Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung M3 des Produzenten Harrington Hoists
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MANUAL CHAIN HOIST CB SERIES MODEL M3 1/2 T on throu gh 20 T on Cap a cit y Code, Lot and S erial N umber EFFECTIVE : Februa ry 3, 2011 .
2 T able of Content s 1.0 Important Information and Warnin g s ……… ………… ……… …………… …… ………… …………… … 4 Section Page Number 1.1 Ter ms and S umm ar y 1.2 Warning Tags and Labels 2.0 Technical In formation…………… …………… ……………… …………… ……………… …….
3 6.0 M aintenance & Handlin g ……… ……… …………… ……………… …………… ……………… ………. 26 Section Page Number 6.1 Lubrication 6.2 Disassembly, A ssembly and Ad justment 6.3 Hoist Disassembly 6.4 Hoist Assembly 6.
4 1.0 Impor tant Inf or ma tion and W ar nings 1.1 Terms and S ummary This manual pr ovides im porta nt informa tion for pers onnel involved with t he instal lation, o peration a nd maintenanc e of this pr oduct.
5 Equipm ent descr ibed herein is not designed f or and M UST NOT be used for lifting, su pporting, or tr ansportin g people, or f or lifting or s upporting loads over pe ople.
6 1.2 Warning Tags and Labels The warning tag illustr ated b elow in Figur e 1 - 1 is supplied with each hois t shippe d from the f actor y. If the tag is not attached to your hois t’s no - load side of the load cha in, order a tag from your dealer and install it.
7 2.0 T ec hnical I nfor mati on 2.1 Specifications 2.1.1 Product Code 2.1.2 Oper ating Conditio ns and Environm ent Tem perature range: - 4° to +140°F ( - 20° to +60°C) Hum idit y: 100% or les s (Not an U nderwater Device) Table 2 - 1 Hoi st Sp ecif icat ions Cap.
8 2.2 Dimensions Table 2 - 2 Hoi st Di men sions Cap. (Tons) Product Code Headroom c (in) a (in) b (in) d ( ft ) e (in) f (in) g (in) x (in) 1/2 CB005 11.2 6.2 6.3 8.0 2.7 3.9 1.1 3.5 1 CB010 11.6 6.4 6.3 8.0 2.8 3.9 1.1 4.0 1 1/2 CB015 13.8 6.7 7.2 8.
9 Table 2 - 3 Ho ok Di mension* T = T op Hoo k B = B ottom Hook Units = inch Cap. (Tons) Product Code Hook a b c d e g 1/2 CB005 T & B 0.8 0.5 0.7 0.5 1.4 1.1 1 CB010 1.0 0.6 0.9 0.6 1.7 1.1 1½ CB015 1.2 0.8 1.0 0.8 1.9 1.3 2 CB020 1.4 0.9 1.2 0.
10 2.3.2 Op tional Inspecti on Hook s The Inspection Hook is designed t o facilitat e the ins pection of the internal s urfac es of the hook yoke and shank portion of the hook itself . The Ins pection Hook is suitable f or applicatio ns where inspection of the inter nal part s of the hook set is required.
11 3.0 Preoperatio nal Procedures 3.1 Chain 3.1.1 V erif y that the load chain is not t wisted or tang led prior to operating t he hois t. Ma ke s ure the bottom hook on the 3 (CB030) thro ugh the 20 (CB200) Ton m ultiple fall hoists is not capsized.
12 3.2 A ttachment Points 3.2.1 P rior to attac hing the hois t ensur e that all att achm ent points , suspension components and suppor ting s tructur e are adequate to s upport the hoist and its load.
14 4.2 Shall’s and Sha ll Not’s for Operation Improper operation of a hoist can crea te a p otentially hazardous situation which, i f not av oided, coul d resul t in death or serious inj ury , and substantial p roperty d amage.
