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Mark III Directional Drilling Locating System Operator’s Manual D IGITAL C ONTROL I NCORPORATED DCI Headquarters 19625 62 nd Ave. S., Suite B-103 Kent, Washington 98032 USA Tel 425 251 0559 / 800 288 3610 Fax 253 395 2800 E-mail DCI@digital-control.
D IGITAL C ONTROL I NCORPORATED ® 3-3000-00-F © 1999-2006 by Digital Control Inco rporated. All rights reserved. July 2006 Edition. Trademarks The DCI logo, Cabl eLink ® , DataLog ® , DigiTrak ® , Eclipse ® , iGPS ® , Intuitive ® , look-ahead ® , SST ® , target-in- the-box ® , and Target Steering ® are U.
® D IGITAL C ONTROL I NCORPORATED T able of Contents SAFETY PRECAUTIONS AND WARNIN GS .................................................................................. vi INTRODUCTION .................................................................
D IGITAL C ONTROL I NCORPORATED ® T able of Contents (Cont.) REMOTE DISPL AY SYSTEM ........................................................................................................ 25 On/Off and Setting the Ch annel ..........................
® D IGITAL C ONTROL I NCORPORATED T able of Contents (Cont.) LOCATING (Cont.) Calculating Depth Based on Dist ance Between FN LP & RNL P ....................................... 52 Running Off Pitch or Calcul ating Depth fr om Pitch ..............
D IGITAL C ONTROL I NCORPORATED ® Safety Precautions and W arnings Important Note: All oper ators must read and understand the following Safety Precautions and Warnings before us ing the DigiTr ak Locating System.
® D IGITAL C ONTROL I NCORPORATED Safety Precautions and W arnings (Continued) ¾ Prior to the start of each drilling run, test the DigiTrak System to conf irm that it is operating properly and check.
D IGITAL C ONTROL I NCORPORATED ® Dear Customer: We would like to thank you fo r choosing the DigiTra k Locati ng System. We are proud of the equipment that we have bee n designing and building in Washington State since 1990.
® D IGITAL C ONTROL I NCORPORATED Introduction Remote Display DataL og Module Rece iver Ba t t er y C h a r ge r Tr ansm itt ers Cable Tran smitte r DigiTrak ® Directional Drilling Locating System The DigiTrak Locating System is used duri ng horizontal directional drilling oper ations for locating and tracking the transmitter within the tool.
Introduction ® the optional cable transmitter, which re quires a 12V to 28V DC system. For grav ity sewer installations, DCI manufactures a sensiti v e-pitch tran smitte r that measures pitch in 0.
® Introduction Operational Tests – Before drilling and during ope ration it is necessary to check the follo wing: proper calibration, correct ultrasonic m easurement, status of battery power, transmitte r tem perature, and signal interference problems.
Introduction ® Notes 3-3000-00b-F 4 DigiTrak ® Mark III Operator’s Manual.
® D IGITAL C ONTROL I NCORPORATED Receiver Front P an el Depth/Lo cating Antenn a Screws Temperatu r e & D ist anc e Conversion Cha rt Handle Speaker Trigger Di sp lay Windows Pitch/ Roll Antenn .
Receiver ® Display Window Icons Trigger down – Trigger is released; display windows sho w pitch, roll, and distance/depth of the transmitter. +% - % Pitch – Numbers from 0% to ±100% sh ow the in clination of the transmitter with respect to horizontal; 100% represents a 45° angle (top left window, trigger down).
® Receiver respectively). If there is an orange arrow below the serial number, then it is a remote receiver, and it is capable of sending a signal to a remote display unit at the drill.
Receiver ® The depth measurement units (centimeters or inches) and remote c ha n ne l s e tt i n g c an be c ha n ge d only during start-up (see “Chan ging Depth M easurement Units” and “Changing the Cha nnel Setting” below).
® Receiver For receivers that have pre-5.0 series firmware, the bottom window w ill continue to display the receiver’s distance from the tran smitter in the bottom windo w, not the predicted depth. (For more information, see “5.0 Series Firmware Functions” in this section or see the Locating Section.
Receiver ® Changing the Depth Measurement Units (English vs. Metric) The DigiTrak Receiver is capable of displayin g depth in either inches (English ) or centimeters (metric). The depth measurement units ca n onl y be changed during the start-up process.
® Receiver Warning Tones for Transmitter Overheat Beginning with firmware version 3.76, the DigiTrak Re ceiver will emit a series of increasing warning tones to signal transmitter overheating as follows: Temperature Range Warning Signal 14 ° C and below No audio or v isual warnings.
