Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung E2050-90003 des Produzenten Agilent Technologies
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Agilent E2 050 LAN/GPIB Gateway Inst all ation and Configurat ion Guide Manu al Par t Numb er: E2 050-90 003 Printed in U. S.A. E0701.
Content s 3 Cont ents E2050 LAN/GPIB G ateway User’s Guide Front Matter .................. .................... ................... ................... ................... 5 Warranty Information ................. ................... ............. ..
Content s 4 4. Administration ........................ ................... ................... .................... .. 6 3 Using the Telnet Util ity............ .................... ................... ............... 6 5 Accessing the Telnet Uti lity .
5 Notice The info rmation co ntained in thi s document i s subject to change without notice. Agilent T echn ologies sh all not be liable f or any error s contained i n this document . Agilent T ec hnologie s makes no warranties of any kind wi th regard to th is docu ment, whethe r express or impli ed.
6 T radema rk Information Microsoft ®, Window s ® 95, Wi ndows ® 9 8, Windows ® Me, Windows ® 2000, and Windows NT® are U.S. reg istered tradem arks of Microsoft Corporat ion. All oth er brand an d product na mes are tr ademarks or regist ered tra demarks of their re spective companies.
7 Safety Considerations Product and Do cument ation Labe ls A W ARNING de notes a hazard tha t can cause injury or death. A CAUTION denotes a hazard that can damag e equipme nt or cause data loss. Do not proceed beyond a WARNING or CAUT ION notice until yo u understand the hazardo us conditi ons and have taken approp riate steps.
8 If your device doe s caus e interfere nce to radi o and tel evision r eceptio n, you are enc ouraged to tr y to correc t the inter ference by one or m ore of the following measures : n Relocate the radio or TV antenna . n Move the device a way from the radio or televisi on.
9 Manufac turer ’ s Name: Agil ent T echnologi es, Incorp orated Manufac turer ’ s Address: 815 - 14th S t. SW Lovelan d, Colora do 80537 USA Declare s, that the prod uct Product Name: LAN/GPIB Gateway Model Num ber: E2050B Product Options : This de claration covers a ll opt ions of th e above p roduct(s).
11 1 Introduction.
12 Chapter 1 Int roduc tion This A gilent E2050 LAN/GPIB Gate way Installa tion and Co nfiguration Guide gives g uideline s to install an d configu re the E2050 LAN/GPIB Gateway (Gateway) for use wit h supported, network-equi pped computer systems.
Chapter 1 13 Introductio n How to Use This Guid e How to Use This Guide The info rmation in this guide assum es you are a Ne twork Admin istrator wh o install s, config ures, and ma intains a local a rea networ k (LAN ), includi ng network-r elated hard ware like the E 2050 LAN/GP IB Gatewa y .
14 Chapter 1 Introductio n How to Use This Guid e Related Software Document ation Suggeste d softwar e manuals y ou can use fo r E2050 LAN/GPIB G ateway operatio n with the liste d I/O applicatio n software prod ucts follow .
Chapter 1 15 Introductio n E2050 Har dware Desc ription E2050 Hardware De scription In additio n to this guide, the E20 50 produ ct package con sists of: n E2050 LAN /GPIB Gate way Front P anel n E205.
16 Chapter 1 Introductio n E2050 Har dware D escription E2050 LAN/ GPIB Gateway Rear Panel This figu re shows the back panel feat ures of t he Gateway .
Chapter 1 17 Introductio n E2050 Har dware Desc ription AC/DC Adapter and AC Power Cord As show n in the follo wing figur e, the powe r module ( AC/DC Adapte r) (Agile nt part number 0950-25 46) provid es 5 Vdc pow er to the Gateway .
18 Chapter 1 Introductio n E2050 So ftware/F irmware Arch itecture E2050 Software/Firmware Architect ure This secti on describes E2 050 softwa re/firmware archit ecture, includi ng: n I/O Appl ication.
