Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung FinePix Z31 des Produzenten Fujifilm
Zur Seite of 106
Befor e Y ou Begi n Firs t Steps Bas ic Photo grap hy and Pl aybac k More on Photography More on Playback Movies Connections Menus T echnical Note s Tr o u b l e s h o o t i n g Appendix Owner ’ s Manual Thank you for your purchase of this product.
ii About This Manual This man ual is f or use with the followi ng FineP ix cameras: the Z3 5 and Z3 7 . All operation s are identical ; s av e where othe r wise not ed, the illu strations in thi s manu al show the Z3 5. Mod el Model Mon itor Monitor FinePix Z3 5 2.
iii Camer a Q & A Find it ems b y task. Camera S etup Camera Setup Que st ion Question Key phr ase Key phrase See p age See page How do I set the camera clo ck? Date and time 1 4 Can I set the clo.
iv Camera Q & A T ak ing Pic ture s Ta k i n g P i c t u r e s Que st ion Question Key phr ase Key phrase See p age See page How many pictures can I take? Memor y capacit y 92 Is there a quick and.
v Camera Q & A Viewi ng Pict ures Viewing Pi ctures Que st ion Question Key phr ase Key phrase See p age See page How do I view my pic tures ? Single-f rame playback 34 Is there a simple way t o d.
vi Abo ut Th is Man ual .......................................................................... ii Cam era Q & A .................................................................................... iii Cam era Se tup ...........................
vii T abl e of Contents Conne ct ion s Con nec t io ns Vie wing Pi ct ures o n T V ............................................................... 4 2 Printi ng Pic ture s via USB ........................................................... 43 Conn ec ting th e Came ra .
viii T abl e of Contents T e chn ical N ote s T e chn ical N ote s Optional Acc essories ................................................................... 78 Acc essories from F uji lm .......................................................... 79 T r oub les hoot ing Tr o u b l e s h o o t i n g Tr o u b l e s h o o t i n g .
Before Y ou Begin 1 Introduct ion Sym bols a nd C onv entio ns Sy mbols and Conv ent ions The following symbols ar e used in this m anual : Caution : This i nforma tion should be re ad before u se to en sur e corr ec t operation. Note : Poi nts to no te when u sing the ca mera.
2 Introduction Parts of t he Camera Part s of the Camera For more i nforma tion, r efer t o the page list ed to the righ t of each it em. 16 DISP (display)/ BACK bu tton .......... 18, 34 ( (silent mode) but ton .................... 27 17 Bat tery -chamb er cover .
3 Introduction Before Y ou Begin The Mon itor The Monitor The following ind icat ors may a ppear in the monit or duri ng shooting and pl ayback: ■ ■ Shoot ing Shooting AF ISO 100 17 M - 1 2 3 12 / 31 / 2050 10 : 00 AM N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 12 M ovie qualit y .
Fir st St eps 4 Insert ing the Battery The following expla ins how t o in ser t the battery into the ca mera. 1 Open the batter y-chamber cover . Note Be sure the camera is o before op ening the battery-chamber co ver . Cautions • Do not turn the camera on or o while the bat tery -chamb er cover is open.
5 Inser ting the Bat ter y Fir st St eps Caution Inser t the batter y in the correc t orientation. Do NOT use forc e or at tempt to inser t the bat ter y upside down o r back wards. The b atter y will slide in easily in the c orrec t orientation. 3 Close the batter y- chamber cover .
6 Charging the Battery The bat t er y is not c har ged at shipme nt. Ch arge the ba t te r y before use . 1 Connect the supp lied AC adapt er into the USB mu lti - co nn ec to r . Con rm that the camera is o . Charging indic ator 2 Plug the A C adapter in.
7 Charging the Battery Fir st St eps C aut ion s: Car in g for t he Bat te ry • The onl y ty pes of b atteries you can use are NP- 45 A . • Use only the camera to charge NP-45 A . F ailure t o obse r ve this precaution could resu lt in product malf unc tion.
8 Insert ing a Memory Card Although the camera can st ore pictures in i nt ernal me mor y , SD memor y card s (sold sepa rately ) can be used to stor e additional pictures. When no memory card is inserted , d appears i n the monitor a nd int ernal me mor y is used for r ecord ing and pla yback.
