Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung hitachi lcd monitor des Produzenten Hitachi
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ENGLISH USER’S MANU AL Thank you very m uch for purchasi ng the HIT ACHI LCD Monitor . Before usi ng yo ur m on itor , please ca refu lly re ad the "SAF ETY INSTRUCTIONS" and this "USER'S MANUAL" so you will know ho w to operate t he monito r properly .
1 ENGLISH Impor tant Plea se rea d th is User 's Ma nua l thor ough ly , es pec iall y th e Safe ty Instructi ons o n Page 3 to 6. Mis -use may cause dama ge to you r LCD mon itor , which could s horten i ts li fespan , or ca use inju ry to yoursel f.
2 FEATU RES ... ......... ...... ...... ......... ...... ......... ..... ..... 1 SAFETY INSTRUC TIONS ........ ...... ......... ..... ........ 3 NOTES ......... ...... ......... ...... ...... ......... ...... ..... ........ 7 COMP ONENT N AMES .......
3 ENGLISH This LC D monitor has been desi gned and manu factured to m eet int ernational safety st andards , but like an y electrical equipmen t, care must be taken if you are to obt ain the best results and saf ety is to be ass ured.
4 Be cautious of the power cord connection. Incorrect c onnectio n of the po wer cord co uld resul t in fire or elect rical sho ck. • Do not to uc h th e po wer cord w i th a w et han d. • Chec k that the c onnectin g portion o f the powe r cord is c lean (with no dust), before usi ng.
5 ENGLISH Be careful in mov ing the monitor . Negl ect co uld res ult in an in jury or da m age. • Do not mo ve t he monitor du ring use. Befo re mo vi ng , disconne ct the powe r plug and all ex te rn al con ne ctions . • Y ou are advise d to move th e m onitor w ith tw o pe rsons.
6 Prev ention of an obstacle to Radio receivers This m on itor has been de si gne d pu rsuant to t he i nt er na tional EMI s tanda rd s. This i s to pr event a pr obl em t o Rad io receiv ers. - Keep t h e moni t o r awa y f rom Ra dio. - Adju st Ra di o ant enna s in orde r f or t he mo nit or no t t o rec eiv e int erfere nce.
7 ENGLISH About screen defects • High prec ision tech nol og y is used in the maki ng of LCD panels but th er e ma y be dar k sp ots (points that do not illu m inat e) and bright spots (points that ar e t oo b righ t) in some case s. These do not indica te a malfu nc tion.
8 COMPONE NT NAMES Cabinet (front frame) Panel Front Control panel • ( ) indicate s the func tion while the M ENU is di sp la ye d on the scr een . SUB-POWER button 19 VOLUME UP/DOWN buttons ( WX AD.
9 ENGLISH 1. Open the b attery co ver . • Slide ba ck and remo ve the batter y cover in the direct i on of the arrow. 2. Load batterie s. • Load two Si ze AA batteries i nc luded obse rv ing th e co rrect po la rit i es. 3. C lose the b atte ry co ver .
10 COMPONE NT NAMES (con tinue d) R e mote control (c ont inued) INPUT SELECT Press thi s button t o change input mod e. SOUND MODE Y ou may r ecall the so und mode by pressin g this but ton. Each ti me pressed, sound m ode is c hanged in follow ing sequ ence.
11 ENGLISH [Buttons for TELETEXT Mode] TELETEXT FUNCTION COMPONE NT NAMES (con tinue d) R e mote control (c ont inued) COLOR buttons (RED, GREEN, YELLOW , BLUE) P AG E UP / DOWN b utton REVEAL button .
12 Securing to a wall or pillar Using a comme rciall y ava ilabl e cord , chai n and clam p, se cure th e set to a firm w all or pillar . Securing desktop (1) Using wood screw s (two), fa ste n the s et to the cla mp ing screw hole s on the rear of the st and as show n.
13 ENGLISH (1) Make sure that the power switch of the monitor is turned off. (2) Make sure that the power switch of the audio vis ual device is turned off. (3) Use a comm ercially ava ilable c able and co nnector to connect the sign al input termina l on the rear p anel of this devi ce and the sig nal output terminal of the audio v isual devic e.
14 If there are n oise appearanc e in the p icture of VHF-Low b and c hannel, p lease us e the d ouble-shi elded ca ble (not provid ed) for RF LEADS to red uce the nois e. Precautions w hen connecting the antenna • Please use a coaxi al cable w hich is f ree from interfer ence to connect the an tenna.
15 ENGLISH (1) Make sure that the displ ay sign al of the per sonal com puter to be used is com p atible wi th the sp ecifications of this device. • See "PRODUCT SPEC IFICA TIONS" con ce rning the sp ecification s of this device. ~ (2) Make sure that the power switch of the personal c omputer i s turned o ff.
16 1. Atta ch the sp eaker co nnecti ng cable s to th e monitor . (Make sure t he ferrite c ore is towa rd the m onitor si de) 2. Att ach the speak er ca bles to s peake r syst ems. Make s ure that the main power s witch of the moni tor is turne d of f (sta ndby or indicat ing la mp: of f/red) wh en remo ving or connec ting th e speake r cables.
