Benutzeranleitung / Produktwartung DS3 (2015) des Produzenten Citroën
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WethankyouforchoosingaD S3. Thed es cr i pti on sandi ll ust rat io nsa regi venas ind ic at io nson ly. Auto mo bi le sCIT RO ËNre se r ve sth e.
C o nte nt s 6 OV ER V I E W Key saf et ywar ni ng additionalinformation co nt ri but estot hep rot ec ti onoft hee nvir on me nt refe rtot hepa gein di ca ted 352 .
CO M FO R T ACC E S S 60 Remo tec ont ro lkey 64 Alar m 68 Win do wco nt ro ls 70 Doors 73 Boot 76 Front seats 81 Rear sea ts 82 Ste er in gwh ee ladj ust me nt 83 M.
SAFE T Y PR ACT I CA L INF ORMA TION CHI LD SAFET Y 17 2 C hil dse at s 175 Deactiva tingthe passenger's fr onta ir bag 182 IS OFI Xch il dse ats 14 8 Directi.
CHECKS TEC HNI CAL D A T A AUDIO AN D TELEMA TICS 243 Bonnet 244 Petr olen gi nes 245 Dieseleng ines 246 Che ck in glevel s 250 Ch ec ks 254 Pet ro len gin es 257 P.
O ve r v i ew.
E x te r i o r Customising kits The seex pr es sives ti cke rsf or m par tofara ng eofki ts ,ver y dif fer ento nef ro mano th er,whic h all owyout ocr eat eauni que andat tra ct iveex te r io rfory our vehicle.
9 Ove r v ie w Under-ination det ection Thi ssy te mauto mat ic a llyc he c ksth et yr e pre ss ure swh end ri vi ngan dwar n syouint he eventofa nund er-i nf la tedt y re.
Inte r i or Interior mood lighting Thi ssub du edpa ss en ge rco mp ar t me ntli ght in g imp rove svis ib ili t yins id eth evehi c leinl ow lig hti ngc on di ti ons .
11 Ove r v ie w In strume n tsan dc ont rol s 1. Audi oeq uip me ntste er in gwh ee lco nt ro ls. 2. Ste er in glo cka ndi gni ti on. 3. W ip er/s cr ee nwas h/tr ipc o mpu ters ta lk. 4. In str um entp an el.
In strume n tsan dc ont rol s 1. Stee r ingw he ela dju stm ent . 2. He adl amph ei ghta dju stm ent . 3. C r uis ec ont ro l/sp ee dlim ite rco nt ro ls. 4. Li ght inga ndd ire ct io nin dic a tors ta lk 5.
13 Ove r v ie w.
Bef orem ovi ngof f,ifth epa ss eng erc o mpa r t me ntisto owar m , vent ila teitbyop en ingt hew in dow sanda irve ntsb efo reu sin gth eair conditio ning. Ab ove3 0mph(5 0k m/ h),clo set hewi nd owsa ndl eaveth eairve nt s open.
15 Eco - d r iv in g Limit the causes of ex ce ss consumption Spr ea dloa dst hro ug ho utth evehi c le;pl ac eth ehe avie sti tem sinth e bot to moft heb oot ,asc lo sea spo ss ibl etot here ars eat s.
In st r u m e nt s a n d c o nt r o l s.
P etr ol-Dies elins trumen tpa nel s,ma nu al ,ele ctron ic(ET G )or autom ati c g ea r b ox Prov id edw ithp er m ane ntbac k- li ght ing ,th eins tr um entp ane lgr oup sto get he rth evehi cl e'sdi al sandi ndi c ato randw ar ni ngla mps .
19 Monitoring Screen E. Ser vice indicator (mile sork m),then T otal mileage recorder . T hes et wof un ct io nsa redi spl ayed suc c es si velyw he nsw itc hin gont hei gn iti on . F. Engine oil le vel i ndicator .
R A CI NGpe trolin strum en tpan el ,man ualge arbo x Prov id edw ithp er m ane ntbac k- li ght ing ,th eins tr um entp ane lgr oup sto get he rth evehi cl e'sdi al sandi ndi c ato randw ar ni ngla mps .
21 Monitoring Screen C. Ser vice indicator (mile sork m),then T otal mileage recorder. The set wofu nc ti on sared isp laye d suc c es si velyw he nsw itc hin gont he ignition. D. Engine oil le vel indicator .
Vi sua lind ic at or sinf or mi ngt hedr i ver tha tasyste misino pe ra ti on(ope rat io n orde ac ti vati oni nd ic ato rla mps)orofth e oc cu r ren c eofafa ult(war n ingl am p ).
23 Monitoring Operation indicator lamps Ifon eoft hefo ll owi ngi ndi c ato rlam psc om eso n,t hisc o nf ir m stha tth eco r re sp ond ingsy ste mhasc o mein toop er ati on . Warning /indicator lamp is o n Cause Action / Observations Left- hand direction indicato r flashingwithbuzzer .
Warning /indicator lamp is o n Cause Action / Observations Diesel engine pre- heating f ixe d. Thekeyisa tpo sit io n2(i gni ti ono n)in thei gn it io nswi tch . Waitunt ilt hewa r nin glam pgo eso f fbe fo rest ar ti ng.
25 Monitoring Foot o n t he brake pedal f ixe d. Theb ra keped almu stb epre ss ed. Wit hane le ct ro ni cge ar box ,pre s stheb ra keped alto sta r tt hee ngi ne(l everi npo sit io n N ).
Deactivation indicator lamps Ifon eoft hefo ll owi ngi ndi c ato rlam psc om eso n,t hisc o nf ir m stha tth eco r re sp ond ingsy ste mhasb ee nswi tc he dof fi ntent io na lly.
27 Monitoring Warning lamp s Wh ent heen gin eisr un nin gort heve hic l eis bei ngdr i ven,t hei llu min ati ono fon eofth e fol low in gwar ni ngl amp sind ic ate safa ultw hi ch req uir esac t io nont hepa r to fthed r iver.
Braking f ixed ,as so ci atedw it h theS TOPwa rn ing lamp. Theb ra ki ngsys temf l uidl eveli sto o l o w. Y oum usts topa sso onasi tiss afetod oso. T opu pwi thbr akef l uidr ec o mme nd edbyCI TRO ËN .
29 Monitoring Warning /indicator lamp is o n Cause Action / Observations En gi ne autodiagnosis syst em flashing. Thee ng inem an age me ntsyst emha s afau lt. Ri skofd est r uc ti ono fthec a ta ly t icc onve r te r .
Warning /indicator lamp is o n Cause Action / Observations En gi ne o il pressure f ixe d. The rei safau ltw itht hee ng ine lub ri c ati onsy ste m.
31 Monitoring Airbags temporarily. Thisla mpc om eso nfo rafews ec on ds whe nyout ur nont hei gn iti on ,th en go esof f. Thi sla mpsh oul dgoo f fw hent hee ng inei sst ar ted.
Warning /indicator lamp is o n Cause Action / Observations Under-inflat ion f ixed ,ac c omp ani edby anau dib lesi gn alan da message. Thep re ss urei non eorm oret yre sis tool ow. Che ckt het y rep re ss ure sass oo naspo ss ib le.
33 Monitoring Warning /indicator lamp is o n Cause Action / Observations AdBlue ® additive (BlueHDi Diesel) f ixed ,onsw itc hi ng onth eig nit i on, ac co mp ani edbya n audi bl esi gna landa mes s agei ndi c ati ng theremain ingdriving range.
Warning /indicator lamp is o n Cause Action / Observations + + SCR e mi s si on s control sy stem (BlueHDi Diesel) f ixed ,onsw itc hi ngo nth e ign it io n,as so ci ate dwit h.
35 Monitoring Wi tht heen gi ner unn in g,wh ent hene ed lei s: - inzo ne A ,th etem pe rat urei sc or re c t, - inzo ne B ,th etem pe rat ure.
Sys temw hic hin fo rm sth edr ive rwh enth e nex tse r vi c eisd ue,ina cc o rd anc ew it hthe manufacturer'sservicingschedule.
37 Monitoring Les s th an 6 00 m ile s ( 1 0 0 0 km) rem ain b efo re t he nex t se r vic e is du e E xa m p l e: 5 6 0mil es(9 0 0k m)remai nbef or e then ex tser vi c eisdu e.
Ser vice indicator zero reset Af te rea chs er vic e,t hes er vic ei ndi c ato rmus t bere sett ozer o. Thep ro c ed uref orre se t tin gtoze roi sas.
39 Monitoring Onve hic l esf i t tedw it hanel ec t ri coi llevel ind ic ato r ,inf or ma ti ono nth eoill eveli s dis playe dint hein st ru me ntpan elf orafe w sec o ndsw he nth eig nit io niss wit ch edo n, af te rth eser vi c einf or mat i on.
Thet ot alan dtr ipd ist an c esa redi spl ayedfo r thi r t ys ec on dsw he nthei gn it io nissw itc he dof f, whe nth edr ive r 'sd oo riso pen eda ndw he nthe vehi cl eisl oc kedo runl oc ked.
41 Monitoring Black panel ( comfor t night driving d i s p l a y) Wh endr i vin gatni ght ,th isf unc t io nall ows ce r t ai ndis play sint hein str u men tpan eltob e swi tch edo f fsoa store du cef at igu efo rth e driver .
Mono chrome screen A Thi sdi spl aysth efo llo wi ngin for m ati on: - tim e, - date, - amb ie nttem pe rat ure(th isf l ash esi fth er eis ari skofi c e ), - sta tuso fth edo or san dbo ot, - cur r entau di oso urc e(rad io,C D.