9 Inser ting a Memor y Card Fir st St eps ■ ■ Inser ti ng a Memo ry Card Inse rti ng a Memor y Card 1 Open the batter y-chamber cover . Note Be sure the camera is o before op ening the battery-chamber co ver . Cautions • Do not turn the camera on or o while the bat tery -chamb er cover is open.
10 Inser ting a Memor y Card 3 Close the batter y- chamber cover ..
11 Inser ting a Memor y Card Fir st St eps Removing M emory Cards Be su re t he camera is o before op ening the bat ter y- chamber cover . Press the car d in and then release it slowly . The c ard can now be removed by hand. Cautions • The memor y c ard ma y spring out if you remove your nger immediately af ter pushing the card in.
12 Inser ting a Memor y Card • The data in internal memor y may be eras ed or corrupted when the camera is repaired. Please not e that the repairer will be able to view pict ures in int ernal memor y . • Formatting a memor y card or i nte rnal memory in the camera creates a folder in which pictures are stored.
13 Fir st St eps T urning the Camera On and O Shooti ng Mode Shooting Mode T o turn the camera on, open the len s cov er fully . The camera turns o when the lens co ver is close d. Came ra On Came ra O T ip: Swi tchi ng to Pl ayba ck Mo de Press the D button to star t playb ack.
14 Basic Setup A langua ge -selec tion dia log is dis played the rst time the camera is turned on. Set up the camera as described below (for in format ion on resetting the clock or chang ing langu ages, see page 7 1 ) . 1 Choose a language. SET SET NO NO ST ART ST ART MENU MENU / LANG.
15 Basic Setup Fir st St eps Note Go to the setup menu if you tr y to set the language and date again (pg. 7 1 ). T ip: The C ame ra Cl oc k If the bat ter y is removed for an ex tended perio d, the camera clock will b e reset when the camera is turned on.
Ba sic Ph otog ra phy an d Pla ybac k 16 T aking Pictures in k (AUTO) Mo d e This section describes how to take pictures in A UTO mode. A UTO mode is a utoma tically selected the rst time the camera is tu rned on; for in format ion on restoring A UTO mode af ter shooti ng in other modes, see page 30.
17 T ak ing Pictures in k (AUTO) Mo de Ba sic Ph otog ra phy an d Pla ybac k 3 Frame the picture. Pos ition the main s ubjec t in the focus ar ea and use the z oom but tons t o frame the picture in the monit or . Zoom in u sing optical zoom, or u se digital zoom (pg.
18 T ak ing Pictures in k (AUTO) Mo de The Fra mi ng Gr id T o display bes t fr aming (the framing grid) or to view or hide other indica tors in the monit or , press the DISP /BACK button.
19 T ak ing Pictures in k (AUTO) Mo de Ba sic Ph otog ra phy an d Pla ybac k 5 Shoot. Smoothly pres s the shutter but t on the rest of the way down to tak e the picture.
20 Viewing P ictures Pictures can be viewed in the monit or. When ta king impor tant pho tograph s, take a t est shot and check the results . 1 Press the D but ton.
More on P hotography 21 B Intelligent F ace Detection and Red- Ey e Remov al Int elligen t F ace Detection allows the camera t o autom atically det ec t hum an faces and set focus a nd exposure f or a face an y where in the frame for s hots that em phasiz e por trait subject s.
22 B Intelligent Face Detection an d Red- Eye Removal Green border 3 Focu s. Pr ess the shutter button halfway to set f ocus and exposure for the subject in the green border . 4 Shoot. Pr ess the shutter button all the way down t o shoot. If B ON S ON i s selec ted, the picture wil l be pro cesse d to reduce red - ey e b efore it is reco rde d.
23 More on P hotography Foc u s L o ck T o compose pho tographs with o - cen ter subjects: 1 Position the subject in the focus f rame. 2 Focu s. Pr ess the shutter button halfway to set focus and exposure . Focus and exposur e will r emain lock ed while the shutter button is pr essed half way ( AF / AE lock).
24 Focus Lock Autofoc us Although the camera bo asts a high -precision autofocus s ystem, it may be unable to focus on the subjec ts listed below. If the camera is unable to focus using autofocus, use focus lock (pg. 23) to focus on another subjec t at the same distance and then recompose the photograp h.
