Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung 83430-90011 des Produzenten Agilent Technologies
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A g i l e n t 8 3 430 A L i gh t w a v e T r a n s m i tt e r U s e r ’ s G u i d e.
ii © Cop yright 20 00 Agilent T echnolo gies All Rights Reserved. Repro- duction, adaptation, or trans- lation w ithout prior writ ten permi ssion is prohibit ed, except as allowed under copy- right laws.
iii The Agi lent 8 3430A—At a Glance The Agilent 83430A—At a Glance The A gilent 83 430A ligh twave tra nsmitter is a dir ectly mod ulated DFB laser sour ce for d igital a nd ana log test ing up to 2.
iv The Agil ent 83430A — At a Gla nce T est Capabilities in Systems The Agilent 83430A can be used as a general optical source or combined wi th other ins trumentation in systems to make a variety of measurem ents.
v The Agil ent 83430 A — At a Glance Laser classification The Agilent 83430A is classified as an IEC LASER Class 1. The total power of light energy radiated out of the OPTICAL OUT connector is no greater than +8.1 dBm (6.5 mW). Operator maintenance or precautions are not necessary to maintain safety .
vi Gener al Sa fet y Cons ider at ions General Safety Considerat ions This product has been designed and test ed in accordance with IEC Publi ca- tion 61010-1 , Safety Requir ement s for Elect rical Equipm ent for Measu remen t, Contro l and Laborat ory Use, and has been supplied in a safe c ondition .
vii General Sa fety Considera tions CAUTIO N Before s witching on this i nstrumen t, make s ure that the lin e voltag e select or swit ch is set to the line vo ltage of the po wer supp ly and the corr ect fuse is inst alled. Ass ure the sup ply voltag e is in the speci fied rang e.
Contents Contents-1 The Agile nt 83430A — A t a Glance iii 1 Gettin g Starte d Step 1. Insp ect t he Sh ipm ent 1-4 Step 2 . Ch eck the Fus e 1-6 Step 3 .
1 Step 1. Insp ect t he Sh ipment 1-4 Step 2 . Ch eck the Fus e 1-6 Step 3 . Connect th e Line-Power Cab le 1 -8 Step 4. T urn on the Agi lent 83430A 1-10 Return ing the Instru ment f or Servic e 1-11.
1-2 Gettin g Started Getting Started Getting Started The instr uction s in this chapter show you how to i nstall you r Agil ent 83430A. Y ou shou ld be abl e to fi nish t hese pr ocedures in abo ut ten to twent y minute s. After you ’ ve comp leted this chapte r , con tinue w ith Chapter 2, “ Making Mea- surem ents ” .
1-3 Gettin g Started Getting Sta rted Measu rem ent ac cur acy — it ’ s up to you! Fiber -optic connectors are easi ly damaged when connected t o dirty or damaged cables and accessories. The Agilent 83430A ’ s front-panel OPTICAL O UT connector is no excep- tion.
1-4 Gettin g Started Step 1 . Inspec t the Ship ment Step 1. Inspect the Shipment 1 Verify t hat all components ordere d have ar rived by comp aring t he shippi ng forms to the ori ginal pur chase ord er.
1-5 Gettin g Started Step 1 . Inspect the Shipmen t.
1-6 Gettin g Started Step 2. Check the Fu se Step 2. Check the Fuse CAUTIO N Before c onnecti ng the li ghtwave receive r to th e power so urce, y ou must s et the rear -panel vo ltage se lector c orrectly to ad apt the lightwav e receiv er to t he power sour ce.
1-7 Gettin g Started Step 2. Chec k the Fu se 6 Verif y that the val ue of t he line-vo ltage f use is co rrect. • For 100/120V ope ration, use an IEC 127 5 × 20 mm, 0. 315 A , 250 V, Ag ilent part num ber 2 110-0449. • For 220/240V operat ion, use an I EC 127 5 × 20 mm, 0.
