Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung INE-NAV-40 des Produzenten Alpine
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User Manu al Alpine N avigation Navigation software for the Alpine INE - W940/INE - W940S /INE - NAV - 40 US English Januar y 201 3 , ver. 1.0.
Thank you for choos ing the A lpine unit as your navigator . St art using your dev ice ri ght a wa y. T h is docum ent is the d etail ed desc ription of the navigat ion sof tware.
Table of con ten ts 1 Warnings and Saf ety information ......................................................................................... 6 2 Gettin g start ed ....................................................................................
3.1.3 Using the free f orm search ..................................................................................................................... 46 3.1.4 Selecting a map location as the destination ..............................................
6 Glossary .................................................................................................................................. 78 7 Copyright note .........................................................................................
1 Warn ing s and S afe t y info rm ation The navigat ion s ystem helps you find your way to your desti nation with a con nec ted GPS r eceiver. T he software d oes not trans mit your G PS po s it io n ; ot hers c annot trac k you. It is im portant tha t you look at the d ispla y onl y when it is saf e to do so.
2 Gett ing st arte d W hen using the naviga tion s oftware f or the firs t time, an init ial s etup pr ocess starts autom atically. Do as follo ws: 1. Select th e written langu age of the applic ation inter face. Later you can ch ange it i n Regi onal settings ( page 76 ).
6. If neede d, m odify the def ault rout e plan ning opt ions. Later you can c hange them in Rou te sett ings ( page 70 ). 7. The init ial setu p is no w com plete. T he Configur at ion wi zard c an be res tarted later f rom the Settings menu ( page 67 ).
List W hen you need to select f rom several o ptions, th ey ap pear in a list. Grab the list an ywhere a nd slide your finger up or do wn. Depending on the s peed of the slid ing, t he l ist will sc rol l fas t or slow , on ly a b it o r ti l l the end.
Correcting your entr y on th e ke yboard T ap to remove the unneed ed charac ter(s ). Tap and hold the b utton to del ete several c haracters o r the entire input string. Entering a space , for ex ample between a firs t name and a fam ily name or i n m ulti - word street nam es Tap the button at the botto m center of the s creen.
Tapping and holding the screen T ap and k eep press ing the follo wing butt ons to r each e xtra f unctions: • Tap and h old an y of the , , , , , and buttons on the Ma p scr een: you can rot ate, tilt or sca le the m ap continuous ly. • Tap and h old on ke yboard s c reens : you can de lete s evera l character s quick ly.
There ar e scr een buttons and da ta fiel ds on the scr een to hel p you navigat e. D uring navig ation, th e screen s hows rout e inf ormation . Two data f ields ar e disp layed o n the l eft.
2.2.2 Position markers Vehima rker and Lock -on-Road W hen your GPS p osit ion i s avail able, the s oft ware mar ks your current positio n with t he Vehim arker . By default, t his m ark er is a blue ar row, but you can c hang e this ic on in Settings . Turn p revie w and Nex t street W hen navigatin g a route, t he to p sectio n of the Map s cr een sho ws inform ation a bout the n ext r oute e vent ( maneuver ) and the next s treet or the nex t cit y/town. There is a field i n the to p left c orner that displa ys the next m aneuver .
Approachi ng a waypoint. Approachi ng the d estinat ion. Thes e fields also act as b uttons : • Tap the T urn prev iew f ield and the vo ic e guidanc e wi ll repeat the lat es t ins truc tio n with update d distance inform ati on. • Tap the Nex t stre et field to open the Iti nerar y .
This f eature can be turn ed of f in Visual G uidanc e sett ings. Freew ay exit se rvices You ma y need a gas s tation or a r estaura nt during your jour ne y. This featur e displa ys a new butto n on the m ap when you are dri ving o n freew ay s.
Zoom ing in and out , Changes h ow m uch of the m ap is disp la yed on the screen. Your soft ware uses h igh - qualit y vector m aps that let you exam ine the m ap at various zoom levels, al ways with optim iz ed conte nt.
