Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung FR-8252 des Produzenten Furuno
Zur Seite of 56
MARINE RAD AR FR-8062/8122/8252 www
The paper used in this manual is elemental chlorine free. ・FURUNO Authorized Distributor/Dealer 9-52 Ashihara-cho, Nishinomiya, 662-8580, JAPAN Telephone : +81-(0)798-65-2111 Fax : +81-(0)798-65-4200 A : SEP 2005 . Printed in Japan All rights reserved.
i WARNING Radio Frequency Radiation Hazard The radar antenna emits electromagnetic radio frequency (RF) energy which can be harmful, particularly to your eyes. Never look directly into the antenna aperture from a close distance while the radar is in operation or expose yourself to the trans- mitting antenna at a close distance.
ii T A BLE OF C ONT ENT S SYSTEM CONFIGUR A TION ................................................................................ iii EQUIPMENT LISTS .............................................................................................. v 1. MOUNTING .
iii SYSTEM CONFIGUR A T IONS FR- 8062/ 8122 ANTENNA UNIT RSB-0073-085-XN12A/XN13A: FR-8062 RSB-0073-086-XN12A/XN13A: FR-8122 DISPLA Y UNIT RDP-150 A uto Plotter ARP-11 (built in displa y unit) Rectifi.
i v FR- 8252 ANTENNA UNIT RSB-0073-087-XN12A/XN13A PO WER SUPPL Y UNIT PSU-008 A uto Plotter ARP-11 (built in displa y unit) Rectifier R U-3423 12-24 VDC Remote Displa y Gyro Conv er ter AD-100 Headin.
v EQUIPM ENT LISTS St a ndar d S u ppl y Nam e T ype Co de No . Qt y Rem arks XN12A- RSB-0073- 085 - FR -8062, 125 5 mm , 48 rpm XN13A- RSB-0073- 085 - FR -8062, 179 5 mm , 48 rpm XN12A- RSB-0073- 086.
vi Optio n a l Sup ply Name T ype Code No. Remark s Exter nal b uzzer OP03- 136 000-086- 443 See ch. 4. Rec tif ie r RU- 3423 000-030- 443 For AC shi p’ s m ai ns MJ -A7SPF0007- 050C 000-144- 418-10.
1-1 1. M OUNTING 1.1 A ntenna Unit M ounti ng c onsi dera tions • T he antenna unit is general ly inst a l led ei ther on top of t he w heelhouse or o n the rad ar mast on a suit able pl at form. Locate the ant enna uni t w here there i s a good all -round v i e w .
1. MOUN T ING 1-2 M ounti ng pr oce dure Referr ing to t he outli ne draw i ng at t he back of t his manual , dri ll fi v e hol es in t he mounti ng plat form: f our holes of 15 mm di ameter f or fixi ng the antenn a unit and one hole of 25-30 m m diam eter for the signal cabl e.
1. MOUN T ING 1-3 M ounting the a ntenna u nit T he antenna unit can be mount ed using t he fixi n g hol es on the out side (20 0x200 mm) or insi de (140x150 mm) t he antenna u nit. Us ing outside f ixing h oles of the ant enna hous ing Use the hex head bolt s (suppl ied) t o mount the ant enna uni t as bel ow .
1. MOUN T ING 1-4 3. I nsert four hex bol t s ( M 12x60, s uppli ed) and seal w ashers ( Ф 30, s uppl ied) f rom the top of t he antenna hous in g, as show n bel o w . He x bolt Seal washer Flat washer Spring washer Nut Fix ing t he antenna unit chassi s 4.
1. MOUN T ING 1-5 8. Coat ground t erminal and grou nd point wi th sili c one se alant as show n bel o w . Ground wire Hex bolt Flat washer Spring washer Flat washer Hex nut Silicone sealant Hex nut Weld here.
1. MOUN T ING 1-6 Us ing inside fix ing holes of the ante nna housing T h i s method r equires rem o v al of the RF unit i n the ant enna u nit t o access i nside fi xing holes . Use hex h ead bol t s, flat w ashers, spr ing w ashers and nut s (local suppl y) to mount the ant enna uni t, conf irmi ng lengt h of bolt s.
1. MOUN T ING 1-7 Con nectin g the si gnal cab le Onl y the si gnal cabl e runs f rom the di splay uni t (pow er suppl y unit in c ase of FR- 8252) to the ant enna uni t. I n order to mi nimi ze the chanc e of pic king up el ectri cal int erference, avoid w here possi ble rout ing t he signal cable near ot her onboar d elect rical equipment .
