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Compaq PowerStorm 300/350 Gr aphics Controller s Installation Guide EK − CPSGC − IG. B01 / 134692-002 July 1999 This guide descr ibes t he instal lati on of the Compaq PowerStor m 300 AGP and 300/350 PCI graphics cont roll ers in Compaq Pr ofessional Workstat ions.
Jul y 1999 The i nf or mati on i n thi s publi cati on is s ubj ect t o change wit hout not ice. COMPAQ COM P UTER CORP ORAT ION S HAL L NOT BE L I ABL E F OR T E C HNICAL OR E DITORIAL ERRORS OR OM I.
iii Table of Contents PowerS torm 300 AGP Graphics Controller Overview ........................... 1–1 1.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 1–1 1.2 D es cri ption .
iv 4.3.1 Micr os oft Win dows NT So ftw are I ns tallation ......................................................... 4–4 4.3.2 PowerStorm 300/ 350 Software Compone nt s ............................................................ 4–4 4.3.3 Be fore You Begin .
v 6.3.1 .2 Prer equis ite So ftw are ..................................................................................... 6–3 6.3.1. 3 Alternate Console .......................................................................................... 6–4 6.
vi Tabl e 1-3 Powe rSt orm 300 AGP Gra phi c s Contro ller S pecification s ..................................... 1–5 Table 2-1 Pow erStorm 300 PCI Gr aphics Controller Part Numbers ......................................... 2 –1 Table 2-2 Com paq PowerStorm 300 PCI Software Support .
vii Preface Pur pose of This Guide This gui de de sc ri be s t he Compa q Powe rSt orm 300 AGP a nd 300/350 PCI gra phi c s cont ro llers, and how to install the graphics controller hardware and software in your works tation. It includes installation and operation information for the Po werStorm disp lay drivers for Windows NT version 4.
viii • Chap ter 5, Oper ati on (Windows NT) - d escrib es p ost- installatio n task s and use o f the Op enGL d river s us ing the Wind ows NT oper ating s ys tem.
ix Com paq Technical Suppor t You are entitled to free hardware technical telephone s upport for your product for as long you own the product. A technical s upport specialis t will help you diagnose the problem or guide you to the ne xt step i n t he warra nt y proce ss.
x Compaq Author ized Reseller For the name of your nearest Compaq A uthorized Reseller • In the United S tates, call 1-800-345-1518. • In Canada, call 1-800-263-5868.
PowerStorm 300 AG P and 300/350 PCI G raphics Contr ollers 1–1 1 PowerSto rm 300 AGP Graphics Controller Overview 1.1 Intr oduction This c ha pt er provide s a bri e f ove rvi ew of t he Powe rStorm 300 AGP gra phi c s cont ro ller hardware . T he Powe rSt orm 300 AGP graphi c s cont ro ller is available for Intel platforms only.
Power Storm 300 AGP Graphi cs C ontrol ler Overv iew 1–2 PowerStorm 300 AGP and 300/ 350 PCI G r aphics Contr ollers Table 1-2 provides softw a re support information for the PowerStorm 300 AGP gra p h i c s contro ller.
Power Storm 300 AGP Graphi cs C ontrol ler Overv iew PowerStorm 300 AG P and 300/350 PCI G raphics Contr ollers 1–3 Figure 1- 2 Powe rStorm 300 AG P G ra phics C ontroller (NLX) ML014616 1 3 4 2 ➊.
Power Storm 300 AGP Graphi cs C ontrol ler Overv iew 1–4 PowerStorm 300 AGP and 300/ 350 PCI G r aphics Contr ollers 1.3 Connector Pi nout Figure 1-3 contains a lis ting of the pins and signals found on the standard 15-pin VG A connect or. Figure 1- 3 VGA Connect or P inouts 1 10 ML013579 5 6 11 15 Pin No.
Power Storm 300 AGP Graphi cs C ontrol ler Overv iew PowerStorm 300 AG P and 300/350 PCI G raphics Contr ollers 1–5 1.4 Specifications Table 1-3 lists the s pecifications for the PowerS torm 300 AGP gr a p h i c s c on t r o ller.
PowerStorm 300 AG P and 300/350 PCI G raphics Contr ollers 2–1 2 PowerSto rm 300 PCI Graphics Controller Overview 2.1 Intr oduction This chapter provides a brief overview of the PowerStorm 300 P CI graphics controller hardware. The Pow erStorm 300 PCI graphics controller is supported on Alpha platforms only.
