Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung FinePix S5 Pro des Produzenten FujiFilm
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OWNER’S MANUAL This manual will show y ou how to use your FUJIFILM DIG ITAL CAMERA FinePix S5 Pro corre ctly. Please follow the instru ctions carefully.
2 Warning To preven t fire or sho ck hazard, do not expose th e unit to rain or moi sture . For customers in the U.S.A. Tested T o Comply With FC C Standar ds FOR HOME OR OFFICE USE FCC Stateme nt This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules.
4 EC Declar ation of Co nformit y We Name: FUJIFILM Europe Gm bH Address: Heesenstr asse 31 40549 D usseld orf, Germ any declare that the p roduc t Product Name: FUJIFILM DIGITAL CAMERA FinePix S5 Pro.
5 Disposal o f Electric and Electr onic Equi pment in P rivate Househo lds Dispos al o f used Elec trica l & El ectron ic Eq uipmen t (Applicab le in the E uropean Union and other E uropean countr.
6 Contents Warni ng ........ ..... ...... ........ ...... ...... ........ ...... ..... ....... 2 IMPO RTAN T ........... ...... ..... ......... ..... ...... ........ ...... . 3 EC De clar ation o f Con form ity... ..... ......... ..... ...... .... 4 Disposal of Electric and Electr onic Equipmen t in Privat e Hou sehol ds .
7 Flash expo sure co mpen satio n .... ........ ...... .. 84 FV lo ck ...... ...... ...... ........ ...... ........ ...... ..... ..... 8 5 Lenses that can be used with the bu ilt-i n flash ... ..... ...... ........ ...... ...... ........ ...... ..... .
8 Contents MAINT ENA NCE . ......... ..... ...... ........ ...... 1 76 TIME ......... ..... ...... ........ ...... 1 77 SYSTE M ....... ..... ......... ..... ...... ........ ...... 179 FORM AT .. ........ ...... ...... ........ ...... ..... .... 17 9 USB MODE .
9 Prefac e Z Test Shots Pri or to Phot ogra phy For im portant p hotogr aphs (s uch as w eddings and overseas t rips), always ta ke a test sh ot and view t he image to make sur e that the camer a is working normally.
10 Preface Z Notes on Elec trical In terfer ence If the camer a is to be used in hospita ls or aircra fts, please note that this camera ma y cause interferen ce to o ther equipm ent in t he hospital or ai rcraft. Fo r deta ils, please chec k wi th th e app lic able regu lat ion s.
11 About th is Manua l Z 4-direct ion ( nopq ) button Up, down, le ft, a nd r igh t ar e ind icat ed b y bla ck tria ngl es i n th e Owne r’s Manu al . Up or dow n is show n as n or o , an d left or right is shown as p or q . Z Notation In this ma nual, “me mory ca rd” mea ns Compa ctFlas h memor y card (CF card)/M icrodri ve.
12 Acce ssori es Incl uded • Recha rgea ble bat tery NP-150 (1) • Batte ry char ger B C-150 (1) • Shoul der st rap (1 ) • Ey epiec e cap (1) • LCD co ver (1) Fitt ed on t he c amera body •.
13 Camer a Parts and Fe atu res Continued Q A Accessory shoe (p.91) B Built-in flash (p.78) C Lens release button (p.24) D Focus-mode selector (p.47, 54) E Flash pop-up button (p.79) F d Flash sync mode button (p.82) / Flash compensation button (p.84) G Strap mount (p.
14 Camer a Parts a nd Featu res N AF-assist illuminator (p.64)/Self-timer lamp (p.101)/ Red-eye reduction lamp (p.82) O Sub-command dial P Strap mount (p.23) Q Depth-of-field preview button (p.65) R FUNC. Button (p.168) S Battery cover lock release catch (p.
15 Continued Q V QUAL (image quality/size) button (p.93, 94)/ Reset button (p.120) W Release mode dial unlock button (p.66) X WB (white balance) button (p.95-100) Y ISO (ISO sensitivity) button (p.92) Z Release mode dial (p.66) ! Power switch (p.36)/ Illuminator switch (p.
16 Camer a Parts a nd Featu res MENU /OK SET UP DISP/ BACK & Viewfinder eyepiece cup (p.102) * (erase) button (p.53)/ Format button (p.35) ( BKT (bracketing) button (p.103) ) w (playback) button (p.50) : MENU/OK button + DISP (display)/BACK button (p.
17 Example of Control Panel, Vi ewfind er and LCD Mo nitor Z Contr ol pa nel A Color temperature indicator (p.97) B Shutter speed (p.70-p.76) Exposure compensation value (p.76) Flash compensation value (p.84) ISO sensitivity (p.92) Color temperature, or preset number (p.
18 Example of Co ntrol Panel, Viewfind er and LCD Monitor Z The LCD Illumin ator Holding t he powe r swit ch in the position activates the con trol pa nel back light (LC D illu minator), allowin g the d isplay to be read in the dark .
19 Z Viewfind er * To not di splay, use th e [VIEWF INDER WARNING] un der [ D ISPLAY] in t he [S ET UP] menu. A Framing grid (Displayed when [ON] is selected for the [GRID DISPLAY] under [ DISPLAY] in the [SET UP] menu.) (p.22) B 8-mm (0.31-in.) reference circle for center-weighted metering (p.
20 Example of Co ntrol Panel, Viewfind er and LCD Monitor Z LCD Monito r Photo i nfor mation 1 Highlights can be displaye d separate ly for e ach of t he following: histogram for brig htn ess ( al l ch anne ls) , red, green , an d bl ue col or channel s, and brightnes s warning.
21 Z Large- capacity memor y card s When e nough memory r emains on the memor y card t o reco rd a thou sand or mo re pi ctu res at cu rren t s etti ngs , the number of available fr ame will be shown in thousands, round dow n to the nearest hu ndred (e.
22 Example of Co ntrol Panel, Viewfind er and LCD Monitor About a dvanced focusi ng sc reen d isplay The new advanced focusing screen display of the FinePix S5 Pro employs the convenient Vari-Brite focus area display system; it enables clear display of the focus brackets at the selected focus area in the viewfinder for easy identification.
23 Getting Ready Attach ing th e Strap and Lens Attaching the st rap Attach the strap to the strap mounts on the camera. Once you h ave attached both en ds of the strap, check carefully to make sure that the strap is firmly secured. CAUTIO N Attach the strap correctly to prevent dropping the camera.
24 Att ach ing t he St rap and L ens 4 Position the lens in the camera’s bayonet mount so that the mounting indexes on lens and camera b ody are aligned , then twist lens counterclockwise u ntil it locks into place. CAUTIO N • Always change the lens in an area free of dirt and dust.
25 Getting Ready Z Lens compat ibility Use a CPU lens (exce pt IX-Nikkor) with th is camera. D- or G- type AF lenses g ive you a ccess to all available functio ns. Type s of CPU lense s and ot her usable l enses /acces sories * 1 IX Nikkor lenses can not be used.
26 Att ach ing t he St rap and L ens * 6 Manual exposure mode o nly. * 7 Compatible with AF-I Nikkor le nses and with all AF-S lens e xcept AF-S DX VR ED 1 8-200 mm f/3.5-5.6G; AF-S DX ED 12- 24 mm f/4G, 17- 55 mm f/2.8G , 18-55 m m f/3.5-5.6G , 18-70 m m f/3.
27 Getting Ready Z G-ty pe Ni kkor and othe r CPU Nik kor le ns The G-ty pe N ikkor len s has no a pertu re ring ; apertur e shou ld be selected from cam era body. Unlike other CPU Nik kor l enses, aperture does n ot nee d to be set to mini mum (la rgest f -numb er).
28 Att ach ing t he St rap and L ens Z Nikkor lenses/a ccess ories t hat ca nnot b e att ached to the Fi nePi x S5 Pro The fol lowing Nikko r lense s/accessor ies cann ot be atta ched to the FineP ix S5 Pro (other wise came ra body o r lens m ay be damaged ): • Non -AI len ses • Lenses th at req uire the A U-1 foc using unit (4 00 mm f/4 .
29 Getting Ready Attaching t he LC D cover To preven t soilin g or dama ge to th e LCD mon itor, att ach the enclose d LCD cov er to the c amera when you a re carr ying or n ot usi ng the ca mera . 1 To attach the cove r, insert the projection on the top of the cover into the matching indentation above the camera monitor.
30 Char ging t he Ba tter y The batte ry is not f ully cha rged at ship ment a nd must be fully charge d before bein g used. Z Compatible batter y Rechargea ble Batte ry NP-150 Z Recharg eable ba tter.
