Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung SJ700-2 des Produzenten Hitachi
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HIT A CHI INVERTE R SJ700-2 SERIES INSTRU CTION M A NU A L Read thr ough this I nstruct ion Manua l , and ke ep it h and y for f u ture refer ence. NT204AX.
Introductio n Thank you f or purcha s ing the Hita chi SJ700 -2 Ser ies Inverter . This Instruct i on Manua l des cri bes how to han dle and maintain the Hitach i SJ70 0 Ser ies In v erter .
Safety In str uctions i Safety In str uctions Be su re to read th is Ins tructi on Manu al and appe nded documents t horou ghly be f ore i nst al ling, op erating, maintain i ng, or i nsp ecting the in v erter . In this Ins t ruction Man ual, s afety ins t ructions are c l ass i fied into tw o l evels, na m ely W AR NING an d CAUTION.
Safety In str uctions ii 2. Wiring W ARNING - Be s ure to grou nd the inver ter . Ot herw i s e, you run the r isk o f electric sho ck or fire. - Commi t wiring w ork to a qualified e l ectrician. Otherw i se, you run the r isk o f electric sh ock or fire.
Safety In str uctions iii 3. Operatio n W ARNING - W h il e pow er i s s upp li ed to the in v erter , do not touch an y terminal or i nterna l part o f the in v er ter , check signa ls, or conne ct or disco nnect any w i re or co nnector . Otherw i se , you run the ris k of electri c sho ck or fire.
Safety In str uctions iv 4. Maintena n ce, ins p ection, and p arts re plac ement W ARNING - Before ins pecting the in v erter , be sure to turn o ff t he po we r su pply and w ai t f or 10 minu tes or m ore. Otherw ise, you run the r i sk o f electric s hock.
Safety In str uctions v Precautions Concerning Electromagnetic Co mpati bility (EMC ) The SJ700 s eri es inverter con f orms to the requi re m ent s of Electro m agnetic Co m p atibil ity (EMC) Direc tive (2004 /108/EC).
Safety In str uctions vi Precautions Concerning Compliance wit h UL and CUL S tan dards (S tand ards to be m e t : UL508C and CS A C22.2 No. 14- 05) The SJ700 s eri es inverter is an op en-type AC in v erter w ith 3-phas e i nput and ou tput, intended for us e i n an enclos ure.
Safety In str uctions vii 9. This Ins truction Manu al ind i cates the s i zes o f the d istribution f use and c i rcuit breaker that mu st be conne cted to this i n verter .
Contents viii Chapter 1 Overview 1.1 Insp ection o f the Purcha se d Produ ct ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 1 - 1 1.
Contents ix 4.1.14 Cumulative pow er m on itoring (d01 5, b078, b07 9) ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 4 - 4 4.1.15 Cumulative opera tion RU N time monitoring (d016 ) ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 4 - 4 4.
Contents x 4.2.30 Overl oad restriction/over load not i ce (b021 to b026 , C00 1 to C008, C02 1 to C026, C040 , C041, C1 1 1) ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 4 - 39 4.
Contents xi 4.2.75 Re v ers e rotation signa l (R VR) (C 021 to C02 6) ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 4 - 70 4.2.76 Major failure signa l (MJA) (C0 21 to C026 ) ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 4 - 70 4.
Contents xii 4.3.15 S pee d/pos i ti on sw it ching func tion (SPD) ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 4 - 108 4.
Contents xiii A pp endix Appe ndix ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・.
Chapter 1 Overview This chapter describes the inspection of the purchased product, the product warranty , and the names of p arts. 1.1 Inspection of the Purchased Product ··············· 1 - 1 1.2 Method of Inquiry and Product W arranty ········· 1 - 2 1.
Chapter 1 Overview 1 - 1 1.1 Inspection of the Purchased Product 1.1.1 Inspecting the product After unp acking, inspect the prod uct as described below . If you find the product to be abnormal or defective, cont act your supplier or local Hit achi Distributor .
Chapter 1 Overview 1 - 2 1.2 Method of Inquiry and Product W arranty 1.2.1 Method of inquiry For an inquiry about produ ct damage or faults or a quest ion about the product, not ify your supplier of the following information: (1) Model of your inverter (2) Serial number (MFG No.
Chapter 1 Overview 1 - 3 1.3 Exterior V iews and Names of Parts The figure below shows an exterior view of the inverter (model SJ700-150LFF 2/HFF2 to SJ700-220LFF2/HFF2). Exterior view of shipped inverter For the wiring of the main circuit and con trol ci rcuit terminals, open the terminal block cover .
Chapter 2 I nst al lation and W iring T his ch apt er describes how to instal l the in verter and the wiring of main circuit and control signal termin als wi th typical exam ples of wiring. 2.1 Inst al lation ・・・・・・・・・・・・・ ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 2 - 1 2.
Chapter 2 Inst allat ion an d Wiring 2 - 1 2.1 Inst allat ion CA UT ION - Ins ta ll the inver ter on a non- f l amma ble sur f ace, e.g. , met al. Otherw ise, you run the ri sk o f fire. - Do no t place flammab le materia ls near the ins tal led in verter .
Chapter 2 Inst allat ion an d Wiring 2 - 2 2.1.1 Precautions for ins t allation (1) T rans portation The in v erter us es plastic p arts . W hen carry i ng the i n verter , han dle i t care f ully to pre v ent da m age t o the p art s. Do not carry the in v erter by hold i ng the front or ter minal block co v er .
Chapter 2 Inst allat ion an d Wiring 2 - 3 (6) I ns tallation m ethod and pos i tion Ins tall the inverter v ert ically and s ecurely with screw s or bolts on a surface that is free from v i bra tions and that can be ar the inverter w eight.
Chapter 2 Inst allat ion an d Wiring 2 - 4 Se ct ion to be cut of f Joint 2.1.2 Backing pl a te (1) F or models with 22 kW or less cap aci ty On the back ing p late, cut the j oints around each s ection to be cut o ff with cutting pl iers or a cu t ter , remove the m , and then per f or m the wir ing.
Chapter 2 Inst allat ion an d Wiring 2 - 5 2.2 Wiring W ARNING - Be s ure to grou nd the inver ter . Ot herw i s e, you run the r isk o f electric sho ck or fire. - Commi t wiring w ork to a qualified e l ectrician. Otherw i se, you run the r isk o f electric sh ock or fire.
Chapter 2 Inst allat ion an d Wiring 2 - 6 2.2.1 T erminal connection di a gram and explanation of termin als and switch setti ngs 3 - phase powe r supply 200 V cl a ss: 200 t o 240 V +10%, - 15% (50/.
Chapter 2 Inst allat ion an d Wiring 2 - 7 (1) Ex planat i on o f main circuit ter mi nals Symbol T erminal name D e script ion R, S, T (L1, L2, L3) Main power inp ut C o nn e ct to the AC p ower s upply . Leave th ese ter minals unc onn ected wh en usi ng a reg ener ative conv erter (HS 900 s eries).
Chapter 2 Inst allat ion an d Wiring 2 - 8 Symbol T erminal nam e Descr iption E lectr ic property Contact input Functio n selection and logic switching PLC I ntel li gent input (comm on) T o switc h .
Chapter 2 Inst allat ion an d Wiring 2 - 9 A bo ut the emergency stop f unction (dis abled by the f actory setting) - The e m ergency s top function s huts off the inverter ou tput (i.