43 Monitoring Rad io - CD Wi tht heAu di osyste mswi tc he don,o nc eth e " Rad io - C D"m enuh asb eens el ec te dyouc an act iva teord ea.
Languages On cet he" La ngu ag es"m enuh asbe ens el ec te d, youc anc ha ng ethel an gua geu sedbyt he sc ree nbych oo si ngo nef romad ef in edl ist .
45 Monitoring Mono chrome screen C Thi sdi spl aysth efo llo wi ngin for m ati on: - tim e, - date, - amb ie nttem pe rat ure(th isf l ash esi fth er eis.
Wi tht heAu di osyste mswi tc he don,o nc eth is men uhasb ee nse le cte dyouc a nac ti vateor dea ct ivat eth efu nc ti onsa ss oc ia tedw .
47 Monitoring "Personalisation- Configurat ion" menu On cet hi sme nuha sbee nse le ct ed,yo uc an gai nac ce s stoth efo llo wi ngf unc ti on s: - def i neth eveh ic lep ara met er s, - dis playc o nf ig ur ati on , - ch oi ceo flan gua ge.
Display conguration On cet hi sme nuha sbee nse le ct ed,yo uc an gai nac ce s stoth efo llo wi ngse t tin gs: - brightness-video setting, - datea ndt imes et ti ng, - sel ec t io nofuni ts .
49 Monitoring T ouch sc reen t ablet Thi ssyst emgi vesac c e ssto: - men usfo rad jus tin gset t in gsfo rveh ic le fun ct io nsa ndsys tem s, - audi oan .
Menus Navigation Navi ga ti oni savail abl ede pe ndi ngo n thec o unt ya nd /ortr i mlevel . Refert oth e"Audioa ndte le mat ic s" section. Radio Media Refert oth e"Audi oandt el ema ti cs " section.
51 Monitoring "D riving" me nu Butto n Corresponding function Comments Diagnostic Rec apo fcu rr enta le r t s. Under-inflat ion initialisation Rein it ial is ati ono ft yrep re ss ure s. Refert oth e" Saf et y "sec t io n.
" S e t t i n g s" m e n u Thef un ct io nsa cc e ss ibl eint hi smen uareg ive ninth et abl ebe lo w. Butto n Corresponding function Comments Audio s ettings Adj ust me ntofvol um e,bal anc e.
53 Monitoring Set t ing t he d at e and t im e F Select the " Setting s "menu. F Inth ese c ond ar ypag e,pr es son" Ti me/ Date ". F Select " Ad ju s t ti m e " or " Adju s t da t e ". F M od if yt hes et ti ngsu si ngth enu mbe r keypad,t he nc onf i r m.
T ripcomp ut er Monochrome screen A Information displays F Pre sst hebu t to n,lo c ate datth eendo fth e wiper stalk ,todi spl ayth evar io usi tem sof tr ipc o mpu teri nfo r mat io ninsu cc e ss io n.
55 Monitoring Monochrome screen C Information displays F Pre sst hebu t to n,lo c ate datth eendo f the w iper stalk ,todi spl ayth evar io ust ri p co mp.
T ouch s creen tabl et Information display F Pre ss t he MENU but ton, t he n se le ct " Drivi ng ",todispl aythev ar io ust abs .
57 Monitoring T rip computer , a few definit ions Range (mile sork m ) Current fuel cons umption (mpgorl /100k mork m /l) Stop & S ta r t t im e counter (minute s/se c o.
Ac c e s s.
R emo tecon trolk e y Sys temw hic hp er mi tsc en tr alun lo ck in gorl oc ki ngoft heve hic l eusi ngt hed oo rlo cko rfr omad ist an c e.
61 Acc e ss F Pre sst hec lo se dpad lo ckt olo ck theve hi cl ec om ple tel y . Ifon eoft hedo or so rth ebo otiss til l ope n,t hec ent ra llo ck in gdo esn ott ake plac e.
Foll owi ngdi sc o nne c ti onoft heve hic l ebat te r y, rep lac e me ntofth ere mot eco nt ro lbat te r yo r inth eevento farem otec o ntr olm alf un ct io n, youc ann olo ng erun lo ck ,lo cko rlo c ateyo ur vehicle.
63 Acc e ss Don otth rowt her em otec ont ro l bat te ri esa way ,th eyco nt ainm et als whi cha reh ar mf ultot hee nvir on men t.
A lar m Sys temw hic hp rote c tsan dpr ovi de sadete r ren taga ins tth eth ef tofyo urveh ic le.I tpr ovi de st wot y pe sofpr ote ct io n,ex ter i ora ndint er io r,aswellasa self-protectionfun ction.
65 Acc e ss Locking the veh icle with full alarm Activation F Sw itc hof ft hei gn it io nandg etou tofth e vehicle. F Loc kord ea dlo c kth evehi cl eus ingt he lo ck in gbut to nont her em otec on tr ol.
Locking the veh icle with exte rior per imeter protection only Dea ct ivat io n of th e int er io r vol umetr ic protection F Sw itc hof ft hei gn it io n. F Wi thi ntens ec o nds ,pre s sbut to n A unt il thei ndi c ato rla mpiso nc ont inu ou sly.
67 Acc e ss F ailure of the remote control F Unl oc kth eveh ic leu sin gth ekeyinth e dr iver 'sdo orl oc k. F Op ent hedo o r;t hea lar mi str ig ge re d. F Sw itc hont hei gn iti on;t heal ar msto ps .
1. Dr ive r 'sel ec t ri cwi nd owsw itc h. 2. Pass en ge r 'se lec t r icwi nd owsw itc h. Win do wc ont rol s Thed r iver 'swi ndo whasa nti - p in chp rote c ti on.
69 Acc e ss Inth eevento funwan tedo pe nin goft he win dowo nc lo sin g(forexa mp leint he pre se nc eoff ro st): F pre sst hes wit chb.
Doors Op ening F rom out sid e F Af te run lo ck in gth evehi cl eus ingt he rem otec o ntr olo rth ekey ,p ullt hed oo r handle. F rom insi de F Pullt hed oo rleve rtoop ent hed oo r;t hi s unl oc ksth isve hic l eco mp let ely.
71 Acc e ss Sys temw hic hp rovi de sfu llm anu allo c ki ngor unl oc ki ngoft hed oo r sfr omt hein si de. Centrallocking Manual cent ral locking Unlocking F Pre ss b ut to n A aga intou nlo c kth evehi cl e.
Activation F Pre ss b ut to n A form or eth ant w osec o nd s. Aco nf i rm at io nmes s agea pp ear si nthe mult if un ct i onsc re en ,ac co mp ani edbya n audiblesignal. Deactivation F Pre ss b ut to n A aga info rmo ret ha n t wose c on ds.
73 Acc e ss Bo ot Op ening F Af te run lo ck in gth evehi cl e,pr es sth e ope ni ngc ont ro lan dra iset het ai lg ate. Clo si n g F Lowe rth eta ilg ateu sin gth einte r io rgr ab handle.
C omfo r t.
F r ont seats Sea tco ns ist in gofase atc ush io n,abac k re stan dahea dre str ai ntwh ic hc anal lbea dju ste dtoada ptyou rpo si ti onfo rea seofd ri vi ngan dc om for t.
77 Comfor t Additional adjust ment s Head restraint height adjust ment F T ora is etheh ea dre str ai nt,p ulli tupwa rds . F T ore movet hehe adr est ra int ,pr es sth e lug A a ndpu llt hehe adr est ra intu pwar ds.
Acce ss to t he r ear s eat s F Pullt hec o ntr olu pwar dstof ol dth ese at bac kan dmoveth ese atfo r w ard .
79 Comfor t R A CI NGfron tsea ts Sea tco ns ist in gofase atc ush io nandb ac kr estw hi chc a nbead jus tedt oada ptyou rpo sit io nfo rma x imu meas eofdr iv in gandc o mf or t .
Additional adjust ment s Acce ss to r ear s eat s F Pullt heh and lef or war dstof ol dth esea t bac kr es tandm oveth ese atfo r wa rd s. Onr ep os iti on in g,th ese atret ur nstoi ts initialposition.
81 Comfor t Rea r seats Ben chs eatw it hf ixe don e - pi ec ec ush io nan d1/3-2 /3sp li tfol di ngba ck re sttova r yt helo ads pac eint heb oo t. F Movet hec o rr es po ndi ngf ro ntse atfo r w ard ifne c es sa r y.
The seh aveon epo sit io nfo ruse(up)anda stowe dpo si ti on(dow n ). Theyc a nals ober em oved. T ore moveah eadr est ra int : F rel ea se.
83 Comfor t Mir ro r s Eac hf it te dwi tha nadj ust ab lem ir ro rgl ass permit tingthe lateralrearwardvision neces sar y forove r t ak in gorpa r ki ng.T heyc ana lsob e fol de dfo rpar k ingi nc onf ine dspa c es.
Rear vi ew m ir ro r Manual day/ night mod el Adjustment F Adj ustt hemi r ro rsot hatt heg las sis dir ec tedc o r rec t lyint he"d ay"p os iti o n. Day / nigh t posi t ion F Pullt hel evertoc ha ng etoth e"ni ght "ant i - da zz lep os it io n.
85 Comfor t V en tila tion Air intake Thea irc ir cu lat ingi nth epas se ng erc o mpa r t men t isf il ter eda ndo ri gi nate sei th erf romt heo ut si de.
R ec omm end atio nsforv en til at iona nda ircond itio ni ng Ifaf t eranex te nd edst opins uns hin e, thei nte ri ort emp er atu reisve r y hig h,f ir stve nti lat ethep as se nge r co mp ar t me ntfo rafewm om ent s.
