Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung CI-68 des Produzenten Furuno
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Your Local Agent/Dealer Your Local Agent/Dealer 9-52 Ashihara-cho, 9-52 Ashihara-cho, Nishinomi y a, Ja p an Nishinomi y a, Ja p an Tele p hone : Tele p hone : 0798-65-2111 0798-65-2111 fa x fa x 0798-65-4200 0798-65-4200 : : F IRST EDITION : F IRST EDITION : OCT.
i SAFETY INSTR UCTIONS WARNING Immediately turn off the power at the switchboard if water leaks into the equipment or something is dropped in the equipment. Continued use of the equipment can cause fire or electrical shock. Contact a FURUNO agent for service.
ii CAUTION Check the zinc plate (anticorrosion measure) regularly for corrosion and replace it when the ship is drydocked. Corrosion may occur. As a result the transducer may fall out, allowing water to leak inside the vessel. Do not use the equipment for other than its intended purpose.
iii T A BLE OF C O NTE NT S FOREWORD ................................................................................................................... v SYST EM CONFI GUR A T ION ......................................................................
i v 4. MAINTENA NCE & T ROUBLESHOOTING ............................................................ 4-1 4.1 Routine Maintenance ........................................................................................................... 4 -1 4.2 Repl acing Fuses .
v FOREWORD A W ord to the O w ner of the CI-68 Congr atul ati ons on y our choi ce of t he FURU NO CI -68 Doppl er Sonar C urre nt I ndicator . W e are conf ident you w il l see w hy F URUNO has be come s ynony mous wi th qual ity and rel iabi lity .
vii DISPL A Y EX A MPLE Ob j ect and col o r • T ide of lay er 1: Y ell o w • T ide of lay er 2: Purpl e • T ide of lay er 3: L i ght-bl ue • Ow n shi p speed vect or: G reen • Headin g l in.
1-1 1. OPER A TION A L OVER VIEW 1.1 Contr ols POWER F1 F2 F3 L YR1 L YR2 L YR3 RANGE TRACK MODE DISP MODE BRILL MENU - + FURUNO CURRENT INDICA TOR CursorPad Setting Knob Contro l uni t Contr ol Functi on POW ER T urns p ow er on or off .
1. OPERA T IO N AL OVER VIE W 1-2 1.2 T urning the Power On/Off 1. Press the [P O W ER] sw i tch at the l ef t hand side of the cont rol unit to turn t he power on. A beep s ounds, the equi pme nt tur ns on, an d the l amp ab ove the sw itch li ght s.
1. OPERA T IO NAL OVER VIE W 1-3 1.3 A djusting LCD Brilliance Y ou c an ad j u s t t he b r i l l i an c e o f t he F URUN O - s u pp li ed monitor a s be l o w . T o ad j u s t t he bri lli ance of a c ommerci al monit or , see it s o w ner ’ s manual .
1. OPERA T IO N AL OVER VIE W 1-4 1.4 Choosing a Display T his curr ent i ndicat or has si x mai n dis p l ays : t i de v ect or dis play , shi p’s s peed displ ay , course plot dis play , text dis play , echo l evel di splay and gr aph di spl ay . Y ou ma y choose a di splay by pressi ng the [ DI SP MODE ] key .
1. OPERA T IO NAL OVER VIE W 1-5 1.4. 2 S hip’ s spee d dis pla y T he shi p’s s peed displ ay show s shi p’s f ore-af t a nd port- st arbo ard sp eeds in an al og and digi t al for m.
1. OPERA T IO N AL OVER VIE W 1-6 1.4. 4 Cours e pl ot di spl a y T he course pl ot di spl a y plot s shi p’s t rack al ong wit h ti de vectors. Text Window Scale DIV Tide Display Interval Position North Mark Tide Vector Ship’s Track Own Ship Position Cours e plot di spl ay 1.
1. OPERA T IO NAL OVER VIE W 1-7 1.4. 6 Ech o leve l d ispla y T he echo l evel di spl ay show s t he strengt h of t he ech oes c aptur ed by thr ee sou ndi ng bea ms. Note that ECHO LEVEL i n the M ODE menu mu st be set t o ON to show the echo l evel dis play .
1. OPERA T IO N AL OVER VIE W 1-8 1.5 Setting Measur ing Depths Set t he depths at w hi ch y ou wis h to measur e ti d e spee d and direc ti on as below . Note t hat lay er 3 c annot be set w hen BT M T IDE T RACK in the M ENU 1 menu i s set to ON. 1.