1-8 Gettin g Started Step 3. Conn ect the L ine-Pow er Cable Step 3. Connect the Line-Power Cable CAUTIO N Always use the three-pr ong AC power cor d supplie d with this in strument. Failur e to ensu re adequat e earth groundi ng by not us ing this cord may caus e instru ment dama ge.
1-9 Gettin g Started Step 3. Conn ect the L ine-Pow er Cabl e 3 Connec t t he ot her end o f th e lin e-po wer c ord to th e pow er r ecept acle . V ari ous po wer cables ar e available t o conne ct the A gilent 8 3430A to ac power outl ets uniqu e to specif ic geogr aphic are as.
1-10 Gettin g Started Step 4. Turn on the Agilen t 83430A Step 4. Turn on the Agilent 83430A • Press th e front- panel LINE key. The f ront-pane l LIN E switch disco nnects th e mains circuits from th e mai ns sup- ply af ter the EMC fi lters and before othe r parts of the instr ument.
1-11 Gettin g Started Returning the In strument for Service Returning the Instrument for Service The instr uction s in t his s ecti on sho w yo u ho w to prop erly retur n the ins tru - ment f or repa ir or cal ibration.
1-12 Gettin g Started Returni ng the Instrument for Servi ce infor matio n sho uld be r eturn ed with the inst rume nt. • Type of ser vice requir ed. • Date inst rument was r eturn ed f or re pair. • Descri ption of th e proble m: • Whet her p roblem is c ons tant or inte rmitt ent.
1-13 Gettin g Started Returning the In strument for Service Sealed Air Cor poratio n (Commerce, Ca lifornia 900 01). Air Cap looks li ke a plastic sh eet fill ed with air bu bbles. Use the pink (antist atic) Air Cap ™ to redu ce static electri city.
2 Using the Agilen t 83430 A 2-3 Front-pane l Fe atures 2-3 Example Use s 2 -5 Cleaning Connecti ons f or Ac curate Measure ments 2-9 Making Me asurem ents.
2-2 Making Me asurement s Making Mea sure ment s Making Measurements In this chapter , you ’ ll find e xamples o f making measure ments us ing the Agilent 83430A . The las t secti on of this chapte r exp lains how to ma intain top pe rforma nce of your ins trum ent by us ing p roper handli ng and clean ing t echniqu es.
2-3 Making M easurement s Using the A gilent 83430A Using the Agilent 83430A Front-panel Features The follo wing par agr aphs descri be th e Agile nt 83430A front-pa nel featur es. LINE key Disco nnects th e mains circ uit from the ma ins supply aft er the EMC fil ters and befor e other parts of th e inst rument.
2-4 Making Me asurement s Using the Agi lent 8343 0A DIGIT AL I N (AC COUPLE D) Modu lation inp ut for di gital sign als. The in put is AC coupled. BNC connect or . DIGIT AL I N (DC CO UPLED ) Modu lation in put for analog si gnals. Th is input is DC co upled.
2-5 Making M easurement s Using the A gilent 83430A Example Uses T esting opti cal receiv er sensi tivity Y ou can use the Agi lent 83430A to measure the minim um sensiti vity of an opti cal rece iver .
2-6 Making Me asurement s Using the Agi lent 8343 0A ..
2-7 Making M easurement s Using the A gilent 83430A T esting dispersion power penalty Signal degradat ion due to fiber d ispersion can have a major impact on t he maximu m distance over whic h optic al data ca n reliabl y be sen t.
2-8 Making Me asurement s Using the Agi lent 8343 0A T esting jit ter tolerance High-s peed digita l receive rs are often requi red to rece ive or regener ate data using a clock signal that is recove red or extracted fro m the data wavefo rm.
2-9 Making M easurement s Clea ning Con nection s for Ac curate Measurem ents Cleaning Connections for Accurate Measurements T od ay , advances in measurement capabilities make c onnectors and connec- tion t echniques more imp ortant than eve r .