87 Comfor t Hea ting/V en tila tion Manual control panel Elect ric control panel Manual air c onditi oning Manual control panel Elect ric control panel.
Theh ea tin g/vent il ati ono rai rco nd iti on in gsyste mso per ate swi tht hee ngi ner un nin g,aswe lla sinSTO Pmo dewi thS to p&St ar t.
89 Comfor t 5. Ai r con dit io ning O n / O f f Thea irc on di ti oni ngi sde sig ne dto operate effectively in all seasons , wit hth ewi nd owsc lo se d. Electric control panel F Pre ss t he bu t to n to re ci rc ula te thei nte ri ora ir.
Digit al air c ondit ioning Thea irc on di ti oni ngo pe rate swh ent hee ngi nei sru nni ng,a swel lasinS TOPm odew it hSt op&S ta r t . Automatic operation 1 . Autom at ic "com for t " programme Pre ss t he "A U T O " bu t ton .
91 Comfor t Itisp os si bl etoadj usto neo rmo ref unc t io ns man ual lywh il ele avin gth eoth erf unc t io nsin auto mat icm od e. The "A U T O " sy mb olsw itc h esof f. T oret ur ntoau tom at icmo de,p re sst he "A U T O " but ton.
6. Air distribu tion adjustm ent Pre ss ingt hi sbut t onseve ra ltim esi n suc c es si on e nab le s th e air f low to b e dir ec tedi ntur nto war ds: - thew in dsc .
93 Comfor t F ron tdem is t-de fros t With t he heating / ven tilation system F Putt hete mpe ra tur eanda irf l owc ont ro lst o thed ed ic ate dma rke dpo sit io n.
R earscr eende mis t-de frost Thec o ntr olb ut to nisl oc at edo ntheh ea tin gora irc on dit io ni ngsys temc o ntr olp ane l. Switching on Ther ea rsc re ende mi sti ng /def ro st ingc a nonl y ope ra tewh ent heen gi neisr u nni ng.
95 Comfor t Thi sc ar tr id gec anb ere move deas il y .Th e f ir stti mei tisus ed,r ep lac et hep lugw it harea l ca r t ri dge.
Int er i or t tings 1. Sun visor (seedet ai lso nth efol lo win gpa ge) 2. Gl ove box (seedet ai lso nth efol lo win gpa ge) 3. O ddments storage 4. Door pocket 5. Upper storage compartment 6. Lower st orage compartment with non- slip mat 7.
97 Comfor t Thes unv iso r shaveavan it ymi r ro rwit hf la p andam aph old er(ort ic kethol de r)fort he driver . F Wi tht heig ni ti ono n,ra iset hec o nc ea lin g f lap;th emi rr ori sil lum ina tedau tom at ic al ly.
Auxiliar y socket USB P lay er Wh eniti sinus e,th epo r t ab led evi ce chargesautomatically . 1 2 V accessory socket F T oc on nec ta12Vacc e ss or y(maxp ower : 120W),li f tth ec overan dc on nec ta suitableadaptor .
99 Comfor t Mats Fit t in g Wh enf it t in gth ematf ort hef i rs ttim e,ont he dr iver 'ssi deus eon lyt hef i xin gsp rov id edint he wall etat t ac he d. Theo th erma tsa resi mp lypl ac edo nth e car pet .
1. Rear parcel shelf (seeth efo llo wi ngpa gef orde ta ils) 2. Retaining strap 3. Locat ion for H i- Fi amplifier 4. Stowing rings 5.
101 Comfor t T ore movet hesh el f: F unh oo kth et woc or ds, F rai set hesh el fsli gh tly,thenu nc lipi ton eac hsi de. Rear parcel shelf F Rai set heb ootc a rp etbypu lli ngt hest ra p upwa rdst ogai nac c es stoth esto ra geb ox.
Dr iv ing.
Afe wdriv ingr ec omm enda tion s Ob ser veth edr iv in greg ul ati on satal ltim esa ndr ema inv igi la ntwh atevert het raf f icc o ndi ti on s.
105 Driving Anti- thef t p rotect ion Elec tronic engine im mobiliser Thekeyc on ta insa nel ec tr on icc hipw hi chh as aspe c ialc o de.W he nth eign it io nissw itc h ed on,t hisc o dem ustb ere co gn is edino rd erf or sta r t in gtobep os si bl e.
F Ap pl ythep ar k ingb ra ke. F Wi thama nua lge ar box :pla c eth eleveri n neu tr alan dfu llyd ep re sst hec lut chp ed al. F Wi thane le ct ro ni cge ar box :pla cet hel ever at po sit io n N an dpr es sth ebr akepe dal f i r m l y.
107 Driving T ofa ci lit ateu nl oc ki ngoft hes tee ri ng co lu mn,pu tth efr ontw he el sinth e str ai ghtah eadp os it io nbefo resw itc hi ng thei gn it io nof f.
Park ing b rak e Applying F Pullt hep ar ki ngb rakel everf ull yupto imm ob ili seyo urveh ic le. Releasing F Pullt hep ar ki ngb rakel everge nt ly,pres s the release button then lower the lever fully .
109 Driving 6 - spee d manual ge ar box F Movet hel everf ull ytoth er igh tto engage5 th or 6 th g e a r. Engaging 5 th or 6 th gear Asas afet yp re .
E lectron icgea rbo x(ET G ) R . Rev erse F Wi thyo urfo otont heb ra ke,moveth e sel ec to rfo r wa rd stose le ctt hi spo sit io n. N. N eutr al. F Wi thyo urfo otont heb ra ke,sel ec tth is po sit io ntost ar tth een gin e.
111 Driving Display in the instrument panel N. N eutral R. Rev erse 1 2 3 4 5 / 6. G ea rsi nma nua lmo de. AUTO. Thisc o me sonw he nauto mat edm ode isse le ct ed.I tgo esof fwh enc han gi ng toma nua lmo de.
Creep function ( depending on equipment) Thi s fu nc ti on a llo ws t he veh ic le t o be man oe uv redm or eea sil yatlo wspe ed s(whe n par k ing ,int raf f icj ams .
11 3 Driving Theg ea rch an gere qu est sar eon lyc ar r ie dout ifth een gin esp ee dpe rm it s. It is n ot ne c es sa r y to r el eas e th e ac c el era tor ped aldu r ingg ea rch ang es .
Op erat ing f ault Wi tht heig ni ti ono n,ift hisw ar nin g lam pco me sona nd AU TO f lashes, ac co mp ani edbya naudi bl esi gna lan da mes s agei nth emul ti fu nc ti ons cr een ,thi s ind ic ate sage ar boxf aul t.
11 5 Driving Four-s pe edau tom at icge ar b oxwhi cho f fe rsa ch oi ceb et we ent hec o mfo r toff ul lyau tom ati c ope ra ti on,e nha nc edbys po r ta ndsn ow programmes,ormanual gearchanging.
Wh enyo umoveth ese le ct ori ntheg atet o sel ec tap osi ti on,t hec o r re spo nd ingi ndi c ato ris dis playe dint hein st ru me ntpan el. P. Par k R. Rev erse N. Neutral D. D ri ve(Aut om ati cdr iv in g ) S.
11 7 Driving Automatic operation F Select position D for automatic changing ofth efou rge ar s. Theg ea r boxth eno pe rat esina uto -a dap tive mo de,w ith ou tanyinte r ve nti ono nth epa r t ofth edr ive r .
The rei sar isko fdam aget oth ege ar box : - ifyoup re sst hea cc e le rat oran d bra keped al satth esa meti me, - ifyouf or c eth emovem ento fth e sel ec to rfr omt he P p os iti on t o another position when the batter y isf la t.
11 9 Driving Gear ef ciency indic ator Sys temw hic hre du ce sf uelc o nsu mpt io nbyadv is ingt hed r ivert och ang eup. Operat ion Example: - Y oua reint hi rdg ear. - Y oup re sst heac c e ler ato rpe da l.
Stop & St ar t TheS to p&St ar tsyste mput sth een gin etem po ra r ilyi ntost an dby-STOPm o de-du ri ngst op sinth etr af f ic(redli ght s,t ra f f i cjam s,oro th er.
121 Driving Goin g into e ngin e ST ART m od e The " ECO " war nin gla mpgo eso f f andt hee ngi nest ar ts: - wi t h a ma nu al g e ar b ox , w he n you dep re ss.
Thesy ste misre ac ti vate dauto ma tic a lly atever yn ewst ar tusi ngt hekey. Reactivation Thi ssyst emre qui re sabat te r yw it hasp ec ial.
123 Driving Hil l st a r t a ss ist Sys temw hic hh ol dsyou rvehi c lete mp or ar ily (approx im atel y2se c ond s)whenst ar ti ngona slo pe,t het im eitt akest omoveyo urfo otf ro m theb ra keped altot hea cc e le rato rpe da l.
Sys temw hic hp revent sth eveh ic lef ro m excee di ngth esp ee dpr og ram me dbyth e driver . Wh ent hepr og ra mme dsp ee dlim iti srea ch ed, pre ss in gth eac ce le rat orp eda lint hen or ma l man nern olo ng erh asanyef fec t.
125 Driving F T ur nt hum bwhe el 1 t o th e "LIM IT" po sit io n:thes pe edli mi term od eis sel ec te dbuti snots wi tch edo n(PAUSE). Y oud onoth avetosw itc hth esp ee dlim ite ron inor de rtosett hes pe ed.
Cruise c ontrol Sys temw hic hau tom ati c al lyma int ai nsth e spe edo ftheve hi cl eatth eval uepr og ra mm ed bythed ri ver,with outa nyac ti ono nth e accelerator pedal.