31 Getting Ready 1 Plug the battery charger BC-150 ( included) into the power outle t using the con nection cord. 2 Load the battery into the batte ry charger BC-150 correctly as indicated by t he polarit y icon to star t chargi ng. CAU TION Unplug the battery charger from the power outlet when it is not in use.
32 Load ing th e Batte ry 1 Set the power switch to OFF to turn the camera off ( ➝ p.36). 2 Open the battery cover. CAUTIO N Do not apply excessive force to the battery cover. 3 Load the battery as sh own below. 4 Close the battery cover. Removin g the batter y Turn the camera off before removing the battery.
33 Getting Ready Checking the batter y charge Check the b attery level in the view finder or co ntrol pane l. CAU TION • D ue to the nature of the battery, the battery level indicator ( , (blinking)) may appear early when the camera is used in cold locations.
34 Insert ing Me mory Cards Photogr aphs are stored on C ompactFla sh/Micro drive (availab le se paratel y). In this manual, “Memory card” mea ns Compact Flash memory card (CF ca rd)/Mic rodri ve.
35 Getting Ready Formatting the memory card Format ting me mory c ards pe rmanent ly del etes al l photog raph s and other data th ey ma y cont ain. Be sure all da ta you wish to keep has b een copie d to anot her storage d evice befor e formattin g the ca rd.
36 Turn ing On and O ff Set the power sw itch to ON to turn th e came ra on. Set the power sw itch to OFF to tur n the came ra off. Setting the language, date, and time When usin g the camera for the firs t time after pu rchasing, the lang uage, date, and time ar e cleared .
37 Getting Ready 2 Set the date and time. MEMO • Holding down n or o changes the numbers continuously. • When the time displayed passes “12”, the AM/PM setting changes. 3 Change th e date format . Date format ex. January 20, 2007 YY.MM.DD: 2007.
38 Tur ning On an d Of f MEMO [START MENU] screen also appears when the battery have been removed and the camera has been left for a long period. Once the AC power adapter has been connected or the battery has been installe d for 2 days or more, the camera settings will be retained for roughly 6 months even if both sources of power are removed.
39 Getting Ready Correc tin g the Dat e and Ti me 1 Open the [SET UP] menu. 2 Display the [ DATE/TIME ] screen. A Press SET UP to ope n the [SET UP] menu. B Press n or o to select [ T IME ]. C Press q . MAINTENANCE MAINTENANCE SYSTEM SYSTEM TIME TIME SET UP SET UP BUTTON ASSIGNMENT BUTT ON ASSIGNMENT MISC.
40 Adjust ing Vie wfinde r Focus Photogr aphs are framed in the viewfinder . Before shootin g, make sure t hat the d isplay i n the v iewfind er is in clear focus. Remove the front lens cap and r otate the d iopter adju stme nt c ont rol unt il t he foc us bra cket s are dis play ed in sharp focus wh en the shutter but ton is pressed ha lfway.
41 Getting Ready Select ing the La ngu age 1 Open the [SET UP] menu. 2 Display the [ ] screen. A Press SET UP to ope n the [SET UP] menu. B Press n or o to select [ T IME ]. C Press q . MAINTENANCE MAINTENANCE SYSTEM SYSTEM TIME TIME SET UP SET UP BUTTON ASSIGNMENT BUTT ON ASSIGNMENT MISC.
42 Basi c Oper ati on Guid e This se ction descri bes the ca mera’s button s and fu nctions. Shut ter b utton (p.49 ) Press t his button h alfway to res tore the camer a to s hoo ti ng mo de. Pr es s down ful ly to take a pictur e. Power swit ch (p.
43 Using the Camera Releas e mode dial u nloc k butto n (p .66) Hold down t his button to move the release mode di al. Continued Q Releas e mode dial ( p.66) Selects (Sing le-frame) , (Low sp eed continu ous), ( High spe ed cont inuous) , * (Self- timer), or (Mirr or up) as the shut ter rele ase mo de.
44 Basic Operatio n Guide Sub-comm and di al Chan ges the ap erture and othe r setting s. Depth-of -field p review b utton (p.65) This button all ows yo u to c heck th e depth of fi eld. FUNC. Button (p.168 ) Perfo rms FV lo ck in the de fault set ting.
45 Using the Camera MENU /OK SET UP DISP/ BACK BKT (brac keting) button (p .103) Used w ith the c ommand d ials to select auto exposu re bracketin g. Select t he type s of aut o bracketi ng from the [SE T UP] me nu bef ore making the se tt ings usin g th e but ton a nd di al.
46 Basic Operatio n Guide AE-L/AF-L ( AE / AF lo ck) but ton (p.62, 69) The exposure and focus is fixed while holding down this button. Diopt er ad ju stme nt co ntro l (p. 40) Makes th e image in the viewfinder easi er t o see. Se t the d iop ter adjus tment contr ol to th e positio n wher e the focusin g are a appears sharpes t.
47 Using the Camera Taki ng Pic tures at Defa ult S ettin gs This section describes h ow to tak e pictures a t defaul t settings . 1 Set the power switch to ON to turn the camera on ( ➝ p.36). MEMO • Check the battery level ( ➝ p.33). • Check the number of available frames ( ➝ p.
48 Taking Pictur es at Defau lt Settings Holdi ng the came ra corre ctly Hold the handg rip in yo ur righ t hand an d cradle the camera body or lens wi th your left. Brace yo ur elbo ws again st your s ides and hold th e came ra wi th b oth ha nds . CAUTIO N • Moving the camera while shooting gives a blurred picture (camera shake).
49 Using the Camera 4 Press the shutter button fully. MEMO When the subject is not in the center focus bracket, use focus lock to take the picture ( ➝ p.61). CAUTIO N • See p.212-216 for information on warning displays. See “Troubleshooting” ( ➝ p.
50 Viewing the Im ages Playback yo ur ima ges to check them. For im portant photogra phs, alw ays take a test sho t and view the im age to mak e sure that the c amera is wor king nor mally . Setti ng th e c amer a t o play back mode Press w to change to p layback m ode.
51 Using the Camera Single-f rame play back 1 Zoom in / Zoom out. To zoom in an image d uring sin gle-fra me pla yback: MEMO Press DISP/BACK to cancel playback zoom.
52 Viewing the Imag es New featu re for ima ges capt ured with th e FineP ix S5 Pro. Press the face zoom in button t o zoom dir ectly in on the primary fa ce captu red in the image. Whe n no face is recognized , the image is automat ically zoom ed into the center ar ea.
53 Using the Camera Multi -frame pla yback Multi-fr ame pl ayback scree n (9 fram es) ap pears on t he screen. S elect de sired fram e from the 9 fra mes. MEMO Press to display the zoom in face screen or playback zoom screen while performing multi-frame playback.
54 Foc us This se ction descri bes the o ptions th at cont rol how your camera fo cuses: focus mode, focu s-area se lection, a nd AF-a rea mode. Focus mode Use the focu s-mode se lector to se lect the focu s mode. Camera fo cuses when shutter b utton is pressed h alfway.
55 Advanced Features — Photography Z The AF-ON button For th e pur pose of f ocus ing t he camera, pressing AF-ON h as the same effe ct as pr essing t he shutter butt on ha lfw ay.
56 Focus User choose s focus are a group ( see below). Camera fo cuses on cen ter of selected group; if s ubjec t leaves focus ar ea even briefl y, camera focu ses based on info rmation fr om oth er focus areas in same gro up. Us e when subj ect is m oving erra tically b ut place of subject i n overall composit ion is kno wn.
57 Advanced Features — Photography Focus zone selection When (singl e- area A F) o r (dynam ic -area AF) is selected for AF -area mo de ( ➝ p.5 5), the u ser can sele ct from norma l or wide focus areas. User can s elect fr om eleven focus are as; cam era focus es on sele cted focus a rea.
58 Focus Z Setting the fo cus zo ne in th e [SE T UP] m enu See “Usi ng the [S ET UP] m enu” ( ➝ p.13 8). Select [FOCUS AREA FRAME] under [ H AF] in the [SET UP] menu . [NORMAL (11 AREAS)] Normal Frame (11 Ar eas) [WIDE (7 AREAS)] Wide Fr ame (7 Areas) Z Setting the fo cus zone using FUNC.
59 Advanced Features — Photography Focus area se lection At default se ttings, the Fine Pix S5 Pro offer s a choice of elev en focu s areas tha t toget her cover a w ide area of the frame.