15 Improper operation of a hoist can crea te a p otentially hazardous situation which, i f not av oided, coul d resul t in minor or moder at e injury • Maintain a f irm footing or b e other wise sec ured when operatin g the hoist.
16 5.0 Inspect ion 5.1 Gener al 5.1.1 T he inspection proc edure he rein is based on ANSI/ ASME B30. 16 . T he following def init ions are fr om ANSI/AS ME B30.
17 5.3 Frequent Inspection 5.3.1 Inspec tions shou ld be made on a FREQU ENT basis in ac cordanc e with Table 5 - 1, “Frequent Inspection.” Inc luded in t hese FREQ UENT Ins pections ar e observat ions m ade during oper ation for any defec ts or dam age that m ight appear bet ween Perio dic Inspec tions.
18 5.5 Occasio n ally U sed Ho ists 5.5.1 Hoists that are use d infreque ntly shall be inspect ed as foll ows prior to p lacing in ser vice: Hoist Idle More Than 1 Month, Less Than 1 Year : Inspec t per FREQUENT Inspec tion cr iteria in Sec tion 5.
19 Table 5 - 3 Hoist Ins pection Metho ds and Cr iteri a Item M ethod Discard Limit/Crite ria Action Hooks – Y ok e Asse mbly Visual Should b e free of signif icant rust, weld s platter, nicks, and gou ges. Hol es should not be elongat ed, fastener s should not be loose, and t here shou ld be no gap betwe en mat ing parts.
20 Table 5 - 3 Hoist Ins pection Metho ds and Cr iteri a Item M ethod Discard Limit/Crite ria Action Braking S ystem – Com ponents Visual Brak e Pawl, P awl Pin, and Pawl Spr ing should not be deform ed, scar red, or show sig nificant wear. Refer to F igure 5 - 2 ( 34 & 33 ).
21 Twisted Hook Hook Swive l Figure 5 - 1 Top & Bottom Hook Checks Table 5 - 4 Top Hook & Bott om Hook D imensi ons “k” Measur ed W h en New : Top: _____ ________ _____ _______ Bottom: ___.
22 Table 5 - 5 Chain P in Hole and Top P in Hole Wear Dimens ions Product C ode Hole Di ameter (d) Chain Pin H ole inch (mm) Top Pin H ole inch (mm) Standard Discard Standard Discard C B 005 0.252 (6 .4) 0. 272 (6 .9) 0. 480 (1 2.2) 0.50 0 (12.7 ) C B 010 0.
23 Figure 5 -2 Brake Assembly Table 5 - 8 Ch ain Wear Dime nsions Product C ode “P” D imensi on inch (mm) “d” Dim ension inch (mm) Standard Discard Standard Discard CB005 2.97 (75 .5) 3.06 (77 .7) 0.20 (5. 0) 0.18 (4. 5) CB010 3.76 (95 .5) 3.87 (98 .
24 Tabl e 5 -9 Friction Plate Wear Dimen sions Product C ode Thickness inch (mm) Standard Discard All 0.118 (3. 0) 0.09 8 (2. 5) Table 5 - 10 Brake Bushing Wear Di mensions Product C ode A Dimension inch (mm) Standard Discard C B 005 , CB01 0, CB015, C B030 0.
25 Figure 5 -3 Pocket Wheel Figur e 5 - 4 Load Gear Assem bly Figure 5 -5 Top Hook A ssembly.
26 6.0 Mainten ance and H andling 6.1 Lubri cation 6.1.1 Load C hain For longer life, the load c hain s hould be lubr icated. The load chain lubric ation should be accom plished af ter cleaning the load chai n with an acid fr ee cleaning solut ion.
27 6.2 Disa sse m bly , A ssembly an d A dj ust m ent 6.2.1 1) Perf orm proper disass embly or ass embly in accordanc e with th is m anual. 2) T he hoist utilizes dry fric tion plates ; the y are not to be lubric ated. 3) Do not exte nd the lo ad chain .
