Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung SUB-PWRCORD-908 des Produzenten Eaton
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P o w er qualit y solutions R e f e r e n ce Gu ide an d P r ice boo k P r ic e s e f f e c t ive J anu ar y 1 , 2 012 Eat o n 9E.
1 Introduction Input Plug and Output Receptacle Chart .................................................................................................
2 EA TON CORPORA TION Reference Guide & Pricebook January 1, 201 2 REFERENCE GUIDE AND PRICEBOOK T abl e of Co n t en t s (c o nt i n u ed ) Ordering Information, Parts, A ccessories and Current List Pricing (continued) Se r ies FE RR O Eaton FERRUPS FE UPS 60 Hz (500–3100 V A) .
3 www erquality 1 .80 0.356.5794 January 1, 201 2 RECEPT A CLE CHART In p u t Plu g an d Ou t pu t R e c e pt a c l e C ha r t 5-15R 5-15P 5-20R 5-20P L5-20R L5-20P L5-30R L5-30P 6-15R .
4 EA TON CORPORA TION Reference Guide & Pricebook January 1, 201 2 EA T ON POWER DISTRIBUTION, MONIT ORING AND ENCL OSURES Eaton ePDU Catalog Numbering System PW 1 04 B A 0U 0 06 Function / Commun.
5 www erquality 1 .80 0.356.5794 January 1, 201 2 EA T ON POWER DISTRIBUTION, MONIT ORING AND ENCL OSURES eP D U s ePD Us fe atu re th e br oa de st por tf ol io i n th e i ndu st ry ac ros s a ll pow er den si ti es and tec hn ol og ie s to s at is fy t he nee ds of e ve ry dat a ce nt er .
6 EA TON CORPORA TION Reference Guide & Pricebook January 1, 201 2 EA T ON POWER DISTRIBUTION, MONIT ORING AND ENCL OSURES eP D U s (continued) ePDUs (continued) Cat al og Max .
7 www erquality 1 .80 0.356.5794 January 1, 201 2 EA T ON POWER DISTRIBUTION, MONIT ORING AND ENCL OSURES eP D U s (continued) ePDUs (continued) Cat al og Max .
8 EA TON CORPORA TION Reference Guide & Pricebook January 1, 201 2 EA T ON POWER DISTRIBUTION, MONIT ORING AND ENCL OSURES Ea t o n Aut o m a ti c T ra ns f e r Sw i t c he s EA T ON POWER DISTRIB.
9 www erquality 1 .80 0.356.5794 January 1, 201 2 EA T ON POWER DISTRIBUTION, MONIT ORING AND ENCL OSURES eP D U Ca bl e s • Adapters to enable equipment with disparate input/output r.
1 0 EA TON CORPORA TION Reference Guide & Pricebook January 1, 201 2 EA T ON POWER DISTRIBUTION, MONIT ORING AND ENCL OSURES eP D U Ca bl e s (continued) Accessories Catalog Number Description Pri.
1 1 werq uality 1 .80 0.356.5794 January 1, 201 2 ECLIPSE SURGE SUPPRESSORS P ulsar series The Eclipse is Ideal for all uses—computer , peripheral, stereo and video—total protection against power surges, spikes, nearby lightning strikes and line noise.
13 www 1 .80 0.356.5794 January 1, 201 2 • Connect and monitor up to two temperature sensors, two humidity sensors and four input contact sensors • 0U form factor space sav.
1 4 EA TON CORPORA TION Reference Guide & Pricebook January 1, 201 2 EA T ON POWER DISTRIBUTION, MONIT ORING AND ENCL OSURES Ea t o n R e mo t e P owe r P an el P ar t Nu m b e r Il l u s tr a t i.
1 5 www werq uality 1 .80 0.356.5794 January 1, 201 2 Eaton RPPs deliver unmatched power distribution with up to 168 factory-installed branch breakers in a highly compact footprint. These products offer ease of installation through standard top and bottom cable entry provisions within a free-standing structure.
1 6 EA TON CORPORA TION Reference Guide & Pricebook January 1, 201 2 EA T ON POWER DISTRIBUTION, MONIT ORING AND ENCL OSURES R emo t e P owe r P an el (R P P ) (c o n t in u e d ) REMO TE POWER P .
1 7 www werq uality 1 .80 0.356.5794 January 1, 201 2 EA T ON POWER DISTRIBUTION, MONIT ORING AND ENCL OSURES R emo t e P owe r P an el (R P P ) (c o n t in u e d ) RA CK POWER P ANEL T .
1 8 EA TON CORPORA TION Reference Guide & Pricebook January 1, 201 2 EA T ON POWER DISTRIBUTION, MONIT ORING AND ENCL OSURES Ea t o n P o w e r Dis t r i bu t i o n R a c k P ar t Nu m be r Il l u.
1 9 www werq uality 1 .80 0.356.5794 January 1, 201 2 EA T ON POWER DISTRIBUTION, MONIT ORING AND ENCL OSURES P ow e r D is t r i bu t i o n R ac k (P D R ) Eaton PDRs are designed for high power applications in data center and rack equipment environments.
20 EA TON CORPORA TION Reference Guide & Pricebook January 1, 201 2 EA T ON POWER DISTRIBUTION, MONIT ORING AND ENCL OSURES P ow e r D is t r i bu t i o n R ac k (P D R ) (c o n t in u e d ) POWER.
21 www erquality 1 .80 0.356.5794 January 1, 201 2 EA T ON POWER DISTRIBUTION, MONIT ORING AND ENCL OSURES Ea t o n Bra n c h C ir c u i t Br e a kers Eaton Cutler-Hammer bolt-on branch circuit breakers can be installed in any 42-pole Cutler-Hammer panelboard providing over-current and high interrupting current protection.
22 EA TON CORPORA TION Reference Guide & Pricebook January 1, 201 2 EA T ON POWER DISTRIBUTION, MONIT ORING AND ENCL OSURES Ea t o n Ene r g y Ma na g e m en t S y s t e m Up g r a de Ki t Eat on .
23 www erquality 1 .80 0.356.5794 January 1, 201 2 Eat on 's lin e o f li qu id -t ig ht p ow er dis tr ib uti on ca ble s m in imi ze s e le ctr ic al and me ch ani ca l d ist ur ba nc es inc lu di ng har mo ni c di st or ti on .
