Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung Windows Embedded CE 6.0/Windows CE 5.0 i.MX31 PDK 1.4 des Produzenten Freescale Semiconductor
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i. MX 31 PD K 1 .4 Windo w s E mbed d ed CE 6. 0/ Windo ws CE 5. 0 Quic k Star t Guide 3St a c kQS _Wi nC E . book Page 1 Sund ay, Se pt emb er 28 , 2008 1: 58 PM.
Inf orm atio n in this do cume nt is pro vid ed so lely to e na ble syst em and s oftw are imp leme nters to use Free scal e Se mic on- duc tor pr od ucts.
1 i.MX31 PDK 1.4 Qui ck Start Guid e, Rev. 1.4 1 Abo ut the Boa rds 3 About the 3-S tack Pla tfo rm System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 CP U Bo a rd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2 i. MX31 PDK Kit Co nfigurati on Guide 3St a c kQS _Wi nC E . book Page 2 Sund ay, Se pt emb er 28 , 2008 1: 58 PM.
3 i.MX31 PDK 1.4 Quick Star t Guide 1 About the Boards Th is ch ap ter p rovi d es d et aile d inf or ma tio n a b out the th r ee b oar ds (C P U, De b ug, Perso nalit y) and t he lo cations of th e conn ect or s and swit ch es for each .
About the Boards About the 3- Stack Pla tform Syst em 4 i.MX31 PDK 1.4 Quick Sta rt Guide common mul t im ed ia applic at ion s, and ha s a 2.8-inc h VGA disp l a y, image sens or camera, Wi-F i CERTI FIE D™ IEEE 80 2.1 1™ b/ g stand a rds, FM rece iver, SD Card connector, USB OTG, USB Host, 2.
About the Boards About t he 3-St ack Plat form System 5 i.MX31 PDK 1.4 Quick Start Guide De bu g Por t •R e a l V i e w ® -ICE debu g su pp or t Vi de o and A udio Stere o • Ste reo mic ro ph one.
About the Boards About the 3- Stack Pla tform Syst em 6 i.MX31 PDK 1.4 Quick Sta rt Guide Ca bl es • 5. 0V/ 2.4 A u ni ver sal po we r s up pl y kit • RS- 2 32 s tan da rd s eri al ca ble • Hig .
About the Boards CPU Board 7 i.MX31 PDK 1.4 Quick Start Guide CPU Boa rd Figure 1.1 CPU Board You us e t he J1 board -to-b oar d conne ct or ( 500 pin s) to conn ect the CPU bo ard to e it he r of the oth er tw o boa rds: • Conne ct the CPU bo ar d to a Perso nality bo ard , for r unning dem os ( no Debug boar d is ne eded) .
About the Boards Debug Board 8 i.MX31 PDK 1.4 Quick Sta rt Guide Debug Board Figure 1. 2 Debug Board To P er sona lit y B oar d Connector CN74 Curr e nt M eas ur e J3 MX31 JTAG CN1 SW5– SW10 See Tabl e 1 .
About the Boards Debug Board 9 i.MX31 PDK 1.4 Quick Start Guide T ab le 1.2 Debug Boar d Ph ysical Features Type Physical Feature Swit ches • S1: Power b utt on • S2: D ebu g bo ard re se t b ut t.
About the Boards Debug Board 10 i.MX31 PDK 1.4 Quick Sta rt Guide T a ble 1.3 Deb ug Board SW4 Swi tch Switch Setti ng Effect SW4 -1 UART Port Se le ct ON Selects serial po rt UART (DCE) CON4 SW4- 8 Po wer Ena ble ON Powe r is supp lied to al l thr e e bo ard s.
About the Boards Person alit y Board 11 i.MX31 PDK 1.4 Quick Start Guide Personality Board Figure 1.3 P ersonal ity Boar d Bluetooth Antenna E2 Aud io/Vide o J19 USB O TG J10 USB Host J18 GPS CN13 Gia.
About the Boards Personal ity Board 12 i.MX31 PDK 1.4 Quick Sta rt Guide T ab le 1.5 Pe rs onalit y Board Ph ysical Featur es Type Physical Feature Co nn ecto r s • CN 12: 44 -po si ti on du al r ow , 2 mm he ader for HD D • CN 1 3: G PS mo du le co nne cto r • CN 14: 2.
