Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung 450 des Produzenten HP (Hewlett-Packard)
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hp deskjet 450 mobile p rinter user’ s guide.
ENWW Copy right In formation © 2002 Hewlett-Packard Company All Rights Reserved. Reproduction, adaptations, or translation without prior written permission is prohibited ex cept as all owed under copyright laws. 1, 8/2002 Notice The information contained i n this doc ument is subject to change without notice.
ENWW iii Contents Setting Up For more information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1 Understan ding printer p arts and fu nctions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2 Understan ding printer b uttons and LEDs .
iv ENWW Using the Toolbox Printer Stat us tab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1 Informati on tab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-2 myPrintMil eage .
ENWW 1-1 1 Setting Up This pri nter provides quick, professional mobile prin ting. You c an print fro m note books, deskto ps, wir eless de vices s uch as perso nal di gital as sistan ts (PDAs) runnin.
1-2 ENWW Understand ing printer parts an d functions Front v iew 1 Inpu t tray ext ensio n – Sl ides up to s upport larger p rint me dia. This prev ents possib le media feed p roblems. Pull this up for all media ex cept A5 paper an d cards. 2 Input tray – H ol ds th e me dia .
ENWW 1-3 Back view 1 Battery contacts – Provid es contact for power from the optional battery (part num ber C8222A, s ee HP Supplies and Acce ssories ). 2 Batt ery co ntact cover – Covers the batte ry contacts when the optional battery is not ins tal le d.
1-4 ENWW Understand ing printer butt ons and LEDs For a list o f LED (li ght-em itting diode) com binati ons an d what they indic ate, se e LED Referenc e . 1 Battery charge LED – L ights u p in gre en whe n battery is char ging, an d red when t here is a batt ery fault.
ENWW 1-5 Setting up t he printer Step 1: Check the box contents 1 HP De skjet 450 pri nter 2 2 print c artridges – 1 black (HP No . 56) and 1 tri-c olor (HP No.
1-6 ENWW Step 4: T urn on the printer 1 Lift the input t ray to its open pos ition. 2 Pres s the P OWER BUTTON to turn on the printer. Step 5: In stall the print cartri dges 1 Remove ea ch print cartridge fro m its package, and then pull the colored tab to remov e the prote ctive fi lm from each cartridge.
ENWW 1-7 3 Lift the print cartri dge latches . 4 Insert ea ch print c artridge into the correc t socket (HP No. 57 in the l eft socket; HP No . 56 or 58 in the ri ght sock et). Make sure you i nsert the p rint cartridge s at a sl ightly ti lted back angle.
1-8 ENWW 6 Close the front acces s cover. Wai t for the carria ge to com plete the prin t cartridge initiali zation routin e and retu rn to the ho me posit ion at the right side of the printer before usi ng the pri nter.
ENWW 1-9 For more informatio n and tips on selecti ng and lo ading me dia, see Selecti ng and Usin g Print Media . For informatio n on sup ported media, see Printe r Specific ations . Step 9: A lign the print cartridges After you ins tall new print cartridge s, they must be al igned for goo d print quali ty.
1-10 ENWW Understanding the b attery 1 Battery – Sup plies powe r to the printe r. 2 Battery release slider – Slides to rele ase the b atter y. Installing the b attery 1 Slide the battery i nto the bat tery slot at a n angle as shown in the following illustra tion, until th e battery is flus hed with the contac ts.
ENWW 1-1 1 Impo rtan t n otes Take no te of the fo llowing whe n charging or using the battery: Remov ing the battery 1 Slid e the bat t ery rel ease sli der in t he direct ion of t he arrow . 2 Remove the bat tery . It takes approximate ly 1 hou r and 30 m inutes to cha rge.
1-12 ENWW Trav el tips The foll owing ti ps will he lp you pr epare for tra veling wit h your printer: If yo u are bring ing along an extra bla ck or phot o print ca rtridge, sto re it in the travel ho lder (part num ber C8233 A, see HP Supplie s and Access ories ) to preve nt ink leaka ge.
ENWW 2-1 2 Installing Software This chap ter explains how to in stall your printer softw are for printing via diffe rent connec tions and device s, includin g personal digital assistan ts (PDAs). Installing the printe r driver (Windows a nd Macintosh) Prin ter dri ver so ftware lets a c omput er commun icate with th e prin ter.
