Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung DS-16B2 des Produzenten EMC
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EMC Enterprise Storage EMC Corporation 171 South Street, Hopkinton, M A 01748-9103 Corpor ate Headquar ters : (508) 435 -1000, (80 0) 424-EMC2 Fax : (508) 435-5374 Service : (800) SVC-4EMC Departm ental Switch Model DS-16B 2 Fabric OS Version 3.
Departmenta l Sw itch DS-16B 2 Fabric OS Procedures M anual ii Copyright © 2001 EMC Corporation. All rights reser ved. Printe d Septe mber, 2001 EMC bel ieves the information in this pu blication is accura te as of it s publica tion date. Th e informa tion is subje ct to chan ge witho ut not ice.
Depar tm enta l Sw itc h D S-1 6B2 Fa bri c OS Pr oce dur es M anu al iii Operat ion of this equipment in a residentia l area may cause int erference in w hich case the user at his own e xpense will be require d to take what ever mea sures may be required t o correct the interfe rence.
Departmenta l Sw itch DS-16B 2 Fabric OS Procedures M anual iv.
Depar tm enta l Sw itc h D S-1 6B2 Fa bri c OS Pr oce dur es M anu al v Preface ....................... ................ ............ ................. ........... ................. ........... ............... vii Chapter 1 Setting t he Initial Switch C onfiguration Logging In to a Switch .
Departmenta l Switch Model DS-16B2 Fab ric OS Procedures Ma nual vi Contents Displaying Help Information for a T elnet Command .............. 2-1 1 Reading Hexadecimal Port Diagra ms . ............ ................. .......... 2-12 Chapter 3 Displaying Er ror Logs and St atus Displaying the Status of a Port .
Depar tm enta l Sw itc h D S-1 6B2 Fa bric OS Pr oced ures Ma nual vii Preface The Departmental Swit ch Model DS-16B2 Fabric OS Procedures Manual provides pr ocedures for many of the basic tasks of adm inistrating and configurin g a DS-16 B2 switch through the T elnet interface.
viii Departmenta l Sw itch DS-16B 2 Fabric OS Pro cedures M anual Preface ◆ Chapter 3, Displaying Error Lo gs and Status , provides instructions for displaying po rt and swi tch status inf ormatio n.
Dep art ment al S witch D S-16B2 Fab ric OS Pr ocedu res Man ual ix Preface WARNING A warning contains informa tion essential to avoid a h azard that can cause severe personal injury , death, or subst antial property damage if you ignor e the warning.
x Departmenta l Sw itch DS-16B 2 Fabric OS Pro cedures M anual Preface Where to Get H elp Obtain techn ical support by callin g your local sales o ffice. For service, call: and as k for Custo mer S uppo rt. If you ar e located outside the USA, call the near est EMC off ice for technical assistance.
Setting the Initial Switch Configur ation 1-1 1 Invisible Body T ag The Departmental Switch Model DS-16B2 requir es a connection to your IP network. Thi s chapter provides informatio n on h ow to set up initial con figuration ta sks for a switch. ◆ Logging In to a Switch.
1 1-2 Departmenta l Switch Model DS-16B 2 Fabric OS Proced ures Manual Setting the Initial Switch Configuration Logging In to a Switch The switc h must be con nected to an IP netw ork through th e RJ-45 po rt to enab le a conn ection th rough T elnet.
1 Enabling Licensed Features 1-3 Setting the Initial Switch Configuration Enabling Licensed Fe atures Licensed featur es such as Departme ntal Switch DS-16B2 Fabric W a tch , Depar tment al Swi tch D .
1 1-4 Departmenta l Switch Model DS-16B 2 Fabric OS Proced ures Manual Setting the Initial Switch Configuration Displaying the Installed Featur e Licenses T o display what features have been enabled on a switch: 1. Log in to the switch as the admin us er .
1 Configu ring the IP Add ress 1-5 Setting the Initial Switch Configuration Configuring the IP Addr ess The Depart mental Swi tch DS-16B2 switch is shipped with a defaul t IP address of T o change the default IP Address and configur e the Fibre Channel IP address of the switch: 1.
1 1-6 Departmenta l Switch Model DS-16B 2 Fabric OS Proced ures Manual Setting the Initial Switch Configuration Displaying the Fabric-Wide Device Count T o verify that you have fabric-wide co nnectivity when you install a new switch, display th e fabric-wide device count from the newly installed sw itch.