25 More on P hotography L Macro mode ( Close -ups ) T o selec t macro mode, pr ess the selec t or lef t ( L ). L icon appears in monitor when c amer a is in macr o mode When macro mode is in e ec t, the camera focuses on su bjec ts near the ce nt er of the monit or .
26 K Using the F lash (In telligent F lash ) T o choose a ash mode , press the selector right ( K ). The ash mode ch anges each ti me the selec tor i s pressed; in modes other than A UTO , the curren t mode is indica ted by an icon i n the monitor .
27 More on P hotography K Using the Flash (Intellig ent Flash) Red- Eye Re moval When S ON is selec ted for Intelligent F ace Detec tion (pg. 2 1 ), red-eye removal ( S ) is available in AUT O ( V ), ll ash ( U ), and slow sync ( Z ) modes.
28 J Using the Self- Timer The cam er a o ers a ten-second timer tha t allows pho tographers t o appear i n their own phot ographs, and a two-se cond ti mer that ca n be used to a void blur ca used by the camera moving when the s hutter but t on is pres sed.
29 More on P hotography J Using the Self- Time r The self-timer la mp on the front of the camera will bl ink im mediat ely before the picture is tak en. If the two -second timer i s selec ted, the self -timer lam p will bli nk as the timer c ounts down.
30 a Shooting Mode Choose a shooting mode ac cor ding t o the sce ne or t ype of subjec t. Selecti ng a Shooting Mode Selecti ng a Shooting Mode 1 Press MENU/OK to d ispla y the shooting menu. AUTO SHOOTING MODE IMAGE QUALITY FACE DETECTION SHOOTING MENU ISO MOVIE QUALITY N 2 Pr ess the selec tor u p or down to highlight a SHOOTING MODE .
31 More on P hotography a Shooti ng Mod e G G SCEN E RECOG NITIO N SCEN E RECOGNITI ON Simply b y pointing the came ra at the subject, the camera aut omatica lly analyzes and select s the most appropri ate setting us ing sce ne reco gnit ion .
32 a Shooti ng Mod e B B NA TUR AL LIG HT NA TUR AL LIG HT Captur e na tural ligh t indoors, under low l ight, or where the ash can no t be used. T he ash turns o and sens itivit y is rai sed to redu ce blu r . C C POR TRAIT PORTR AIT Choose this mode for soft-t oned por traits with natu ral skin tones.
33 More on P hotography a Shooti ng Mod e O O FLOWER FLOWER Choose for vivid clo se- ups of owers. The camera focuses in the macr o range and the ash turns o au tomaticall y . P P TEX T TEX T T ake c lear pictures of t ex t or drawing s in print.
34 More on P layback Single - F rame Pla yback T o view the most recen t pic ture i n the monitor , press the D button. 12 / 31 / 2050 12 / 31 / 2050 10:00 AM 10:00 AM ISO 100 ISO 100 100 100 - 0001 0001 ISO 100 100-0001 12 / 31 / 2050 10:00 AM 250 250 F4.
35 Single-Frame Playback More on P layback Press T to zoom in on i mages displayed in single -f rame playba ck; press W t o zoom out. Press W to zo o m ou t Press T to zoom in Zo o m i n d ic at o r When the pic tur e is zoomed in, the selec tor ca n be used to view ar eas of the image not cu rren tly visi ble in the display .
36 Multi- F rame P la y back T o change the nu mber of images displayed, press W when a picture is shown full-frame in the monit or . Pr ess the W button to i ncre ase the number of pictures dis played to two, nine, or a hundred. Press T to reduc e the number of images dis played.
37 More on P layback Sort by Da te 1 In sing le -frame playback, press DISP / BACK un til the sor t -by-date scr een is displayed. The pic ture di spla yed in the sing le- frame playbac k rem ains selected. 1/13 1/13 2050 2050 12/31 2 Pr ess the selec tor u p or down to selec t a dat e.
38 A Deleting Pictures The ERASE option in the pl ayback menu ca n be used to delete stil l pic tur es and movies, incr easi ng the amoun t of space a vaila ble on the memor y card or in i nt ernal memory (for in forma tion on deleting pictures in sing le- frame playback, see page 20) .
39 More on P layback A Delet in g P ict ure s ■ ■ FRAM E FR AM E : Dele ting Se lec ted Imag es : Dele ting Sele cted Im ages Selecting FR AM E displays the dialog s hown at righ t.
