Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung 5N des Produzenten Drobo
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Drobo 5N Gett ing Start ed Guide.
Drobo 5N Gettin g Started G uide 2 Table of Conte nts Bef ore Yo u Beg in ....................................................................................................................... 3 Product F eatures at a G lanc e .......................
Drobo 5N Gettin g Started G uide 3 Before Y ou Begin Before you begin s ettin g up your Drobo 5N, it’s a g ood idea to c hec k s ystem and h ard ware requirem ents.
Drobo 5N Gettin g Started G uide 4 Figure 2: Back of t he Dro bo 5N . Chec king B ox Co ntents Check your produc t’s b ox to ens ure it c onta ins all the com ponents listed b elow.
Drobo 5N Gettin g Started G uide 5 Operating Sy stems Suppor ted Operating System s supported f or the Dr obo 5N incl ude: • OS X 10.7.x L ion • OS X 10.
Drobo 5N Gettin g Started G uide 6 an mSAT A SSD ins talled leaves all dri ve ba ys availa ble for high - ca pacit y hard dis k drives (H DDs) so that you can get bot h high - capaci ty and acceler ated per form anc e out of your Drobo de vice.
Drobo 5N Gettin g Started G uide 7 Deter mining Dri ve Space Re quirements In order t o protec t your data f rom har d drive f ailure, your Dr obo 5N re quires m ore space tha n what you will use f or your data, s om etimes as m uch as double or mor e the am oun t of s pace.
Drobo 5N Gettin g Started G uide 8 Using Pow er Protecti on W e recommend us ing th e follo wing po wer protec tion with your Drob o dev ice: • An uninter ruptibl e pow er suppl y (UPS), whic h prot.
Drobo 5N Gettin g Started G uide 9 Setting Up Y our Drobo 5N Once you have un pack ed your Dr obo 5N f rom its box and ensur ed you meet al l syst em and hardware requirem ents , it i s tim e to set up your Drob o de vice for use. T his can be don e in jus t four eas y steps! 1.
Drobo 5N Gettin g Started G uide 10 On a Mac , this s creen ap pears as f ollows. In W indows, this s creen appear s as f ollows..
Drobo 5N Gettin g Started G uide 11 2 . Clic k t he Next (W indows ) or Continue button (Mac ), as appropr iate. Note : If the Micr osoft iSCSI Init iator w indow appears , click the Ye s b utton. Fo llow t he instructio ns to install t he Mic rosoft iS CSI Ini tiator, c licki ng the Ne xt bu tton as need ed.
Drobo 5N Gettin g Started G uide 12 In W indows, this s creen appear s as f ollows. Depending on your oper ating s ystem , one of the follo wing m a y result: • In the Mac, you wi ll be pr om pted for your adm inistrator pass word. Enter it a nd click the appropriat e button .
Drobo 5N Gettin g Started G uide 13.
Drobo 5N Gettin g Started G uide 14 Installin g an mS AT A SSD You can i nstall an m SATA SSD into your Drobo 5N. D oing so pr ovides acce lerate d perf orm ance when read ing dat a from your D robo 5N. F or m ore info rm ation on dr ive requ irem ents, see Selecting D rives .
Drobo 5N Gettin g Started G uide 15 Inse rting the Driv es After insta lling Drobo D ashboar d and, if neede d, ins talling a n m SATA SSD , you ar e read y to insert dr ives int o your Drobo 5N . For mor e inform ation on dri ve requ irem ents, see Selecting Drives .
Drobo 5N Gettin g Started G uide 16 Conne cting t he Cable s and Turnin g on Yo ur Drobo 5 N After insta lling Drobo Das hboar d and ins ertin g the har d dri ves into your Dr obo 5N , you ar e read y to connec t the c ables an d po wer on your Drobo d evice.