Chapter 2 Inst allat ion an d Wiring 2 - 10 Note: If th e data o f an opt i onal oper ator (S R W or SR W -EX) is c opied: If op e r ator d a t a is c opied t o your SJ70 0 s eries inv e rt er w hose .
Chapter 2 Inst allat ion an d Wiring 2 - 1 1 2.2.2 Wiring of the main circui t (1) W ir i ng ins t ructions Before w i ri ng, be s ure to con f irm that the Ch arge l amp o n the inverter i s of f.
Chapter 2 Inst allat ion an d Wiring 2 - 12 3) DC reactor conne ction ter minals (PD and P) - Use these ter m inals to connect the opt ional DC po w er factor reactor (DCL). As the factory s etting, ter mi nals P and PD are con necte d by a jumper . Remo v e this to connect the DCL.
Chapter 2 Inst allat ion an d Wiring 2 - 13 (2) Layout o f main circu i t termina l s The figures below s ho w the ter mi nal layout on the ma in circui t termina l block of the inver ter .
Chapter 2 Inst allat ion an d Wiring 2 - 14 T er m inal l ayout Inverte r mode l SJ700-3 00LFF R0 and T0: M 4 Gr o und t ermin al: M6 Other t erminals: M8 SJ700-3 00HFF R0 and T0: M 4 Gr o und t ermin.
Chapter 2 Inst allat ion an d Wiring 2 - 15 T er m inal l ayout Inverte r mode l R (L1) S (L2) T (L3 ) PD (+1) P (+) N (-) U (T1 ) V (T2) W (T3) R 0 T 0 charg e l um p G G SJ700-5 50LFF2 R0 and T0: M .
Chapter 2 Inst allat ion an d Wiring 2 - 16 Power suppl y Magnetic contactor Motor Inverte r (3) Applicable periphe ral equ i pment See It e m (4), "R eco mm ende d cable gauge s, w iring acce sso rie s, and crimp ter minals.
Chapter 2 Inst allat ion an d Wiring 2 - 17 (4) Recomm end ed cable gaug es , wiring acces s ories, and crim p terminals Note: F or co m p liance w i th CE and UL st anda rds, see the sa fety precaut i ons concerning EMC an d the compliance with UL and CU L st anda rds und er Saf ety In structions.
Chapter 2 Inst allat ion an d Wiring 2 - 18 2.2.3 Wiring of the control circuit (1) Wiring instruct ions 1) T ermi na l s L and CM1 are co mm on to I/O s ignals an d isolated f rom ea ch other . Do not conn ect the se comm on ter minals to each other or groun d them.
Chapter 2 Inst allat ion an d Wiring 2 - 19 (4) Connecting a progra mm able contro ll er to intel ligent inpu t termina ls W he n using the inte rnal i n terface power sup ply When us ing an ex ternal powe r supp ly (R e mo ve the ju mper fr om th e contr ol circuit t ermin al block.
Chapter 2 Inst allat ion an d Wiring 2 - 20 2.2.5 Selecti on and wiri ng of re genera tiv e braki ng resistor (on 5.5 kW to 22 kW model s) The SJ700-2 se ries inverter models w i th cap acit ies of 5.5 to 22 k W ha v e an interna l regen erative bra king circuit.
Chapter 3 Operation This chapter describes typical methods of operating the inverte r , how to operate the digit al operator , and how to make a test run of the inverter . 3.1 Operating Methods ··········································· 3 - 1 3.
Chapter 3 Operation 3 - 1 3.1 Operating Methods W ARNING - While power is su pplied to the inverter , do not touch any terminal or internal part of the inverter , check signals, or connect or disconne ct any wire or connec tor . Otherwise, you run the risk of elect ric shock or fire.
Chapter 3 Operation 3 - 2 Y ou can operate the inverter in different ways, depen ding on how to input the operation and frequency-setting commands a s described below . This section describes the features of operatin g methods and the items required for operation.
Chapter 3 Operation 3 - 3 3.2 How T o Operate the Digit al Operator (OPE-S) 3.2.1 Names and functions of component s Name Function POWER lamp Lights when the control circuit po wer is on. ALARM lamp Lights to indicate that the inverter has tripped. RUN (operation) lamp Light s to indica te that the inverter is operating.
Chapter 3 Operation 3 - 4 3.2.2 Code display system and key operations This section describes typical exampl es of digital operator operatio n (in basic and full display modes) a nd an example of special digit a l operator operation in extended function mode U.
Chapter 3 Operation 3 - 5 (1) Example of operation in basic disp l ay mode ("b037" = "04" [factory setting]) - Only basic p arameters can be displayed in basic display mode. (All p arameters in monitor mode, four parameters in fun ction mode, or 20 parameters in extended function mode) - Other pa rameters are not displayed.
Chapter 3 Operation 3 - 6 Key operation and transitio n of the codes on display Key operation and trans ition of the monitore d data on display Pressing the or key respectively scrolls up or down the code displayed in code display mode or increases or decreases th e numerical data displayed in dat a display mode.
Chapter 3 Operation 3 - 7 (2) Example of operation in full display mode ("b037" = "00") All param eters can be displayed in full display mode. The display sequence of parameters matches their sequence shown in Chapter 8, "Li st of Data Settings.
Chapter 3 Operation 3 - 8 (3) Code/data display and key operatio n in extended function mode U The extended function mod e U differs in operati on from other exten ded function modes because the extended function mode U is used to register (or a utomatically record) other extended-function codes as user-specified U p arameters.
Chapter 3 Operation 3 - 9 (4) Procedure for directly specif ying or selecting a code - Y ou can specify or select a code or dat a by ent ering each digit of the code or dat a instead of scrolling codes or dat a in the monitor , function, or extended function mode.
Chapter 3 Operation 3 - 10 3.3 How T o Make a T est Run This section describes ho w to make a test run of t he inverter that is wired and connected to external devices in a general way as shown below . For the detail ed method of using the digit al operator , see Section 3.
Chapter 3 Operation 3 - 1 1 - Use the and/or key to change the displayed value to "00" for forward operation or "0 1" for reverse operation, and then press the key once to determine the operation direction. (The display revert s to [F004].
Chapter 3 Operation 3 - 12 (Operating procedure) 1) Confirm that all wirings a re correct. 2) T urn on the earth-leakage breake r (ELB) to supply power to the inverter .
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions This chapter describes the functions of the inverter . 4.1 Monitor Mode ··················································· 4 - 1 4.2 Function Mode·················································· 4 - 7 4.
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 1 4.1 Monitor Mode 4.1.1 Output frequency monitoring When the output frequency monitoring function (d001) is selecte d, the inverter displays the output frequency . The inverter displays "0.00" when the frequency output is stopped.
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 2 4.1.5 Intelligent input terminal st atus When the intelligent input terminal st atus function (d005) is selecte d, the inverter displays the st ates of the i nputs to the intelligent input terminals.
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 3 4.1.8 Actual-frequency monitoring The actual-frequency monitoring functio n is effective only when a motor equipped with an encod er is connected to the inverter and the feedback option board (SJ-FB) is mounted in the i nverter .
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 4 4.1.14 Cumulative power monitoring When the cumulative power mo nitoring function is sel ected, the inverter displays the cumulative value of electric power input to the inverter . Y ou can also convert the value to be displayed to gain data by setting the cumulative input power display gain setting (b079 ).