24 EA TON CORPORA TION Reference Guide & Pricebook January 1, 201 2 NEMA "IG" ISOLA TED GROUND CABLE NEMA T ype Hubbell PN V olts Amps Phase Breaker Wire Qty Wire Size Sealtite Fixed Price Price Per Foot 5-15R1 IG 5261 120 15 1 1 Pole 4 12 awg 0.
25 www erquality 1 .80 0.356.5794 January 1, 201 2 RUSSELLST OLL & IEC CABLES Device Volts Amps Phase Breaker Wire Qty Wire Size Sealtite Fixed Price Price Per Foot RS3913 250 20 2 2 Pole 3 12 awg 0.5" $650.00 $3.21 RS3743 250 20 2 2 Pole 3 12 awg 0.
26 EA TON CORPORA TION Reference Guide & Pricebook January 1, 201 2 EA T ON CA T AL OG NUMBER ORDERING INSTRU CTIONS Single-phase Products Eat on is n ow emp lo yi ng th e u se of sm ar t p ar t n um be rs to he lp ou r c us to me rs des ig n t he pr od uc t t ha t f it s t he ir ne ed s a nd ma ke s o rd eri ng a sna p.
27 www erquality 1 .80 0.356.5794 January 1, 201 2 EA T ON 31 05 UPS P owerw are series Standby UPS (50 0 – 70 0 V A) Protect your small office and home office computer and telephone equipment from the damaging threats that lurk in public utility power especially power outages, sags, and line noise.
28 EA TON CORPORA TION Reference Guide & Pricebook January 1, 201 2 EA T ON 3S UPS Eaton series Standby UPS (550 – 750 V A) The sleek Eaton 3S delivers high efficiency and energy-saving battery backup and surge protection for your premium home and office equipment — ready to go right out of the box.
29 www erquality 1 .80 0.356.5794 January 1, 201 2 EA T ON 51 1 0 UPS P owerw are series Line-interactive UPS (50 0 – 1 500 V A) Protect your SOHO computer and telephone equipment from the damaging threats that lurk in public utility power .
30 EA TON CORPORA TION Reference Guide & Pricebook January 1, 201 2 EA T ON 51 1 0 UPS P owerw are series (continued) 51 1 0 BA TTER Y BA CKUP TIMES (in minutes) Load 30W 60W 90W 120W 150W 180W 21.
31 www erquality 1 .80 0.356.5794 January 1, 201 2 Line-interactive UPS (50 0–1 400 V A) The Eaton 5115 UPS offers Series 5 advanced protection for PCs, small-office-home-office equipment, workstations and small networking devices.
32 EA TON CORPORA TION Reference Guide & Pricebook January 1, 201 2 EA T ON 51 1 5 UPS T O WER P owerw are series (continued) SOFTWARE The Intelligent Power Software Suite is available for download free of charge. See the software and connectivity product sections for more detail.
33 www erquality 1 .80 0.356.5794 January 1, 201 2 51 1 5 NORTH AMERIC AN RACKMOUNT MODELS: 120V , 50/60 Hz 1 Part Rating Input Output Dimensions W eight List Model Number (V A/Watts) Connection Receptacles (H x W x D, inches) (lb) Price 5115 500 RM 103003266- 6591 5 00/320 5-15 P (4) 5-15R 1.
34 EA TON CORPORA TION Reference Guide & Pricebook January 1, 201 2 51 1 5 RA CKMOUNT BA TTER Y BA CKUP TIMES (in minutes) Load (VA/W atts) 5115 RM 500 5115 RM 750 5115 RM 1000 5115 RM 1500 200/13.
35 www erquality 1 .80 0.356.5794 January 1, 201 2 Line-interactive UPS (650 – 20 0 0 V A) The Eaton Evolution UPS provides high density power protection for network devices.
36 EA TON CORPORA TION Reference Guide & Pricebook January 1, 201 2 EV OLUTION SERVICE PLANS (continued) Onsite PowerT rust Service Plans include startup, annual PM and eNotify Remote Monitoring s.
37 www erquality 1 .80 0.356.5794 January 1, 201 2 EV OLUTION BA TTER Y BA CKUP TIMES (in minutes) @ 0.7 Po w er Factor* Load (VA/W atts) Internal Batteries EVLL650T / EVLL650R-1U 65/42.
38 EA TON CORPORA TION Reference Guide & Pricebook January 1, 201 2 Line-interactive UPS (1 0 0 0–220 0 V A) The Eaton 5125 UPS delivers cost-effective power protection for PCs, workstations and servers.
39 www erquality 1 .80 0.356.5794 January 1, 201 2 Line-interactive UPS (1250–30 0 0 V A) The Eaton 5130 UPS offers density-optimized, highly configurable, advanced power protection for IT network/wiring closets, medical systems, communications/VoIP network systems and other mission- critical applications.
40 EA TON CORPORA TION Reference Guide & Pricebook January 1, 201 2 5130 SERVICE PLANS Extended Warranty Coverage for UPS (includes batteries in UPS) Part Number UPS Model Description List Price 5.
41 www erquality 1 .80 0.356.5794 January 1, 201 2 EA T ON 5PX UPS RA CK/T OWER 5PX NORTH AMERIC AN MODELS: 120V , 50/60 Hz Catalog Rating Input Output Dimensions Weight List Number Des.
42 EA TON CORPORA TION Reference Guide & Pricebook January 1, 201 2 EA T ON 5PX UPS RA CK/T OWER Eaton series (continued) SOFTWARE AND CONNECTIVITY OPTIONS Catalog Number Description List Price Network -MS Network Card- MS $249 See software and conn ectivity product sections for more detail.
43 www erquality 1 .80 0.356.5794 January 1, 201 2 Line-interactive UPS (1250–30 0 0 V A) High density power protection with optimized form factors and extended runtime options for ne.
44 EA TON CORPORA TION Reference Guide & Pricebook January 1, 201 2 EA T ON EV OLUTION S UPS P ulsar series (continued) EV OLUTION S SERVICE PLANS (continued) Onsite Flex Service Plans include sta.
45 www erquality 1 .80 0.356.5794 January 1, 201 2 Line-interactive UPS (50 0 0–60 0 0 V A) The 5125 delivers a space-saving 3U rack height package and is the ideal high-density power protection solution for your servers, storage systems, network equipment and other critical devices.
