Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung 6611C des Produzenten Agilent Technologies
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Programming Guide Dynamic Measurement DC Source Agilent Models 66312A, 66332A System DC Power Supply Agilent Models 6631B, 6632B, 6633B, 6634B 6611C, 6612C, 6613C, 6614C Agilent Part No.
2 Safety Guidelines The beginning of the Operating Guide has a Safety Summary page. Be sure you are familiar with the information on this page before programming the dc source for operation from a controller. Printing History The edition and current revision of this manual are indicated below.
3 Table of Contents Safety Guidelines 2 Printing History 2 Table of Contents 3 1 - GENERAL INFORMATION 7 About this Guide 7 Documentation Summary 7 External References 8 GPIB References 8 SCPI Referen.
4 Output Trigger System Model 21 Setting the Voltage or Current Trigger Levels 21 Initiating the Output Trigger System 22 Generating Triggers 22 Making Measurements 23 Voltage and Current Measurements.
6 System Commands 68 DISPlay 68 DISPlay:MODE 68 DISPlay:TEXT 68 SYSTem:ERRor? 69 SYSTem:LANGuage 69 SYSTem:VERSion? 69 SYSTem:LOCal 70 SYSTem:REMote 70 SYSTem:RWLock 70 *IDN? 70 *OPT? 71 *RCL 71 *RST .
7 1 General Information About this Guide This guide provides remote programming information for the following series of GPIB programmable dc power supplies: • Agilent 66312A • Agilent 66332A • A.
1 - General Information 8 External References GPIB References The most important GPIB documents are your controller programming manuals - BASIC, GPIB Command Library for MS DOS, etc. Refer to these for all non-SCPI commands (for example: Local Lockout).
9 2 Introduction to Programming VXI plug&play Power Products Instrument Drivers VXI plug&play instrument drivers for Microsoft Windows 95 and Windows NT are now available on the Web at These instrument drivers provide a high-level programming interface to your Agilent Technologies instrument.
2 - Introduction to Programming 10 6 . To use the VXI plug&play instrument driver, follow the directions in the VXI plug&play online help under “Introduction to Programming”. Accessing Online Help A comprehensive online programming reference is provided with the driver.
Introduction to Programming - 2 11 Baud Rate The front panel Address key lets you select one of the following baud rates, which is stored in non-volatile memory: 300 600 1200 2400 4800 9600 RS-232 Flow Control The RS-232 interface supports several flow control options that are selected using the front panel Address key.
2 - Introduction to Programming 12 FUNCTION gets$ ‘ Get a new line feed terminated string from device #1 C$ = “” ‘ Set C$ to null WHILE c$ <> CHR$ (10) ‘ Set loop to stop at Line Feed .
Introduction to Programming - 2 13 Types of SCPI Commands SCPI has two types of commands, common and subsystem. ♦ Common commands generally are not related to specfic operation but to controlling overall dc source functions, such as reset, status, and synchronization.
2 - Introduction to Programming 14 Moving Among Subsystems In order to combine commands from different subsystems, you need to be able to reset the header path to a null string within a message. You do this by beginning the command with a colon (:), which discards any previous header path.
Introduction to Programming - 2 15 Data Ke y words Ke y word Separator Messa g e Unit Separators Messa g e Unit Query Indic ator Messa g e Terminator Root Specifier VOLT <NL > :L E V 2 0 PROT 21 ; ; : CURR? Figure 2-2.
2 - Introduction to Programming 16 NOTE: All RS-232 response data sent by the dc source is terminated by the ASCII character pair <carriage return><newline>. This differs from GPIB response data which is terminated by the single character <newline> with EOI asserted.
Introduction to Programming - 2 17 SCPI Command Completion SCPI commands sent to the dc source are processed either sequentially or in parallel. Sequential commands finish execution before a subsequent command begins. Parallel commands allow other commands to begin executing while the parallel command is still executing.
19 3 Programming the DC Source Introduction This chapter contains examples on how to program your dc source. Simple examples show you how to program: u output functions such as voltage and current u i.
3 - Programming the DC Source 20 Output Voltage The output voltage is controlled with the VOLTage command. For example, to set the output voltage to 25 volts, use: VOLTage 125 The dc source can be programmed to turn off its output if the output voltage exceeds a preset peak voltage limit.
Programming the DC Source - 3 21 Triggering Output Changes The dc source has two independent trigger systems. One is used for generating output changes, and the other is used for triggering measurements. This section describes the output trigger system.
3 - Programming the DC Source 22 Initiating the Output Trigger System When the dc source is turned on, the trigger subsystem is in the idle state. In this state, the trigger subsystem ignores all triggers.
