Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung NAV350 des Produzenten Directed Electronics
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NA V350 OWNER’S GUIDE 3.5” Portable Navigation with MP3 player © 2006 Directed Electronics, N95350 03-06.
T T a a b b l l e e o o f f C C o o n n t t e e n n t t s s i NAV 350 FEATURE HIGHLIGH TS ....................................................................................................................................... 2 FIRST THINGS FI RST ...
N N A A V V 3 3 5 5 0 0 2 NAV 350 feature highlights Powerful system • Microsoft Windows CE .NET 4.2 operating system • Samsung S3C2410 266 MHz application processor • SiRF Star II LP chipset wi.
NAV 350 feature highlights 3 Ergonomic features • 3.5-inch 200-nit QVGA TM R LCD touch-sensi tive screen • Accessible control hot keys with backlight illumination • Simple, easy-to-use user inte.
4 First things first This chapter describes the hardware i nt erface of t he NAV 350 and its peripherals. Instructions for setti ng up the device and some basic system operations are also discussed. System tour This section descri bes operati on of the device hardware inte rface .
5 No. I con Compon ent Descr ipt ion 2 Touch screen Displays the appli cations, data, and map images a vailab le on yo ur device . It is touch-sensi tive and resp onds to finger ta ps . 3 MENU Main Menu hot key Displays the M ain Menu panel; also called the Home pa nel .
6 Right and left panels No. I con Compon ent Descr ipt ion 11 SD/MMC slot Accepts SD and MMC storage cards, allowing you to use audio, image, and map files stored in i t for use with internal applications . You can also use it to back up data from your device.
7 16 17 Top and bottom views No. I con Compon ent Descr ipt ion 16 Power button/ backlight control As a power button: • If the device is off, press the button to tu rn it o n. The pow e r LE D in dic at or on the front panel lights up green. • If the device is on, press the button to tu rn it o ff.
8 Peripherals tour This section desc ribes of the peripherals bundled with the NAV 350. Car charger NAV 350 setup Using the new N AV 350 is a snap. Unpack, mount, turn on , and it’s ready to go. Perform the following easy installation tasks to st art using the device straight out of the box: 1.
9 Setup the NAV 350 on a vehicle The NAV 350 comes wit h a car mount kit and a car ch arger with which you can set up the device on a vehi cle. Choose a position for the car mount kit on the windshield using the suc tion cup, or on the d ashboard using the self-adhesive power di sc connect or.
10 c. Make sure that the suction bond is strong enough before procee ding to the next step. d. Insert the pe gs on the car mount’s c radle plate to the holes on the back of the crad le, and then mo ve the crad le downwards until both parts are engaged.
11 4. Adjust the car mount for the best viewing angle. 5. After setting up the device on the car mou n t , connect the car charger. If the car engine i s turned off, you may be requi red to switch the v ehi cle ignition back into the Accessori es posi tion.
12 To configure system settings: If you in tend to star t using NAV 350 at once, we r ecommend config uring the language and date/ti me settings first. The rest of t h e user prefere nces can be set up later . 1. Tap On the Main Menu panel. 2. To se t the system langu age settin gs, tap .
13 h. Tap / under the Text and Voice setti ngs until the language of your choice is displayed . i. Tap to apply the changes made. 3. To se t the system da te and time, ta p .
14 j. Tap / under the Year , Mo n t h , and Day settings to s et the date values. k. Tap to apply the changes made. 5. Tap Time . l. a. T ap / under the Hour and Minut e settings to set the time valu es.
1 5 6. Tap Time Zone. n. Tap for the time zone of your cho ice. o. Tap to apply the changes mad e. 7. Tap twic e to apply the chang es made, and r eturn to the Ma in Menu panel. For more information on the rest of the system confi guration options, go to “ Syste m con figur ation ”.
16 To activate the touch screen backlight: • Press and hold the power butt on until th e backli ght turns on. To turn off the touch screen backlight: • Press and hold the power butt on until th e backli ght turns off.
1 7 To insert a storage card: • Hold the devic e securely, and then push th e card into the slot until you hear an audible syst em sound; t his will signal that the card is already properly seated within the slot. The card is secure when it is not protruding from the slot.