Receiver ® Following are some gene ral points regarding the ultrasoni c fun ction: ¾ The ultrasonic function in the receiver is independent of the transmi tter receiving functions. ¾ A single click to activate the ultrasonic func tion can be used an unlimited n umber of times without affecting the receiver’s calibration.
® Receiver Calibrating the Receiver There are two different calibration methods: 1 -point and 2-point. The 1-point calib ration is performed with the transmitter in the housing parallel to and 10 ft 5 in. (3.18 m) from the receiver, as described below.
Receiver ® 4. Click the trigger one time. 5. The receiver will beep. During the beep, pull in the trigger and hold it. 6. Continue to hold the trigger and watch the countdow n (from 5 to 0) displayed in the bottom window. This countdown is ac comp anied by a chirping sound.
® Receiver 5. During the tone, click the trigger again and contin ue to hold the receiver level and steady. You will then hear 2 beeps followed by a long 6-seco nd tone, i ndicating that the first calibration point is found.
Receiver ® Calibrating with Transmi tter Underground at Shallow Depth (< 10 fe et) Should recalibration be ne cessary when the transmitt er is below ground at depths less than 10 ft (3 m), it is possible to con duct a modified 1-point calibration proce dure.
® Receiver Finding Firmware Version It is possible to determine the firmware versi on in the re ceiver. This information is necessary to com plete troubleshooting diagno stics with DCI Customer Service by telephone. At start-up the firmware versio n is displayed briefly in the top left window.
Receiver ® Procedure for Observin g the Pre dict ed Depth When the receiver (with 5.0 firmware ) is at the FNLP and held level with the trigger in, the bottom win dow will rapidly flash the predicted.
® D IGITAL C ONTROL I NCORPORATED T ransmitter Fro nt Back Bat ter ies Ante nna Index Slot DigiTrak Transmitter A transmitter (also referred to as a so nde, beacon, or probe) is a device that emits electromagnetic signals at radio frequ encies and fits inside the tool ho using.
Transmitter ® Transmitter roll positions are displaye d digitally as a whole number from 1 through 12 in the top right window with the receiver’s trigger released. The num bers correspond to the hour han d of a cl ock. At the 12 o’clock position, the transmitter is oriented with the index sl ot at the top.
® Transmitter The temp dot should be white if the transmitter has not been exposed to excessive he at. If the temp dot is silver or gray, it indicates the transmi tter has been exposed to heat but not in exce ss of the speci- fications. A black temp dot indicates t he transmi tter has been e xposed to temperatures in excess of 104°C (220°F).
Transmitter ® any free space bet ween the transmitter and the side walls of the housing. If necessary, fabricate an “insert” behind the t ransmitter to ensure a snug fit. When wrapping with tape, be sure that the pitch will not be offset. If more tape is on one end than the other, th e trans- mitter will not be level in the housing.
® Transmitter Locating the Transmitter The properties of the transmitter’s m agnetic field enable the receiv er to locate the transmitter accurately below ground. The transmitter emit s an elliptically shaped field that allows the receiver to lo cate the transmitter using three specific location s, not just the highest sig nal.
Transmitter ® Serial Numbers All transmitters are identified by a serial number stamped in the metal battery compartment near the plastic/stainless steel conta ct.
® D IGITAL C ONTROL I NCORPORATED Remote Display System Pitch or Ba tter y Status Dep th/D ist ance or Predicted De p th Roll or Tem per ature Re m ot e Steering Windo w Channe l Selector On/O ff Bu .
Remote Display ® On/Off and Setting the Channel To turn the unit on, place a fully charg ed DigiTrak battery pack into the battery comp artment, terminal end in first, then push the black button on the front of the display panel. Select one of the four cha nnels.
® Remote Display Remote Steering Drill Dril l Path Tra nsmi tte r Under Roadway Receiver Plac ed on Si de (Dr ill Path Is Aligned with Ta rget Point on Front Pa nel) Target Point Setting up DigiTrak .
Remote Display ® Verti cal Bar (Rep r ese n ts Trans mitte r) Steeri ng Tria ngle s (R eprese nt Receiver) I 5 I I 8 8 ~ Align Vertical Bar (Transmitter) with Triangles (Receiver) in Remote Steering Window to Steer Tool As the transmitter approaches the target (receiver), the FNLP will pass underneath and go past the receiver.
® D IGITAL C ONTROL I NCORPORATED Battery Charger DigiTrak Battery P ack DC Power Cord AC Pow e r Cord Unexposed Terminal -- Do Not Ex p o se -- Negative Termi nal Positive Termi nal C ontrol Pane l .