Movies 40 A Recording Movies The A button can be used to shoot s hor t movies in al l shooting modes. Sound is r ecorded via the built - in micr ophone; do not c ov er the microphone d uring rec ording. 1 F rame the scene u sing the z oom but t ons. Zo o m i n d ic at o r Optical z oom can not be adju sted once rec ording begin s.
41 Movies D Viewing Mo vies During pla yback (pg. 34) , movies ar e displa yed in the monit or as shown a t righ t. 100 - 006 12 / 31 / 2050 10 : 00 AM PLAY PLAY PLAY Pr ess the selec tor do wn to start playback . 15s STOP PAUSE Prog ress b ar Progr ess is s hown in the monitor .
42 Con nec t io ns Viewing P ictures on T V Connect the camera to a T V and tune the t elevision t o the vide o chan nel to sho w pic tur es and slide shows (pg.
43 Con nec t io ns Prin ting Pictures via USB If the print er s uppor ts PictBridge, the camera can be con nec ted dir ec tly to a pri nt er and pictures can be print ed without rst being copied to a c omput er . Note tha t depending on the print er , not all the functions described below may be supported.
44 Printing Pictures via USB T ip: Pri nti ng the D ate of Rec ord ing T o print the date of recor ding on pic tures, press DISP / BACK in steps 1 –2 t o display the PictBridge menu (see “Printing the DPOF Print Order” ).
45 Printing Pictures via USB Con nec t io ns During Printing The mess age shown at right is displayed during printing. Press DISP /BACK to canc el before all pic tures are print ed (depending on the printer , printing may end before the current picture has print ed) .
46 Printing Pictures via USB The C C PRINT OR DER (DPOF) option in the playback me nu can be used t o crea te a d igital “pri nt or der” for PictBridge -compati ble print ers (pg.
47 Printing Pictures via USB Con nec t io ns 3 Repea t steps 1 – 2 t o complet e the print or der . Press MENU /OK to sav e the print or der when settings are c omplete , or DISP / BACK t o exit without chang ing the print or der . 4 The tota l number of pri nts is dis played in the monit or.
48 Viewing P ictures on a Computer The supplied FineP ixViewer sof tware can be used to c opy pictures to a c omputer , where they can be stored, view ed, organiz ed, and prin ted. Before pr oceeding, in stall FineP ixViewer as described b elow . The late st FinePixViewer is a vaila ble at http:/ /w ww.
49 Viewing Pic tures on a Computer Con nec t io ns Caution Other versions of Windows ar e not supported. Op eration is no t guarant eed on home -built compute rs or computers that have been upgra ded from earlier versions of Win dows. 2 S tar t the comput er .
50 Viewing Pic tures on a Computer 4 If prom pted t o install Windo ws Media Pl ayer or Di rect X, follow the on-screen in struc tions t o com pl ete ins t all ati on . 5 When prom pted, r emove the i nstaller CD from the C D -ROM drive and click Restart to r estar t the comput er .
51 Viewing Pic tures on a Computer Con nec t io ns Inst alling Fine PixVi ewer: Ma cintosh Installing FinePixViewer: Macintosh 1 Con r m that the computer me ets the followin g sy stem requirements: CPU CPU P owerPC or Intel OS OS Preins talle d version o f Mac OS X versio n 1 0.
52 Viewing Pic tures on a Computer 4 Remov e the installer C D from the CD- ROM drive. No te tha t you ma y be unable t o remov e the CD if Safari is runn ing; if nec essar y , quit Safari before re moving the CD . Stor e the installer C D in a dry location out of dir ec t sun ligh t in case you need to r e-install the sof t ware .
53 Viewing Pic tures on a Computer Con nec t io ns 1 If the pictures you wis h to c opy ar e stored on a memor y card , insert the card in to the camera (pg.
54 Viewing Pic tures on a Computer Cautions • Use only memor y cards that have been formatted in the camera and contain pic tures taken with the camera. If a memor y card containing a lar ge number of images is inser ted, there may be a delay before FinePixV iewer star t s and FinePixViewer may be unable to impor t or s ave images.
Menus 55 The Shooting Menu The shooting menu i s used to adj ust set ting s for a wide range of shooting c onditions. Using t he Shooting Menu Using the Shooti ng Menu 1 Press MENU/OK to d ispla y the shooting menu.