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 5 4.1.19 Life-check monitoring When the life-check monitoring function (d002) is selected, the inverter displays the operating life st atus of two inverter part s output from corresponding intelligent output term inals by using LED se gments of the monitor .
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 6 4.1.27 T rip monitoring 1 to 6 When the trip monitoring function (d081 to d086) is sel ected, the inverter displays the trip history dat a. The la st six protective trips the inve rter made can be displayed. Select the trip monitoring 1 (d081) to disp lay the data on the most recent trip.
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 7 4.2 Function Mode 4.2.1 Output frequency setting The output frequency setting function allows you to set the inverter output frequency . Y ou can set the inverter output frequency with this function (F001) only when you have specified "02" for the freque ncy source setting (A001).
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 8 4.2.4 Frequency source setting The frequency source setting function al lows you to select the method to input the frequency-setting command. Motor rotation direction is i nverted when -10 to 0V is given as frequency command to 02-L terminals.
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 9 4.2.6 Stop mode selection The stop mode selection function all ows you to select one of two methods of stopping the motor when a stop co mmand is input from the digital operat or or via the control circuit terminal block.
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 10 4.2.8 Acceleration/deceleration time setting - S pecify a longer time for slower acceleration o r deceleration; specify a shorter time for quicker acce leration or deceleration.
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 1 1 4.2.9 Base frequency setting (1) Base frequency and m otor voltage - With the base frequency setting and A VR voltage select functions, adjust the inverter outpu ts (frequency an d voltage) to the motor ratings.
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 12 4.2.1 1 External analog input setting (O, OI, and O2) The inverter has the following three types of external analog input terminals: O-L terminal: 0 to 10 V OI-L terminal: 4 to 20 mA O2-L terminal: -10 to 10 V The table bel ow lists the settings of the external analog input termi nals.
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 13 4.2.12 Frequency operation function The frequency operation function allows you to use the result of an arithmetic operation on two frequency commands a s the actual frequency command or PID feedback dat a.
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 14 4.2.13 Frequency addition function The frequency addition function allows you to add or subtra ct the value specified as the frequency to be ad ded (A145) to or from the frequency value of a select ed frequency command.
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 15 (2) S tart/end frequency settings for the O2-L terminal Item Function code Range of data Description Remarks 02 start frequency A1 1 1 -400. to 400.(Hz) Setting of the start frequency 02 end frequency A1 12 -400.
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 16 4.2.17 V/F characteristic curve selection The V/F characteristic cu rve sele ction function allows you to set the output voltage/output frequency (V/f) characteri stic.
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 17 (3) Free V/f characteristic setting The free V/f characteristic setting fu nction allows you to set an arbitrary V/f characteristic by specifying the voltages and frequencies (b100 to b1 13) for the seve n points on the V/f characteristic curve.
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 18 4.2.18 T orque boost setting The torque boost setting function allows you to compen sate for the voltage drop due to wiri ng and the primary resist ance of the motor so as to improve the motor torque at low speeds.
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 19 (2) Automatic torque boost When automatic torque boost (da ta "01") is sele cted by the torque boost sele ction (A041/A241), the inverter automatically adjust s the output frequency and volt age according to the load on the motor .
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 20 4.2.19 DC braking (DB) setting The DC braking function allows you to apply DC braki ng to the motor according to the load on the motor .
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 21 (2) External DC braking Assign function "07" (DB) to terminal function (C001 to C00 8). T urn the DB terminal on and off to control the dire ct braking, regardless of the setting of DC braking e nable (A051).
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 22 (3) Internal DC braking (A051: 01) Y ou can apply DC braking to the motor even without ent ering braking signals via the DB terminal when the inverter sta rts and stop s. T o use the internal DC br aking function, specify "01" for the DC braking enable (A051).
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 23 (4) Internal DC braking (triggered only when the output frequency reaches a set frequen cy) (A051: 02) Y ou can also operate the internal DC braking function so that DC braking is applied to the motor when the inverter output frequency falls to the DC braking frequency setting (A052) o r below .
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 24 4.2.20 Frequency upper limit setting The frequency upper limit setting function allows you to place upper and lower limit s on the inverter output frequency . This function restrict s the input of frequency commands that specify any frequencies ou tside the upper and lo wer limit s.
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 25 4.2.21 Jump frequency function The jump frequency function allows you to operate the inverter so that it avoids the resonant frequ ency of the machine driven by the same.
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 26 4.2.23 PID function The PID function allows you to use the i nverter for the process control on fluid flow , airflow , and pressure. T o enable this function, specify "01 lenabled" or "02 inverted dat a output enabled" for function "A071".
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 27 (2) PID operation 1) P operatio n The proportional (P) operation st ands for the operati on in which the change in op eration quantity is in proportion to the change in t arget value.
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 28 When you specify the 02 RS485 communicatio n for the PV source setting (A076), transfer dat a as described below . 1) When the ASCII mode is selected (C078 = 00) Use the 01 command for data transfe r . T o transfer feedback data, set the most-significant byte of frequency dat a to "1".
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 29 If the inverter is under the normal PID control and the PID operation result i s a negative value, the frequency command to the inverter will be limited to 0 Hz.
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 30 F002/F202/F302: Acceleration (1) time setting, 1st/2nd/3rd motors F003/F203/F303: Deceleration (1) time setting, 1st/2nd/3rd motors A092/A292/A392: Accelerati.
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 31 4.2.25 Acceleration/deceleration curve selection Y ou can set different patterns of motor a cceleration and deceleration according to the type of system to be driven by the inverter . Use functions "A097" and "A098" to select acceleration and deceleration patterns, respectively .
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 32 (2) Curve const ant (swelling degree) S pecify the swelling degree of the acceleration curve with refe rence to the following graphs: The acceleration or deceleration time may be shorte ne d midway through the acceleration or deceleration according to the S-curve pattern.
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 33 4.2.27 Retry or trip af ter instant aneous power failure (1) Retry (rest art) after instant aneous power failure Y ou can select tripping or retrying (restarting) the mot or operation as the inverter operation to be performed at the occurrence of instant aneous power failure or undervolt age.
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 34 *1 If the inverter trips because of overvoltage or over current while decelerating t he motor , the inverter will display error code "E16" (inst antaneous power failu re), and the motor will st art free-running.
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 35 (2) Output of the alarms for instant aneous power failure and undervolt age in the stopped state Use function "b004" to specify whether to out put an alarm when inst antaneous power failure or undervoltage occurs.
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 36 (3) Restartin g methods - Restart with matching frequency The inverter detects the freque ncy and rotation dire ction based on the residual v oltage in the motor , and then restart s the motor based on the detected frequency .
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 37 4.2.29 Electronic thermal protection The electronic thermal prot ection function allows you to protect the motor against overheating. Make settings of this functio n based on the rated current of the motor . The inverter will trip for overheat protection accord ing to the settings.
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 38 (b) Consta nt-torque characteristi c Make this setting when dri ving a constant-torq ue motor with the inverter . (Example) Setting on the SJ700-150LF ( rated current: 64 A) When "b012" is 64 A, and output f requency is 2.
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 39 4.2.30 Overload restriction/overload notice (1) Overload restrictio n function - The overloa d restriction function allows you to make the inverter monitor th.
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 40 (2) Overload nitice function The overload notice function allows you to make t he inverter output an overload n otice signal before tripping because of overload. Y ou can use this function effectively to prevent the machine (e.
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 41 4.2.32 Over volt age supression during deceleration - The over volt age supression functi on allows you to prevent the inverter from tripping because of the overvolt age that can be cau sed by the energy regenerated by the motor during de celeration.