1. OPERA T IO NAL OVER VIE W 1-9 1.6 Choosing Spee d T ra cking Mode T he trac king m ode is avai labl e in gr ound tracki n g, w ater t racki ng, NA V and automat ic . Ground tr ackin g: Absolut e shi p and ti de movem ent s base d on ground a nd curr ent (ti de dis play (bot tom echo m ust be pres ent ).
1. OPERA T IO N AL OVER VIE W 1-10 1.7 Choosing t he Range Y ou may choose t he spee d range as fol low s: 1. P ress t he [RANG E] key to s ho w the range set ti ng w indow . TIDE SPEED RANGE KNOB OR CURSOR P AD: CHANGE SETTING 1.0 kt (0.5-10.0) Range s et ti ng wi ndow ( ex ample: range set t ing w i ndow for ti de vector di splay) 2.
2-1 2. INTERPRETING TH E DISPL A Y S 2.1 T ide V ector Di spla y Tide differential between reference and deeper of other two layers Tide differential between reference and shallower of other two layers Electronic Bearing Scale* Note: Missing or wrong data is denoted with " --".
2. IN TE RPR ETIN G THE D ISP LA YS 2-2 Descri pti on of i ndi c at ions on t ide v ec t or di s play It em D escrip ti on Headi ng Ship ’s headi ng f ed f r o m a headi ng sensor. Mode Show s c urr ent tr acki ng m ode, as sel ected w i th the [ TRAC K M ODE] k ey .
2. INTERPR ETING THE D ISPLA Y S 2-3 It em D escrip ti on T ide s peed a nd dir ecti on T ide s peed a nd di rec tion is show n f or thr ee layers (m eas uri ng dep ths) . T he dis pl ayabl e rang e is 0.0 to 9.9 k ts f or s peed and 0° t o 359° f or cour se.
2. IN TE RPR ETIN G THE D ISP LA YS 2-4 It em D escrip ti on Headi ng l ine The hea ding l ine i s a das hed li ne w hic h show s ship’s heading . It ex tends f rom shi p’s pos iti on (c enter of v ector di spl ay) to th e edg e of t he v ector disp l ay .
2. INTERPR ETING THE D ISPLA Y S 2-5 2.2 Ship’ s Sp eed Di spla y Trip Distance Ship Speed (Synthesized Speed) Port-Starboard Speed History Graph Fore-Aft Speed Port-Starboard Speed Drift Angle Own .
2. IN TE RPR ETIN G THE D ISP LA YS 2-6 Descri pti on of s hi p’ s s peed di splay i ndi c at ions ( c on’ t fr om pr ev i ous p age) It em D escrip ti on Ow n shi p vector* The ow n s hip vec tor s how s por t-s tarboar d sp eed on the x- axi s and f ore- aft speed on t he y-ax is.
2. INTERPR ETING THE D ISPLA Y S 2-7 2.3 G raph Display 0-60 minutes of latest data 0-6 hours of latest data Note: When overlapping occurs, layer having highest number has priority . *: Sensor required. Text Window Depth of each layer Depth Graph Mode Marker Water Temp.
2. IN TE RPR ETIN G THE D ISP LA YS 2-8 Descri pti on of gr aph di sp lay i ndi cat i ons (c on’ t from previ ous p age) It em D escrip ti on Water te m per atur e gr ap h The w at er tem p eratur e gr aph m ay be tur ned on or off w ith TEMP GRAPH in the D ISP1 m enu.
2. INTERPR ETING THE D ISPLA Y S 2-9 2.4 Course Plot D isplay * : Sensor required. North Mark Text Window Scale DIV Tide Display Interval Position* Tide Vector Ship’s Track Own Ship Position Cours e.
2. IN TE RPR ETIN G THE D ISP LA YS 2-10 2.5 Echo Level Di splay Echo Level Tide Vector Beam 2 Beam 1 Beam 3 Echo Display Range Echo lev el di s pl ay Descri pti on of ec ho lev el di spl ay i ndi c a.
2. INTERPR ETING THE D ISPLA Y S 2-1 1 2.6 Error Displa y An error displ ay is generat ed w henever displ ay dat a or meas ured d at a i s abnormal . W hen thi s occur s the cor respo nding d at a w il l be unrel iabl e. Speed a nd cour se ( fore -a ft, port-s t ar boar d, drift angle ) 12.
2. IN TE RPR ETIN G THE D ISP LA YS 2-12 Ti d e for t h ree laye rs/ti de d i fferen ti al (4) Depth setting error 1 2m 2.3 140 TIDE SPD/VECTOR kt (3) Echo from measuring layer is abnormal 2.