2-10 Making Me asurement s Clea ning Con nection s for Ac curate M easurem ents tions take repeata bility unce rtainty into accou nt? • Will a connector de grade the re turn loss too much , or will a fusio n splice be re- quire d? For example, many DFB lasers canno t operate with re flections f rom conne ctors.
2-11 Making M easurement s Clea ning Con nection s for Ac curate Measurem ents Figure 2-2. Universal adapters to Diamond HMS -10. The H MS-10 e ncases t he fiber within a soft nickel silver (Cu/ Ni/Zn) center which is su rrounded by a to ugh tu ngsten c arbide casin g, as sh own in Figure 2-3 .
2-12 Making Me asurement s Clea ning Con nection s for Ac curate M easurem ents The so ft core, wh ile allowin g precise c enterin g, is also th e chief lia bility of the conne ctor . The s oft materia l is ea sily da maged. Care must be taken to mini- mize exces sive scra tching and we ar .
2-13 Making M easurement s Clea ning Con nection s for Ac curate Measurem ents Use the fol lowing gu idelines t o achieve the best poss ible perf ormance whe n making mea suremen ts on a fiber -optic system: • Never use metal or sharp objects to clean a connector and never scrape the connector.
2-14 Making Me asurement s Clea ning Con nection s for Ac curate M easurem ents Figure 2-6. Damage fr om improper cle aning. While these of ten work w ell on fir st inser tion, the y are grea t dirt mag nets. Th e oil o r gel gr abs and h olds gr it that is then gr ound i nto the end of the fibe r .
2-15 Making M easurement s Clea ning Con nection s for Ac curate Measurem ents • Keep c onnecto rs cover ed when n ot in use. • Use fusion spli ces on the more per manent criti cal nodes. Choo se the best con- necto r possibl e. Replace c onnectin g cables re gularly.
2-16 Making Me asurement s Clea ning Con nection s for Ac curate M easurem ents V isual inspection of fiber en ds Vi sual ins pection of fiber end s can be hel pful. Cont aminatio n or impe rfection s on the cable end face can be detected as well as cracks or chips in the fiber itself .
2-17 Making M easurement s Clea ning Con nection s for Ac curate Measurem ents T o clean a non-lensed connec tor CAUTIO N Do not u se any type of foam swab to cle an optical fiber e nds. Foam swabs can leave film y deposit s on fiber ends that can degrade perform ance.
2-18 Making Me asurement s Clea ning Con nection s for Ac curate M easurem ents CAUTIO N Do not s hake, t ip, or invert c ompress ed air can isters, becaus e this rel eases partic les in t he c an i nto th e a ir . R efer to ins tru ctions provi ded o n the compressed air canister .
3 Specificati ons 3-3 Regulat ory Informati on 3-6 Specifications and Re gulatory Inform ation.
3-2 Specific ations and R egula tory Inf ormati on Specifica tions and R egulatory Info rmation Specifications and Regulatory Information This chapter lists s pecific ation an d chara cteristi cs of t he inst rument.
3-3 Specifi cations and Regulator y Inform ation Specif ications Specifica tions Table 3-1. Cen ter Wavelength Option Center Wavele ngth Option Center Waveleng th Standard 1550 ± 1 nm 462 1546.2 ± 1 nm 130 1310 ± 20 nm 469 1546.92 ± 1 nm 327 1532.
3-4 Specific ations and R egula tory Inf ormati on Specif ications Table 3-2. General Specificat ions Eye Mask Perfor mance Conforms t o GR-253 and ITU G.957 requir ements at OC-1, OC -3/STM-1, OC-12/STM- 4, OC-48/ STM-16 Wavele ngth Adju stment Ran ge (ove r 2 5 ± 10 ° C ambient temperat ure range ) ± 1.