46 EA TON CORPORA TION Reference Guide & Pricebook January 1, 201 2 5125 RA CKMOUNT SERVICE PLANS Contract Onsite Gold Plan List Onsite Gold Plan List Product Duration Part Number Price Plus Part .
47 www erquality 1 .80 0.356.5794 January 1, 201 2 Online UPS (70 0–30 0 0 V A) Ideal protection for servers, data storage, network equipment, telephony, VoIP and medical equipment—industrial processes.
48 EA TON CORPORA TION Reference Guide & Pricebook January 1, 201 2 EA T ON EX UPS P ulsar series (continued) EX OPTIONS Catalog Style Dimensions Weight List Number Number Description (H x W x D, inches) (lb) Price Extended Battery Modules PULSL1500T -EBM 86705 120V TWR EBM 1–1.
49 www erquality 1 .80 0.356.5794 January 1, 201 2 EA T ON EX UPS P ulsar series (continued) EX SERVICE PLANS (continued) Onsite Flex Service Plans include startup and eNotify Remote Mo.
50 EA TON CORPORA TION Reference Guide & Pricebook January 1, 201 2 EX BA TTERY BA CKUP TIMES (in minutes) (continued) Load Standard (V A/Watts) Internal Batteries +1 EBM +2 EBMs +3 EBMs +4 EBMs E.
51 www erquality 1 .80 0.356.5794 January 1, 201 2 EA T ON 9130 UPS RA CKMOUNT P owerw are series 9130 NORTH AMERIC AN RA CK MODELS: 120V , 50/60 Hz Catalog Rating Input Output Dimensio.
52 EA TON CORPORA TION Reference Guide & Pricebook January 1, 201 2 9130 INTERNA TIONAL RA CK MODELS: 230V , 50/60 Hz Catalog Rating Input Output Dimensions Weight List Number Description (V A/W atts) Connection 1 Receptacles (H x W x D, inches) 2 (lb) Price PW9130i 1000R- XL2U 9130 1000 230V RACK 1000/ 900 C14 (6) C13 3.
53 www erquality 1 .80 0.356.5794 January 1, 201 2 9130 RA CK MODELS BA TTERY BA CKUP TIMES (in minutes) @ 0.7 Po w er Factor* Internal V A/Watts Batteries +1EBM +2 EBMs +3 EBMs +4 EBMs.
54 EA TON CORPORA TION Reference Guide & Pricebook January 1, 201 2 EA T ON 9130 UPS T OWER P owerw are series Online UPS (70 0–30 0 0 V A) The Eaton 9130 UPS provides more real power and greener IT with high performance protection and battery backup for unpredictable power in any IT environment.
55 www erquality 1 .80 0.356.5794 January 1, 201 2 9130 OPTIONS Catalog Style Dimensions Weight List Number Number Description (H x W x D, inches) (lb) Price Extended Battery Modules PW9130N 1000T -EBM 1 PW9130 1000 EBM T ower 9.1 x 6.3 x 15.
56 EA TON CORPORA TION Reference Guide & Pricebook January 1, 201 2 9130 TO WER MODELS BA TTER Y BA CKUP TIMES (in minutes) @ 0.7 P o wer Factor* Internal V A/Watts Batteries +1EBM +2 EBMs +3 EBMs.
57 www erquality 1 .80 0.356.5794 January 1, 201 2 9135 RA CK/T O WER GLOBAL MODELS: 208V , 50/60Hz* Catalog Rating Input Output Dimensions Weight List Number Description (V A/Watts) Connection Receptacles (H x W x D, inches) (lb) Price PW9135G5000-XL3U PW9135 5000 208V 3U 5000/3500 T erminal Block Hardwired + (4) L6-30R 5.
58 EA TON CORPORA TION Reference Guide & Pricebook January 1, 201 2 9135 RA CK/T O WER SERVICE PLANS Onsite PowerT rust Service Plans include startup, annual PM and eNotify Remote Monitoring servi.
59 www erquality 1 .80 0.356.5794 January 1, 201 2 Online double-con v ersion UPS (50 0 0 V A, upgradeable to 20,0 0 0 V A) A unique, true online double-conversion product family designed to let you pay-as-you-grow with high-density power protection.
60 EA TON CORPORA TION Reference Guide & Pricebook January 1, 201 2 MX SERVICE PLANS Onsite PowerT rust Service Plans include startup, annual PM and eNotify Remote Monitoring service Contract Serv.
61 www erquality 1 .80 0.356.5794 January 1, 201 2 MX BA TTERY BA CKUP TIMES (in minutes @ .7 pf) * Load kW Internal Batteries +1 EBM +2 EBMs +3 EBMs 700 36 132 232 332 1050 23 87 156 2.
62 EA TON CORPORA TION Reference Guide & Pricebook January 1, 201 2 EA T ON 91 40 UPS RA CKMOUNT P owerw are series Online UPS (7 .5–1 0 kV A) Superior de-centralized power protection for medium and high-density rack environments.
63 www erquality 1 .80 0.356.5794 January 1, 201 2 EA T ON 91 40 UPS RA CKMOUNT P owerw are series (c o n ti n u e d) 91 40 RACK SERVICE PLANS (continued) Extended Battery Module Adder .
64 EA TON CORPORA TION Reference Guide & Pricebook January 1, 201 2 High performance UPS Perfect for rack servers enclosure and industrial environment.
65 www erquality 1 .80 0.356.5794 January 1, 201 2 RA CKMOUNT ePDU OPTIONS Cat al og Max . Cor d Inpu t Outp ut Di me ns io ns Lis t Num ber kW Fun ct io n Le ng th ( ft ) Plug Re ce pta cl es (H x W x D, in ch es) Pri ce PW1 05 BA 2U 42 0 4.
66 EA TON CORPORA TION Reference Guide & Pricebook January 1, 201 2 EX RT BA TTERY BA CKUP TIMES (in minutes)* Load (VA/W atts) Base Battery Module +1 EBM +2 EBMs +3 EBMs +4 EBMs +5 EBMs EXRTG5000.
67 www erquality 1 .80 0.356.5794 January 1, 201 2 EA T ON 91 55 UPS P owerw are series Online double-con v ersion UPS (8–1 5 kV A) This innovative design delivers one of the industry.