127 Driving Pr ogramming F T ur nt hum bwhe el 1 t o th e "CRUIS E" po sit io n:thec r ui sec on tr olm odei s sel ec te dbuti snots wi tch edo n(PAUSE).
R earp arkin gse nso rs Sys temc on si sti ngoff ou rprox im it yse ns or s, lo ca tedi nth erea rbum pe r . Thi sdet ec tsa nyobs ta cl e(pe r so n,vehi c le, tre e,ga te,etc . )b eh indt heve hi cl e,exce pt obs ta cl esl oc at edju stb elo wth ebum pe r .
129 Driving Pr ogramming Op erat ing f ault s Ifth er eisano pe ra tin gfa ult ,wh en rever seg ea risen ga ge dthi s war ni ngla mpc om eso nint h.
Re versing c amera Ther ever si ngc am er ac ann otina ny ci rc ums ta nc esb easub st itu tefo r vig il anc eo nth epar tofth edr ive r . Cle ant hereve rs in gc ame rar eg ula rl y usi ngaso f t,d r yc lo th.
131 Driving.
Vi sibilit y.
Ligh tingc ontrol s Sys temf orse le c ti onan dc ont ro loft hevar i ousf r onta ndre arla mp spr ovid in gtheve hi cl e'sli ght in g.
135 Visibility Model wit hout A UTO l ighting Mod el w it h AUTO lighti ng Manual controls Thel ig hti ngi sco nt ro lle ddir ec t lybyth edr ive r bymea nsoft her in g A andt hes ta lk B . Auto mat ici llu mi nat io nofhe adl amp s.
C. Fo gla mpse le c ti onr in g. Thef og lam pso pe rat ewit hth edip pe dan dmai n beamheadlamps. Rot atean dre le aset her in g C : F for wa r.
137 Visibility Thet emp or ar yill umi nat io noft hedi pp edb eam hea dla mp saf te rth evehi cl e'si gni ti onh asbe en swi tch edo f fma kesth edr ive r 'sex itea si er whe nth eli ghti spo or.
LE Dda y tim erunn ingl am ps Thi sday t im elig hti ng,as ig nat ureo ftheve hi cl e, co mp ri se st wos etso flig ht- emi t ti ngdi od es (LED s),loc atedi nver ti c alho usi ng sbe lowe ac h headlamp.
139 Visibility T ravelling abroad LED / Xenon f ront l amp s Formo tor in ginc o unt ri est hatd r iveont heo the r sid eoft hero ad,i tisne c es sa r ytoa dju stt he dip pe dbea mss oaston otda z zl eth edr ive rsof approaching vehicles.
Theve hi cl e'sf ro ntan drea rwi per sa re des ig ne dtoim provet hed ri ver ' svi sib ili t y pro gr es si velya cc o rd ingt oth eweat he r conditions.
141 Visibility B. Rearw ip erse le ct i onr in g. Rear w ipe r Ifasi gn if i ca ntac c umu lat io nofsn owor ic eisp re sen t,o rwhe nus ingat ai.
Automatic rain sens itive windscreen w iper s Thew in dsc r eenw ip er sop er ateau tom at ic al ly, wit ho utanya ct io nont hep ar to fth edr iver,if rai.
143 Visibility Operati ng fau lt Ifana uto mat icw ipi ngf aul toc cu r s,th ewi pe rs wil lop er ateini nter m it te ntmo de. Haveitc he c kedbyaCIT RO ËNde al ero ra qualifiedw orkshop.
A. Court esy lamp B. Map reading lamps Co ur tesylamp Inth isp os iti on ,th eco ur tesyl amp co me song rad ua lly : Cour tesy lamp - whe nth eveh ic lei sun.
145 Visibility In te rior mood ligh ting Thed imm edp as se nge rc om par tm entl igh tin gim pr ovesvi si bil it yint heve hi cl ewh ent heli ght ispo o r .
Safet y.
Direction indicat ors F Lef t :lowe rth eli ght ings ta lkbeyo ndt he poi ntofr es ist an ce . F Ri ght :rai set heli ght in gst alkb eyon dth e poi ntofr es ist an ce .
149 Safety Hor n Audi bl ewar ni ngtoa le r tot he rro adus er stoan imminentdanger . F Pre sso neoft hes po kesoft hest eer i ng whee l.
Under - ination det ec tion Sys temw hic hau tom ati c al lyc hec kst hep re ssu re softh et yr esw hi ledr iv in g. Theu nd er-i nf la ti onde tec ti o nsyste m doe sno trep lac et hen ee dforv ig il anc e onth epa r toft hed ri ver.
151 Safety Thea le r ti smai nt ain edun tilt hesy ste m isreini tialised. Thel os sofp re ssu red etec te ddo esn ot alw aysc aus evi sib leb ulg ingo fth et yr e. Don otsat is f yyo ur se lfwi thj ustav is ual check.
Rein it ial is ati ono fthesy ste misdo nei nth evehi cl ec on f ig ura ti onme nu,w it hth evehi c lest at io nar yan dth e ignition on . Monochrome screen A F Pre ss t he MENU but ton f or ac c es s to t he mai nmen u.
153 Safety T ouch screen tablet F Pre ss t he MENU but ton. F Select the " Driving "m enu. F Inth ese c ond ar ypag e,se le ct" Und er- inflation initialisation ". Ames s agei sdi spl ayedtoc o nf ir mt he reinitial isation instruction.
Bra kinga ssi sta nces ys te ms Gr oupo fsup pl eme nt ar ysy ste msw hic hhe lp youtoo bt aino pti mumb ra ki nginc o mp lete saf et yinem er ge nc .
155 Safety Emergen cy brak ing ass istance Sys temw hic h,i nanem er ge ncy,enab le syou toobt ai nth eopt im umbr ak ingp re ss urem or e qui ck ly,thusre du ci ngth esto pp in gdis ta nc e.
Deactivation Inex tr em elys everec o ndi ti on s(deepsn ow, mud... ),wh eniti snotp os si bl etomoveo f f,it maybeu sef ultot emp or ar il yde ac ti vateth e syste ms,s oth atth ewh ee lsc ans pinf re el yand reg ai ngr ip.
157 Safety Acti veC it yBra k e Ac tiveC it yB ra keisadr iv inga ss ist a nc e syste mth ataim stoavoi daf ron ta lc oll is io n orre du cet hes pe edofa nimp ac tift hedr i ver doe sno trea cts uf f ic ie ntl y(in ade qua tebr ake application ).
Operat ion Wh en yo ur veh ic le i s too c l os e to or app ro ac hest heve hi cl eah eadt ooqu ic kl yth e syste mauto ma tic a llya pp lie sth ebr akest o avoidac o lli si on .
159 Safety Op erat ing lim it s Thesy ste monl ydete c tsve hic l est hata re sta ti on ar yo rmov in ginth esa medi re ct io nas yourve hi cl e.
Op erat ing f ault s Inth eevento fanim pac ttot he win ds cr eena tth esen so r ,dea ct iva te thesy ste mandc o nt actaC IT RO ËN dea le roraqu ali f ie dwo rk sho ptohave yourw in dsc re enr ep lac e d.
161 Safety Seat bel ts F ront seat belt s Thef r onts eatb elt sar ef it te dwi tha pret ens io ni ngan dfo rc elim it in gsyste m. Thi ssyst emim pr ovess afet yi nth efr ont sea tsint heeve ntofaf ro ntors id eimp ac t.
Rear seat belt s F astenin g F Pullt hes tr ap,th enin se r tt heto ngu eint he buckle. F Che ckt ha tthes ea tbel tisf aste ne d co r re ct lybypu lli ngt hest ra p. Unfaste ning F Pre sst her edbu t tono nth ebu ck le.
163 Safety Thed r iverm uste nsu ret hatp ass en ge rsu se thes eatb el tsc o r rec t lyan dth atth eyarea ll res tr ain eds ec ure lyb efo res et ti ngof f. Wh ereve ryoua rese ate dint heveh ic le, alw ays fa sten yo ur s eat b el t, even f or s ho r t journeys.
A ir bags Sys temd esi gn edtoc o ntr i butet owa rds imp rov ingt hes afe t yofth eoc c upa nts(w it h theexc ep ti onoft her earc e ntr epas se ng er) inth eevento fvio le ntc ol lis io ns.
165 Safety F ront airbag s Sys temw hic hp rote c tst hedr i veran dfr ont pas se nge rint heeve ntofase r iou sfr onti mp ac t inor de rtoli mitt her is kofin jur ytot hehe adan d chest .
Deactivation On lyth epa ss eng er ' sfr onta ir ba gca nbe deact ivated: F with the ignition off ,inser tthekeyint he pas se nge r 'sa ir ba gde.
167 Safety Lateral airbags Sys temw hic hp rote c tst hedr i veran dfr ont pas se nge rint heeve ntofase r iou ssi deim pac t inor de rtoli mitt her is kofin jur ytot hec he st, bet w eent heh ipan dth esh oul de r .
Curt ain airbag s Sys temw hic hc on tr ib ute stowa rdsi mp rov ingt he pro tec ti ono fth edr ive randp as sen ge rs(w it hth e excep ti onoft her.
169 Safety For the a ir bag s to b e full y ef f ec ti ve, ob ser ve th e foll owing s afe t y r ule s: F ront airbag s Don otdr iveh ol din gth este er in gwh ee lbyits spo keso rre sti ngyo urha ndso nth ec ent re par tofth ewh ee l.
Chil d s afet y.
Gene ralpoi ntsr ela tin gt ochil dse at s Al th oug hon eofCI TRO ËNm ainc r ite r iaw hend es ig nin gyou rvehi c le,t hesa fet yofyo urc hi ldr en als ode pen dso nyou.
