Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung S156 des Produzenten 888 Digital
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_ J EN N-AI R Use and Care Manual Grill-Range with Self-Cleaning Ra diant Bake and Convection Oven MODELS $136, S156, $161.
About Your Jenn-Air Congratulat i on s on your choice of a Jenn-Air Grill-Range. The indoor grill i ng of meat s , fish or fowl i s one of the most attract i ve and succulent methods of pr e paring these foods.., a unique f l exibi l ity made possible by Jenn-A i r' s p a t e nted int e gral vent i l a t i on syst e m.
Index Using t he Cookt o p and Grill Accessories .................. Installing ..................................... 12 Optional ................................... 46-47 C leaning ..................... Other Range Parts............................. 17 Co o ktop and Gr i ll C o ntr o ls .
SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Read before operating your range All appliances -- regardl e ss of the m anu f acturer -- have the potential through i m proper or careless use to create sa f etyprob- lems. There f ore the f ollowing sa f e ty precautions should be observed: 1.
6. F l am m a b le m at e ri a ls s h oul d n ot b e s t or e d in a n ove n o r nearsu rf aceu n its. 7. Do not use wat e r on grease f ir e s. S mother fire or f lame or us e dr y chem i cal or foam - t y p e extingu i sh e r . 8. Use only dry potholders.
an oven may become hot enough to cause bums. D uring and after use , do not touch or let clothing or other flammable materi a ls contact thes e ar e as until th e y have had suffici e nt time to cool.
Cooktop and Grill Operation okt o p and Grill Cntrols Ventilation System and Air O ven Light Switch Grille Oven Vent Clock Controls Clean Indicat o r and and Minute Indi ca tor Light Timer Indi ca tor.
Ventilation S y stem T he b uil t- i n vent il at i on s y stem r emov e s cooking vapors , odors and smoke f r om foods prep a red on the cooktop, g rill a nd grill a ccessories.
Surface Controls The variable heat controls for th e cooktop cartridge s a nd grill element provide flexibil - ity in heat setting selection. To Set Controls • Sinc e the control s ere a push - turn type, they must be pushed down be f ore turning .
Using.Cooktop Cartridges C o oktop c a rt r id g e s , eith e r con v enti o n a l c o il, gla s s-ce r am ic, solid e lem e nt or induction, can be i n stalledon either side o f the range .
T h e gri ll a c c ess o ry consists o f two b lack gri l l g r at e s , a gri ll e l em e n t an d t wo g r ill -r oc k s . To Install Grill 1. B e fo re insta ll i n g g rill co m po n e nts , b e certai n surface co n t r o l s a re i n t h e O FF pos i tion .
Using the Grill • B e f ore using th e gdll for th e first tim e , wash g r ill grat e s in hot soapy wat e r; rinse and dry . • Precondition new grates and grill - rocks by brushing with vegetable oil or spraying with a no n stick coat i ng such a s Pa re .
Grill Guide Season grill grates, Preheat grill on HI, 5 minutes,f or best flavor. 14.
Grilling Tips With y o u r J e nn- Ai r g ril l an d a c c e sso r ies , lit erally a n y food y ou' v e co n s id e red " at its best " whe n prepared outdoorsc an now b e pr e pared i ndoors wit h less fuss and great f l avor.
Cleaning the Grill Grates: The s e are ma de fr om cas t a l u mi nu m . Mo de l $ 16 1 : t he g r ates h ave b ee n anodized. Thi s coating will f a de with u s e . Model s $136 and $156: the grate s h a ve a non s tick finish. • The grat e s s hould be cleaned aft e r each u se .
Cleaning Other Parts of Your Range Control Dial Area Use m i ld cleanse r s , suc h as so a p y wat er , g la ss c l e aners o r mil d l iq u i d s p ra y s , suc h as 409. Wip e with spo n ge , damp cloth or pap e r tow e l . D o not s crub with S.O.
Oven Operation Oven Controls (pictured on page 8) Ventila tion System and Oven Light Switch • The oven light automatically comes on whenever the oven door is opened. When the door is closed, the oven lig h t m ay be turned on by pushing the light symbol on the three position switch.