60 Focus Manual focus Use manual foc us in situations where a utofocus may n ot work as exp ected ( ➝ p.6 3) or a lens other than an AF Nikkor lens is attac hed. A Set the f ocus-mode selector to M . B Adjust the lens focusin g ring until the im age displayed on the clea r matte fie ld in th e viewfinder is in focus.
61 Advanced Features — Photography Z Focus a id This allows you to check the focus of you r shot using the fo cus in di cat or l in the viewfind er. You can use focus aid when the len s mounted has an f-st op setting br ighter tha n f/5.6. A Set the f ocus-mode selector to M .
62 Focus 2 Lock the fo cus. Sing le-servo AF Focus will lock au tomatically when the in-fo cus indicat or app ears, and rema in locked until your finge r is remove d from shu tter b utton. Con tinuous -ser vo AF Press AE -L/AF-L t o lock both f ocus an d expos ure.
63 Advanced Features — Photography Getting good results with autofocus Autofocu s does not perform w ell un der the co nditions listed be low. If th e came ra is un able to focus usin g autofocus, use manua l focus ( ➝ p.6 0) or use focus loc k ( ➝ p.
64 Focus The AF-assis t illuminator The built-in AF-assist illum inator enables the camera to focus ev en when th e subjec t is poor ly lit. The camer a must be in focu s mode S (sin gle-ser vo autof .
65 Advanced Features — Photography Z Nikon flash un its an d active assis t illumi nator Under t he condit ions descri bed above, the Nik on SB-800 and SB-60 0 Speedli ghts and SU- 800 wirele ss Spe.
66 Release The s hooting operation can be selected from (single - frame), (conti nuous low speed), (continu ous high speed), * (self- ti mer ), or (mirr or u p) us ing t he release mode di al. Press the relea se mode di al un lock button a nd tur n the release mode dia l to t he desired setting.
67 Advanced Features — Photography Z Buffer Size • The num ber o f shots a vailable b efore the me mory buffer i s full is display ed in th e viewfind er and control panel while the shutter button i s pres sed. The cont in uous s hoo ting can recor d up to 10 0 fr ames.
68 Mete ring Normally, the m atrix metering system will provide the optimum e xposure fo r your sho t. However, yo u can choose from 3 me tering mo des for shots where you want to selec t a diffe rent exposu re leve l (AE lock or exposu re compensa tion) or for particu lar scen es (such as backl it shots or sh ots with very strong cont rast).
69 Advanced Features — Photography Taking Pictures with AE Lock AE lock allows y ou to se t the expo sure fo r a specific subject in your shot . This te chnique is usefu l when bright ness of y our subject differs g reatly f rom its surround ings. A Set the e xposur e mode ot her th an (m anual) ( ➝ p.
70 Exposur e Mode Four mo des are availabl e: pro grammed auto ( P ), sh utter- priority au to ( S ), a perture- priority auto ( A ), and m anual ( M ). Programmed auto This m ode autom aticall y contro ls the sh utter spee d and aperture setti ng to give t he opt imum ex posure for the photogra phy con ditions .
71 Advanced Features — Photography Flexi ble p rogram In mode , different combinations of shutter speed and aperture can be selected by rotating the main-command dial (“flexible program”).
72 Exposure Mode Shutter-priority auto In shutter -priorit y auto, you choose the shutter speed while the camera a utomatically selects the ap erture that will produce the optimum expo sure. Shutter speed can be set to value s between 30s and 1/800 0s.
73 Advanced Features — Photography Aperture-priori ty auto In this mod e, the photograp her se ts the ape rture (minim um ape rture to m aximum aperture ) and the camera a utomat ically contr ols the s hutter speed.
74 Exposure Mode Manual In this mod e, the photograp her is f ree to set any shu tter speed (1/ 8000 se c. to 30 se c. or ) and a perture sett ing (mi nimum aper tu re to maxi mum a pert ure) .
75 Advanced Features — Photography Z Elec troni c an alo g expo sure displ ay At shutte r speeds o ther th an , the elect ronic analog exposure displa y in the control panel and viewfin der show whether the p hotogr aph wo uld be under- or over e xposed at curr ent sett ings.
76 Exposure Mode MEMO • At a shutter speed of , the shutter will remain open while the shutter button is held down. Using a fully-charged rechargeable NP-150 battery or the optional AC135VN adapter is recommended to prevent loss of power while the shutter is open.
77 Advanced Features — Photography When the e xposure compensa tion is set, D appear s on the contro l panel . The com pens ati on valu e ca n be ch ecke d by pre ssi ng t he D . The el ectronic analog exp osure displays is display ed as exposure compen sation in the contro l panel and viewfinde r.
78 Flas h Photo gra phy Built-in flash This ca mera is equippe d wit h a guide n umber 12 flas h (ISO 10 0, m/ft) th at can be u sed no t only when n atural lighting is inadequate, b ut also to fill in sha dows and backlit subject s or to add a catch light to the subject’s eyes.
79 Advanced Features — Photography Using the Built-in flash To us e the bui lt-in fl ash: A Choose a m etering method. MEMO • Select matrix or center-weighted metering to activate i- TTL Balanced Fill-Flash for Digital SLR. • Standard i-TTL Flash for Digital SLR is activated automatically when spot metering is selected.
80 Flash P hoto graphy MEMO • If the d flash-ready indicator blinks for about three seconds after the photograph is taken, the flash has fired at full output and the photograph may be underexposed. Check the results in the monitor. If the photograph is underexposed, adjust settings and try again.
81 Advanced Features — Photography Z Effecti ve rang e of t he buil t-in fl ash The effe ctive ran ge of t he built- in flas h varie s dependi ng on th e ISO sen sitivi ty and ape rture settings used. * The mi nimum ef fective range fo r flash control using the bui lt-in flash is 0.
82 Flash P hoto graphy Synchro modes an d their features You can sele ct any of 5 mode s to suit the type of sho t and the desire d effect . While pressing d , rotate t he main command- dial unt il the desired fl ash sync i con is d isplayed in the contr ol pane l.
83 Advanced Features — Photography Flash is combin ed with spe eds as slow as 30 s to capture both subj ect and b ackgro und at ni ght or un der d im light. This m ode is o nly av ailable i n progr ammed auto a nd aperture -prior ity auto exposur e modes.
84 Flash P hoto graphy Flash ex posure c ompensation Flash ex posure compensati on can be use d to increa se or reduc e flash outp ut from the le vel chosen by the came ra’s flash contr ol system. Fla sh output can be increased to make the main sub ject app ear b righter , or reduc ed to prevent u nwanted highligh ts or reflec tions .
85 Advanced Features — Photography FV lock This featu re is used to lock flash output, a llowing photogra phs to be reco mposed w ithout changin g the flash leve l. This e nsures that flash ou tput is ap propri ate to the subj ect even wh en the subje ct is no t position ed in the cent er o f th e fram e.
86 Flash P hoto graphy Z Using FV lock wit h Nikon Sp eedli ghts FV lock is also a vailable w ith SB -800, S B-600, a nd SB- R200 Speedlights (available separately). In this case, set the Spe edlight to TTL m ode (t he SB-80 0 can also be used in AA m ode; see th e Speed light manual for detail s).
87 Advanced Features — Photography Lenses that can be used with the built-in flash The built -in flash can be use d with any CPU lens with a foca l length of 18– 300 mm.
88 Flash P hoto graphy Nikon Sp eedligh ts that can be used The Niko n flash models listed in the ta ble be low can b e used with this ca mera. The f ollowin g features are av ailabl e with the SB-80 0, SB- 600, and SB-R200 : * 1 Fu nctions as remote flash only .
89 Advanced Features — Photography * 7 Avai lable o nly if non -CPU len s is us ed witho ut spec ifying lens data in the [NON -CPU LE NS DAT A] ( ➝ p .121) un der [ MISC.] in t he [SET UP ] menu. * 8 Select [1/250(AUTO FP )] for the [F LASH SYNC SPEED] ( ➝ p.
90 Flash P hoto graphy Z Notes on us ing Ni kon Sp eedli ghts • Ref er to the Spee dli ght manu al fo r de tail ed in st ruct ions . If the Spee dlight sup ports the Cr eative Ligh ting Sys tem, refer to the sec tion on CLS-compatible Digital SLR cameras.
91 Advanced Features — Photography ISO sensit ivity ( SB-800/SB- 600) When u sed with o ptional SB-800 and S B-600 Speedligh ts, i-TT L flash contro l can adj ust for IS O sensitivi ties be tween 100 and 1600 . It may not b e able to adjust f lash level approp riately f or value s over 1 600.