Chapter 1 19 Introductio n E2050 S oftware/Firmw are Architec ture T ypical LAN C onnections The E20 50 LAN/GPIB Gateway c ombines hardware a nd firmw are in a s ingle box that p rovides a netw ork gateway between net work-equipped computer system s and GPIB based in struments.
20 Chapter 1 Introductio n E2050 So ftware/F irmware Arch itecture The Gateway connects the local area network (L AN) from the computer system to the GPIB bus. Network -equipped c omputer syste ms that are support ed for use wi th the Gat eway include S eries 700 w orkstations and 32-bit PC s.
Chapter 1 21 Introductio n E2050 S oftware/Firmw are Architec ture Software/Fi rmware Architectur e Overview Agilent SICL contains th e LAN client software needed to a ccess the LAN/GPIB G ateway . Thus, SICL is also prov ided with the VISA, VE E, and HP BASIC /UX 700 I/O applicatio n softwar e products.
22 Chapter 1 Introductio n E2050 So ftware/F irmware Arch itecture Using Appli cation Software This sec tion summar izes how the s oftware on a client comp uter syste m works with the E2050 LAN /GPIB Gatew ay to com plete I/O app lication operatio ns on attached G PIB instr uments.
23 2 Inst allation.
24 Chapter 2 Inst allation This cha pter shows how to install the E2050 LAN/GPIB G ateway on the LAN and th e GPIB bus for use w ith network- equipped computer s ystems, includi ng: n Hardware Require.
Chapter 2 25 Installatio n Hardware Requirement s Hardware Requirement s T o in stall the Gatewa y , you must have the fo llowing h ardware: n One or more of th ese network -equipped computer systems .
26 Chapter 2 Installation Software Requirement s Software Requiremen t s Each client com puter sys tem that wil l access the Gatewa y must be running one of the f ollowing operatin g systems.
Chapter 2 27 Installatio n Installing the Hardware Inst alling the Hardware This sec tion show s how to insta ll the LAN/GPI B Gateway ha rdware b y connecti ng it to th e LAN, GPIB bus, and p ower modu le. Step 1: Record L AN Hardware Ad dress First, find t he hardwar e address of the LA N interface in t he E2050 LAN/GPIB G ateway .
28 Chapter 2 Installation Installing the Hardware Step 3 : Connect the Gateway to the Network n Ethe rtwi st C onne ctio n. For Ethertwi st, conne ct the LAN cable to t he RJ-45 conn ector on the back panel of th e Gateway . CAUTION Do not conn ect to both the RJ-45 and th e BNC connec tors on the Gateway .
Chapter 2 29 Installatio n Installing the Hardware n ThinLAN Connectio ns. For Thi nLAN, connect the LAN cable to the BNC co nnector on t he back pane l of the G ateway using a BNC “T” connect or . M ake sure th e ThinLAN s egment is pr operly te rminated .
30 Chapter 2 Installation Installing the Hardware Step 4: Conne ct GPIB Cable and Power Cords n Connect th e GPIB cable from the GPIB i nstrument(s) to th e GPIB connecto r on the b ack panel of the Gateway .
Chapter 2 31 Installatio n Installing the Hardware Step 5: Obse rve the Po wer-On Sequenc e n The Gatewa y now g oes through its power-on, h ardware se lf-test. V erify that the h ardware is working pr operly by l ooking at the LEDs on the fro nt panel of the Gateway .
32 Chapter 2 Installation Installing the Hardware Notes:.
33 3 Configuration.
34 Chapter 3 Configuratio n This cha pter gives guidelines to config ure the E205 0 LAN/GP IB Gateway on your ne twork. Y ou can use t his chap ter if you a re configur ing the Gat eway for the fi rst time on your networ k or if yo u need to c hange the Gat eway’s configur ation.
Chapter 3 35 Con figur ation Setting Configuration V alues Setting Configu ration V alues This s ection giv es guide lines to se t E2050 co nfigurat ion valu es, incl uding: n S te ps to Set Confi gur.