Drobo 5N Gettin g Started G uide 17 • After s etup is com plete, your Drob o dev ice dis plays in Drobo D ashbo ard on th e Al l Drobos page, as f ollows. Notes : - Drobo Dashb oard aut omatica lly as signs “Dr obo ” as the d efault name for y our Drobo device, w hich yo u can r ename l ater.
Drobo 5N Gettin g Started G uide 18 3. In the Usernam e text box , enter a us ernam e f or the adm inistrat or. “ Admin” is the d efault. 4. In t he Passw ord text b ox, s elect an y defau lt text t hat appe ars ther e, pres s th e Delete ke y and enter a pas sword f or the adm inist rator.
Drobo 5N Gettin g Started G uide 19 Where to Go Next After you’ve set up your Dr obo devic e, you’re read y to s tore an d back up data onto it. Next ste ps include t he follo wing.
Drobo 5N Gettin g Started G uide 20 Checki ng for Softw are Updates Automatical l y The f ollowing ste ps k eep your D robo Das hboard and your Dr obo device ’s firm ware up t o date automat ically.
Drobo 5N Gettin g Started G uide 21 Checki ng for Softw are Updates Now The f ollowing ste ps ensur e that Dro bo Das hboard and your Dr obo device ’s firm ware are u p to date. 1. In Drob o Dash board, select t he appro priate D robo device on the A ll Drobos page.
Drobo 5N Gettin g Started G uide 22 5. Ensure that the Drobo device is not activel y transfer ring data (blink ing yello w and green), and then click the OK bu tton. A dialog box opens , as king you to locat e the zip file o n your c om puter. 6. Pleas e do so a nd then c lick the Open or OK butto n.
Drobo 5N Gettin g Started G uide 23 Safel y Shutt ing Dow n Your Drobo 5N Usi ng Drobo Dashboar d This is the recom m ended m ethod f or saf ely shutting down your Drob o devic e.
Drobo 5N Gettin g Started G uide 24 4. In the Drobo Operations area, click the Shutdow n option. A mes sage box op ens, ask ing you to conf irm the shutd own. 5. Click the Yes b utton. It can tak e up to t wo m inutes for your Drobo de vice to power d own.
Drobo 5N Gettin g Started G uide 25 Safely Sh utting Dow n Your Dr obo 5N Manuall y Although we recom m end that you us e Drobo Das hboar d to sh ut do wn the Dr obo d evice, you can also m anuall y shut do wn the Dr obo dev ice saf ely usin g the f ollowing s teps.
Drobo 5N Gettin g Started G uide 26 Using t he Know ledg e Base Our sear chable k nowle dge bas e prov ides ans wers t o alm os t any questi on relat ed to your Drob o device t hat you cannot f ind in the On line User Guid e. To ac cess our k nowledge base f ollow the steps be low.
Drobo 5N Gettin g Started G uide 27 2. In the Drobo Registrati on area, clic k on t he Regi ster m y Drobo dev ices lin k . The Registration page opens. 3. Do one of the followin g: • If you do not have a Drobo account, c lick the Create a new Drobo account link.
Drobo 5N Gettin g Started G uide 28 Tip : You c an click the Skip this step for now check box at any t ime. 6. Clic k the Regi ster Dro bo butto n. The next page sho ws wit h a c heck mark that your pr oduct has bee n regis tered. Note : You can ch oose t o purc hase a Dro boCar e licen se by c licking on that l ink.
Drobo 5N Gettin g Started G uide 29 Getti ng Supp ort To get s upport, f irst be s ure to r egister your product at www.dro /regist ratio n , if you haven ’t alread y done so. You can t hen go to www.drob /support f or detai ls on ho w t o contact support.
Drobo 5N Gettin g Started G uide 30 Copyright, Saf ety and Limi ted W ar ranty Informa tion Copyright and Warrant y Drobo, Inc . supp orts la wful use of tec hnolo gy and do es not endors e or enco urage the use of its products f or purpos es other than those perm itted b y copyright law.