18 If you have a previous v ersion of the Microsof t ActiveSync install ed in your computer, un in st al l it f ir s t b ef ore ins ta lli ng the lat es t Mic ro s of t Ac t i ve S y nc ver sio n.
19 Installi ng NAV 350 Contacts Ma nager Use Contacts Manager to manage the contact information located on the device and on the computer. This PC program shares the same contact database as the Con tacts component of M icrosoft Outlook.
20 1. Click Install Contacts Manager on the Please select your task screen. The installation wizard will automatically begin. 4. Follow the on-screen instructions.
21 Creating a partnership After completing the installation procedures , set up a partnership between the NAV 350 and the computer with the help of the New Pa rtnership setup wizard. Once you’ve created a partnershi p, you will be able to synchronize contact information using Ac tiveSync.
22 5. Click Finish on the Setup Complet e dialog box. The initia l sy nchr oniza tion proc ess w ill a utoma tica lly begin w hen finis h using the w izard . Af ter the init ial sy nchr oniza tion, inf ormatio n y ou've s tored in Microsoft Outlook Contacts on the computer will now be availab le on the NAV 350 w ithout having to type a word.
23 • – Battery full charged • – Battery charging • – Battery level low • – Battery level very low, recharging required • – Battery power depleted, device will automatically turn off; recharging required. You If the battery level becomes low in the course of normal use, recharge the device.
24 To recharge the device using the car charger: Use the car c harger to recha rge the device while it is m ounted on the vehicle. Perform step 7 of the “ To set up the de vice on your vehicle ” section for instructions.
2 5 All six hot keys light up when pressed for e asier operat ion under low light cond itio ns. The functi on of the hot keys may be di sabled i n some screens . For example, the magnific ati on level hot keys are inactiv e when viewing the MP3 di rectory.
26 The panel’s title bar displays the current time ( with 24-hour notation), the panel name, and the battery power level status icon. Go to the “ Recharging the device ” s ectio n for more infor matio n on this s tatu s ico n. There are six program icons on the Main Menu panel.
2 7 This chapter discusses t h e basi c function s of Contacts in the device . Details on how to perform contacts manageme nt tasks from a computer are also provided. Contact files imported/exp orted to the d evice and computer is saved i n .fs format.
28 2. Enter the re lated inform ation for the new c ontact. 3. Tap Save to save the new contact. Editing c ontact inf ormatio n 1. In the Conta cts control pad, tap the contact you wish to edit. 2. Tap Edit . 3. Enter the n ew informat ion for the c ontact.
29 Navigating to a contacts address 1. In the Contact s control pad, tap the contact whose address you want to navigate to. 2. Tap Navigate . Address entries for the selected contact appears . 3. Tap the add ress you want to na vigate to. 4. Tap Navigate .
30 3. Select whether to export all contacts, or just t he currently selected one. Selected contact(s) will be exported to the SD/MMC card installed in your device. 4. Click OK on the completion dialog box. Use Contacts Manager to impor t this c ontact file to your compu ter.
31 2. Tap Delete . 3. Tap Yes to confirm the delet ion..
32 Contacts Manager Use NAV 350 Contacts Manager to mana ge the c ontact inf ormation loc ated on your device and on your computer. This PC program shares the same contact data base as the Contacts component of Micros oft Outlook. It only has an imp ort/export func tion; you still have to cr eate contact entr ies in Microsoft Outlook Contacts.
33 Exporting contacts from your computer 1. Insert an SD or MMC storage card into the device . Exported contact file(s) will be saved to this storage ca rd for lat er access from your device. 2. Connect the device to your com puter using t he bundled USB cable .
34 Importing contacts from your NAV 350 1. Insert the SD or MMC storage card containing the contact file(s) you wish to import into the devic e. 2. Perform steps 2 through 4 of the previous secti on. 3. Click Import . 4. Select the d rive name corr esponding to the NAV 350.
3 5 ActiveSync Use Active Sync to sy nchronize the c ontact infor mation located on your NAV100 and your com puter. Each time you synchroni ze, ActiveSync compares the information on your devi ce with the information on your computer and updates both locations.