36 Chapter 3 Config uration Setting Configuration V alues The fol lowing table des cribes the c onfigurat ion values for the E2 050 and the applica ble defaul t (factory -set) va lues. The E 2050 LAN/G PIB Ga teway is shipped from the fa ctory w ith defaul t settings for the con figuration v alues listed i n the table.
Chapter 3 37 Con figur ation Setting Configuration V alues Hardware Address (MAC) (cont ’d) N/A The hardware add ress val ue cannot be set or changed w ith T elnet co nfiguratio n of the LAN /GPIB Ga teway . How ever , the hardwa re address value mu st be spec ified and set when using the BOO TP or the BO OTP with TF TP configurati on method .
38 Chapter 3 Config uration Setting Configuration V alues IP Address This v alue is the I nternet Proto col (IP) add ress of the LAN/G PIB Gateway . T he IP addres s is a re quired va lue and is use d for all I P and TCP/I P comm unications with the LAN/GPIB Gate way .
Chapter 3 39 Con figur ation Setting Configuration V alues LAN T imeout 0 sec This v alue set s the L AN conne ct timeo ut in sec onds. The Gateway may use th e TCP ke epaliv e timer of th e TCP/IP prot ocol sta ck to de term ine if a clie nt is st ill r eacha ble.
40 Chapter 3 Config uration Setting Configuration V alues Syslog Serv er Address (cont’d) Ty p i c a l l y, syslogd obt ains its rou ting inform ation from the / etc/syslog.conf con figurat ion file, which you can edit to speci fy the log fi le to wh ich you want syslog messages from the LAN/GPIB G ateway routed.
Chapter 3 41 Con figur ation Setting Configuration V alues How Configuration V alues are Used The E205 0 LAN/GPIB Gateway uses the default c onfiguratio n values an d/or the confi guration values that.
42 Chapter 3 Config uration Setting Configuration V alues When t he Config Preset Button is Pressed The reces sed Config Preset button on the ba ck panel of the G ateway is u sed to rese t the LAN/ GPIB Gate way to i ts default c onfiguratio n values (preset at the factor y).
Chapter 3 43 Con figur ation Configuration Me thods Configuration Metho ds This sec tion descr ibes confi guration me thods you can use to s et the configur ation va lues for the E2050 LA N/GPIB Gat e.
44 Chapter 3 Config uration Configuration Met hods BOOTP BOOTP is a bootstrap protocol tha t allows critic al confi guration va lues su ch as the IP address and s ubnet mas k to be set e asily . With the BOOTP configur ation met hod, you set the value s for the Ga teway in t he /etc/bootptab file.
Chapter 3 45 Con figur ation Configuration Me thods Using T elnet Conf iguration Method ( Windows) T o confi gure the LAN /GPIB Gate way on yo ur network u sing the T e lnet configur ation met hod fro.
46 Chapter 3 Config uration Configuration Met hods When you are con nected to the G ateway , you will see gen eral informa tion about the T elnet u tility comm ands, as well as a listin g of the curren t configu ration setti ngs for this G ateway .
Chapter 3 47 Con figur ation Configuration Me thods 10 At the T elnet prom pt ( > ), enter the configu ration valu es you wa nt to change or set. (Y ou only n eed to s pecify th e non-d efault valu es that you want.) The following i nformation wi ll help you set the val ues cor rectly .
48 Chapter 3 Config uration Configuration Met hods For ea ch configur ation va lue to change or set, u se the syntax: T elnet_command : value Enter . For exam ple, to set th e IP addr ess valu e of for the Gatewa y , enter: ip: 156.140.
Chapter 3 49 Con figur ation Configuration Me thods Y ou should get a response fro m the ping command that is simi lar to the following , where each line afte r the PING line is an example of a packet successful ly reaching the Gateway from the clien t system.