Battery Charger ® Only two terminals are exposed on the DCI NiCad batte ry pack, althoug h a third terminal appears to be available. If the third terminal accidentally becomes ex posed, do not try to charge the battery pack or you may damage the battery charger.
® Battery Charger Conditioning a Battery in the Charger 1. Place the battery into the charger. 2. Press the right button on the ch arger (marked with a cu rved arrow). The red light on the left will go out and the green light on the right will start to blink.
Battery Charger ® Notes 3-3000-00f-F 32 DigiTrak ® Mark III Operator’s Manual.
® D IGITAL C ONTROL I NCORPORATED System Operating Instructions Start-up Procedure 1. Ensure that the transmitter has fresh C-cell alkaline batteries in stalled and place the transmitter inside the tool housing. 2. Click the receiver trigger, locate d under the han dle.
System Operation ® Optimal Operating Temperatures The minimum operating temperature for the DigiT rak locating equipment i s -4°F (-20°C). All battery- operated equipment is prone to “capa city loss” in cold temperatures. Excessively cold temp eratures can result in slow display response and increa sed m easurement errors.
® D IGITAL C ONTROL I NCORPORATED Signal Interference Before drilling (preferably before bidd ing on a project) the in terference potential at your site(s) should be evaluated. Interference ca n reduce the transmitter’s range or cause variable rea dings and possibly result in job slowdowns.
Signal Interference ® There are two steps to the electrical i nterference/b ackground noise ch eck. The first step takes one person; the second step requires two p eople. 1. With the transmitter off, test the amount of noise the receiver hears by holding in the trigger and walking the borepath from the laun ch to the exit location.
® D IGITAL C ONTROL I NCORPORATED Operational T ests Self-Test for Mark III Receivers Mark III Receivers have the capability of completing a diagnosti c self-tes t to confirm proper operation. This test must be conducted without a transmitter and in an interfe rence-free environment.
Operational Tests ® 3. Walk toward the axis line and wat ch for the plus (“+”) sign in the top left window to change to a minus (“–”) sign. Note this location. 4. Continue past the axis line, then stop and turn the receiver 180° around so it is facing in the opposite direction.
® Operational Tests ¾ Defective Transmitter – With the transmitter an d receiver on, place the transmitter against the receiver (long side of tran smitter parallel to long si de of receiver) while holding in the trig ger.
Operational Tests ® ¾ Battery Life – Verify the housing slot s (windows) are prop erly aligned over the transmitter’s antenna. If the battery life of a transmitter seems to be shorter than that noted in the spe cifications provided in the Transmitter Section, it could be due to battery arcing, which can occur in hard drilling conditions.
® Operational Tests Transmitter Battery Tests ¾ The design of the windows/slots in a h ousing can grea t ly affect the transmitter’ s battery life, especially on the red long-range DX Transmitters.
Operational Tests ® Notes 3-3000-00i-F 42 DigiTrak ® Mark III Operator’s Manual.
® D IGITAL C ONTROL I NCORPORATED Locating Locating Mode 458 202 22 + ~ Plu s (+) Indicator Signal Str ength Predi cted Depth Transmitter Temperature Locating Mode (Trigger Held In) To locate the transmitter the receiver’s trigger must be h eld in.
Locating ® Rec eiver par allel to Tran smitter and faci ng in oppo site direct i on Rec eiver p arallel to T r ansmi tter and facing i n sam e di r ect io n Receiver Can Face in Either Direction with Respect to Transmitter Handling the Receiver For the most accurate locating, the receiver m ust be held level and parallel to the transmitte r.
® Locating In summary, the three locations mentio ned above are as follows: the rear negative locate point (RNLP), behind the transmitter; the positive locate line, above the transmitter; and the front negative locate p oint (FNLP), ahead of the transmitter.
Locating ® PLL Drill Plu s Changes to Minus 2. To determine the la teral and therefore the actual location of the RNLP, turn toward the left so that the receiver is perp endicular (90 ° ) to the drill string and move the receiver forward.
® Locating Finding the Front Negative Locate Point (FNLP) 4. At the PLL, con- tinue walking away from the drill with the trigger held in; the signal strength will decrease.
Locating ® Finding the Transmitter and Its Depth 7. While standing on the FNLP facing the drill, it is possible to “sight in” or align the FNLP with the RNLP. This axis line is at a 90° angle (perpendicula r) to the PLL. Whe re this axis line crosses th e PLL is where the transmitter will be found, below ground surface.
® Locating Locating the Transmitter from the Front The transmitter’s three locations can b e determined in a similar manner as describ ed above starting in front of the transmitter while facing the drill. Start at a location well ahead of the transmitter an d hold in the trigger while facing th e drill.