3-5 Specifi cations and Regulator y Inform ation Specif ications Table 3-3. I nput Modul ation DIGITAL IN AC COUPLED DIGITAL IN DC COUPLED ANALOG IN AC COUPLED Maximum Input Level 2 V p-p – 4.5 to 0 V 2 V p-p Bit Rate 50 to 2500 Mb/s a D C to 2500 Mb/s 0.
3-6 Specific ations and R egula tory Inf ormati on Regulatory Informa tion Regulatory Inf ormation • Laser Classificati on: Thi s product contai ns an IE C LASE R Class 1 .
3-7 Specifi cations and Regulator y Inform ation Regula tory Information.
4 Options 4- 2 Front-Panel Fiber -Optic Adapters 4-4 Power Co rds 4 -5 Agilen t T echnologies Service Office s 4-6 Reference.
4-2 Refe re nce Options Options Table 4-1. Cen ter Wavelength Opt ions Option Center Wavele ngth Option Cent er Waveleng th Standard 1550 ± 1 nm 462 1546.2 ± 1 nm 130 1310 ± 20 nm 469 1546.92 ± 1 nm 327 1532.68 ± 1 nm 477 1547.72 ± 1 nm 335 1533.
4-3 Reference Options Table 4-2. Ou tput Interfa ce Options Option Des cription 011 Diamond HMS- 10 fiber- optic input connector int erface 013 DIN 47256 fiber -optic in put conn ector interf ace 014 .
4-4 Refe re nce Front-Pan el Fiber-Optic Adapters Front-Pa nel Fibe r-Opti c Ad apters Front Pan el Fiber-Optic Adapt er Desc ri pt ion Agilent Part Number Diamond HMS -10 81000AI FC/PC a a. T he FC/PC ada pter is th e standard adapt er suppl ied with the instrume nt.
4-5 Reference Power Cords Power Cords Plug T ype Cable P art No. Pl ug Descript ion Lengt h (in/cm) Color Country 250V 8120 -1351 8120-17 03 Strai ght *BS136 3A 90 ° 90/2 28 90/2 28 Gray Mint Gray Un.
4-6 Refe re nce Agil ent Tech nol ogie s Servi ce Of fices Agilent Technologies Service Offices Befor e returni ng an instrumen t for service , call the Ag ilent T echnologi es Instrumen t Suppo rt Center at (800) 403 -0801, vis it the T est and Measu rement W eb Sites by Country page at http ://www .
5 General In format ion 5-4 Elect rostati c Disch arge In formatio n 5-7 T roubleshoot ing 5-9 If the output po wer is low 5- 10 T o check th e line-pow er fuse 5-11 Performance T ests 5-13 T est 1. Di gital T hreshol d 5-1 5 T est 2. Freq uenc y Resp onse (A NALO G IN) 5 -17 T est 3.
5-2 Serv icing Servicing Servicing In this chapte r , you' ll find info rmati on on troubl eshoot ing, t esti ng per for- mance, adjustin g, and replacin g parts in the instrume nt. WAR NI N G The laser assembly, A2A1, i n this instrument is n ot field servicea ble.
5-3 Servici ng Servicing WAR NI N G For c ontinu ed prot ection agains t fire h azard , replac e line fuse only with same t ype and ratings, ( type T 0.315A/250V f or 100/120V operatio n and 0.16A/250V f or 220/240V opera tion). The use of othe r fus es or materia ls is prohib ited .
5-4 Serv icing General In formation General Information Whene ver you c ontact A gilent T echn ologies about yo ur Agilen t 83430A, have the complete serial number and option designati on available. This will ensure you obtain accurate se rvice informati on.
5-5 Servici ng General Inf ormation Table 5-2. Ser vice Tools Tool Agilen t Part Number Small P ozidriv screwdriver 8710-0899 Wire cutte r 8710-0012 Long-nose pli ers 871 0-1107 5.5 mm nut driver 8710-1220 7 mm nut driver 8710-1217 TORX T-1 0 d river 8710-1623 TORX T-1 5 d river 8710-1622 Table 5-3.
