Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung 2680A des Produzenten Fluke
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® 2680A/2686A Data Acquisi tion System/Data Logging System Getting Started Guide June 2002 © 2002 Fluk e Corporation. A ll rights reserved. Pr inted in U SA All product nam es are trad emarks of their respec tive companies .
Limited Warranty and Limit ation of Liability Each Fluke pr oduct is warra nted to b e free from defec ts in mater ial and w orkmans hip under norm al use and serv ice. The warra nty period is one year and beg ins on the d ate of shipm ent. Parts, pr oduct repairs and s ervices are warranted for 9 0 days.
i Safety In fo rmat io n W Caution This is an IEC safety Class 1 product. Before using, the ground wire in the line cord or rear panel binding post must be connect to an earth ground fo r safety.
ii SAFETY TERMS IN THIS MANUAL This device has been designed and tested to meet the requirements o f EN61010-1 (Safety Requirement s for Electr ical Equipm ent for Measur ement, Cont r ol and Laboratory Use). It is an Installat ion Category II device intended for operation from a normal single phase supply.
iii XW WARNING Use the proper fuse. To avoid fire hazard, for fuse replacement use only a 1/2 ampere, 250 V time delay line fuse. DC POWER SOURCE The device may also be ope rated from a 9 V to 45 V dc powe r source when either the rear panel ground binding post or the power cord grounding conductor is connected properly.
iv XW WARNING DO NOT OPERATE IN EXPLOSIVE ATMO SPHERES To avoid personal injury or death, do not remove the device cover without first removing the power source connected to the rear panel. Do not operate the device without the cover properly installed.
v Additi onal Safety Informati on The fo llowing table prov ides add itional s afety inform ation. General Specificat ions Specification Characteristi c Size 473 mm (18.6 in) x 423 m m (17 in) x 237 mm (9.3 in) Weight 2680A/2686A (empty) 8.5 Kg (18.9 lb) 2680A – FAI 0.
vii Table of Contents Contents Page Safety I nformation ........................................................................................... i Introducti on .......................................................................................
2680A/2686A Getting Start ed Guide viii Module Config uration Dia log .............................................................. 31 Analog Channel Conf iguration Dialog ................................................ 31 DIO Config uration Dialog .
1 Getting Started Introduct ion The 2680A Data Acq uisition Sy stem (DAS) and 2686A Data L ogg ing System (DLS) provide 20 to 120 cha nnels tha t operate i n conjunct ion with Fluk e DAQ software to form a data a cquisitio n system . The 2686A com es with a rem ovable PC Card (PCMCI A) for stand- alone storage operation.
2680A/268 6A Getting Start ed Guide 2 Contac t ing Fluke To contact Fluk e, call one of the following tel ephone num bers: USA: 1-888- 99-FLUKE (1-888-993-5853) Canada: 1- 800-36-FLUKE (1- 800-363-585.
Getting Starte d Configuring th e 268X A 3 Configuring the 268XA You must conf igure the 268 XA dev ice before us ing it. The following sections provide b asic config uration inform ation. Refer to th e Users M anual for additiona l configurat ion inf orm ation.
2680A/268 6A Getting Start ed Guide 4 REVIEW Communic ations displ ay for reviewi ng the Base Ch annel Num ber (BCN) SET Communic ations displ ay for setting t he BCN SET Base Channel N umber dis play.
Getting Starte d Configuring th e 268X A 5 Reviewing and Setting the Line Frequency Perform the proced ure below to review or se t the line fre quency . Line frequen cy selection allows the dev ice to optim ize internal c ircuitry for best accuracy . (See Figure 2 f or exam ples.
2680A/268 6A Getting Start ed Guide 6 REVIEW Communic ations displ ay for reviewi ng the line frequency SET Communic ations displ ay for setting t he line frequency SET Hz Line frequenc y display for .
Getting Starte d Configuring th e 268X A 7 Reviewing and Setting the Network Type Perform the proced ure in below to rev iew or set th e network type to isola ted.