Programming the DC Source - 3 23 Making Measurements The dc source has the ability to make several types of voltage or current measurements. The measurement capabilities of the Agilent 66312A and Agilent 66332A models are particulary useful for loads that draw current in pulses.
3 - Programming the DC Source 24 This results in a data acquisition time of 32 milliseconds. Adding a command processing overhead of about 20 milliseconds results in a total measurement time of about 50 milliseconds per measurement sample.
Programming the DC Source - 3 25 Internally Triggered Measurements You can use the data acquisition trigger system to synchronize the timing of the voltage and current data acquisition with a BUS or internal trigger source. Then use the FETCh commands to return different calculations from the data acquired by the measurement trigger.
3 - Programming the DC Source 26 INITiate:SEQuence2 or INITiate:NAME ACQuire After a trigger is received and the data acquisition completes, the trigger system will return to the Idle state (unless multiple measurements are desired). Thus it will be necessary to initiate the system each time a triggered acquisition is desired.
Programming the DC Source - 3 27 TRI G: ACQ: SL OP: CURR TR IG:AC Q : LEV:CURR <le ve l > TRI G: ACQ: HYST : CUR R <v a l u e > Tr i gg er occurs on ri sin g ed g e whe n s i g nal crosses.
3 - Programming the DC Source 28 Measuring Output Pulses (Agilent 66312A, 66332A Only) Current Detector Check that the current detector is set to ACDC when measuring current pulses or other waveforms with a frequency content greater than a few kilohertz.
Programming the DC Source - 3 29 Controlling Measurement Samples Varying the Voltage or Current Sampling Rate You can vary both the number of data points in a measurement sample, as well as the time between samples.
3 - Programming the DC Source 30 Pre-event and Post-event Triggering (Agilent 66312A, 66332A Only) When a measurement is initiated, the dc source continuously samples either the instantaneous output voltage or current.
Programming the DC Source - 3 31 10 !Rev A.00.00 20 OPTION BASE 1 30 DIM Curr_array(100) 40 ! 50 ASSIGN @Ps TO 705 60 ASSIGN @Ld TO 706 80 OUTPUT @Ps;"*RST" ! Sets supply to default values 9.
3 - Programming the DC Source 32 Programming the Status Registers You can use status register programming to determine the operating condition of the dc source at any time. For example, you may program the dc source to generate an interrupt (assert SRQ) when an event such as a current limit occurs.
Programming the DC Source - 3 33 Table 3-1. Bit Configurations of Status Registers Bit Signal Meaning 0 5 8 10 11 CAL WTG CV CC+ CC- Operation Status Group The dc source is computing new calibration c.
3 - Programming the DC Source 34 Questionable Status Group The Questionable Status registers record signals that indicate abnormal operation of the dc source. As shown in figure 3-7, the group consists of the same type of registers as the Status Operation group.
Programming the DC Source - 3 35 The MSS Bit This is a real-time (unlatched) summary of all Status Byte register bits that are enabled by the Service Request Enable register. MSS is set whenever the dc source has one or more reasons for requesting service.
3 - Programming the DC Source 36 event to be summed into the Questionable summary bit. Use: STATus:QUEStionable:PTR 19;ENABle 19 (1 + 2 + 16 = 19) Step 3 Program the Service Request Enable register to allow both the Operation and the Questionable summary bits from the Status Byte register to generate RQS.
Programming the DC Source - 3 37 Using the Inhibit/Fault Port as a Digital I/O You can configure the inhibit/fault port to provide a digital input/output to be used with custom digital interface circuits or relay circuits. As shipped from the factory, the port is shipped for inhibit/fault operation.
39 4 Language Dictionary Introduction This section gives the syntax and parameters for all the IEEE 488.2 SCPI commands and the Common commands used by the dc source. It is assumed that you are familiar with the material in “Chapter 2 - "Remote Programming".
4 - Language Dictionary 40 Table 4-1. Subsystem Commands Syntax ABORt Resets the trigger system to the Idle state CALibrate : :CURRent [:SOURce] [:DC] [:POSitive] :NEGative Calibrate positive output c.
Language Dictionary - 4 41 Table 4-1. Subsystem Commands Syntax (continued) OUTPut [:STATe] <bool> [,NORelay] Enables/disables the dc source output :DFI [:STATe] <bool> Enable/disable DFI .
4 - Language Dictionary 42 Table 4-1. Subsystem Commands Syntax (continued) STATus :PRESet Presets all enable and transition registers to power-on :OPERation [:EVENt]? Returns the value of the event r.
