Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung Compressor 9600 des Produzenten HELIX
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C HELIX TECHNOLO GY CORPORA TION - TI C RY OG EN ICS HELIX T ECHNOLOGY CO RPORATION http://www .helixtechnolo gy .com 9600 Compr essor Installation, Op eration, and Main ten anc e In stru ctio n s 8040540 Re v .
ELIX H ©2004 He lix T echno logy Cor poratio n Pri nted in USA The infor mation in thi s documen t is believed to be accura te and reliabl e. However, Helix Technology Corpora tio n, cannot accept a ny fin ancial or other respo nsibiliti es that may result from the use of this infor mation.
9600 Com pres sor In stal lati on, Operat ion, a nd Ma intena nce P/N 804054 0 4 T a bl e of Co nt e nts Section 1 - 9 600 Compressor Description Ge n e ra l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
9600 Com pres sor In stal lati on, Operat ion, a nd Ma intena nce 5 P/N 8040 540 T a ble of Co nte nts ( con ti nue d) Section 3 - In stallat ion Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
9600 Com pres sor In stal lati on, Operat ion, a nd Ma intena nce P/N 804054 0 6 T a ble of Co nte nts ( con ti nue d) App e ndi x A - Cu st ome r Su ppo rt Inf or m ation Appe ndi x B - Flow Diagram Appendi x C - Troubles hoot ing P r ocedures App e ndi x D - Sch e mat ic Figur es Figure 1- 1: 9600 Com pressor .
9600 Com pres sor In stal lati on, Operat ion, a nd Ma intena nce 7 P/N 8040 540 T a ble of Co nte nts ( con ti nue d) Figure 5- 1: Disconnecting Self Sealing Couplings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-2 Figure 5- 2: Adsorber Location within the 9600 C ompressor (R e ar Pan e l Rem ov e d ) .
9600 Com pres sor In stal lati on, Operat ion, a nd Ma intena nce P/N 804054 0 1-1 C HELIX TECHN OLOGY CORPO RA T ION - TI C RY OG EN IC S Section 1 - 9600 Compr essor Description General This manual provides the information r equired to install, operate, and maintain the CT I-CR YOGENICS 9600 C ompressor .
9600 Compres sor Descri ption 1-2 P/N 8040 540 C HELIX TECHN OLOGY CORPO RA T ION - TI C RY OG EN IC S Syst em Documentation The ma nuals for a sy st em cover two bas ic c omponents: the cr yopump and the Compressor . A manual is shipped with e ach system component to provide information for ins tallation and ope ration of that compone nt.
9600 Com pres sor In stal lati on, Operat ion, a nd Ma intena nce P/N 804054 0 1-3 C HELIX TECHN OLOGY CORPO RA T ION - TI C RY OG EN IC S Figure 1-1: 9600 C ompre ssor 9 6 0 0 C O M P R E S S O R C O.
9600 Compres sor Descri ption 1-4 P/N 8040 540 C HELIX TECHN OLOGY CORPO RA T ION - TI C RY OG EN IC S Speci ficat ions Di me ns io ns The dimensions of the Compres sor are shown in Fi gur e 1-2. Figure 1-2: 9600 Compr e ssor Dimensions CAUTION Do not place a we ight greater than 75 lbs.
9600 Com pres sor In stal lati on, Operat ion, a nd Ma intena nce P/N 804054 0 1-5 C HELIX TECHN OLOGY CORPO RA T ION - TI C RY OG EN IC S We i g h t The weight o f the Com pressor is listed in T able 1-1. Electri cal The electri cal speci f icat i ons of the Compress or are listed in T able 1- 2.
9600 Compres sor Descri ption 1-6 P/N 8040 540 C HELIX TECHN OLOGY CORPO RA T ION - TI C RY OG EN IC S Cooling W at er The water used to cool the Compressor mus t meet the specifications sh own in T able 1-3 for proper syst em operation.
9600 Com pres sor In stal lati on, Operat ion, a nd Ma intena nce P/N 804054 0 1-7 C HELIX TECHN OLOGY CORPO RA T ION - TI C RY OG EN IC S General The info rmation in T able 1-4 provides general Compressor operating specificat ions.
9600 Compres sor Descri ption 1-8 P/N 8040 540 C HELIX TECHN OLOGY CORPO RA T ION - TI C RY OG EN IC S Component Description The components of the 9600 Compres sor that are acc essible f rom the rear panel are shown in Figure 1- 4 a nd described in the following par agraphs.
9600 Com pres sor In stal lati on, Operat ion, a nd Ma intena nce P/N 804054 0 1-9 C HELIX TECHN OLOGY CORPO RA T ION - TI C RY OG EN IC S System Circ uit Br eaker The System C ircuit Breaker protects main input power to the Compressor pump and module.