50 Chapter 3 Config uration Configuration Met hods Using T elnet Conf iguration Method (H P-UX) T o confi gure the LAN /GPIB Gate way on you r network u sing T elne t from an HP-UX c lient sys tem, do the f ollowing: 1 Power-on t he Gateway by pluggin g the AC po wer cord from the power mod ule into a power outlet (wall ou tlet).
Chapter 3 51 Con figur ation Configuration Me thods For exam ple, if you have not chang ed any of the config uration set tings previo usly , you will see the default co nfiguration s ettings for the G ateway , as follows. In this disp lay , the hardware-addr: v alue is an exa mple.
52 Chapter 3 Config uration Configuration Met hods The foll owing table lis ts the config uration values you can set using T eln et. The infor mation fo llowing th e table expl ains the sy ntax you should us e and provides r eminders to help you to change or set the configur ation va lues co rrectly .
Chapter 3 53 Con figur ation Configuration Me thods If you want to exit without sav ing any of the conf iguratio n values y ou have c hanged o r set, e nter eithe r exit Return or quit Return . Y ou can then r e-enter th e T elnet configur ation utilit y starting with S te p 5.
54 Chapter 3 Config uration Configuration Met hods PING 64 byte packets 64 bytes from icmp_seq=0. time=3. ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=1. time=3. ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=2. time=2. ms . . . A resp onse simil ar to the f ollowing ind icates t he client was unable to contact the G ateway .
Chapter 3 55 Con figur ation Configuration Me thods Using BOOTP Configu ration Method (HP-UX) T o confi gure a LAN/G PIB Gatewa y on your n etwork usin g BOOTP from an HP-UX cl ient syst em: 1 Make sure tha t the Gateway is powered-off. The AC po wer cord from the po wer module mus t be disconn ected from the power outlet (wall ou tlet).
56 Chapter 3 Config uration Configuration Met hods This exa mple BO OTP entry c onfigur es a host name ( hn ), a hardwar e address ( ha ), and an IP addres s ( ip ) for the LAN/ GPIB Gateway . All other config uration val ues are “set ” to (wil l default to) the factor y defaults .
Chapter 3 57 Con figur ation Configuration Me thods 4 T est that the Gatewa y has r eceived the BOOTP response a nd has configur ed itself by using the ping co mmand. This co mmand allo ws you to tes t genera l network c onnectivity between your client comput er system and the LAN/GPI B Gateway .
58 Chapter 3 Config uration Configuration Met hods Using BOO TP with TFTP Configuration Method (HP-UX) T o confi gure a LAN/G PIB Gateway on your n etwork usin g BOOTP wi th TFTP from an HP-UX client sy stem: 1 Make sure that the Gatewa y is powered O FF .
Chapter 3 59 Con figur ation Configuration Me thods This e xample BO OTP entry c onfigur es a host name ( hn ), a hardwar e address ( ha ), an IP ad dress ( ip ), an d the path to the TFTP c onfigura tion file ( T144 ).
60 Chapter 3 Config uration Configuration Met hods 5 Create the appropri ate directory structure and TFTP configuration file for each LAN/GP IB Gateway , as noted i n the T144 configur ation valu e you set in the /etc/bootptab file.
Chapter 3 61 Con figur ation Configuration Me thods An examp le TFTP fi le follows. Consult y our system do cumentation for any other steps required to complete the TFTP configuration fil e. # The E2050 gw1 Configuration File hostname: E2050 # Timeouts lan-timeout: 7200 io-timeout: 240 # IP allow list allow: 156.
62 Chapter 3 Config uration Configuration Met hods At the client syste m, type: ping ho stname (or) IP_ad dress Return For exam ple, usin g a Ga teway’s hostnam e: ping Return Or , us ing a Gatewa y’s IP addres s: ping 156.140.4.
63 4 Administration.
64 Chapter 4 Administration This cha pter gives guidelin es to admini ster the E2 050 LAN/G PIB Gateway on your network, us ing the T e lnet util ity provided with the LA N/GPIB Gateway .