Locating ® Locating on the Fly Once you are comfortabl e finding the tra nsmitter’s three locating points (FNLP, RNLP, and PLL) it is time to increase your speed at locati ng.
® Locating 4. Step further to the side of the transmitter and agai n find the point where the “–” sign chang es to a “+” (Point 2). 5. Repeat this procedure to find the third location (Point 3).
Locating ® 7. Repeat steps 2 through 6 until the “+/–” signs flip from one to the other over a very small area. Thi s is either the FNLP or the RNLP. To find the other locate point, walk in the assumed direction of drilling. If the signal strength increases you are at the RNLP; if it decrea ses you are at the FNLP.
® Locating Running off Pitch or Calculating Depth from Pitch The transmitter’s depth can be estimated by using the pitch info rmation. Use the following procedure to estimate the depth based on the pitc h, starting with the first ro d.
Locating ® Elliptical Shape of Transmitter Signal Field Transmitter’s Signal Shape It is important to understand some fun damental con- cepts about the transmitter’s electromagnetic sign al and the way the receive r’s antennas read or receive this signal.
® Locating Fi eld St rengt h: 100% 0% Field Streng th : 100% 0% Parallel Field Lines and Antenna Perpendicular Field Lin es and Antenna Orientation of Field Lines with Respect to Antenn as >>&g.
Locating ® Notes 3-3000-00j-F 56 DigiTrak ® Mark III Operator’s Manual.
® D IGITAL C ONTROL I NCORPORATED Cable T ransmitter System Remo te D ispla y Pow e r Suppl y Cable Transmitters Extraction / Inserti on Tool DigiTrak Cable Transmitter System The DigiTrak Cable Tra nsmitter System is desi gned specifically for the following applications: ¾ Borepaths with depths in excess of 50 ft (15 m).
Cable Transmitter ® Remote Display with Cable Transmitter Capability – This is a remote display that has been up graded or was origin ally built to display the cab le transmitte r data. During operation with a cable transmitter, a delta symbol ( Δ ) illuminates in the top left window indicating the cable mode.
® Cable Transmitter Power Supply The Cable Transmitter Power Supply plugs into the remote di splay where a regular DCI battery pack is normally placed. The power supply has three wires extending from it. The green and black wires shoul d be connected to a DC power source (gr een is positiv e, black is negative).
Cable Transmitter ® Cable Transmitter The cable transmitter has the same ge neral features and capabilities as the other DigiTrak Transmitters but with increased depth range. Th e dimensions of the ca ble transmitter are the same a s those of the 2- cell DigiTrak Transmitters (DT, DX, and DXP).
® Cable Transmitter ¾ Temperature information can be acce ssed man ually by turning off and then on the cable-ready remote display. ¾ Upon supplying power, the cable transm itter will begin transmitting data. ¾ There is no sleep mode; therefo re, the power supply must be turned off manually at the end of the day.
Cable Transmitter ® Viewing the Cable System Battery Status The percentage of required voltage will be displayed in the top le ft window of the remote display fo r 2 seconds whe n the transmitter’s temperature i ncreases by 4 ° C, which will be displayed in the top right window.
® D IGITAL C ONTROL I NCORPORATED T roubleshooting Problem/Concern Causes/Solutions Section to Consult 1999 in bottom window of receiver, indicating no signal is being received from the transmitter. Transmitter is asleep (wake it up by rotating the drill string).
Troubleshooting ® Problem/Concern Causes/Solutions Section to Consult Remote display has dash e s across windows. (Continued) Interference is interrupting the signal from the receiver. Line of sight between receiver and remo te display may be obstructed (by such things as buildings, hills, or dense vegetation).
® Troubleshooting Problem/Concern Causes/Solutions Section to Consult Erratic depth. Interference. Transmitter is off. If possible, try another receiver or transmitter to identify the problem. The approximate depth may be calculated using the pitch information and the distance between the FNLP and RNLP.
Troubleshooting ® Problem/Concern Causes/Solutions Section to Consult Minus sign (“–”) in bottom window. Receiver is set on ground for depth reading, particularly at shallow de pths, a nd the ultrasonics are not reset. Reset the ultrasonics. Receiver has gone out of calibration.
® Troubleshooting Problem/Concern Causes/Solutions Section to Consult Ultrasonics don’t work. Check ultrasonic hol es o n bottom of receiver for mud or debris. If dirty, carefully clean them out. Be extremely careful not to puncture the metal inside the ultrasonic holes.
Troubleshooting ® Notes 3-3000-00l-F 68 DigiTrak ® Mark III Operator’s Manual.
