Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung MW12C1H des Produzenten Friedrich
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2 0 1 1 SP LI T T YP E RO OM AIR CONDI TIONER W AL L MOUN TED T YP E Models Indoor Unit Outdoor Unit Service and Parts Manual MW09C1H MR09C1H MW12C1H MR12C1H.
1 . S a f e t y P r e c a u t i o n s .. .. .. .. .... ... .. .. .. .. .. .... ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .... ... ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .... ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .... ... .. .. .. .. .. ... . . . ... 2 . S p e c i f i c a t i o n s .. ... .. .. .. ... ..
Model and product code Model and product code M09CIH 115V ~ 60H W09CIH MR09CIH M12C H 115V ~ 60H W12CIH MR12CIH Voltage range Complete unit model Indoor unit model Outdoor unit model M M zM zM 3.
Outdoor Unit MR09CI H MR012CI H Remote control windo w YB1F AF Summary and f eature s Summary and feature s 4.
5 IMPORT ANT SAF ET Y INF ORMA TION T h e i n f o r m a t i o n c o n t a i n e d i n t h i s m a n u a l i s i n t e n d e d f o r u s e b y a q u a l i f i e d s e r v i c e t e c h n i c i a n w h .
• Do not spray or pour water on the retur n air grille, disc harge air grill e, e vapo rator coil, c ontrol panel, and sleeve on the room si de of the air con ditioning unit while c leaning.
P ROP ERT Y DAMA GE HA Z ARDS FIRE DAMA GE HA Z A RDS : • Read the Installati on/Oper ation Manual for t he air con ditioning unit pr ior to operatin g. • Use air co nditioner on a sin gle dedicated c ircuit within t he speci fi ed amperage rating.
8 Ra ti ng con di ti on s a re : Coo lin g: Indo or air tem per atu re 80¡F D .B. / 6 7¡ F W.B. Outdoor air t emperature 9 5.0¡F D.B. / 75¡ F W.B. Hea tin g: Indo or air tem per atu re 70¡F D. B./ 60 ¡ F W .B. Outdoor air temper ature 47¡ F D .
Ra tin g Re ma rks co nd iti on s a re: Coo lin g: I ndo or a ir temp era ture 26 .7¡ C D. B. / 19 .4¡C W. B . Outdoor air temperature 35. 0¡C D .B. / 23.9¡C W . B . Hea tin g: I ndo or a ir temp era ture 21 .1¡ C D. B./ 15.6 ¡ C W.B . Outdoor air temperature 8.
Th e a bov e dat a is su bje ct to c han ge wi tho ut no tic e. Pl eas e ref er to t he na mep lat e of th e uni t. M R 0 9 C 1 H SA NY O C-6RZ 11 0H1A T w in rot o ry 3 3 A ) A ( .
Th e a bov e dat a is su bje ct to c han ge wi tho ut no tic e. Pl eas e ref er to t he na mep lat e of th e uni t. M R 1 2 C 1 H SA NY O C-6RZ 11 0H1A T w in rot o ry 3 3 A ) A ( .
Appending date Standa rd press ure Indoor Ou tdoo r P (MPa ) EVP ( °F)C OD (° F) 09 K 0. 8 to 1.1 Turb o Rate d 12 K d e t a R 0 . 1 o t 8 . 0 (r ps) 80.06/66.92 66.98/60.08 95 /– (°F) Model name Indoor f an mode COOLING: Standa rd pressu re Indoor Ou tdoo r P (MPa ) 09 K 2.
Expanded c apacity data t ables for both c ooling and heatin g Capacity Variation Ratio According to Pipe Length g n i l o o C 90 80 • Conditions Indoor: DB80.
O peration C haracteristic Curve g n i l o o C 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 09 0 80 25.0 22.5 20.0 17.5 15.0 12.5 10.0 7.5 5.0 2.5 0 Compressor speed (r ps) Current (A) Current (A) • Conditions Indoor air flow : TURBO Pipe lengt: 7.6m 115V g n i l o o C 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 09 0 80 25.