1. MOUN T ING 1-8 • Connec ting t he signal cable 1. O pen the ante nna co ver by l oosening f our bolt s, and then fi x the st ay . Cable entry RTB board cover Antenn a unit chassi s , cover open ed 2. Unf asten the c able gl and ass embly (pl ate, gasket, flat w asher).
1. MOUN T ING 1-9 5. F asten the s hielded p art of the si gnal cabl e w ith shiel d cl amp (inst allat ion mat erial ) as show n bel o w . Shield clamp Signal cable Fix shield wire with bolt. Gasket support Cable Entry How t o fix si gnal cable in c ab le glan d 6.
1. MOUN T ING 1-1 0 9. At t ach three EMI cores to the si gnal cabl e as show n bel o w . EMI Core RFC-13 (2 pcs) EMI Core RFC-H13 (1 pc) Antenn a unit chassi s , cover open ed 10. Fi x the signal cable wi th the c able cl amp as foll ows. a) Dismount the cabl e clamp pl ate an d remov e clamp and gas ket .
1. MOUN T ING 1-1 1 b) Run the s ign al cabl e as show n below . c) Fi x t he signal cable wi th cabl e clamp as sho w n below . 1 1. Release t he st ay and cl ose the c over . Loos ely fast en the ante nna bol ts ; y ou wi ll have to make som e adj ustment s i nside af ter c omplet ion of wi ring.
1. MOUN T ING 1-1 2 1.2 D ispla y Unit T he displ a y uni t can be m ounted on a t abletop, on the over head or f lush mount ed i n a consol e or pan el. M ounti ng c onsi dera tions W h en sel ecti ng a mounti ng locat ion f or the dis play unit , keep t he fol lowi ng in mind: • K eep the dis play unit out of di rect sunli ght.
1. MOUN T ING 1-1 3 M ounti ng pr oce dure T a bletop mount ing Fol low t he procedure bel ow to mount the dis play uni t on a tabl etop. 1. F ix t he hanger by usi ng four s elf-t apping screw s (5x20) . 2. Sc rew knob bolt s in di sp l ay unit, set i t t o the hanger , and t ighten t he knob bol t s.
1. MOUN T ING 1-1 4 Flush m ounting 1. Pr epare a cut out in the mount ing l ocati on w hose di mensi ons are as sh ow n below . 2. Det ach t w o rubber cushi ons from t he displ ay unit .
1. MOUN T ING 1-1 5 1.3 Po w er Suppl y Unit A po w er supply uni t i s shipped w ith the F R-8252 , because of it s high pow er consum ption. T he po w er supply unit can be i nst alled al most anyw .
1. MOUN T ING 1-1 6 T h i s page i s intent ional ly lef t blank..
2-1 2. WIRING 2.1 S t andard W iring FR-8252 P ow er supply unit PSU-008 FR-8062/8122 Displa y unit RDP-150 R W-9771 (10/15/20/30m) MJ-B24LPF0012-xxx (10/15/20/30m) MJ-B24LPF0011-050 (5m) MJ-A3SPF0018.
2. W IRI NG 2-2 2.2 W iring the Power Supply Unit Cabl in g 1. Unf asten four screw s t o remove the c able cl amp. 2. Unf asten four screw s t o remove the c over .
2. W IRI NG 2-3 Jum per block, slide s witch setti ng T he jumper block JP 1 and sli de s w it ch S1 12 on the PWR boar d (03P9 419) m ust be set accordi ng to ra dar mod el.
2. W IRI NG 2-4 2.3 Port for External D evices Ext ernal equi pment s can be c onnect ed here as show n below . NMEA1(7 P) NMEA2(7P) HDG (6P) PC/EXT -BUZZER (7P) NMEA s ent ence de v ice NMEA s ent ence de v ice Heading sen s or Ext ernal buzzer , PC, etc.
3-1 3. SETTING UP THE E QUIPMENT 3.1 Setting L anguage At t he fi rs t po w er appl icat ion af ter ins tall ation, c hoose a langua ge as fol low s. 1. Pr ess /BRIL L key t o t urn the pow er on. “N ow I niti aliz ing…” ap pear s and af ter a whi le the w indow b elow ap pear s.
3. SETTIN G UP THE EQU IPMENT 3-2 3.2 Opening th e Inst allation Menu Af ter y ou have inst al led the equi pment, set i t up as foll o w s . 1. Pr ess the ME NU key . T he main menu appea rs on the s creen. 2. Rot ate t he track ball dow n w ard t o choose Installa tion .
3. SETTIN G UP THE EQU IPMENT 3-3 Vie w P osition: C hoose t he op erati ng posi ti on for thi s radar among L ef t, Lef t-Center , Cent er , Right -Center and Right to v i ew echo col ors cor rect ly . The def ault setting i s Center . L eft: W h en operat ing t his radar at the l eft s i de.