2680A/268 6A Getting Start ed Guide 8 REVIEW Communic ations displ ay for reviewi ng the network type SET Communic ations displ ay for setting t he network type SET Network dis play for sett ing the n.
Getting Starte d Configuring th e 268X A 9 If you set Fluke DAQ Software for general network operation, you m ust set the network ty pe of each dev ice to gene ral. You will need to ent er an I P address, and possibly a so cket po rt, subne t mask and gateway address into eac h device.
2680A/268 6A Getting Start ed Guide 10 REVIEW Comm unica tio ns di splay f or rev i e wing t he ne twor k t ype SET Communic ations displ ay for setting t he network type SET Network dis play for sett.
Getting Starte d Configuring th e 268X A 11 SET IP address dis play for setti ng an IP:0 digit (for ex ample, 1 29 :196:152 :101) SET IP address dis play for setti ng an IP:1 digit (for ex ample, 129 .
2680A/268 6A Getting Start ed Guide 12 Reviewing and Setting the General Network Socket Port Perform the proced ure below to rev iew or se t the genera l netw ork Sock et Port (1024 to 655 35). The defaul t is 04369. I n order to comm unicate with e ach other, a host com puter and an device m ust use t he sam e socket por t number.
Getting Starte d Configuring th e 268X A 13 Reviewing and Setting the General Network IP Address Perform the proced ure below to review or set the dev ice’s general ne twork I nternet Protocol (IP) addre ss. • General Network IP Address En ter the I P Address supplied by your network adm inistrato r for ea ch BCN.
2680A/268 6A Getting Start ed Guide 14 Reviewing and Setting the Subnet Mask and Default Gateway If comm unication between t he hos t compute r and the 2680 S eries pass es thro ugh a router or g ateway, y ou must set the subne t mask and default g ateway addres s on both the h ost com puter and th e dev ice.
Getting Starte d Configuring th e 268X A 15 The network number of the dev ice must m atch that of the gat eway. For example, i f the gatew ay I P address is 12, and the subne t mask is, the network number is 129. 196.180.0, and the dev ice IP address m ust be in the range 129.
2680A/268 6A Getting Start ed Guide 16 Viewing the Device Ethernet Address Perform the proced ure in below to v iew the Dev ice Ethe rnet addre ss. (See F igure 5 for exam ples.) The netwo rk adm inistrator m ust know the dev ice Ethe rnet addre ss when the dev ice operat es on a g eneral netwo rk.
Getting Starte d Configuring th e 268X A 17 REVIEW Communic ations displ ay for viewin g the devic e Ethernet ad dress REVIEW Ethernet addr ess display for view ing byte 0 (f or example 0 0-80 -40-12-.
2680A/268 6A Getting Start ed Guide 18 Host Co mputer an d Ne twork P repar ation This sec tion con tains info rmation for pre paring your host com puter and setting up network com munication, as sum mariz ed below. Installing Host Computer Ethernet Adapter Skip this se ction if y ou have an E thernet ad apter ins talled on y our com puter.
Getting Starte d Host Computer and Networ k Pr epar at ion 19 1 Install Ethernet Adapter 3 Install Networking Software 4 Install Fluke DAQ Software Ethernet Card OR Windows 98/NT or higher Fluke DAQ for Windows 2 Interconnect Host Computers and Instruments Instrument PC Card alg02f.
2680A/268 6A Getting Start ed Guide 20 Device and Host Computer Interconnection You may inter connect 268X dev ices and hos t com puter(s) with 10/10 0 BaseT (twiste d pair) w iring. I f your site is al ready wi red, you can use the w ire in pl ace. I f your site i s not wired, y ou are connec ting y our device direc tly to your host computer.
Getting Starte d Host Computer and Networ k Pr epar at ion 21 Direct connec tion betwee n a sing le host computer and a sing le dev ice with 10/100Base T is poss ible, bu t you m ust use a spe cial cabl e that h as its t ransmit and receiv e lines cro ssed.
2680A/268 6A Getting Start ed Guide 22 Installing Host Computer Networking Software To establish Ethernet c omm unication in y our host com puter, you m ust do the following : • I nstall a driv er f.