173 Child safet y Ch ildse ata tther ea r Rear ward f acing Wh enare ar war dfac i ngc hil dse atisi nst al le d on a r ea r pa s se ng e r se at ,m ovethe.
Ch ildse ati nthefron t* Rear ward f acing F o r ward facing Pas se n ge r se at a d ju st e d to t h e in te r m ed ia t e longitudinal and highest position. * Refertot hec ur re ntle gi sla ti oni nyourc o unt r y bef orei nst al lin gac hil dse atont hi ssea t.
175 Child safet y Dea ctiv ati ngth epa sseng er'sfron tai rbag Neveri nst al lare ar war dfac in gch il d res tr ain tsyste monas eatp rote c tedby anac ti vefr onta ir ba g.Th isc ou ldc au se thed eat hoft hec hi ldo rser i ousi nj ur y.
AR BG НИКО ГАНЕин с та л и р ай т еде тс к ос т о лч ен ас е д а л к асА К Т ИВИ РАН Апр е д н аВЪ З Д УШ Н АВЪ ЗГ ЛА В НИ Ц А .
LV NE K A DN Euz st ā die tuzai zmu gu r ivēr st ubē r nus ē dek l ī tip r ie kš ēj āpa sa ž ie ras ēd vi et ā,k ur āirA K T IV IZ ĒT Spr i ekš ē ja isD RO ŠĪB ASG AI S A S P I LV E N S .
Ch ildse at srecom men dedb yCI TROË N CIT RO ËNof f er sara ng eofre c omm en de dch ilds ea tsw hic har ese cu re dusi nga three point seat belt .
179 Child safet y In stal li ngch ilds eatsa t tache dwitht hese atbel t Inac c or da nc ew it hEuro pe anr eg ula ti on s,t hist a blei nd ic ate st he.
(a) Un iver s alc hil dse at:c hi lds eatt hatc a nbe inst a lle dina llveh ic le susi ngas eatb el t. (b ) G ro up0:f ro mbir thto10kg.Sh el lss eat s andb abyc ar r ie rsc a nno tbein st all edi nth e frontpassenger seat.
181 Child safet y Ad viceonchi ldse at s Thei nc o rr ec tin st all ati ono fach ilds ea tina vehi cl ec om pro mi se sth ech il d'sp rot ec ti on inth eevento fanac c id ent .
Y ou rvehi c leha sbe enap pr ovedi nac co rd anc e wit h th e latest IS OFIX regulation . Thes ea ts,r ep re sen tedb el ow,aref it t edwi th regulation I.
183 Child safet y IS OF IXchil dsea t Thi sch il dse atc anal sob euse dons eat sw hic har enotf i t tedw it hIS OFI Xmo unt in gs. Inth isc as e,itm ustb eat t ac hedt oth evehi cl ese atus ingt het hr eep oi ntsea tbe lt.
In stal li ngI SOF IXch ilds ea ts Inac c or dan c ewi thEur op ea nreg ul ati on s,th ist ab lein di ca test heo pti o nsfo rth eins ta lla ti onofI SO FIXc hi lds eat sont heve hic l esea tsf i t tedw it h ISOFIXmoun tings.
185 Child safet y.
Pract ic al infor mati on.
F ueltan k Fuel t a nk c ap a ci t y: a pp r oxi ma t el y 5 0 li t re s (p et r ol ) or 4 6 li t r es ( Di e se l) or 3 3 l it r es (L PG); (Depending on version : approximately 30 litres (petrol or Diesel) ).
189 Pract ic al infor mati on F uel used for pet rol engines Thep et ro leng in esar ec om pat ibl ewi th E 10bi o - p etr ol(co nt ain ing10%et han ol), co nfo r mi ngtoEur op ea nst and ar dsEN2 28a nd EN15376 .
*Ac co rd ingt oc ount r yo fsa le. Mis fuelp re ve ntio n(Di esel ) * Me ch ani c aldev ic ew hic hp revent sf il lin gth eta nkofaD ie se lveh ic lew it hpet ro l.
191 Pract ic al infor mati on R un nin gou to ffuel( Diesel ) Ifyou rvehi c leha sanH Die ng ine ,thef ue lsyst emmu stbep r im edi fyour uno utoff ue l. Thi ssyst emc on sis tso fapr im ingp umpa ndat ra nsp are ntpi peun de rth ebo nne t.
AdB lue ® ad di tiv eandS CRsy st em forB lu eHDiDies eleng in es T oas sur ere sp ec tfo rthee nvi ro nme ntan d co nfo r mi t ywit hth enewEu ro.
193 Pract ic al infor mati on Range indicators On cet heA dB lu e ® ta nkiso nre se r veora f te r dete ct io nofaf aultw it hth eSC Rem is si ons c.
Wh ensw itc hi ngo nthei gn it io n,th eSE RVI CE war ni ngla mpc om eso nan dth eUR E Awa rn in g lam pf las he s,ac c om pa nie dbyanau dib le sig na landt hedi sp layofam es sa ge(e.
195 Pract ic al infor mati on In th e event of a fa ult w it h th e t he SCR em issi ons c ont ro l system Ifiti satem po ra r yfa ult ,th eal er t dis ap pea r sdur in gth enex tjo ur ney, af te rse lf- dia gno si soft heSC Rsyst em.
Free z in g of t h e Ad Bl ue ® additive KeepA dB lue ® out of t he r eac h of chi ld ren ,init sor i gin alb ot tl e. Nevert ra ns ferA dB lue ® to an oth er co nt ain er :itwo ul dlo seit spu ri t y. Neverd ilu teth ead dit ivew ithw ater.
197 Pract ic al infor mati on Nevers tor ebo t tl esofA dB lue ® in yourve hi cl e. AdBlue ® fre eze satab ou t-1 1°Cand dete ri or ate sab ove25°C.I tisr ec om me nd ed tha tbot t le sbes tor edi naco ola re aand pro tec te dfr omdi re cts unl igh t.
Impor tant : ifyo urveh ic le' s AdBlue ® ta nkisc o mpl ete lyem pt y- whi chi sc onf ir me dbythea le r t mes s age san dth eimp os si bil it yof sta r t in gth eeng ine ,youmu stad dat lea st3.
199 Pract ic al infor mati on Thes pe edli mi tsti cke rmustb ese cu re d to th e inte r io r of th e veh ic le i n the dr iver 'sf ie ldo fvis io n,tor emi ndyo u tha tawh eeli sinte mp or ar yuse.
F Sw itc hof ft hei gn it io n. F Sec ur eth esp ee dlim itst ic kerin si det he vehicle. Repair procedure Avoidr em ovin ganyfo re ignb o die s whi chh avepe net rat edin toth et yr e.
201 Pract ic al infor mati on Ifaf t erar ou nd5to7m inu test he pre ss urei sno tat ta in ed,t hisi ndi c ate s tha tth et yrei sno trep air ab le;c ont ac t aCIT RO ËNde ale roraq ual if i ed wor ks hopf ora ss ist an c e.
F Plac e t he sw itc h in t he " O "po si ti on. F Removet hek it . F Dr ivei mm edi ate lyfo rap prox im ate ly thr eem ile s(f ivek il ome tr es),atredu ce d spe ed( bet w een15and3 5m ph(20an d 60k m / h )),toplugt hep unc tu re.
203 Pract ic al infor mati on F St ar tt hec o mp re ss orbypl ac ingt hes wi tch at th e " I "p os iti ona nda dju stth epr es sur e toth evalu esh owno nth eveh ic le'st y re pre ss urel ab el.
Ch angi ngawhe el Pro c edu refo rc han gin gafa ult yw he elfo rth esp arew he elu sin gth eto olsp rov id edw it htheve hi cl e. Thet oo lsa rein st all edi ntheb o otund ert he f l o o r.
205 Pract ic al infor mati on Thes pa rewh ee lisi nst al le dinth ebo otun de r thef lo or. Ac co rd ingt oc ount r y,youwi llhavee ith era "sp ac esaver "spa rewh ee lorat emp or ar y pun ct urer epa irk it .
Put ti ng th e wh ee l bac k in pl ace F Putt heboxb ac kinpl ac eint hec en tr eof thew he ela ndc lipi t.
207 Pract ic al infor mati on Remo ving a wheel Parking the v ehicle Imm ob ili set heve hic lew he rei tdo es notb lo ckt ra f f ic :th egro undm ustb e level,s ta bl eandn ots lip pe r y.
F Posi ti ont hef ooto fth ejac k 2 ont heg ro und ande nsu ret hatiti sdi rec t lybe lo wth e fr ont A o r rea r B jac k ingp oi ntpr ovi de don theu nd er bo dy,whic heveri sc lo se sttot he whe elt obec han ge d.
209 Pract ic al infor mati on Fitting a wh eel Aft er changing a wheel T osto ret hep unc tu redw he eli nth e bo otc or re c tly,fi rs trem oveth ec ent ra l c o v e r.
F Lowe rth evehi cl efu lly. F Foldt hej ac k 2 andd et ac hit. F Ti ghte nth esec ur i t ybo lt(i fyou rvehi cl eis f it te dwit ht hem)usin gth ewh ee lbr ac e 1 f it te dwit ht heso c ket 4 .
2 11 Pract ic al infor mati on Itiss tr ong lyr ec om me nde dth atbe fo re youle ave,youp ra ct is ef it t ingt hes now ch ain sonaleve lan ddr ys ur fac e.
Ch angi ngabu lb Theh ea dla mpsa ref i t tedw it h po lyc ar bo na tegla ssw it hapr otec t ive coating: F do n ot c le a n th e m us in g a dr y or a br a si ve c.
