Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung EB-G5650WNL des Produzenten Epson
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User’s Guide.
Notations Used in This Guide • Safety indications The documentation and th e projector u se graphical sy mbols to show how to use the projector safely. Please understand and respect these caution symbols in order to avoid injury to persons or property.
Notations Used in This G u i d e ........................ 2 Introduction P r o j e c t o r F e a t u r e s .......................................... 8 E a s e o f U s e w h e n I n s t a l l e d o n a C e i l i n g M o u n t .........................
S e t t i n g t h e R e m o t e C o n t r o l I D ........... .......................... 4 3 Color Correction wh en Projecting from Multiple Proj ectors (Multi-screen Color Adjustm e n t ) ........... ................. 4 5 S u m m a r y o f C o r r e c t i o n P r o c e d u r e .
L a m p r e p l a c e m e n t p e r i o d ..................................... 1 0 4 H o w t o r e p l a c e t h e l a m p .................... .................. 1 0 4 R e s e t t i n g t h e L a m p H o u r s ..................................... 1 0 7 R e p l a c i n g t h e A i r F i l t e r .
Appendix O p t i o n a l A c c e s s o r i e s a n d C o n s u m a b l e s .................... 1 4 7 O p t i o n a l a c c e s s o r i e s .......................................... 1 4 7 C o n s u m a b l e s ....... ........... ............ .......
Introduction This chapter explains the projector's features and the part names..
Ease of Use when Installed on a Ceiling Mount Centered l ens The lens is positioned in th e center of the pr ojector so it is well balanced and is ea sy to mount on a ceiling.
By setting a password you can restrict who can use the projector. s p. 49 Control Pa nel l oc k r es tr icts button oper a tio n on the control pa nel. You can use this to prevent people changi ng projector settings without permission at events, in schools, and so on.
Front/Top EB-G5950/G5650W with the standard lens is shown in the illustration. From here on, al l f eatures will be explained using ill ustrations of EB- G5950/G5650W with a standard lens unless otherwise specified. Name Func tion A Lamp c over Open this cover when replacing the projector's lamp.
Name Func tion N Ve rt ic a l le n s s h i f t d i a l Turn the dial to move the position of the projected image up or down. s p.22 O Horizontal lens shift dia l Turn the dial to move the position of the projected image left or right.
Rear Name Func tion A Wireless LAN un it installa tion sec ti on (EB- G5950/ G5650W only ) Install the Wireless LAN unit here. Remove the cover when installing. s "Installing the Wireless LAN Unit (ELPAP03) (EB-G5950/G5650W only)" p.143 B Con tr ol P a n el s "Control Panel" p.
Name Func tion E RS-232 C po rt When controlling the projector from a computer, connect it to the computer with an RS-232C cable. This port is for control use and should not normally be used. s "ESC/VP21 Commands" p.116 F B NC input port For analog RGB signals from a computer and component video signals from other video sources.
Name Func tion C Aud io3 inpu t por t Connects to the audio out port of the device that is connected to the BNC input port. D Aud io1 inpu t por t Connects to the audio out port of the device that is connected to the Computer1 input port.
Control Panel Name Func tion A [ t ] button Turns the projector power On or Off. s Quick Start Guide B [Sour ce Sear ch] button Changes to the next input source that is connected to th e projector and is sending an image.
Remote Control Name Function A [ t ] button Turns the projector power On or Off. s Qu ick Start Guide B [Comp1/ 2 ] button Each time the button is pressed, the image displayed changes between the Computer1 input port and Computer2 input port. (EB-G5950/G5900/G5650W/ G5600) Changes to images from the Computer1 input port.
Name Func tion I [Page] buttons [ [ ][ ] ] These buttons can be used to page up and down when projecting an image from a co mputer that is connected to the projector through the network. These bu ttons can be used to switch the screen when projecting with PC Free.
Name Func tion Y [User] button Press to assign a frequently used item from the six available configuration menu items. By pressing the button the assigned menu item selection/adjustment screen is displayed, allowing you to make one-touch settings/adjustments.
Caution Check the positions of the (+) and (-) marks inside the battery holder to ensure the batteries are inserted the correct way. C Replace the battery cover.
Useful Functions This chapter explains useful tips for giving presentations, and the security functions..
Displaying a Test Pattern A test pattern can be displayed to adjust the projection status without connecting video equipment. This is useful when installing a projector. q If the [User] button on the remote control is set to Test Pattern , t h e test pattern will be displayed when the [User] button is pressed.
q To set menu items that cannot be set while the test pattern is being displayed or to fine-tune the proj ected image, project an image from the connected device.
• Quick Corner This allow s you to manually correct each of the four corners of the projected image separately. s "Quick Corner" p.23 We recommend using Quick Corner to accurately adjust keystone distortion. • H/V-Keystone This allow s you to manually correct distortion in the horizontal and vertical di rections independently.