40 30 20 Indoor side noise when blowing Outdoor side noise Indoor fan motor rotating speed Low MiddleH igh Compressor frequency/Hz 35 25 Turbo 40 30 20 Indoor side noise when blowing Outdoor side nois.
3. Construction View s 3.1 Indoor Unit 3.2 Outdoor Unit Constrction view s W H D W2 D3 W3 D4 W4 D2 H2 9 6 1 2 4 5 5 3 1 Unit:m m Additional Dimensions Cabinet Cabinet W H D W2 D4 H2 D2 D3 W4 W3 33 1/4.
4. Refrigerant System Diagram Cooling Models Refrigerant System D iagram T I N U R O O D T U O T I N U R O O D N I HEAT EXCHANGE (EVAPORATOR) HEAT EXCHANGE (CONDENSER) COMPRESSOR GAS SIDE 3-WAY VALVE .
5. S ch em at ic Di ag ra m 5. 1 El ect ri cal Da te 5. 2 E lec tr ica l w ir ing Outdoor Unit Th ese cir cu it d iag ram s ar e su bj ect to c han ge w it hou t no ti ce, ple as e ref er t o t he on e su pp lie d wi th t he u ni t.
5. 3 P rin te d Ci rc uit Bo ard TOP VIEW BOTTOM VIEW Sc he mat ic Di agr am 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 1 12 1 Interface of neutral wire 2 T ransformer input 3 Interface of PG motor 4 Auto button 5 Feedba.
TOP VIEW BOTTOM VIEW Sc he mat ic Dia gr am Terminal of jump wire, live wire and neutral wire, AC-N4 joint AC-N3, AC-L2 joint AC-L3 External connect high- capacity positive terminal Protective tube Ex.
6. Func tion and Contro l 6. 1 R em ote C on tro l Op era ti ons Function and Control 2 8 9 10 3 4 11 12 7 6 13 14 5 1 Press it to start or stop operation ON/OFF MODE Press it to select operation mode.
Function and Con trol Pr es s th is bu tton to st art th e un it ope rat io n .Pr ess t his bu tto n a ga in to st op th e u nit ope rat io n. ON/OFF : MODE : Each time you press this button,a mode is.
Function and Control Pressing X-FAN button in COOL or DRY mode,the icon is displayed and the indoor fan will continue operation for 10 minutes in order to dry the indoor unit even though you X-FAN: have turned off the unit. After energization, X-FAN OFF is defaulted.
Function and Control Press "+ " and " - " buttons simultaneously to lock or unlock the keypad. If the remote controller is locked, is displayed. In this case, pressing any button, blinks three times. At unit OFF, press " MODE " and " - " buttons simultaneously to switch between and .
Function and Control ƾ ● ● ● ● ● Sk etc h map f or re pla ci ng ba tte ri es Replacement of B atteries When the wireless remote controller is lost o r damaged, please use the manual switch on the main unit. Operation will be in AUTO mode and the temperature setting or fan speed can not be changed .
27 6. 2 De sc rip ti on o f Ea ch C on tro l O per at io n Function and Cont rol 1. T emperature Parameters Indoor preset temperature (T preset ) Indoor ambient temperature (T amb. 2. Basic Functions Once energized, in no case should the compressor be restarte d wi thin less than 3 minutes.
28 ≤108°F, the indoor fan will r un at low speed , and after one minut e, the i ndoor fan : if T tube ≤104°F and the indoor fan i s at stop state, the indoor fan w ill begin to run at low b.
29 –(28°F Function and Contro l a. Under AU T O mode, if T amb . ≥ T preset is detected, the unit will select to run under cooling mode, in which ca se implicit preset temperature is 77° F ; if T amb .