92 Changi ng the Sensit ivity Set ting ( ISO) ISO sens iti vit y is the dig ital equ ival en t of f ilm sp eed. The higher the ISO sensitivit y, the less l ight need ed to m ake an exposu re, all owing h igher sh utter spee ds or s maller aperture s.
93 Advanced Features — Photography Changi ng the Image Q uality Settin g ( QUALITY) The cam era supports t he fo llowing image quality option s (listed i n descendi ng order by i mage quali ty and f.
94 Changi ng t he Ima ge Si ze Setting ( RECORDING PIXELS) Set s the s ize of t he ph otog raph ed i mag e. Z Availab le settin gs fo r the i mage siz e 4256×2 848: Sets the image siz e to 42 56 × 28 48 pixels (appro x. 12.1 meg apixels ). You ca n record the fewe st number of imag es in this mode.
95 Advanced Features — Photography Adjusting Color Balance ( T WHITE BALANCE) Change th e setting s when y ou want to set t he white balance to suit the natura l or ar tificial lig hting co nditions when you sh oot.
96 Adjusting Color Balance ( T WHITE BAL ANCE) Z Setting th e color balanc e in the [SHOOTI NG MENU] Select the desired se tting fo r [ T WHITE BALA NCE] under [S HOOTING MENU] . See “Sett ing the [SHOOTING MENU]” ( ➝ p .108). MEMO When [OK] is selected for the [ ] PRESET CUSTOM], preset white balance is applied.
97 Advanced Features — Photography CHOOSE COLOR TEMP. For taki ng a pi cture in da ylight w ithout flash or artificial light, such a s taking a landscape , you can sp ecify color temp era tur e to se t wh ite b al ance.
98 Adjusting Color Balance ( T WHITE BAL ANCE) WB FINE TUNE The wh ite bala nce can be fine tuned within a r ange o f betwee n +3 and –3 , in 1- step incr ements . [AWB/PRE.W B] Fine tune all white balaces except PRE CUS in single operati on. [ ] PRE CUS.
99 Advanced Features — Photography Preset W hite Balance Use this f unction to set th e correct w hite balance for a light sour ce. You c an a lso u se thi s fu nct ion t o ac hiev e a desired special e ffect.
100 Adjusting Color Balance ( T WHITE BAL ANCE) Z Setting the preset wh ite balanc e using W B and the comman d di als A While pre ssing W B, rotat e the m ain-comma nd dial until PRE (prese t) is di splayed in the cont rol panel. B While pre ssing W B, rotat e the sub- command d ial to select a preset custo m num ber (P- 1 to P-5 ).
101 Advanced Features — Photography Self-Tim er Mode You can use the sel f-tim er when you want to be in t he photogra ph. Us e a tripo d or plac e the camer a on a sta ble surf ac e befo re us ing t he se lf -tim er.
102 Self-Timer Mode 4 The pictu re is taken in t he selected time. • The self-timer lamp (AF-assist illuminator) will start t o blink and a beep will begin t o sound. • Two secon ds before the ph otograph is taken, the self- timer lamp will stop blinking an d the beeping will beco me mo re rap id.
103 Advanced Features — Photography Using Auto Bracketing The came ra provide s two typ es of auto bracketin g. In exposure bracket ing, the camera varies exp osure compensa tion with each shot. In fla sh brack eting, flash level is va ried for each s hot.
104 Using Auto B racketing 3 While pressing BKT, rotate the sub- command dial to choose the exposure increment ( ➝ p. 106). 4 Frame a photo graph, fo cus, and shoot . • While br acketing is in effe ct, a bracke ting pr ogress indicator will be display ed in the control panel.
105 Advanced Features — Photography Z Exposu re Brac keting The came ra mod ifies expos ure by va rying shu tter speed and aper ture ( programm ed au to), aper ture ( shutter - priority au to), or shutter sp eed (a perture- priority auto , manual exposu re mode) .
106 Using Auto B racketing Z Brac keting Pr ogra ms The pro grams available when [A E & FLA SH], [AE ONLY] o r [ d : FLASH ONLY] is selected for [AUT O BRACKETING SET] under [ FLASH/BKT] in the [SET UP] menu depend on the option selected for [EV CONTROL STEPS].
107 Advanced Features — Photography 1/2 Step Sele cted for EV Ste p 1 Step Select ed for EV Step Control panel display No. of shots Exposure inc rement Bracketing order (EVs) 3 +1/2 +0.5, 0, + 1.0 3 + 1 1.0, 0, 2.0 3 –1/2 –0.5, –1.0, 0 3 –1 –1.
108 Using SHOOTING MENU Use the se menus to adjust image q uality or focus. Yo u can tak e pictures i n a wid e range o f condit ions. Setting the [ SHOOTING MENU] 1 Display the [ SHOOTING MEN U]. A Set the c amera to shooti ng mode . If the playback mode is active, p ress the sh utter butt on halfway .
109 Advanced Features — Photography List of [SHOOTING MENU] options * Factory defa ult Menu Functions Settings FILM SIMULATION ( ➝ p.111) Sets the image formation parameters for images. You can select from Standard (STANDARD), Studio Portrait (F1, F1a, F1b, F1c), or Fujichrome (F2).
110 Using SHOOTING MENU * Factory defa ult Menu Functions Settings QUALITY ( ➝ p.93) Sets the quality of images. RAW / FINE / NORMAL JPG * / RAW+FINE JPG / RAW+NORMAL JPG RECORDING PIXELS ( ➝ p.94) Sets the size of images. 2304x1536 / 3024x2016 * / 4256x2848 MULTIPLE EXPOSURE ( ➝ p.
111 Advanced Features — Photography SHOOTING MENU FILM SIMULATION Sets the image formatio n parame ters fo r phot ographed images . [STANDARD] This is the stand ard im age com position mode and is ideal for a wide range of subje cts, includ ing por traits and scener y.
112 SHOOTING MENU MEMO Depending on the selected film simulation mode, the fine tune value may be displayed in gray, and will not be selectable. D-RANGE Sets the dynami c range use d for photograp hed im ages.
113 Advanced Features — Photography COLOR Sets the density of the color use d when shootin g images. [HIGH] This se ttin g pr ovid es t he h ighes t col or dens ity . [MEDIUM HI GH] This sett ing provi de s a high er co lor de nsit y th an [S TD]. [STD] This set ting sets the sta ndard col or density .
114 SHOOTING MENU SHAR PNESS Use this s etting to soften or sharpe n the o utlines in an image and to adju st the q ualit y of the ph otogra phed image. [HARD] This set ting sha rpens t he outlin es in an image and is best for i mages of subjects such as buildings or text where clarity is importan t.
115 Advanced Features — Photography ISO See p.9 2 for deta ils. T WHITE BALANCE See p.9 5 for deta ils. WB FINE T UNE See p.9 8 for deta ils. QUALITY See p.9 3 for deta ils. RECORDING PIXELS See p.9 4 for deta ils. MULTIPLE EXPOSURE A series of two to ten exposu res is re corded as a single photogra ph.
116 SHOOTING MENU C Perform subseque nt shoo ting. D When th e preset numbe r of ex posures h ave been shot, a single overlaid photogra ph is disp layed. E Press MENU/OK to record the image (exi ts multiple expo su re mode ). • The icon in the control p anel will disappear.
117 Advanced Features — Photography CAUTIO N • Do not remove or replace the memory card while recording a multiple exposure. • The information listed in the playb ack photo information display (including date of recording and camera orientation) is for the first shot in multiple exposure.
118 SHOOTING MENU 4 Enlarge an image for focusing. MEMO • The duration for displaying an image is 30 sec. •P r e s s p or q to change brightness. MEMO • W hile LIVE VIEW DISPLAY is in effect, the PC connection indicator will be displayed in the control panel.
119 Advanced Features — Photography SHOOTING MENU RESE T The [SHOOT ING MENU] ca n be reset to the fac tory default . MEMO Resets all [SHOOTING MENU] options except [ WB FINE TUNE]. NOISE REDUCTION Set the noise re duction effect. [STD] Use this setting fo r most situations.
120 Two -Butt on Re set The c amera sett ings eas ily can be res tored to th e default s. This f unction is conven ient sho uld you w ant to restore th e defa ults whil e operat ing the camera. Hold D and QUAL down together for more than two seconds ( these buttons are marked w ith a green dot).
121 Advanced Features — Photography Non-CPU Lenses By specifyi ng lens d ata (len s focal le ngth and m aximum aperture ), the user can g ain acces s to a va riety of CPU lens functions when using a non-CPU lens.