2.2.5 Checking the details of the curren t posi tion (Where A m I?) This s creen conta ins infor m ation about the cur rent posit ion (or about t he las t known posi tion if GPS reception is not avai lable) and a button t o search f or us eful P laces n earb y.
• : Police st ations • : Gas stati ons Tap an y of the b uttons, s elect a P lace fr om the list, an d navigat e to it. 2.3 Navigation menu You can reac h al l parts of the sof tware from the Nav igation m enu. W hen you open th e menu, the destinati on search bu ttons appear on the screen.
3 On- road nav igation W hen first s tarted, Alpi ne unit c alculates r outes usin g the road networ k of the high qu alit y vector m aps provided w ith the produc t.
4. Enter the s treet n am e: a. Start enter ing the s treet n am e on the k e yboard. b. Find the st reet you need: • The m ost likel y str eet name is a lwa ys sho wn in the input fie ld.
• If the desired n am e does not sho w up, the nam es that match the s tring appe ar in a list after en tering a c oup le of c haracters (to open the lis t of res ults before it appe ars autom atically, ta p ). Sel ect t he cit y/town from the list.
• The m ost likely cit y/town nam e is alwa ys shown in th e input f ield. T o accept it, tap . • If the desired n am e does not sho w up, the nam es that match the s tring appe ar in a list after en tering a c oup le of c haracters (to open the list of results before it appe ars autom atically, ta p ).
3. Enter the s treet n am e: a. Tap . b. Start enter ing the s treet n am e on the k e yboard. c. Find the stre et you need: • The m ost lik el y stre et nam e is alwa ys s h o wn in th e in put f ie ld. Entering th e midpoint of a street as the dest ination You can n avigate t o the m idpo int of a s treet if th e hou se num ber is not avai lable: 1. In the Na vigation m enu , tap t he fol lowing buttons: , . 2. Select th e countr y, state and c ity/town as des cribed ea rlier ( pa ge 22 ).
5. A full scr een m ap appear s with the s electe d poin t in th e middle. If necess ar y, tap the m ap somewher e else to m odif y the des tinati on. The C ursor ( ) appears at the new loc ation. T ap to confirm the des tinat ion, or tap to se lect a differ ent destinati on.
4. Instead of enter ing the ho us e num ber, tap . The m idpoint of the street is selected as the des tinati on. 5. A full scr een m ap appear s with the s electe d poin t in th e middle. If necess ar y, tap the m ap somewher e else to m odif y the des tinati on.
to confirm the des tinat ion, or tap to se lect a differ ent destinati on. 6. After a s hort sum m ary of the route param eters , the m ap appears showin g the en tire r oute. T he route is aut om aticall y calculated. T ap to m odify route p aram eters , or tap and star t your jour ne y.
4. Enter the s treet n am e: a. Tap . b. Start enter ing the s treet n am e on the k e yboard. c. Find the stre et you need: • The m ost lik el y stre et nam e is alwa ys sh o wn in th e in put f ie ld.
7. After a s hort sum m ary of the route param eters , the m ap appears showin g the en tire r oute. T he route is aut om aticall y calculated. T ap to m odify route p aram eters , or tap and star t your jour ne y.
3.1.2 Selecting the destin ation from the Places o f In terest You can s elect your desti nat ion from the Pl ac es of Int erest inc luded with your sof tware.
4. (optiona l) The Pl aces i n the list are order ed b y the leng t h of the nec essar y detour ( when navigat ing a route) or b y their distanc e f rom the c urrent posi tion ( when no desti nation is give n). If you need to reorder th e list, ta p .
2. The pres et searc h categor ies app ear: • : • If an acti ve route exists, gas stations are sear ched a long th e route. • If there is no ac tive rout e (destin ation is n ot selected) , they are searched ar ound the current pos ition .