Power Storm 300 PCI Gr aphics Contr oll er Over view 2–2 PowerStorm 300 AGP and 300/ 350 PCI G r aphics Contr ollers Table 2-2 provides softw a re support information for the PowerStorm 300 P CI graphics contro ller.
Power Storm 300 PCI Gr aphics Contr oll er Over view PowerStorm 300 AG P and 300/350 PCI G raphics Contr ollers 2–3 2.3 Connector Pi nout Figure 2-2 l i sts th e pi ns a nd si gna l s found on the st a ndard 15-pi n VGA c onn ector. Figure 2- 2 VGA Connect or P inouts 1 10 ML013579 5 6 11 15 Pin No.
Power Storm 300 PCI Gr aphics Contr oll er Over view 2–4 PowerStorm 300 AGP and 300/ 350 PCI G r aphics Contr ollers 2.4 Specifications Table 2-3 lists the s pecifications for the PowerS torm 300 PCI graphics controller.
PowerStorm 300/ AG P and 300-350/ PCI G r aphics O pt ions Inst allation Guide 3–1 3 PowerSto rm 350 PCI Graphics Controller Overview 3.1 Intr oduction This chapter provides a brief overview of the PowerStorm 350 P CI graphics controller hardware. The Pow erStorm 350 PCI graphics controller is available on Alpha platforms only.
Power Storm 350 PCI Gr aphics Contr oll er Over view 3–2 PowerStorm 300 AGP and 300/ 350 PCI G r aphics Contr ollers Table 3-2 provides softw a re support information for the PowerStorm 350 P CI graphics contro ller.
Power Storm 350 PCI Gr aphics Contr oll er Over view PowerStorm 300 AG P and 300/350 PCI G raphics Contr ollers 3–3 3.3 Connector Pi nouts Figure 3-2 shows t he pi ns a nd signa l s found on th e st a nda rd 15-pi n VGA c onn ector. Figure 3-3 show s the pins and s ignals on the stereo connector.
Power Storm 350 PCI Gr aphics Contr oll er Over view 3–4 PowerStorm 300 AGP and 300/ 350 PCI G r aphics Contr ollers Figure 3- 3 St ereo C onnector Pinouts 5 3 1 2 4 ML013578 Pin No.
Power Storm 350 PCI Gr aphics Contr oll er Over view PowerStorm 300 AG P and 300/350 PCI G raphics Contr ollers 3–5 3.4 Specifications Table 3-3 lists the s pecifications for the PowerS torm 350 PCI graphics controller.
PowerStorm 300 AG P and 300/350 PCI G raphics Contr ollers 4–1 4 Installation (Windows NT) 4.1 Intr oduction __________________________ Note _____________________________ Chapter 4 pertains to the Windows NT operating system only; if you are running Compaq Tru64 UNIX, see c hapt e r 6.
Instal lation ( Window s NT ) 4–2 PowerStorm 300 AGP and 300/ 350 PCI G r aphics Contr ollers 4.2 Hardware Installation __________________________ Caut io n _________________________ If you will be .
Instal lation ( Window s NT ) PowerStorm 300 AG P and 300/350 PCI G raphics Contr ollers 4–3 1. Put on an anti-s tatic wrists trap. 2. Use a 3/16-inch nut driver to remove the two nuts , located on either side of the VGA connect or, t hat sec ure t he ATX bulkhea d bra cke t to t he PowerStorm 300 AGP graph ics co ntroller .
Instal lation ( Window s NT ) 4–4 PowerStorm 300 AGP and 300/ 350 PCI G r aphics Contr ollers 7. Gras p the top edge of the grap hics co ntro ller and car efully inser t it into the slot, then firmly s eat it. 8. Secure th e retaining bracket. 9. Replace the workstation cover.
Instal lation ( Window s NT ) PowerStorm 300 AG P and 300/350 PCI G raphics Contr ollers 4–5 Tab l e 4-2 P o werS t o rm 300/350 S o ft w are Com ponents on the C D (cont.) Component Descri pti on File Nam e Release Notes, w hich can be read using the Note pad applicat ion in Windows NT.