122 Non-CPU Lenses Specifyi ng lens focal lengt h The fol lowing l ens fo cal lengt hs are ava ilable. 6, 8, 13, 15, 16, 18 , 20, 24, 25 , 28, 35, 43, 45, 50, 55, 58, 70, 80, 8 5, 86, 1 00, 105, 1 35, 18 0, 200, 30 0, 360 , 400, 500, 600 , 800, 1 000, 1200 , 1400 , 1600 , 2000, 24 00, 2800, 3200, 400 0mm.
123 Advanced Features — Photography Z Setting the lens focal len gth using th e FUNC. butt on and main-c ommand di al A Select [FV LOCK/LENS DATA] for [FUNC. BUTTON] under [ B UTTON ASSIGNMENT ] in the [SET UP] menu ( ➝ p. 138, 168) . B Choose the focal len gth of the attache d lens by rotating the main-command d ial while pressing th e FUNC.
124 Non-CPU Lenses Z Setting the ma ximum apertu re using the F UNC. button and sub-com man d dial A Select [FV LOCK/LENS DATA] for [FUNC. BUTTON] under [ B UTTON ASSIGNMENT ] in the [SET UP] menu ( ➝ p. 168). B Displa y the maxi mum ape rture of attac hed lens by rotaing the sub-co mman d dial whil e pressin g the FUNC.
125 Memo.
126 Using PLAYBACK MENU Use the se menus to playba ck photo graphed images. Setting the [PLAYBACK MENU] A Press w to set the cam era to pla yback mode. B Press MENU/OK to open the [PLA YBACK MENU]. C Press n or o to select th e item. D Press q . Differe nt type of screen a ppear s dependi ng on se lected it em.
127 Advanced Features — Playback PLAYBACK MENU Setting the menu ( ➝ p.126) Erasing the image s ( ERA SE) Use this m ode to er ase un necessa ry images to have ample free space on the memory ca rd. MEMO To erase another frame (file), repeat above steps.
128 PLAYBACK M ENU DPOF set f rame ( PRINT ORDER (DPOF)) You can specify th e imag e, number of prin ts, with o r without date of printing with a DPOF-c ompatib le print er. Selecting [WITH DATE E ], E appear s on the scr een and the date will be imprinted on your pr ints.
129 Advanced Features — Playback MEMO To can cel DPOF sett ing A Press MENU/OK to open the [PLAYBACK MENU] and press n or o to select [ PRINT ORDER (DPOF)]. B Press q . C Press n or o to select [WITH DATE E ] or [WITHOUT DATE] and press MENU/OK to display the print order screen.
130 PLAYBACK M ENU To cancel all DP OF setti ngs: Select [RESET ALL] in the [PLAY BACK MENU] ( ➝ p.12 8). MEMO u appears on the screen during playback when the image has specified DPOF settings.
131 Advanced Features — Playback Z u PRINT ORDER (DPOF) MEMO When [ON] is set for the [QUICK PREVIEW DATA] under [ SHOOTING] in the [SET UP] menu, images may n ot print properly.
132 PLAYBACK M ENU Protectin g the im ages ( P R O T E C T ) Use this m ode to prevent f rames (files) fr om bei ng accidental ly eras ed. Your camera ca lls image s “frames” . To prote ct or u nprotect o nly the se lected f rame (f ile): FRAME SET / RESET A Press p or q to select th e protectin g/ unpro tec tin g fr ame ( fil e).
133 Advanced Features — Playback MEMO To st op t he pr oced ure midwa y If the images are very large, protecting or unprotecting all the frames (files) may take some time.
134 PLAYBACK M ENU Increasing monitor brightness ( LCD BRIGHTNESS) Use this f unction to adjus t the scr een bri ghtnes s. MEMO While checking shooting results or playing back images, the LCD monitor backlight can be brightened temporarily by pressing the center of the multi-selector.
135 Advanced Features — Playback 2 Specify cropping part of an image. MEMO Press DISP/BACK to return to single-frame playback. MEMO Press w to return to the zoom setting. 3 Record the image. MEMO The image size after cropping is 2304x15 36 or 3024x2016.
136 PLAYBACK M ENU CAUTIO N • The image cannot be cropped if: - The image was originally recorded with the [ 2304x1536] selected for the [RECORDING PIXELS]. - The image was recorded with th e [RAW] selected for the [ QUALITY]. - The free space of memory card is less then 3M.
137 Memo.
138 U SET UP Using the [SET UP] menu 1 Open the [SET UP] menu. 2 Select the category. 3 Change the setting. Help on t he menu s creen Help is available when the HELP mark is displaye d in the upper right of the screen while selecting items in menus. Press and hold the for a description of the selected item.
139 Settings List of [SET UP] menu option s * Factory defa ult Setting Setting (Display) Description Pa ge SHOOTING IMAGE COMMENT TYPE IN/BARCODE / OFF/BARCODE * / OFF/BCD MULTI RE AD User comment of up to 45 characters (EXIF) can be entered when [TYPE IN/BARCODE] is set.
140 U SET UP * Factory defa ult ROTATE IMAGE AUTO ROTATE PLAYBACK ON * / OFF Sets for displaying vertical images in portrait orientation on the LCD. Applies only to pictures taken with [ON] selected for [AUTO IMAGE ROTATION] under [ROTATE IMAGE] in the [SET UP] menu.
141 Settings * Factory defa ult Continued Q FOCUS AREA SELECTION WRAP / NO WRAP * Specifies using the “wrap around” function when pressing the multi- selector in order to select the focus area. 154 BILT-IN AF-ASSIST ON * / OFF Sets the built-in AF-assist illuminator to light for assisting focus when the subject is poorly lit.
142 U SET UP * Factory defa ult FLASH/BKT FLASH SYNC SPEED 1/250 * -1/60 1/250 (AUTO FP) Sets the flash sync speed in the range of 1/250 s to 1/60 s. 158 FLASH Tv SPEED 1/60-30 Sets the slowest shutter speed when using the flash in exposure mode and .
143 Settings * Factory defa ult BUTTON ASSIGNMENT AE-L/AF-L BUTTON AE/AF Lock / AE LOCK ONLY * / AE LOCK HOLD/RESET / AE LOCK HOLD / AF LOCK ONLY Specifies the function performed by the AE-L/AF-L button. 166 CENTER BUTTON CENTER AF AREA * / ILLUMINA TE AF AREA / NOT USED Specifies the function performed by the center of the multi-selector.
144 U SET UP BUTTON AND DIAL DEFAULT * / HOLD Enables using the buttons and command dials together for operations. 174 TEST-SHOOTING (NO CARD) ON * / OFF Disables shooting an image without a memory card.
145 Settings * Factory defa ult TIME DATE/TIME – Corrects the date or time. 36 TIME DIFFERENCE N HOME / I LOCAL Specifies the time difference settings. 177 Specifies the language used for screen display. 36 SYSTEM FORMAT – Initializes an memory card.
146 U SET UP SHOOTING User com ment of u p to 4 5 character s (EXIF) can be entered when [TY PE IN/BARCODE ] is set. [TYPE IN/BAR CODE] Manual ly enter or edi t a comm ent of up to 45 characters (EXIF ) by usin g the [ INPUT COMMEN T] screen ( ➝ p.147 ).
147 Settings 2 Enter a co mment. MEMO • Repeat the steps A - B to enter more letters. •P r e s s p or q to select the letter to delete, then press n to delete. • To insert a letter between other letters, press p or q to select the letter after the inserting position, th en press o to insert.
148 U SET UP • When the [BCR 1 SHOT] or [BCR CONTINUOUS] is set, the maximum number of characters or storing mode (overwrite or add) varies depending on the [IMAGE COMMENT] setting. Z Conn ect ing to ba rcod e reade r You can use the barcode reader with a D- sub 9- pin connec tor (comm erciall y availab le).
149 Settings When the camera est ablishes co mmunic ation with a GPS device, a icon will be displayed in t he control panel. The exposure m eters will not turn of f while this icon is dis play ed.
150 U SET UP DISPLAY Use this settin g to specify h ow to dis play images o n the LCD afte r shooti ng in orde r to che ck the resu lt. [CONTINUOUS] The results a re always d isplayed after you shoot. T hen images are autom atically recorded . Press the shutter but ton or M ENU/OK to tak e anoth er picture.
151 Settings ROTATE IMAGE Choose w hether ph otogr aphs taken in “tall ” (portr ait) orientation are auto matically rota ted for display in the monito r.