2-2 ENWW For Wi ndow s The pr inter driv er software ru ns on Window s NT 4.0, Windows 98 and abov e and lets you prin t via the US B or parallel c able. The setu p software d etects th e version of the operati ng syst em that yo u are using. If you ins tal l a new ve rsi on of Wind ow s late r, you mu st rein sta ll the print er driver.
ENWW 2-3 8 Select I agree to do auto upload to let myPrintMil eage Agen t send pri nter usage in formation to th e myPrintMi leage websi te, where yo u can view your custom iz ed prin ter usa ge analysis. If you do not sele ct thi s option , y ou c an en abl e i t l ate r th roug h the To olb ox.
2-4 ENWW 2 Click St art > Programs > hp de skjet 450 p rinter > hp deskjet 450 printer Uninst aller . 3 Follow th e instruct ions on t he screen to remove th e printer s oftware. For Macintosh You can c onn ec t y ou r p rint er t o Apple ® com puters that use Ma c OS 8.
ENWW 2-5 To uninstall the softw are The Un install opti on of the s etup progra m lets you remove the p rinter softwa re from your comput er. 1 Restar t the compute r. 2 Insert th e Star ter CD into y our CD- ROM dr ive an d doub le-cli ck th e CD ico n on the d esktop.
2-6 ENWW To install the HP Deskjet 450 PDA Guide This gu ide provi des PDA print ing instru ctions, tr oubleshooti ng tips, a nd technic al sup port inform at ion . Y ou ca n tran sfe r this gui de to your PDA from the Starter CD or download from the Internet.
ENWW 3-1 3 Printing This ch apter exp lains how to print from Window s and Ma cintosh co mputers. I t also de scribes pri nter driver features, p rinter setti ngs, and how to perfo rm print er tasks. The print er provide s the flex ibility of f our diff erent connec tivity optio ns: USB, parallel , infrared a nd Bluetoo th.
3-2 ENWW Create and u se wa termarks. Specify text to be plac ed in the bac kg rou nd of an ex isting do cument. For example, you might wan t to have “draft” or “confide ntial” pla ced diagona lly acro ss the first p age or all pages of a docume nt.
ENWW 3-3 3 Click the Setup tab a nd selec t the print settings you wa nt. 4 Once y ou have made the necessa ry change s, clic k OK to activate the change and clos e the Propertie s dialog b ox. To print from a W indow s application 1 Click File > Print .
3-4 ENWW Bluetooth prin t ing If yo u use a noteb ook comput er equippe d with Bl uetooth te chnology, y ou can establi sh a wirele ss conn ection wit h the printe r to send a print job . You mus t have a Bl uetooth Com pactFlas h (CF) ca rd in the p rinter’s CF card slot for Bluetooth p rinting.
ENWW 3-5 Drag the do cu me nt you want to print to the desk jet 450 printer icon on the des ktop. Click the de skjet 450 ic on on th e desk top, then clic k Printing on the me nu bar.
3-6 ENWW View ing the HP Inkjet Util ity panels The f ollowing o ptions are available o n the HP Inkjet Util ity Panel menu. WOW! : Prints a sample page to v iew the prin t output qu ality. Te s t : Prints a test page or a d iagnosti c page. Clean: Cleans the prin t cartridge s.
ENWW 3-7 6 Chang e any othe r print set tings, if necessa ry, and then c lick OK to close the dial og box. 7 Click OK to print. 8 After the firs t side of the page(s) is prin ted, turn the p aper over an d reload it into the printer. 9 Follow the inst ructions o n the scr een to compl ete the two-s ided prin ting.
4-1 ENWW 4 Selecting and Using Print Media This ch ap ter explai ns ho w to l oad m edi a a nd p rint on va rio us me dia types s uc h as card s and tran sparenci es. It als o describes how to p rint digita l camera photogra phs via a C ompactFlash c ard.
ENWW 4-2 Do not load more tha n 45 shee ts of plain p aper or a s tack of pape r more than 0.1 8 in (4.5 m m) thick int o the input tra y. Insert m edia vertica lly (portra it orientat ion). If yo u want to pri nt horizontal ly (landsc ape orien tation), ma ke the se lection through yo ur print er driver.