Getting Starte d Host Computer and Networ k Pr epar at ion 23 Setting Host Computer Networking Parame ters This sec tion discus ses how to set y our host com puter networking param eters af ter you install your adapte r and netw orking software.
2680A/268 6A Getting Start ed Guide 24 I ntroducing Fl uke DAQ Software Fluke DAQ soft ware provides a grap hical user interf ace (GUI) to the 264XA and 268XA family of data acquisition products.
Getting Starte d Ins tall ing Fluk e DA Q S o ft ware 25 Note You will need to reboot your computer after you install the F l uke DAQ softw are. During insta llation, the following directori es and files ar e insta lled on y ou PC.
2680A/268 6A Getting Start ed Guide 26 Unders tanding t he User Inter face Fluke DAQ software has a st andardized and e asy to use interf ace. This section explains th e com ponents of the inte rface. Using the Toolbar A toolbar appears on all of the Fluke DAQ dialogs.
Getting Starte d Understan ding the Us er Interfac e 27 Table 3-1. Fluke DAQ Toolbar Buttons (co nt) Button Function Trend button. Used to ac cess the Trend dialog to view t he scanne d data coll ected fro m 268 XA devi ces. Alarm button. You can use t he Alarm View d ialog to v iew On Line a nd History alarms.
2680A/268 6A Getting Start ed Guide 28 Understanding the Workspace Area The Work space Area consis ts of a n etwork TreeView and a se t of button s. Use the Workspac e Area to : • Open, Save, and Rem ove config uration files. You can also us e the Save As button to re nam e an existing configura tion file.
Getting Starte d Understan ding the Us er Interfac e 29 Checking Operational Status The icons in the Tr eeView chang e to indicate t he device status. Be low are a ll the possible ic ons and thei r meaning : Device Status Icon • Yellow or b lue device icons indic ates the dev ice is no t connected.
2680A/268 6A Getting Start ed Guide 30 Configuration Dialogs The Config uration dialog that appea rs depend s on the node (device, m odule, or channel) y ou select in the Tree View pa nel. You can also use copy and pa ste functiona lity to s ave config uration tim e.
Getting Starte d Understan ding the Us er Interfac e 31 Note The Save command save s the ac tual 2686A con figura tion to the PC Card. The Load command load s the co nfiguration f rom the PC Card to the 268 6A.
2680A/268 6A Getting Start ed Guide 32 Communication Dialogs The Comm unication d ialogs disp lay the comm unication sta tus of connected network com ponents and all ow you to interact w ith thos e com ponents. Fluke DAQ uses the fol lowing Comm unication dia logs.
Getting Starte d Understan ding the Us er Interfac e 33 Trend Dialog You can use the Trend dialog to view the s canned da ta collected from the 268XA devices. Th e charts c an be On Line or Histor ical. You can u se the Expo rt button to export data to a CSV file tha t you can m anipula te using Excel.
2680A/268 6A Getting Start ed Guide 34 Managing Your Ne twork Using Fluk e DAQ The foll owing procedures provide det ailed instr ucti ons for using Fluke DAQ to: • I nsert and config ure 268XA dev ices, module s, channels, and com puted channels. • Start a scan • View scan da ta.
Getting Starte d Managing Y our Networ k Using Flu ke DAQ 35 The dialog box entrie s inclu de: Configuratio n file Click the button or the button the to load an existing configurat ion fi le. Network Type Isolated i f the PC is co nnected directly to the 268XA dev ice or Gen eral if the 268XA is part of a network.
2680A/268 6A Getting Start ed Guide 36 4. Specify the B ase Cha nnel (1 to 99) an d Device Type and cl ick OK. A device is attached to the new co nfig uration. As par t of the in sert ion process, y ou can specify a base channe l num ber. This n umb er is used to d ifferent iate chann els in differ ent dev ices.