4. (optiona l) The Pl aces i n the list are or dered by the ir distanc e from the c urrent or l ast k nown position , from the desti nation or by the l ength of the n eces sar y deto ur. If you need to reord er the list, t ap . 5. Bro ws e t he lis t if nec essar y and tap one of the list item s.
• Tap to sear ch for a place with in a sel ected ci ty/town . (T he res ult list will be ordered b y the distanc e f rom the center of the se lected c ity/to wn.) • Tap to sear ch for a place around t he des tinat ion of the acti ve route . (The r esult list w ill be ordered b y the d istance from the desti nation .
7. Sometim es the list of bran ds in the sel ected Plac e subc ategor y appears . Select o ne brand or tap to lis t all Places in the s ele cted subcat egor y around the selec ted location or along the r oute. 8. Finall y, the resu lts appe ar in a list.
13. Aft er a short s umm ar y of the route par am eters, the m ap ap pears s howin g the enti re route. The route is aut om aticall y calculated. T ap to m odify route p aram eters , or tap and star t your jour ne y. Searching for a Place o f Intere st by nam e You can s earch f or Places of Interes t by their nam es.
4. (optiona l) If you have se lected , select t he cit y/town to searc h in. 5. Select on e of the m ain Plac e categ ories (e. g. Ac commodat ion) to s earch in or tap to search am ong a ll Pla ce s . 6. Select on e of the Plac e su bcategor ies (e.g.
8. Using the k e yboard, star t enter ing the n am e of the Pl ac e . 9. After enter ing a f ew letter s, tap to open the list of Pla ces with nam es containi ng the e ntered c harac ter seque nce.
3.1.3 U sing the free f orm sea rch A quick wa y to sear ch f or an a ddres s, a P lace, an Addres s Book entr y or a Histor y item is to us e the fr ee form searc h. Do as f ollows: 1. In the Na vigation m enu , tap . 2. Open the menu and t ap . 3. In the lef t field e nter the nam e you are looking f or.
to confirm the des tinat ion, or tap to se lect a differ ent destinati on. 8. After a s hort sum m ary of the route param eters , the m ap appears showin g the en tire r oute. T he route is aut om aticall y calculated. T ap to m odify route p aram eters , or tap and star t your jour ne y.
3.1.5 Selecting the destin ation from your Address Book You can sel ect a loc ation t hat you ha ve alrea dy saved as an Addres s Book entry to be y our des tination . Adding a location to the Addres s Book is descr ibed on page 57 . 1. Access the Addres s Book : in the N avigat ion menu, tap and then ta p .
3.1.6 Selecting a recent destin ation f rom the History The dest inations that you have set ear lier ap pear in t he His tor y . 1. Access th e Histor y : • If you are in t h e Navigation m enu , tap and t hen tap . 2. The list of recent desti nations appears .
3.1.7 Entering the coordinate of the destination You can a lso se lect a des tination by ent ering its c oordi nate. Do as f ollows: 1. In the Na vigation m enu , tap .
3.1.8 Navigate to a location stored in a pictur e You can a lso set t he locat ion stor ed in a picture as your destin ation. Do as f ollows: 1. In the Na vigation m enu , tap . 2. Open the menu and t ap . 3. The list of picutr es stor ed o n the USB memo ry a ppear s.
3.1.9 Building a route from the list of destinations (Create Route) You can a lso bui ld your route des tinatio n b y destinat ion fr om the Rout e m enu. 1. In the Na vigation m enu , tap . 2. Tap . 3. There is only one line in the list of r oute points , the s tart po int of the route, n orm ally the cur rent GPS position .
3.2 Viewing the entire route on the map It is eas y to get a m ap ov ervie w of the active r oute . Do as fo llows: 1. In the Na vigation m enu , tap . 2. Tap . The ac tive rout e is di spla yed in its f ull lengt h on the m ap together with ad di tion al inform ation and c ontrols .
