Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung Magnum 700X des Produzenten GarrettCom
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GARRETT GARRETT Corporate Headquarters Garre tt Comm unicati ons 213 Hammond A venue Fremont, CA 9 4539 Phone (510) 438-9 071 FAX (510) 438- 9072 WWW: http://www.
Magnum 70 0X Mi ni-Co ncentr ators I nstall atio n and U ser Guide (05 /98) GARRETT i Magnum 700X Mini-Concent rator Installat ion and Us er Guide Part #: 84-00 017 (R 5/9 8) Trad em a.
Magnum 700X Mi ni-Co ncentr ators Install ation and U ser Guide (05/98) GARRETT ii Contac t ing Garret t Co mmunicat i ons Please use t he mailing a ddress and phone an d fax numbers listed below : Garre tt Comm unicati ons 478 23 Westinghouse Driv e Fremont, CA 94539 Phone (510) 4 38-9071 Fax (510) 438-90 72 WWW: http://www.
Magnum 700X Mi ni-Co ncentr ators Install ation a nd User G uide (05/9 8) GARRETT iii Table of Cont e nt s 1.0 SPECIFICATIONS ........................................................................................ 1 1.1 Tec hnical S pecific ations ..
Magnum 700X Mi ni-Co ncentr ators I n stallation a nd User G uide (05/ 98) GARRETT i MAGNUM ETHERN ET CONNECTIVITY P RODUCTS "DESIGNED AND MAN UFACTURED IN THE USA" Overview Ga rrett Comm unications off ers the Mag num line of Ethe rnet LA N physic al laye r connectiv ity products w ith industry-standard f unctionality.
Magnum 700X Mi ni-Co ncentr ators Instal lation an d Use r G uide (0 5/98) GARRETT 1 1.0 SPECIFICATIONS This c hapter g ives the spec ifications of the Magnum 700X mixe d-media concentr ator, as w ell as those of the various Port Mo dules (PMs).
Magnum 700X Mi ni-Co ncentr ators I n stallation a nd User G uide (05/9 8 ) GARRETT 2 (1.1 Technical Specific ations, continued) Co nnec tors Seve n Magnum P M ports on the front. B PMs are ava ilable w ith BNC, AUI, FST, and STP connect ors. The following are avai l ab le as RPM configuratio ns.
Magnum 700X Mi ni-Co ncentr ators I n stallation a nd User G uide (05/ 98) GARRETT 3 1.2 Specifications - Repeater Port Modules (RPM s) RPM Type : BNC AUI DTE Fiber-mm Fiber-sgl.
Magnum 700X Mi ni-Co ncentr ators I n stallation a nd User G uide (05/9 8 ) GARRETT 4 1.4 Ordering I nformation Magnum 700X Min i-Co ncent rato r Magnum 700X Base c hassis with 7 s lots for RPMs and B.
Magnum 700X Mi ni-Co ncentr ators I n stallation a nd User G uide (05/ 98) GARRETT 5 2.0 INTRODUCT ION This chapter de scribes the f unctionality of the Ma gnum 700X and its Port Mod ules.
Magnum 700X Mi ni-Co ncentr ators I n stallation a nd User G uide (05/9 8 ) GARRETT 6 Each Mag num 700X uni t is a comple te opera tional unit with an i nternal pow er supp ly enclose d in a lig htwe ight, com pact, rugge d meta l enclosur e. The me dia conne ctors a nd t he status LEDs are convenie ntly acc essed from the front.
Magnum 700X Mi ni-Co ncentr ators I n stallation a nd User G uide (05/ 98) GARRETT 7 The inte rnal p ower supply is auto-ranging to ha ndle any A C power ty pe worldw ide. Powe r input m ay range fr om 90 to 260 vac, w ith a freque ncy r ating of 47 to 63 Hz.
Magnum 700X Mi ni-Co ncentr ators I n stallation a nd User G uide (05/9 8 ) GARRETT 8 take a dvantage of internal termina tion, the slide sw itch should be in the " DOWN" (or right-side) position. I n this configuratio n, the 10BASE2 segm ent is directly a ttached to the BNC port where it is internally terminated.
Magnum 700X Mi ni-Co ncentr ators I n stallation a nd User G uide (05/ 98) GARRETT 9 to prov ide conne ctivity to any media ty pe. The RPM-AUI c ard is equipped w ith Partition (PA RT) a nd Receiv e (RX) LEDs which function t he sam e as the identical LEDs on the RPM-BNC ( Secti on 2.