Oven Oper a tion Baking or Roas t ing 1. Locate oven racks on proper rack positions. 2. Turn TEMPERATURE knob to d esired temperature. 3. Turn SELECTOR knob to BAKE or CONVECT setting. When th e OVEN INDICA - TOR LIGHT cycles off, the oven is preheat e dto the selectedtemp e rature.
Cloek Cont r ols INDICATOR WORDS DISPLAY WINDOW / / 12 HOUR MINUTE AND SECOND TIME O F DAY CLOCK TIMER KEY: * Dot means t o push. • -Dash m ea ns to hold . Clock Sgttlng IMPORTANT: Th e clock is a 12hourclock , When ovenis firstsupplied power or power is int e rrupt e d, th e displaywill show " 00:00 " .
Mimute Timer IMPORTANT: T his interval timer can be used to remind you when a period, up to 99 minutes and 00 seconds, expires. It can be used independ e ntly of any other o ve n ac ti v it y an d ca n be s e t whi le a nothe r o v en f un c tion is op er ating.
Clock-Controlled Baking or Roas ti ng To set oven to start Imme diat e ly and shut off a u tomatir _ ally: 1. Turn SELECTOR knob to TIME BAKE or TIME CONVECT. 2 . Turn TEMPERATURE knob to desired temperature. 3 . Hold in STOP TIME button until the indicator words STOP TIME eppear in Display Window.
7 . P u s h EN T E R but to n to ent e r stopti m e . The indi ca tor word A UT O wi l l blin k in t h e D isplay Wi n dow. When start time is reac h ed, th e indicator word AUT O wil l r e main in Display W i ndow. The ove n indicatorlight will glow untilthe desiredtemperature is re a ch e d .
Baking General Bak ing Recomendations • Whe n cooking f oods f o r t h e firstt i m e i ny ou r ne wov e n , us e re c i p e c oo k ing t i m e s and temperatures as a guide. • U s e tested recip e s f rom r e l i a b l e sources. • Preheatthe oven on l y when necessar y .
Conve c tion Baking Recommendations (Models $156 and S161 Only) • As a gener a l rule, w h e n us i ng recipes o r pr e par edmi x e s de ve l o p e d f or a r adian t bak e ov e n, s e t th e oven temperature 2 5°F lower than the r e cip e recommended temperature.
Ba k ing Chart * * The ti m es given are ba s ed on S pecific brands o f mixes or rec ipe B t e s ted , A c tualtimes will depend on th e ones you bake .
Conve _ tion Baking of F rozen Conv e nlenee Foods (Models $156 and $161 Only) • Preh e ating the oven is not necessary. • Follow packagereco mm endatior _ s for oven temperature, foil covering and u se of cookie sheets. Bakingti m e swill be similar.
Convection Cooking on Multiple Rack ( Models S15 6 and S161 Only) For best res u lts , b ake f oo d s on one r ack at a ti m e as d esc r i b e d i n t h is manual. How e ver,very good results can b e obtained when baking quantities o f f oods on multiple racks.
Roasting General Roasting Reco_ ,, m endatlons s Preheating i s not nece ss ary. • For open pa n roasting,place meat or poultry on the slotted portion of the two - piece pan included with the oven. Do not add water to the pan. U s e open pan roasting f or tender cut s of meat.
Convection Roasting Recom-endations (Models S156 and $161 Only) • T e nder c uts of mea t a n d p o u lt ry c a n b e r oast e d t o a r i ch g o ld e n b row n in t h e c onvect i on o v e n, Fol l ow g e n e r a l rec om m e n d ations f or r oa s tin g .
Roasting _ Thawed Meats Only _ 31.
The broil el e mentprovides flexibility for'broilingfoods . We reco m me n d you use the grill accessoryfor most of your broiling . There are some ty pes of f oods that do require use o f the oven broil element. These include foods such as stuffed lobsters, meringue pies, or other foods which require top browning.
• To p r e v e n t d ry s u rfa c e o n f is h or l ea n me at s ,b r u s h melte d bu tter on t op. • Foodsthat re q uire turning sh o uld be turned only once during broiling. Turn meat with tongs to avoid piercing and losso f juices. • Cookingtim e s give n in the c h art are to be used only as a guide.