9600 Compres sor Descri ption 1-10 P/N 8040 540 C HELIX TECHN OLOGY CORPO RA T ION - TI C RY OG EN IC S Retu rn Gas Coup ling The Return Gas C oupling returns t he helium, which has been cycled through the cryopump, back to the Compressor . Refer to CTI-CR YOGENICS Helium Re frigerat ion System within this section fo r m ore inf orma tion.
9600 Com pres sor In stal lati on, Operat ion, a nd Ma intena nce P/N 804054 0 1-1 1 C HELIX TECHN OLOGY CORPO RA T ION - TI C RY OG EN IC S Cryopum p Pow e r Phase Switc h NOTE: The Cryopump Power Phase Switch is behind the system cir cuit br e a ker cover .
9600 Compres sor Descri ption 1-12 P/N 8040 540 C HELIX TECHN OLOGY CORPO RA T ION - TI C RY OG EN IC S Figur e 1-5: 9600 Compre ssor Connected to Multip le On-Bo ard Cryopumps NOTE: Y our installation (number of pum ps per compr essor) will vary based upon the On-Board C ryopumps or W aterpumps used.
9600 Com pres sor In stal lati on, Operat ion, a nd Ma intena nce P/N 804054 0 1-1 3 C HELIX TECHN OLOGY CORPO RA T ION - TI C RY OG EN IC S Multipl e Cryo-T orr Cryop um p Conn ection s The Cryo-T orr Interface pe rmits the c onnection of multiple Cryo-T orr Cryopumps to one Compressor as s hown in Figure 1-6.
9600 Compres sor Descri ption 1-14 P/N 8040 540 C HELIX TECHN OLOGY CORPO RA T ION - TI C RY OG EN IC S.
9600 Com pres sor In stal lati on, Operat ion, a nd Ma intena nce P/N 804054 0 2-1 C HELIX TECHN OLOGY CORPO RA T ION - TI C RY OG EN IC S Section 2 - Unpacking and Inspection In trod ucti o n The 9600 Compres sor is shipped in a s hipping carton incorporating a ramp system which mak es remo ving the Compressor from the carton s afe and easy .
Unpacki ng and Ins pe ction 2-2 P/N 8040 540 C HELIX TECHN OLOGY CORPO RA T ION - TI C RY OG EN IC S Figur e 2-1: U sing the Shipping Carton Ramp Co m press o r In sp ec ti o n Inspect the Compressor for visible signs of damage as indicated in the follo wing paragraphs.
9600 Com pres sor In stal lati on, Operat ion, a nd Ma intena nce P/N 804054 0 3-1 C HELIX TECHN OLOGY CORPO RA T ION - TI C RY OG EN IC S Section 3 - Installation In trod ucti o n Section 3 pr ovi de.
In st al la ti o n 3-2 P/N 8040 540 C HELIX TECHN OLOGY CORPO RA T ION - TI C RY OG EN IC S Figure 3-1: 9600 Compressor I nstallation Flowchart Sup ply a nd Re turn Wat er Line Con nections (refer t o.
9600 Com pres sor In stal lati on, Operat ion, a nd Ma intena nce P/N 804054 0 3-3 C HELIX TECHN OLOGY CORPO RA T ION - TI C RY OG EN IC S Suppl y and Re tu rn W ate r L in e C on nec ti ons NO TE: The water used f or cool i ng the Compr essor must meet the specif ications outlined in Section 1 - Compr essor Descrip tion .
In st al la ti o n 3-4 P/N 8040 540 C HELIX TECHN OLOGY CORPO RA T ION - TI C RY OG EN IC S Electri cal Connecti ons The follo wing procedures provide inf ormation for making a ll three phase (180 - 250 V A C) electrical connec tions to the Compressor .
9600 Com pres sor In stal lati on, Operat ion, a nd Ma intena nce P/N 804054 0 3-5 C HELIX TECHN OLOGY CORPO RA T ION - TI C RY OG EN IC S Figure 3-2: 9600 C ompre ssor Circuit Break er T erminals (Co.
In st al la ti o n 3-6 P/N 8040 540 C HELIX TECHN OLOGY CORPO RA T ION - TI C RY OG EN IC S Phase Check W ARNING Follo w all high voltage saf ety precautions when performing t his procedure to pre v ent the possibility of electrical shock. 1. Make sure power is applied to compressor cir cuit as de scribed in T able 1-2.