13 i.MX31 PDK 1.4 Quic k Start Guide 2 Getting Started Un pa ck t he K it The 3-St ack Pla tf orm Sys te m is sh i p ped w i th t he i t ems li st ed i n Tabl e 2.
Getting Started Unpack t he Kit 14 i. MX31 PDK 1.4 Qui ck Start Gui de Figure 2.1 PDK Kit Conten ts RS-232 CD-ROM A to M ini B USB Cable CPU Board Deb ug Board Universal Powe r Supply Pers on ali t y Board Etherne t Stra ight Cable Mini-AB Jack t o RCA Audio/Vide o Cable A to Mini-B USB Cab le USB OTG 3St a c kQS _Wi nC E .
Getting Started CD-ROM Contents 15 i.MX31 PDK 1.4 Quic k Start Guide CD-ROM Conte nts Table 2. 3 .ide ntif ie s the it em s o n t he CD - RO M se t. T able 2.
Getting Started Provid e a Dev el opm ent PC 16 i. MX31 PDK 1.4 Qui ck Start Gui de Provide a De velopme nt PC To devel op applica tions usi ng t he 3- Stack de vel op me nt kit, ge t a PC with th e requi rement s list ed in Tab le 2.
17 i.MX31 PDK 1.4 Qui ck Start Guide 3 Build th e Platform This cha pter expl ai ns ho w to con nec t the th ree types of 3-Stack boa rds (Deb ug, Perso nality, CPU) to get h e r , to m ake eithe r a .
Build the Plat form Build a Developm ent Pl atfor m: Assemble Thr ee Boards 18 i.MX31 PDK 1.4 Qui ck Start Guide Connect Perso nalit y Board to Debug Board The Pe rsona lity b oard connec ts t o the Debug b oar d usi ng a 5 00-pin c onnector .
Build the Pl atform Build a Developm ent Platf orm: Assem ble Thre e Boards 19 i.MX31 PDK 1.4 Quick St art Guide Connect CPU Bo ard to Debug Board After conn ecti ng th e Perso nal ity bo ar d to the D ebug bo ar d, now connect th e CPU boa rd to the unde rside of t he Debug boa rd.
Build the Plat form Build a Developm ent Pl atfor m: Assemble Thr ee Boards 20 i.MX31 PDK 1.4 Qui ck Start Guide Conn ect D evelopmen t Platfo rm to PC; Run Prel oaded I mag e Figure 3.4 Connecti ng the Platf orm to y our PC To con nect th e 3-S tack pl at for m to your host PC: 1.
Build the Pl atform Build a Demo Platf orm: Assembl e Two Boards 21 i.MX31 PDK 1.4 Quick St art Guide 3. Connect the regu la t ed 5V pow er supp ly to the app ropriat e power adapt e r . Pl ug the power ada pter into an el ect r ical ou t let and t he 5V li ne conne ct or int o the J2 (5V POWER JACK ) con nector on th e Debu g board.
Build the Plat form Build a Demo Platf orm: Assembl e Two Boards 22 i.MX31 PDK 1.4 Qui ck Start Guide Connect CPU Bo ard to P ersonality Boar d Connect t he CPU boar d t o the Pe rsonali ty bo ar d. The conn ector is ke yed to avo id mis con nections , so t ha t ther e is onl y on e way to con nect the CPU bo ard to th e Pe rs ona l ity board.
Build the Pl atform Build a Demo Platf orm: Assembl e Two Boards 23 i.MX31 PDK 1.4 Quick St art Guide Connect Powe r S upply ; Run Prelo aded Demo Figure 3. 6 Conne ct Per son ality Boa rd to P o wer Supply 1. Connect the re gulat ed 5V power sup ply t o the appr opr i ate power adapt er.
Build the Plat form Build a Demo Platf orm: Assembl e Two Boards 24 i.MX31 PDK 1.4 Qui ck Start Guide 3St a c kQS _Wi nC E . book Page 24 Sun day , Sep tember 28, 20 08 1:58 P M.
25 i.MX31 PDK 1.4 Qui ck Start Guide 4 Using the Demo I mage This cha pt er expl ai ns how to us e th e tou ch panel and stylus to lo ad the mul ti med ia cont ent to t he 3- Stack board, using t he pr ovided demo imag e. Mul timedia Cod ecs Conten t The Win dow s CE 5.