Language Dictionary - 4 43 Common Commands Common commands begin with an * and consist of three letters (command) or three letters and a ? (query). They are defined by the IEEE 488.
4 - Language Dictionary 44 Calibration Commands Calibration commands let you: u Enable and disable the calibration mode u Change the calibration password u Calibrate the current and voltage programming and measurement, and store new calibration constants in nonvolatile memory.
Language Dictionary - 4 45 CALibrate:DATA This command enters a calibration value that you obtain by reading an external meter. You must first select a calibration level (with CALibrate:LEVel) for the value being entered. Command Syntax CALibrate:DATA<NRf> Parameters <external reading> Unit A (amperes) Examples CAL:DATA 3222.
4 - Language Dictionary 46 CALibrate:STATe This command enables and disables calibration mode. The calibration mode must be enabled before the will accept any other calibration commands. The first parameter specifies the enabled or disabled state. The second parameter is the password.
Language Dictionary - 4 47 Measurement Commands Measurement commands consist of measure and sense commands. Measure commands measure the output voltage or current.
4 - Language Dictionary 48 MEASure:CURRent? FETCh:CURRent? FETCh:CURRent? applies to Agilent 66312A, 66332A Only These queries return the dc output current.
Language Dictionary - 4 49 MEASure:CURRent:LOW? FETCh:CURRent:LOW? Agilent 66312A, 66332A Only These queries return the Low level current of a current pulse waveform. The instrument first measures the minimum and maximum data points of the pulse waveform.
4 - Language Dictionary 50 MEASure:VOLTage? FETCh:VOLTage? FETCh:VOLTage? applies to Agilent 66312A, 66332A Only These queries return the dc output voltage.
Language Dictionary - 4 51 MEASure:VOLTage:LOW? FETCh:VOLTage:LOW? Agilent 66312A, 66332A Only These queries return the Low level voltage of a voltage pulse waveform. The instrument first measures the minimum and maximum data points of the pulse waveform.
4 - Language Dictionary 52 SENSe:CURRent:RANGe This command selects the dc current measurement range. All models have two current measurement ranges: High Range: 0 through MAX (see Table 4-3) Low Range: 0 through 0.02 A (all models) The High range covers the full current measurement capability of the instrument.
Language Dictionary - 4 53 SENSe:FUNCtion Agilent 66312A, 66332A Only This command configures the measurement sensor to measure either voltage or current when an acquire trigger is used.
4 - Language Dictionary 54 SENSe:WINDow This command sets the window function that is used in output measurement calculations. The following functions can be selected: HANNing A signal conditioning window that reduces errors in dc and rms measurement calculations in the presence of periodic signals such as line ripple.
Language Dictionary - 4 55 Output Commands Output commands consist of output and source commands. Output commands control the output and digital port functions. They also control the output relay on units with Relay Option 760. Source commands program the actual voltage, current, and digital port output.
4 - Language Dictionary 56 OUTPut:PON:STATe This command selects the power-on state of the dc source. This information is saved in non-volatile memory. The following states can be selected: RST Sets the power-on state to *RST. Refer to the *RST command as described in this chapter for more information.
Language Dictionary - 4 57 OUTPut:RELay Agilent 66332A, 6632B, 6633B, 6634B, 6611C, 6612C, 6613C, 6614C Only This command is only valid for units with Relay Option 760, otherwise an error will occur. Programming ON closes the output relay contacts; programming OFF opens them.
4 - Language Dictionary 58 [SOURce:]CURRent This command sets the immediate current level of the dc source . The immediate level is the current programmed for the output terminals.
Language Dictionary - 4 59 [SOURce:]DIGital:DATA This command sets and reads the dc source digital control port when that port is configured for Digital I/O operation. The port has three signal pins and a digital ground pin. Pins 1 and 2 are output pins controlled by bits 0 and 1.
4 - Language Dictionary 60 [SOURce:]VOLTage:ALC:BANDwidth? [SOURce:]VOLTage:ALC:BWIDth? Agilent 66332A, 6631B, 6632B, 6633B and 6634B Only These queries return the setting of the output mode switch. The output mode switch is used to connect or disconnect the the output capacitor located inside the unit.
Language Dictionary - 4 61 Status Commands Status commands program the dc source status registers. The dc source has three groups of status registers; Operation, Questionable, and Standard Event. The Standard Event group is programmed with Common commands as described later in this section.
4 - Language Dictionary 62 STATus:OPERation:ENABle This command and its query set and read the value of the Operational Enable register. This register is a mask for enabling specific bits from the Operation Event register to set the operation summary bit (OPER) of the Status Byte register.