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 42 4.2.33 St art frequency setting The start freq uency setting function allows you to specify the inverter output frequency that the inverter initially outputs wh en an operation command is input. Use this function mainly to adjust the start torque.
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 43 4.2.35 Carrier frequency setting The carrier frequency setting function (b083) all ows you to change the carrier frequency of the PWM wave form output from the inverter .
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 44 4.2.36 Automatic carrier frequency reduction - The automa tic carrier frequency redu ction function automatically reduces the carrier freque ncy according to the increase in output curre nt. - T o enable this function, specify " 01" for automatic carrier frequency reduction selection (b089).
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 45 4.2.37 Dynamic braking (BRD) function The dynamic braking (BRD) function is p rovided in the SJ700-220LFF/HFF and ot her models that have the b uilt-in BRD circuit. With this function, the energy regen erated by the motor is con sumed by an external resistor (i.
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 46 4.2.39 Intelligent input terminal setting Y ou can assign the functions described below to intelligent input terminals [1] to [8]. T o ass ign the desired functions to the terminals, specify the desired dat a listed in the table below for terminal settings "C001" to "C008".
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 47 Function code Data Description Reference item Page 51 F-TM: Forcible-te rminal operation Forc ible-terminal operation function 4-51 52 A TR: Permission of tor.
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 48 (1) Binary operation mode Assign functions "02" (CF1) to "05" (CF4) individually to the terminal [1] to [8] functions (C001 to C008) to make multispeed s 0 to 15 available for sele ction. S pecify the desired frequencies for speeds 1 to 15 by setting multispe eds 1 to 15 (A021 to A035).
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 49 4.2.42 Jogging (JG) command setting The jogging command setting function al lows you to set and finely tune the motor-stopping position. T o use this function, assign function "06" (JG) to an intelligent input terminal.
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 50 4.2.43 2nd/3rd motor control function (SET and SET3) This motor control function allows you to switch the inverter settings to control three diff erent types of motors.
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 51 4.2.44 Sof tware lock (SFT) function The softwa re lock function allows you to specify whether to disable rewriting of the data set for function al items. Use this function to protect the data again st accidental rewrit ing.
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 52 4.2.47 Free-run stop (FRS) function The free-run stop (FRS) function all ows you to shut of f the inverter output to let the motor start free-runnin g. Y ou can effectively use this function when stopping the motor with a mechanical brake (e.
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 53 (Example 3) Restarting with active matching frequenc y 4.2.48 Commercial power source switching (CS) function The commercial power sou rce switching function .
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 54 4.2.49 Reset (RS) function The reset function allows you to recover the inverter from a trippe d state. T o perform resetting, press the STOP/RESET key of the digital operator or turn the RS terminal off.
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 55 (Example 1) (Example 2) (Example 3)If you select "01" (sta rting with matchi ng frequency) as the resta rt mode after reset (C103), you can also make the inverter start the motor with matchin g frequency after the power reset.
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 56 4.2.50 Unattended st art protection (USP) function The unattended sta rt protection function allows you to make the inverter trip with error code "E13" displayed if the inverter p ower is turned on when an operation com mand has been turned on.
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 57 4.2.52 External trip (EXT) function The external trip function allows you to make the inverter trip according to the error (trip) signal generated by an external system. T o use this function, assign function "12" (EXT) to one of the terminal [1] to [8] functions (C001 to C008).
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 58 4.2.54 Control gain switching function (CAS) The control gain switching function all ows you to set and switch between two types of gains and time co nstant s.
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 59 The speed control norma lly incorporat es the proportional integrated compensation (PI control), and the motor speed is controlled so that the difference between the frequenc y specified by the fre quency command and the actual motor speed is zer o.
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 60 4.2.58 Intelligent output terminal setting Y ou can assign the functions described below to the intelligent output terminals [1 1] to [15] (C021 to C025) and the alarm rel ay terminal (C026).
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 61 Data Description Reference item Page 53 MJA: Major failure Major failure signal 4-70 54 WCO 55 WCOI 56 WCO Window comparators function 4-71 4.
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 62 4.2.60 Running signal (RUN) While the inverter is operati ng, it output s the running (RUN) signal via an intelligent output terminal ([1 1] to [15]) or the alarm relay terminal.
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 63 (1) Signal output when the const ant-speed frequency is reached (01: F A1) The inverter outputs the si gnal when the output frequen cy reaches the freq uency specified by a frequency setting (F001, A020, A220, or A320) or multispeed setting (A021 to A035).
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 64 4.2.62 Running time over and power-on time over signals (RNT and ONT) The inverter outputs the o peration time over (RNT) signal or the plug-in time over (ONT) signal when the time specified as the run/power-on warning time (b034) is exceeded.
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 65 4.2.64 Over-torque signal (OTQ) The inverter outputs the o ver-t orque signal when it detect s that the estimated motor output torque exceeds the specified level. T o enable this function, assign function "07" (OTQ: over-torque signal) to an intelligent outp ut terminal.
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 66 Intelligent output terminals When "4 bits" is selected When "3 bits" is selected 14 13 12 1 1 AC3 AC2 AC1 AC0 F actor code Cause of trippi.
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 67 Item Function code Data or range of data Description 33 LOG1: Logical operation r esult 1 (C142, C143, and C144) 34 LOG2: Logical operation r esult 2 (C145, C.
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 68 4.2.69 Cooling-fan speed drop signal (W AF) The inverter outputs the cooling -fan speed drop (W AF) signal when it detects that the rot a tion speed of its internal cooling fan has fallen to 75% or less of the full speed.
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 69 4.2.72 Low-current indication (LOC) signal The inverter outputs the lo w-current indication (LOC) signal when the inverter output current falls to the low-current indication signa l detection level (C039) or less.
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 70 4.2.75 Reverse rot ation signal (RVR) The inverter continues to output the forward rotation (R VR) signal while it is driving the motor for rev erse operation. The RVR sig nal is turned of f while the inverter is dr iving the motor for forward operation or stoppin g the motor .
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 71 4.2.77 Window comp arators (WCO/WCOI/WCO2) (detection of terminal disconnection: ODc/OIDc/O2Dc) - The windo w comparator f unction outputs signals when the values of analo g inputs O, OI, and O2 are within the maximum and minimum limits sp ecified for the window comp arator .
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 72 4.2.78 Output signal delay/hold function The output signal delay/ hold function allo ws you to set on-delay and off-delay times for each output terminal.
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 73 4.2.81 FM terminal Y ou can monitor the inverter output frequency and output current via the FM terminal on the control circuit terminal block. The FM terminal is a pulse output terminal. (1) FM siginal sele ction Select the signal to be output from the FM terminal among those shown below .
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 74 4.2.82 AM and AMI terminals Y ou can monitor the inverter output frequency and output current via the AM and AMI terminals on the control circuit block. The AM terminal outputs a n analog voltage signal (0 to 10 V).
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 75 4.2.83 Initialization setting The initialization function allows y ou to initialize the adjusted settings on the inverter to restore the factory se ttings. Y ou can also clear the trip history data alone. The settings of initialization are descri bed below .
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 76 4.2.84 Function code display restriction The function code display restriction function allo ws you to arbitrarily switch the display mode or the display co ntent on the digital operato r .
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 77 No. Display condition Parameter displayed when the display condition is met 27 One of C001 to C008 = 05 a nd A019 = 00 A028 to A035 28 One of C001 to C008 = 0.