® D IGITAL C ONTROL I NCORPORATED Glossary Active Transmitter A transmitter that has batteries installed or a cable transmitter that i s hoo ke d up to power. Battery Charger Used to charge and condit ion (dischar ge) the Di giTrak ba tteries . May be used with AC or DC source s and is easily adapted for worldwide usage.
Glossary ® Housing = Drill Tool = Drill Head The downhole device into whi ch the transmitter fits. Locate Line and Points See Positive Locate Line, Front Negative Locate Point, and Rear Negative Lo cate Point. Magnetic Distance The magnetic distance i s used by the receiver to calc ulate the depth/distan ce of the transmitter.
® Glossary Remote Display A device at or near the dri ll rig used to displa y the transmitter’s i nformation communicated f rom the receiver. This device can be used for remote steeri ng when wal kover locating is not possible. Roll The rotation about the longitudinal axis of the transmitter.
Glossary ® Ultrasonic Distance = Ultrasonic Me a surement = Height-Above-Ground Measurement The receiver’s height above the groun d, which is di splayed in the bottom window for 2 seconds after the trigger is clicked. The ultrasonic measure ment is used to accommodate the different heights of drillers.
® D IGITAL C ONTROL I NCORPORATED Appendix The information and tables contained in this ap pendi x provide further assistan ce for confirming the posi- tion of the Transmitter.
Appendix ® Depth Increase in Inches per 10-foot Rod Percent Depth Increase Percent Dep t h Increase 1 1 27 31 2 2 28 32 3 4 29 33 4 5 30 34 5 6 31 36 6 7 32 37 7 8 33 38 8 10 34 39 9 11 35 40 10 12 3.
® Appendix Percent of Grade to Degree Conversions (1% Pitch Transmitters) Percent Degree Percent Degree Percent Degree Percent Degree 1 0.6 26 14.6 51 27.0 76 37.2 2 1.1 27 15.1 52 27.5 77 37.6 3 1.7 28 15.6 53 27.9 78 38.0 4 2.3 29 16.2 54 28.4 79 38.
Appendix ® Percent of Grade to Degree Conversions (0.1% Pitch Transmitters o r Sensitive Pitch) Percent Degree Percent Degree Percent Degree Percent Degree 0.1 0.1 2.6 1.5 5.1 2.9 7.6 4.3 0.2 0.1 2.7 1.5 5.2 3.0 7.7 4.4 0.3 0.2 2.8 1.6 5.3 3.0 7.8 4.
® Appendix Degree to Percent of Grade Conversions (1% Pitch Transmitters) Degrees Percent Degrees Percent 0 0.0 23 42.4 1 1.7 24 44.5 2 3.5 25 46.6 3 5.2 26 48.8 4 7.0 27 51.0 5 8.7 28 53.2 6 10.5 29 55.4 7 12.3 30 57.7 8 14.1 31 60.1 9 15.8 32 62.5 10 17.
Appendix ® Degree to Percent of Grade Conversions (0.1% Pitch Transmitters) Degrees Percent Degrees Percent 0.1 0.2 3.1 5.4 0.2 0.3 3.2 5.6 0.3 0.5 3.3 5.8 0.4 0.7 3.4 5.9 0.5 0.9 3.5 6.1 0.6 1.0 3.6 6.3 0.7 1.2 3.7 6.5 0.8 1.4 3.8 6.6 0.9 1.6 3.9 6.
® Appendix Calculating Depth Based on Distance Between FNLP and RNLP It is possible to estimate the transmitter’s d epth shou ld the information displa yed in the depth/distance window become unreliable. This is only possible if the pitch and negative lo cate points are reliable and the ground surface is level.
Appendix ® Notes 3-3000-00n-F 80 DigiTrak ® Mark III Operator’s Manual.
® 19625 62nd Ave. S., Suite B-103 y Kent, Washington 98032 US A y 425-251-055 9 or 800-288-3610 y Fax 253-3 95-2800 (Web Site) DCI @digital-control.
3-3000-00o-F Page 2 of 2.
® 19625 62nd Ave. S., Suite B-103 y Kent, Washington 98032 US A y 425-251-055 9 or 800-288-3610 y Fax 253-3 95-2800 (Web Site) DCI @digital-control.
DCI reserves the right to make changes in desig n and improvements upon DCI Products from time to time, an d User understands that DCI shall h ave no obligation to upgrade any previously manufactured DCI Produ ct to include any such changes.
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Wenn Sie aber schon Digitrex 3-3000-00a-F besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Digitrex 3-3000-00a-F verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Digitrex 3-3000-00a-F. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Digitrex 3-3000-00a-F gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.