Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung MICROSPACE MSEBX800 des Produzenten DIGITAL-LOGIC
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Detailed USER M A NU A L FOR: EBX smartModule800/900 MSEBX800/900 Nordstrasse 11/F CH - 4542 Luterbach Tel.: ++41 (0)32 681 58 00 Fax: ++41 (0)32 681 58 01 Email: support@digitallogic.
DIGITAL-LOGIC AG MSEBX800/900 Deta iled Manual V1.0 2 For internal use o nly: File: MSEBX800 -900_Detailed_V1.0.doc Path: R:HANDBUCHMS EBXMSEBX 800MSEBX800-900 _Detailed_V1.0.doc COPYRIGHT 2008 BY D IGITAL -LOGIC A G This publication is protected by copyright and all rights are reserve d .
DIGITAL-LOGIC AG MSEBX800/900 Deta iled Manual V1.0 3 Table of Content s 1. P REFACE ............ ......................................... ......................................... ......................................... .............. 5 1.1. Trademarks .
DIGITAL-LOGIC AG MSEBX800/900 Deta iled Manual V1.0 4 7.2. The 3pin Jumpers ....................... ......................................... ......................................... ................ 50 7.3. Jumpers on t he MSEBX800 .................
DIGITAL-LOGIC AG MSEBX800/900 Deta iled Manual V1.0 5 1. P REF A CE The inf o rmation c ontained in this m anual has bee n c a refull y check ed and is believed to be accurate; it is subject to change without notice. Product advances mean that som e specifications m ay ha v e changed .
DIGITAL-LOGIC AG MSEBX800/900 Deta iled Manual V1.0 6 1.5. Recycling Informati on All com ponen ts within this product fulfill the requirem ents of the RoHS (Restricti on of Hazard ous Substance s Directive). The pro du ct is s ol dered wi th a lea d free pro cess.
DIGITAL-LOGIC AG MSEBX800/900 Deta iled Manual V1.0 7 1.8. Explanation of Sy mbols CE Conformity This symbol indicates that the product described in this manual is in complian ce with all applied CE standards .
DIGITAL-LOGIC AG MSEBX800/900 Deta iled Manual V1.0 8 1.9. Applicable Docume nts and Standards The following publications are used in co njunction with this m anual. W hen an y of the ref erenced specifications are s uperseded b y an a pp roved revisi o n, t hat r evision s hall appl y .
DIGITAL-LOGIC AG MSEBX800/900 Deta iled Manual V1.0 9 Sm art Batte ry Dat a Specification Revision 1.1, December 11, 1998. System Management Bus (SM B us) Spec i ficat i on Vers ion 2.0, August 3, 200 0 Copyright © 1994, 1 99 5, 1998, 2000 Duracell, Inc.
DIGITAL-LOGIC AG MSEBX800/900 Deta iled Manual V1.0 10 RoHS is often refer red to as the "lead-free" directi v e but it r estricts the use of the following substances: Lead Mercur y Cadm ium Chrom iu m V I PBB and PB DE The maximum allowable concentration of any of the above mentioned substances is 0.
DIGITAL-LOGIC AG MSEBX800/900 Deta iled Manual V1.0 11 1.12. Swiss Qualit y 100% Mad e in Switzerland DIGIT AL-LOGIC is a member of "Swiss-Labe l " T hi s product was not manuf a.
DIGITAL-LOGIC AG MSEBX800/900 Deta iled Manual V1.0 12 2. O VERVIEW 2.1. Standard Features The MICRO S PACE EBX is a m ini aturized modular device inc orporating t he major elements of a PC/A T compatible com puter.
DIGITAL-LOGIC AG MSEBX800/900 Deta iled Manual V1.0 13 2.4. Block Diagrams 2.4.1. MSEBX800.
DIGITAL-LOGIC AG MSEBX800/900 Deta iled Manual V1.0 14 2.4.2. SM800.
DIGITAL-LOGIC AG MSEBX800/900 Deta iled Manual V1.0 15 2.5. MSEBX800/900 Specifications CPU Specification CPU SM800 AMD GEODE LX800 /900 located in the sm a rtModule800/ 9 00 CPU Core Suppl y 1.