56 The Shoot ing Menu Shooti ng Menu Opt ions Shooting Menu O ptions Men u ite m Menu item Des cr ip tio n Description Op tio ns Options De fau lt Default a SHOOTING MODE Choos e a shootin g mod e according to the t ype o f subje c t (pg.
57 The Shoot ing Menu Menus d d EXP . COMPENSA TI ON EXP . C OMPEN SA TION Use exposur e compen sation when phot ographing ve r y bright, v er y dark, or high- cont ra st sub je c t s .
58 The Shoot ing Menu e e WHITE BAL ANCE WHITE BALANCE For na tural colors, c hoose a set ting tha t mat ches the ligh t sourc e ( for an explana tion of “whit e balanc e” , see the Glossary on page 91 ) . Opt ion Option Di spl ayed in Displaye d in AUT O White balance adjusted automatically .
59 The Shoot ing Menu Menus Aspect Rat io Pictures taken at an image qualit y set ting of g 3 : 2 have an aspec t ratio of 3 : 2, the same as a f rame of 35-mm lm. Pictures taken at other set tings have an aspec t r atio of 4 : 3. 4 : 3 3 : 2 g g ISO ISO Con trol the came ra’ s sens itivit y to l ight with M .
60 The Shoot ing Menu c c CONTIN UOUS (Continuous s hoot ing) CON TINUOUS ( Con tinuou s shootin g ) Select m TO P 3 to captur e motion in a series of pictures. The camera takes u p to th ree pic tur es while the shutter - rele ase button is pres sed.
61 Menus The Pla yback Menu The playback menu i s used t o manage the pictures in i nt ernal memory or on the memor y card. Using t he Playback Menu Using the Playback Menu 1 Press D to en ter pl ayback mode (pg. 34) . 2 Press MENU/OK to d ispla y the playbac k menu.
62 The Playbac k Menu u u TRI MMI NG FOR BLOG TRIM MI NG FOR BLOG Y ou can process stil l images for posting t o a blog. TRIMMING FOR BLOG REC CANCEL TRIMMING 1 Selec t the frame ( le) t o proc ess. 2 Pr ess the selec tor do wn to pr ocess the image.
63 The Playbac k Menu Menus B B SLID E SHOW SLIDE SHO W View pic tures in an aut omat ed slide show . Af ter choosin g the b ackground mus ic, choose the t ype of show and pr ess MENU/OK to start. Press DISP / BACK at a ny time d uring the show t o view on-screen help.
64 The Playbac k Menu DETECTING CANCEL REMOVING Notes • Red eye may not be removed i f the camera is unable to det ec t a face or the face is in pro le. Results may di er depending on the scene. Red eye can not be removed f rom pictures that have already be en processed using red- eye removal or pictures created with other devices.
65 The Playbac k Menu Menus 2 Pr ess the selec tor do wn to rota te the picture 90 ° clock wise , up t o rota te the picture 90 ° count erclock wise. 3 Press MENU/OK to c on rm the operation ( to exit without ro tating the picture, pres s DISP /BACK ).
66 The Playbac k Menu ■ ■ SET ALL SET ALL Press MENU/OK to pr ot ec t all pictures, or press DISP / BACK to exit without cha nging picture status. SET ALL OK? IT MA Y T AKE A WHILE CANCEL YES ■ ■ RESE T ALL RESE T ALL Press MENU/OK to r emov e prot ection f rom al l pic tures, or press DISP /BACK to exit without chang ing picture sta tu s.
67 The Playbac k Menu Menus 2 Press MENU/OK . A con rmation dialog will b e displayed. Copy s ize ( o , n , m , or p ; see page 58) i s shown at the t op; if the size is p , OK is displayed in yellow . Larger crops pr oduce la rger c opies; all c opies hav e an aspect r atio of 4 : 3.
68 The Playbac k Menu ■ ■ FRAM E FR AM E Copy selected frames . 100 - 0001 COPY OK? CANCEL YES 1 Pr ess the selec tor left or right to dis play the desi red pic ture . 2 Press MENU/OK to c opy the picture. 3 Repea t steps 1 – 2 to cop y additional im ages.