30 Designation of sensors Faults Indoor ambient temperature The sensor is detected to be open-circuited or short-circuited for successive 30 seconds Indoor tube temperature The sensor is detected to b.
31 (10) Display Operation pattern and mode pattern display All the display patterns will display for a time when the unit is power d e on, the operation indication icon will display in red under standby status.
Function and Control De te ct ma lfu nc ti on s o f te mp er at ur e s ens or an y t im e. In d e fr os t in g p er io d, t h e te m pe ra t ur e s en so r ma l fu n ct io n w il l n ot b e d et ec t ed . 5 mi n a ft er f i ni sh in g d ef ro s ti ng , t he s ys te m b eg in s t o de tec t th e tem pe rat ure s en so r ma lf un ct io n.
6. 7 Di sc ha rg e P i pe C on tr o l Ou tli ne Th e di s ch ar g e p i pe t em pe r at ur e i s us e d a s th e c om pr es s or ’s i nt e rn al t em p er at u re .
Du rin g c ool in g op era ti on , th e si gn als bei ng s en t fr om the ind oo r un it a ll ow t he o pe rat in g fr eq uen cy l im it ati on a nd the n pr ev ent fr ee zi ng o f t he i nd oo r he at ex cha ng er . ( The si gn al f ro m t he i nd oo r un it mu st b e d iv ide d i nt o th e z on es a s t he fol lo wi ng s.
6. 12 F an Co nt ro l Outline Fan con trol is car ried out ac cording to the follo wing prior ity. 1. Fa n ON co ntr ol fo r ele ctr ic co mpo nen t coo lin g fan 2. F an c on tro l wh en def ro sti ng 3. Fa n O FF del ay whe n s top ped 4. ON /OF F con tro l i n coo lin g oper ati on 5.
7. Ins talla tion Manual Instal lation Manu al Select a positi on where the cond ensing w ater can be easi ly draine d out, a nd the pl ace is eas ily conne cted for outdoor unit . Can se lect the place wh ere is st rong eno ugh to wi thstand the fu l l weight and vibr ation o f the un it.
Installation Manual Make sure that the Live wire or Zero line as well as the ground wire in the family power socket can not be wrong connected, there should be reliable and no short circuit in the diagram. wrong connection may cause fire. 4. The min. distance from the unit and combustive surface is 5ft.
38 Instal lation Manu al Space to the wall Space to the ceiling Space to the wall Space to the wall Air outlet side Space to the floor Space to the obstruction Air outlet side Space to the wall Air in.
Installation Manua l Installing Mounting Plate 1.Make the mounting plate completely level . As the water tray's oulet of the indoor unit is two-way type, the indoor unit during installation should slightly slant to watert tray's outlet for smooth drainage of condensing water.
Instal lation Manua l Installing Indoor Unit The piping can be output from right, right rear , left or left rear . When routing the piping and wiring from the left or right side of indoor unit, cut off the tailings from the chassis as necessary(As shown in Fig.
Ø Condensate drainage of outdoor unit (not for cooling only) The condensate and defrosting water formd during heating in the outdoor unit can be properly discharged by drainage pipe .
Do not switch on power before installation is finished completely. Electric wiring must be connected correctly and securely. Cut-off valves of the connection pipes should be opened. Switch on power and press "ON/OFF" button on the wireless remote controller to start the operation.
Fig. a 1 . 2. (as shown in Fig.b). 3. Mount the air filter properl y along the arrow d i r e c t i o n i n F i g . c , a n d t h e n c l o s e t h e p a n e l c o v e r . Cleaning and Maintenance Service Life ƽ filter Air filter (as shown Fig.a) Fig.
Trou blesh ooti ng 9. T rou blesho oting 9. 1 P rec au ti ons be fo re Per fo rm ing In sp ect io n o r R epa ir Be cauti ous d uring ins tallat ion and mainte nance . Do ope ration fol lowing the reg ulati ons t o av oid elect ric s hock and casua lty or eve n dea th du e to d rop from high altitude.