68 EA TON CORPORA TION Reference Guide & Pricebook January 1, 201 2 EA T ON 91 55 UPS P owerw are series ( c o nt i n u e d) OUTPUT RECEPT A CLES AND MAINTENANCE B YP ASS Order Number Description Dimensions (H x W x D, inches) Weight (lb) List Price See wo rks hee t belo w: Power Distr ibu tio n Modu le (P DM) wi th Me cha nica l 16.
69 www erquality 1 .80 0.356.5794 January 1, 201 2 EA T ON 91 55 UPS P owerw are series ( c o nt i n u e d) 91 55 SERVICE PLANS (continued) Gold Plans Contract Onsite Gold Plan List Ons.
70 EA TON CORPORA TION Reference Guide & Pricebook January 1, 201 2 EA T ON 91 55 UPS P owerw are series ( c o nt i n u e d) 91 55 SP ARE P ARTS Description Part Number List Price PW9155 Spares Kit 106711155 call Spare parts kits MUST be purchased at the time of the UPS.
71 www erquality 1 .80 0.356.5794 January 1, 201 2 Online double-con v ersion UPS (3–1 8 kV A) Reliable online, high-frequency, double-conversion power protection that provides flexible solutions for mission-critical applications.
72 EA TON CORPORA TION Reference Guide & Pricebook January 1, 201 2 EA T ON 91 70+ UPS RA CK/T O WER P owerw are series (c o n ti n u e d) 91 70+ PRE-CONFIGURED S Y STEMS Output Dimensions Weight .
73 www erquality 1 .80 0.356.5794 January 1, 201 2 PRE-CONFIGURED S Y STEMS WITH HARDWIRE INPUT AND RECEPT A CLES OUTPUT OPTIONS Output Dimensions Weight List Model Number Rating Input Connection Receptacles (H x W x D, inches) (lb) Price PW6S3K-PD 3 kV A expan dab le Hardwir ed (2 ) L14- 30R , 33.
7 4 EA TON CORPORA TION Reference Guide & Pricebook January 1, 201 2 SOFTWARE AND CONNECTIVITY OPTIONS Catalog Number Description List Price 1167502 22-001 Co nnectUP S-BD $335 Network -MS Ne twork Card- MS $249 Bundled with Intelligent Power Software Suite CD and communication cable.
75 www erquality 1 .80 0.356.5794 January 1, 201 2 CUST OMIZABLE RECEPT ACLE OPTIONS Output Receptacle Power Module T ype # of Bays CTO Digit List Price 5-20 R dup lex Spli t-p has e 1 .
7 6 EA TON CORPORA TION Reference Guide & Pricebook January 1, 201 2 FERRUPS FE 60 Hz MODELS Input/Output Runtimes Output List CTO Number Voltage Full/Half Load Input Plug Receptacles Price MODEL .
77 www erquality 1 .80 0.356.5794 January 1, 201 2 EA T ON FERRUPS FE UPS 60 HZ P owerw are series (c o n ti n u e d) FERRUPS FE 60 Hz MODELS (continued) Input/Output Runtimes Output List Model Number CTO Number V oltage Full/Half Load Input Plug Receptacles Price Model FE4.
78 EA TON CORPORA TION Reference Guide & Pricebook January 1, 201 2 FERRUPS RA CK SERIES 60 Hz MODELS Input/Output Runtimes Output List CTO Number V oltage Full/Half Load Input Plug Receptacles Price Model FES1.
79 www erquality 1 .80 0.356.5794 January 1, 201 2 FERRUPS EXTERNAL BA TTER Y CABINETS GROUP 1 Contract Onsite Gold Plan List Onsite Gold Plan Plus List Duration Part Number Price Part .
80 EA TON CORPORA TION Reference Guide & Pricebook January 1, 201 2 FERRUPS EXTERNAL BA TTERY P A CK BA CKUP TIMES (full/half load) FERR UPS exte rnal batt ery packs offe r exte nde d bac kup ti mes . Ple ase se e fol lowi ng pa ges for typ ica l back up ti mes .
81 www erquality 1 .80 0.356.5794 January 1, 201 2 MAINTENANCE B YP ASS SWITCHES Part Number Description Application List Price BPE0 1MB B1A BPE01 Make -Be fore -Br eak Maint ena nce Bypas s Swi tch For use wi th: FE50 0 V A– 2.1 kV A wi th 120 V inp ut FE3.
82 EA TON CORPORA TION Reference Guide & Pricebook January 1, 201 2 EPS2, -48 Vdc DC P o wer The Eaton EPS2 DC power system is designed for converged data networks and low power telecommunications applications that require a compact efficient DC power supply.
83 www erquality 1 .80 0.356.5794 January 1, 201 2 Eaton Enterprise DC P ow er System EPS2-40 0 series (c o n t in u e d ) EBM BA TTERY BA CKUP TIMES* (in minutes) Load (Watts) +1 EBM 300 >90 600 54 900 34 1200 22 1800 12 * EPS2 does not include interna l batter ies.
84 EA TON CORPORA TION Reference Guide & Pricebook January 1, 201 2 The Eaton APS3 DC power system is designed for converged data networks and low power telecommunications applications that require a compact efficient DC power supply .
85 www erquality 1 .80 0.356.5794 January 1, 201 2 Eaton Access DC P ow er S ystem APS3-40 0 series (c o n t in u e d ) APS3 SERVICE PLANS Model Part Number List Price APS3 DC First-yea.
86 EA TON CORPORA TION Reference Guide & Pricebook January 1, 201 2 Eaton Access DC P ow er S ystem APS6-40 0 series The Eaton APS6 DC power system is designed for converged data networks and low power telecommunications applications that require a compact efficient DC power supply .
87 www erquality 1 .80 0.356.5794 January 1, 201 2 Eaton Access DC P ow er S ystem APS6-40 0 series (c o n t in u e d ) APS6 SERVICE PLANS Model Part Number List Price APS6 DC First-yea.
88 EA TON CORPORA TION Reference Guide & Pricebook January 1, 201 2 Eaton D V2 DC P ow er System D V2-Metro UL series The Eaton DV2-Metro UL DC power system is for converged data networks and medium power telecommunications applications that require a compact efficient DC power supply.
89 www erquality 1 .80 0.356.5794 January 1, 201 2 Eaton D V2 DC P ow er System D V2-Metro UL series (c o n t in u e d ) D V2-METRO UL SERVICE PLANS (continued) Model Part Number List P.