5-6 Serv icing General In formation.
5-7 Servici ng Electro static Disch arge Informatio n Electrostatic Discharge Information Electr ostatic discharge (ES D) can damage or des troy elect ronic compo nents. All w ork on e lectronic assemblie s shoul d be per formed at a static -safe work statio n.
5-8 Serv icing Electro static Discharge Information T o ensure user s afety , the static-s afe accessori es must provide at least 1 M Ω of isolati on from grou nd.
5-9 Servici ng T roubl eshooting Troubleshooting The follo win g proc edures are lo cate d in this sect ion: If the output po wer is low 5- 10 T o check th e line-pow er fuse 5-11 WAR NI N G The opening of cove rs or removal of part s is likely to expose dangerous v oltages.
5-10 Serv icing Trou bleshoo ting If the ou tput power is low Check for th e followin g commo n proble ms: ❒ Clean th e OPTICAL OUT conne ctor as des cribed in “ Cl eaning Co nnections for Ac- curate Me asureme nts ” on page 2-9 . ❒ Perfo rm the ad justment procedu res.
5-11 Servici ng T roubl eshooting To check the line-power fuse 1 Locat e the li ne-input c onnector on the i nstrument ’ s r ear p ane l. 2 Discon nect the line-po wer cabl e if it is connec ted. 3 Use a small fl at-blade screwdri ver to pry open the fuse holder door.
5-12 Serv icing Trou bleshoo ting.
5-13 Servici ng Perfor mance T ests Performance Tests The proced ures in thi s section tes t the Agil ent 83430 A ’ s per formance using the s pecificat ions list ed in Chapter 3, “ Specif ication s and Re gula tory Inform a- tion ” as the perf ormance standard.
5-14 Serv icing Perf ormance Test s Table 5-5. Require d Test Equip ment Equipme nt Agilent Rec ommend ed Model Critical Sp ecificat ions Optical spectrum analy zer 71450B Equ ipment substi tution n ot reco mmended. Waveleng th accuracy must be ±0. 5 nm or better.
5-15 Servici ng Perfor mance T ests Test 1. Digital Thre shold 1 Connec t the e quip ment as show n in the fol low ing fi gure . Figure 5-1. Equi pment setup.
5-16 Serv icing Perf ormance Test s 2 Set t he patt ern gener ator to t he follo wing sett ings. For step-by- step inst ructio ns on s etting t hese val ues, r efer t o “ Confi guring the patte rn genera tor ” o n page 5-35 . data pattern. . . . .
5-17 Servici ng Perfor mance T ests Test 2. Frequency Response (ANALOG IN) This perfor mance t est che cks th e 80% mod ulatio n level and the freque ncy respo nse at t hat leve l. 1 Connec t the e quip ment as show n in the fol low ing fi gure . Figure 5-2.
5-18 Serv icing Perf ormance Test s genera tor ” o n page 5-35 . data pattern. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 23 – 1 data a mplitude (E CL). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5-19 Servici ng Perfor mance T ests Figure 5-3. Equi pment setup 16 Press th e PRESET key on the Agi lent 8752C networ k analyze r. 17 Set the Agil ent 8752 C to the fo llowing set tings: RF outp ut power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5-20 Serv icing Perf ormance Test s Test 3. Electrical Return Loss (ANALOG IN) This procedu re measures the ele ctrical r eturn l oss for t his conne ction when the driv e level is less than the powe r required for 80% modula tion. 1 Press th e PRESET key on the Agi lent 8752C networ k analyze r.
5-21 Servici ng Perfor mance T ests 4 Set the Agil ent 8752 C to the fo llowing set tings: RF outp ut power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . – 10 dBm ampli tude scale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5-22 Serv icing Perf ormance Test s Test 4. Electrical Return Loss (DIGITAL IN) 1 Press th e PRESET key on the Agi lent 8752C networ k analyze r. 2 With averagin g on, calib rate the Ag ilent 8752 C for a 1-port refl ection measure ment at th e end of th e RF output cable.