Language Dictionary - 4 63 Table 4-5. Bit Configuration of Questionable Status Registers Bit Position 15 14 13-11 10 9 8-5 4 3 2 1 0 Bit Name not used Meas Ovld not used Unreg RI not used OT not used .
4 - Language Dictionary 64 STATus:QUEStionable:NTR STATus:QUEStionable:PTR These commands allow you to set or read the value of the Questionable NTR (Negative-Transition) and PTR (Positive-Transistion) registers.
Language Dictionary - 4 65 *ESE This command programs the Standard Event Status Enable register bits. The programming determines which events of the Standard Event Status Event register (see *ESR?) are allowed to set the ESB (Event Summary Bit) of the Status Byte register.
4 - Language Dictionary 66 * OPC does not prevent processing of subsequent commands, but bit 0 will not be set until all pending operations are completed. *OPC? causes the instrument to place an ASCII "1" in the Output Queue when all pending operations are completed.
Language Dictionary - 4 67 Command Syntax *SRE <NRf> Parameters 0 to 255 Power-on Value see *PSC Example *SRE 20 Query Syntax *SRE? Returned Parameters <NR1> (register binary value) Related Commands *ESE *ESR *PSC CAUTION: If *PSC is programmed to 0, the *SRE command causes a write cycle to nonvolatile memory.
4 - Language Dictionary 68 System Commands System commands consist of system, display, and common commands. System commands commands control system functions that are not directly related to output control or measurement functions. Display commands control the front panel display of the .
Language Dictionary - 4 69 SYSTem:ERRor? This query returns the next error number followed by its corresponding error message string from the remote programming error queue. The queue is a FIFO (first-in, first-out) buffer that stores errors as they occur.
4 - Language Dictionary 70 SYSTem:LOCal For RS-232 Operation Only This command places the dc source in local mode during RS-232 operation. The front panel keys are functional.
Language Dictionary - 4 71 *OPT? This query requests the dc source to identify any options that are installed. Options are identified by number A 0 indicates no options are installed. Query Syntax *OPT? Returned Parameters <AARD> *RCL WARNING: Recalling a previously stored state may place hazardous voltages at the dc source output.
Language Dictionary - 4 73 Trigger Commands Trigger commands consist of trigger and initiate commands. Trigger commands control the remote triggering of the dc source . Trigger commands (and Initate commands) are referenced either by name or by number.
4 - Language Dictionary 74 TRIGger When the transient trigger subsystem is initiated, this command generates a trigger signal. The trigger will then: 1.
Language Dictionary - 4 75 TRIGger:SEQuence2:COUNt:CURRent TRIGger:ACQuire:COUNt:CURRent Agilent 66312A, 66332A Only This command sets up a successive number of triggers for measuring current data. With this command, the trigger system needs to be initialized only once at the start of the acquisition period.
4 - Language Dictionary 76 TRIGger:SEQuence2:HYSTeresis:CURRent TRIGger:ACQuire:HYSTeresis:CURRent Agilent 66312A, 66332A Only This command defines a band around the trigger level through which the signal must pass before an internal measurement can occur.
Language Dictionary - 4 77 TRIGger:SEQuence2:LEVel:CURRent TRIGger:ACQuire:LEVel:CURRent Agilent 66312A, 66332A Only This command sets the trigger level for internally triggered current measurements.
4 - Language Dictionary 78 TRIGger:SEQuence2:SLOPe:CURRent TRIGger:ACQuire:SLOPe:CURRent Agilent 66312A, 66332A Only This command sets the slope of an internally triggered current measurement. POSitive triggering occurs on the rising edge. NEGative triggering occurs on the falling edge.
Language Dictionary - 4 79 TRIGger:SEQuence2:SOURce TRIGger:ACQuire:SOURce Agilent 66312A, 66332A Only These commands select the trigger source for measurement triggers as follows: BUS GPIB device, *T.
81 A SCPI Conformance Information SCPI Version The Agilent Dynamic Measurement DC Source conforms to SCPI Version 1995.0. SCPI Confirmed Commands ABOR SENS:SWE:POIN CAL:DATA SENS:SWE:TINT CAL:STAT STA.
83 B Compatibility Language Introduction The Agilent power supplies covered by this manual are programmatically compatible with the HP/Agilent 6632A, 6633A, and 6634A dc power supplies. This means that by using COMPatibility language mode you can program these newer dc sources over the GPIB using COMPatibility commands.
B - Compatibility Language 84 Table B-2. COMPatibility Commands Compatibility Command Description Similar SCPI Command ASTS? This command reads the contents of the accumulated status register, which s.