Using the Demo I m age Touch Pad Calibra tion Tool 26 i.MX31 PDK 1.4 Qui ck Start Guide ima ge you w il l see i s th e to uch pa d cal i bra tion t ool, which dis pla ys a cr os s in the center , as s hown i n the parti al s creen i mage in Fi gur e 4.
Using the Demo Imag e Touch Pad Cal ib ration Tool 27 i.MX31 PDK 1.4 Quick St art Guide To cal ib r at e th e T ou c h P an e l, fo ll ow th e se ste ps : 1. Using th e st yl u s pen , cli ck on the cros s. The cros s will move to th e fo ur corn ers of t he scre en.
Using the Demo I m age Downloadi ng Multi media to th e 3-Stack Boar d 28 i.MX31 PDK 1.4 Qui ck Start Guide Download ing Multim edia to the 3-Sta ck Board There ar e three w ays to lo ad m ul ti medi a co nt ent to the 3- Sta ck bo ar d usi ng t he W ind ows CE 5.
Using the Demo Imag e Down loadi ng Mult i med ia to the 3-Stac k Board 29 i.MX31 PDK 1.4 Quick St art Guide 3. Use the A to min i AB USB cabl e pr ovi de d in you r i .
Using the Demo I m age Downloadi ng Multi media to th e 3-Stack Boar d 30 i.MX31 PDK 1.4 Qui ck Start Guide 4. Select Ye s , a n d th en cl ic k Next .
Using the Demo Imag e Down loadi ng Mult i med ia to the 3-Stac k Board 31 i.MX31 PDK 1.4 Quick St art Guide 5. To browse t he Mobi le Devi ce ( 3-Stack) fold er s, click on the E xpl or e icon of t he Active S ync wi ndow A new Windows Explorer wi ndow for yo ur M obile Devi ce op ens on the Ho st PC (Figur e 4- 6).
Using the Demo I m age Downloadi ng Multi media to th e 3-Stack Boar d 32 i.MX31 PDK 1.4 Qui ck Start Guide 9. To acces s the file s, d oubl e- cl i c k on th e "My Dev i ce" ico n in t he Wind ows CE 5.0 or Windo w s Em bed ded CE 6.0 deskt op (o n the 3-St ac k boa rd) .
Using the Demo Imag e Down loadi ng Mult i med ia to the 3-Stac k Board 33 i.MX31 PDK 1.4 Quick St art Guide Using an SD Card If you ha ve an SD Card with pictu res or othe r mul tim edia co nt ent, y ou ca n use the 3-St ac k Board t o v ie w its c ont ent.
Using the Demo I m age Running th e Demo Appli cati ons 34 i.MX31 PDK 1.4 Qui ck Start Guide Using a USB M emory St ick You must hav e a U SB mi ni AB-to -A fe mal e con nector, for conne cting the USB memo ry stic k to the 3-St ack boar d. To use the USB memo ry st i ck wit h the 3- St a ck bo ard, foll ow th es e st eps: 1.
Using the Demo Imag e Runnin g the Demo Applic ations 35 i.MX31 PDK 1.4 Quick St art Guide Running the TV-Ou t Appl icat i on The TV Out appl icati on has two ou tput forma ts: PAL and N T SC. You wil l ne ed a sp ecial cab le . To use the TV- Out a pplicat ion, f ollow thes e steps : 1.
Using the Demo I m age Running th e Demo Appli cati ons 36 i.MX31 PDK 1.4 Qui ck Start Guide 3. Before r unnin g the a pplicat io n, yo u must d isabl e th e pow er- sa vin g fe atures of the Windo w s CE 5.0 or Windo ws Embed ded CE 6.0 image, bec aus e th e TV Out si gna l will be drop ped if th e power-sa vi n g st ate start s .
Using the Demo Imag e Runnin g the Demo Applic ations 37 i.MX31 PDK 1.4 Quick St art Guide 4. Sele c t t he B ack li ght ta b, c le ar th e two op tio ns o n the ta b, a n d th en clic k OK at the top right cor ner of th e window (Fi g u re 4.11). Figure 4.