C U s e t h e [ h ] butto n on the remote control or the [ w / ], [ v / ], [ < / ] a n d [ > / ] b u t t o n s o n t h e c o n t r o l p a n e l t o s e l e c t t h e corner you want to adjust, and then press the [Enter] button.
F When you are done, press the [Esc] button to exit the correction menu. Because the correction metho d was changed to Quick Corner from Keystone in the configuration menu, when [ w / ], [ v / ], [ < / ] and [ > / ] buttons are pressed later, the screen for selecting the corner in procedure 2 is displayed.
• Correcting horizontal keystone Horizontal keystone can be corrected to a horizontal projector tilt of up to 20˚. If the [ < / ] a n d [ > / ] buttons are pressed simultaneou sly for at least 1 second, the value of horizo ntal keystone will return to the original status.
You can change the projected ima ge in the following two ways. • Changing by Source Search The projector automatically detects signals being input from connected equipment, and the image being input from the input port is projected.
When switching to LAN , images from computers connected through the network are projected. (EB-G5950/G5650W only) q The following screen showing the status of image signals remains displayed when only the image that the projector is currently displaying is available, or when no image signal can be found.
You ca n selec t the aspect mode accordin g to the type of input signal, ratio of height and width, and resolution to switch the Aspect Ratio g of the projected image. The aspect modes are listed below. The aspect modes that can be set depend on the type of image that is being projected.
Changing the Aspect Mode (EB-G5950/G5900/ G5800/G5600/G5500) Projecting images from video equipment Each time the [Aspect] button on the remote control is pressed, the aspect mode changes in the order Auto , 4:3 and 16: 9 .
As pect mode I npu t Si gnal XGA 1024X768( 4:3) WXGA 1280X800( 16:10) SXGA 1280X1024( 5:4) 16:9 Native q I f p a r t s o f t h e i m a g e a r e m i s s i n g o r it cannot project everything, set Wide or Normal in Resolution from the configuratio n menu depending on the size of the co mputer panel.
Projection examples for each aspect mode are show n below. Aspect mo de Input S ignal XGA 1024X768( 4:3) WXGA 1280X800(16:1 0) SXGA 1280X1024(5:4 ) Normal 16:9 Full Zoom Native q I f p a r t s o f t h.
You can easily obtain the optimum im age quality simply by selecting the setting that best corresponds to yo ur surroundings when projecting. The brightness of the image varies depending on the mode selected. Mod e App lic ation Dynamic Ideal for use in a bright room.
A split screen can be used to divide the screen into a left screen ( U ) a n d a right screen ( V ) and simultaneously project two images. Input Sources for Split Screen Projection The combinations of input sources that can be projected on a split screen are liste d below.
q The Split Screen Setup will also be displayed when the [Source Search] button is pressed on the remote control or control panel or when a Source button is pressed on the remote control. C To switch the image projected on the left screen, select "Source Left" and press the [Enter] button.
The projected images will appear as shown below after setting the scree n size. Equal Larger Left Larger Right q • You cannot enla rge both the left screen an d right screen images at the same time. • When one image is enlarged, the other image is reduced.
Restriction relating to images • The default values for the Image menu are applied to the image on the right screen. However, the settings for the image projected on the left screen are applied to the image on the right screen for the Color Mode , Abs.
Hiding the Image and Sound Temporarily (A/V Mute) You can use this when you want to fo cus the audience's attention on what you are saying, or if you do not want to show details such as when you are changing between files during presentations from a computer.
q • Audio does not stop. • The image source continues to play back the moving images even while Freeze is on, and so it is not possible to resume projection f r o m t h e p o i n t w h e r e i t w a s p a u s e d .
B Move the Pointer icon ( ). Remote Control q You can choose from three different kinds of Pointer icon ( , , or ) i n Settings - Pointer Shape from the configura tion menu. s p.59 Enlarging Part of the Image (E-Zoom) This is useful when you want to expand images to see them in greater detail, such as graphs and tables.
C Enlarge. Remote Control Each time the button is pressed, the area is expanded. You can expand quickly by holding the button down. You can reduce the enlarged image by pressing the [ x ] button. Press the [Esc] button to cancel. q • The enlargement ratio appears on the screen.
When an ID is set for the projector and the remote control, you can use the remote control to operate onl y th e projector with a matching ID. This is very useful when managing multiple projectors. When operating all of the projectors from the remote control, set the ID switch on the si de of the remote control to Off.
Procedure A Set the remote cont rol ID switch to On. B During projection, while holdin g the [ID] button, press the [Help] button. Remote Control When you press the buttons, the current Projector ID is displaye d on the projection screen. It disappears in about three seconds.
q The remote control ID setting is saved in the remote control. Even if the remote control batteries are removed to replace them and so on, the stored ID setting is retained. However, if the batteries are left out for a long time, it is reset to the default value (ID0).