4-3 ENWW -or- Insert th e medi a print (gloss y for ph otos) s ide up into th e inpu t tray, mak ing sure tha t the right edge of the media is s quarely agai nst the a lignment guide. Ad just the p aper guid e until it fits snugly against the left ed ge of the media .
ENWW 4-4 For Macintosh 1 Select th e paper s ize, then click OK . 2 Open th e Paper T y pe/Quality panel. 3 Select th e paper t ype yo u are us ing. For exa mple, if you a re printi ng on H P Glossy Gr eeting Card Pa per, selec t this from t he menu. 4 Chang e any othe r print set tings if n ecessary , then cl ick OK to print t he card(s).
4-5 ENWW 4 Select th e paper s ize from the Pa per Size menu. 5 Chang e any othe r print set tings if n ecessary , then cl ick OK to print t he photo( s). For Macintosh 1 Select th e paper s ize, then click OK . 2 Open th e Paper T y pe/Quality panel.
ENWW 4-6 To print from a CompactFlas h card DPOF fi les ar e files you c reat e usin g your digita l came ra. DPOF file s are s tored on the CF card and conta in inform ation su ch as w hich image s are sele cted and how many of each image are to be prin ted or sav ed.
4-7 ENWW Pres s the C ANCEL BUT TO N if you do not want to print directl y from the CF card. If y our comp uter is conn ected to t he printer v ia USB or para llel, the CF car d appears as a driv e in Windo ws Explorer . You can th en open and print your photo graphs wit h the softwa re applic ation of your choice.
ENWW 4-8 For Windows 1 Open t he prin ter drive r. 2 Under Print Quality , click Best . 3 Under Paper T y pe , selec t T ra nsp arency Films . Select th e type of transparen cy film yo u are usin g. For exampl e, if you are print ing on HP Premiu m Plus Inkje t Transpare ncy film, s elect this o ption from the menu.
5-1 ENWW 5 Using the Toolbox The Too lbo x provides s tatu s and m ai nte nan ce in formation ab out y our printer. It als o gives yo u step-b y-step guidance for b asic prin ting ta sks and provid es help for solv ing printer pro blems. Yo u can also configure Bluetooth s ettings a nd access online re sources f or your pr i nter.
ENWW 5-2 Information tab The Infor matio n tab let s you reg ister the pr inter, check for update d printer drivers , display printer hardw are and pr int cartrid ge health inf ormation, and create y our own printer usa ge informatio n webs ite.
5-3 ENWW my PrintMil eage myPrintMil eage kee ps track of your printer usage in formation to help yo u plan the purc hase of c onsumables . It cons ists of two parts: myPrintMil eage we bsite myPrintMil eage Agent , which is a utility installe d with the T oolbox o n your comput er.
ENWW 5-4 Printer Serv ices tab The Printer Se rvices tab provides ut ilities t hat help you mai ntain and test your print er. You can cl ean and ali gn your pri nt cartrid ges, and calibrat e the color for your pri ntouts. You can p rint a dem o or diagno stic pag e, test yo ur printer commu nication , and conf igure wirele ss setti ngs.
6-1 ENWW 6 Maintaining the Printer This c hapter e xplains b asic p rinter ma intenanc e. You c an find informa tion abo ut the stat e of the pri nter and th e print ca rtridges fro m the Tool box if you h ave it install ed. You ca n also pe rform mai ntenance func tions fro m the Tool box.
ENWW 6-2 There are three clea ning levels availa ble: Level 1 cleanin g is the q uickest and uses the least am ount of i nk. Level 2 cleanin g should be perf ormed only i f level 1 cleaning was insuffi cient. Level 3 cl eaning is the mos t thorough and c onsumes the mos t i nk and time.
6-3 ENWW To perform a level 3 c leaning 1 Press an d hold down the P OWER BUTTON . 2 Whil e ho ldi ng d ow n t he P OWER BU TTON , press the C ANCE L BU TTO N twice and then press the R ESUM E BUT TO N twice. 3 Rele ase th e P OWER BUTTON . The printer begins th e print ca rtridge cl eaning proc ess.