The bre aker tr ips at o nce whe n it i s se t to "O N". Mea sure ins ula tion res ist ance to grou nd to s ee if the re i s an y le akag e. T rip o f br eake r or blo w o f fu se The bre aker tr ips in f ew min utes whe n it is set to "ON" Che ck p owe r su pply cir cui t.
46 Improper set of temperature Adjust set temperature If cooling (heating) load is proper Check the forecasted load of cooling (heating) The refrigerant has leakage or is insufficient heck and fill th.
The indoor fan motor is burne d or bre- aks or has the heat protector malfun- ction. Replace the fan motor or the defective part. The built-in heat protector of th e motor breaks frequently because the motor is abnormal. Replace the fan motor Wrong connection Make the correction connection based on the circuit drawing.
Wa ter lea kag e A b n o r m a l s o u n d a nd s h ak e Dr ai na ge pi pe bl oc ke d o r b ro ke n Ch a ng e d ra i na ge pi p e Wrap of refrige rant pipe joint is not c lose enough. Re- wra p and m ake i t tig ht. Fan o f ind oor u nit c ont act s othe r par ts.
IPM protection Overcurrent protection Overload protection Exhaust protection Overlod protection of compresoor r Outdoor condenser temp. sensor mal. Outdoor exhaust temp.
Trou ble shoo ting YELLOW -LED4 GREEN-LED2 RED-LED3 Name of r unning status Y ellow light Re d li ght Gree n li ght Indoor unit display 1 Compressor start Blink once 2 De frosti ng Blink twi ce H1 3 A.
2. Low voltage over current protection Possibl e re as on : Sudden drop of supply voltage. 3. Communication malfunction Processing method:Ch ec k if com m unica ti on signal cable is connected reliably.
9.4 How to Check simply the main part Troubleshooting N Y N Y N Y N Y N Y Switch on the unit and wait 1 minute Use DC voltmeter to measure the voltage on the two ends of electrolytic capacitor (test3).
53 Trou bles hoot ing Mainly detect: Whet her t he c onn ect io n bet wee n co ntr ol p ane l AP1 a nd co mp res sor C OM P i s sec ur e? Whet her loo se? Whe th er th e co nne cti on is i n c orr ec .
Trou bles hoot ing Energize and switch on IPM protection occurs after the machine has run for a p eriod of time? Use AC voltmeter to measure the voltage between terminal L and N on the wiring board XT.
Trou bles hoot ing AP1 End Y N Y N Y N Overheat and high temperature protection Is outdoor ambient temperature higher than 53? 20 minutes after the complete unit is powered off. Is heat dissipation of the indoor unit and outdoor unit abnormal? Normal protection, please operate it after the outdoor ambient temperature is normalized.
Trou bles hoot ing Y N Y N N Y Y N Power on the unit Is stop time of the compressor longer than 3 minutes? Restart it up after 3 minutes Does startup fail? Are the wires for the compressor connected c.
Out of step occurs once the unit is powered on. Is stop time of the compressor longer than 3 minutes? Are the wires for the compressor connected correctly? Is connection sequence right? Is the connect.
20 minutes after the complete unit is powered off Is the terminal F A for t he electronic expansion valve connected correctly? Connect the wires correctly Resistances between the first f our pins close to the terminal hole and the fifth pin are almost the same, less than 100 ohm.
Trou ble shoo ting Y Y N N N N N N Y Y Y Start Check wiring of the reactor (L) of the outdoor unit and the PFC capacitor Whether there is any damage or short-circuit? Replace it as per the wiring diagram and reconnect the wires If the fault is eliminated? Remove the PFC capacitor and measure resistance between the two terminals.
Y N Y N N Y N N Y N Y N Y Y Start Did the equipment operate normally before the failure occurs? The AP1 voltage detection circuit is at fault Check wiring inside of the indoor and outdoor units Are wi.