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 78 (4) Basic display mode The monitor displays basic p arameters. (The monitor display is the factory setting.) The following t able lists the p arameters that can be di splayed in basic display mode: No.
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 79 4.2.86 Automatic user-parameter setting The automatic user-para meter setting function allows you to make t he inverter automatically store the p ara meters you readjusted sequen tially as user pa rameters "U001" to "U012".
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 80 4.2.89 Optimum accel/decel operation function The optimum accel/decel operat ion funct ion eliminates the need for acceleration time and deceleratio n time settings for the motor operation by the inverter .
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 81 4.2.90 Brake control function The brake control function allows y ou to make the inverter cont rol an external brake used for a lif t or other machines. T o enable this function, specify "01" (enabling t he brake control function) for the Brake Control Enable (b120).
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 82 When using the brake cont rol function, assign the following signal function s to intelligent input and intelligent output terminals as ne eded.
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 83 4.2.91 Deceleration and stopping at power failure (nonstop deceleration at inst ant aneous power failure) The nonstop deceleration at inst antane ous power fa.
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 84 <2> DC volta ge constant control du ring nonstop op eration at moment ary power failure (b050 = 02: no restoration, b050 = 03: restoration to be done ) .
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 85 4.2.92 Offline auto-tuning function The offline au to-tuning function allows you to make the inverter automatically measure and set t he motor const ants tha t are required for the sensorless vecto r control, 0Hz-range sensorless vector control, and vector control with sensor .
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 86 c) All brakes are released. d) During auto-tuning, insuf ficient torque may cause a problem in the load driven by the motor (for example, a lift may slide down). Therefore, remove the motor from the machine or other load, and perform auto-tuning with the motor alone .
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 87 4.2.93 Online auto-tuning function The online auto-tuning function allows you to compe nsate the motor constant s for alterations caused by the rise of motor temperature and other f actors to ensure stable mo tor operation.
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 88 4.2.95 Motor const ant s selection Adjust the motor const ant settings to the motor to be driven by the inverter .
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 89 4.2.96 Sensorless vector control The sensorless vector control function estimates and controls the motor speed and output torque on the basi s of the inverter output voltage and outp ut current and the motor constant s set on the inverter .
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 90 4.2.97 Sensorless vector , 0 Hz domain control The 0Hz domain sensorless vecto r (SL V) control function incorporates Hit achi’s own torque control system and enables high-torque operat ion in the 0Hz range (0 to 3 Hz).
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 91 4.2.98 T orque monitoring function The torque monitoring function allows you to monitor the estimated motor output torque when the V/F characteristic curve selection is the sensor less ve ctor control, 0Hz-range sensorless vector control, or vector control with sensor .
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 92 4.2.100 T orque limit ation function The torque limit ation function allows you to limit the motor output torque when "03" (sensorle ss vector contr.
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 93 When "00" (quadrant-specific setting mo de) is specified for the torque limit selection (b040 ), the torque limits 1 to 4 apply as show n below .
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 94 4.2.102 T orque LAD stop function The torque LAD stop funct ion is effectiv e when "03" (sensorless vector control), "04" (0Hz-range sensorl ess vector control), or "05" (vector control with sens or) is sp ecified for the V/F characteristic curve selection (A04 4/A244).
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 95 4.2.104 Easy sequence function - Y ou can create a user program with EzSQ (the programming sof tware dedicated to the SJ700) on a personal computer , and download the program to your SJ700 series inverter .
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 96 4.3 Functions A vailable When the Fee dback Option Board (SJ-FB) Is Mounted 4.3.1 Functions requiring the SJ-FB - The feedback option board (SJ-FB) is general.
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 97 4.3.3 V ector control w ith encoder feedback - T o use this control function, specify "05" (V2) for the V/F characteristic curve sele ction (A044). (Y ou can specify the vector control with sensor only when the 1st motor cont rol is selected.
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 98 4.3.4 T orque biasing function The torque biasing function allows you to make the in verter bias the torque command generated during the operatio n in speed control mode. Y ou can effectively use this function for inverter applications to a lif t or other elevating machines.
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 99 (Control block diagram ) 4.3.6 Pulse train position control mode - T o use this function, specify "05" (V2) for V/F char acteristic curve selection, 1 st motor (A044) and "01" (pulse train position contro l mode) for the control pulse setting (P012).
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 100 *2 The following timing charts show the det ailed operations in pulse train input mode. 1) MD0: 90 ° -phase-shift p ulse train SAP SAN SBP.
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 101 4.3.7 Electronic gear function The electronic gear function allows you to set a gain on the position command or position feedb ack data to adjust the ratio between the main motor and sub-m otor speeds during the synchronous operation of the motors.
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 102 <Example of use: Synchronous ope ration> On the inverter (master inverter) for the main moto r , specify either the speed control or pulse train po sition control mode. On the inverter (slave inverter) for the sub-moto r , specify the pulse train position control mode.
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 103 4.3.8 Motor gear ratio setting function The motor gear ratio setting function all ows you to make the inverter effe ctively control a specific machine in which an encod er is installed at the opposite end of the motor .
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 104 4.3.1 1 Home search function The home search function allows you to make the inv erter locate the motor shaft at a specifi ed position. Y ou can use this function, for example, to stop a meta l-cutting machine to replace the tool attached to the main spi ndle.
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 105 Note 1: Since the inverter position s the motor shaft within two turns while decelerating the moto r , do not specify a high frequency as the home search speed. Otherwise, the inverter ma y trip during home search because of the overvoltage prote ction function.
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 106 4.3.12 Absolute position control mode - T o use the absolute positi on control mode function, specify "05" (V2) for V/F characteristic curve selectio n, 1st motor (A044) and "02" (APR: absolute position control ) for the control pulse setting (P012).
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 107 Multistage speed/position determination time C169 0. to 200. X10ms Position setting monitor d029 -1073741823 to + 107374182 3 Position feedback monitor d030 .
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 108 4.3.14 Multist age position switching function (CP1/CP2/CP3) - When functions "66" (CP1) to "68" (CP3) are assig n ed to terminal [1] function (C001) to terminal [8] function (C008), you can select a positio n setting from multistage position s 0 to 7.
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 109 4.3.16 Zero-return function (ORG , ORL) - One of three types of zero-return oper ations can be selected by zero-retu rn mode selection (P068). When a zero-return operati on ends, the curr ent position counter is cleared (to 0).
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 1 10 4.3.17 Forward/reverse drive stop function (FOT/ROT) - The forward/reverse drive stop func tion allows you to prevent motor operation from deviating from the specified control ra nge according to signals from the control range limit switches.
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 1 1 1 4.3.20 Servo-on function The servo-on function allows you to set the inverter in a speed-servo locking st ate with a si gnal input via an input terminal during operation.
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 1 12 4.3.21 Pulse train frequency input The pulse train frequency input functio n allows you to use the pulse train input via the SAP or SAN terminal a s a frequency command or PID feedback dat a in each control mode.
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 1 13 4.4 Communication Functions The inverter can engage in RS485 comm unications with an external control system that is connected to the TM2 terminal block (on the control circuit termi nal block board) of the inverter .
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 1 14 Connectio n As illustrated below , connect the inverters in paralle l to the external control system, and conne ct the RP and SN te rminals with a jumper on the inverter at the end of the network.