Magnum 700X Mi ni-Co ncentr ators I n stallation a nd User G uide (05/9 8 ) GARRETT 10 2.3.3 RPM-DTE The Ma gnum RP M-DT E is a m odule equipped w ith a 15-pin m ale DT E connector with loc k posts. (The RPM-DT E is a mating connector for the RP M-AU I whic h has a 15- pin female con nector an d slide locks.
Magnum 700X Mi ni-Co ncentr ators I n stallation a nd User G uide (05/ 98) GARRETT 11 JUMPER ACROSS DIS TANCES SUPPORTED 1 - 2 0 - 2 km 3 - 4 0 .5 - 3 km * 5 - 6 1 .5 - 4 km * When f i ber c able d is tan c es of 2 km or les s are n eeded , the jumpe r should be placed across p ins 1 and 2.
Magnum 700X Mi ni-Co ncentr ators I n stallation a nd User G uide (05/9 8 ) GARRETT 12 Note: Be sur e to use s ingle-m ode fiber optic cable with this m odule. Single-m ode fiber has a sm aller diameter tha n multi-mode f iber (2/15 - 8/60 microns for s ingle- mode , 50/125 or 6 2 .
Magnum 700X Mi ni-Co ncentr ators I n stallation a nd User G uide (05/ 98) GARRETT 13 2.3.7 RPM-TP (Twist ed Pair ) The Ma gnum RP M-TP car d suppor ts Ethernet tw isted pair seg ments of any standard length. It is equipped w ith a single R J-45 co nnecto r.
Magnum 700X Mi ni-Co ncentr ators I n stallation a nd User G uide (05/9 8 ) GARRETT 14 2.4 Bridge P ort M odules (BPMs) To provide optional local se gment isolation, in dividual Br idge Port Modules (B P Ms) are a vailable for Mag num 700 X s. For f lexibility, a n y port of a Ma gnum 700X may be config ured with a BPM.
Magnum 700X Mi ni-Co ncentr ators I n stallation a nd User G uide (05/ 98) GARRETT 15 the RPM-BN C sectio n, 2.3.1. T h e BPM-BNC m odule include s an FW D-I L ED and a n FWD -X LED, w h ich are visible f ro m the f ront. The FWD-I LED blink s GREEN to indicate that packets are being forward ed INTO the lo cal Magnum hu b or stack.
Magnum 700X Mi ni-Co ncentr ators I n stallation a nd User G uide (05/9 8 ) GARRETT 16 2.4.4 BPM-T P The Ma gnum BP M-TP ca rd is e quippe d with a single RJ-4 5 conne ctor a nd supports Ethernet tw isted pair seg ments of any sta ndard length.
Magnum 700X Mi ni-Co ncentr ators I n stallation a nd User G uide (05/ 98) GARRETT 17 2.5 Features an d Benefits ! ! ! ! Seven Ethernet S egments in a Singl e Unit The Ma gnum 700X allows any mix of sta ndard Ethernet m edia to reside in one unit, u p to se ven dif ferent segm ents, to expa nd and re configur e any Ethernet network installation.
Magnum 700X Mi ni-Co ncentr ators I n stallation a nd User G uide (05/9 8 ) GARRETT 18 2.6 Applica tions The Ma gnum 700X provides c onnectivity between multiple and v arious Ethernet media ty pes from a single c hassis device, a nd includes su pport for the follow ing IEEE 802.
Magnum 700X Mi ni-Co ncentr ators I n stallation a nd User G uide (05/ 98) GARRETT 19 3.0 INSTALLATION This chapter prov ides instructions f or installing the Mag num 700X mix ed-media concen t rator and each of the available P o rt Modules (PMs).
Magnum 700X Mi ni-Co ncentr ators I n stallation a nd User G uide (05/9 8 ) GARRETT 20 3.2.1 Conn ecting T hinN et 10BASE 2 (BNC) Conn ect the ThinNet co ax cab le to the BNC conn ect o r on the Magn u m RPM-BNC or BPM-BNC card in the same manne r as is done for any standard BNC c onnec tion.
Magnum 700X Mi ni-Co ncentr ators I n stallation a nd User G uide (05/ 98) GARRETT 21 10BASE- FL f or users is the m aximum dista n ce allowed. 10BA SE-FL is use d for a f iber segme nt length of up to 2000m , while FOIRL is used for f iber segm ents of up to 10 00m in leng th.