69 The Playbac k Menu Menus I I VOICE ME MO VO IC E ME M O T o add a voice me mo to a still picture, select I VO IC E M EM O af ter dis playing the picture in playbac k mode. Note Voic e memos can not be added to movies or prot ec ted pic tures. Remove prot ec tion from pic tures before recording voice memos (pg.
70 The Playbac k Menu Play ing Voic e Memo s Voic e memo playback s tar ts automatically when a pic ture with a voice memo is di splayed (p g. 34; pict ures with voic e memos are indicated by a h icon ). Playback repeats until another picture is displayed.
71 Menus The Setup Menu Using t he Setup Menu Using the Setup Menu 1 Display the setup menu. 1.1 Pres s MENU/OK t o dis play the menu for the cu rren t mode. 1. 2 Pr ess the selec t or up or down to highlight j SET - UP . 1. 3 Pr ess the selec t or right t o dis play the setup men u.
72 The Setup Menu Setup Me nu Opt ions Setup Menu O ptions Men u ite m Menu item Des cr ip tio n Description Op tio ns Options De fau lt Default a a a IMAG E DISP . Choos e how lon g pic tures are displaye d af ter shootin g (pg. 73) . 3 SEC / 1.5 SEC / ZOOM (CONTINUOUS) 1.
73 The Setup Menu Menus a a IMAGE DI SP . IMA GE DISP . Choose how long pictures are d ispla yed in the monit or af ter s hooting. • 3 SEC : Pictures ar e dis played for a bout 3 s b efor e being recor ded. • 1. 5 S EC : Pictures ar e displ ayed for about 1 .
74 The Setup Menu b b FRA ME NO. FRA ME NO. New pictures are stor ed in image les named using a f our -digit le number as signed by addi ng one to the la st le number used. The le number i s dis play ed during pla yback as s hown at righ t.
75 The Setup Menu Menus c c DIG IT AL ZOOM DIG IT AL ZOOM If ON is selected, press ing T at the m aximum optical z oom position will trigger dig ital zoom, fur ther mag nif ying the image . T o cancel di gital zoom, z oom out to the min imum di gital zoom position and pres s W .
76 The Setup Menu j j SOUN D SOUN D Choose the sounds u sed for the shutter , at star t up, a nd for camera c ontr ols. Pres s the selec tor up or down t o highl ight an op tion and press lef t or right t o selec t a sound.
77 The Setup Menu Menus p p TIM E DIFFE RE NCE TIME D IFFE RE NCE When travel ling, use th is option t o switch the ca mera clock instantly fr om your home time z one to the local time at your destination. 1 Specif y the di erence betwee n local time and your home time zone.
Te c h n i c a l N o t e s 78 Option al A ccess ori es The camera support s a wide range of acc essories from F U JIFI LM and other ma nufac ture rs. ■ ■ Printing Prin ti ng PictBridge-compatible .
79 Optional Acc ess ories Te c h n i c a l N o t e s Accessories from Fuji lm Accessories from F uji lm The following optional accessories are available from FU JIF ILM . For the lat est information on the accessories available in your region, check with your lo cal FU JIFILM representative or vis it ht tp :/ /www .
T roubles hooting 80 Tr o u b l e s h o o t i n g Power an d Bat ter y Pro bl em Problem Poss ib le c au se Poss ib le c aus e So lut ion Solution Pag e Page Powe r supp ly The c amera does not turn on. The b at tery is e xhauste d. Charge the b atter y or ins er t a fully -charg ed spare bat ter y .
81 Tr o u b l e s h o o t i n g T roubles hooting Men us an d Dis pl ays Pro bl em Problem Poss ib le c au se Poss ib le c aus e So lut ion Solution Pag e Page Menus and disp lays are not in English. English is not se lec ted for t he w optio n in the setup m enu.
82 Tr o u b l e s h o o t i n g Pro bl em Problem Poss ib le c au se Poss ib le c aus e So lut ion Solution Pag e Page Intelligent Fa c e Det ection F ace detec tio n not available. The c amera is in a sh ootin g mode which makes Intelligent Face Detec tion unavailable.
83 Tr o u b l e s h o o t i n g T roubles hooting Pro bl em Problem Poss ib le c au se Poss ib le c aus e So lut ion Solution Pag e Page Probl em images Pic tu res are blurred. The l ens is dir t y . Clean the lens . 97 Th e lens is blo cked. Keep ob jec t s away from t he lens.