17 ENGLISH 1. Moun t the sid e input into the speaker holder . Hook the clam ps (4 p ieces) o f the spea ker ho lder into th e hole s as sh own in th e figu re and pull them dow n until it sounds click . Faste n the s ide in put w ith t he spea ker ho lder by the acce ssory screw.
18 Connect th e power cord, a fter co mpleti ng all oth er connec tions. (1) Connect the p ower cord to this dev ice. (2) Connect the p ower cord plug to th e power outl et. (The type of plug is dif ferent fro m this dr awing fo r some co untries .) • Us e on ly th e po we r cor d prov id e d.
19 ENGLISH • T o turn the monitor po wer ON, press the main power switch on the monito r main unit to ON, and then pres s the SUB POWER button of con tr ol p anel or the POWER button on the remo te control.
20 • Inpu t can be sw itched by pr essing the A V1~6, RGB1 or RGB2 buttons o f the remote c ontrol. • Inpu t can be switched to TV by pressing CHANNEL UP/DOWN button or PROGRAM SE LECT buttons .
21 ENGLISH V ertical pic ture posi tion c an be adj usted f or [Panoram ic], [Zoom ] and [ Cinema] m ode as fol lows. 1. Press ZO OM butto n and SELECT buttons during pi cture siz e displ ay . 2. Position display will ap pear . 3. Adjustme nt rang e of ea ch picture size are as shown below .
22 The volume c an be a djusted by p ressing th e and buttons of the re mote cont rol (or the and volume buttons of the m onitor unit ). • Whe n a button is p ressed, the volume a djustme nt st atus guide will be displaye d. • The vo lume wi ll incr ea se when the butto n is pre ss ed while the gu i de is being displ ay ed .
23 ENGLISH • This fea tu re con trols the mo to riz ed stan d. It al low s t ur ni ng the LC D m onitor le ft or righ t usin g t he r em ot e c ontrol. 1. Press Swivel bu tton. The contr olling icon app ears o n the scre en. • If the conn ecting cab le is not con nected, th e indi ca tion "Not Availab le" appear s.
24 T he input signal status c an be display ed on the screen by pr essing the RECALL button of the remote contr ol. • The display will go out in appr oximately 6 seconds.
25 ENGLISH When the M UL TI PICTURE button on the remote control is pressed, the screen w ill displ ay the mu lti pictures . And th en three typ es of the sc reen can be selecte d by pres sing the MUL TI MODE b utton on the rem ote control.
26 Pressing the M UL TI PICTURE button one time w ill display 2 pictures. • The sp ea ker icon can b e shifted left and rig ht by pr es si ng the and SELECT but t ons . Th e au dio of the video will be o utput from the s ide on which the s peaker icon is loc ated.
27 ENGLISH When the FR EEZE button on the remot e control i s presse d, the screen transfer s into the freeze mod e. • There ar e two ty pes of freezin g sc re en m ode, Split and S t r obe . Th es e are possi bl e to se le ct at the “Freeze M ode ” setting of the Func tion Menu .
28 When the MENU but ton is pres sed, the adjus tment menu screen will be display ed; from th ere, se veral a djustme nts and setti ngs are possi ble by usin g the SELEC T button, AD JUST butto n and OK button. • Ref er to - concer ning the adjus tment it ems a nd the settings.
29 ENGLISH OPERA TING INSTRUCTIONS (continu ed) SETUP MENU (TV mode) Picture Audio T imer Function Setup Language Select OK Set Setup Auto T uning Manual T uning Fine T uning Sort T eletext Language A.
30 Selected cha racters WX Setup hint Auto T uning Mode Select the channel entry method between position setting or direct setting. And press the OK button to fix it. • If [Position] is selected, the screen display will be numbers (1~199 a nd A V00).
31 ENGLISH OPERA TING INSTRUCTIONS (continu ed) SETUP MENU (V id eo mode) Selected char a cters S e tu p hint System Do not change the origin al setting.
32 OPERA TING INSTRUCTIONS (continu ed) SETUP MENU (RGB mode: RGB1 (D VI-PC), RGB2 (R G B)) Selected ch aracter s Setup hint Auto Adjus t* Adjust Pressing the OK button here, Automatic regulation is started.
33 ENGLISH * Depending on the type of signal displayed, displays may not be optimized throu gh automatic adjustment. Adjust manually to opt imize them. Sel ecte d c har acter s Setup hint V ertical Filter Turn On when concerned about screen flicker .
34 Selected ch aracters Setup hint Screen Saver This moves the picture around the screen in small amounts, at set intervals, to reduce the residual image. This is where stationary object s, such as screen logos, leave a slight image visible a fter they should have disappeared.
36 Selected ch aracters Setup hint Picture M ode Dynamic: This setting is best for very bright ambient lighting. Natural: This setting is for normal lighting conditions. Cinema: This setting is best for watching movie. Contrast Na rrows the gap between brightness and darkness.