152 U SET UP H AF This op tion con trols whe ther p hotogr aphs can b e taken whenev er the shutter bu tton is p ressed (releas e prior ity) or only when the ca mera is in focus (fo cus priority) in continuous- servo AF . [FPS RATE] Photos ca n be taken whenev er shut ter button is pressed.
153 Settings [P2: CLO SEST SUB JECT] * The cen ter focu s-area gr oup is se lected b y pressin g the center of th e multi-selecto r once to a ctivate the curr ent center fo cus-are a group and then p ressing the cen ter of the mul ti-selec tor to t oggle b etween Center 1 and Center 2.
154 U SET UP This option controls whe ther o r not the active foc us area is highli ghted i n red in th e view finder. [AUTO] Selected focus area is autom aticall y highligh ted as needed to provid e contrast w ith backg round . [ON] Selected focus area is alwa ys highligh ted, re gardless of brightn ess of ba ckground.
155 Settings [ISO AUTO CONTROL] To chang e the setti ng, sel ect an item and pr ess q . Then press n or o . [MAX.SENSI TIVITY ] To chang e the se tting, sel ect the it em and p ress q . Then press n or o . [MIN.SHUTTER SPEED] To chang e the settin g, select the item and p ress q .
156 U SET UP Z ISO auto c ontrol indicato r When [ON] is s elec ted , the c ont rol p ane l an d vie wfi nde r show ISO- AUTO . When s ensitiv ity is alter ed from th e value sele cted by the us er, t.
157 Settings This op tion con trols w hether t he D bu tton is n eeded to set exposur e compen sation ( ➝ p.7 6). E xposure compensa tion can be set betwe en -5 to +5. If [ON] is selected, the 0 at the center of the exposure di splay will blink even wh en exp osure compen sation is se t to ±0.
158 U SET UP 2 Change the setting. FLASH/BKT This opti on contro ls flash sync speed. O ptions ra nge fr om 1/250 s ( [1/250] , the d efault setti ng) and 1/60 s ([1/60]). [1/250], [ 1/200] , [1/160 ], [1/125], [1/100 ], [1/80], [ 1/60] Select on e of the ab ove spe eds for th e flash s ync.
159 Settings This option determine s the slow est shutter speed possible when usin g fron t- or rear -curtain syn c or re d-eye reduc tion in pr ogramme d auto or apert ure-p riorit y auto exposure mo.
160 U SET UP Z Setting the manual flash mode MEMO If [FULL POWER] is selected, the guide number for the built-in flash is 13/42 (m/ft, ISO 100). Z Setting t he repe ating A Press n or o to select [M d :MANUAL MODE] . B Press q . C Press n or o to select th e output.
161 Settings [OUTPUT] Highlig ht flash output (expressed as fra ction of full power) . [TIMES] Choose numb er of times fl ash fires at selected output . Note tha t depend ing on sh utter speed and option selected for Interval , actual numbe r of flashe s may be less than sele cted.
162 U SET UP Z Setti ng t he comman der mo de Choose this opt ion to u se the b uilt-in fla sh as a master flash con trolling one or more remote op tional S peedlig hts in up to t wo gro ups (A an d B) us in g Adv ance d Wir el ess Lighting . [BUILT-IN] Choose flash mode for built-in flash (command er flash).
163 Settings 1 Set the menu. 2 Sh ooti ng. A Comp ose shot and a rra nge Ni kon S pe edli ghts as show n be low . • M aximum distance between optional Speedlights and camera is about 10m (33´) when.
164 U SET UP C Press flash pop- up butt on to rais e built -in flash (note that built- in flash mu st be raised even if [–] i s selected for the [M ODE] unde r [BU ILT-IN]). D After con firming that camer a flash- ready light and flash-read y lights fo r all S peedligh ts are lit , frame photogra ph, focu s, and sho ot.
165 Settings At the d efault setting [ON], th e built-in flas h and N ikon Speedligh ts that suppor t the Niko n Crea tive Light ing System will emit a modeling flash when the depth-of-field preview but ton is pressed. Select [OF F] to disable this feature.
166 U SET UP This op tion con trols th e order i n which bracke ting is performe d. [N:MTR>UNDER>OVER ] Bracketing perfo rmed in or der de scribed in bracke ting prog ram ( ➝ p.106). [ :UNDER>MTR>OVER] Bracketing proce eds in o rder from lowest to highe st value.
167 Settings This op tion de termine s what op eration s can be perfo rmed by pressi ng the cen ter of the multi -selector. [CENTER AF AREA] Pressing t he cent er of t he mult i-selector selects t he center focu s area or center focus a rea grou p (gro up dynamic-AF).
168 U SET UP This opt ion contr ols the fun ction per formed by the FUN C. but to n . [FV LOCK] If built-in flash or Niko n CLS-compatible Speedlight is used, flash value locks when FUNC.
169 Settings To avoid mis-use, lock the func tions of the comman d dial, [SHOOTING ME NU] and [S ET UP] m enu. [LOCK SETTING ] Select [ALL FUNCTION], [SELECTED FUNCTION], or [BASIC FU NCTION] for the [ LOCK SET TING]. [FUNCTION SELECTION] Specifies fu nctions t o be loc ked when [SELECTE D FUNCTION] is selected fo r [LOCK SETTING].
170 U SET UP Z Maki ng th e Loc k Sett ing MEMO If the menu is locked, it cannot be selected while the function lock is active. Z Setting the fu nctio n to be locke d A Press n or o to select [LOCK S ETTING]. B Press q . C Press n or o to selec t options for [LOCK SETTING].
171 Settings Z Setting the passw ord E Press n or o to change the se tting. F Press p to r eturn to selecting a functio n. G Repeat step C – F to chan ge the settings of functions.
172 U SET UP MEMO To chang e the passwo rd If a password has been previously set, the following screen is displayed in step C . Enter the preset password and new password to change the password. If you set [NEW PASSWORD] to [0000], the p asswor d settin g is c anceled .
173 Settings [CHANGE MAIN/SUB] Exchange s function s of main and sub-comm and dials when setti ng shutte r speed and aper ture. Select [CHANGE MAIN/SUB] and press q on the multi-selector. Pr ess no to change the se tting. [ON] Main -c omma nd di al co ntr ols a pert ure, sub- co mman d dial cont rol s sh utte r sp eed.
174 U SET UP [MENUS AND PL AYBACK] Cont ro ls fun cti ons pe rfo rme d by com man d di als du ring playback or whe n menus ar e displ ayed. Select [MENUS AND PLAYBACK] and pres s q on t he multi-selector. Pr ess no to change the se tting. [ON] Main -c omma nd di al per for ms sa me fu ncti on as pressing multi-se lector left o r right.
175 Settings MISC. See p.121 for details. To ensur e that the camer a functio ns as ex pected w hen AA batte ries ar e used in th e Nikon MB-D 200 batte ry pa ck, match the option selected in this menu to the type of battery ins erted in the batte ry pack.
176 U SET UP [DPI SETTI NG] Sets the nu mber of pi xels per inch to def ine the ima ge data in length. T he set infor mation will be recorde d on the tag i nformatio n. The value can b e set b etween 36 and 3000 DPI. Select the item and p ress q on the mu lti-selector to display the se tting screen .
177 Settings View th e came ra firmw are ve rsion. View the n umber of time s the shutt er has been rel eased ([NO OF PICTURE] ), or how many times t he shut ter unit has been replace d ([UNIT REPLAC E]). [NO O F PICTURE] is displayed in 10 0 unit increments.
178 U SET UP 2 Move to [TIME DIFFERE NCE] screen. 3 Set time difference. CHECK Available time setting –23:45 to +23:45 (in 15-minute increments) MEMO CHECK Upon returning from a trip, always change the time difference setting back to [ N HOME] and then check the date and time again.
179 Settings SYSTEM Initiali ze (for mat) the memor y card for use wi th the came ra. CAUTIO N • The Format function erases all the frames (files), including protected frames (files). Back up important frames (files) onto your PC or another media before formatting your memory card.
180 U SET UP Use this f uncti on to speci fy whe ther fram e numb ers are ass igned con secu ti vely fr om pr evio us num ber s or begi n again. [CONTINUOUS] Pictures a re stor ed begi nning f rom the h ighest fil e number st ored o n the la st memory card u sed.
181 Settings When this fu nction is active and th e camera remains unused fo r a pr e-determ ined am ount o f time (15s ec/ 30sec/1min /2min/5 min/10m in), th e camera a utoma tically shut s do wn (s tan dby stat us) . The v ie wfi nder disp la y, th e aperture and shutter sp eed in dicator s in the contr ol panel will turn off in sta ndby status.