ENWW 6-4 T o align in Macintosh (USB only ) 1 Open th e HP Inkj et Utili ty and clic k the Calibrate De vice button . You ar e prompted to speci fy the co mbinatio n of print c artridges you are usi ng. 2 Specify the comb ination o f print cart ridges you a re using.
6-5 ENWW 3 Lift the print c artridg e latc h open and ge ntly remove the p rint ca rtridge from its soc ket at the angle s hown below . Check th e number o n the latch a gainst th e number on t he new p rint cartridge to make sure y ou are remov ing the correc t print cartrid ge.
ENWW 6-6 Single-cartridg e printing mod e If one of your pr int cartrid ges runs out of ink be fore you c an replace i t, you can still p rint with a single pri nt cartridg e. If yo u do not have a repl acement bla ck print cart ridge ava ilable, y ou can remove the black print ca rtridge and print with o nly the tri-co lor print cartridge .
6-7 ENWW 3 Click Calibrate to calibra t e t he c ol or, o r cl ic k Us e Default s to restore col or values to factory de faults. 4 Follow the inst ructions o n the sc reen. For Macintosh 1 Open th e HP Inkj et Utili ty and clic k the Calibrate Col or button .
ENWW 7-1 7 Troubleshooting This ch apter prov ides sol utions to co mmon pro blems, suc h as pape r jams an d poor prin t qual ity. If your p rint er is n ot ope rating p roperly and t hese sugge stio.
7-2 ENWW Step 3: Chec k the printer connec tion Parallel or USB Make sure your print er is connec ted directly to the para llel or USB port. Do not share th e port wi th other devic es, such a s a Zip dri ve. Make s ure the ca ble is connec ted firmly to the printe r and compute r.
ENWW 7-3 CompactFlash If the Res ume LED doe s not bli nk after inse rting the Co mpactFla sh (CF) card, this me ans there are no DPOF fil es created on the CF card . To print f rom the CF car d, you need t o specif y your pri nt setting s in a DPOF fi le so tha t the printe r can prin t out ima ges specifi ed in the DPOF fil e.
7-4 ENWW Get ting print er i nfor mat ion If yo u need to cal l the Cu stomer Care Center, you should p rint a dia gnostic page and a configu ration p age to obta in print er inf ormation. Su ch infor mat ion is useful to our Custo mer Care Center in he lping yo u troubleshoo t printe r probl ems.
ENWW 7-5 If your p rinter does not turn o n, make sure tha t the power cord and power adapter a re firmly connecte d to the pri nter and that t he powe r cord is connec ted from your printer to a working ou tlet. Try tu rning the printer off and then on ag ain.
7-6 ENWW For Windo ws 2000 an d Windows XP, make sure the Use Printer Offline opti on is not ch ecked. Cl ick Start > Settings > Printers . In the Pr i nter s folder , right-cl ick the print er icon, a nd then ma ke sure Us e Printer Offline is unc hecked in th e pop-up m enu.
ENWW 7-7 Check the status of the print car tridges If you a re printi ng with a s ingle print c artridge, th e print sp eed may be slower th an normal . See Single-ca rtridge printin g mode . Check available system resources If less than 80 pe rcent of th e computer re sources are avail able, prin ting can be signific antly sl ower.
7-8 ENWW Solv ing printin g problems This se ction pro vides so lutions to commo n printing problems . If non e of the fo llowing solu tions work, the proble m is lik ely cau sed by the inabili ty of the s oftware prog ram to prop erly interpret print sett ings.
ENWW 7-9 Check the document file Occasio nally, a document fil e becom es corrupt ed. If you ca n print othe r docume nts from t he same software app lication , try to pri nt using a backup copy o f your doc ument, if available.
7-10 ENWW Check that the media is loa ded correctly Make s ure the medi a is squa rely agains t the alig nment gui de and that the paper gui de is snug , but not tight, against the media. Load no m ore than 45 sheets of media or a stack 0 .18 in (4.5 mm) thic k loaded in the inp ut tray.
ENWW 7-1 1 Alternativ ely, in Windows y ou can op en the prin ter driver a nd click HP ZoomSmart in t he Set up tab. T hen sel ect Scale to fit p aper in device to scal e the doc ument to f it the med ia size cur rently selected . Use the c ard slot f or media 4.
