Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung ESM316T002R des Produzenten EverFocus
Zur Seite of 60
#" " Content CHAPTER 1 The Intr oducti on ................................................................................ 5 Web Br owser .......................................................................................................
$" " Packet Scheduli ng S etti ng .................................................................................. 32 LLDP Configurati ons .......................................................................................... 33 LLDP Neighbors .
%" " ABOUT THIS GUIDE This guide provides informati on about how to operate and use the management functions of the We b Manag ement Switch .
&" " CHAPTER 1 The Introduction Web Brows er You can log into the W eb Managemen t Switch throu gh a Web browse r and manage and maintai n the switch intuitively by interacting with the built - in W eb s erver. The h ome pag e is displayed as show n below.
'" " Logging In P lease follow the steps to co nfigure this W eb Sma rt switch. Th e configure procedure is as follows: Step 1: Us e Ethe rnet Cat egory 5 cable to conne ct this switch to your PC. Step 2: Check that your PC has an IP address on the same subnet a s the switch.
(" " Figure 3: We b - Based Mana gement Inte rface.
)" " CHAPTER 2 S y s t e m System Information To lookup Sy stem Information in the Web brows er , click System, then In formation. Web Smart switc h i nte rfac e Figure 4: Syst em Information IP Address Setting To set up static IP address of the switch.
*" " IPv6 Address Setting IPv6 is an Inte rnet Layer protocol for packet - switched inte rnetworkin g a n d p r o v i d e s e n d - to - end datagram transmissio n across multiple IP networks. IPv6 in cludes two distinct address types; link - local un icast and global unicast.
!+ " " User Account To set up the System Pa ssword in th e Web b rows er : Web Smart switc h i nte rfac e 1. Clic k Syste m, then User Ac count. 2. Enter the new user name. 3. Enter the new password. 4. Enter th e new password again to confirm your input.
!! " " Figure 8: Port Setting Hint§ The foll owing para meters ar e displa yed on t he Port Sett ing configu ration: ■ Port — Se t u p o n e o r m o r e p o r t s . H o l d d o w n t h e C T R L k e y a n d c l i c k p o r t n u m b e r s t o s e l e c t m u l t i p l e p o r t s .
!# " " CHAPTER 3 Con figuration Trunk Group Sett ing To config ure a t runk group . Web Smart switc h i nte rfac e 1. Clic k Config uratio n, Link Aggrega tion, Trunk Gr oup Set ting. 2. Select the trunk group ID to be create d or modifie d.
!$ " " Trunk Distribut ion Algorithm Set ting To config ure a t runk’s l oad - balancing sett ings. Web Smart switc h i nte rfac e 1. Clic k Config uratio n, Link Aggrega tion, Trunk S etting. 2. Select the trunk group ID to be configur ed or modifi ed.
!% " " ■ Destin ation MAC - Al l t ra f f i c w it h t he sa me de st in at io n MA C a dd re ss is ou tp ut o n t he sa me li n k i n a tr un k. This mode works best for switch - to - switch trunk links where traff ic throug h the switch is destined for m any different hosts.
!& " " LACP Setting The LACP (link aggregati on control protocol) dynamicall y aggregat es ports and removes aggregations. LA CP interacts with its peer by sen din g LACPDUs (link aggregation cont rol protocol dat a units). Web Smart switc h i nte rfac e To arrang e LACP sett ings, 1.
!' " " Static VLAN Table Set ting T he VLAN (virtual local area network) t echnology is develope d for switches t o control broadcas t operations i n LANs. By cre ating VLANs in a phy sical LAN, you can divide t he LAN into multipl e logic al LANs, ea ch of which has a broad cast domain of i ts own .
!( " " ■ VLAN Name – Name of t he VLAN (1 - 100 character s) VLAN Port Set ti ng Arrangi ng VLAN attr ibutes for speci fic inter faces, inc luding the defau lt Po rt VLAN ident ifie r (PVI D). Web Smart switc h i nte rfac e To specify attribu tes for VLA N port m embers, 1.
!) " " VLAN - Stacking Table Set ting Set t h e s t ac k i n g V L AN m em b er s hi p f or s e l ec t e d i n te r f ac e s t o b e pa r t of t h e Se r vi c e Pr o vi d e r VL A N ( S - VLAN), that is uplink ports for a 802.
!* " " Vlan Stack ing Settin g After configur ing port member s for stacking VLANs on the switch, the ports con nected to a service provider network need to be enabled as doubled tagged ports. A lso the Tag Protocol Identifier (TPID) value m ust be set for the doubled - tagged ports to identif y 802.
#+ " " Hint§ The following parameters are shown on the VLA N - Stacking Table Set ting : ■ Tag Protocol ID - Tag Pro tocol Identifier specif ies the Ether typ e of incomin g packets o n a tunnel po rt. (Range: 0x0600~0xFFFF hexad ecimal, Default: 0x88a8) ■ PVID - The stacki ng VLAN Port VLAN Identif ier.