DIGITAL-LOGIC AG MSEBX800/900 Deta iled Manual V1.0 16 External Interface s Specification Video Interfaces CRT1, DVO USB V1.1/2.0 4 Ports LPT IEEE1293 Printer COM1 RS232 COM2 RS232 COM3 - COM4 - Keyboard PS/2 Mouse PS/2 Floppy 26pin FCC Interf ace for TEAC Mini-Flopp y Parallel-Hard disk 2.
DIGITAL-LOGIC AG MSEBX800/900 Deta iled Manual V1.0 17 Operating Tem per ature Specification: MIL-810-501 MIL-810-502 Extended tem perature range: SM800PCX (500 M Hz) -40° C to +70° C Security e1 No.
DIGITAL-LOGIC AG MSEBX800/900 Deta iled Manual V1.0 18 2.6. Examples of Or d ering Codes The MSEBX800 s y stem i s com b ined from : Baseboard MSEBX8 00 smartModule 800/9 00-xxx (must be ordered sep arately) Memor y : SOD I MM2 00 -DDR A M (must b e o rder e d separately) Article Part No.
DIGITAL-LOGIC AG MSEBX800/900 Deta iled Manual V1.0 19 2.7. Dimensions & Dia g rams MSEBX800.
DIGITAL-LOGIC AG MSEBX800/900 Deta iled Manual V1.0 20.
DIGITAL-LOGIC AG MSEBX800/900 Deta iled Manual V1.0 21.
DIGITAL-LOGIC AG MSEBX800/900 Deta iled Manual V1.0 22 2.8. Incompatibilitie s to a Stan dard PC/AT None. 2.9. MSEBX800/900 Related A pplica tion Notes # Description 80 High fr eq uenc y Radiation (t o m eet E N55022) Application Notes are availble at http://www.
DIGITAL-LOGIC AG MSEBX800/900 Deta iled Manual V1.0 23 2.11. Thermoscan Product Part Number Ser ia l Numb er Version MSEBX800 811202 45320210010 0.2 SM800PCX 805164 45316410032 2.1 SODIMM DDR 1GB 870672 - - Software W in dows XP SP2 running d esk top Top view, passive cooled: t [min] f CPU [MHz] I [A] P [W] 60 500 0.
DIGITAL-LOGIC AG MSEBX800/900 Deta iled Manual V1.0 24 3. P REP A R A T ION 3.1. Important Infor m ation Warning, ESD Sens itive Device! Place the em bedded computer bo a rd on an isolated , ESD-protected s u rfac e. Also ensure that all equipment, tools an d people are fully protect ed agains t ESD.
DIGITAL-LOGIC AG MSEBX800/900 Deta iled Manual V1.0 25 3.2. Mounting the s m artModule Line up the holes in t he smartModule o n the MSEBX board (top side). Then on the re v erse s ide, attach the smartModule usi ng 4 Phil l ips head scr ews (circled in red, within the r ed fram e m arking the approxim ate location of the smartModule).
DIGITAL-LOGIC AG MSEBX800/900 Deta iled Manual V1.0 26 3.3. RAM Assembl y /Disasse mbly To install or change the RAM, follow these steps : 1. Unmount the smartModule b y removing the 4 screws m ar ked i n red (see the photo f ro m the previous page). 2.
DIGITAL-LOGIC AG MSEBX800/900 Deta iled Manual V1.0 27 e. Slowly push the R AM down until the clips "click " into pl a ce (Photo 3). Photo 3 3.
DIGITAL-LOGIC AG MSEBX800/900 Deta iled Manual V1.0 28 3.4. Power & Reset Buttons Power Button : Push the Po wer Button for 2 seconds to star t up the s ystem.
DIGITAL-LOGIC AG MSEBX800/900 Deta iled Manual V1.0 29 4. B US S IGNALS 4.1. PC104 Bus Note... The ISA-Bus m ay have so me minor incompatibilities, see Chapter 6. AEN, output Address Enable: used to d egate the m icroprocessor and ot her devices f ro m the I/O c h annel to allow DMA transfers to t ake plac e.
DIGITAL-LOGIC AG MSEBX800/900 Deta iled Manual V1.0 30 /Master, input This s ig nal is us e d w ith a D RQ line to gain control of the sy stem . A p rocess o r or DM A contro ller on the I/O channel m ay issue a D RQ to a DMA channel in ca scade mode and receive a /DA CK.
DIGITAL-LOGIC AG MSEBX800/900 Deta iled Manual V1.0 31 /SMEMW , input/output These signals instruct the m emory de vi ces to store the data present on t h e data bus for the f i rst MByte. /SMEMW i s active in al l mem o ry read cycles. /SMEMW may be driven by any m icroprocessor or DMA co ntroller in the system.