36 4. Select your preferred settings for the Confli ct Resolution and File Conversion options. 5. Click OK . The settings you’ve se lected wou ld apply to all f uture contacts sync hro nizat ions. 6. Click Sync to start c ontacts synchroniza tion. Contact information located on the NAV 350 and the comput er will now be synchronized.
37 Multimedia mode This chapter describes the multi medi a programs bundled with your N AV 350. The device ’s mult imedia pr ograms— MP3 and Photo —are not available in navi gati on mode. This is for safety reasons so as not to distract the dri ver’s attent i on from the road .
Mult imedia m ode 38 • Hot key function for volume control • Playlist support based on sub-directory contents Each sub-direct ory containing compati ble music files is treated as an individual playlist. For a more organized file search, it is advisable to named sub-directories based on genre or listening preferences.
Mult ime d ia mo de s 39 3. Tap a file or pr ess the joystic k to start play back of the selected file . o When the file is loc ated in the r oot directory, tap the f ile for playbac k. o When the file is loc ated inside a sub-directory, tap the sub-d irectory icon, then tap a file for playback.
Mult imedia m ode 40 • – Tap to stop playback. • – Hold and drag the slider of the progress bar t o adjust the progress of the current track . • – Tap to skip bac kward to the pr evious track. If the current file is the f irst trac k in the list, the last track will be played.
Mult ime d ia mo de s 41 To enable/disable the Repeat mode: The Repeat mode lets you play th e curr ent track in a loop. The same track will be played over and over again until you disable the Repeat mode.
Mult imedia m ode 42 Photo These days every mobile gaDestinator OPet seems to be equipped with a digital camer a, better for c apturing that sp ontaneous moment. With NAV 350 you can keep these images of your favorite moments as mobile as you are by using Photo .
Mult ime d ia mo de s 43 Viewing files in Full Scr een mode In Full Screen mode, image files can be viewed i n a larger or smaller scale. You can also change its orientation angle. To open image files in Full Screen mode: 1. Search for the file you want t o vi ew.
Mult imedia m ode 44 To change the image magnification level: • Tap or press the Zoom In hot key to zoom into the center of the image. When in a Zoom In state, you can hold and drag the image to pan it i n any di re cti o n you w a n t . • Tap or press the Zoom Out hot key to zoom out the image display.
45 System configuration This chapter describes the ways you can cust omize the NAV 350 by setting user preferences. System settings overview You can adjust the settings of the devi ce to suit the way. Adjusting certai n settings, such as those f or system vo lume, power LED, and hot keys/ touch screen backlight may increase the standby time.
System configurati on 46 • -Tap to set the touch screen backl ight level and enable its auto-off function. • - Tap to change the system date, time, and time zone settings. • - Tap to set the language option for the system menus and voice prompts.
System configurati on 4 7 To enable tap sounds: 1. Tap the Enable sounds for taps check box . 2. Tap to apply the c hanges made. Power To enable the hot keys backlight: 1. Tap the Hot keys ba cklight on when pressed check box. 2. Tap / to set the hot ke ys back light’s auto-off function.
System configurati on 48 To set the screen backlight level: 1. Tap / to adjust the screen backlight level. 2. Tap to apply the c hanges made. To set the screen backlight auto -off function: 1. Tap / under the Batter y and AC Power settings. Options include Never, backlight off aft er 10 or 15 seconds, and ba cklight off after 1, 2, or 3 minu tes.
System configurati on 49 Language.
System configurati on 50 The NAV 350’s user interface suppor ts five pre-loaded languages: International English , French, German , Italian, and Spanish. Additional lang u age su p port is prov id ed in n aviga tion m ode ( i.e., when us in g Dest inato r Dest inato r OP).
System maintenance a nd user sup port 51 System maintenance and user support This chapter contains informatio n regardi ng system usage, maintenance , and troubleshooting. Lists of frequent ly asked quest i ons (FAQs) and user support contact informati on are also provided for reference.
System maintenance a nd user sup port 52 • Although reasonab le attempt has been made to ensu re that the da tabase in y our NAV 350 is a ccurate, suc h information may change from time t o ti me.
System maintenance a nd user sup port 53 • The device is not a toy. Never allow child ren to play w ith the device. • Never touch the liquid tha t might leak f rom a broken liquid crystal d isplay. Contact w ith this l iquid coul d cause a skin rash.