Compatibility Language - B 85 Table B-2. COMPatibility Commands (continued) Compatibility Command Description Similar SCPI Command OVSET <n> This command programs the overvoltage protection. See Table 4-3 for the programming range of this command.
B - Compatibility Language 86 Table B-2. COMPatibility Commands (continued) Compatibility Command Description Similar SCPI Command UNMASK xxx These commands determine the conditions that will set bits.
Compatibility Language - B 87 STAT US 1 2 16 64 128 CV +CC UNR OT not used OC ERR INH OV 4 512 -CC FAST 8 32 256 1024 2048 REGISTER NORM STAT US 1 2 16 64 128 4 512 8 32 256 1024 2048 REGISTER ACC UMU.
89 C Error Messages Error Number List This appendix gives the error numbers and descriptions that are returned by the dc source. Error numbers are returned in two ways: ♦ Error numbers are displayed on the front panel ♦ Error numbers and messages are read back with the SYSTem:ERRor? query.
C - Error Messages 90 Table C-1. Error Numbers (continued) Error Number Error String [Description/Explanation/Examples] –141 Invalid character data [bad character, or unrecognized] –144 Character data too long –148 Character data not allowed –150 String data error –151 Invalid string data [e.
Error Messages - C 91 Table C-1. Error Numbers (continued) Error Number Error String [Description/Explanation/Examples] 213 Ingrd receiver buffer overrun 216 RS-232 receiver framing error 217 RS-232 r.
93 D Example Programs Introduction The example programs in this section are intended to show how some of the same dc source functions can be programmed to each of the following GPIB interfaces: 1. HP Vectra PC controller with Agilent 82335A GPIB Interface Command Library 2.
D - Example Programs 94 Your application program will not include the dc source’s symbolic name and GPIB address. These must be specified during configuration (when you run IBCONF.EXE). Note that the primary address range is from 0 to 30 but any secondary address must be specified in the address range of 96 to 126.
Example Programs - D 95 1085 ’ 1090 ’Query dc source outputs CURRENT?" :GOSUB 2000 :GOSUB 3000 1100 VOUT = OUTPUTS(1) 1105 IOUT = OUTPUTS(2) 1110 PRINT "The output levels are "VOUT&.
D - Example Programs 96 Example 2. IBM Controller Using National Interface 990 ’---------------------- Merge DECL.BAS here ------------------------ 1000 ’DC Source Variable = PS% ; Stand-Alone Add.
Example Programs - D 97 1225 ’ 1230 ’Clear status circuit 1235 CODES$="*CLS" :GOSUB 2000 1240 FOR I=1 TO 50 :NEXT I ’Wait for supply to clear 1245 ’ 1250 ’Disable output and save p.
D - Example Programs 98 Example 3. Controller Using BASIC 1000 !Dc source at stand-alone address = 706 1005 OPTION BASE 1 1010 DIM Codes$[80],Response$[80],Mode$[32] 1015 ! 1020 !Program dc source to .
99 INDEX —A— AARD, 16 ABORT, 73 ACDC, 52 —B— bus, 79 —C— calibration commands, 44 CAL CURR, 44 CAL CURR MEAS AC, 44 CAL CURR NEG, 44 CAL DATA, 45 CAL LEV, 45 CAL PASS, 45 CAL SAVE, 45 CAL .
Index 100 —H— hanning, 54 header, 15 long form, 15 short form, 15 history, 2 HP 8235A driver, 93 HP BASIC controllers, 94 HP-IB address, 10 capabilities of the dc source, 10 triggers, 26 —I— I.
Index 101 —R— rectangular, 54 remote inhibit, 36 returning voltage or current data, 24 RI, 36 rms measurements, 24 root specifier, 15 RQS bit, 35 RS-232 capabilities of the dc source, 10 data form.
Index 102 —V— varying voltage or current sampling, 29 voltage, 20 maximum, 20 measurements, 23 —W— waiting for measurement results, 27 —X— XON-XOFF, 11.
Manual Updates The following updates have been made to this manual since the December 1998 printing indicated on the Printing History page. 11/9/99 Information about installing VXI plug&play Power Products Instrument Drivers has been included in the beginning of chapter 2.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Agilent Technologies 6611C (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Agilent Technologies 6611C noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Agilent Technologies 6611C - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Agilent Technologies 6611C reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Agilent Technologies 6611C erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Agilent Technologies 6611C besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Agilent Technologies 6611C verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Agilent Technologies 6611C. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Agilent Technologies 6611C gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.