Y Y Y Y Y N N N N Start Measure voltage at the T est 10 position as shown in the diagram with a voltmeter V alue jumping Measure voltage at the T est 15 position as shown in the diagram with a voltmet.
Troubleshooting (9) Flow chart for outdoor communitcation circuit detecting: 7 HVWWKHYROWDJHEHWZHHQ1SRLQWRIZLULQJERDUGDQGFRPPXQLFDWLRQFDEOHZLWKXQLYHU.
Troubleshooting Guide Temp . Resistan ce Temp. Temp. Resistance Temp. Resistance Resistance Appendix 1: form for indoor/outdoor unit's ambient sensor numerical value of resistance Trou ble shoo t.
T rou b leshooting Guide Temp. Resistance Temp. Temp. Temp. Resistance Resistance Resistance Appendix 2: form for indoor/outdoor unit's tube temperature sensor numerical value of resistance Trou .
T rou bleshooting Guide Temp. Resistance Temp. Temp. Temp. Resistance Resistance Resistance Appendix 3: form for indoor/outdoor unit's air exhaust temperature sensor numerical value of resistance.
9. 5 2 -w ay , 3 -w ay V a lv e Ap pe ar an ce 2-way Valve (Liquid Side) 3-way Valve (Gas Side) Shaft position Shaft position Service port d e s o l C d e s o l C d e s o l C d e s o l C (with valve c.
Liquid side Outdoor unit 3-way valve Gas side Indoor unit 2-way valve Clsed Clsed Lo Vacuum pump CLOSE OPEN * P roce dure (1)Connect the charge hose from the manif old v alve to th e ser - vice port of the gas side packed valve. (2)Connect the charge hose to the port of the vacuum pump.
Lo Closed Purge the air Outdoor unit Indoor unit Liquid side Gas side CLOSE Open 2-Way valve 3-Way valve CLOSE • Pro ced ure (1) Con firm tha t bo th t he 2 -way and 3-w ay v alve s ar e se t to the open position. – Remove the valve stem caps and confirm that the valve ste ms ar e i n th e r ai se d p osi ti on .
Lo Closed OPEN Closed Gas cylinder R410 A Outdoor unit Indoor unit Liquid side Gas side CLOSE 3-Way valve 3-Way valve • Pro ced ure (1) Co nfir m t hat bot h t he liqu id side va lve and th e ga s s ide v alve are set to the closed position. (2) Conn ect the cha rge set and a gas cylind er to the serv ice port of the Gas side valve.
Trou ble shoo ting Balance Refrigerant of the 3-way V alve (Gas leakage) • Pr ocedure (1) Confirm that both the 2-way and 3-way valves are set to the back seat. (2) Connect the charge set to the 3-way valve’s port. – Leave the valve on the charge set closed.
Trou ble shoo ting Ev acuation (All amount of refrigerant leaked) • Procedure (1) Connect the vacuum pump to the center hose of charge set center hose (2) Evacuation for approximately one hour. – Confirm that the gauge needle has moved toward -76 cmHg (vacuum of 4 mmHg or less).
Trou ble shoo ting Gas Charging (After Evacuation) • Procedure (1) Connect the charge hose to the charging cylinder. – Connect the charge hose which you dis-con- nected from the vacuum pump to the valve at the bottom of the cylinder.
3. Remov e el ecti rc b ox c over Uns crew th e s crew fi xing th e e lect ric bo x c over to rem ove it. 10 . Re mo va l Pr oc ed ur e 10 .1 R emo val P roc ed ure o f In doo r Un it W ar ning Be s ure to wait 10 min utes or mor e afte r tur ning off all power supplies before disassembl ing wor k.
4. R emo ve fr on t cas e Un scr ew t he 6 tap pi ng s cre ws f ix ng t he f ron t pa ne l an d t urn the fr ont case ba ckwa rd to r emo ve i t. Re mov al P ro ced ur e 5.