DIGITAL-LOGIC AG MSEBX800/900 Deta iled Manual V1.0 32 5. D ET A ILED S YS TEM D ESCRIPTION 5.1. Boot Time System Boot T imes Definitions/Boot- Medium Quick Boot* Normal Boot MSEBX800-500MH z with RTC-Backup Batter y Memor y 256 MB shar e d 8M B for Video time [s] From Flopp y d isk Boot from Setup-D isk1 MS-DOS v6.
DIGITAL-LOGIC AG MSEBX800/900 Deta iled Manual V1.0 33 5.2. Interfaces 5.2.1. PS/2 Key board (AT Compatible) an d PS/2 Mouse X31 Keyboard Pin Signal Pin Signal 1 KB_Dat a 2 - 3 GND 5 +5Volt / 100m A 6 KB_Clk 8 - X32 Mouse Pin Signal Pin Signal 1 MB_Data 2 - 3 GND 5 +5Volt / 100m A 6 MB_Clk 8 - 5.
DIGITAL-LOGIC AG MSEBX800/900 Deta iled Manual V1.0 34 5.2.4. Floppy Disk Interface Supported Flopp y Format s Capacity Drive size Tracks Data r a te DOS version 1.2 MB 5-1/4" 80 500 KHz 3.0 - 6.22 720 K 3-1/2" 80 250 KHz 3.2 - 6.22 1.44 M 3-1/2" 80 500 KH z 3.
DIGITAL-LOGIC AG MSEBX800/900 Deta iled Manual V1.0 35 5.3. Controllers 5.3.1. Interrupt Control lers An 8 2 59A com pati ble interrupt contro l ler, within the chipset, pro v ides seven prioritized interr u pt levels.
DIGITAL-LOGIC AG MSEBX800/900 Deta iled Manual V1.0 36 5.4. BIOS Reco v er y In case the BIOS ne eds to be recovered: 1. Set Jum per J9 . 2. Start the MS EB X800/9 00. 3. Open the B IOS. 4. Rem ov e Jum per J9 . 5. Load the def ault BIOS settings. 6. Save the sett i ngs.
DIGITAL-LOGIC AG MSEBX800/900 Deta iled Manual V1.0 37 6. D ESCRIPTION AND L O CA TION OF THE C ON NECT O RS Connector Structure Pin Remarks X1 Power In put 2 Power Jack X2 AT X Power Connector 20 X11 LVDS 2x 10 RM2.54 X14 Video IN 2 SMA X15 LCD 2x 25 RM2.
DIGITAL-LOGIC AG MSEBX800/900 Deta iled Manual V1.0 38 6.1. Connector Plan.
DIGITAL-LOGIC AG MSEBX800/900 Deta iled Manual V1.0 39 6.2. Connector Desc riptions X1 Pow er Input Pin Signal Pin Signal 1 8-30V DC- Input 2 Ground X2 ATX Conn ector Pin Signal Pin Signal 1 +3.3V 2 +3.3V 3 GND 4 +5V 5 GND 6 +5V 7 GND 8 PW R-OK 9 +5VSB 10 +12V 11 +3.
DIGITAL-LOGIC AG MSEBX800/900 Deta iled Manual V1.0 40 X15 LCD Connector Pin Signal Pin Signal 1 DE_SP L IT 2 VSYNC 3 BLK 4 HSYNC 5 VCCLCD_ SB 6 Ground 7 NC 8 SHFCLK 9 VDD 10 D0 11 D1 12 D2 13 D3 14 D.
DIGITAL-LOGIC AG MSEBX800/900 Deta iled Manual V1.0 41 X30A Printer Po rt (Centronics, EM I-Filtered) D-SUB Connecto r : Signal Pin 1 Strobe Pin 2 Data 0 Pin 3 Data 1 Pin 4 Data 2 Pin 5 Data 3 Pin 6 D.
DIGITAL-LOGIC AG MSEBX800/900 Deta iled Manual V1.0 42 X31 P S/2Keybo ar d ( A T Compatible) Pin Signal Pin Signal 1 KB_Dat a 2 - 3 GND 5 +5Volt / 100m A 6 KB_Clk 8 - X32 P S/2M ouse Pin Signal Pin Si.