Chapter 4 65 Admi nistr ati on Using the T elnet Utility Using the T elnet U tility This sec tion explai ns how to acc ess and ex it the T e lnet utili ty . It also summ arizes va rious T el net comm ands you can use t o adminis ter the E2050 LA N/GPIB Gate way .
66 Chapter 4 Adminis tration Using the T elnet Utility 3 If you do not know the IP address or h ostname of the Gateway: n After the Gateway has been p owered-on, press the Config Preset button on the b ack panel of the LAN/GPIB Gate way . This forces th e Gateway to temp orarily use th e 192.
Chapter 4 67 Admi nistr ati on Using the T elnet Utility 5 If you ar e using a W indows 95/98/M e/2000/NT cl ient syste m, you may als o need to tu rn on Loc al Ec ho in t he T erminal Pr eferences dialog b ox so that the T e lnet util ity will di splay your typed i nput.
68 Chapter 4 Adminis tration Using the T elnet Utility Exiting the T elnet Utili ty T o exit the T elne t utility , us e these T elnet commands . n If you want to exit without sav ing any change s (if any) yo u have made to the configur ation va lues, at t he T elnet prompt ( > ) type bye (or) exit (or) quit .
Chapter 4 69 Admi nistr ati on Using the T elnet Utility Comma nd Descriptio n allow: IP_address(es) Set the IP allow list configu ration value for the Gateway . bootp: ON/OFF T urn ON or O FF the use of BOOTP or BO OTP with T FTP configura tion o f the Gatew ay .
70 Chapter 4 Adminis tration Quer ying the Gatewa y Querying the Gateway This sec tion gives guidelines to query th e E2050 LA N/GPIB gatew ay , includi ng: n Queryi ng the Curr ent Configura tion n Q.
Chapter 4 71 Admi nistr ati on Queryin g the Gatew ay Querying the C onfiguration Metho d If you do n ot know the configurat ion method curren tly used for th e Gateway , you can deter mine the method via the bootp: ON/OFF T elnet co nfiguration value.
72 Chapter 4 Adminis tration Quer ying the Gatewa y The foll owing is an example status scr een of clien ts connecte d to an E20 50 LAN/GPIB G ateway . The mean ing of the various fi elds list ed on the T elnet status sc reen are: Server ID Client IP Addr Client ID Sess Operation Lock Device/Intf 0x2008f624 156.
Chapter 4 73 Admi nistr ati on Queryin g the Gatew ay All the s essions for a particul ar connect ion are l isted tog ether and only the first ses sion has th e Server ID , Client IP Addr , and Client ID specifi ed. For a g iven clien t, one ses sion at mos t will ha ve an operat ion pending o r in progr ess at a given time.
74 Chapter 4 Adminis tration Quer ying the Gatewa y Operatio n SICL Funct ion GETT1 igpibgett1delay HINT ihint LLO igpibllo LOCA L ilocal LOCK ilock ONINTR ionintr ONSRQ ionsrq OPEN iopen P ASSCTL igp.
Chapter 4 75 Admi nistr ati on Configuring the Gateway Configuring th e Gateway This sec tion gives guideli nes to confi gure the E 2050 LAN/GP IB Gatewa y , includi ng: n Settin g Default Config urat.
76 Chapter 4 Adminis tration Configuring the Ga teway T o chang e the conf iguration m ethod used for the Gate way , you can modify the bootp: ON/OFF T elnet c onfiguratio n value or you can pr ess the Config Preset button.
Chapter 4 77 Admi nistr ati on Configuring the Gateway T o mo dify the con figuration m ethod by p ressing th e Config Preset button, press the Config Preset button on the back panel of th e LAN/GP IB Gateway at the sam e time as you power -on the Ga teway .
78 Chapter 4 Adminis tration Configuring the Ga teway n Becaus e of the limited me mory area on th e Gateway , only about 50 lines of syslog-display messages can be logg ed in t he Gateway . After the li mit has b een reached , any new mes sages can not be logged.