3. SETTIN G UP THE EQU IPMENT 3-4 2. T ransm it the radar at 0.25 nm ran ge and m easu re the beari ng of that target relati ve to shi p’s headi ng wi th an EBL. 3. O pen the I nstall ati on menu, and cho ose Headi ng Adj ust. 4. Pr ess the EN T ER key to show the HEA DING A DJ UST wi ndow.
3. SETTIN G UP THE EQU IPMENT 3-5 M anual Timi ng Adj ust T h i s adjus tment ensur es proper radar p erform ance, especial ly on short ranges. T he radar measur es the t ime requi red for a transmi tted ec ho to t ravel t o the target and return t o the source.
3. SETTING UP THE EQUIPMENT 3-6 Manual MBS Adjust Main bang (black hole), which appears at the display center on sh ort ranges, can be suppressed as follows. 1. Transmit the radar on t he short range. 2. Open the Installation m enu and choose Manual MBS Adjust.
4-1 4. OPTION A L EQUIPM ENT 4 .1 ARP K it ARP - 1 1 T he ARP ki t provides aut omati c radar plot ter f uncti ons to t his radar . Necess ary p art s Na me: ARP kit T ype: ARP-1 1 Code no.: 008- 523- 050 Conte nt s of ARP k i t N a m e T ype Code N o.
4. OPTIONAL EQUIPMEN T 4-2 4. M ount t he ARP board, mat ing w it h connectors and f ixi ng it with f our screw s at the loc ation as show n i n the figure bel ow . ARP board 5. Remo unt 03P9 415 and 0 3P94 13 at ori ginal pos iti on and dis play cover .
4. OPTIONAL EQUIPMEN T 4-3 4.2 Exter nal Monit or Y ou can di splay t he radar im age on an exter nal moni tor w hich acc epts industr ial st andard VGA i nput usi ng the opti onal RGB kit OP03-195. S upply monitor and i nterconn ecti on cabl e (w ith HD- 15P connect ors of m ale, t hree row s of 15 pins ) local ly .
4. OPTIONAL EQUIPMEN T 4-4 6. Det ach LC D pan el f rom the abo v e ass embl y . Be sure to di sconnect the con nector a nd fl at cabl es. 7. Conn ect t he cable assy . 15SDS /X HP10-005 to the r ear side of the RGB bo ard. 8. F ix t he shield wi re of the c able assy .
4. OPTIONAL EQUIPMEN T 4-5 4.3 Remote Displa y T he FURUNO Di spl ay Unit F M D-81 1, MO DEL1832 or GD-2 80/3 80, etc. can be con necte d to t his radar as a sub displ ay . T he displ a y unit RDP- 150 al so can be us ed as a sub di splay . T o interc onnect them , use opt ional cable M J-B24LP F0008- 100/20 0/30 0 (see p age i v ).
4. OPTIONAL EQUIPMEN T 4-6 7. F ix t he s i gnal cabl e to the s pacer of the FI L board w ith a cabl e t ie CV -150N. Fix the cable to the spacer of FIL board with cable-tie.
4. OPTIONAL EQUIPMEN T 4-7 4.4 Exter nal Buzz er T he opti onal ext ernal buzzer provides a louder alert w hen an al arm is vi olated. Ext ernal buzz er T y pe: OP03-136 Code no.: 000-0 86-443 Furt her , y ou need the opti onal cabl e assy . M J-A7SPF 0007-05 0C (w /7P connector , 5 m, code n o.
4. OPTIONAL EQUIPMEN T 4-8 T h i s page i s intent ional ly lef t blank..
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Y. Hatai D-3.
Y. Hatai D-4.
Y.Hatai D-5.
FURUNO ELECTRIC CO., LTD. 12 45 6 3 B A D C 5 4 3 2 1 6 7 +12V SHIELD 5 4 3 2 1 6 7 GND 8 9 GND GND GND GND 10 *1 副指示器 TUNE_CONT P/L A P/L B +12V GND GND GND -12V +12V -12V TX_TRIG VIDEO 10 11 20 14 15 2 8 7 9 1 17 5 MBS_L 3 18 24 16 21 6 23 19 12 13 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 8 7 4 3 2 6 5 1 9 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 *3 TUNE_IND.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Furuno FR-8252 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Furuno FR-8252 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Furuno FR-8252 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Furuno FR-8252 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Furuno FR-8252 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Furuno FR-8252 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Furuno FR-8252 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Furuno FR-8252. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Furuno FR-8252 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.