When multiple projectors are lined up an d projecting images , yo u can manually correct the b rightness an d co lor tone of each projector's image so that the colors projected from each projector match closely. Use the multi-screen color adjustment function when the Color Mode of each projector is set to the same item.
• Each time a level is selected, the pattern of the level selected is displayed. • You can start co rrecting f rom an y level, usually you can make it d a r k e r o r l i g h t e r b y c o r r e c t i n g 1 t o 5 o r 5 t o 1 . C Correct the brightness wi th "Brightness Correct.
You can save the image that is currently being projected as a User's Logo. The saved user's logo can be used as the display image when there is no video signal input or during the A/V Mute operation. q Once a User's Logo has been saved, the logo cannot be returned to the factory default.
D M o v e t h e b o x t o s e l e c t t h e p a r t o f t h e i m a g e t o u s e a s t h e User's Logo. Using the Remote C ontrol Using the Control panel q You can save at up to 400 ^ 300 dots in size. E When "Select this image?" is displayed, select "Yes".
The projector has the following enhanced security functions. • Password Protect You can limit who can use the projector. • Control Panel Lock You can prevent people changing th e settings on the projector without permission. s p.51 • Anti-Theft Lock The projector is equipped with various types of anti-theft security devices.
q • If Password Protect is already activated, you must enter the Password. If the Password is entered correctly, the Password Protect setting menu is displayed. s "Entering the Password" p.50 • When the Password is set, stick the Password protect sticker in a visible position on the projector as a further theft deterrent.
Attention • If an incorrect password is entered th ree times in succession, the message " The projector's operation will be locked. " is displayed for about five minutes, and then the projector switches to standby mode.
q You can release the control panel lock by one of the following two methods. • From the remote control, select Off in Settings - Control Panel Lock from the configuration menu. s p.59 • Hold down the [Enter] button on the Control panel for about seven seconds, a message is displayed and the lock is released.
Configuration Menu This chapter explains how to use the configuration menu and its functions..
Selecting from the top menu Selecting from the sub menu Setting Each Item Exit Using the Configuration Menu 54.
Items that can be set vary depending on the image signal or in put source currently being projected as shown in the following sc reen shots. Setting details are saved for each image signal.
Sub Menu Func tion Abs. Co lor T em p. *3 You can adjust the overall tint of the image in 10 stages from 5000 K to 10000 K. When a high value is selected the image becom es tinged with blue, when a low value is selected the image becomes tinged with red.
Items that can be set vary depending on the image signal or in put source currently being projected as shown in the following sc reen shots. Setting details are saved for each image signal. You cannot make settings in the Signal menu when the input source is USB or LAN.
Sub Menu Func tion HDMI V ide o R ange I f t h e r a n g e i s s e t t o Auto * 3 , the video level of the input signal will be automatica lly determined, for example, when the HDMI input port is connected to a DVD player.
EB-G 5950/ G5900/ G5650W/ G5600 EB-G 5800/ G5500 Sub Menu Func tion Ke yst o n e You can correct keystone distortion. H/V-Keystone : Corrects horizontal and vertical keys tone distortion.
Sub Menu Func tion Rem ote Re c eive r You can limit the reception of the operation signal from the remote control. When you want to prohibit operation by remote control, or if th e remote receiver h .
Sub Menu Func tion Displ ay You can make settings related to the projector's display. Messages : The following messages are not displayed on the screen when this item is set to Off . Overheating and other warnings, messages such as when there is no video input, and when Freeze is On or when changing Source, C olor Mode or Aspect.
Sub Menu Func tion Oper at ion Direct Po wer On : Y o u c a n s e t w h e t h e r o r n o t ( On / Off ) to enable Direct Power On. Be careful when this item is set to On because this unit turns on at the time of power recovery with this unit plugged-in to an outlet.
Sub Menu Func tion Res e t You can reset Display * 2 , Operation * 3 , a n d Air Filter Notice from the Extended menu to their default settings. To return all menu items to their default settings, see s p.8 3 * 1W h e n User's Logo Protect is set to On in Password Protect, settings relating to the user's l ogo cannot be changed.
When Network Protect is set to On in Pas sword Protect , a message is displayed and the settings cannot be changed. You can make changes after setting Network Prote ct to Off . s p.49 Sub Menu Func tion Wired LAN You can make network settings. DHCP : Y o u c a n s e t w h e t h e r o r n o t ( O n / O f f ) t o u s e D H C P .
Sub Menu Func tion SNMP Set this parameter to On when using SNMP g to monitor the projector. To use SNMP to monitor the projector, you need to install the SN MP manager program on your computer.