213 Pract ic al infor mati on Changing d irection indicator bulbs Rap idf l ash in gofth edir ec ti oni ndi c ato r war ni ngla mp(ri ghto rlef t)indic a test he fai lur eofabu lbont ha tsid e. F T ur nt hebu lbho ld eraq uar terofat ur nan d ext ra cti t.
Changing main beam headlamp bulbs Changing sidelamp bulbs F Removet hep rot ec ti vec overbypu lli ngt he ta b. F Di sc on nec tt hebu lbc on ne ct or. F Spr ea dthes pr in gst orel ea set hebu lb.
215 Pract ic al infor mati on T oobt a inare pla c eme ntm odu le,c o nta ctyo urC ITR OË Ndea le roraqu ali f ie dwo rk sho p. Ifyouex pe ri en c eanydif f ic ul t yinre pl ac ingb ulb s,c on ta ctyo urCI TRO ËNd ea lero ra qualifiedw orkshop.
1. Bra kelamp s/si de lam ps(P 21/5W ). 2. S idelamps(P5W). 3. D ir ec ti oni ndi c ato r s(PY21Wamber) 4. Fog lam p,ri ghth ands id e(PR 21Wred) Rever si ngla mp,lef than dsi de(P 21W).
217 Pract ic al infor mati on Changing d irection indicator ( 4) and fo gla mp o r reversin g lam p (5) bulbs F T ur nt hebu lbaqu ar t ertu r nandc ha ng eit.
Third b ra ke lam p ( 4 W5W b ulb s ) F Op ent heb oot . F Removet hep lu gs A ont hei nn erpa ne l. F Pusho nth ec ent reoft hel ampu si ng t wosc re wdr ive rst oleveri tou t war ds.
219 Pract ic al infor mati on Inter ior lighting Int er io r lam p ( 1 / W5 W ) Det ac hth ec overoft hei nter i orl amp 1 w it h a thi nsc rew dr iver,clo setot heb ut to n,toac c e ss thef ai le dbul b.
Ch angi ngafus e Installing electric al accessories Y ou rvehi c le'se le ct r ic alsy ste mis des ig ne dtoop er atew iths ta nda rdo r optionalequipment.
221 Pract ic al infor mati on Dashboard f usebox Thef us eb oxisl oac te dins id eth egloveb ox. Acce ss to t he f use s F Refert oth epar ag rap h"Acc e sstot he t o o l s ". F use tables Fu s e N ° Rating F unctions FH36 5 A T rai le rrel ayuni t.
Fu s e N ° Rating F unctions F8 20 A Mul ti fu nc ti ons cr ee n,aud iosy stem ,navi gat i onra di o,ala rm co nt rolu nit ,al ar msi ren . F9 30 A 12Vsoc ket,p or ta bl enavi ga ti onsu pp or tsup ply.
223 Pract ic al infor mati on Engine compar t ment fusebo x Thef us eb oxisp lac e dinth een gin e co mp ar t me ntne art heba t ter y(lef t- ha nds ide). Acce ss to t he f use s F Unc li pth ec over. F Cha ng ethef us e(seec or r esp on di ng paragraph ).
F use table Fu s e N ° Rating F unctions F1 2 0 A Engi nec on tr olun itsu pp ly,coo lin gfanu nitc o ntr olr el ay ,mult if un ct io nen gi nec ont ro lma inre lay, inj ec ti onp ump( Di es el). F2 15 A Hor n.
225 Pract ic al infor mati on Fu s e N ° Rating F unctions F12 30 A Wi nds cr ee nwip er ss low/f asts pe ed. F13 40 A Bui lt- i nsyste msi nter fa ces up ply( ign it io npo sit ive). F14 30 A Valvetr on icsu ppl y( V Ti).
T a bl e of ma xi - fu ses Fu s e N ° Rating F unctions M F1* 60 A Fanas sem bl y . MF2* 30 A A BS/DS Cpu mp. MF3* 30 A A BS/D SCel ec t roval ves. MF4 * 60 A Bui lt- i nSys tem sInte r f ac e(B SI)su pp ly. M F5 * 6 0 A B uil t- inS yst emsI nte r f ac e(B SI)sup pl y .
227 Pract ic al infor mati on Bat te r y Pro c edu refo rc har gi ngyou rbat t er yw he niti sf lato rfo rst ar t in gth eeng in eusi ngan ot herb at te r y. Theb at te r yisl oc a tedu nde rth ebo nne t.
Wh ent hebat t er yonyou rveh ic lei sdis ch ar ged , thee ng inec a nbest ar tedu si ngasl avebat te r y (e x ter n aloro nan oth erve hic l e )andj umpl ea ds.
229 Pract ic al infor mati on Prot ec tyou reyesan dfac eb efo re han dli ngt heba t ter y . Al lop er ati on sont heba t ter ymus tbe ca r ri edo ut.
L oadr edu ctionmod e Sys temw hic hm ana ge sth euseo fce r t ai n fun ct io nsa cc o rdi ngtot hel evelofc ha rg e rem ain in ginth ebat t er y.
231 Pract ic al infor mati on Ch angi ngafron torre arwi perbl ad e Pro c edu refo rre pl ac ingaw or nwi pe rbla dew it hanewo newi th outt heu seoft oo ls.
T o wingth eve hi cle Pro c edu refo rhav ingy ourve hic l etowe dorf orto wi ngan oth erve hi cl eusi ngar emov abl etow in geye. Thet owi ngeyeisi nst a lle dint heb ootu nde r thef lo or.
233 Pract ic al infor mati on F Ont hef ro ntbum pe r ,unc li pth ecove rby pre ss in gatth ebot t om. F Sc rewt heto wi ngeyeinf ull y.
Distribu tion of loads F Di str i butet hel oa dinth etr ai lers oth atth e heav ie stit emsa reasc l os easpo ss ib leto thea x lea ndt heno sewe ig htap pr oac he s them a xi mump er mi t tedw it ho ut excee di ngit .
235 Pract ic al infor mati on T owing with t he R A CING version Y ou rvehi c lec an notb ef it te dwi tha tow bar.Thespa c eoc c upi edbyt he spo r td if fus erp reven tst his . Side wind F T akeint oac c ountt hei nc re ase dse nsi ti vit y tosi dew ind.
Mat t paint Werec o mme ndt heus eofahi ghp re ss ure jetwa sh,o ratle astawa terh os ewit hahi gh output. Werec o mme ndt hatt heve hic l eber in sedu si ng de- ionisedwat er .
237 Pract ic al infor mati on Leather Leat he risana tur alp ro duc t .Ap pr op ri ate reg ula rc area ndc le an ingi ses se nti alfo rit s durabilit y .
Awi dera ng eofac c es so r ie sandg en uin epar tsi savail ab lef ro mth eCIT RO ËNde ale rnet wor k . The sea cc e ss or i esan dpa r t sarea llsu it ab lefo ryou rvehi c lean dbe nef i tfr omC IT ROË N 'sr ec om me nda ti onan dwar r ant y.
239 Pract ic al infor mati on "Multimedia": han ds -f re esyst em,a udi osyst ems ,sem i - inte gr alsa tel lit enavi gat io nsyst em,p or ta bl e navi gat io n.
Ch e c ks.
TOT A L & C I T R O Ë N Par tner s in per formance and protect ing the environment Innovat ion in t h e sear ch fo r per for mance Forover4 0yea r ,theTOT ALR ese ar cha nd.
243 Chec ks B on n et Op ening F Op ent hef ro ntlef tdo or. F Pull t he i nter i or r el eas e leve r A ,l oc a tedat theb ot to moft hedo o rape r t ure. F Pusht heex te r io rsaf et yc atc h B to t he le f t andr ai seth ebo nn et.
Pe t ro l engin es 1. Scr ee nwas hf lui dre se r vo ir. 2. Co ol anth ead ert ank . 3. A i rf ilt er. 4. Br akef lu idr es er vo ir. 5. Bat ter y. 6. Fusebox. 7. En gi neoi ldip st ic k. 8. En gin eoi lf il lerc a p.
245 Chec ks Di ese l engin es 1. Scr ee nwas hf lui dre se r vo ir. 2. Co ol anth ead ert ank . 3. A i rf ilt er. 4. Br akef lu idr es er vo ir. 5. Bat ter y. 6. Fusebox. 7. En gi neoi ldip st ic k.
Chec ki ng lev els Che cka lloft he sel evelsr eg ula r ly,inlinew itht hem anu fa ct ure r 'ss er vic es ch edu le.
247 Chec ks Brake fluid lev el Chang ing t he ui d Refert oth eman uf ac tur er ' sser vi c esc hed ul e ford et ail softh eint er v alfo rth iso per at io n. Fluid specicat ion Theb ra kef lui dmus tc onf or mtot he manufacturer'srecommendations.
Fluid specicat ion Thec o ol antm ustc o nfo r mtoth e manufacturer'srecommendations. Coolant le vel Thec o ol antl evelsh ou ldb ecl os e toth e" M A X "mar kbu tsh oul dnever excee dit .
249 Chec ks Diesel additive lev el (Diesel engine with par ticle f ilter) To p p i n g u p Thi sad dit ivemu stb etop pe dupbyaCIT RO ËN dea le roraqu ali f ie dwo rk sho pwi th outd el ay . Used products Avoidp ro lo nge dc ont ac tofu se doilo r f lui dsw it hthes ki n.
Ch e c ks 1 2 V batt er y Air filt er and passenger compar t ment f ilter Oil f il ter Par ticle f ilter (Diesel) Unl es sot her w isei ndi c ate d,ch ec kt hes ec om po nen tsi nac co rd anc ew it hth eman uf ac tur er ' sser vi c esc hed ul eanda cc o rdi ngt oyoure ng ine.