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 1 15 (3) Communication te st mode Use the communication test mode to check the hardware of the RS485 commu nication train. (Procedure for communicat ion test) 1) Remove all cable s from the TM2 terminal block to perform a loo pback test.
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 1 16 4.4.1 Communication in ASCII mode (1) Communication protocol The communication between the inverte r and external c ontrol system is based on the followin g.
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 1 17 The commands are described bel ow . (i) 00 comm and: This command instruct s the inverter to drive the motor (for forward or reverse rotation) or stop the motor . (T o use this command, set "A002" to "03" [RS485].
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 1 18 (iii) 02, 12 command: This command turns the specified intelligent input termin als on or of f. - T ransmission fram e Frame format STX S tation No. Command Data BCC CR Description Data size Setting STX Control code ( S tart of T eXt) 1 byte STX (0x02) S tation No.
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 1 19 Note 6: The table bel ow lists the function s of the intelligent input terminals and correspon ding hexadecimal dat a for 12 command. (For det ails, see t he explanation of the intelligent input terminal functions.
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 120 (iv) 03 command: This command reads all monitored dat a from the inverter . - T ransmission fram e Frame format STX S tation No. Command BCC CR Description Data size Setting STX Control code ( S tart of T eXt) 1 byte STX (0x02) S tation No.
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 121 (v) 04 command: This command reads the st atus of the inverter . - T ransmission fram e Frame format STX S tation No. Command BCC CR Description Data size Setting STX Control code ( S tart of T eXt) 1 byte STX (0x02) S tation No.
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 122 (vi) 05 command: This command reads the trip history data from the inverter . - T ransmission fram e Frame format STX S tation No. Command BCC CR Description Data size Setting STX Control code ( S tart of T eXt) 1 byte STX (0x02) S tation No.
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 123 (vii) 06 command: This command reads a specified setting item from the inverter . - T ransmission fram e Frame format STX S tation No. Command Parameter B CC CR Description Data size Setting STX Control code ( S tart of T eXt) 1 byte STX (0x02) S tation No.
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 124 (viii) 07 command: Thi s command writes dat a to a specified setting item in the inverter . - T ransmission fram e Frame format STX S tation No. Command Parameter Data BCC CR Description Data size Setting STX Control code ( S tart of T eXt) 1 byte STX (0x02) S tation No.
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 125 (x) 09 command: This command checks whether set dat a can be stored in the EEPROM in the inverter . - T ransmission fram e Frame format STX S tation No. Command BCC CR Description Data size Setting STX Control code ( S tart of T eXt) 1 byte STX (0x02) S tation No.
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 126 (xii) 0B command: This command recalculates the const ants set i n the inverter . This command must be issued when the base freque ncy or the setting of parameter "H***" ha s been changed for the RS485 communi cation.
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 127 (2) Positive and negative response s (i) Positive response - Response frame Frame format STX S tation No. ACK BCC CR Description Data size Setting STX Control code ( S tart of T eXt) 1 byte STX (0x02) S tation No.
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 128 (3) How to calculate the bl ock check code (BCC) (Example) When using the 01 command (fre quency-setting command ) to set the inverter output frequency to 5 Hz (the st ation No. of the inverter is 01): The content s of "S tation No.
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 129 4.4.2 Communication in Modbus-RTU mode (1) Communication protocol The communication between the inverte r (slave) and ex ternal control system (master) is ba.
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 130 The formats of the query and response frames are describe d below . Message configuration: Query Header (silent interval) Slave address Function code Data Er.
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 131 (iv) Error check code The Modbus-RTU protocol uses the cyclic redundan cy check (CRC) as the error check method. The CRC code is the 16-bit data generat ed for a data block that has an arbitrary dat a length (in units of 8 bits).
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 132 Message configuration: Resp onse (i) T ime required for communication After the inverter receives a query , the inverter waits for the sum of the silent interval (corresponding to the transmission of 3.5 characters) and the com munication wait time (C078) before sendin g a response.
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 133 (4) Explanation of function codes (i) Reading the coil st atus [01h] This function reads the coil st atus (on or off).
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 134 (ii) Reading registers [03h] This function reads a speci fied number of regist ers b eginning at a specified register add ress.
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 135 (iii) Writing dat a to a specified coil [05h] This function writes data to a specified coil The following t able shows the updating of the coil st atus.
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 136 (v) Performing a loopback test [08h] The loopback test function is used to check the co mmunication between the external co ntrol system (master) and the inverter (slave).
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 137 (vii) Writing dat a to multiple registers [10h] This function writes dat a to sequential registers. (Example) When setting "3,000 Hz" as the Accele.
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 138 (5) Enter command (stori ng the updates of register dat a) Neither the command (06h) to write dat a to a regist er nor the command (10h) to write data to multiple registers can store the updates they made in the internal memory of the inverter .
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 139 (6) List of registers The "R/W" column of the list indicates whether t he coi ls and registers are read-only or rea dable and writable. "R" indicates a read-only coil or registe r . "R/W" indicates a readable and writ able coil or register .
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 140 Coil No. Item R/W Setting 0035h LOG2 (logical operation result 2) R 1: ON, 0: OFF 0036h LOG3 (logical operation result 3) R 1: ON, 0: OFF 0037h LOG4 (logical.
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 141 (ii) List of registers (frequenc y settings and trip monito ring) Register No. Function name Function code R/W Monitoring and setting items Data resolution 0001h F001 (high) R/W 0002h Frequency source setting F001 (lo w) R/W 0 to 40000 (valid when A001 = 03) 0.
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 142 Register No. Function name Function code R/W Monitoring and setting items Dat a resolution 003Ah T rip monitoring 5 (factor) See the list of inverter t rip f.
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 143 List of inverter trip factors Upper part of trip factor code (indicating the factor) Lo wer pa rt of trip factor code (indicating the inverter status) Name C.
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 144 (iii) List of regi sters (monitoring) Register No. Function name Function code R/ W Monitoring and setting items Dat a resolution 1001h d001 (high) 1002h Output frequency monitoring d001 (low) R 0 to 40000 0.
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 145 (v) List of register s (functio n modes) Register No. Function name Function code R/ W Monitoring and s etting items Dat a resolution 1201h Frequency source .
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 146 Register No. Function name Function code R/W Monitori ng and s etting items Data resolution Register No. 1236h (Reserved) - - Inaccessible - 1237h (Reserved) - - Inaccessible - 1238h Jog frequency setting A038 R/W "S tart frequency" to 999 0.
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 147 Register No. Function name Function code R/W Monitori ng and setting items Data resolution Register No. 125Fh PID Function Enable A071 R/W 0 (disabling), 1 (enabling), 2 (enabling inverted-data output) - 1260h PID propo rtional gain A072 R/W 2 to 50 0.
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 148 Register No. Function name Function code R/W Monitori ng and setting items Data resolution Register No. 12B0h Operation-target frequency selection 2 A142 R/W.
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 149 Register No. Function name Function code R/W Monitoring and setting items Data resolution Register No. 1301h Selection of restart mode b001 R/W 0 (tripping),.
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 150 Register No. Function name Function code R/W Monitoring and setting items Data resolution Register No. 1326h Reduced voltage start selection b036 R/W 0 (mini.
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 151 Register No. Function name Function code R/W Monitoring and setting items Data resolution Register No. 1354h (Reserved) - - Inaccessible - 1355h Start frequency adjustment b082 R/W 10 to 999 0.01 [Hz] 1356h Carrier f requency setting b083 R/W 5 to 150 0.