7-12 ENWW Check the media type Some typ es of me dia do not accept i nk well, w hich ca uses the in k to dry more sl owly and re sults in smearing. So me thick er cards may also ten d to smear . For guide lines ab out selec ting med ia, see Se lecting p rint media .
ENWW 7-13 If you h ave the tri -color and photo prin t cartridge s instal led, try cali brating the col or. For instruc tions, see Cal ibrating c olor . Colors are printing a s black and w hite Check the printer driv er settings For Window s, the Print In Gray scale che ck box is prob ably selecte d.
7-14 ENWW Bleeding colors in printout If the in k is spre ading on the page o r colors a re blendin g together, try the follow ing: Check the print settings Some pap er type s ettings (such a s Transparenc y Films an d Photo Papers ) and print qual ity settings (such as Be st ) require more ink than other s.
ENWW 7-15 Wirel ess printing probl ems Infrared printing does not w ork Check for obstacles Clear any ob stacl es betw een th e printe r and t he device f rom which you ar e sendin g the print job. Sunli ght, heat fr om nearby equipme nt, or other sources of infrare d radiatio n can als o cause tran smission errors.
7-16 ENWW Solv ing media feed p roblems This se ction pro vides so lutions to common m edia feed problems . Media is not picked up from the input tray Make sure to pull up the input tray extension .
ENWW 7-17 Print media is jammed If print m edia is jammed in t he printer, f ollow thes e instruc tions to c lear the jam . 1 Turn off th e printer. 2 Remove media tha t is not jam med from t he input tr ay and the output slot. 3 Loca te the me dia jam.
7-18 ENWW Tips for avoiding paper jams Make sure nothing i s blocking the paper path. Do not overload the input tray or the card slot. The input tray holds up to 45 shee ts of plain paper o r other print m edia m easur ing 0. 18 in (4 .5 mm ) in thickn ess.
ENWW A-1 A HP Supplies and Accessories This ch apter prov ides info rmation o n HP suppli es and ac cessori es, as wel l as ordering inf ormation. You can order HP s upplies and access ories from the HP web site. Visit hpshop ( http://www. hpshoppi ng.
A-2 ENWW HP Pri nting Paper HP Office P aper HP Office Recy cled P aper HP Bright Whi te Inkjet Paper HP Premium Inkjet Paper HP Premium Inkjet Heavy weight Paper HP Prem ium Plus P hoto Paper 500 sheets US Letter (8.5 x 11 in) P1122 500 s heets A4 (210 x 2 97 mm) CHP210 500 sheets US Letter (8.
ENWW A-3 HP Prem ium Photo P aper HP Photo Paper HP E very day P hoto Paper HP Premium Glossy Paper 60 sh eets , glossy 10 x 15 cm C7025A (Eu rope) 20 sheets, ma tte US Letter (8 .5 x 11 in) C6950A 20 sheet s , matte A4 (210 x 297 m m ) C69 51A (Europe) 50 sheet s , glossy US Let ter (8.
A-4 ENWW HP Pro fessional Brochure and Fl yer Paper HP Prem ium Plus T ransparency Film HP Premium Inkjet Transparency Film HP Greeting Card Paper 50 sheet s , glossy US Let ter (8.5 x 11 in ) C68 17A 50 sheet s , glossy A4 (210 x 297 m m ) C68 18A 100 sheets, tri-fold, glo s sy US Letter (8.
ENWW B-1 B Printer Specifications This ch apter prov ides info rmation a bout supp orted medi a types and sizes a nd print er specifica tions. Prin t Me thod Drop on -deman d th erma l ink jet prin ting Pri nt Sp eed* : (Letter) Fast Norma l Best Bla ck text 9 ppm 5 pp m 1.
B-2 ENWW Sm art So ft ware Feat ures Ink Level Indicator , Battery Charge Indic ator, hp instant support , myPrintMile age*, Bluetoot h Con figuration*.