Getting Starte d Managing Y our Networ k Using Flu ke DAQ 37 6. Set the I P Address o n the Dev i ce Sett ings d ialog. O ther field s are optio nal. You may need to contac t your I nternet sup port staf f to dete rm ine the IP Address. alg106s.bmp The dialog box entrie s inclu de: IP Addres s Enter the I P Address of the dev ice y ou are adding .
2680A/268 6A Getting Start ed Guide 38 Monitor Chann el Select a chan nel m easurement t o display on the device f ront pane l. You can also choo se to increm ent though activ e channe ls or to autom atically scan through a ll activ e channe ls. Defau lt is N one.
Getting Starte d Managing Y our Networ k Using Flu ke DAQ 39 Inserting and Configuring a Module To insert and configure a modul e 1. High light a d evice in th e TreeView panel an d click the Ins ert button. alg107s.bmp 2. Specify the num ber and type of m odules you wan t to inser t in the Mo dule dialog box.
2680A/268 6A Getting Start ed Guide 40 3. Click OK . The m odules are added to the dev ice and app ear in the TreeView panel. alg109s.bmp 4. Select one of the analog modules y ou inser ted and the Analog Module se ttings dialog appea rs.
Getting Starte d Managing Y our Networ k Using Flu ke DAQ 41 The dialog box entrie s inclu de: Interval T rigger Uses the i nterv al tim er (interval 1 tim er) to set th e scan r ate fo r norm al operation i n a module. The in terval i s user settable.
2680A/268 6A Getting Start ed Guide 42 Note If you are con figuring a DIO mod ule, th e Totalizer Conf iguration dialog appears. alg111s.bmp The dialog box entrie s inclu de: Start Count Used to speci fy a start count.
Getting Starte d Managing Y our Networ k Using Flu ke DAQ 43 Inserting and Configuring a Channel After selec ting a module, y ou need to ad d channe ls to the m odule. To insert and configure a Channe l 1. Highlig ht a module in the TreeView pan el and c lick the Inser t button .
2680A/268 6A Getting Start ed Guide 44 4. Select a chan nel and the Module s ettings dia log appears. alg115s.bmp The dialog box entrie s inclu de: CH # XX-Y YY. The firs t two digits ident ify the cha ssis (01- 99). T he nex t dig it identifi es the m odule (1- 6), and the last two dig its id entify the channel (1-20).
Getting Starte d Managing Y our Networ k Using Flu ke DAQ 45 Alarm 1 or A larm 2 Each channel ha s two al arms. Y ou can set the alarm s to Off, Low, o r High. A n alarm condition occu rs when a measur ement fa lls be low a low alarm value (Low) or ris es above a high alarm value (Hi gh).
2680A/268 6A Getting Start ed Guide 46 2. Specify the num ber of channels y ou want to ins ert on the I nsert Chann el dialog box. alg117s.bmp 3. Click OK .
Getting Starte d Managing Y our Networ k Using Flu ke DAQ 47 4. Select a com puted channel and the Com puted Channel setting s dialog appe ars. alg119s.bmp The dialog box entrie s inclu de: CH # Computed chann els are as signed ch annel num bers fr om 901 to 960.
2680A/268 6A Getting Start ed Guide 48 Alarm 1 or A larm 2 Each channel ha s two al arms. Y ou can set the alarm s to Off, Low, o r High. A n alarm condition occu rs when a measur ement fa lls be low a low alarm value (Low) or ris es above a high alarm value (Hi gh).
Getting Starte d Managing Y our Networ k Using Flu ke DAQ 49 Using Equations with Computed Channels Each computed channel can have an ex press ion of 250 charac ters bu t the maxim um number of c haract ers avai lable in a ll 60 cha nnels is l imited to 6,000 character s.
2680A/268 6A Getting Start ed Guide 50 alg120s.bmp The follow i ng is a list of the val id notatio ns. Axxx Alarm on/off (Boo lean value o f 1 or 0) Cxxx Any channel m easurement C9xx Computed cha nnel TS Time since last m easurem ent (m illi second s) TOT To talize r Operator s +, -, *, /, **, unary +, unary - , abs, exp, int, ln, log , and sqr.