Each time the [CAPS] key is selected and the [Enter] button is pres sed, it switches between uppercase and lowercase letters. Each time the [SY M1/2] key is selected and the [Enter] button is pressed , it switches the symbol keys in the section enclosed in the box.
When Network Protect is set to On in Pas sword Protect , a message is displayed and the settings cannot be changed. You can make changes after setting Network Prote ct to Off . s p.49 Sub Menu Func tion Ne t. Info . - Wirel e ss L AN Ne t. Info . - Wired LA N Displays the network settings.
Notes on Operating the Network Menu Selecting from the top menu an d sub menus, and changing of selected items are the same as operations in the configuration menu. When done, make sure you go to the Setup complete , and select one of Yes , No , o r Cancel .
Basic Menu Sub Menu Func tion Proje c to r Na m e Displays the projector name us e d to identify the projector when connected to a networ k. When editing, you can enter up to 16 single-byte alphanumeric characters. PJLink Password Set a password to use when you access the pr ojector using compatible PJLink software.
Wireless LAN Menu To connect the projector to a computer using a wire less LAN, install the Wireless LAN unit (ELPAP03). s p.143 Sub Menu Func tion Wireless LAN Powe r Set this parameter to On when connecting the projector and a computer via a wireless LA N.
Sub Menu Func tion DHCP You can set whether or not ( On / Off ) to use DHCP g . If this is set to On you cannot set any more addresses. IP Addr es s You can input the IP address g assigned to the projector. You can input a number from 0 to 255 in each field of the addre ss.
Security Menu (Only available when the Wireless LAN unit is installed) When the Wireless LAN unit is installe d and being used in Adva nced mode, it is strongly recommended that you se t security. Sub Menu Func tion Sec urity You can select one type of security.
When WEP is selected Sub Menu Func tion WEP Enc r yption You can set the encryption for WEP encoding. 128 Bit : Uses 128 (104) bit encoding 64 Bit : Uses 64 (40) bit encoding Form at You can set the input method for the WEP encrypted key. ASCII : Input text.
Sub Menu Func tion Authentic ation Ty pe You can set Authentication Type for WEP encoding. Open : Method to connect access point with no authentication.
When WPA-PSK(TKIP/AES) or WPA2-PSK(TKIP/AES) is selected Sub Menu Func tion PS K ( Encry pti on k ey) You can enter a Pre-Shared Key (encrypted ke y) in single-byte alp hanumeric characters .
When EAP-TLS is selected Refer to the following information to register a digital certificate to the projector for authentication. s PC Free Operati on Guide "Registering a Digital Certificate to the Projector" Sub Menu Func tion Issue d to / Issued by/ V alidity per iod Information in the certificate is displayed.
EAP-TTLS/MD5, EAP-TTLS/MS-CHAPv2, PEAP/MS-CHAPv2, PEAP/GT C, LEAP, EAP-Fast/MS-CHAPv2, EAP-Fast/GTC is selected Sub Menu Func tion User name You can enter a user name to be used for authentication in sing le-byte alphanumeric characters (no spaces). You can enter up to 64 characters.
Wired LAN Menu Sub Menu Func tion DHCP You can set whether or not ( On / Off ) to use DHCP g . If this is set to On you cannot set any more addresses. IP Addr es s You can input the IP address g assigned to the projector. You can input a number from 0 to 255 in each field of the ad dress.
Mail Menu When this is set, you receive an e-mail notification if a problem or warning occurs in the projector. s " R e a d i n g P r o b l e m M a i l Notification Function" p.114 Sub Menu Func tion Mail Notifi c ation You can set whether or not ( On / Off ) to be notified by e-mail.
Others Menu Sub Menu Func tion SNMP Set this parameter to On wh en using SNMP g to monitor the projector. To use SNMP to monitor the projector, you need to install the SN MP manager program on your comput er. SNMP should be managed by a network administrator.
Reset Menu Resets all of the network settings. Sub Menu Func tion Reset network settings. To reset all of the network settings, select Yes . After you reset all the settings, the Ba sic menu appears.
Lets you check the status of the image signals being projected an d the status of the projector. Items that can be displayed vary depending on th e image signal or input source being projected as shown in the following scree n shots.
Sub Menu Func tion Res e t Al l You can reset all items in the configuration menu to their default settings. The following items are not reset to their defaults: Items for Password, Input Si gnal , User's Logo , Multi-screen , all items for Network menus, Lamp Hours , an d Language .
Troubleshooting This chapter explains how to identify problems and what to do if a problem is found..
If a problem occurs with the projector, the Help screen is displayed to assist you by pressing the [Help] button. You can solve problems by answering the questions. Procedure A Press the [Help] button. The Help screen is di splayed. Using the Remote C ontrol Using the Control panel B Select a menu item.