• Tap to add th e newl y selec ted locat ion as an inter mediate d estinat ion to your ro ute. T he other des tinations of th e route r emain i ntact. Note: th e ne w waypoint is plac ed am ong desti nat ions to keep the route optim al. To dec ide where a waypoint to appear , us e the Edit Rou te feature.
4. The Des tination m enu ap pears and you can s elect the start po int of the route t he s ame wa y you select a destinat ion. 5. W hen the new star t point is set, t ap . 6. The m ap returns with a tr anspar ent Veh imark er (s howing that t here is no GPS r eception) .
• Tap to delete a desti nation. • Tap to m odif y the start po int of the route. • Tap to reor der the list. You can do it m anuall y or you can l et the applicat ion optim i z e the rou te for you. 3.3.4 Canceli ng th e acti ve route To canc el the na vigated ro ute, tap in t he Navigatio n m enu , and then tap .
4. Or if you cannot f ind a go od al ternati ve, tap and scr oll down f or routes with differ ent routing m ethods . 5. Select on e of the route a lternati ves then t ap to r eturn t o the Ma p scr een. The software r ecalcul ates th e route. T he ora nge l ine now s hows th e new rec omm ended route .
3.5 Saving a location as an alert point You can s ave an y map loc ation as a n alert point (f or e xample a s peed cam era or a rai lroad cross ing). 1. Bro wse t he m ap and s elect a l ocation. T he red Cursor appears there. 2. Tap . 3. Scroll do wn the l ist and t ap .
3. Scroll do wn the l ist and t ap . 4. On the ne wly op ened sc reen, m odif y the type of the al ert po int, the dir ection from which you expect the alert, or (if applica ble) t he speed limit f or this al ert poi nt. 5. Tap to sav e the c hanges t o the al ert poin t.
1. (optiona l) You h ave the f ollo wing contr ols durin g the s im ulation: • : Jum p to the nex t route e vent ( m aneuv er ). • : Pause th e sim ulation. • : Jum p to the p re vious ro ute e vent ( m aneuver ). • : Tap to i ncrease th e spe ed of the sim ulation to 4, 8 or 16 tim es fas ter.
4 Off- road navi gation W hen first s tarted, Alpi ne unit c alculates r outes usin g the road networ k of the high qu alit y vector m aps provided w ith the produc t. You can s witch th e appl icatio n to of f - road m ode from the N avigation menu. T ap , , and then .
5 Reference Gu ide On the follo wing pages you will f ind the desc ription of the dif ferent c oncepts and m enu sc reens of the software. 5.1 Concepts 5.
• Maneuver restrict ions a nd direct ional cons traints are t ak en into acc ount whe n planning a route. • Roads ar e used on ly if ac cess for c ars is allo wed. • Private r oads and r eside nt - onl y roads are used onl y if they are inevitable to re ac h the destinati on.
5.1.3 Green routing Route calc ulatio n is not onl y about f indin g the quic kes t or short est rou te. F or so me of the vehicl e t ypes, you can also c heck the fuel cons umpt ion and CO 2 em ission when planni ng a route, and you c an create cost e ffective routes with l ess effec t on the enviro nm ent.
5.1.4 Speed lim it warning Maps m ay contain i nform ation about the sp eed lim its of the road segm ents. The sof tware is able to warn you if you exc eed the c urrent limit. T his infor m ation m ay not be a vailab le for your reg ion (as k your local dealer), or ma y not be ful ly correc t for all roa ds in the m ap.
Button Descript ion Tap this but ton to g et inf orm ation about t he curr ent loc ation an d to find n earb y help. Tap this but ton to o pen th e GPS I nform ation screen with s atellite position and signal str ength inform ation.
5.3 Settings me n u You can c onfigur e the pro gram settings, and m odif y the beha vior of the soft ware. In the Na vigation m enu , tap . The Sett ings m enu has se veral o ptions. T ap or scroll with your finger t o see t he full list. Button Descript ion Adjust t he sound volum e, m ute your de vice or chang e the voic e guidanc e language.