Magnum 700X Mi ni-Co ncentr ators I n stallation a nd User G uide (05/9 8 ) GARRETT 22 3.2.7 Connec ting Twisted Pair (RJ-45, U nsh ielded or Shie l ded) The f ollowing proce dure describe s how to connect a 1 0 BASE-T tw isted pair segm ent to the RJ -45 port on the RPM-T P or B P M-T P .
Magnum 700X Mi ni-Co ncentr ators I n stallation a nd User G uide (05/ 98) GARRETT 23 Figure 3.3a: Rem oving Magnu m 700X Cha ssis Cove r There are three scre ws l ocated o n the left and right side of the unit . Remove all screws. Once removed t he chassis co ver i s easi l y lifted off the ch assis base, and the interior o f the unit is exposed .
Magnum 700X Mi ni-Co ncentr ators I n stallation a nd User G uide (05/9 8 ) GARRETT 24 2. Rem ove PM Retaining Sc rews On the fron t of the unit there are two retai ning screws for each P M card slot. These screws are used to secure the face pla te in position.
Magnum 700X Mi ni-Co ncentr ators I n stallation a nd User G uide (05/ 98) GARRETT 25 Slowly and firmly push the PM into posi tion. Once inserted , secure the PM card using the tw o screws on the front pa nel of the unit. Once all PM cards n eeded have b een installed ( inclu ding face plates for em pty slots), r eplace the chassis cover.
Magnum 700X Mi ni-Co ncentr ators I n stallation a nd User G uide (05/9 8 ) GARRETT 26 4.0 OPERATION This c hapter de scribe s the functi on and opera tion of the Magnum 700X mi xed-m edia concentr ator a nd its various Port M odules (PMs ).
Magnum 700X Mi ni-Co ncentr ators I n stallation a nd User G uide (05/ 98) GARRETT 27 1. Bridge Function s: Each BPM card c ontains a com pact local br idge module w hich filters a nd forwards pac kets at full Ether net wire speed. T h ese micro-bridges ar e self learning and have s mall (256 user) addr ess ta bles.
Magnum 700X Mi ni-Co ncentr ators I n stallation a nd User G uide (05/9 8 ) GARRETT 28 Should the ta ble becom e full, the BPM will cle ar all entries in the table by reinitializing itself . When an ext ern al packet’s sou rce address i s i n the address table, it is purged.
Magnum 700X Mi ni-Co ncentr ators I n stallation a nd User G uide (05/ 98) GARRETT 29 Figure 3.12.2e: Lo cal Isolat ion with Bridge Po rt Modu le 3. Brid ge Tra nsparenc y: The BP M s are transparen t to both the user and th e applicatio n softw are. 4.
Magnum 700X Mi ni-Co ncentr ators I n stallation a nd User G uide (05/9 8 ) GARRETT 30 powe r down the unit, sim ply unplug the power cable f rom either the w all socke t, powe r strip or powe r connec tor on the back of the unit. When conne cting va rious Et hernet m edia, there is no ne ed to powe r down the unit.
Magnum 700X Mi ni-Co ncentr ators I n stallation a nd User G uide (05/ 98) GARRETT 31 5.0 TROUB LESHOOTING All Mag num Ethernet produc ts are desig ned to provide relia bility and co nsistently high perf ormance in all netw ork enviro nme nts. The installatio n of Magnum 700X Mini- Concentra tors is a simple proc edure (see Sectio n 3.
Magnum 700X Mi ni-Co ncentr ators I n stallation a nd User G uide (05/9 8 ) GARRETT 32 5.2 When Calling fo r Assistance Please b e prepared to provi d e the following in formation. 1. A c omplete de scription of the proble m, inc ludi ng the f ollowing points: a.
Magnum 700X Mi ni-Co ncentr ators Install ation a nd User G uide (05/ 98) GARRETT 33 Garrett Com munic ations will c aref u lly test a nd evalua te all returned products, w ill repair produc ts that a.
Magnum 700X Mi ni-Co ncentr ators I n stallation a nd User G uide (05/9 8 ) GARRETT 34 Appe ndix A: Warr anty I nfor mati on Ga rrett Comm unications war rants its pr oducts to be f ree from de fects in ma t erials and w orkma nship for a peri od of three (3) year s from the date of shipment by Garrett Comm unications.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts GarrettCom Magnum 700X (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie GarrettCom Magnum 700X noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für GarrettCom Magnum 700X - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von GarrettCom Magnum 700X reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über GarrettCom Magnum 700X erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon GarrettCom Magnum 700X besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von GarrettCom Magnum 700X verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit GarrettCom Magnum 700X. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei GarrettCom Magnum 700X gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.