C Confirm the selection. Using the Remote C ontrol Using the Control panel Questions an d solution s are displayed as shown on the screen below. Press the [Help] button to exit Help. q If the Help screen does not provide a solution to the problem, refer to "Problem Solving" p.
If you are having a problem with the projector, first check the projector's indicators and refer to "Reading the Indicators" be low. I f t h e i n d i c a t o r s d o n o t s h o w c l e a r l y w h a t t h e p r o b l e m m i g h t b e , r e f e r t o " W h e n t h e I n d i c a t o r s P r o v i d e N o H e l p " .
C Indicates the internal temperature status. D Indicates the projection lamp status. Refer to the following table to see what the indicators mean and how to remedy problems that they indicate. If all indicators are off, check that the power cable is conne cted correctly and that the power is being supplied normally.
St atus Cause R emedy or Sta tus Lamp Error Lamp Failure Lamp Cover Open Check the following two points. • Take out the lamp and chec k whether it is cracked. s p.104 • Clean the air fil ter. s p.101 If it is not cracked : Re-fit the lamp and turn on the power.
St atus Cause R emedy or Sta tus Low Air Flow (This is not an abnormality. However, projection stops automatically if the airflow falls any further.) The message "The air filter is clogged. Clean or replace the air filter. " is displayed. Check the following two points.
When the Indicators Provide No Help If any of the following problems occur and the indicators do no t offer a solution, refer to the pages given for each problem.
Problems relating to images No images appear Che ck Re m e d y Did you press the [ t ] button? Press the [ t ] button to turn the power on. Are the indicators switched off? The power cable is not conne cted correctly or power is not being supplied normally.
The message "Not supported" is displayed. Che ck Re m e d y Is the image signal format setting correct? Only when projecting images from a video source Change the setting according to the si gnal for the connected equipment. s Signal Menu - Video Signal p.
Che ck Re m e d y Has condensation formed on the lens? If the projector is suddenly taken from a cold envi ronment to a warm envi ronment, or if sud den ambient temperature changes occur, condensation may form on the surface of the le ns, and this may cause the images to appear fuzzy.
Che ck Re m e d y Is Position adjusted correctly? Press the [Auto] button on the remote contro l or the [Enter] button on the control panel to perform automat ic adjustment when projecting the computer analog RGB signals.
Che ck Re m e d y Is the lamp due for replacement? When the la mp is nearly ready for replacement, the im ages become darker and the color quality b ecomes poorer.
Other problems No sound can be heard or the sound is faint (EB -G5950/G5900/G5650W/G56 00 only) Che ck Re m e d y Is the audio source connected correctly? Disconnect the cabl e from the audio input port, and then reconnect the cable. Is the volume adjusted to the minimum setting? A djust the volume so that sound can be heard.
Nothing appears on th e external moni tor (EB-G5950/G5900/G565 0W/G5600 only) Che ck Re m e d y Are you trying to display an image from an input port other than one of the following input ports: Compu.
Interpreting Event IDs (EB-G5950/G5650W only) Check the event ID and perform the remedy given below. If the pr oblem cannot be solved, contact the network administrator or on e o f t h e f o l l o w i n g c o n t a c t addresses. s Epson Projec tor Contact List Ev ent I D C aus e R emedy 0432 0435 Failed to startup EasyMP Network Projection.
Maintenance This chapter explains the maintenance methods that are required to ensure a long projector service life..
You should clean the projector if it becomes dirty or if the quality of projected images starts to deteriorate. Warning Do not use sprays containing a flammabl e gas to remove dirt or dust which is adhering to parts such as the le ns or filter of the projector.
C Remove the air filter. Remove the air filter by placing your finger into the groove as shown in the following illustration. D With the front (the side with tabs) of the air filter facing down, tap the air fi lter four or five times to shake off the dust.
G R e p l a c e t h e a i r f i l t e r c o v e r . Press until it clicks into place. q If a message is frequently displayed, even after cleaning, it is time to replace the air filter.
Replacing the Lamp Lamp replacement period It is time to replace the lamp when: • The message "Replace the lamp ." is displayed at the lower left of the projection screen when you start projecting. • The l amp indica tor fl ashes orange.
Warning • When replacing the lamp because they have stopped illuminating, there is a possibility that the lamp may be broken. If replacing the lamp of a projector which has been installed on the ceiling, you should always assume that the lamp is broken, and you should stand to th e side of the lamp cover, not underneath it.
E Install the new lamp. I n s e r t t h e l a m p a l o n g t h e g u i d e r a i l in the correct direction so that it fits in place and press it firmly to the back. F Tighten the two lamp fixing screws. G R e p l a c e t h e l a m p c o v e r . Attention • Make sure you install the lamp securely .
Resetting the Lamp Hours The projector records how long the lamp is turned on and a message and indicator notify you when it is time to replace the lamp. After replacing the l a m p , m a k e s u r e y o u r e s e t t h e l a m p h o u r s f r o m t h e R e s e t M e n u .