Instal lation ( Window s NT ) 4–6 PowerStorm 300 AGP and 300/ 350 PCI G r aphics Contr ollers Keyboard: XT, AT, or Enhanced Keyboard (83-104 keys) Keyboard Layout : US Poin ting D evice: Mouse Port Mouse No Changes: The ab ove list m atches m y comp uter When you have completed the Windows N T installation, go to Section 4.
Instal lation ( Window s NT ) PowerStorm 300 AG P and 300/350 PCI G raphics Contr ollers 4–7 10. Enter the path of the appropriate PowerS torm display driver and choose OK to download the dri ve r from t he CD. 11. In the Change Displa y dia l og box, the di splay dri ve r whose path you j ust de fine d i s displayed.
Instal lation ( Window s NT ) 4–8 PowerStorm 300 AGP and 300/ 350 PCI G r aphics Contr ollers 4.3.7 Stereo Capability (PowerS torm 350 P CI Only) __________________________ Note ____________________________ Only the P owerStorm 350 P CI graphics controller supports stereo capability.
PowerStorm 300 AG P and 300/350 PCI G raphics Contr ollers 5–1 5 Operation (Windows NT) 5.1 Intr oduction This chapter provides information about pos t-installation tasks and us e of the OpenGL displa y dri ve rs wi th a Powe rSt orm 300 AGP or 300/ 350 PCI gra phic s c ontro ller on either the Intel or Alpha Windows NT platforms.
Operati on (W indows N T) 5–2 PowerStorm 300 AGP and 300/ 350 PCI G r aphics Contr ollers 5. Click on the arrows in the D esktop Area to change the s creen r esolu tion. 6. To change the refresh rate, choose one of the options in Refres h Freq uency .
Operati on (W indows N T) PowerStorm 300 AG P and 300/350 PCI G raphics Contr ollers 5–3 Tab l e 5-1 P o werS t o rm 300 Res olution - R ef resh Rates fo r A lpha Plat form s (Windows N T and Tru6 4.
Operati on (W indows N T) 5–4 PowerStorm 300 AGP and 300/ 350 PCI G r aphics Contr ollers Tearing and flickering can occur for a combination of reasons: • Man y large tr iangles are being pro cess ed. • A large window is being used. • Hig h res olutio n and r efres h rate valu es are d efined.
Operati on (W indows N T) PowerStorm 300 AG P and 300/350 PCI G raphics Contr ollers 5–5 3. Locate the pbxgdac.dl l file in the list. This file is found in the %SystemRoot%syste m32 directory. 4. Click once o n the file n ame to high light it. 5. From the File M enu, choose Prop erties .
Operati on (W indows N T) 5–6 PowerStorm 300 AGP and 300/ 350 PCI G r aphics Contr ollers 5.3. 2. 1 Pi xel F ormat S upport The Powe rSt orm 300 AGP gra phic s c ontro ller and display driver on the Intel platform supports a fully compliant implementation of O penGL in combination with Windows NT OpenGL.
Operati on (W indows N T) PowerStorm 300 AG P and 300/350 PCI G raphics Contr ollers 5–7 Table 5- 4 Inte l-Supporte d Pix el Fo rmats on t h e Po w erSto rm 300 G ra phics Contr oller P i x e l F o .
Operati on (W indows N T) 5–8 PowerStorm 300 AGP and 300/ 350 PCI G r aphics Contr ollers 5.3. 2. 2 Perf o rmance Co nsi d erat ions The Powe rSt orm 300 AGP gra phic s c ontro ller and display driver on the Intel platform accelerate vir tually all O penGL V ersio n 1.
Operati on (W indows N T) PowerStorm 300 AG P and 300/350 PCI G raphics Contr ollers 5–9 5.3. 2. 2. 2 O verlay P l anes The Powe rSt orm 300 AGP gra phic s c ontro ller on the Intel platform provides hardware support for 2-bit double -buffe red ove rl ay pl a nes.
Operati on (W indows N T) 5–10 PowerStorm 300 AGP and 300/ 350 PCI G r aphics Contr ollers Table 5- 5 A lpha-S upporte d Pixel Fo rmats on P o werS t o rm 300 PCI G ra phics Contr oller P i x e l F .
Operati on (W indows N T) PowerStorm 300 AG P and 300/350 PCI G raphics Contr ollers 5–11 Table 5- 5 A lpha-S upporte d Pixel Fo rmats on P o werS t o rm 300 PCI G ra phics Contr oller (c ont.