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 152 Register No. Function name Function code R/W Monitoring and setting items Data resolution Register No. 1401h T erminal [1] funct ion C001 R/W - 1402h T ermin.
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 153 Register No. Function name Function code R/W Monitoring and setting items Data resolution Register No. 1415h T erminal [1 1] fun ction C021 R/W - 1416h T erm.
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 154 Register No. Function name Function code R/W Monitori ng and setting items Data resolution Register No. 142Ah C042 (high) R/W 142Bh Frequency arrival setting for accel. C042 (lo w) R/W 0 to 40000 0.01 [Hz] 142Ch C043 (high ) R/W 142Dh Frequenc y arrival setting for decel.
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 155 Register No. Function name Function code R/W Monitori ng and setting items Data resolution Register No. 1470h (Reserved) R/W - 1471h AM bias adjustment C109 R/W 0 to 100 1 [%] 1472h AMI bias adjustment C1 10 R/W 0 to 100 1 [%] 1473h Overload setting (2) C1 1 1 R/W 0 to 2000 0.
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 156 Register No. Function name Function code R/W Monitori ng and setting items Data resolution Register No. 1501h Auto-tuning Setting H001 R/W 0 (disabling auto-.
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 157 Register No. Function name Function code R/W Monitoring and setting items Data resolution Register No. 1601h Operation mode on expansion card 1 error P001 R/.
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 158 Register No. Function name Function code R/W Monitoring and setting items Data resolution Register No. 1633h Motor poles setting for RPM P049 R/W 0 (0 pole),.
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 159 Register No. Function name Function code R/W Monitoring and setting items Data resolution Register No. 1681h Easy sequence u ser parameter U (27) P127 R/W 0 .
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 160 (vi) List of registers (2nd control setting s) Register No. Function name Function code R/W Monitori ng and setting items Data resolution Register No. 2103h F202 (high) R/W 2104h Acceleration (1) time setting, 2nd motor F202 (low) R/W 1 to 360000 0.
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 161 Register No. Function name Function code R/W Monitori ng and s etting items Data resolution Register No. 230Ch Electronic thermal setting (calculated within the inverter from current output), 2nd motor b212 R/W 200 to 1000 0.
Chapter 4 Explanation of Functions 4 - 162 (viii) List of registers (3rd control settings) Register No. Function name Function code R/W Monitori ng and setting items Data resolution Register No. 3103h F302 (high) R/W 3104h Acceleration (1) time setting, 3rd motor F302 (low) R/W 1 to 360000 0.
Chapter 5 Error Codes This chapter describes the error codes of the inverter , error indications by the functions, and troubleshooting methods. 5.1 Error Co des and T roubleshoot ing ···················· 5 - 1 5.
Chapter 5 Error Codes 5 - 1 OC.Drive OC.Decel OC.Accel Over .C Over .L OL.BRD Over .V EEPROM 5.1 Error Codes and T roubleshooting 5.1.1 Error Codes Name Description Display on digital operator Display.
Chapter 5 Error Codes 5 - 2 Under .V CT CPU EXTERNAL USP GND.Flt OV . SRC Inst.P-F OH.stF AN OH.fin Name Description Display on digital operator Display on remote operator Troubleshooting a nd correctiv e action Referen ce page Undervoltage If the inverter inpu t volt age drops, the control circuit of the inverter canno t function normally .
Chapter 5 Error Codes 5 - 3 to GA.COM Main.Cir IGBT TH BRAKE EMR OL-LowSP NET .ERR OP1-0 OP1-9 Name Description Display on digital operator Display on remote operator Troubleshooting a nd corr.
Chapter 5 Error Codes 5 - 4 Name Description Display on digital operator Display on remote operator Troubleshooting a nd correctiv e action Reference page Option 2 error The inverter detect s errors in the option board mounted in the optional slot 2. For details, refer to the instructi on manual for the mounted option board.
Chapter 5 Error Codes 5 - 5 5.1.2 Option boards error codes When an option board is mounted in the optional port 1 (located near the operator connecto r), the error code display format is "E6*. " (on the digit al operator ) or "OP1-*" (on the remote operator).
Chapter 5 Error Codes 5 - 6 2) Error indications by protective function s with the digit al option board (SJ-DG) mounted Name Description Display on digital operator Display on remote operator ERR1***.
Chapter 5 Error Codes 5 - 7 OP1-9 OP2-9 OP1-2 OP2-2 OP1-0 OP2-0 OP1-1 OP2-1 3) Error indications by protective functions with the DeviceNet option boa rd (SJ-DN) mounted Name Description Display on di.
Chapter 5 Error Codes 5 - 8 4) Error indications by protective func tions with the easy sequence function u sed Name Description Display on digital operator Display on remote operator ERR1*** Invalid instruction - T he inverter will display the err or code shown on the right if an invalid instruction is found in a do wnloaded program.
Chapter 5 Error Codes 5 - 9 5.1.3 T rip conditions monitoring : Resetting : Initial ization at power-on or w ith the reset term inal turned o n : S top ping the motor : Decelerating or operat ing the .
Chapter 5 Error Codes 5 - 10 5.2 W arning Codes The following t able lists the warni ng codes and the content s of parameter readju stments: W arning code T arget function c ode Condition Basic functi.
Chapter 6 Maintenance and Inspection This chapter describes the precautions and procedures for the maintenance and inspection of the inverter . 6.1 Precautions for Maintenance and Inspection ......................................................... 6-1 6.
Chapter 6 Maintenance and Inspection 6 - 1 6.1 Precautions for Maintenance and Inspection W ARNING - Before inspecting the inverter , be sure to turn off the power supply and wait for 10 minutes or more.
Chapter 6 Maintenance and Inspection 6 - 2 6.2 Daily and Periodic Inspections Inspection cycle Periodic Part to inspect Inspection item Detail of inspectio n Daily Annual Biennial Inspection method Criterion T est equipment Environment Check the ambient temperature, humidity , and dust.
Chapter 6 Maintenance and Inspection 6 - 3 6.3 Ground Resist ance T est with a Megger When testing an external circuit with a m egger , disconnec t all the external circuit cables from t he inverter to prevent it from being exposed to the test voltage.
Chapter 6 Maintenance and Inspection 6 - 4 6.5 Method of Checking the Inve rter and Converter Circuit s Y ou can check the quality of the inverter and converter circuits by u sing a tester .
Chapter 6 Maintenance and Inspection 6 - 5 6.6 DC-Bus Cap acitor Life Curve 10 20 30 40 50 0 -10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 A mbient temp erature (ºC) When energ ized 24 ho urs a d ay Capacitor life (nu mbe.
Chapter 6 Maintenance and Inspection 6 - 6 6.8 Methods of Measuring the Input/Ou tput V olt ages, Current, and Power This section describes the measuring instrument s gener ally used to measure the input and output voltage s, output current, and output pow er of the inverter .
Chapter 7 S pecifications This chapter describes the specifications and external dimensions of the inverter . 7.1 S pecific ations ................................................... 7-1 7.2 External di mensions .......................................
Chapter 7 Specifications 7 - 1 7.1 Specifications (1) S pecifications of the 200 V class model Model name (type name) SJ700-XXXLFF ,LFU 055 075 1 10 150 185 220 300 370 450 550 Max. applicable motor capacity (4-pole) (kW) 5.5 7.5 1 1 15 18.5 22 30 37 45 55 200V 8.