#! " " IGMP Multicast Group Information To display multicast group and router port information, click Configurati on, IGMP Snooping, M ulticas t Entry Table. The IGMP Mult icast Router Information table displays the current multic ast groups learned thr ough IGMP Snooping.
## " " IGMP Snooping IGMP Sno oping (Internet Grou p Managem ent Protocol Snoo ping) is a multicast constrain ing mech anism that runs on Layer 2 sw itch to manage an d control multicast grou ps.
#$ " " IGMP Global Setting Web Smart switc h i nte rfac e To manage I GMP Snooping gl obal se ttings, 1. Clic k Config uratio n, IGMP S nooping, IGMP Snoop ing Set ting. 2. Enable IGMP Snooping on the switch. 3. Modi fy othe r I GMP g loba l s ett ings as re quir ed.
#% " " IGMP VLAN Setting Web Smart switc h i nte rfac e To manage I GMP Snooping s ettings, 1. Clic k Config uratio n, IGMP S nooping, IGMP Snooping Setting. 2. Specify the VLAN ID. 3. Enable IGMP Snooping on the VLAN. 4. Enable IGMP Querier on the VLAN if you want this switch to be el ected a s querier .
#& " " Spanning Tree The spanning tree protocol is used to eliminate loops in a local area network. A switch running this protocol detects any loop in the network by exchanging informati.
#' " " configuration m essages at regular intervals . Any port that ages out STP informa tion (provided in the last configuration message) becom es the designated port for the attached LAN. If it is a root port, a new root p ort is selected from a mong th e switch ports attac hed to th e netwo rk.
#( " " Spanning Tree Port Set ting Use the STP Port Setti ng page to configure Spanni ng Tree attr ibutes for specific interfaces, including path cost, port priorit y, edge port ( for fast for warding), automatic detection of an edge port, and poi nt - to - point link type.
#) " " is detecting netw ork loops. W here more than one port is assig ned the highes t priority, the port with lowest numeric identifi er will be ena bled.
#* " " Quality of Service ( QoS) QoS is the evalu ation on t he se rvice abil ity of net work d elive ry or on t he ca pacit y of deali ng wit h si tuati ons su ch as delay, delay jitt er and packet loss rate in packet delivery. Port - based Priority Se tting Manag emen t of the d efau lt port p rior ity fo r e ach port on th e s witc h.
$+ " " DSCP - based Priority Se tting The Differenti ated Service s Code Point (DSCP) is a six - bit field in the IP header, allowing coding for up to 64 different forwardi ng behaviors.
$! " " Priority to Q ueue Mapping Setting The QoS technique known as class of service (CoS), is a 3 - bit f i e l d w i t h i n a n Ethernet f r a m e h e a d e r w h e n using tagged frames on an 802.1 ne tw ork . S o u p to eigh t sep arate traffic priorities are defined in IEEE 80 2.
$# " " Packet Scheduling Set ting You can set the switch to service the queues based on a stric t rule that requires a ll tra ffic in a higher priority queue to be processed before lower priority queues are serviced, Weighted Fair Q ueuing (WFQ), or Weighted Round - Robin (WRR) queuing that specifies a relative weight of each queue.
$$ " " to the sum o f the weigh ts of all queue s. (This is the d efault selectio n.) ■ Weig ht - round - robin - S h a r e b a n d w i d t h a t t h e e g r e s s p o r t s b y u s i n g t h e s c h e d u l i n g w e i g h t s f o r q u e u e s 1 through 8 respectiv ely.
$% " " ■ LLDP Status - Enable LL DP on the switch. (Default: Disabled) ■ Transmissi on Int erval - Configure the perio dic transmit in terval for LL DP adver tisements.
$& " " SNMP Setting SNMP (Simple Network Management Protoco l) monitor network swit ches through TCP/IP protoco l suite. It offers automatic network management and avoids the physical differenc es between various sw itches, and thu s provides automatic management of products f rom different manufact urers.
$' " " Hint§ The following parameters are shown on the SNM P Setting, Community Strin gs Sett ing . ■ SNMP Status - Enable or disab le SNMP service. (De fault: Disable d) ■ System Name - A name assig ned to the sw itch system. ■ System Location - Specify the system location.
$( " " Port Mirroring Setti ng Port mirro ring incl udes local mirroring groups, remot e source mir roring gro up s and remote destination mirroring groups. Web Smart switc h i nte rfac e To config ure port mirrorin g: 1. Clic k Config uratio n, Port Mirror ing.
$) " " Port Security Sett ing Port security is a feature that allows you to configure a switch port with a maximum number of MAC addresses that are authorized to acce ss th e n etwork throug h that port.
$* " " ■ Maxi mum L2 Ent ry — The ma ximum nu mber of M AC add resses that ca n be learned on a port. (R ange: 0 - 16447, where 0 means dis abled) ■ Action — Indicate the ac tion to be take n when a p ort security vio lation is detec ted: ■ Trap to CPU : Send an S NMP tra p message .