Operati on (W indows N T) 5–12 PowerStorm 300 AGP and 300/ 350 PCI G r aphics Contr ollers Table 5- 6 A lpha-S upporte d Pixel Fo rmats on P o werS t o rm 350 PCI G ra phics Contr oller P i x e l F .
Operati on (W indows N T) PowerStorm 300 AG P and 300/350 PCI G raphics Contr ollers 5–13 Table 5- 6 A lpha-S upporte d Pixel Fo rmats on P o werS t o rm 350 PCI G ra phics Contr oller (c ont.
Operati on (W indows N T) 5–14 PowerStorm 300 AGP and 300/ 350 PCI G r aphics Contr ollers Table 5- 6 A lpha-S upporte d Pixel Fo rmats on P o werS t o rm 350 PCI G ra phics Contr oller (c ont.
Operati on (W indows N T) PowerStorm 300 AG P and 300/350 PCI G raphics Contr ollers 5–15 Table 5- 6 A lpha-S upporte d Pixel Fo rmats on P o werS t o rm 350 PCI G ra phics Contr oller (c ont.
Operati on (W indows N T) 5–16 PowerStorm 300 AGP and 300/ 350 PCI G r aphics Contr ollers 5.3. 3. 2 Perf o rmance Co nsi d erat ions Pow erStorm 300/350 PCI graphics controllers for the Windows NT Alpha platform accelerate vir tually all O penGL V ersio n 1.
Operati on (W indows N T) PowerStorm 300 AG P and 300/350 PCI G raphics Contr ollers 5–17 • Blending, using a de sti nati on al pha val ue The application needs an alpha buffer if it calls the glB.
Operati on (W indows N T) 5–18 PowerStorm 300 AGP and 300/ 350 PCI G r aphics Contr ollers When SoftImage Customizati ons are enabled , other Open GL app lications may n ot beh ave correctly. Therefore it is recommended that SoftImage Customizations be disabl ed be fore running other OpenG L applications.
PowerStorm 300 AG P and 300/350 PCI G raphics Contr ollers 6–1 6 Installation (Compaq Tru64 UNIX) 6.1 Intr oduction __________________________ Note _____________________________ Chapter 6 pertains to the Compaq Tru64 UN IX operating system only; if you are running Windows NT, see cha pt er 4.
Instal lation ( Compaq Tr u64 UNIX) 6–2 PowerStorm 300 AGP and 300/ 350 PCI G r aphics Contr ollers Pow erStorm 300/350 UN IX G raphics Support is a supplemental kit that only supports the Pow erStorm 300 and Pow erStorm 350 graphics controllers. This kit requires Tru64 UNIX Version 4.
Instal lation ( Compaq Tr u64 UNIX) PowerStorm 300 AG P and 300/350 PCI G raphics Contr ollers 6–3 9. Replace the workstation cover. 10. Ensure that the monitor cable is connected to the video output connector located on the back o f the g raphics controller.
Instal lation ( Compaq Tr u64 UNIX) 6–4 PowerStorm 300 AGP and 300/ 350 PCI G r aphics Contr ollers 6.3. 1. 3 Al t ern ate Co n sol e Ins tead of us ing th e graph ics d isplay as th e sys tem conso le, it is po ss ible to attach an external ASCII terminal to s e rial port 1 and have console interactions take place on that device.
Instal lation ( Compaq Tr u64 UNIX) PowerStorm 300 AG P and 300/350 PCI G raphics Contr ollers 6–5 If this is not the pa th t o t he ki t on your CD-ROM, you may ne ed t o sea rch for t he appropriate file on the CD-ROM by looking for the tar extens ion.
Instal lation ( Compaq Tr u64 UNIX) 6–6 PowerStorm 300 AGP and 300/ 350 PCI G r aphics Contr ollers The following subsets are mandatory and will be installed automatically unless you choose to exit without installing any subsets: * PowerStorm 300/350 Support V1.
Instal lation ( Compaq Tr u64 UNIX) PowerStorm 300 AG P and 300/350 PCI G raphics Contr ollers 6–7 The installation procedure generates messages as it checks that your sys tem has enough space to ins tall the requested s ubsets, copies these subs ets, and then verifies that they were co pied correctly .