Chapter 7 Specifications 7 - 2 (3) Common specification s of 200 V cl ass and 400 V class models (continued) Model name (type name) SJ700-XXXXXFF .FEFFUF 055 L/H 075 L/H 1 10 L/H 150 L/H 185 L/H 220 L.
Chapter 7 Specifications 7 - 3 (3) Common specifications of 200 V class and 4 00 V class models (continued ) Model name (type name) SJ700-XXXXXFF .FEFFUF 055 L/H 075 L/H 1 10 L/H 150 L/H 185 L/H 220 L.
Chapter 7 Specifications 7 - 4 7.2 External dimensions SJ700-055 to1 10LFF2/LFUF2 / HFF2/HFEF2/HFUF2 SJ700-150 to 220 LFF2/LF UF2 / HFF2/HFEF2/HFUF2 3 - Cable hole (42 x 42.
Chapter 7 Specifications 7 - 5 SJ700-300 LFF2/LFUF2 / HFF2/ HFEF2/HFUF2 SJ700-370-450 LFF2/LFUF2 / HFF2/HF EF2/HFUF2, 550 HFF2/HFEF2/HFUF2 5 - Cable hole ( φ 25) 5 - Cable hole ( φ 41).
Chapter 7 Specifications 7 - 6 SJ700-550 LFF2/LFUF2 5 - Cable hole ( φ 41).
Chapter 8 List of Dat a Settings This chapter lists the dat a settings for the various functions of the inverter . 8.1 Precautions for Data Se tting ................8-1 8.2 Monitoring Mode...................................8-1 8.3 Function Mode ......
Chapter 8 List of Dat a Settings 8 - 1 8.1 Precautions for Dat a Setting The default display mode limits the screens (parameters) that can be displayed on the monitor . T o enable the display of all par ameters, specify "00" (full display) for the function code display restriction (b037).
Chapter 8 List of Dat a Settings 8 - 2 Code Funct ion name Monitored data or setting Default Setting during operation (allowed or not) Change during operation (allowed or not) Page d025 User monitor 0.
Chapter 8 List of Dat a Settings 8 - 3 8.4 Extended Function Mode Default Code Function name Monitor ed data or setting _FF _ FEF _ FUF Setting during operation (allowed or not) Change during operatio.
Chapter 8 List of Dat a Settings 8 - 4 Default Code Function name Monitored data or setting _FF _FEF _FUF Setting during operation (allowed or not) Change during operation (allowed or not) Page A041 T.
Chapter 8 List of Dat a Settings 8 - 5 Default Code Function name Monitored data or setting _FF _FEF _FUF Setting during operation (allowed or not) Change during operation (allowed or not) Page A081 A.
Chapter 8 List of Dat a Settings 8 - 6 Default Code Function name Monitored data or setting _FF _FEF _FUF Setting during operation (allowed or not) Change during operation (allowed or not) Page b001 S.
Chapter 8 List of Dat a Settings 8 - 7 Default Code Function name Monitored data or setting _FF _FEF _FUF Setting during operation (allowed or not) Change during operation (allowed or not) Page b034 Run/power-on warning t ime 0. to 9999. (0 to 99990), 1000 t o 6553 (10000 to 655300) (hr) 0.
Chapter 8 List of Dat a Settings 8 - 8 Default Code Function name Monitor ed data or setting _FF _FEF _FUF Setting during operation (allowed or not) Change during operation (allowed or not) Page b078 .
Chapter 8 List of Dat a Settings 8 - 9 Default Code Function name Monitored data or setting _FF _FEF _FUF Setting during operation (allowed or not) Change during operation (allowed or not) Page C001 T.
Chapter 8 List of Dat a Settings 8 - 10 Default Code Function name Monit ored data or setting _FF _FEF _FUF Setting during operation (allowed or not) Change during operation (allowed or not) Page C021.
Chapter 8 List of Dat a Settings 8 - 1 1 Default Code Function name Monitored data or setting _FF _FEF _FUF Setting during operation (allowed or not) Change during operation (allowed or not) Page C038.
Chapter 8 List of Dat a Settings 8 - 12 Default Code Function name Monitored data or setting _FF _FEF _FUF Setting during operation (allowed or not) Change during operation (allowed or not) Page Te r mi nal C1 11 Overload setting (2) 0. 0 to 2.00 x "rated current" (A) R ated current of inverter { { 4-40 C121 [O] input zero calibration 0.
Chapter 8 List of Dat a Settings 8 - 13 Default Code Funct ion name Monitored data or setting _FF _FEF _FUF Setting during operation (allowed or not) Change during operation (allowed or not) Page H001.
Chapter 8 List of Dat a Settings 8 - 14 Default Code Function name Monitored data or setting _FF _FEF _FUF Setting during operation (allowed or not) Change during operation (allowed or not) Page H050 PI proportional g ain for 1st motor 0. 0 to 999.9, 1000.
Chapter 8 List of Dat a Settings 8 - 15 Default Code Function name Monitored data or setting _FF _FEF _FUF Setting during operation (allowed or not) Change during operation (allowed or not) Page P001 .
Chapter 8 List of Dat a Settings 8 - 16 Default Code Function name Monitored data or setting _FF _FEF _FUF Setting during operation (allowed or not) Change during operation (allowed or not) Page P060 .
Chapter 8 List of Dat a Settings 8 - 17 Default Code Function name Monitored data or setting _FF _FEF _FUF Setting during operation (allowed or not) Change during operation (allowed or not) Page P1 16 Easy sequence user pa rameter U (16) 0. to 9999., 1000 to 6553 (10000 to 65535) 0.
Chapter 8 List of Dat a Settings 8 - 18 Default Code Function name Monitor ed data or setting _FF _FEF _FUF Setting during operation (allowed or not) Change during operation (allowed or not) Page U001.
Appendix A - 1 Upgrading from the SJ300 Series The SJ300 series inverter is upwardly compatibl e with the SJ700 series inverter . Therefore, you can: - mount the control circuit terminal block board o.
Appendix A - 2 (2) Copying the p arameter settings If you use an optional remote operator (SR W-O J or SRW -OEX), you can copy (import) the parameter settings from the SJ300 series into the S J700 se ries.
In d ex Index - 1 A a/b ......................................................... 4-47 , 4 -61 Absolu te pos ition co ntrol . .. ... .. ... .. ... .. .. 4-106, 4-107 acce leration/ de cele r ati on pat t erns .. ... .. ... .. ... .. .. 4-32 acce leration curve consta nt .
In d ex Index - 2 fre que ncy a dd itio n .......................................... 4 -15 freque ncy a rrival se t ting for acce l . .. .. ... .. ... .. ... .. 4-61 freque ncy a rrival se t ting for de cel.. ... .. ... .. ... ... .. 4-61 fre que ncy limi t.
In d ex Index - 3 O O............................................................. 2-7, 2-1 8 O2 .................................................. 2-7, 2 -18 , 4-1 2 O2D c.............................................................. 4-7 1 OD .......
In d ex Index - 4 T T e achin g ....................................................... 4- 1 10 te st ru n .......................................................... 3 -10 the rmis tor .................................................4-4, 4-7 0 TH M .
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Hitachi SJ700-2 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Hitachi SJ700-2 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Hitachi SJ700-2 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Hitachi SJ700-2 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Hitachi SJ700-2 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Hitachi SJ700-2 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Hitachi SJ700-2 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Hitachi SJ700-2. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Hitachi SJ700-2 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.