ENWW B-3 Power Supply Universal Power Supply Powe r Requ i reme nts Power a dapter Input vol t age : 100 - 240 AC , 50/60 H z Outp ut v olt age : 19 VDC , 3.16 A Batte ry Lit hi um- i o n ~1800 mAh (11. 1 VDC) Powe r Cons umption Less than 2 watts when off, 5 watts maximum n on-printing, 20 watts maximu m printing.
C-1 ENWW C LED Reference The pr inter LEDs i ndicate p rinter stat us and are useful for di agnosing printing problem s. This c hapter provid es a list of LED statu s light com bination s, what they in dicate an d how to so lve the pr oblem. For a des cription of the prin ter’s LED s, see Unde rstan ding pr inter b uttons and LEDs .
ENWW C-2 Power LED blinks. Printer is printing. No acti on req ui re d. Power, Resume, Left and Right prin t ca rtr id ge LE Ds cycle. Pri n ter i s ei t her po wer i n g on or of f. No acti on req ui re d. Resu me LED blinks. Printer is either stal led, waiting f or special me dia to dry, ou t of pape r, or pro ces sing DPOF pri nt in g.
C-3 ENWW Right prin t cartridge LED on. B lack or photo pr in t car tri dge is low o n in k. Replac e the print cartridg e. S ee Re placing the print cartri dges . Right and Lef t pri nt car tridge LEDs on. Tri-col or and black or photo pri nt car tridges are low o n in k.
ENWW C-4 Power LED, Resume LED, Le ft and Right prin t cartridge LEDs on . New fir m w ar e is bei n g flashed to the pr inte r. No acti on req ui re d. Pow e r LED o n , Re s ume LED bl in ks, Right prin t cartridge LED tu rn s on twice as long as off.
D-1 ENWW D Customer Support This ch apter prov ides informa tion on c ontacting HP Custom er Support. The info rmation in the Troubl eshootin g chap t er sugges ts soluti ons to co mmo n probl ems.
ENWW D-2 For customers i n North A merica For customers ou tside of North A merica During Warran ty US: 208 323 2551 Mon day throu gh Friday 6am to 6pm (MST) Canada : (905) 206 466 3 Monday through Fr iday 8am to 8 pm (EST) Post Wa rranty US: 900 555 1500 ($2.
D-3 ENWW A ustralia Calling from elsew here in the world Contac t your local dealer or nearest HP Sales and Su pport Offi ce for techni cal assistanc e or hardwa re repair se rvices.
ENWW Hew lett-Packard Lim ited Warranty Statement Extent of Limi ted Warranty 1 Hewlett-Packard warr ant s to the end-user cust omer that the HP produ ct s s pecif ied above will be free f rom defects in mate rials and workmanship for the duration specified above, which duration begins on t he date of purchase by the cust omer.
ENWW DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY according to ISO/IEC Guide 22 and EN 45014 (1) The product herewith complies with the re quirements of the Low Voltage Directive 73/23/EEC and the EMC Directive 89/336/EEC, and carries the CE Marking according ly. (2) The product was tested in a typical configuration with H ewlett- Packard personal computer systems.
I-1 ENWW Index Numerics 4800 x 1200 O pt imized dpi 4-5 A acc esso ries A -1 B battery charging 1-10 checking power level 7-1 installing 1-10 safety 1-9 using 1-9 Best mode 4-5, 7-11 Bluetooth BtPrint.
ENWW I-2 printing tips 7-2 troubleshooting 7-15 ink service m odul e, replacing 6-7, C-4 installing software 2-1 interf aces, I/ O B-2 L LEDs descriptions 1-4 reference C-1 limited warranty D-4 M Maci.
I-3 ENWW photographs 4-4 transparencies 4-7 two-sided (duplex) 3-6 using card slot 1-2, 4- 2 using DPOF files 4-5 via Bluetooth 3-4 via CompactFlash c ard 4-6 via infrared 3-3 R relative humidity spec.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts HP (Hewlett-Packard) 450 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie HP (Hewlett-Packard) 450 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für HP (Hewlett-Packard) 450 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von HP (Hewlett-Packard) 450 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über HP (Hewlett-Packard) 450 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon HP (Hewlett-Packard) 450 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von HP (Hewlett-Packard) 450 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit HP (Hewlett-Packard) 450. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei HP (Hewlett-Packard) 450 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.