90 EA TON CORPORA TION Reference Guide & Pricebook January 1, 201 2 Eaton Matrix 20 0 0 Standalone In verter Matrix series EA T ON MA TRIX 20 0 0 ST AND ALONE INVERTER Catalog Output Rating Input .
91 www erquality 1 .80 0.356.5794 January 1, 201 2 Double-con v ersion on-demand (12–60 kW) The Eaton BladeUPS is a revolutionary power quality solution, expanding power protection fr.
92 EA TON CORPORA TION Reference Guide & Pricebook January 1, 201 2 EA T ON BLADEUPS (c o n ti n u e d) BLADEUPS (12–60 kW) MODELS: PRE-ASSEMBLED S Y STEMS IN NEW EA T ON 42U RACK Factory Instal.
93 www erquality 1 .80 0.356.5794 January 1, 201 2 EA T ON BLADEUPS (c o n ti n u e d) BLADEUPS (12–48 kW) MODELS: PRE-ASSEMBLED S Y STEMS IN NEW EA T ON 42U RACK Factory Installed and T ested UPS Systems in Eaton 42U Rack.
94 EA TON CORPORA TION Reference Guide & Pricebook January 1, 201 2 EA T ON BLADEUPS (c o n ti n u e d) BLADEUPS (12–60 kW) MODELS: PRE-ASSEMBLED S Y STEMS Factory Installed and T ested UPS Syst.
95 www erquality 1 .80 0.356.5794 January 1, 201 2 EA T ON BLADEUPS (c o n ti n u e d) BLADEUPS OPTIONS Description Style Number Dimensions (H x W x D, inches) Weight (lb) List Price Extended Battery Modules Blad eUP S 3U EBM 1 1030 057 47- 6591 5.
96 EA TON CORPORA TION Reference Guide & Pricebook January 1, 201 2 BLADEUPS BA TTERY BA CKUP TIMES (in minutes) Load (kW) Internal Battery +1 EBM +2 EBMs +3 EBMs +4 EBMs 2 44 85 137 199 258 3 30 56 89 12 8 165 4 23 42 66 94 12 0 5 18 33 51 73 94 6 13.
97 www erquality 1 .80 0.356.5794 January 1, 201 2 EA T ON BLADEUPS (c o n ti n u e d) RA CK POWER MODULE CONFIGURA TOR Description Quantity Part List Number Digit V alue Price Base 3U .
98 EA TON CORPORA TION Reference Guide & Pricebook January 1, 201 2 EA T ON BLADEUPS (c o n ti n u e d) RA CK POWER MODULE CONFIGURA TOR (continued) Description Quantity Part List Number Digit V a.
99 www erquality 1 .80 0.356.5794 January 1, 201 2 EA T ON BLADEUPS (c o n ti n u e d) EA T ON BLADEUPS PDU WITH MAINTENANCE B YP ASS (continued) Dim en si on s Catalog Style Rating Inp.
1 00 EA TON CORPORA TION Reference Guide & Pricebook January 1, 201 2 EA T ON BLADEUPS (c o n ti n u e d) EA T ON BLADEUPS SERVICE PLANS (continued) Description Service Part Number Additional List.
1 0 1 werq uality 1 .80 0.356.5794 January 1, 201 2 Double-con v ersion (1 0–1 5 kV A) This innovative design delivers one of the industry’ s best combinations of high efficiency .
1 02 EA TON CORPORA TION Reference Guide & Pricebook January 1, 201 2 EA T ON 9355 UPS P owerw are series ( c o nt i n u e d) 9355 OPTIONS Part Additional Input/Output Dimensions Weight List Descr.
1 03 www werq uality 1 .80 0.356.5794 January 1, 201 2 EA T ON 9355 UPS P owerw are series ( c o nt i n u e d) BUIL T -IN CONNECTIVITY OPTIONS V alue for Part List Description CTO Digit .
1 04 EA TON CORPORA TION Reference Guide & Pricebook January 1, 201 2 9355 (20 –30 KV A) MODELS 20 kVA (18 kW) Input/Output Base Dimensions Weight Option List Description Part Number 1 Voltage Runtime (min) (H x W x D, inches) 3 (lb) 3 Cabinet (s) Price PW9355 20 kVA with Internal Batteries KB2013100000010 208/208 18 66.
1 05 www werq uality 1 .80 0.356.5794 January 1, 201 2 9355 OPTIONS Part Input/Output Dimensions Weight List Description Number Rating V oltage (H x W x D, inches) (lb) 1 Price PW93 55 20 & 30 kV A 2 Strin g Line & Matc h Exte nde d Bat tery Cabi net 103005 183 36 - 66.
1 06 EA TON CORPORA TION Reference Guide & Pricebook January 1, 201 2 EA T ON 9355 UPS P owerw are series ( c o nt i n u e d) 9355 BA TTERY BA CKUP TIMES (in minutes) UPS Internal Internal Interna.
1 07 www werq uality 1 .80 0.356.5794 January 1, 201 2 EA T ON EMERGENC Y LIGHTING UPS SINGLE-PHASE EMERGENC Y LIGHTING System Dimensions Individual System Individual Quantity Rating Inp.
1 08 EA TON CORPORA TION Reference Guide & Pricebook January 1, 201 2 EA T ON 9E UPS & A CCESSORIES The Eaton 9E UPS delivers three key benefits that drive a lower total cost of ownership (TCO): internal batteries, compact footprint and energy-efficiency.
1 09 www werq uality 1 .80 0.356.5794 January 1, 201 2 EA T ON 9E UPS & A CCESSORIES (c o n t in u e d ) 9E (20-30 KV A) INTEGRA TED A CCESSORY CABINET - MAINTENANCE B YP ASS Dimensi.
1 10 EA TON CORPORA TION Reference Guide & Pricebook January 1, 201 2 EA T ON 9E UPS & A CCESSORIES (c o n t in u e d ) 9E (40-60 KV A) INTEGRA TED A CCESSORY CABINET - DISTRIBUTION Dimensions.
1 1 1 www erquality 1 .80 0.356.5794 January 1, 201 2 EA T ON 9E UPS & A CCESSORIES (c o n t in u e d ) EA T ON 9E (30 kV A) SERVICES Description Service Part Number Additional List.
1 12 EA TON CORPORA TION Reference Guide & Pricebook January 1, 201 2 EA T ON 9E UPS & A CCESSORIES (c o n t in u e d ) EA T ON 9E (60 kV A) SERVICES (continued) Description Service Part Numbe.