5-23 Servici ng Perfor mance T ests 10 Confirm that the retu rn loss meets th e followin g requireme nts: ≤ 1.0 GHz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . >12.07 d B 1 GHz t o 2 GHz . . . .
5-24 Serv icing Perf ormance Test s Test 5. Eye Qua lity (DIGITAL IN) This test ch ecks the quality o f the eye diagr am with a modulati on rate of 2.48832 Gb/s .
5-25 Servici ng Perfor mance T ests 2 Set t he patte rn genera tor to th e followi ng sett ings. For s tep-by-st ep inst ructio ns on s etting t hese val ues, r efer t o “ Confi guring the patte rn genera tor ” o n page 5-35 . data pattern . . . .
5-26 Serv icing Perf ormance Test s Test 6. STM-16/OC-48 Conformance 1 Connec t the e quip ment as show n in the fol low ing fi gure . Figure 5-8. Equipment setup fo r eye q uality 2 Set t he patt ern gener ator to t he follo wing sett ings.
5-27 Servici ng Perfor mance T ests 3 Turn the Ag ilent 834 30A on, and press b oth front -panel PRESET/V ARIABLE buttons s o that th e W A VELENGTH ADJUST an d B IAS AD JUST lights ar e off. 4 On the Agil ent 83480 A di gital co mmunicati ons ana lyzer, adjust the amp litud e scale, time s cale, an d offset s as ne eded.
5-28 Serv icing Perf ormance Test s Test 7. OC-1 Conformance 1 Connec t the e quip ment as show n in the fol low ing fi gure . Figure 5-9. Equipm ent setup for OC-1 conf ormance.
5-29 Servici ng Perfor mance T ests 2 Set t he patte rn genera tor to th e followi ng sett ings. For s tep-by-st ep inst ructio ns on s etting t hese val ues, r efer t o “ Confi guring the patte rn genera tor ” o n page 5-35 . data pattern . . . .
5-30 Serv icing Perf ormance Test s 14 Press Run Until , and wait for 300 waveforms to be processed. 15 Press the bl ue shift key and t hen pre ss Eye mask to d isplay the eye m ask resul ts.
5-31 Servici ng Perfor mance T ests Test 8. Output Power 1 Connect t he Agilent 83430A ’ s OPTICAL OUT connector to a opt ical power meter. 2 Disconnect an y cables connected t o the Agilent 83430A ’ s AN ALOG IN or DIGIT AL IN input connector s.
5-32 Serv icing Perf ormance Test s f Press more 3 of 3 , more 1 of 3 , and then set pat l abel . g Use th e displa yed soft keys to c reate a label to identi fy this n ew patte rn. It will minimize co nfusion as you use the patt ern genera tor. Ente r the su ggest- ed lab el ALL ONES .
5-33 Servici ng Perfor mance T ests Test 9. Output Wave leng th 1 Connec t the e quip ment as show n in the fol low ing fi gure . Figure 5-10. Equipme nt setup for output wavel ength 2 Turn on the Agilen t 8 3430A and t he optical spectrum a nalyzer, an d allow them to warm up for 30 minu tes.
5-34 Serv icing Perf ormance Test s 9 Verify t hat th e meas ured wave length is wi thin 1 nm o f the A gilen t 83430 A ’ s nominal value . If the Agile nt 83430A is an Option 130, the wavelengt h must be within 20 nm of the nominal value.
5-35 Servici ng Perfor mance T ests Configuri ng the pattern generator This pr ocedur e show s you, step-b y-step, how to config ure the Agil ent 7 0841B pattern gene rator settin gs f or the pe rformance tes ts an d adju stment proce- dures.
5-36 Serv icing Adjust ment P rocedure s Adjustment Procedures Perfo rm the a djustme nts in t his sec tion if the inst rument fails a ny of i ts per- formance tests.