251 Chec ks Manual gear box Automatic gearbox Brake pads Br akewea rdep en dsont hes t yl e ofdr iv ing ,par ti cu la rl yint hec as e ofvehi c le suse dinto wn,ove rsh or t dist a nc es .
T ec hnic al dat a.
Petrol engine Pure T ech 82 Pure T ech 82 S &S V T i 12 0 Gearbox Manual( 5 - speed) ETG electronic (5 -speed) Automatic (4-speed) Model code : SA... HMZ6 HMZ6 /PS 5FS 9 Cub icc ap ac it y(cc) 1 19 9 1 19 9 1 5 9 8 Bo rexst ro ke(mm ) 75x90 .
255 T echnical data Petrol engine T H P 15 5 T H P 15 0 ** TH P 16 0 *** TH P 165 S& S TH P 150 S& S ** Pur e Tech 1 10 S&S Gearbox Manual (6- speed) Manual (6- speed) Manual (5-speed) E AT 6 automatic (6- speed) Model code : SA.
*Them a xi mump owe rco r re sp ond stot heval uet y pe - a ppr ovedo nate stbe d,un derc o ndi ti on sdef i nedi nEur op eanl eg is lat io n(D ire ct ive19 9 9/ 9 9/ EC). Petrol engine Gearbox Manual (6- speed) Model code: S A.
257 T echnical data * Thewe igh tofth ebr akedt ra ile rc anb einc re as ed,w it hint heGT Wlim it,i fth eGV Wo fth etow ingve hi cl eisr edu c edbyane qua lam ount .
Petrol engine T H P 15 5 T H P 15 0 ** TH P 16 0 *** TH P 165 S& S TH P 150 S& S* * Pur e Tech 1 10 S&S Gearbox Manual (6- speed) Manual (6- speed) Manual (5-speed) E A T 6auto mat ic (6- speed) Model code : SA.
259 T echnical data Petrol engine Gearbox Manual Manual Model codes : S A... 5FF8 5FD8 - Unl ade nwei ght 1 16 5 - Ker bwei ght 1 240 - Gr os svehi c lewe igh t (GV W ) 1 597 -.
LPG engine V Ti 95 Gearbox Manual (5-speed) Model code : SA... 8FR0 /GPL Cub icc ap ac it y(cc) 13 97 Bo rexst ro ke(mm ) 77x75 Ma x.p owe r:EUst a nda rd(k W )* 67 Ma x.p owe rsp eed(r pm) 5 70 0 Ma xto rqu e:EUsta nd ard( Nm) 13 3 Ma x.
261 T echnical data LPG engine V Ti 95 Gearbox Manual Model code : SA... 8FR0 /GPL - Unl ade nwei ght 1 15 2 - Ker bwei ght 1 227 - Gr os svehi c lewe igh t (GV W ) 1 552 - .
Diesel engine HDi 7 0 e- HDi 90 BlueHDi 1 00 BlueHDi 1 20 BlueHDi 115 * * BlueHDi 7 5 Gearbox Manual (5-speed) Manual (5-speed) ETG 6 electronic (6- speed) Manual (5-speed) Manual (6- speed) Manual (5-speed) Model code : SA.
263 T echnical data Diesel engine HDi 7 0 e- HDi 90 BlueHDi 100 BlueHDi 1 20 BlueHDi 115 ** BlueHDi 7 5 Gearbox Manual (5-speed) Manual (5-speed) ETG 6 electronic (6- speed) Manual (5-speed) Manual (6- speed) Manual (5-speed) Model code : SA.
Dime nsio ns (in mm ).
265 T echnical data Bumpers and lo wer body Y ou rvehi c leha sre duc e dgro un d clearanc e. T akec ar ewhe ntr aver si ngker b s, spe edh ump s,ac c es sra mp .
Identi c ation mar k ings Vario usv isi bl emar k in gsfo rth eid ent if i c ati ono fyourve hi cl e. A. V ehicle identif ication number (VIN) under the bonnet. Thi snum be rise ngr avedo nth ebo dy w or kne ar thepassenger compar tmentfilter .
267 T echnical data.
Aud io and telematic s.
E merge ncyora ssi sta ncecall Ifani mpa cti sdete c tedbyt heai r bag co nt rolu nit ,an din dep en den tl yof thed ep loy men tofanyai r bag s,an eme rg en cyc al lisma deau tom ati c al ly.
271 Audio and T elematics Localised Assistanc e Call Ifyoup ur ch ase dyou rvehi cl eou ts id e theC IT ROË Nde ale rnet wor k,w e invi teyoutoh aveade.
273 Audio and T elematics 7 -incht ouchscr eenta ble t GPS satellite na vigation - Multi media audio - Bluetooth ® telephone Conte nts Fir st ste ps 27 4 Ste er in gmo unte dco nt ro l.
First step s Uset heb ut to nsar r ang edb el owt heto uc h sc ree nt abl etfo rac c es stoth eme nuc ar ou sel , the n pr es s th e vi r tu al bu t ton s in t he to uc h screentablet.
275 Audio and T elematics Sel ec t ingt hea udi oso urc e(dep en din gon ver si on): - " FM "/"AM "/" DA B " *st at io ns.
St eeringm ou nt edc on trols Rad io:se lec tt hep revi ou s/n ex t preset station . Me dia:s el ec tage nre/a r t ist/f ol der fr omt heli st. Sel ec tt hepr evi ou s/n ex tent r yina menu.
277 Audio and T elematics M enus Set t ings Radio Media Navigation Dri ving Internet T el ephone Sett hes oun dsan dbr i ght ne ssfo rth e inst r um ent san dco nt ro ls. Sel ec tr adi o,th edif fer entm usi cso urc e san d view photos.
1 Leve l 1 Leve l 2 Leve l 3 Na vigation Navigation Route settings.
279 Audio and T elematics Leve l 1 Leve l 2 Leve l 3 Com ments Navigation Sett ings Navigation Enter destination Di spl ayrec e ntde st inat i ons Calculatory criter ia Fastest Cho os eth enavi ga ti onc r ite ri a. Them apd isp layst her out ech os enac c or din gto thesecriteria.
1 2 7 12 3 8 13 4 9 14 5 10 15 6 11 Leve l 1 Leve l 2 Leve l 3 T o us e th e tel ep hon e fu nc ti on s, refe r to t he " T elephon e "sec ti on. Forma nag ingc o nt ac tsa nd the ira ddr es se s,re fertot he " T elephone "sec t io n.
1 7 8 12 9 13 10 14 11 15 2 3 4 5 6 281 Audio and T elematics Leve l 1 Leve l 2 Leve l 3 Com ments Navigation Secondar y page Enter destination Address Cur r.loc ati on Addressse ttings Poin ts of I nter es t T own centre Save Saveth ecur r enta ddr es s.
1 16 20 17 21 18 22 19 Se ar ch f o r a po in t of i nt e re st Navigation Poin t o f in te re s t di sp la yed o n t he m ap Leve l 1 Leve l 2 Leve l 3.
16 20 19 18 22 17 21 1 1 283 Audio and T elematics Leve l 1 Leve l 2 Leve l 3 Com ments Navigation Secondar y page Se ar ch f o r PO I Al l PO I s Lis tofc ate go ri esava ila bl e. Af te rc ho osi ngt hec ate go r y,sele c tth epoi nt sof intere st.
1 23 30 30 30 24 31 31 31 25 32 32 32 26 33 33 33 27 27 28 28 29 29 Mov ing bet ween the t wo menus. Leve l 1 Level 2 Level 3 T raff ic messages Sett ings Diversion Ma p se t t in gs Navigation Ma .
1 1 1 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 285 Audio and T elematics Leve l 1 Leve l 2 Leve l 3 Com ments Navigation Secondar y page T raff ic messages On t h e ro ut e Set t ing sfo rth ech oi c eofme ss ag esan dth e f ilte rra diu s.
1 2 10 Na viga tion-Gu idan c e Choos ing a new destination Select " Enter destination ". Select " Save "tos aveth eadd re ss ente re dasac ont ac ten tr y . Thesy ste mall owsu pto20 0e nt ri es .
1 1 3 287 Audio and T elematics T owards a recent destination Select " Enter destination ". Sel ec tana ddr es sf rom thel isto f fe re d. Pre ss o n Navigation todisp layt he primar ypage. Pre sso nth ese co nd ar yp ag e.
1 1 1 16 17 18 4 2 T owards GPS coordinates Select " Enter destination ". Select " Address ". Enter t he " Longitud e: " then the " Latitude : ". Select " Navigate to ". Sel ec t t he c r iter i a th en " Conf irm " o r pre ss " S ho w ro ut e o n ma p " to st ar t naviga tion.
19 289 Audio and T elematics Ana nnu alma pp ingu pd ateal low s newp oin tsofi nter es ttobep re se nted toyou. Y ouc a nals oup datet heR is kare as/ Dan ge rare asever ymo nth .
1 1 23 24 25 32 Haz ard zone / Danger zone aler t sett ings Pre ss o n Navigation todisp layt he primar ypage. Pre sso nth ese co nd ar yp ag e.
1 1 31 33 291 Audio and T elematics Sel ec tt heme s sag efr om thel isto f fe re d. Sel ec tt hema gn if y in ggla ss esto havevoc a linf or mat i on. Set t ing lt er s Pre ss o n Navigation todisp layt he primar ypage.
4 2 1 3 Radi o M edi a Leve l 1 Leve l 2 Lis t of F M st at i on s Pres et.