Getting Starte d Managing Y our Networ k Using Flu ke DAQ 51 Starting a Scan You can scan for data using a config uration s can, a device scan, or by using Spy . All scanning options are avail able in the Comm unication window. Note You must have channels configured for oper ation befo re starting a scan.
2680A/268 6A Getting Start ed Guide 52 Start ing a Device Scan To start a devic e scan 1. Click the on the Fluke DAQ toolbar and highlight a device in the TreeVi ew panel.
Getting Starte d Managing Y our Networ k Using Flu ke DAQ 53 Start ing a Scan Using Spy Spy trig gers and c ollects its own m easurem ents from up to eig ht channel s from any com bination of d evices. The data is not stored and the dev ices you a re checking do not need to be scanning .
2680A/268 6A Getting Start ed Guide 54 Viewing M odule Measurement Data You can view m easurement data from a m odule as it is reco rded. Select ing a module shows a ll 20 ch annels as f or the Com puter Channels. Mod ules th at hav e no channels con figured di splay ques tion mark s.
Getting Starte d Managing Y our Networ k Using Flu ke DAQ 55 Using the Digital I/O Poi nts Communication Dialog You can use t he Digi tal I /O Points Com m unication dialog to set any of the 8 relay s or 20 DIO pins ac tive when an alarm cond ition occurs in th e channe l.
2680A/268 6A Getting Start ed Guide 56 Using Trend to View Collected Data You can use the Trend dialog to view the s canned da ta collected from the 268XA devices. Th e charts c an be On Line or Histor ical. You can u se the Expo rt button to export data to a CSV file tha t you can m anipula te using Excel.
Getting Starte d Managing Y our Networ k Using Flu ke DAQ 57 The dialog box entrie s inclu de: Pen Click to selec t the dev ice, m odule, o r channel th at you wan t to v iew in the chart. Y ou can v iew up to 8 item s on the chart. Type Specify O n Line or Hi story scan view.
2680A/268 6A Getting Start ed Guide 58 alg127.bmp Device ID Any dev ice from 1 to 99. Module A specific m odule in a device o r you can select al l of the m odules. Start Da te/Sta rt Tim e Start Da te and St art Tim e are used to selec t the da ta. Data is sto red with the date the sca n began.
Getting Starte d Managing Y our Networ k Using Flu ke DAQ 59 Changing the Chart Display To change the s trip chart d isplay • The Trend Se tting dia log appears whe n you double- click on the chart screen.
2680A/268 6A Getting Start ed Guide 60 Viewing Alarms You can use the Al arm View dialog to view On Line an d History alarms. You can filter t he alarm s by device ID, m odule and chann el. When an alarm occurs, the color of the device icon in the con figuratio n window chang es to r ed.
Getting Starte d Managing Y our Networ k Using Flu ke DAQ 61 The dialog box e ntries fo r On Line include: Type Specify O n Line or Hi story alarm view. Ack Click the app ropriate b utton to ack nowledge the Last Ala rm or All Alarm s. Alarm Device Filters Choose to v iew alarm s from a select s et of dev i ces, m odules, and cha nnel.
2680A/268 6A Getting Start ed Guide 62 Alarm Device Filters Choose to v iew alarm s from a select s et of dev i ces, m odules, and cha nnel. Using Fluke DAQ System Security Featu res You can use t he syst em secur ity fea tures to p rotect dev ice con figuratio n inform ation.
Getting Starte d Managing Y our Networ k Using Flu ke DAQ 63 Configuring Web and Alarm Mail Settings You can use the Web and Al arm Mail Settings di alog to enter Fluke DAQ web configuration inform ation and to conf igure Fluke DAQ to send e- mail messag es reporting alarm condition.
2680A/268 6A Getting Start ed Guide 64 The dialog box entrie s inclu de: Data Server IP Address The IP address o f the com puter running the Fluke DAQ application.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Fluke 2680A (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Fluke 2680A noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Fluke 2680A - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Fluke 2680A reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Fluke 2680A erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Fluke 2680A besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Fluke 2680A verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Fluke 2680A. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Fluke 2680A gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.