5-37 Servici ng Adju stme nt Proc edur es Table 5-6. Require d Test Equip ment Equipme nt Agilent Rec ommend ed Model Critical Sp ecificat ions Digital vo ltag e meter 34401A ≥ 150 Vdc r ange.
5-38 Serv icing Adjust ment P rocedure s To remove the instrument cove r CAUTIO N Electros tatic disc harge (ESD) ca n damage or destr oy electro nic componen ts. All w ork on e lectroni c assemblie s shoul d be per formed at a static -safe work stati on.
5-39 Servici ng Adju stme nt Proc edur es Adjustment 1. Power Supply In this proce dure, you ’ ll a djust bo th t he – 12V and +12V suppl ies. Thes e sup- plies are locat ed on the A3 Power S upply Ass embly . Because the +5V ADJ pote ntiomete r is n ot used in thi s instr ument, it is not adjus ted.
5-40 Serv icing Adjust ment P rocedure s Figure 5-11. Location of A3 power supp ly adjustments.
5-41 Servici ng Adju stme nt Proc edur es Adjustment 2. Laser Bias and Control 1 Locat e each a djustmen t pote ntiomete r shown in the f ollowi ng figur e.
5-42 Serv icing Adjust ment P rocedure s 2 Connect an opti cal power meter to the Ag ilent 8343 0A ’ s fron t-panel OPTICAL OUT connector. Use a g ood qual ity opt ical fiber (9/125 µ m) and make sure the fiber is cle an before connecting .
5-43 Servici ng Adju stme nt Proc edur es j Press user patt ern and then INTERNL P A TT 1 . 8 Adju st the ECL – 1 ADJ potent iometer so that the optical power measures +1.5 dBm. 9 On t he pa ttern gen erator , pr ess the le ft-sid e select pattern sof tkey.
5-44 Serv icing Adjust ment P rocedure s 17 Connec t the e quip ment as show n in the fol low ing fi gure . Figure 5-13. Equipme nt setup for laser bias 18 Turn t he Agilen t 83430A ’ s LINE switc h on, and cl ear the Ag ilent 83480A ’ s disp lay.
5-45 Servici ng Adju stme nt Proc edur es e Press Continue to activate the color grade . f Press Dark c al , and foll ow the instr uctions on th e screen. g When the dark calibra tion is c omplete , press Forma t to select de cibels. h Press Enter to comp lete the m easu remen t se tup.
Index Index- 1 A AC COUPLED connector, 2-3 ac power cables, 1- 9 , 4-5 accessories static-safe, 5-8 accuracy, measurem ent, iv adapters, 2-4 fiber optic, 4-4 adjustable features, iii adjus ting output.
Index -2 Index DIGITAL IN performance test, 5-22 ESD (electrostatic discharge), 5-4 , 5- 7 , 5-38 extin ction r atio adjustm ent range, 3-4 measurement , 5-27 , 5-29 , 5-45 optic al signals , iii spec.
Index- 3 Index N noise declaration, 3-6 noise, r elative inten sity, 3- 4 O OC-1 conformance performance test, 5-28 OC-48 fi lter, 5-18 , 5-25 , 5-44 OC-48/STM-16 conformance performance test, 5-26 on.
Index -4 Index side-mode suppression ratio, 3-4 spare fu se, 1-6 , 5-11 specific ation s center wavele ngth, 3-3 definition of terms, 3-2 general, 3- 4 operating, 3-5 spectral width, 3- 4 static-safe .
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Agilent Technologies 83430-90011 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Agilent Technologies 83430-90011 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Agilent Technologies 83430-90011 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Agilent Technologies 83430-90011 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Agilent Technologies 83430-90011 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Agilent Technologies 83430-90011 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Agilent Technologies 83430-90011 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Agilent Technologies 83430-90011. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Agilent Technologies 83430-90011 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.