%+ " " Bandwidth Control Setting This funct ion allows the network manager to control th e maximum rate for t raffic rec eived on a port or transmitted from a port. Rate limitin g is config ured on p ort s a t th e e dg e o f a ne two rk to lim it tra ff ic i nt o or ou t o f the switch.
%! " " ■ Type - Specify ingress o r egress traffic. (D efault: Ingr ess) ■ State - Enable or disable the rate limit. (D efault: Disab led) ■ Rate ( Kbit/s ec) - Set the rate limit level.
%# " " Jumb o Frame Setting The switch provides more efficient throughput for large sequential data transfers by supporting jumbo frames up to 9216 by tes. Web Smart switc h i nte rfac e To config ure Jumbo F rames: 1. Clic k Config uratio n, Jumbo Frame.
%$ " " Managemen t Acces s Filt er To create up to eight IP addresses or IP address groups that are allowed access to the switch through the Web browser . Web Smart switc h i nte rfac e 1. Clic k Config uratio n, Manage ment Acce ss Fil ter.
%% " " Power over Ethernet Se tting Power over Ethernet (PoE) m eans that power sourcing equipment (PSE) supplies power to powered devices (PD) such as IP telephone, wireless LAN access point, and web camera from Ethernet interfaces through twisted pair cables.
%& " " CHAPTER 4 Secur ity MAC Addre ss Infor mation To displ ay the MAC address fo rwarding t able. Web Smart switc h i nte rfac e 1. Clic k Config uratio n.
%' " " Static MAC Setting A sta tic addres s can be as signed to a specific interface on the switch. Static addresses are bound to the assigned interface an d will not be m oved. Web Smart switc h i nte rfac e To config ure stat ic MAC addre sses: 1.
%( " " MAC Filt ering S etting The MAC Filt ering pa ges ar e used to fi lter service to cli ents attempting to access the Internet based on protocol type, destina tion/source M AC ad dress, and the direction of tra ffic for each p acket. Web Smart switc h i nte rfac e To config ure MAC Address Filter ing: 1.
%) " " 802.1x Setting The 802.1X protocol provides port au thentica tion. Th e 802.1X p rotocol must be e nabled gl obally for the switch system before port settings are active. Web Smart switc h i nte rf ace To config ure 802.1 X global settings : 1.
%* " " 802.1x Port Setting When 802. 1X is enab led , y ou n eed to con figu re the par ameters fo r t he aut hent ica tio n pr ocess t hat runs between the client and the switch (th at is, authentica tor), as well as th e client identity lookup pro cess that runs between th e switch and authentication server.
&+ " " IP Filter Configurations IP Filter Sec urity is a feature that filters IP traffic on port interfa ces b ased on m anually configured entries in the IP Filter table, or a llowed IP address a ssignment through DH CP.
&! " " ■ IP Address — An IP address, or a n address sp ecifying a ran ge, that is allow ed access th rough the sw itch. ■ IP Netmask — A m ask that spe cifies a single IP address, or d efines a rang e of IP addre s ses. (Default: 255.
&# " " Storm Control setti ngs Broadcas t sto rms may o ccur when a dev ice on your n etwork i s malf unction ing, o r if appli cation programs are not well desig ned or prope rly c onfig ured. If t here is t oo much broad cast traff ic on your networ k, p erforma nce ca n be severely degraded or everything can come to complete halt.
&$ " " Port Isolation T he feature provides port - based security and isolation of local ports. The switch isolates port traffic by specifying those ports to which it can forward o r receive traffic. Web Smart switc h i nte rfac e To config ure Port Isolati on sett ings: 1.
&% " " Defence Engi ne Defence Engi ne is a adv a nced feature t hat can prevent switch’s CPU from being over whelmed by flooded packets, such as unknown unicast, unknown mu lticast, or broadcast packets. This function can be u sed to prevent malic ious virus es or worm attac ks.
&& " " CHAPTER 5 Monitori ng Port Statistic s Information You can displa y stand ard statist ics on network traff ic passing through each port. This infor mation can be used to identify p otential p r oblems with the switch, such as a faulty port or unusuall y heavy loading.
&' " " CHAPTER 6 Tools Http Upgrade Use the HTTP Upgrad e page t o upgra de the s witch’ s syste m firmwar e by spe cifyi ng a new so ftware file .
&( " " Reset Factory Defaults To resto re fact ory defaul ts. Web Smart switc h i nte rfac e To click Tools, Reset, then cli ck the Reset button.
&) " " Reboot To resta rt the switch. Web Smart switc h i nte rfac e To clic k Tools, Reboot, then cli ck the Reboot butt on. The reboot wi ll be complete whe n the web interface disp lays the login page. Figure 45: Reboo t SPECIFICATIONS ,-.
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Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit EverFocus ESM316T002R. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei EverFocus ESM316T002R gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.