28 9) For 8 ton c apacit y and under : Pul l the sp lit pin [24] o ut fr om the stopper p in [23] and r emove the l oad cha in [47] and t he stopper pin from the stopper [22]. 10) For 10 ton capacit y and abo ve: Pull the split pin [52] o ut from the en d pin [51] and rem ove the load c hain [4 7] and the e nd pin .
29 Figure 6 - 1 Load She ave/Pinion A ssembly 2) Greas e the balls of the ball bearing [ 15]. Orient side plate A [11] with brake c over side down and insert the ball bearing [1 5] (wit h a snap ring s ide up) in to the side A . 3) Inser t the load shea ve [14] w ith a part of s pline side (pini o n gear side) up into the ba ll bear i ng [15].
30 Figure 6 - 3 Side Plate Asse mbly 6) Join the s ide plate B [13] to t he side plat e A [11]. *NOT E: In cas e it is diff icult to join the two, ta p it with a rubber m allet. Be c areful n ot to let the stripper, gui de roller or s topper fall down.
31 11) Place the top ho ok [1] bet ween si de plate s A [11] and B [13]. T hen insert t op pin [4] and f ix it with the split pin [ 5]. : Alw ays bend the s plit pin s ecur ely after inserti ng it into the top pin. Figure 6 - 5 Gear Train Assembly 12) Place the ha nd wheel [40] side upward.
32 Figure 6 - 6 Reeving Assemb ly 14) For 8 ton capac it y and below: Pull the end of the load chai n [47] out between the right guide roller [20] an d the load sheave [14] (no load sid e) and ins ert it t o the anc horage (s topper) [22]. Ins ert the s topper pi n [23] a nd fix it with a split p in [24] .
33 For 10 ton capac ity and a bove: Connect the no load end of the lo ad chain [47] to the end pin [51] which is to b e inserte d from gear case [29] s ide. Use a s plit pin [52] to s ecure t he end pin. Assem ble stoppers [114] to t he ninth link from the no lo ad end of the load c hain by sock et bolts and spring washers.
34 Figure 6 - 9 Pawl & Brak e Assembly 18) Wipe out an y dirt on the br ake surfac e of the hand wheel [4 0] and appl y mac hine oil to the threaded part of it.
35 21) Assem ble the wheel c over [44] to t he side plat e A [11] and fix them wi th the spr ing washer [4 6 ] and the nut [ 4 5 ]. 22) Insert the oth er end of the load c hain [47] to the bottom hook [6] and fix them with the chain pin [8], slotted nut [ 9] and s plit pin [10].
36 7.0 T r oublesho oting Read and com pl y with ins tructions in th is m anual and use the hoist proper ly. Check ing the sounds f rom the hoist i n operation is a critic al inspec tion.
37 Symptom Cause Remed y Hoist will l ift interm ittently – Slight or irreg ular click ing Poor pawl m ovem ent caused by fault y pawl spring. T he spring is lo ose or damaged. Perform maintenanc e and/or repair. Mis - assembl y of pawl spring R eassem ble it properl y and ensur e to check click sound of the pawl bef ore reus e.
38 Table 7 - 1 Troubles hooting Guide I mproper braking ma y cause im proper load lowering. T he hoist ut ilizes dr y friction discs; do not apply oil to fr iction surf aces.
39 8 .0 W arr anty All produc ts sol d by Harri ngton Hois ts, Inc. are war ranted to be fre e from defect s in materi al and wor kmanship fr om date o f shipment by Harri ngton for the follow ing per.
40 This Page Intentionally Left Blank.
41 9.0 Parts List When orderin g Parts, please provide th e Hoist model number, lot nu mber, and serial nu mber located on th e Hoist nameplate (see Fig ure 9-1 below).
42 9.1 1/2 to 20 Ton Parts Figure 9-2 – ½ to 20 Ton Part s.