182 Conn ecti ng to a TV For easier vie wing, you can conne ct to a TV so the ima ges can be displayed on a larg er screen. Plug the V ideo cable (in cluded) into the V IDEO OUT ( Video output) so cket of th e camera . Plug the other end of the cable in to the video in put socket o n the TV .
183 Camera Connection Connecting Camera Dire ctly to Printer — Pic tBridge Function When a printer t hat sup ports Pi ctBridge is availab le, imag es can b e prin ted by connecti ng the ca mera di rectly t o the PictBr idge-co mpatible printer w ithout a PC.
184 Connecting Camera Directly to Prin ter — PictB ridge Functio n B Connect the came ra to a pri nter a nd turn the printer on. Set the Po wer switch to ON to tur n the c amera on . C The followi ng screen appea rs on the screen afte r a moment. MEMO Depending on the printer, some functions are disabled.
185 Camera Connection MEMO Even if MENU /OK is pres sed with the t otal numbe r of images set a t 0 ( zero), the confi rmation message appea rs for one print of the displ ayed image.
186 Connecting Camera Directly to Prin ter — PictB ridge Functio n CHECK To select [ u PRINT DPOF], the DPOF settings must be specified on FinePix S5 Pro beforehand ( ➝ p.128). CAUTIO N Even when [WITH DATE E ] is specified in the DPOF settings ( ➝ p.
187 Camera Connection CAUTIO N • In PictBridge function, images photographed anything other than a digital camera may not print properly. • The camera cannot be used to specify printer settings such as the paper size and print quality.
188 Insta llati on on a Wi ndows PC Pre-installation che cklist Z Hardwa re and s oftware require ments To run t his software, you must ha ve the hardware and softwa re described below. Ch eck your syst em befor e you begin the installation. * 1 Models with one of the above ope rating s ystems pre- install ed.
189 Software Installation Z Recomme nded s ystem CAUTIO N • Connect the camera directly to the PC using the USB cable (mini-B). The software may not operate correctly w hen you use an extension cable or connect the camera via a USB hub. • When your PC has more than one USB port, the camera can be connected to either port.
190 Inst al la tion on a W indo ws PC Do not conne ct the ca mera to your PC until the so ftwar e installatio n is comp let ed. 1 Install FinePixViewer as instructed in the Quick start guide. Laun ching the inst aller ma nuall y A Double-click the “My Computer” icon.
191 Software Installation Install ation on a Mac OS X Pre-installation che cklist Z Hardwa re and s oftware require ments To run t his software, you must ha ve the hardware and softwa re described below. Ch eck your syst em befor e you begin the installation.
192 Inst al la tion on a M ac O S X 1 Turn your Macintosh on and start up Mac OS X. Do not la unch any othe r applic ati ons. 2 When the bundle d CD-ROM i s loade d into the CD-ROM drive, the “Fi nePix” icon appears. Doub le-click the “FinePix” i con to open the “FineP ix” vo lume wind ow.
193 Software Installation 9 The ImageMi xer VCD2 LE f or FinePix installer automatically starts up and a window sh owing the in stallation progr ess appears (Installation may take several minutes) . 10 The “FinePixV iewer installation completed” message dialog appears.
194 Conn ecti ng to a PC By conne cting the cam era to a PC, your s ystem ca n be expanded to fill a wid e range of uses. Using “Fin ePi xVi ewer ” per for ms im ages s av ing, brow sin g and fil e mana gem ent etc. MEMO If the power cuts out during data transmission, the data will not be transmitted correctly.
195 Software Installation • If the cam era comm unicates with the PC successfully, will be displayed in the con trol panel and viewfinder. Photog raphs can be tra nsferred t o the co mpute r as describ ed in the m anual for the supplied softwar e (on CD).
196 Connec ting to a PC G Set a PC. Windows 98 SE / Me / 2000 Professional / Macintos h CAUTIO N The Windows CD-ROM may also be required during installation. In this event, change CD-ROMs as directed by the on-screen instructions. • FinePix Viewer a utoma tically s tarts up an d the Sa ve Image W izard window (S ave Im age dial og box) appears .
197 Software Installation 1 Windows Once the image has bee n saved , the win dow belo w appea rs (Sa ve I mage Wizar d wind ow) . To dis co nnect the c amera, cli ck the [R emove] bu tton. Macintos h Once the image has bee n saved , the win dow belo w appear s.
198 Connec ting to a PC Using FinePixViewer For al l inform ation on FinePi xViewe r funct ions, re fer to “How to Use FinePixViewer” in the Help menu for details. • What is expl aine d in “How to Use FinePi xViewe r”... “How to Use Fine PixView er” cover s a range of topics, inc ludi ng b atch proc ess ing an d or deri ng print s.
199 Software Installation E When th e message appea rs, click the [OK] but ton. Check your s election c arefull y since the proc ess cannot be canceled once y ou clic k the [OK] button . F Automat ic uninsta llation be gins. When un installatio n ends, click the [ OK] butto n.
200 System Ex pansion Option By using F inePix S5 Pro to gether with other optional accessories, y our syst em can be expand ed to f ill a wide rang e of use s. Accessory availability may vary by country. Please check with your local Fujifilm representative to confirm product availabilit y.
201 Appendices Z Usable Niko n acces sories ** Nik on pro duc ts *** O ther m anufa cturer pro ducts P ower supplies Remote terminal accessories MC-36 Remote Cord ** MC-30 Remote Cord ** MC-22 Remote .
202 Acce ssori es Gu ide Visit the F UJIFILM web site for th e latest information on camera accesso ries. http://w ww.fujif ucts/dig ital/ind ex.html Accessory availability may vary by country . Please check with your local FUJIFILM representa tive to confirm pro duct availability.
203 Appendices Using Your Camera Correctly Read thi s inform ation a nd the “S afety No tes” ( ➝ p .238), to make sure you use yo ur camera correctly.
204 Cleaning the CCD This camera is equipped wit h a CCD photosensitive element. This CCD is located behind th e shutter scre en. If dust or other soiling attaches to the surface of the CCD and pictures a re then taken , this soiling may a ppear as spots in the ima ge, dependi ng on the camer a settings an d the type of su bject.
205 Appendices F In case of surface clean R Turn th e camera off and attach the lens cap , or if the lens is det ached, a ttach a body cap to the came ra. In case of surf ace soiling R Contact a FUJI FILM dealer and re quest CCD cleaning. Or see Star ting CCD cleaning ( ➝ p.
206 Cleaning the CCD B Check whe ther t he dust has been removed fr om the CCD surface. - The bl owe r has rem ove d the d ust (The re a re no oi ly marks or f ingerprints) . R Turn th e came ra off and mount the len s or body cap on the camera. - There are oily mar ks or fi ngerpri nts left on the C CD th at cannot be remove d with th e blow er.
207 Appendices E Wipe using the ot her side of the sw ab across the ful l width of the CCD fr om left to ri ght once more. Do not reus e t he swa b. CAUTION If this does not remove the soiling, repeat steps C to E with a new Sensor swab or contact an authorized FUJIFILM dealer.
208 Powe r Supply and Ba tte ry Z Batter y Featu res • The N P-150 grad ually l oses its char ge even when not used. Use a NP -150 tha t has b een cha rged rece ntly (in the last da y or two) to take pictur es. • To maximiz e the life o f the NP-150, t urn the camera off as qu ickly as pos sible w hen it is n ot bein g used.
209 Appendices Z Handling the Battery To avoid injury or damage, o bserve the foll owing: • Do not ca rry or st ore batte ry with met al objects su ch as necklac es or hairp ins. • Do not heat t he battery or thr ow it i nto a fire. • Do not attempt to take a part or ch ange t he bat tery.
210 Power Supply and Battery AC Power Adapter Always us e the A C power adapte r AC-135 VN with the came ra. The use of an AC powe r ada pte r othe r th an t he AC- 135VN ca n cause damage t o your digital cam era. • Use the AC pow er adapt er for indoor use only .
211 Appendices Notes o n the Memor y Card Z Prote cting Yo ur Dat a • Images may b e lost or d estroyed in the following situatio ns. Please note that FUJIFIL M assum es no responsib ility for data that is los t or destro yed. 1. Removal of the memory ca rd or turni ng the pow er off while the memo ry card is be ing acce ssed (i.