Re mov al P ro ced ur e 7. R em ov e mo tor and cr oss flo w fa n Un s cr e w t he s cr e ws f i xi n g t he m ot o r p re s s p la te of mot or and th en t he scr ew s co nn ec tin g t he m o- t o r a n d c r o s s f l o w f a n t o s e p a r a t e a n d r e m o v e th em .
Rem ov al P roc edu re top co ver Ca b le C ro s s P la te s u b- as s y c ab i ne t s c r e w s fr ont pa nel s c r e w s s c r e w s 1. Re mo ve to p c ov er an d t he Ca bl e C ro ss Pl at e s ub -.
Re mov al P ro ced ur e 4. Remov e el ectr ic b ox c over Un scr ew th e 2 scr ews f ix ing t he el ect iri c box . Pu ll the el ect ri c bo x up wa rds and unp lu g th e pl ug- in lin e to r emov e t he e lect ric box . 5. Rem ove axia l f low fan Unsc rew t he n ut an d rem ove the w asher fixi ng th e axi al flow fan an d t hen pull it ou t.
Re mov al P ro ced ur e 7. Rem ove e lec tro nic ex pan nsi on va lve Un so ld er th e w el d sp ot s o f el et ro ni c e xp an si on val ve co nne cti ng wi th ot her pi pel ine s to re mov e it.
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 1 1 25 26 27 28 30 31 32 33 34 29 35 36 37 38 40 39 41 1 2 3 5 4 6 8 9 10 12 7 MW09C1H / MW12C1H Exploded Diagram SPLIT TYPE ROOM AIR CONDITIONER - W ALL MOUNTED SY.
NO. FPN Part Description 1 69700100 Filter Sub-Assy 2 69700101 Front Case Sub-Assy 3 69700102 Front Case 4 69700103 Evaporator Assy 5 69700104 Evaporator Support 6 69700105 Guide Louver 7 69700106 Axi.
NO. FPN Part Description 1 69700100 Filter Sub-Assy 2 69700141 Fr ont Case Sub-Assy 3 69700142 Fr ont Case 4 69700103 Evaporator Assy 5 69700104 Evaporator Support 6 69700105 G uide Louv er 7 69700106.
27 26 24 22 23 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 1 1 10 6 5 7 9 25 8 19 20 21 4 3 2 1 31 29 28 30 MR09C1H Exploded Diagram SPLIT TYPE ROOM AIR CONDITIONER - W ALL MOUNTED SYSTEM COMPONENTS 83.
NO. FPN Part Descr iption 1 69700000 Mesh Enclosure 2 69700001 Cabinet 3 69700002 Axial-flow Fan 4 69700003 Motor FW 30G -ZL 5 69700004 Reactor Support Assy 6 69700005 Choke Plug 7 69700006 Compres so.
17 18 27 19 20 21 26 23 22 16 12 14 1 1 9 8 10 13 15 25 24 2 1 3 5 4 6 7 MR12C1H Exploded V iew SPLIT TYPE ROOM AIR CONDITIONER - W ALL MOUNTED SYSTEM COMPONENTS 85.
NO. FPN Part Descr iption 1 69700000 Mesh Enclosure 2 69700031 Front Panel 3 69700002 Axial-flow Fan 4 69700003 Motor FW 30G-ZL 5 69700017 Tube Sensor (20K black ) 6 69700016 Tem perature Sensor for D.
FRIEDRICH AIR CONDITIONING CO. 10001 Reunion Place, Ste. 500, San Antonio, TX 78216 (210) 546-0500 877-599-5665 x 261 F AX (210) 546-0630 Email: tac@friedrich.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Friedrich MW12C1H (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Friedrich MW12C1H noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Friedrich MW12C1H - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Friedrich MW12C1H reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Friedrich MW12C1H erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Friedrich MW12C1H besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Friedrich MW12C1H verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Friedrich MW12C1H. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Friedrich MW12C1H gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.