43 9.1 1/2 to 20 Ton Parts Fig. No. Part Name Qty per Hoist Capacity (T) 1/2 1 1½ & 3 2 2½ - 5 - 8 10 - 15 - 20 *1 Top Hook Set 1 CF001005 CF001010 *CF001015 M30 01A020 *M3001A025 *2 Latch Assem.
44 9.1 1/2 to 20 Ton Parts Fig. No. Part Name Qty per Hoist Capacity (T) 1/2 1 1½ & 3 2 2½ - 5 - 8 10 - 15 - 20 32 Spring Washer 3 9012711 9012712 9012713 33 Pawl Springs Assembly 1 C3BA0055179 .
45 This Page Intentionally Left Blank.
46 9.2 3 to 20 Ton Parts Figure 9-3 - 3 to 20 T on Parts.
47 9.2 3 to 20 Ton Parts Fig. No. Part Name Qty per Hoist Capacity (T) 3 5 8 10 15 20 51 End Pin 1 M3B164100 52 Split Pin 1 9009415-5 53 Cross Guide 1 M3B176100 54 Top Hook Set 1 M3001A030 M3001A050 M.
48 9.2 3 to 20 Ton Parts Fig. No. Part Name Qty per Hoist Capacity (T) 3 5 8 10 15 20 77 Bottom Hook Set 1 M3021A030 M3021A050 M3021A075 M3021A100 M3021A150 M3021A200 78 Bottom Hook 1 M3021150 M302120.
49 9.2 3 to 20 Ton Parts Fig. No. Part Name Qty per Hoist Capacity (T) 3 5 8 10 15 20 106 Chain Pin 1 M3041030 M3041075 107 Slotted Nut 1 M2049010 M2049020 108 Split Pin 1 9009411 9009412 109 Nameplate B w/ Rivets 1 M3800030 M3800080 M3800030 Nameplate B w/ Rivets (M3B Model) 1 M380005 0 M3B800100 M3B800150 2 M3B800200 110 Load Chain 1@ ft.
Figure 9-4 Slip Clutch FIG NO. PART NAME Q T Y CA PAC ITY 1/2 T 1 T 1 1/2 & 3 T 2 T 2 1/2-5 T 8 - 1 0 - 1 5 - 2 0 T * 1 OLL ASSEMBLY M3 1 M3CB005OD M3CB010OD M3CB015 OD M3CB020OD M3CB025 OD M3B M3.
51 9.4 Optional Hooks Figure 9-5 Bullard ® , Shur -Loc ® and Inspectio n Hooks Bullard ® Hooks Fig. No. Name Parts Per Hoist ½ T 1T 1½T 2T 2½T 3T 5T 1 Bullard ® Top Hook Complete Set 1 6027601 .
52 9.4 Optional Hooks Shur-Loc ® Hooks Fig. No. Name Parts Per Hoist ½T 1T 1½T 2T 2½T 1 Shur-Loc ® Top Hook Complete Set 1 6030201 6030202 6030203 6030204 6030205 2 Shur-Loc ® Hook Assembly 1 60.
53 9.5 Optional Chain Containers Figure 9-6 M3CB Optional Chain Co ntainer CF4 OPTIONAL C HAIN CONT AINERS Fig. No. Name Parts Per Hoist ½T 1T 1½T 2T 2½T 3T 5T “05” Chain Container (BKC1) Assem.
www .harri ngtonhois ts.c om Harrington H oists , Inc . Harri ngton H oists – W estern Divis ion 401 West End Avenue 234 1 Pomona R d. #103 Manhei m, P A 17 545 - 1703 Corona , CA 928 80 - 6973 Phon.
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Wenn Sie Harrington Hoists M3 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Harrington Hoists M3 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Harrington Hoists M3 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Harrington Hoists M3 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Harrington Hoists M3 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Harrington Hoists M3 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Harrington Hoists M3. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Harrington Hoists M3 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.