The About section pro vide s you with product inform ation. Read the Software an d Database En d User Lic ense Ag reem ent , or check the map and other c ontents of the app lication. You ca n also acc ess pr ogram usage st atistics . 5.3.1 Sound and Warnings Adjust the so und volum e, mute your device or change the voic e guidance langu age.
Maps m ay contain inform ation about the sp eed l im its of the roa d segm ents. T he software is abl e to warn you if you excee d the cur rent lim it. T his inform ation m a y not be avai lable for your regio n (ask your local deal er), or m ay not be f ul ly correc t for all roads in the map.
5.3.2 Route settin gs Thes e settings d eterm ine ho w routes will be calcul ated. Button Descript ion You can s et the type of ve hicle you will use to na vigate the rout e . B ased upo n this setting, s om e of the road types can b e exclud ed from the route , or som e of the restric tions m ay not be t aken in to accou nt in ro ute ca lculation.
Vehicl e prof iles : W hen you first tap , you se e the list of def ault vehicle profiles. You hav e the f ollo wing option s: Button Descript ion You can e dit the param eters of the vehic le prof ile. Tap this but ton to r eveal t he be low opt ions.
• Maneuver restrict ions a nd direct ional cons tra ints are t ak en into acc ount whe n planni ng a route. • Roads ar e used on ly if ac cess for c ars is allowe d. • Private r oads and r eside nt - onl y roads are used onl y the y are ine vitable t o reach t he destinati on.
Gives a quick but f uel eff icient ro ute base d on t he f uel cons umption data g iven i n Route se tt ings ( page 70 ). Travel cos t and CO 2 emiss ion calculati ons ar e estim ations onl y. They cannot tak e elevations , curv es and traf fic conditions into account.
Replace th e def ault posi tion m arker to one of the 3D vehic le m odels. You ca n select separ ate icons for diff erent vehicl e types s elected f or route p lannin g. Separate icons can be us ed f or car and t he other vehi cles. Show or s uppress 3D la ndm arks , 3D art istic or block representati ons of prom inent or well - k nown objec ts.
W henever adequate inf orm a tion is available , lane inf ormation s imilar to t he real ones on ro ad si gns ab ov e t he r oad is dis p la yed at the top of t he m ap.
5.3.5 Regional settings Thes e settings all ow you to cus tom iz e the appl icatio n for your local la nguage , m easurem ent units, t ime and date settings and for mats , as well as to ch oose th e tim e zone. Button Descript ion This button disp lays th e current written language of the user int erfac e.
5.4 Trip monitor If you save your tr ip logs when you arriv e at som e of your dest inations or let t he a pplicati on aut om aticall y save the tri p logs f or you, those logs are all listed here. Tap one of the tri ps t o see the tr ip statist ics, speed and elevat ion pr of ile.
6 Glo ssar y 2D/3D G PS recept ion The GPS re ceiv er uses satell ite sign als to c alculat e its ( your) positio n and need s at least f our sign als to give a thre e - dim ensional p osition, incl uding elev ation .
Route A sequenc e of r oute eve nts, i. e. m aneuver s ( for exam ple, turns and tr aff ic c ircle s) to reac h the destinati on. T he rout e cont ains one start po int an d on e or m or e d estinati ons . T he s tar t p oi nt is th e cur re nt (or last k now n) positio n b y default.
7 Cop yrigh t note The produc t and t he inf ormatio n contai ned here in are subj ect to cha nge wit hout p rior notif ic ati on. This m anual m ay not, in whol e or in part, be re produc ed or tra n.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Alpine INE-NAV-40 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Alpine INE-NAV-40 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Alpine INE-NAV-40 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Alpine INE-NAV-40 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Alpine INE-NAV-40 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Alpine INE-NAV-40 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Alpine INE-NAV-40 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Alpine INE-NAV-40. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Alpine INE-NAV-40 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.