Basic Sw itch C onfigur ation Procedures 2-1 2 Invisible Body T ag This chapter provides the foll owing inform ation on basic configuratio n tasks for De partment al Switch Mod el DS-16B2 switch. ◆ Setting the T elnet T imeout V alue ...............
2 2-2 Departmenta l Switch D S-16B2 Fabric OS Pro cedures Ma nual Basic Switch Configuration Procedures Setting the T elnet Timeout V alue T o set a new T elnet timeout value: 1.
2 Setting the Switch Da te and T ime 2-3 Basic Swi tch Configur ation Pr ocedures Setting the Switch Date and Time All switches ma intain current date and time in n onvolatile memo ry .
2 2-4 Departmenta l Switch D S-16B2 Fabric OS Pro cedures Ma nual Basic Switch Configuration Procedures Displaying the System Configuratio n Settings T o display the system configuration settings: 1.
2 Restorin g the Syst em Config uration Setti ngs 2-5 Basic Swi tch Configur ation Pr ocedures Restoring the Syste m Configuration Settings T o restore the system configuration sett ings from a backup: 1. V erify that the RSHD service (on UNIX hosts only) or the F TP service ( on a UNIX or W indow s host) is running on the ho st workstat ion.
2 2-6 Departmenta l Switch D S-16B2 Fabric OS Pro cedures Ma nual Basic Switch Configuration Procedures Upgrading or R estoring the Switch Firmwar e T o upgrade or restore the switch firmware: 1. V erify that the RSHD service/utilities or the F TP s ervice is running on the host workstatio n.
2 Enabling a Switch 2-7 Basic Swi tch Configur ation Pr ocedures Enabling a Switch T o enable a switch: 1. Log in to the switch as the admin us er . 2. At the command line, en ter the following command: switchEnable All Fib re Cha nnel ports th at passed the POST test a re en abled.
2 2-8 Departmenta l Switch D S-16B2 Fabric OS Pro cedures Ma nual Basic Switch Configuration Procedures Changing a Switch Name T o change the name of a switch: 1. Log in to the switch as the admin us er . 2. At the command line, en ter the following command: switchName "new_name" where new_name is the new name for the switch.
2 Setting the Switc h Status Policy 2-9 Basic Swi tch Configur ation Pr ocedures Setting the Switch Status Policy There are s even parameters that determine the status of a switch: ◆ Number of faulty ports ◆ Missing GBICs (i.
2 2-10 Departmenta l Sw itch DS-16B 2 Fabric OS Pro cedures M anual Basic Switch Configuration Procedures Enabling the T rack Changes Feature T o enable the track changes feature: 1.
2 Configuring a S tatic Route Between Two Ports 2-11 Basic Swi tch Configur ation Pr ocedures Configuring a Static Route Between T wo Ports T o configure a static rout e between two ports: 1.
2 2-12 Departmenta l Sw itch DS-16B 2 Fabric OS Pro cedures M anual Basic Switch Configuration Procedures Reading Hexadecimal Port Diagrams Many of the commands return port diagrams in hexadecimal format.
2 Reading Hexa deci mal Por t Diagr ams 2-13 Basic Swi tch Configur ation Pr ocedures Once the hexadecimal is converted into a binary bit map, each bit repr esents a port, where a va lue of 1 means yes and a value of 0 means no . The bit map is read from right to left, that is, the least significant bi t represents port 0.
2 2-14 Departmenta l Sw itch DS-16B 2 Fabric OS Pro cedures M anual Basic Switch Configuration Procedures.
Displaying Error Logs and Status 3-1 3 Invisible Body T ag This chapter provides the foll owing inf ormation on displaying po rt and swi tch status informa tion: ◆ Displaying the Status of a Port .............. ........... ................. ........
3 3-2 Departmenta l Switch Model DS-16B 2 Fabric OS Proced ures Manual Displaying Err or Logs and Status Displaying the Status of a Port There are two types of statis tics you can view for a port: ◆.
3 Displaying a Summ ary of Por t Errors 3-3 Displaying Err or Logs and Status Display ing a Summ ary of P ort Err ors This command displays a sum mary of port errors for all the ports in a single switch . T o display a summary of port errors for a switch: 1.