Chapter 4 79 Admi nistr ati on Configuring the Gateway T ermi nating Cl ient Connec tions If after qu erying the status of the G ateway an d client co nnection s, you determin e that the Ga teway or a.
80 Chapter 4 Adminis tration Configuring the Ga teway Notes:.
81 5 T roubleshoo ting.
82 Chapter 5 T roubleshooting This cha pter gives guidelines to troubles hoot problem s that may occur with the E2050 LAN/GPIB G ateway , in cluding: n Gatewa y Failur e Messag es n T roubles hooting .
Chapter 5 83 T roubles hooting Gateway Fa ilure Messages Gateway Failure Messag es This section provides fa ilure messages and trou bleshooting explana tions fo r the E2050 LAN/GPIB G ateway , in clud.
84 Chapter 5 T roubles hooting Gateway Fa ilure Messages syslog File Messages The syslog fil e error mess ages ca n be view ed via the T e lnet syslog- display comma nd or by lo oking in the syslog file spe cified v ia the syslo g server addr ess confi guration value.
Chapter 5 85 T roubles hooting T roubleshooting Network Configuration T roubleshooting Network Configu ration This sec tion pro vides guid elines t o trouble shoot netwo rk configu ration problem s, i.
86 Chapter 5 T roubles hooting T roubleshooting Network Configur ation T roubleshooting Network Configu rations If some ne twork confi guration va lues for the E2050 L AN/GPIB G ateway ar e imprope rly confi gured, one or more clie nt systems may not b e able to m ake a connec tion to the Gateway .
Chapter 5 87 T roubles hooting T roubleshooting Network Configuration BOOTP or BOOTP with TF TP Config uration T o cor rect networ k configurati on values wh en using the BOOTP o r the BOOTP with TFT P con figur ation meth od: 1 Fix the imprope r value in the /etc/bootptab file or t he specifie d TFTP c onfigura tion file .
88 Chapter 5 T roubles hooting T roubleshooting Gateway Configuration T roubleshooting Gat eway Configurati on This sec tion gives guidelines to troubles hoot E2050 LA N/GPIB Ga teway configur ation p.
Chapter 5 89 T roubles hooting T roubleshooting Gateway Configura tion V erifying the Configuration Method If you hav e a problem configuri ng the LAN/ GPIB Gatewa y (such a s configur ing the IP ad dress), f irst verify the method of config uration for the Gateway .
90 Chapter 5 T roubles hooting T roubleshooting Gateway Configuration 4 If the Gate way is powered on, confi gured, but y ou do not k now the IP addre ss: n Press t he Config Pre set button on th e back panel of the LAN/GPIB Gate way . This forces the G ateway to tem porarily use the 192.
Chapter 5 91 T roubles hooting T roubleshooting Gateway Configura tion Changing the Co nfiguration Method If you want to change the configur ation meth od used for the Gatewa y , you can take one of three fo llowing act ions. Howe ver , for Windows 9 5/98/Me/ 2000/NT c lient sys tems, yo u must us e the T el net config uration meth od.
92 Chapter 5 T roubles hooting T roubleshooting Gateway Configuration T roubleshooting T el net Configuration If you have trouble con figuring the LAN/GPIB Gateway usin g T elnet wi th the default IP address o f : 1 V erify that the route c ommand wa s performe d properly .
Chapter 5 93 T roubles hooting T roubleshooting Gateway Configura tion 4 V er ify the BO OTP ser ver is on the same loc al subne t as the Gateway . If no t, consult your Ne twork Adminis trator to verify t hat your ne twork confi guration supports usi ng a BOOTP server th at is not on the s ame sub net.
94 Chapter 5 T roubles hooting T roubleshooting Client Connections T roubleshooting Client Connection s This se ction giv es guidelin es to troubles hoot clien t connections to the E2050 LAN/GPIB G at.