3-1 3. CUST OMIZING THE SYSTEM Less-of ten use d funct ions are s tore d in t he men u. T here are f our mai n men us, M ENU 1, M ENU 2, ALARM and I NS T ALLA TIO N. T he MENU 2 and I NS T ALLA TI ON menus have three s ub menus each. 3.1 Menu Oper ation 1.
3. CUST OMIZIN G THE S YSTEM 3-2 3. Pr ess ◄ or ► to c hoose t he mai n menu des ire d among M ENU 1, M ENU 2, ALARM and I NST ALLA TIO N menus. T hen, the m enu change s acc ording t o y our sel ecti on. For the M ENU 2 and I NST ALLA TIO N menus t he sub m enu ti tl e appears.
3. C UST O MIZIN G THE S YS TEM 3-3 3.2 Function Key s 3.2. 1 Pr ogr am m i ng th e fu nc tio n ke y s T he funct ion k eys ([ F1]-[F 3]) provi de menu s hort cut oper ati on. Y ou may program t he key s as fo llo w s : 1. Press the [M ENU] key to di spl ay the mai n menu.
3. CUST OMIZIN G THE S YSTEM 3-4 3.3 MENU 1 M enu T his menu mai nl y provides i tems for adj ustm ent of tide p aramet ers. SHIP SPEED A VG : 15 sec 30 sec 60 sec 90 sec TIDE A VERAGE : 2 min REF TID.
3. CUST OMZ ING THE S YSTEM 3-5 BOT T OM SEARCH BOT T OM S EARCH enabl es reac quis it ion of temporari ly lost ground ech o, i n the w ater trac king m ode. W hen t he bot tom ech o i s los t for a short w hil e due to ai r bubbl es, or t he equipm ent tends t o track on fal se bott om, acqui re the bot tom ec ho manu al ly as foll o w s: 1.
3. CUST OMIZIN G THE S YSTEM 3-6 ECHO RA NG E Choos e the maxi mum d epth t o dis play echoes, from am ong 50, 100, 150, 20 0, 250, 300, 350, 40 0, 450, 500 (m). TVG T urn echo T V G on or of f. GAIN Adj ust echo l evel di spl ay c olor . T he higher the di git the near er to t he strong est color (reddi sh brow n).
3. CUST OMZ ING THE S YSTEM 3-7 3.4 MENU 2 M enu 3.4. 1 M ODE men u T his menu mai nl y turns displ ays on or of f. All display s cannot be turned of f ; at least one must be turned on. Any di splay turned of f on the M ODE menu i s removed fr om sel ecti on with th e [D I SP MODE ] ke y .
3. CUST OMIZIN G THE S YSTEM 3-8 ECH O LEVE L Enabl e or dis able t he echo l evel dis play . BACKG ROUN D CLR Choos e the back gro und col or from among bl ack , w hite and bl ue.
3. CUST OMZ ING THE S YSTEM 3-9 DISPL A Y MODE Set di spl ay ori ent ati on for head- up or nor th-up. Headi ng de vice r equi red for North- up. Head-up North-up Ship’s bow is at the top of the screen.
3. CUST OMIZIN G THE S YSTEM 3-10 3.4. 3 D ISP 2 m enu TIDE VECTOR ECHO LEVEL : OFF ON DISP MODE : SOUNDER GRAPH SHIP SPEED SCALE SYNC : OFF ON DRIFT SCALE : 1.0 kt SCALE : 10.0 kt DRIFT HIST ORY : 0.5 kt 1 kt 2 kt HISTOR Y : 4 kt 8 kt 16 kt 32 kt HISTOR Y SHIFT : 0 kt COURSE PLOT SCALE : 1:10000 1:20000 1:50000 1:100000 INTERV AL : 2.
3. CUST OMZ ING THE S YSTEM 3-1 1 SCALE S YNC Choos e w hether t o int erl ock port -st arboard s peed ran ge w it h fore-af t speed range or n ot. DRI FT S CALE Set t he port- st arboar d spee d range on t he s hip’ s speed displ ay . T he choic es are 0.
3. CUST OMIZIN G THE S YSTEM 3-12 3 . 5 AL ARM M e n u T he ALARM menu set s the p arameters for t he ti de speed an d ti de di recti on al arms, ship’ s speed alarm and tri p dis t ance alar m. W hen an a l arm set ti ng is v i olat ed, the audi bl e alarm sound s and a w arni ng messag e (f lashi ng) appe ars.
3. CUST OMZ ING THE S YSTEM 3-13 3.5. 2 Setti ng/Ca nc eli ng ti d e spe ed, tide di r ection , t ide d iff ere nti al an d shi p’ s s peed alar ms T his sect ion s ho w s how to set t he tide speed, ti de direc ti on, ti de dif fer enti al and shi p speed alar ms.