Drobo 5N Gettin g Started G uide 31 8. Protec t from Heat: Drobo, D robo Pro, Dro boElite, Drobo F S, Pr o FS, B 800i, B800f s , B1200i, Drobo 5D, D robo 5 N, and Drobo Min i should b e situ ated a way from heat s ources suc h as radiators , heat r egister s, st oves, or other ap plianc es (i ncluding am plifiers) that produc e heat .
Drobo 5N Gettin g Started G uide 32 Cleaning – Unplu g Drobo, Drobo Pro, Dro boEl ite, Drob o FS, Pro F S, B80 0i, B800f s , B12 00i, Drobo 5D, D robo 5 N, or Dr obo Mini from the w all outle t befor e clean ing. Do not use l iquid or aerosol c leaners ; use a da mp c loth.
Drobo 5N Gettin g Started G uide 33 Drobo S Specifi cations & S ystems Requi rements – Power S uppl y: AC Input: 100 - 240V AC~2.5A , 50 - 60Hz;D C Outpu t: 12VDC 8.
Drobo 5N Gettin g Started G uide 34 iSCSI; Dr obo Das hboard Appl ication (r equire d for iS CSI) : Micros oft® W indows®Operati ng System s, Apple® Macintos h® OS - Xv10. 5+;Fil e syste m support: NT FS, HFS+ , FAT 32, and EXT 3. B800fsSpe cificati ons & Syste ms Req uirem ents – Power Suppl y: AC Input : 100/ 240VAC, 1.
Drobo 5N Gettin g Started G uide 35 outl et o n a circ uit differen t from that to which the r eceiver i s conne cted. 4) Consul t the dea ler or an experienced radio / TV technic ian f o r help. Any change s or modification not expressly appro ved by the party re sponsible for compliance could v oid the user ’ s authorit y to operate the device.
Drobo 5N Gettin g Started G uide 36 elsewhere define d to be used with the install ation ofthe produc t, they must be used in orde r to ensure compliance with FC C regulatio ns. Industry Canada Statement Comp lies with th e Cana dianI CES - 003 Clas s A specif icati ons.
Drobo 5N Gettin g Started G uide 37 本製 品の 寿命が尽き たと きは、 お住ま い の地 域の環境 法と 廃棄基 準に従 っ て 本製 品 と 電池 を 廃 棄し て下 さ い。 drobo, inc .
Drobo 5N Gettin g Started G uide 39 replacem ent Pro duct b y standar d groun d shipp ing. In the e vent th e Produc t is to be r epaired or replaced, if You c hoose t o pr ovide Yo ur credit card i n.
Drobo 5N Gettin g Started G uide 40 2. If you have an enquir y or you wish to c laim under t his Lim ited W arrant y, pleas e contac t: Dro bo Technic al Suppor t onl ine at: http:// www.drob /suppor t/cont act - s upport.php ) or via: Drobo W arrant y Returns c/o Drobo T echn ical Su pport 2460 North F irst St.
Drobo 5N Gettin g Started G uide 41 manuf actur ed from new or ser viceabl e used par ts and is at least func tiona lly equ ivale nt to the original Pr oduct; or (3) refund th e pur chase pric e of the Pro duct.
Drobo 5N Gettin g Started G uide 42 W here you have b ought t he Pro duct prim ar ily for bus iness use, th e follo wing lim itation o n Drob o’s liabilit y under this Lim ited W arranty apply: TO T.
Drobo 5N Gettin g Started G uide 43 returning t he Pr oduct to D robo pursuan t to the Produc t return instruc tions. Dro bo is res pons ible for the c osts incur red re late d to shipp ing th e Produc t back to You.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Drobo 5N (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Drobo 5N noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Drobo 5N - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Drobo 5N reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Drobo 5N erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Drobo 5N besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Drobo 5N verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Drobo 5N. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Drobo 5N gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.