3 3-4 Departmenta l Switch Model DS-16B 2 Fabric OS Proced ures Manual Displaying Err or Logs and Status For m ore inf orma tio n on th e portErrShow command , r efer to th e Departmental Switch Model DS -16B2 Fabr ic OS R efer ence Ma nual.
3 Displayin g Infor mati on About a Sw itch 3-5 Displaying Err or Logs and Status Displaying Information About a Switch T o display switch information: 1.
3 3-6 Departmenta l Switch Model DS-16B 2 Fabric OS Proced ures Manual Displaying Err or Logs and Status Displaying the Uptime of the Switch T o display the uptime for a switch: 1.
3 Display ing Pow er Sup ply Status 3-7 Displaying Err or Logs and Status Displaying Power S upply Status T o display the power supply status of a switch: 1.
3 3-8 Departmenta l Switch Model DS-16B 2 Fabric OS Proced ures Manual Displaying Err or Logs and Status Displaying the T emperature Status T o display the temperature status of a switch: 1.
3 supportSh ow 3-9 Displaying Err or Logs and Status Syntax supportShow [firstPort, lastPort, nLog ] Desc ript ion Th is comm and is avail able to all u sers. It h as the ef fect of running each of the following commands one after the other in the following order: 1.
3 3-10 Departmenta l Switch Model DS-16B2 Fab ric OS Procedures Ma nual Displaying Err or Logs and Status Operands This command has the f ollowing operands: firstPort Specify the first port, of a ran ge of ports, to dump information. The d efault (if no op erand specified) is to print state of port 0.
Customer Suppo rt A-1 A nvisible Body T ag This appendix reviews the EM C process for detecting and resolving software problems, and provides essenti al question s that you sh ould answer before contacting the EMC Customer Support Center . This appendix covers th e following to pics: ◆ Overview of Detecting and Resolving Pro blems .
A A-2 Departmenta l Switch Model DS-16B 2 Fabric OS Proced ures Manual Customer Support Overview of Detecting and Resolving Prob lems EMC software pr oducts are supported di rectly by the EM C Customer Support Center in the United States . EMC uses th e following process to resolve customer problems wit h its software products (Figure A-1).
A Troubleshooting the Problem A-3 Custom er Supp ort T roublesh ooting the Pr oblem Please perform the r elevant diagnostic steps before yo u contact the EMC Customer Support Center: 1. Rea d t he doc ume nt atio n ca reful ly . 2. Reconstruct the events lead ing up to the problem and describe them in writin g.
A A-4 Departmenta l Switch Model DS-16B 2 Fabric OS Proced ures Manual Customer Support Before Calling the Customer Support Cente r Have the follo wing informatio n available bef ore calling the Cus t.
A Docum enting the Problem A-5 Custom er Supp ort Documenting the Pr oblem If the EMC Customer S upport Center requ ests information regar ding the problem, please document it com pletely , making sur.
A A-6 Departmenta l Switch Model DS-16B 2 Fabric OS Proced ures Manual Customer Support Reporting a New Pr oblem For a new problem, please provide the following i nformation: ❑ Release level of the .
A Sendin g Problem Docu mentatio n A-7 Custom er Supp ort Sending Problem Documentation Use on e of the fo llowi ng metho ds to sen d doc umenta tion o f the problem to the EMC Cus tomer Support Center: ◆ E-mail ◆ FT P ◆ U.
A A-8 Departmenta l Switch Model DS-16B 2 Fabric OS Proced ures Manual Customer Support.
Depa rtmental Sw itch Mod el DS-16 B2 Fabric OS Procedure s Manua l g-1 Glossary The terms in the glo ssary relate to the sw itch and Fibre Channel connections. Many of these terms ar e used in this manual. A 8b/10b En coding An encoding s cheme that con verts each 8 bit byte in to 10 bits .
g-2 De partmental Switc h Model DS-16B2 Fab ric OS Proced ures Manual Glossa ry API Application Programming In terface; a defined protocol that allo ws applications to interface with a set of services. Arbitrated Loop A s hared 1 00 MBps Fibre Chan nel t ransp ort stru ctured as a l oop .
Depa rtmental Sw itch Mod el DS-16 B2 Fabric OS Procedure s Manua l g-3 Glos sary Buf fer- to- Buf fer Flow Control Management of the frame transmission rate in either a point to point topology o r in an arbitrated loop. S ee also BB_Cr edit . C Cascade T w o o r more in terc on nec ted F ibre Ch ann el sw it che s.
g-4 De partmental Switc h Model DS-16B2 Fab ric OS Proced ures Manual Glossa ry CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check; a check for trans mission errors included in every data frame. Credit As applies to Fibr e Channel, the number of receive buf fers available for transmission of frame s between ports.