3. CUST OMIZIN G THE S YSTEM 3-14 N S E NE SE SW W NW 3.0kt SPD LAYER1 KEY MAX KEY MIN S TAT U S 0.0kt 0 TIDE MIN 0.0kt MAX 0.0kt QUIT ANY FUNC KEY DIRECTION MIN 0 MAX 0 T ide speed range value Alarm being set Alarm settings Cursor pad Present tide data for layer 1 Alarm set t ing s c r een ( t ide, shi p’ s speed) 6.
3. CUST OMZ ING THE S YSTEM 3-15 S E NE SE SW W NW 3.0kt DIR LAYER1 KEY MAX KEY MIN ST A TUS 0.0kt 0 TIDE MIN 1.0kt MAX 2.0kt QUIT ANY FUNC KEY DIRECTION MIN 350 MAX 10 T ide direction alarm setting N N T ide speed alarm setting Starting point Ending point Alarm set t ing s c r een ( t ide) 1 1.
3. CUST OMIZIN G THE S YSTEM 3-16 T rip tim e a lar m T he trip al arm s ounds w hen the pr eset t rip ti me has el apsed. 1. Press the [M ENU] key t o open the men u. 2. Pr ess ▲ to pl ace the c ursor o n the mai n men u ti tle f ield. 3. Pr ess ◄ or ► to choose ALAR M .
4-1 4. M AINTEN A NCE & TROUBLESHOO TING Periodi c checks and maint enanc e are i mport ant for maint ai n ing perf ormance. T his chapter cont ai ns mai ntenanc e and tro ubl eshoot ing i nst ructi ons t o be fol low ed to obt ai n optimum perfor manc e and t he longe st pos sibl e l ife of t he equi pment .
4. MAINTENAN CE & TROUBL ESHOOTING 4-2 4.2 R eplacing Fus es T he t r an sc e i v e r un i t, monitor un i t and c on t r o l u n i t a r e equ i pped w i t h a f u s e w h i c h p r o t e c t s them f rom over volt age an d eq uipment faul t. I f a fuse bl ow s, fi nd the cause bef or e replac ing it .
4. MAINTENAN CE & TR OUBLESH OOTIN G 4-3 4.3 T roubleshootin g Bel ow are s impl e tr oubleshoot ing pr ocedur es w hi ch the user m ay f ollow to try to rest ore normal oper ati on. If normal operati on cann ot be res tored, do n ot at tempt to chec k ins ide any unit .
4. MAINTENAN CE & TROUBL ESHOOTING 4-4 4.4 Diagnosti cs T he current indi cat or is equi pped w it h several t est f acilit ies to chec k it for proper op erati on. 4.4. 1 Gen eral test T he general t est mainly checks the RO M, RAM and volt ages.
4. MAINTENAN CE & TR OUBLESH OOTIN G 4-5 XX: Program Version No. Echo display for three beams CI-68 CI-6888 VOL. 6651000-XX.XX MEM. 1 2 3 OK SIO. OK CI-6810 VOL. 6651001 -XX.XX TBL. MEM. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 OK ANA. 12V;12.03V BV;110.0V TRM. +25.02 C DSW.
4. MAINTENAN CE & TROUBL ESHOOTING 4-6 4.4. 2 P anel t est T he panel test checks the key s and sett ing knob on the cont rol uni t f or proper operati on. 1. Open t he ME NU 1 menu and c hoose P ANEL f ro m T EST . 2. Press any f uncti on key to st art the t est.
4. MAINTENAN CE & TR OUBLESH OOTIN G 4-7 4.4. 3 T es t p att er n T he test pattern checks for proper display of colors. 1. Open t he ME NU 1 menu and c hoose P A T T ERN from T EST . 2. Press any f uncti on key to st art the t est. T est Pattern Black Blue Green 16 tones of red 16 tones of green 16 tones of blue White Red T est patte rn 3.
4. MAINTENAN CE & TROUBL ESHOOTING 4-8 4.5 Err or Messages and A lert s T he current indi cat or dis plays an error mess age and sou nds the au dibl e al arm w hen error i s detected.
A P-1 A PPEN DIX MENU TREE Defaul t set ti ngs show n in bol d it alic . MENU key MENU 1 SHIP SPD A VG ( 15 sec , 30 sec, 60 sec, 90 sec) TIDE A VERAGE (15 sec, 1 min, 2 min , 3 min, 5 min, 10 min, 20.