9600 Com pres sor In stal lati on, Operat ion, a nd Ma intena nce P/N 804054 0 3-7 C HELIX TECHN OLOGY CORPO RA T ION - TI C RY OG EN IC S Cryopump Po wer Ph ase Switch Sett ing NO TE: On-Boar d Cryopumps can operate on two or three-phase power . Cryo-T orr Cryopumps only operate on two-phase power .
In st al la ti o n 3-8 P/N 8040 540 C HELIX TECHN OLOGY CORPO RA T ION - TI C RY OG EN IC S Disconnect in g 1. Using two wrenches as sho wn in Figure 3-3, disconnect the two self sealing coupling connectors quickly to mi nimize helium leakage. Figur e 3-3: Connecting/Disconnecting Helium Flex Line Self Sealing Couplings This 1 3/16 in.
9600 Com pres sor In stal lati on, Operat ion, a nd Ma intena nce P/N 804054 0 3-9 C HELIX TECHN OLOGY CORPO RA T ION - TI C RY OG EN IC S Sing le On- B oar d C r yopu mp Con ne c ti ons CA UTION Make sure the Compressor power is OFF before making an y connections to the rear panel.
In st al la ti o n 3-10 P/N 8040 540 C HELIX TECHN OLOGY CORPO RA T ION - TI C RY OG EN IC S Single Cry o-T orr Cry opump Con nections CA UTION Make sure the Compressor power is OFF before making an y connections to the rear panel.
9600 Com pres sor In stal lati on, Operat ion, a nd Ma intena nce P/N 804054 0 3-1 1 C HELIX TECHN OLOGY CORPO RA T ION - TI C RY OG EN IC S Multipl e On-B oa rd Cryopum p Conn ection s CA UTION Make sure the Compressor power is OFF before making an y connections to the rear panel.
In st al la ti o n 3-12 P/N 8040 540 C HELIX TECHN OLOGY CORPO RA T ION - TI C RY OG EN IC S P ower Cable Connections 1. Connect the On-Board Splitter Box po we r cable between the CR Y OPUMP ELECTRICA L OUTLET on t he rear panel of the Compressor and the On-Board Splitter Box po we r connector as sho wn i n Figure 3- 6.
9600 Com pres sor In stal lati on, Operat ion, a nd Ma intena nce P/N 804054 0 3-1 3 C HELIX TECHN OLOGY CORPO RA T ION - TI C RY OG EN IC S Figur e 3-7: Alter native Multipl e On-Board Cry op ump or .
In st al la ti o n 3-14 P/N 8040 540 C HELIX TECHN OLOGY CORPO RA T ION - TI C RY OG EN IC S 1. Connect the Supply and Return lines to the 9600 C ompressor as described in Connect i ng/Discon n ect ing Helium Flex Lines within this section.
9600 Com pres sor In stal lati on, Operat ion, a nd Ma intena nce P/N 804054 0 3-1 5 C HELIX TECHN OLOGY CORPO RA T ION - TI C RY OG EN IC S NO TE: The Cryo-T or r Interface c an be installed at the proces s tool containing the cryopumps as s hown in F igur e 3-8 or ne ar the Compr essor as show n in F igur e 3-9.
In st al la ti o n 3-16 P/N 8040 540 C HELIX TECHN OLOGY CORPO RA T ION - TI C RY OG EN IC S Figur e 3- 9: Alter nativ e Multiple Cry o-T orr Cryopump I n stallation CRY O PUMP PO WER CA BLES U SER R .
9600 Com pres sor In stal lati on, Operat ion, a nd Ma intena nce P/N 804054 0 4-1 C HELIX TECHN OLOGY CORPO RA T ION - TI C RY OG EN IC S Sect ion 4 - Oper ation Ad ju st ing Syst em He liu m Pr essur e Y our C TI-CR Y OGE NICS high vacuum pump system is comprised of se veral pressurized components i.
Operati on 4-2 P/N 8040 540 C HELIX TECHN OLOGY CORPO RA T ION - TI C RY OG EN IC S NO TE: The use of a higher helium c har ge pr es sur e for 50 HZ operation is necessar y in or der to compens ate for the sl ower s peed at whi ch the compr e s sor operates at 50 HZ.
9600 Com pres sor In stal lati on, Operat ion, a nd Ma intena nce P/N 804054 0 4-3 C HELIX TECHN OLOGY CORPO RA T ION - TI C RY OG EN IC S If you hav e concerns about sys tem perf ormance changing, then check the normal system ope rating pr essure whic h was determ ined in Compressor Operat ion within this s ection.
Operati on 4-4 P/N 8040 540 C HELIX TECHN OLOGY CORPO RA T ION - TI C RY OG EN IC S.