Chapter 5 95 T roubles hooting T roubleshooting Client Connections This indi cates the cli ent was unabl e to contact th e Gateway . The Gateway may be on a different su bnet than th e client (see your Network Adminis trator) or the Gateway may have incorrect netwo rk configur ation va lues.
96 Chapter 5 T roubles hooting T roubleshooting Client Connections n Y ou can also try rpcinfo -t IP_addre ss 395180 Return . This rpcinfo comm and gives th e response : program 395180 version 1 ready and waiting. If this is not working properly , see “Troubleshootin g Network Con figuration” .
Chapter 5 97 T roubles hooting T roubleshooting Client Connections iopen fails or I/O o peration f ails: Out of resources The Gat eway was unable to open ano ther sess ion or perf orm the op eration becaus e it is ou t of resou rces.
98 Chapter 5 T roubles hooting T roubleshooting Client Connections Gat eway ap pears to be hung There are several p ossible causes . For all of the follo wing, use o f client timeout s and/or Gat eway timeo uts (th e I/O tim eout and L AN timeo ut configu ration values) c an be us ed to ensu re that the Gatewa y will not “hang” in definitel y .
99 A Specifications.
100 Specific ations Specifications This a ppendix pro vides spe cification s for the E2050 LAN/G PIB Gateway , includi ng: n Power Req uirements n Enviro nmental n GPIB Cha racteristics.
Specifications 101 Specif ications Power Requirement s Environment al GPIB Charact eristics The GPIB c onnection conforms to IE EE 488.1 - 1987 specific ations. Per this specifi cation, t he followi ng constra ints exist: E2050 AC/DC Adapter Input V olta ge 5 Vdc 100-240 V ac Input Current ~0.
102 Specific ations Specifi cations Notes:.
103 Glossary.
104 Glos sary Glossary address A stri ng uniquel y identi fying a partic ular in terface or a device on that interfac e which is inte rpreted at the E 2050 LAN/G PIB Gateway to identify the in terface or device.
Glossa ry 105 Glossar y gateway Hardware tha t permits a netwo rk connectio n between th e LAN that you r comput er understand s, and the instrument specifi c interface tha t your device understands. instrument A devic e that accep ts commands and perf orms a test or measu rement function.
106 Glossar y Glossary one inter face on th e controller or gateway , e ach interfa ce must hav e a unique s ymbolic na me. TFTP The T rivia l Fil e T ransf er Pr otoco l, whic h is an exte nsion t o BOOTP . VEE The Agile nt Visual Engin eering Env ironment, wh ich is sof tware use d for I/O appli cation pro gramming.
Index 107 A AC/DC adapte r, 17 admin istration, 6 4 Agilent tel ephone number s, 6 Agilent web si te, 6 allow, 69 applica tion softwa re suppo rted, 18 using, 22 B BNC co nnector , 16 bootp com mand, .
108 Index G gateway c onfiguration , verifying, 88 gateway fai lure mess ages, 83 gateway/c lient connec tions, 7 1 glossary , 104 GPIB Ad dress, 37 GPIB conne ctor, 16 GPIB Interf ace Name, 37 GPIB L.
Index 109 S safety, 7 server/c lient mo del, 20 setting c onfigur ation values , 35 setting defau lt configur ation, 75, 88 SICL LAN error co des, 83 SICL LAN p rotocol, 21 software requireme nts, 26 .
110 Index T (continued) troubleshoo ting (cont’ d) gateway c onfiguration , 88 har dwar e fail ure, 85 network con figurati ons, 85–86 network c onfigurati ons BOOTP with TFTP, 87 BOOTP, 87 Telnet.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Agilent Technologies E2050-90003 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Agilent Technologies E2050-90003 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Agilent Technologies E2050-90003 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Agilent Technologies E2050-90003 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Agilent Technologies E2050-90003 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Agilent Technologies E2050-90003 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Agilent Technologies E2050-90003 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Agilent Technologies E2050-90003. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Agilent Technologies E2050-90003 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.