Using the Demo I m age Running th e Demo Appli cati ons 38 i.MX31 PDK 1.4 Qui ck Start Guide 5. The power se tti ngs on the Control Pane l must be m odi fied. To ac ce ss t he Control Panel wi ndow, clic k the Wi ndow s log o at t he lo wer left co rne r an d go to Setti ngs Contro l Panel (Fig ure 4-12).
Using the Demo Imag e Runnin g the Demo Applic ations 39 i.MX31 PDK 1.4 Quick St art Guide 6. Double- clic k t h e Pow er ico n (Fi gu re 4.13 ). Figur e 4.
Using the Demo I m age Running th e Demo Appli cati ons 40 i.MX31 PDK 1.4 Qui ck Start Guide 7. Selec t the Sch e mes tab (Fi gur e 4.14) . Figur e 4 .14 Sel ecti ng the Sc hemes T ab 8. Change al l the dr op- do wn menu opt i ons to Neve r . 9. Click OK .
Using the Demo Imag e Runnin g the Demo Applic ations 41 i.MX31 PDK 1.4 Quick St art Guide 10. No w tha t th e Pow er saving opt i on s ar e disable d, you may us e the T V-O ut pro gra m withou t a probl em. To run the pr ogr am, cli ck on the Windows logo at the lo wer l eft corner of the displ ay, and the n clic k Ru n (Figur e 4.
Using the Demo I m age Running th e Demo Appli cati ons 42 i.MX31 PDK 1.4 Qui ck Start Guide 11. Type " tvo ut .exe 0" for TV s usi ng PAL forma t or "t vout. exe 1 " fo r TVs us in g N TSC form at, an d then cl ic k OK . Figure 4.
Using the Demo Imag e Runnin g the Demo Applic ations 43 i.MX31 PDK 1.4 Quick St art Guide Running the Rot ate Appl icat ion The Rotat e ap plica t ion enabl es you to s w it ch the dis pl ay fr om portrai t to lan dscape. To use the Rota te appl ic at io n , f ollow t hes e st eps : 1.
Using the Demo I m age Running th e Demo Appli cati ons 44 i.MX31 PDK 1.4 Qui ck Start Guide 2. Locate t he Ro ta te icon an d doub le-cli ck on i t (F igure 4 .18 ). A Win dows Ex plore r win dow opens. Figur e 4.18 Viewi ng the Icons in th e Rotat e Folder 3St a c kQS _Wi nC E .
Using the Demo Imag e Runnin g the Demo Applic ations 45 i.MX31 PDK 1.4 Quick St art Guide 3. Clicking on the Rotate pr ogr am tog gl es t he di sp la y. Dou ble -c lick Ro tate to s wit ch t o lands cap e (Fi gur e 4.19). Figur e 4.19 Using the Rotate Appl icati on 4.
i.MX31 PDK 1.4 Quick Start Guide PN 926-23574 Rev. D 10/2008 Ready to Be gin Your Devel opme nt? If you ar e ready to dev e lop new ap plicat i on s usi ng the i.MX 31 PDK, use the fol l owi ng docum ent s to locat e the in format io n req uired for your deve lop ment: • i.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Freescale Semiconductor Windows Embedded CE 6.0/Windows CE 5.0 i.MX31 PDK 1.4 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Freescale Semiconductor Windows Embedded CE 6.0/Windows CE 5.0 i.MX31 PDK 1.4 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Freescale Semiconductor Windows Embedded CE 6.0/Windows CE 5.0 i.MX31 PDK 1.4 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Freescale Semiconductor Windows Embedded CE 6.0/Windows CE 5.0 i.MX31 PDK 1.4 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Freescale Semiconductor Windows Embedded CE 6.0/Windows CE 5.0 i.MX31 PDK 1.4 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Freescale Semiconductor Windows Embedded CE 6.0/Windows CE 5.0 i.MX31 PDK 1.4 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Freescale Semiconductor Windows Embedded CE 6.0/Windows CE 5.0 i.MX31 PDK 1.4 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Freescale Semiconductor Windows Embedded CE 6.0/Windows CE 5.0 i.MX31 PDK 1.4. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Freescale Semiconductor Windows Embedded CE 6.0/Windows CE 5.0 i.MX31 PDK 1.4 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.