TI DE MEA SUREMENT IN NA V MODE A P-3 TIDE MEASUREMENT IN NA V MODE T he accurac y of tide meas ureme nt i n the NA V mode d epends he a v i ly on gy roc ompas s accuracy . Set ting sh ip’ s head ing T he current indi cat or has a NA V mode w hi ch measures t ides in deep w aters w here ground trac king i s not av ai labl e.
TI DE MEA SUREMENT IN NA V MODE AP - 4 Wh y gyr o dat a is im por t ant i n t he NA V m ode If y ou consi der the di f ferenc e of ti de vector c alc ul ati ons in t he ground tr acking m ode an d the NA V mode, y ou can see t he impor t ance of gy ro (hea di ng) dat a.
TI DE MEA SUREMENT IN NA V MODE A P-5 Tide c alc ulation in N A V m ode I n the NA V m ode, the c urrent i ndic ator deri v es t ide i nformat ion f rom t he fol lowi ng dat a: (1) Shi p’ s spee d/c.
PRINCIPLE O F O PERA TION AP - 6 PRINCIPLE OF OPERA TION W he n a mo ving vessel emi t s an acoust ical pul s e i nto the w ater at an angl e, a port ion of the emi tted ener gy i s ref lec ted fr om the bot tom and other mi cros copic object s in the s ound p ath, such as pl ankt on or ai r bubbl es.
PRINCIPLE OF OPERA TION A P-7 Shi p’ s Sp eed (Here, speed i s a vector val ue i ncludi ng veloci ty and di rect ion. ) Dependi ng o n the bas e of meas urem ent , shi p’s speed is expre ssed i n .
PRINCIPLE O F O PERA TION AP - 8 Absolute T ide = (1) – (2) Fixed Layer (A) : Base of measurement 1 2 Tide D iff er enti al T ide di ffer ential is a rel ative mo vement of ti des at dif f erent dept hs, l ay er (A) and lay er (B ).
PRINCIPLE OF OPERA TION AP - 9 Tide, N av -tide and T ide Diffe rential T ide ( a bsol ute ti de ) Absol ute t ide can be m easur ed i n the groun d tr acki ng mode.
PRINCIPLE O F O PERA TION AP-10 T i de d iff e renti a l T ide di ffer ential is a rel ative mo vement of ti des at dif f erent dept hs. It can be measur ed i n the grou nd trac king, w ater trac king and NA V modes.
PRINCIPLE OF OPERA TION AP - 1 1 I n the w at er track ing mode, w at ermass j ust below the t ransducer (ne ar-s urfac e l ayer ) is t aken as t he base of all measur ement s (vir tual g roun d). T heref ore, t he ship and t ide s peeds in t he wat er tr acki ng mode are not abs ol ute but relat ive to t his near -surf ace lay er .
PRINCIPLE O F O PERA TION AP-12 Tide diff er entia l ca lcula tions in w ater t ra cking mode T ide speeds of lay er A (C1) and lay er B ( C2) relati ve to near-s urf ace lay er ( V w ) ar e cal culat.
SP - 1 E7252S01B 031120 SPECIFI CA TION S OF CI- 68 CURRENT INDICA T OR 1 TID E 1.1 Speed 0.0-9.0 kts 1.2 Accuracy W ithin 0 .2 kts 1.3 Di rec tion Al l di rec tions in one- degr ee st eps (360° ) 1.4 No. of m easur ing layers 3 1.5 Rang e of m eas urem ent 2-150 m Up to 75% of dep th.
FURUNO CI-68 SP - 2 E7252S01A 6 I/O DAT A 6.1 Form at Cur rent loop , NM EA 0183 v er . 1.5/2/ 0/3. 0, IE C 6 1162- 1 Ed. 2 IEC 6116 2-2, c urr ent i ndi cator (F UR UNO’ s ow n f ormat) 6. 2 NMEA input sen te n ces ZDA, RMC, RMA , GG A , GL L, VT G, HDT , HDM, HDG , DBT , DPT, MT W 6.
IN-1 INDEX A ALARM m enu ............................................ 3-12 Alarm s disab li ng audi ble alarm .......................... 3-16 disab li ng/enab ling ..................................3- 16 ship ’s s p eed .............................
INDEX IN-2 P Panel dim m er ..............................................3-6 Panel tes t ..................................................... 4-6 POW ER s w i tch ............................................1- 2 R RANGE k ey ........................
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Furuno CI-68 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Furuno CI-68 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Furuno CI-68 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Furuno CI-68 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Furuno CI-68 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Furuno CI-68 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Furuno CI-68 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Furuno CI-68. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Furuno CI-68 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.