Instal lation ( Compaq Tr u64 UNIX) 6–8 PowerStorm 300 AGP and 300/ 350 PCI G r aphics Contr ollers The ins tallation is now completed . 6.4 Configur ation R ecomm endations Compaq recommends perfor.
Instal lation ( Compaq Tr u64 UNIX) PowerStorm 300 AG P and 300/350 PCI G raphics Contr ollers 6–9 You can then disp lay the values set for particular parts of a given subsystem, such as "vm&qu.
PowerStorm 300 AG P and 300/350 PCI G raphics Contr ollers 7–1 7 Operation (Compaq Tru64 UNIX ) 7.1 Intr oduction This chapter provides information about pos t-installation tasks and us e of the OpenGL drivers with a P owerStorm 300/350 PCI graphics controller on the Compaq Tru64 U NIX platform .
Operati on (C ompaq T ru64 U NIX) 7–2 PowerStorm 300 AGP and 300/ 350 PCI G raphics Contr ollers 3. Find the line containing PowerS torm 300/350 X server command-line arguments. Search for the t ext “ PowerStorm 300/350 Server args start ” and proceed to the next lin e wh ere the arg uments resid e.
Operati on (C ompaq T ru64 U NIX) PowerStorm 300 AG P and 300/350 PCI G raphics Contr ollers 7–3 3. Find the line containing Pow erStorm 300/350 X s erver command-line arguments. Search for the t ext “ PowerStorm 300/350 Server args start ” and proceed to the next lin e wh ere the arg uments resid e.
Operati on (C ompaq T ru64 U NIX) 7–4 PowerStorm 300 AGP and 300/ 350 PCI G raphics Contr ollers ! PowerStorm 300/350 Server args start -pn –su –bs –nice –2 –I –riDefaultTexel32 ! PowerStorm 300/350 Server args end 6. Save your c hange s to t he /var/X11/Xserver.
Operati on (C ompaq T ru64 U NIX) PowerStorm 300 AG P and 300/350 PCI G raphics Contr ollers 7–5 7.3 Using OpenGL This section des cribes the P ower Sto rm Op enG L driv er, wh ich is d esig ned to o ptimize OpenG L performance on Compaq Profess ional Workstations.
Operati on (C ompaq T ru64 U NIX) 7–6 PowerStorm 300 AGP and 300/ 350 PCI G raphics Contr ollers 7.3 .1.2 Indi rect Co nt ext s, G L XPi xmaps, an d th e S o ftw are Rend erer The following section only concerns those w ho run applications that require GLX Pixmap rendering support.
Operati on (C ompaq T ru64 U NIX) PowerStorm 300 AG P and 300/350 PCI G raphics Contr ollers 7–7 7.3.2 Developing OpenGL Applications on Tr u64 UNIX This section provides information for developing OpenGL applications that optimize the performance of Pow erStorm 300/350 PCI graphics controllers on Tru64 UNIX platforms.
Operati on (C ompaq T ru64 U NIX) 7–8 PowerStorm 300 AGP and 300/ 350 PCI G raphics Contr ollers Table 7- 2 Suppor ted GLX Vis uals on PowerSt orm 350 PCI G ra phics Contr oller Visual I D * 0x21 0x.
Operati on (C ompaq T ru64 U NIX) PowerStorm 300 AG P and 300/350 PCI G raphics Contr ollers 7–9 Table 7- 2 Suppor ted GLX Vis uals on PowerSt orm 350 PCI G ra phics Contr oller (c ontinued) Visual .
Operati on (C ompaq T ru64 U NIX) 7–10 PowerStorm 300 AGP and 300/ 350 PCI G raphics Contr ollers Allocatin g 16 bits p er texel allow s more textu res to be sto red in th e texture cach e and may provide slightly higher rasterization rates .
Operati on (C ompaq T ru64 U NIX) PowerStorm 300 AG P and 300/350 PCI G raphics Contr ollers 7–11 7.3. 2. 1. 3 S t en cil Pl an es The Pow erStorm 300/350 display driver provides support for one stencil plane on Tru64 UNI X. You may notice that on the Window s NT A lpha platform, four stencil planes are available.
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Compaq 300 (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Compaq 300 noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Compaq 300 - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Compaq 300 reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Compaq 300 erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Compaq 300 besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Compaq 300 verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Compaq 300. Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Compaq 300 gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.