E Press until it clicks into place. q Dispose of used ai r filters properly in accordance with your local regulations. Material quality of the frame section: Polypropylene Material quality of the filt.
There are many glass parts and precision components inside the projector. To prevent damage due to impacts when transporting , handle the projector as follows. Moving Nearby C h e c k i n g t h e f o l l o w i n g p o i n t s , a n d t h e n c a r r y c a r e f u l l y b y t h e h a n d l e s .
Monitoring and Controls This chapter explains the functions that can be used to monitor and control the projector..
EasyMP Monitor lets you carry out oper ations such as checki ng the status es of mu lt ipl e Ep so n pro j e ct o rs th a t ar e co nn ect ed to a ne t wo r k at a com p ut e r monitor, and controlling the projectors from the computer. Download the EasyMP Monitor soft ware from the following website.
You can make Configuration menu settings and control the projector by using the Web browser of a computer that is connecte d to the projector via a network.
C The Web Remote screen appears. Name Function A [ t ] button Turns the projector power On or Off. B [V ideo1/ 2] button The input source alternates between Video1 and Video2 each time you click. (EB-G5950/G5900/ G5650W/G5600) The input source will change to Video1 .
By setting the Mail Notification function from the projector's Configuration Menu, notification messages will be sent to the preset email addresses when a problem or warning occurs with a projector. This will enable the operator to be notified of problems with projectors even at locations away from the projectors.
By setting SNMP from the projector's conf iguration menu, notification messages are sent to prese t e-m ail addresses when a problem or warning occurs with a projector. This is useful when controlling projectors centrally a t a p o i n t d i s t a n t f r o m t h e m .
Serial Connection • Connector shape: D-Su b 9-pi n (male) • Projector input port name: RS-2 32C < At the pr ojec tor> < At the co mputer> < At the pr ojector > (P C seri al c abl.
Ite m C o mm an d S-Video * 1 SOURCE 42 USB * 2 SOURCE 52 LAN * 2 SOURCE 53 A/V Mute On/O ff On MUTE O N Off MUTE OFF A/V Mute selection Black MSEL 00 Blue MSEL 01 User's Logo MSEL 02 * 1 EB-G5950/G5900/G5650W/G5600 only * 2 EB-G5950/G5650W only Add a Carriage Return (CR) code (0Dh) to the end of each command and transmit.
PJLink Class1 was established by th e JBMI A (Japan Busine ss Machine and Information System Indust ries Associ ation) as a standard protocol for controlling network-compatible projector's as part of their efforts to standardize projector control protocols.
Crestron RoomView ® is an integrated control system provided by Creston ® . It can be used to monitor and control multiple devices connected on a netw ork. The Projector supports the control protocol, and can therefore be used in a system built with Crestron RoomView ® .
Using the operation window A The following operations will be perf ormed when the buttons are clicked. Bu tton Func tion Power Turns the projector power on or off. Vol-/Vol+ Adjust the volume. A/V Mute Turns the video and audio on or off. s p.38 B Switch to the image from the selected input source.
Tab Fu n c ti on Contact IT Help Displays the Help Desk window. Used to send and receive messages to the administrator using Crestron RoomView ® Express. Info Displays information on the projector th at is currently connected. Tools Changes the settings in th e projector that is currently connected.
Item Func tion DHCP Select the Enabled check box to use DHCP. The following address cannot be set if DHCP is enabled. IP Address Enter the IP address to assign to the currently connected projector. Subnet Mask Enter a subnet mask for the projector that is currently connected on the network.
Network Functions (EB-G5950/G5650W Only) This chapter explains the additional functions for networks..
"Connect to a Network Projector" is a standard function in Windows Vista and Windows 7. You can project images from the computer by detecting the projector on the network only by using a function of the OS without having to install any special software.
There are two methods for setting WPS g . • Push Button Method SSID and security are set automatically when the [Enter] button is pressed on the projector's control panel and the dedicated button on the access point equipment. This method is recommended when the projector and access point are close together.
When connecting using the Push Button Method, follow the steps given below. Go to "Making a connecti on using the PIN Code Method" when connecting using the "PIN Code Method". s p.127 Making a connection usin g the push button method Procedure A Select "Push Button Method".
This completes the setup. D Press the [Enter] button or the [Esc] button. It returns to the Wireless LAN menu screen. E Select "Setup complete" - "Yes." This completes the setup of the connection between the projector and the access point.
The PIN Code Method screen is displayed. B Enter the PIN code displayed on the "PIN Code Method" screen from the computer to the access point, and then select "Start Setup". The progress is displayed. C T h e m e s s a g e " S e t u p b y W i - F i Protected Setup complete.