9600 Com pres sor In stal lati on, Operat ion, a nd Ma intena nce P/N 804054 0 5-1 C HELIX TECHN OLOGY CORPO RA T ION - TI C RY OG EN IC S Secti on 5 - Maint en anc e Sc h edul ed Main tena n ce Suggeste d Ma intena nce Equipment It is r ecommended to ha ve the follo w ing equipment and disposable supplies a v ailable as listed in T able 5-1.
Mainte nan ce 5-2 P/N 8040 540 C HELIX TECHN OLOGY CORPO RA T ION - TI C RY OG EN IC S Adsorber Rep lacem en t Use the following procedur e to change the adsorb er ev er y three year s. 1. Set the S y s tem Circuit Breaker , on the rear of the 9600 Compres sor , to the OFF position.
9600 Com pres sor In stal lati on, Operat ion, a nd Ma intena nce P/N 804054 0 5-3 C HELIX TECHN OLOGY CORPO RA T ION - TI C RY OG EN IC S 9. Ensure that the press ure gauge reads the proper value as shown in T able 4-1. If additional gas pr essure is r equired, refer to A dding Heliu m within this section.
Mainte nan ce 5-4 P/N 8040 540 C HELIX TECHN OLOGY CORPO RA T ION - TI C RY OG EN IC S Ad ju st ing Syst em He liu m Pr essur e NO TE: These pr ocedur es can be performed on a c ompr essor that is turned ON or OFF .
9600 Com pres sor In stal lati on, Operat ion, a nd Ma intena nce P/N 804054 0 5-5 C HELIX TECHN OLOGY CORPO RA T ION - TI C RY OG EN IC S • T o the v alue pre viously recorded in the Compr esso r Ope rati on procedure in Section 4 - Operation if the compressor is ON.
Mainte nan ce 5-6 P/N 8040 540 C HELIX TECHN OLOGY CORPO RA T ION - TI C RY OG EN IC S 2. Pur ge the re gulator and charging lines as follo ws: a. Open the re gulator a small amount b y turning the adjusting knob clockwise unt il it contacts the diaphragm, t hen turn approximately 1/8 to 1/4 turn more, so that the re gulator is barely open.
Document Ti tl e ELIX H ©2004 Heli x Technology Corpora tio n Pub. No. 8040509 , Rev. 101, 01/2 6/04 ECO No. 16210 A-1 Pr elimary Appe nd ix A - Cust omer Su pport Infor mation Customer Support Center Locations T o loca te a Customer S upport Center near you, please vis it our webs ite www .
9600 Com pres sor In stal lati on, Operat ion, a nd Ma intena nce P/N 804054 0 B-1 C HELIX TECHN OLOGY CORPO RA T ION - TI C RY OG EN IC S A ppendix B - Flo w Diagram Figur e B-1:9600 Compres sor Flow.
Appendi x B - Flow Diagram B-2 P/N 8 040540.
9600 Com pres sor In stal lati on, Operat ion, a nd Ma intena nce P/N 804054 0 C-1 C HELIX TECHN OLOGY CORPO RA T ION - TI C RY OG EN IC S A ppendix C - T rou bleshooting Pr ocedur es T roublesho oting t he Compressor The compressor troubleshooting procedur es ar e summarize d in T able C-1.
Appendix C - Trou bles hooting P rocedur e s C-2 P/N 8040 540 C HELIX TECHN OLOGY CORPO RA T ION - TI C RY OG EN IC S T able C-1: Compressor T roubleshooting Procedures Problem Possible Cause Correctiv e Action 1) Sys tem ci rcuit br eaker (CB1) tri ps immedia tely to the O FF (0) position when switch ed to the ON (1) position.
9600 Com pres sor In stal lati on, Operat ion, a nd Ma intena nce P/N 804054 0 C-3 C HELIX TECHN OLOGY CORPO RA T ION - TI C RY OG EN IC S 3) Sys tem ci rcuit br eaker (CB1) will not remain in the ON (1) position wh en switch ed ON.
Appendix C - Trou bles hooting P rocedur e s C-4 P/N 8040 540 C HELIX TECHN OLOGY CORPO RA T ION - TI C RY OG EN IC S.
9600 Com pres sor In stal lati on, Operat ion, a nd Ma intena nce P/N 804054 0 D-1 C HELIX TECHN OLOGY CORPO RA T ION - TI C RY OG EN IC S A p pen d ix D - Sc he ma tic.
Figur e D-1:9600 Mot or Driv e Compressor Schemati c.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts HELIX Compressor 9600 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie HELIX Compressor 9600 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für HELIX Compressor 9600 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von HELIX Compressor 9600 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über HELIX Compressor 9600 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon HELIX Compressor 9600 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von HELIX Compressor 9600 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit HELIX Compressor 9600. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei HELIX Compressor 9600 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.