System maintenance a nd user sup port 54 Storage precautions • Do not store the de vice anywhere it ma y be exposed to water or in conditions of high humidity. • When the device is not in use for an extended period of time, bring it indoors and store it in some location with a temperature range of -20 ° to +70°C (-40 ° to 140°F) .
System maintenance a nd user sup port 5 5 To recalibrate the screen: 3. Tap on the Main Menu panel. 4. Tap on the System panel. 5. Tap Calibration on the System Info screen. 6. Tap the center of the black dot as it moves around the screen. 7. Tap to apply the cha nges made.
System maintenance a nd user sup port 56 Loading the factory default settings If you still encounte r system error s even after soft resetting t he device, load the factory de fault settings to correct the err or. These defau lt settings ha ve been selected to optimize your device’s performance.
System maintenance a nd user sup port 5 7 This is d ue to the natu re of the GPS alg orithm and r otational veloc ity between the satellites and planet Eart h, and is deemed normal.
System maintenance a nd user sup port 58 To load the factory default settings: 1. Tap on the Main Menu panel. 2. Tap on the System panel. 3. Tap GPS Rese t on the Sy stem Info screen. 4. Tap Yes on the dialog box. The GPS reset proces s will take about a m inute to complete.
System maintenance a nd user sup port 59 Language setting When I switched the language setting to D utch, why d o I still g et an English M ain Menu? If a user selects a l anguag e that i s not one of.
System maintenance a nd user sup port 6 0 Customer support Tec hnical a ssista nce If you encounter a problem wit h your N AV 350, review the following first: • “ Troubleshooting your NAV 350 ” .
63 System specifications This chapter l ists the features and operating specificatio ns of the NAV 350. Hardware features Aspe ct De scri ptio n Processor Samsung S3C2410 266 MHz application processor.
System specificati ons 64 Aspe ct De scri ptio n Connectivi ty • USB po r t • SD/MMC slot Hardware command inte rface • Volume contro l hot k eys • Image magnifi c ati on level hot keys • Ma.
System specificati ons 6 5 Item Desc ripti on TTFF (Time To Fix First, typi cal) • Re acq uis it ion : 1 se c. • Hot start: 8 sec. • Warm sta rt: 35 sec. • Cold start: 55 sec. Accuracy of position fix (horizontal position) 10 m for 90% Velocity 0 .
System specificati ons 66 Design and ergonomics Aspe ct De scri ptio n Compact and lightweight • Dimensions (L x W x H): 97.6 x 113 x 50 mm (3.8 x 4.
System specificati ons 6 7 Aspe ct De scri ptio n Power-saving options • Auto-off function for touch s c reen backli ght • Auto-off function for hot keys backli ght Mobile design • Suctio n- bas.
I I n n d d e e x x 68 NAV 350 accessories, 66 cleaning, 56 design and ergonomics, 65 driving precautions, 54 environmental specifications, 66 factory default settings, 58 FAQs, 59 feature highlight s.
Index 70 exporting, 32 impor ting, 33 navigating, 32 opening program, 30 overview, 30 Contacts Manager exporting, 36 impor ting, 37 installation procedures, 20 opening program, 35 overview, 35 cradle .
Index 71 joystick limita tion, 27, 30 location, 2 usage, 27 left panel, 3 Main Menu hot key, 2 icons, 28 memory flash memory, 62 system memory, 62 MP3 program controlling playback, 42 features, 40 ope.
Index 72 performing, 57 software specifications address book, 65 contacts management, 65 multim edia , 65 navigation, 64 operating system, 64 speaker, 2 storage card inserting into device , 16 removin.
Index 73 usage, 21 user preferences date and time, 51 hot keys back light, 50 language options, 51 power, 50 System panel, 48 touch screen backlight , 50 volume, 49 volume enabling tap sound, 49 hot k.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Directed Electronics NAV350 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Directed Electronics NAV350 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Directed Electronics NAV350 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Directed Electronics NAV350 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Directed Electronics NAV350 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Directed Electronics NAV350 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Directed Electronics NAV350 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Directed Electronics NAV350. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Directed Electronics NAV350 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.