This completes the setup of the connection between the projector and the access point. Press the [Menu] button to close the configuration menu. Making a WPS (Wi-Fi Prot ected Setup) Connection wi th a.
Installation and Connections This chapter explains the projection installation methods and method s to connect to other equipment..
The projector can be mounted on a ceiling or placed on a desk as shown below. Warning • A special method of installation is requ ired when suspending the projector from a ceiling (ceiling mount). If installatio n work is not carried out correctly, the projector could fall down.
Each time this button is pressed for at least 5 seconds, the Projection setting will switch between Front and Front/Ceiling . The orientation of the projected image will change accordingly. To set Rear or Rear/Ceiling , u s e t h e Projection setting on the Configuration menu.
Observe the following precautions when connecting the projector to external equipment. Be sure to also read the docu mentation f or the external equipment. Attention • Turn off the projector and the external equi pment. The projector or exte rnal equipment may fail if they are connected while the power is on.
Computer port Conne cting cable Pr oj ec tor por t Connection 2 Monitor Out port Computer cable (supplied) Computer1 input port Audio1 input port Audio Out port Audio cable (commercial ly available) C.
Computer port Conne cting cable Pr oj ec tor por t Connection 5 DVI-D output DVI/HDMI conversion cable (commercially available) HDMI input port Audio1 input port/Audio2 input port/Audio3 input port * .
The video equipment port and cable names ma y also be different from those given. The EB-G5800/G5500 does not support inputting or outputting audio. Por t on the vi deo equi pment Connec ting cable Pr.
Por t on the vi deo equi pment Connec ting cable Pr oj ector po rt Connection 4 S-Video output S-Video cable (commercially available) S-Video input port Audio4 input port Audio Out port Audio cable (c.
Por t on the vi deo equi pment Connec ting cable Pr oj ector po rt Connection 7 HDMI output HDMI cable (commercially available) HDMI input port q • Set the input signal and video signal on the Signal menu according to the signal from the connected equipment.
Connecting a LAN Cable Connect with a commercially available 100BASE-TX or 10BASE-T LAN cable. Connec ted equip- ment Conn ec ting c able Pr ojector port LAN port on network hub LAN cable (commercially available) LAN port Attention To prevent malfunctions, use a category 5 shielded LAN cable.
available a udio cable (pi n plug W 3.5 mm stereo mini plug and so on). Use an audio cable compatible with the connector on the external speakers. Connec ted equip- ment Conn ec ting c able Pr ojector.
Removing and Attaching the Projector Lens Unit Removing Attention • Only remove the lens unit when necessary. If dust or dirt enter the projector, projection quality deteriorates and it could cause a malfunction. • Try not to touch the lens sectio n with your hand or fingers.
Attaching Attention Do not attach the lens unit when the pr ojector's lens insertion section is facing up. Dust or dirt could enter the projector.
Installing the Wireless LA N Unit (ELPAP03) (EB- G5950/G5650W only) Attaching Procedure A Remove the cover from the Wi reless LAN unit installation section on the projector. Store the cover so that it is not lost. B Install the Wireless LAN unit. C Secure the Wireless LAN unit us ing the supplied screw to avoid losing the un it.
: F l a s h i n g : L i t : O f f St atus In dicator on proj ec- tor Ind ic at or o n Wire - less LAN u nit The Wireless LAN unit not mounted or the Wireless LAN Power setting on the Wireless LAN menu.
Removing Procedure L o o s e n t h e t w o c a b l e c o v e r s c r e w s a n d t h e n r e m o v e t h e c a b l e c o v e r . Installing Optional and Supplied Accessories 145.
The followi ng optional accessories an d consumables are available. Please purchase these products as and when needed. The following list of optional accessories and consumables is current as of: 2010.07. Details of accessories are subject to change withou t notice a nd availability may vary depending on the country of purchase.
and Service Guide if you want to use this installation method. s Epson Projector Contact List Consumables Lamp un it (EB-G5600/ G5 500) ELPLP 62 Lamp u nit ( EB-G59 50/ G5900/ G5800/ G5650W) ELPLP63 Use as a replacement for used lamps. Air filter ELPAF17 Use as a replacement for used air filters.
The following table shows the projection distan ce when a standar d lens is attached. When an optional lens is a ttached, check the projection distances using the Le ns Projection Distance Ta ble supplied with this projector. To find the appropriate screen size, se e the following table to set up the projector.
Projection Distance of EB-G5650W Units: cm 4:3 Screen siz e Mi ni mum (Wi de) to Ma x imu m (Tel e) V ertic al lens shift Maximum to Mini- mum 30" 61x46 92 - 169 -4 - +50 40" 81x61 125 - 227.
Supported Monitor Displa ys for EB-G595 0/G5900/ G5800/G5600/G5500 Computer signals (analog RGB) Sig nal Refre sh Rate (H z) Res ol ut io n (d ot s) VGA 60/72/75/85 640x480 SVGA 56/60/72/75/85 800x600.