1 13 www erquality 1 .80 0.356.5794 January 1, 201 2 Double-con v ersion • All-in-one, space efficient, completely integrated system with internal batteries (40 kVA) and distribution .
1 14 EA TON CORPORA TION Reference Guide & Pricebook January 1, 201 2 EA T ON 9390IT UPS P owerw are series ( c o nt i n u ed ) 9390IT WITH DISTRIBUTION Rating Input/Output Base Run- Dimensions We.
1 15 www werq uality 1 .80 0.356.5794 January 1, 201 2 CONNECTIVITY OPTIONS Description CTO Part Number List Price HotS ync CAN Bri dge Card (requ ire d to obt ain RS48 5 Port for RM P I.
1 16 EA TON CORPORA TION Reference Guide & Pricebook January 1, 201 2 EA T ON 9390IT UPS P owerw are series ( c o nt i n u e d) NON-MA TCHING MAINTENANCE B YP ASS P ANELS (40 kV A) (continued) Par.
1 17 www 1 .80 0.356.5794 January 1, 201 2 EA T ON 9390IT UPS P owerw are series ( c o nt i n u e d) 9390IT SERVICE PLANS Description Service Part Number Additional List Price .
1 18 EA TON CORPORA TION Reference Guide & Pricebook January 1, 201 2 Ultra-isolator Noise Suppressor and Isolation Pr o vider The Power-Suppress 100 offers the following advanced features: • T .
1 19 www werq uality 1 .80 0.356.5794 January 1, 201 2 The Power-Sure 700 provides intelligent protection for transmitters & industrial controls.
120 EA TON CORPORA TION Reference Guide & Pricebook January 1, 201 2 PO WER-SURE 70 0 (c o n t in u e d ) POWER-SURE 70 0 POWER CONDITIONERS: 480/480V Style Dimensions Weight List Catalog Number Number Description (H x W x D, inches) (lb) Price TDN- 010 K-6 TDN-01 0K- 6 PWRS URE 700 480 /48 0V 10 kV A 30.
121 www 1 .80 0.356.5794 January 1, 201 2 PO WER-SURE 80 0 POWER-SURE 80 0 POWER CONDITIONERS: 60 Hz Models–Receptacle Style (Plug-and-play) Style Dimensions W eight List Catalog Number Number Description (H x W x D, inches) (lb) Price T800 R-0 050 0 T800 R-0 050 0 PWRS URE 800 OFC /RC PT 50 0 V A 8.
122 EA TON CORPORA TION Reference Guide & Pricebook January 1, 201 2 Y ou can't manage what you can't measure, and you certainly can't measure something you can't even see—without a power quality instrument that is.
123 www 1 .80 0.356.5794 January 1, 201 2 POWER XPERT METER 40 0 0/60 0 0/80 0 0 Catalog Number Style Number Description List Price PXM 4000 METERS PXM4051A1AA 65D4061G001 PXM 4000 Meter , 2 GB, AC, no options $5,290 PXM4051A1BA 65D4061G002 PXM 4000 Meter , 2 GB, AC, w/ Com.
124 EA TON CORPORA TION Reference Guide & Pricebook January 1, 201 2 PO WER XPERT METER 20 0 0 Co m p a ct P ow e r Q ua l i t y Me t e r in g P r o d u ct s The meters combine state-of-the-art technology with waveform viewing, data trending and performance benchmarking.
125 www 1 .80 0.356.5794 January 1, 201 2 POWER XPERT METER 20 0 0 (continued) Configuration Number Catalog Number Description List Price 41 PXM2270MA65125 PXM2270 Meter/Displa.
126 EA TON CORPORA TION Reference Guide & Pricebook January 1, 201 2 POWER XPERT METER 20 0 0 (continued) Configuration Number Catalog Number Description List Price 91 PXM2270T A65145 PXM2270 T ra.
127 www 1 .80 0.356.5794 January 1, 201 2 IQ 250/260 SERIES Me t e r in g P r o d uc t s The IQ 250 and IQ 260 electronic meters provide capabilities you wouldn’t normally expect in an affordable, compact meter—such as fast sampling rate and accurate metering for a full range of power attributes.
128 EA TON CORPORA TION Reference Guide & Pricebook January 1, 201 2 IQ 250/260 SERIES Configuration Number Catalog Number Description List Price 34 IQ260MA51400 IQ260 Meter/Display 50Hz 1A 24-48V.
129 www 1 .80 0.356.5794 January 1, 201 2 IQ 250/260 SERIES (continued) Me t e r in g P r o d uc t s IQ 250/260 A CCESSORIES (I/O Cards Offered for Upgrade) Description Catalog.
130 EA TON CORPORA TION Reference Guide & Pricebook January 1, 201 2 IQ 130/1 40/1 50 SERIES Me t e r in g P r o d uc t s Providing the first line of defense against costly power problems, Eaton’ s IQ 100 electronic power meters can perform the work of an entire wall of legacy metering equipment utilizing today’ s technology.
131 www 1 .80 0.356.5794 January 1, 201 2 IQ 130/1 40/1 50 SERIES Configuration Number Catalog Number Description List Price 39 IQ130T A6141 IQ130 T ransducer Only 60Hz 1A 24-4.
132 EA TON CORPORA TION Reference Guide & Pricebook January 1, 201 2 Enclosed Meter s P ow e r Q ua l i t y M et e r i ng P rod u c ts Designed for the IQ 130/140/150, IQ 250/260, and Power Xpert .
133 www 1 .80 0.356.5794 January 1, 201 2 ENCLOSED METERS (continued) Catalog Number Style Number Description List Price W/Power Xpert Meter 2000 Series PXM2250MA65105-2A 84-32.
134 EA TON CORPORA TION Reference Guide & Pricebook January 1, 201 2 ENCLOSED METERS (continued) Catalog Number Style Number Description List Price W/Power Xpert Meter 2000 Series (continued) PXM2.
135 www 1 .80 0.356.5794 January 1, 201 2 SOFTW ARE S of tw are P rod u c t s Del ive ring a full line of soft war e, st rat egi c equ ipm ent, and co nne cti vit y dev ice s, Eat on pr ovi des the per fec t sol uti on.
136 EA TON CORPORA TION Reference Guide & Pricebook January 1, 201 2 SOFTW ARE S of tw are P rod u c t s (c o n t in u e d ) Ne t W a tc h SERVER SHUTDOWN SOFTWARE The Ne tW a tch Cl ien t sof twa.