Depa rtmental Sw itch Mod el DS-16 B2 Fabric OS Procedure s Manua l g-5 Glos sary EE_Cr edit En d to end Credit; th e number of r eceive buffers allocated by a recipient port to an originating port. Used by Class 1 and 2 services to manage the exchange of frames acr oss the fabric between source an d destinat ion.
g-6 De partmental Switc h Model DS-16B2 Fab ric OS Proced ures Manual Glossa ry FC-FLA The Fibre Channel Fabric Loop Attach standa rd defined by ANSI. FCP Fibre Channel Proto col; mapp ing of p rotocols onto the Fibre Channel standar d protocols. For example, SCSI FCP maps SCSI-3 onto Fibr e Channel.
Depa rtmental Sw itch Mod el DS-16 B2 Fabric OS Procedure s Manua l g-7 Glos sary FS Fibre Channel Service; a service that is defined by F ibre Channel standar ds and exists at a well known a ddress. For exam ple, the Simple Name Server is a Fibr e Channel service.
g-8 De partmental Switc h Model DS-16B2 Fab ric OS Proced ures Manual Glossa ry Hub A Fibre Channel wiring concentra tor that colla pses a loop topo logy into a phys ical star topo logy . Nod es are automatical ly added to the loop when active and r emoved when inactive.
Depa rtmental Sw itch Mod el DS-16 B2 Fabric OS Procedure s Manua l g-9 Glos sary L L_Port Lo op Port; a no de port (NL_Port) or fabric port (F L_Port) that has arbitrated lo op capabilities. An L_Port can be in one of two modes: • Fabric mode-Connected to a port that is not loop capable, and using fabric protocol.
g-10 Departmenta l Switch Model DS-16B2 Fab ric OS Procedures Ma nual Glossa ry LW L Long W avelength; a type of fiber opti c cabling that is based on 1300mm lasers and supports link speeds of 1.0625 Gb ps. May also refer to the type of GBIC or SFP . See also SW L .
Depa rtmental Sw itch Mod el DS-16 B2 Fabric OS Procedure s Manua l g-11 Glos sary Nonparticipating Mode A mode in which an L_Po rt in a loop is inactive and cannot arbitrate or send frames, but can retransm it any received transmis sions. This mode is enter ed if ther e are more than 12 7 devices in a loop and an AL_P A cannot be acquir ed.
g-12 Departmenta l Switch Model DS-16B2 Fab ric OS Procedures Ma nual Glossa ry Port_Name The unique identifier ass igned to a Fibre Channel port. Communicated during lo gin and port discovery . POST Power On Self T est ; a series of tests ru n by a switch aft er it is turned on.
Depa rtmental Sw itch Mod el DS-16 B2 Fabric OS Procedure s Manua l g-13 Glos sary RAI D Redundant Array of Independent Disks; a collecti on of disk dr ives that appear as a single volu me to the server and are fault tolerant through mirr o ring or parity checking.
g-14 Departmenta l Switch Model DS-16B2 Fab ric OS Procedures Ma nual Glossa ry SNMP Simple N etwork Mana geme nt P rotocol. A n inte rne t mana gemen t protocol that uses either IP for network level functions and UDP for transport level function s, or TCP/IP for both.
Depa rtmental Sw itch Mod el DS-16 B2 Fabric OS Procedure s Manua l g-15 Glos sary T ranslative Mode A mode in which private d evices can commu nicate with public devices acr oss the fabric. T ransmission Character A 10 bit character encoded according to the rules of the 8B/10B algori thm .
g-16 Departmenta l Switch Model DS-16B2 Fab ric OS Procedures Ma nual Glossa ry Wo r k s t a t i o n A computer used to access and m anage the fabric. May also be referr ed to as a management station or host. WWN W orld W ide Name; an identifier that i s unique worldwide.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts EMC DS-16B2 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie EMC DS-16B2 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für EMC DS-16B2 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von EMC DS-16B2 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über EMC DS-16B2 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon EMC DS-16B2 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von EMC DS-16B2 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit EMC DS-16B2. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei EMC DS-16B2 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.