DIGITAL-LOGIC AG MSEBX800/900 Deta iled Manual V1.0 43 RJ45 Connector 10 BaseT (IEEE 802.3i), 100BaseT X (IEEE 802.3u): MDI- P in EI A /TIA 568 A colors (wire/line) Pin Twisted Pair TX+ W hite / Green 1 3 TX- Green 2 3 RX+ White / Orange 3 2 GND .. 4 1 GND .
DIGITAL-LOGIC AG MSEBX800/900 Deta iled Manual V1.0 44 X52 A VR Pin Signal Pin Signal 1 AVR VCC 2 GND 3 AVR SC L 4 AVR RST 5 AVR MI S O 6 AVR MOSI Only for internal us e X53 Utility Pin Signal Pin Sig.
DIGITAL-LOGIC AG MSEBX800/900 Deta iled Manual V1.0 45 X62 3.5 " Hard Disk Pin Signal Pin Signal 1 Reset (ac t ive low) 2 GND 3 D7 4 D8 5 D6 6 D9 7 D5 8 D10 9 D4 10 D11 11 D3 12 D12 13 D2 14 D13 .
DIGITAL-LOGIC AG MSEBX800/900 Deta iled Manual V1.0 46 X100 PC/104 Conne ctor (ISA) Pin A: B: C: D : 0 Ground Ground 1 IOCHCK Ground SB HE MEMCS16 2 SD7 RESET LA23 IOCS16 3 SD6 +5V LA22 IRQ10 4 SD5 IR.
DIGITAL-LOGIC AG MSEBX800/900 Deta iled Manual V1.0 47 X101 PC/104+ Connecto r (PCI) Pin A: B: C: D: 1 GND/5.0 V KEY2 Reserved +5 AD00 2 VI/O AD02 AD01 +5V 3 AD05 GND AD04 AD03 4 C/BE0* AD07 G ND AD06 5 GND AD09 AD08 GND 6 AD11 VI/O AD10 M66EN 7 AD14 AD13 GND AD12 8 +3.
DIGITAL-LOGIC AG MSEBX800/900 Deta iled Manual V1.0 48 X120 M i niPCI Interface Pin Signal Pin Signal Pin Signal Pin Signal 1 T IP 2 RING 63 3.3V 64 FRAME# 3 8PMJ-3 4 8PMJ-1 65 CLKRU N# 66 TRDY# 5 8PMJ-6 6 8PMJ-2 67 SER R# 68 STOP# 7 8PMJ-7 8 8PMJ-4 69 G ROUND 70 3.
DIGITAL-LOGIC AG MSEBX800/900 Deta iled Manual V1.0 49 X130 PCI Slot (Standa rd PCI Slot) Pin Name PCI Pin Descript ion Pin Name PCI Pin Description A1 TRST Test Logic Reset B1 -12V -12 VDC A2 +12V +1.
DIGITAL-LOGIC AG MSEBX800/900 Deta iled Manual V1.0 50 7. J UMPER L OC A TIONS ON THE B O A R D The f o llowing ta b les s how the locati on of the jum per block s on th e MS E BX80 0/9 00 b oard. T he num bers shown in these tables are silk screened on the board so that the pins can be easily located.
DIGITAL-LOGIC AG MSEBX800/900 Deta iled Manual V1.0 51 7.3. Jumpers on the MSEBX800.
DIGITAL-LOGIC AG MSEBX800/900 Deta iled Manual V1.0 52 8. I NDEX A Addressing PCI Devic es............................................. 31 B BIOS Recovery .......................................................... 36 Block Diagrams ...................
DIGITAL-LOGIC AG MSEBX800/900 Deta iled Manual V1.0 53 Mounting................................................................ 25 Specifications ............................................................. 15 SQS.....................................
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts DIGITAL-LOGIC MICROSPACE MSEBX800 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie DIGITAL-LOGIC MICROSPACE MSEBX800 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für DIGITAL-LOGIC MICROSPACE MSEBX800 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von DIGITAL-LOGIC MICROSPACE MSEBX800 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über DIGITAL-LOGIC MICROSPACE MSEBX800 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon DIGITAL-LOGIC MICROSPACE MSEBX800 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von DIGITAL-LOGIC MICROSPACE MSEBX800 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit DIGITAL-LOGIC MICROSPACE MSEBX800. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei DIGITAL-LOGIC MICROSPACE MSEBX800 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.