212 Warning Dis plays Warning messages d isplaye d in the co ntrol panel and viewfind er Control panel Viewfinder Explanation Remedy (blinks) (blinks) Lens aperture ring is not locked at minimum aperture. Lock ring at minimum aperture (largest f/-number).
213 Appendices (blinks) (blinks) Memory insufficient to record further photos at current settings, or camera has run out of file or folder numbers. • Reduce quality or size. • Delete photographs. • Insert new memory card. (blinks) No memory card.
214 Warning Displays Warning messages di splayed in the LCD m onitor Warning Displayed Explanation Remedy NO CARD Memory card is not inserted. Insert a memory card. CARD NOT INITIALIZED • Memory card is not formatted. • The memory card contact area is soiled.
215 Appendices PROTECTED FRAME An attempt was made to erase a protected file. Protected files cannot be erased. Remove the protection ( ➝ p.132). NO IMAGE An attempt was made to playback images from an empty memory card. It is impossible to playback.
216 Warning Displays CANNOT BE PRINTED Displayed for PictBrid ge. • See the user manual supplied with the printer and check whether the printer supports the JFIF-JPEG or Exif-JPEG image format. If not, the printer cannot print the images. • Images with CCD-RAW cann ot be printed.
217 Memo.
218 Trou bleshoo ting Z Getting read y Z Setti ng me nu etc. Matters Problems Possible causes Solutions Page Battery and power supply The camera is not turned ON when setting the power switch to ON. The battery has run out. Charge the battery o r load fully charged battery.
219 Troubleshooting Z Shoo ting Matters Problems Possible causes Solutions Page Basic operations No photograph is taken when pressing the shutter button. The memory card is full. Insert a new memory card or erase some unnecessary frames. 34, 53, 127 The memory card is not formatted.
220 Troubl eshoo ting Flash Cannot use the flash. The shutter button was pressed while the flash was charging. Wait until the chargin g is completed before pressing the shutter button. 79 The flash is set to suppressed flash mode. (The flash is closed.
221 Troubleshooting Z Playing back Z Connecting Matters Problems Possible causes Solutions Page Erasing The function which erases a frame does not perform. Some frames may be protected. Unprotect frame(s). 132 [ALL FRAMES] under [ E RASE] does not erase all frames.
222 Troubl eshoo ting Z Others Connecting to printer Cannot print with PictBridge. The USB cable (mini-B) is not correctly connected to the printer or camera. Set up the camera, and connect the USB cable (mini-B) correctly. 183 The printer is not turned on.
223 Specific atio ns System Model Digital camera FinePix S5 Pro Effective pixels 12.34 million (S-pixel: 6.17 million, R-pixel: 6.17 million) pixels CCD Large-format (23.0 × 15.5 mm) Super CCD SR Pro with primary color filt er Total 12.9 megapixels (S- pixels: 6.
224 Speci fications White balance Automatic scene recognition, Fine, Flas h, Shade, Fluorescent(1-5), Incande scent, Choose color TEMP., Preset custom(1-5) * Can be fine tuned. Self-timer 20 sec./10 sec./5 sec./2 sec. Flash Manual pop-up, i-TTL balanced fill-flash for digital SLR, standard i-TTL flash for dig ital SLR, Guide No.
225 * 1 CCD-RAW is a format specific to the FinePix S5 Pro. The enclosed "FinePixViewer" software o r the optional Hyper-Utility software " HS-V3" is r equired to interp ret images. * 2 Images sho t in high -sensitivi ty photog raphy may appea r coar se and ma y also be affected b y noise su ch as wh ite dots.
226 Speci fications Z Memory ca rd c apacity a nd ima ge quali ty/size The fol lowing ta ble show s the ap proxima te num ber of pi ctures that can b e stor ed on a 1 GB me mory c ard at di fferent q uality and size set tings.
227 [D-RANGE] set to WIDE (other than [100%(STD)]) MEMO • When [OFF] is set for the [QUICK PREVIEW DATA] under [ SHOOTING] in the [SET UP] menu , File size decrea ses, and then No. of images and Buffer capacity differs from the value denoted ab ove.
228 Explan ation of Terms EV A numb er denote s Expo sure Valu e. The E V is deter mined by the bri ghtness o f the su bject an d sensitivit y (speed ) of th e film or CCD.
229 Adobe RGB (1998) A color spa ce introd uced as the w orking col or space for Adobe P hotoshop 5 .0. Adobe RGB en compass es almost al l the color s reprodu ced by CM YK pr inters a nd is inte nded p rimarily for pri nting ap plicatio ns. It wa s introd uced as "SMPTE-2 40E" i n the RGB setting s in Ad obe Pho toshop 5.
230 FUJI FILM Dig ital Camera Wor ldw ide N etwo rk If you have techn ical questio ns or if you ne ed repair service, ask the following loca l distributor. Please presen t the warra nty card and your purchase r eceipt when you ask for repai rs. Refer to the w arranty card for conditions of the warranty.
231 Ecuador Imp ortacion es Espacri Cia. Ltda . Technical suppo rt & Repair servic e Simón Bolivar 5-69 y Hno. M iguel - Cuenca TEL +593 783 5526 FA X +593 78 3 3157 porti z@fujifilm. Mexico Fujifilm de Mex ico, S.A. de C.V. Technical suppo rt Av.
232 FUJIFILM Digital Camera Wo rldwide Network Cyprus Doros N eophy tou CAMERA REPAIRS Technical suppo rt & Repair servic e 28B, Agiou Demetriou, Acropoli, Nicosia TEL 357223 14719 FAX 357225155 62 dorosn@l t Czech Republi c Fujifilm Cz.
233 Malt a Ciancio ( 1913) Co.L td. Technical suppo rt & Repair servic e Fuji Tech Ce ntre, Cianci o House, Canno n Road, Qorm i, QRM05 TEL 0356-2 1-480500 FAX 0356- 21-488328 i nfo@fujifil m.
234 FUJIFILM Digital Camera Wo rldwide Network Sweden Fujifilm S verige AB Technical suppo rt Sveavägen 167 104 35 Stockhol m TEL 46 8 50 6 141 70 FAX 46 8 506 142 0 9 kamera Repair service Sveavägen 167 104 35 Stockholm TEL 46 8 50 6 513 54 FAX 46 8 506513 5 4 kamerave rkstaden@fu jifilm.
235 Syria Film Trading Company Technical suppo rt Al-Shahbandar P.O. Box:3118 0 Damascus S YRIA TEL + 963 11 2218049 F AX + 963 11 44673456 f.t.c@Net. SY Repair service Al-cheikh Taha P.O. Bo x: 6171 Aleppo S YRIA TEL + 963 21 4641903 F AX + 963 21 4641907 fil mtradin @Net.
236 FUJIFILM Digital Camera Wo rldwide Network Indonesia PT Modern P hoto Tbk Technical suppo rt & Repair servic e Jl.Matraman R aya 12, Jakarta T imur 1315 0 TEL +62 021 2 801000 F AX +62 021 858 1620+6 2 021 2801012 assd_kmr@moder Malaysia FUJIFILM (Malaysi a) Sdn.
237 Memo.
238 Safety Notes • Make sur e that y ou use your S5 Pr o camera correct ly. Read t hese Saf ety Notes and yo ur Owne r’s Man ual carefully be fore use.
239 Do not change, heat or unduly twist or pull the connection cord and do not place heavy objects on the connection cord. These actions could damage the cord and cause a fire or electric shock. • If the cord is damaged, contact your FUJIFILM dealer.
240 Safety Notes When carrying the NP-150, install it in a digital camera or keep it in the soft case provided. When storing the NP-150, keep it in the soft case provided. When discarding, cover the battery terminals with insulation tape. Contact with other metallic objects or battery could cause the battery to ignite or burst.
241 When you are cleaning the camera or you do not plan to use the camera for an extended period, remove the battery and disconnect and unplug the AC power adapter. Failure to do so can cause a fire or electric shock. When charging ends, unplug the charger from the power socket.
242 Memo.
243 Memo.
7-3, AKASAKA 9-CHOME, MINATO-KU, TOKYO 107-0052, JAPAN Printed in Japan Y-7091 04-PY.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts FujiFilm FinePix S5 Pro (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie FujiFilm FinePix S5 Pro noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für FujiFilm FinePix S5 Pro - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von FujiFilm FinePix S5 Pro reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über FujiFilm FinePix S5 Pro erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon FujiFilm FinePix S5 Pro besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von FujiFilm FinePix S5 Pro verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit FujiFilm FinePix S5 Pro. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei FujiFilm FinePix S5 Pro gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.