37 ENGLISH Selected char a cters S e tu p hint Color Management Turn On when the original balance of each color is required to adjust depending on the user ’s preference. Magenta Magenta is weakened. Magenta is strengthened. This adjusts listed colors individually to make them either deeper or purer .
38 Selected ch aracters Setup hint Cont rast Narrows the gap between brightness and darkness. Broadens the gap between brightness and darkness. Adjust for maximum visibility to suit the ambient brightness. This can adjust further till [+40] by pressing and holding SELECT button at [+31].
39 ENGLISH OPERA TING INSTRUCTIONS (continu ed) Selected char a cters S e tu p hint Audi o Mod e Movie: This selects the audio suitable for Movie. Music: This selects the audio suitable for Music. S peech: This selects the audio suitable for News, T alk show etc .
40 Select a la nguag e by an d SELECT button s and pre ss the O K button. Selected ch aracters Setup hint Off T imer This funct ion automatically sets the power to standby status when the indicated time period has elapsed.
41 ENGLISH Approximately 1 sec. af ter adjustment is completed , the adj ustment s will b e recorded as shown in th e t able belo w . • The previously recorded items will be lost. • The signa l mode c an be identifie d by the hor iz ontal/ve rtical sy nc freque ncy and t he sync signal polarity .
42 A2 / NICAM / Sound Multiple x (TV mode) • The CH I / II bu tton is onl y us ef ul fo r NIC AM and sou nd mu ltiplex signa ls. Otherw ise pres si ng t his bu tton will hav e no effect. BILINGUAL / DUAL sound broa dcast When bili ngual program is receive d, sound m ode dis play appe ars in ye llow as shown on right.
43 ENGLISH When the RGB1, RGB2 input is selected • When this unit is c onnected to a V ESA DP MS computer, the Power Sav e (O ff) mode can be se t to be activate d autom a tically when t he comput er is not bei n g use d to reduc e po wer con sum p tion by thi s un i t.
44 Set up hint Example) HI T ACHI DVD T o operate HIT ACHI DVD pl ayer , press and hold t he button, followed by the button. 1. Set up the maker Press button to indicate the DVD LED on the remote co ntrol. While t he DVD L ED is fl ashin g, press and .
45 ENGLISH Make th e check s suggested below d epend ing on the symp toms observ ed. If the symp toms rem ain uncorr ected, cont act you r deale r . Custom er servic ing can be hazard ous. Symptom Point to check See p age • No picture with the power-indicating lamp off.
46 Symptom Point to c heck See p age • T here are locations on the screen that are diff erent from the periphery (*). * Points that do no t light , points wi t h br ig htne ss different from t ha t of th e peri phery , point s wit h color dif fer ent from that of the pe ripher y , etc .
47 ENGLISH Depend ing on the kind of s ystem e quipmen t used , images may not b e displa yed n ormally . In this cas e, make the adj ustment s sugges ted below . (only for RG B2) • The di spla y image may be mo m entarily distur bed duri ng cl o ck adjust m en t but this is no t a failur e.
48 Product spe cifications a nd designs are subject to change without notice. • The m on itor takes at le as t 30 minu tes to attain th e status of optim al pict ure qua lity .
49 ENGLISH RGB ter minal (D-sub 15-pin connector) S-input connector pin specificati ons HDMI connector pin specifications D VI ter minal (DVI-D) PR O DUCT S PECI FICA TIONS (con tinu ed) Signal Input Pin Input signal 1 R(P R /C R ) 2 G or sync on green (Y) 3 B (P B /C B ) 4 No connection 5 No connection 6 R.
50 Applicable video signals for input ter minal ( TV mode ) (O:A vaila ble) W ith composite input(A V1~ A V5 input) and S-video input (A V3, A V5 input).
51 ENGLISH Wi th Digital signal input. (O:Acceptable) PRODUCT SPECIFICA TIONS (con tinued) Re commende d Signal Li st (c ontinue d) No. Signal mode Horizont al frequency (kHz) Dot clock frequency (MHz) Setup Men u Condition Rem ark s Signal Name Resolution V ertical frequency (Hz) DVI-PC DVI-STB 1 VGA 640 X 400 70.
52 With Analog s ignal in put (RGB2 input) PRODUCT SPECIFICA TIONS (con tinued) Re commende d Signal Li st (c ontinue d) No . Signa l mode Horizont al frequenc y (kHz) Dot clock frequency (MHz ) Remarks Signal Name Resolution V e r tical fr e quen cy (Hz) 1 VGA 640 X 400 70.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Hitachi hitachi lcd monitor (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Hitachi hitachi lcd monitor noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Hitachi hitachi lcd monitor - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Hitachi hitachi lcd monitor reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Hitachi hitachi lcd monitor erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Hitachi hitachi lcd monitor besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Hitachi hitachi lcd monitor verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Hitachi hitachi lcd monitor. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Hitachi hitachi lcd monitor gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.