Sig nal Refresh Rate ( Hz ) Res ol ut io n ( do ts ) SDTV(480p) 60 720x480 SDTV(576i) 50 720x576 SDTV(576p) 50 720x576 HDTV(720p) 50/60 1280x720 HDTV(1080i) 50/60 1920x1080 HDTV(1080p) 24/30/50/60 192.
Input signals from HDMI input port Sig nal Refresh Rate ( Hz ) Res ol ut io n ( do ts ) VGA 60 640x480 SVGA 60 800x600 XGA 60 1024x768 WXGA 60 1280x800 SXGA 60 1280x960 60 1280x1024 SXGA+ 60 1400x1050.
Projector General Specifications Prod uc t nam e EB-G5950 EB-G5900 EB-G5800 EB-G5650W EB-G5600 EB-G5500 Dimens ions 470 ( W) ^ 135 (H) ^ 311.5 (D) mm (not including foot and projection lens) Pane l size 0.
220 to 240 V ar ea Operating: 442 W Standby power consumption (Communication On): 11 W Standby power consumption (Communication Off): 0.47 W Operating: 442 W Standby power consumption (Communication On): 11 W Standby power consumption (Communication Off): 0.
Aud io O ut po rt 1 Stereo mini jack − Stereo mini jack − USB (Ty pe A) por t * 1 USB connector (Type A) − USB connector (Type A) − USB port (Only for Wi reless LAN unit) 1 USB connector (Type.
DECLARATION of CONFORMITY According to 47CFR, Part 2 and 15 Class B Personal Computers and Peripherals; and/or CPU Boards and Power Supplies used with Class B Personal Computers We: Epson America, Inc.
Units: mm A Center of lens B Distance from center of lens to suspension bracket fixing point Appearance 158.
This section explains easily terms that are used with the projec tor and difficult terms that are not explained in the text of t his guide. For details, refer to other commercially available publications. Ad h oc mod e A method of wireless LAN connection that communicates with wire less LAN clients without using an access point.
Int erlac e A method of image scanning whereby the image data is divided into fine horizontal lines that are displayed in sequence starting from left to right and then from top to bottom. The even-numbered line s and odd-numbered lines are displayed alternately.
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, wit hout the prior written permission of Seiko Epson Corporation.
©SEIKO EPSON CORPORATION 2010. All rights reserved. Soft w are C op y rig ht : This product uses free software as well as software to which this company holds the rights.
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Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) ye ar name of author Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'. This is free software, and you are welcome to redistri bute it under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
For example, if you distribute copies of the library, whether gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that we gave you. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the source code.
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5. A program that contains no derivative of any portion of the Library, but is designed to work with the Library b y being compiled or linked with it, is called a "work that uses the Library". Such a work, in isolation, is not a derivative work of the Library, and therefore falls outside the scope of this License.
a) Accompany the combin ed library with a copy of the same work based on the Library, uncombined with any other library facilities. This must be distributed under the terms of the Sections above.
1. Redistributions of source code must reta in the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disc laimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
We specifically permit and encourage the use of this software as the basis of commercial products, provided that all warranty or li ability claims are assumed by the product vendor. ansi2knr.c is included in this distrib ution by permission of L. Peter Deutsch, sole proprietor of its copyright holder, Aladdin Enterprises of Menlo Park, CA.
Tom Lane Glenn Randers-Pehrson Willem van Schaik libpng versions 0.89, June 1996, through 0.96, May 1997, are Copyright (c) 1996, 1997 Andreas Dilger Distributed according to the same disclaimer and license as libpng-0.
1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this s oftware in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documen tation would be appreciated but is not required.
License terms of conditions of each program which are provided by owner of the copyright to the “ncurses” are as follows. Copyright (c) 1998-2002,2003 Fr ee Software Foundation, Inc.
t indicator ............... ..................................... 87 A A/V Mute ........... .................. ................... 17, 38 Abs. Color Temp. .......... .................... .......... 56 Address 1/2/3 setting s ................. ........
K Keystone ............. ............... ................ ..... 25, 59 L Lamp Hours ......... .............................. ........... 82 Lamp indica tor ............... .................... . 87, 104 Lamp re placemen t peri od .....................
Software keyboard ......... ................. ............. 65 Source .................. ............................. ............. 82 Source Left ...... .................................... .......... 35 Source Right ..... ..........................
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Epson EB-G5650WNL (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Epson EB-G5650WNL noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Epson EB-G5650WNL - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Epson EB-G5650WNL reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Epson EB-G5650WNL erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Epson EB-G5650WNL besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Epson EB-G5650WNL verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Epson EB-G5650WNL. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Epson EB-G5650WNL gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.