ic es In additi on to free suppo rt ser vices such as the warra nt y and telephon e su pp ort, HP net worki ng of fers an extensiv e range of fee -b ased suppor t ser vices to meet more spe c iali zed nee ds.
4 0 OOB M l im ita ti on s • sFlow : It is not pos si ble to send s F low samples to a collector over the OOBM po rt; sFlow m ust b e captur e d and sent in-b and . • O OBM futures : Features to be impleme nted in the future , though no time frame has been committe d , include IPv6 host capabili ties, LLDP disco ver y , and A CL s .
4 1 The T C AM can suppor t appro ximately 3 , 0 00 data entries that m ay be used to represent various traffic controls , includ ing A CL s . For most customers, this quant it y of entries wi ll be more than ad equate to provide w ire- speed per formance for A CL processing.
4 2 Appen dix D: virus throt tle sec urit y Virus throttle is base d on the detection of anomalous b ehavior of network traffic that differs from a normal activity .
4 3 R espo nse o pti on s The response b ehavior of connection-rate filtering can be adj usted by using fi ltering options. When a w orm -lik e behavior is detec ted, the connection-rate filter can re.
44 VRRP i s an elec tion pro tocol t hat dy namically a ssigns re spo nsibility fo r a virt ual rout er on a L AN. It p rovides high a vailabilit y for a de fault ga teway with out the n eed t o reconfi gure end h osts Route r A Mult iple rou ter inter fac es comp rise a vir tual rout er config ured with a comm on virt ual IP a ddres s : 1 0.
4 5 Fig ure F- 1 shows that there are three equal -cost, next-hop pa ths from R outer A to the de sti nation subnets with load -sharing acr os s redundant li nks. At any poi nt in ti me, Router A ’ s routing table could have inf orma ti on indi cating the follow ing : Dest inati on subne t Next h op 1 0.
4 6 LED Sta te I ndic ation PS On (gre en) A power supp ly is inst alled in t he positio n in the ba ck of the swi tch, and the su pply is p lugg ed into an acti ve A C p ower source. A s shippe d, the switch h as a single p ower supp ly in positio n 1 .
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Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit HP (Hewlett-Packard) 6600 SERIES. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei HP (Hewlett-Packard) 6600 SERIES gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.