137 www 1 .80 0.356.5794 January 1, 201 2 SOFTW ARE S of tw are P rod u c t s (c o n t in u e d ) EA T ON POWER XPERT SOFTWARE Part Number List Price Power Xpert Software Profe.
138 EA TON CORPORA TION Reference Guide & Pricebook January 1, 201 2 Eat on’ s connec tiv ity prod uct s are acce ssor y har dwa re op tio ns us ed to pr ovi de Ea ton UPS/P DU pr odu cts to ext ern al com mun ica tio n dev ice s.
139 www 1 .80 0.356.5794 January 1, 201 2 C ONNECTIVITY (c on t i n ue d ) Co n n e ct iv i ty P rod u c ts Ea t o n P o w e r Xpe r t G at e w ay PD P C ar d Pro vid es W eb -.
1 40 EA TON CORPORA TION Reference Guide & Pricebook January 1, 201 2 SOFTWARE COMP A TIBILITY WITH UPS VIA USB OR SERIAL CABLE (PEER-T O-PEER) Powerware Series Pulsar Series Eaton BladeUPS Protec.
1 41 www werq uality 1 .80 0.356.5794 January 1, 201 2 C ONNECTIVITY (c on t i n ue d ) Co n n e ct iv i ty Op t i on s WEB/SNMP PRODUCTS Description Part Number List Price Conn ect UPS .
1 42 EA TON CORPORA TION Reference Guide & Pricebook January 1, 201 2 SURGE PRO TECTION PSPD SERIES Eaton’ s PSPD series of surge protection devices ensure that critical equipment is protected with the safest, most reliable and most advanced UL 1449 3rd Edition certified surge protectors.
1 43 www werq uality 1 .80 0.356.5794 January 1, 201 2 SURGE PRO TECTION (c o nt i n u ed ) PSPD SERIES Dimensions Dimensions Part (H x W x D, Weight List Part (H x W x D, Weight List De.
1 44 EA TON CORPORA TION Reference Guide & Pricebook January 1, 201 2 SURGE PRO TECTION (c o nt i n u ed ) PSPD SERIES Dimensions Dimensions Part (H x W x D, Weight List Part (H x W x D, Weight Li.
1 45 www werq uality 1 .80 0.356.5794 January 1, 201 2 SURGE PRO TECTION (c o nt i n u ed ) PSPD SERIES Dimensions Dimensions Part (H x W x D, Weight List Part (H x W x D, Weight List De.
1 46 EA TON CORPORA TION Reference Guide & Pricebook January 1, 201 2 SURGE PRO TECTION (c o nt i n u ed ) PSPD SERIES Dimensions Dimensions Part (H x W x D, Weight List Part (H x W x D, Weight Li.
1 47 www werq uality 1 .80 0.356.5794 January 1, 201 2 SURGE PRO TECTION PSPV SERIES Eaton’ s PSPV series is a commercial grade and light industrial surge protection device that combines surge suppression components and EMI/RFI filtering to provide effective protection for sensitive electronic loads.
1 48 EA TON CORPORA TION Reference Guide & Pricebook January 1, 201 2 SURGE PRO TECTION Su r g e P r ot e c t io n De v i ce s (S P D ) SP D T yp e 1 C HS P S e r v ic e En t r an c e Su r ge P r o t e ct i o n — UL 1 449 3r d Ed .
1 49 www werq uality 1 .80 0.356.5794 January 1, 201 2 SURGE PRO TECTION ( c on t i n ue d ) Su r g e P r ot e c t io n De v i ce s (S P D ) Ac c e s so r i e s f or CH S P T ype 2 S erv.
1 50 EA TON CORPORA TION Reference Guide & Pricebook January 1, 201 2 Su r g e Str i p S e r i es SECOND AR Y PROTECTION FOR POINT -OF -USE Poi nt- of-u se su rge stri ps ar e desi gne d to of fer prem ium su rge prot ect ion for spe cif ic el ect ron ics whi le pro vid ing inno vat ive feat ures to enh anc e use r conv eni enc e and safe ty .
1 51 www werq uality 1 .80 0.356.5794 January 1, 201 2 SERVICES Si n g l e- p h a se S erv i c e Pla n s Ov e rv i e w SUMMAR Y OF EA TON SERVICE PLANS FOR SINGLE-PHASE MODELS SELECTING .
1 52 EA TON CORPORA TION Reference Guide & Pricebook January 1, 201 2 Extended W arranties Extended Warranty Coverage for UPS (includes batteries in UPS) Extended Warranty Part Number List Price V.
1 53 www werq uality 1 .80 0.356.5794 January 1, 201 2 SERVICES Th r e e -p h a s e S erv i c e Pl an s Ov e r vi e w Eaton's three-phase UPS service options, provide the uptime, convenience and value that's right for you and your business.
1 54 EA TON CORPORA TION Reference Guide & Pricebook January 1, 201 2 THREE-PHASE SERVICE PLANS (continued) Description Service Part Number Additional List Price for UPS Information Per Y ear Star.
1 55 www werq uality 1 .80 0.356.5794 January 1, 201 2 SERVICES Th r e e -p h a s e S erv i c e Pl an s (c o n ti n u e d) THREE-PHASE SERVICE PLANS (continued) Description Service Part .
1 56 EA TON CORPORA TION Reference Guide & Pricebook January 1, 201 2 SERVICES Th r e e -p h a s e S erv i c e Pl an s (c o n ti n u e d) THREE-PHASE SERVICE PLANS (continued) Description Service .
1 57 www werq uality 1 .80 0.356.5794 January 1, 201 2 SERVICES Th r e e -p h a s e S erv i c e Pl an s (c o n ti n u e d) THREE-PHASE SERVICE PLANS (continued) Description Service Part .
1 58 EA TON CORPORA TION Reference Guide & Pricebook January 1, 201 2 SERVICES Th r e e -p h a s e S erv i c e Pl an s (c o n ti n u e d) THREE-PHASE SERVICE PLANS (continued) Description Service .
1 59 www werq uality 1 .80 0.356.5794 January 1, 201 2 SERVICES Th r e e -p h a s e S erv i c e Pl an s Ov e r vi e w TIME AND MA TERIAL SERVICE RA TE SCHEDULE The fo llo win g rate sche.