84 Tr o u b l e s h o o t i n g Playbac k Pro bl em Problem Poss ib le c au se Poss ib le c aus e So lut ion Solution Pag e Page Pic tu res Pic tures are grainy . The p ic tures were taken wi th a di erent make or model of came ra. —— Playb ack zo om unavailable.
85 Tr o u b l e s h o o t i n g T roubles hooting Connections Pro bl em Problem Poss ib le c au se Poss ib le c aus e So lut ion Solution Pag e Page TV No pic ture o r sound. The c amera is n ot proper ly connec ted . Connec t the c amera cor rec tly.
86 Tr o u b l e s h o o t i n g Miscellaneous Pro bl em Problem Poss ib le c au se Poss ib le c aus e So lut ion Solution Pag e Page Nothing happ ens when the shut ter bu tton is pressed. T emporar y c amera malf unc tion. Remove and reins er t the bat ter y .
87 Tr o u b l e s h o o t i n g W arning Messages and Displa ys The following warn ings a re di splay ed in the monit or: Warn in g War ni ng Des cr ip tio n Description So lut ion Solution O (re d ) Lo w b a t te r y. Charge the b atter y or ins er t a fully -charg ed spare battery .
88 Warning Messages and D isplays Warn in g War ni ng Des cr ip tio n Description So lut ion Solution CAR D E RR OR Th e memor y c ard is not for matte d for use in the cam era. Format t he memo r y card (p g. 76) . The m emor y card contac t s require cleaning or the memory card i s damaged.
89 Warning Messages and D isplays T roubles hooting Warn in g War ni ng Des cr ip tio n Description So lut ion Solution TOO MA NY FRA MES Date for which mo re than 4,999 pic tures exis t sele c ted in sor t-by- date view.
90 Warning Messages and D isplays Warn in g War ni ng Des cr ip tio n Description So lut ion Solution PRINTE R ERROR Printer out of p aper or ink , or oth er printer error . Check p rinter (see printer manual for det ails) . T o resu me printing, turn the prin ter o an d then turn i t back on.
91 Appendix Glos sary Digital zoom : Unlike optical zoom, digital zoom do es not incre ase the amount of visible detail. Instead, details visible using optical zoom are simply enlarged, producing a slightly “ grainy” image.
92 Internal Memory /Memory Card Capacity The fo llowing table show s the recording time or number of pic tures available at di erent image qualities. All gures are appro ximate; le size varies with the scene re corded, producing wide variations in the number of les that can be s tor ed.
93 Appendix Spec i cations Sys te m Model FinePix Z 35 /FinePix Z 3 7 digital c amera E ec tive pixels 10 . 0 m i l l i o n CCD ½ .3 -in ., square -pi xel C CD with pr imar y color lter Stor age m edi a • Internal memor y ( appro x.
94 Speci cations Sys te m Shu tt er s pee d 3 s– 1 / 1 ,000 s; combine d mechanic al and ele ctroni c shut ter Continuo us TOP 3 : Up to 1 fp s; max.
95 Appendix Speci cations Power s upp ly/othe r Power s our ces NP- 4 5A rechargeable batter y Gu ide t o the n umb er of ava il abl e fr ame s for battery operation Battery T ype Number of frames NP-45 A Approx.
96 Speci cations Colo r T elev isi on Syste ms NTSC ( N ational T elevision S yst em C ommittee) is a color t elevision telecasting spe ci cation adopted mainly in the U.S. A ., Canada, and Japan . P AL ( P hase A lternation by L ine) i s a color television system adopted mainly in Eur opean countries and China.
97 Appendix Caring for the Ca mera T o ensu re c ontin ued enjoyment of the pr oduct, obser ve the following pr ecautions. Storage an d Use Storage and Use If the camera will no t be used for an ex te nded period, remov e the battery and memor y card.
7-3, AKASAKA 9-CHOME, MINA TO-KU, T OKYO 107-0052, JAP AN http://www
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Fujifilm FinePix Z31 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Fujifilm FinePix Z31 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Fujifilm FinePix Z31 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Fujifilm FinePix Z31 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Fujifilm FinePix Z31 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Fujifilm FinePix Z31 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Fujifilm FinePix Z31 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Fujifilm FinePix Z31. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Fujifilm FinePix Z31 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.