Oven Cleaning How t h e Self-Cle a ning Proc e ss Wor k Whe n t h e oven c o n trols a re set to CLEAN, the oven heats to te m peratures that are higher th a n those used f or cooking. The high temperaturescause f ood soil to bur n off an d s u b stanti a llydisappear.
• D O NOT A TT E M P T TO CL E AN, R U B , O R AP PL Y W A T ER TO QA S KE T O N O VEN D OO R . T h e gasket is e ss en t i a l fo r a good d o o r s e a l . Ru b bi n g or cl e an in g will damage the gasket and may affectthe seal . • Wipe up exc e ss grease andfood spillovers which have not baked on the bottom o f t h e o ve n.
5. Set clockcontrols to cleanoven usingone of the f ollowingp r ocedures: To se t oven to start c l e aning Immediat e ly: An au to m atic p r ogram o f 2 _ h ours is p r eset f o r an a ve rage s o il ed ov en . For a hea v i l y soile d o ve n, prog r am can b e ex t e nd e dup to 4 hours.
8. At e n d of time set, ovenwill stop automatic a lly and not beep. 9. A f t e r th e L O CK INDICATOR LIGHT go e s out, move th e DO O R LOCK LEVER t o th e le ft . Th e ov e n d oor c an n o w b e o p e n e d . 1 0 . Tu r n the S E LECTOR AND TEM P E R ATU R E kn o b s fr o m C L E AN to OFF after the do o r i s unlo c ked.
3. PushENTER buttonto enter new stoptime. NOTE: If more than 7 seconds elapse between holding in START TIME button or STOP TIME button and turning the SET dial, the display window will automatically return to on-going program .
More Information on the Self-Cleaning Process • A slight odor m ay be detected, and i f an oven is heavily soiled, some smoke may be visible . Some smoke and odor duringthe cleaning process is a normal occurr e nce. Since the oven vent is located under the air grille, vapors, moisture, etc.
Other Hints on Carin for Your Ran e Oven Light Bulb Before replacing bulb, disconnect power to oven at th e main fuse o r circuit breaker panel . Be sure that the entire oven . cavityin c luding the light bulb is c ool before attempting to remove. To re place li g ht bulb: 1.
Oven To r e move, pull f o rwa r d t o the " s t op " po siti on ; lift up on th e fr o nt of the rack and p u ll ou t. Oven Thermostat Knob Adjus tJ -ent The ov e n the rm o sta t k n o b c.
Before You Call for Service Check th e f ollowinglistto b e s u r e a s e rvic e call is really necessary. A quick re f erence of this manual, as well as reviewing additional information on items to chec k , may prevent an unn e eded s erv ic e call .
If ov e n door _ n ot n nloel _ • ov e n may n o t hav e cool e d to s a f e t e mp e ratur e a f t er se) f .-cl e an i ng p r o c ess. • TEMPERATURE knob m ay h a v e b ee n switched f rom CLEAN posit i on . • e l ectr i c curr e n t coming into t h e ov e n m a y b e off.
In f ormation J e nn-A ir's v e nti l a ti o n s y st e m i s d e s i gn e dto ca p tur e b ot h coo k ing f um e s a n d smo ke from any place o n the grill sur f ace.
Accessories Griddle--Model A302 Self - draining griddle makes m a ny favor- ite foods easier to fix . Family - sized s ur - face lets you cook several pancakes , hamburgers, or grilled sandwiches at a time . H a s a black nonstick finish . Cooker - Ste a mer -- Model A335 Id ea l f or anyt h i n g y o u stea m, bl anc h, poach or stew.
Assembly Gri l l assemblies inc l ude one plug - in element, t w o grill-rocks and two black aluminum grates to convert either side of your cooktop to a grill . A storage tray is included. (Tray is not included with grill shipped with your range.) Energy-Saver Models .
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts 888 Digital S156 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie 888 Digital S156 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für 888 Digital S156 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von 888 Digital S156 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über 888 Digital S156 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon 888 Digital S156 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von 888 Digital S156 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit 888 Digital S156. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei 888 Digital S156 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.