1 60 EA TON CORPORA TION Reference Guide & Pricebook January 1, 201 2 SERVICES eN o t i fy R emo t e Mo ni t o r in g eNotify Remote Monitoring features 7x24 real-time monitoring of 100+ UPS and battery alarms, with technical experts available to respond immediately and resolve many issues remotely.
1 61 www werq uality 1 .80 0.356.5794 January 1, 201 2 Wr itt en au tho rit y from Eato n mus t be obt ain ed be for e any retur n or cr edi t wil l be all owe d. Sal es RMA s wil l be is sue d for ne w , unuse d equ ipm ent that is: A. Wit hin 30 day s of ori gin al sh ipm ent date B.
1 62 EA TON CORPORA TION Reference Guide & Pricebook January 1, 201 2 W ARRANTY Ea t o n Cor p o r a ti o n Lo a d P r o te c t i on Gu a r a nt e e (U S and Ca n a d a) UPS MODELS: 31 05, 3S , 51.
1 63 www werq uality 1 .80 0.356.5794 January 1, 201 2 UPS MODELS: 31 05, 3S, 51 1 0, 51 1 5, 5125, 5130 AND 5PX (USA AND CANAD A) WARRANTOR: The warrantor for the limited warranties set forth herein is Eaton Corporation, an Ohio Corporation company (“Company”).
1 64 EA TON CORPORA TION Reference Guide & Pricebook January 1, 201 2 Company shall not be responsible for any charges for testing, checking, removal or installation of Warranted Items. COMP ANY DOES NOT WARRANT EQUIPMENT NOT MANUFACTURED BY COMPANY .
1 65 www werq uality 1 .80 0.356.5794 January 1, 201 2 UPS MODELS: 9130, 9135, 9140 AND FERRUPS UP TO 3.1 k V A (USA AND CANAD A) WARRANTOR: The warrantor for the limited warranties set forth herein is Eaton Corporation, an Ohio Corporation company (“Company”).
1 66 EA TON CORPORA TION Reference Guide & Pricebook January 1, 201 2 Company shall not be responsible for any charges for testing, checking, removal or installation of Warranted Items. COMP ANY DOES NOT WARRANT EQUIPMENT NOT MANUFACTURED BY COMPANY .
1 67 www werq uality 1 .80 0.356.5794 January 1, 201 2 W ARRANTY T wo -Y ear Li m i te d W ar ra n t y UPS MODELS: 91 55, 9170+ AND FERRUPS 4.3 – 18 k V A (USA AND CANAD A) WARRANTOR: The warrantor for the limited warranties set forth herein is Eaton Corporation, an Ohio Corporation company (“Company”).
1 69 www werq uality 1 .80 0.356.5794 January 1, 201 2 W ARRANTY Li m i t ed W ar ra n t y (Gl o b a l ) UPS MODEL: BLADEUPS WARRANTOR: The warrantor for the limited warranties set forth herein is Eaton Corporation, an Ohio Corporation (“Eaton”).
1 71 www werq uality 1 .80 0.356.5794 January 1, 201 2 W ARRANTY T wo -Y ear Li m i te d W ar ra n t y ( US A an d Ca n a da ) CONNECTIVITY DEVICES WARRANTOR: The warrantor for the limited warranties set forth herein is Eaton Corporation, an Ohio Corporation Company (“Company”).
1 73 www werq uality 1 .80 0.356.5794 January 1, 201 2 W ARRANTY T wo -Y ear Li m i te d W ar ra n t y ( US A an d Ca n a da ) EPDU ENCLOSURE POWER DISTRIBUTION UNITS WARRANTOR: The warrantor for the limited warranties set forth herein is Eaton Corporation, an Ohio Corporation Company (“Company”).
1 75 www werq uality 1 .80 0.356.5794 January 1, 201 2 W ARRANTY Li m i t ed F act o r y W a r ra nt y F o r Ea t on T hr e e - ph a s e UP S P rod u c t s THREE-PHASE PRODUCTS WARRANTOR: The warrantor for the limited warranties set forth herein is Eaton Corporation, an Ohio Corporation (“Eaton”).
1 7 6 EA TON CORPORA TION Reference Guide & Pricebook January 1, 201 2 W ARRANTY Li m i t ed F act o r y W a r ra nt y F o r Ea t on 93 5 5 UP S P rod u c t s 9355 WARRANTOR: The warr ant or for the li mit ed war ran tie s set fort h her ein is Eato n Cor por ati on, an Ohio Corp ora tio n (“E aton ”).
1 77 www werq uality 1 .80 0.356.5794 January 1, 201 2 END-USER’S OBLIGA TIONS: In order to receive the benefits of this Warranty , the End-user must register the product warranty (via mail or online at www .
1 78 EA TON CORPORA TION Reference Guide & Pricebook January 1, 201 2 W ARRANTY Li m i t ed F act o r y W a r ra nt y F o r Ea t on 9E UP S P r o du c t s 9E WARRANTOR: The warr ant or for the li mit ed war ran tie s set fort h her ein is Eato n Cor por ati on, an Ohio Corp ora tio n (“E aton ”).
1 79 www werq uality 1 .80 0.356.5794 January 1, 201 2 W ARRANTY Li m i t ed F act o r y W a r ra nt y F o r Ea t on 9E UP S P r o du c t s (c on t i n u ed ) END-USER’S OBLIGA TIONS: In order to receive the benefits of this Warranty , the End-User must register the product warranty (via mail or online at www .
1 81 www werq uality 1 .80 0.356.5794 January 1, 201 2 represents that any specially ordered products do not infringe any patent. Purchaser agrees to indemnify and hold EA TON CORPORA TI.
1 82 EA TON CORPORA TION Reference Guide & Pricebook January 1, 201 2 W ARRANTY Li m i t ed W ar ra n t y (US A a nd Ca n a da ) EA T ON DC PRODUCTS Eaton Corporation (“the manufacturer”) warrants its equipment against defects in materials or workmanship.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Eaton SUB-PWRCORD-908 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Eaton SUB-PWRCORD-908 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Eaton SUB-PWRCORD-908 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Eaton SUB-PWRCORD-908 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Eaton SUB-PWRCORD-908 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Eaton SUB-PWRCORD-908 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Eaton SUB-PWRCORD-908 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Eaton SUB-PWRCORD-908. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Eaton SUB-PWRCORD-908 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.