3 2 293 Audio and T elematics Leve l 1 Leve l 2 Comments Radio Media List Lis t of F M st at i on s Pre sso narad ios tat i ontos el ec tit .
1 8 15 5 12 9 16 6 13 10 17 7 14 11 18 Leve l 1 Leve l 2 Leve l 3 Media Photos Manage Jukebo x Lis t of F M st at i on s Cop y to J uke bo x.
15 5 12 8 16 6 13 9 17 7 14 10 11 18 1 1 1 295 Audio and T elematics Leve l 1 Leve l 2 Leve l 3 Com ments Radio Media Secondar y page Ra di o li st Pres et Pre ssar adi ost ati ont ose le cti t. Update list Up datet hel istofs ta ti on srec e ive d.
1 19 19 19 20 20 20 21 21 21 Leve l 1 Leve l 2 Leve l 3 Media Sett ings Sett ings Sett ings.
1 1 21 20 19 297 Audio and T elematics Leve l 1 Leve l 2 Leve l 3 Com ments Radio Media Secondar y page Media list Pre sen ta ti onoft hel astm edi aus ed. Radio Media Secondar y page Sett ings Media Sett ings Ran do m(all t r a c k s) : Cho os eth epl ayset t ing s.
3 2 3 3 1 Pre ss o n Radio Media todi spl ayth e primar ypage. Pre ss Radio Media todisp layth e primar ypage. Select " Pre set ". Ifne c es sa r y,selec tc ha ngeo f sou rc e. Pre ss o n Radio Media todi spl ayth e primar ypage.
1 1 20 5 4 2 7 299 Audio and T elematics Sel ec tar adi ost ati ono rf req uen cy(refe rtot he corresponding section ). Pre ss o n Radio Media todi spl ayth e primar ypage. Pre sso nth ese co nd ar yp ag e.
Di spl ayofopt i ons: ifac ti vebutn otavai la ble,t hed isp layw illb egr eyedou t, ifac ti vean davail abl e,th edi spl aywi llbeb la nk. Di spl ayof" Ra di otex t "fo r thec ur r entst at io n.
3 1 20 301 Audio and T elematics Sel ec tc han geo fsou rc e. Pre ss o n Radio Media todi spl ayth e primar ypage. Select " DA B R ad i o ". Select " List "i nth epr im ar ypag e. Sel ec tt hera di ost ati onf ro mth elis tof f ere d.
3 M edi a USB pla yer Selec tion of source Thes tee r ingm ou nted S RC (sourc e) but to nc anb euse dtog ototh enex t med ias our c e,avail abl eift hes our c e isac ti ve. Sel ec tc han geo fsou rc e.
303 Audio and T elematics Thea udi oeq uip me ntwi llo nlyp layau diof ile s wit h". wma ,.aa c,.f l ac,. og gand.m p3 "f i le ext ens io nsan dwi thab itra teofb et wee n 32K bpsa nd32 0K bps .
Bluetooth ® audio streaming St rea min gal low saud iof i le sonyo urte lep ho ne tobep layedt hr ou ghth eveh ic le' sspe aker s. Co nne c tth etel eph on e:seet he" T elephone " section, then " Bluetooth ".
12 13 15 305 Audio and T elematics Managing th e Jukebo x Co nne c tth edevi c e(M P3p layer... )toth eUS B po r tora ux ili ar yJac kso c ketusi ngasu it abl e audi oc ab le.
1 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 7 Leve l 1 Set t i n gs Leve l 2 Leve l 3 Audio s ettings Audio s ettings Audio s ettings.
2 3 4 5 6 7 307 Audio and T elematics Leve l 1 Leve l 2 Leve l 3 Com ments Sett ings Audio s ettings Ambience Cho os eth eso unda mbi en c e. Balance Soun ddi str ib ut io nusi ngt heA r kamy s ® syste m. Sou n d ef f e c ts Sett hevo lum eorac t ivatet hel inkt ovehi c le speed.
1 8 8 9 9 10 10 Units Display screen Configuration Adj us t d at e a nd t im e Factory sett ings Leve l 1 Leve l 2.
1 8 9 10 1 1 309 Audio and T elematics Leve l 1 Leve l 2 Comments Sett ings Secondar y page System Setting s Units Sett heun it suse dtodi sp laydi st anc e,f ue l co nsu mpt io nan dtem pe rat ure. Delete da ta Sel ec tt hede si re ddat aint heli stt henp re ss Del ete.
1 Choice of languag e Calculator Configuration Calendar Leve l 1 Leve l 2.
1 1 1 3 11 Audio and T elematics Leve l 1 Leve l 2 Comments Sett ings Secondar y page Languages Confi rm Sel ec tt hela ng uag eth enc on f ir m. Sett ings Secondar y page Calculator Sel ec tt hec al cu lato r. Sett ings Secondar y page Calendar Sel ec tt hec al en dar.
3 4 5 6 7 Audio settings Pre ss Set ting s todisp layt hep ri ma r y page. Select " Audio settings ". Select " Ambi ence " Or " Balance " Or " S ou n d ef f e c t s " Or " Ringtones " Or " Voice ".
1 1 1 8 9 10 313 Audio and T elematics Pre ss o n Set tings todi spl ayth e primar ypage. Pre ss o n " Sett ings "todi spl aythe primar ypage. Pre ss o n Sett ings todi spl ayth e primar ypage. Pre sso nth ese co nd ar yp ag e.
1 Inte r net Leve l 1 Leve l 2 Leve l 3.
315 Audio and T elematics Int er net browser Aut hen ti ca ti onf orIn ter ne tbro wsi ngv ia asma r t ph onei sdo neus in gth eDi al - U p Net wor k ing( DU N)st and ar d.
6 2 7 3 8 4 9 5 10 11 1 Leve l 1 Leve l 2 Leve l 3 Usage monitor Internet Wi- Fi network connection Bluetooth (d e v i c e s).
1 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 317 Audio and T elematics Leve l 1 Leve l 2 Leve l 3 Com ments Internet Secondar y page Bluetooth Connection Search St ar tt hes ea rc hfo radevi c etoc on nec t . Con n ec t / Disconnect St ar to ren dth eBl ueto ot hc onn ec ti ont oth e selectedde vic e.
Mir ro r Li nk ®.
319 Audio and T elematics Asas afet ym ea sur eandb ec au sei t req uir ess ust ai neda t tent io nbyth e dr iver,usin gasma r t ph onew he n dr ivi ngi spr ohi bit ed. Al lop er ati on smus tbedo new it hth e vehicle stationar y .
4 1 8 14 5 3 9 12 15 6 2 10 16 7 11 13 17 18 Leve l 1 T elephone Leve l 2 Leve l 3 Contac ts Call log.
4 5 6 7 8 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 9 10 11 3 2 321 Audio and T elematics Leve l 1 Leve l 2 Leve l 3 Com ments T elephone Call log All calls Af te rma ki ngc ho ic es ,st ar tt hec a ll.
19 23 20 24 21 25 22 26 1 Bluetooth (de vices) T elephone Options Devices detected T elephone connection Leve l 1 Leve l 2 Leve l 3.
1 1 1 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 323 Audio and T elematics Leve l 1 Leve l 2 Leve l 3 Com ments T elephone connection Secondar y page Bluetooth Connection Search St ar tt hes ea rc hfo rano the rpe r iph er ald evic eto connect.
1 19 Pairing a Bluetooth ® telephone Forre aso nsofs af et yandb ec a uset hey req uir epr ol on geda t tent io nont hep ar t ofth edr ive r ,theo p.
1 19 325 Audio and T elematics Thes er vi ce savai lab led ep endo n then et wo r k,t heSI Mc ar dan dth e co mp ati bil it yoft heB lu eto othte le ph on e use d.
1 19 20 22 Managing paired telephones Thi s fu nc ti on a llo ws t he c on ne ct io n or dis co nn ec ti ono faper i ph era ldev ic eas wella sth ede let io nofapa ir in g. Usi ngt hete lep ho nei snot rec o mm end edw hi ledr i vin g.
3 2 3 9 14 15 16 17 18 327 Audio and T elematics Select " Contac ts ". Sel ec tt hede si re dco nt ac tfr omt heli stof fer ed. Select " Call ". Calling a recently used number Pre ss o n T elephone todi spl ayth e primar ypage.
F req ue n tlya sk edqu estio ns Thet a bleb el owgi vesa nswe r stoth emo stf req ue ntl yaskedq ue sti on sonyo urau di osyste m. QUESTION ANSW ER SOLUTION The r ou te c alc ul ati o n is notsu c ce s sf ul.
329 Audio and T elematics QUESTION ANSW ER SOLUTION Ce r t aint ra f f i cjam sal on g ther ou tear enoti ndi c ated inre alt ime. Onst a r t ing ,itiss ever almi nute sbe for eth esyste mbe gi nsto rec e ivet hetr af f icin fo rm at io n.
Radio QUESTION ANSW ER SOLUTION Theq ual it yofr ec e pti onof ther ad iost at io nlis ten ed togr adu all ydete r io rate s ort hesto re dst at io nsdo notf unc t io n(nosou nd, 87 . 5M hzisd is playe d.
331 Audio and T elematics Media QUESTION ANSW ER SOLUTION Playb ac kofmyUS B mem or yst ic kst ar t son ly af te raver yl on gwai t (aroun d2to3mi nute s).
QUESTION ANSW ER SOLUTION Inc han gin gth eset t in g oftr eb lean dbas st he equ ali zers et ti ngis deselected. Thes el ec ti ono fane qua lize rset t in gimp os est heb ala nc eset t in gs.
333 Audio and T elematics QUESTION ANSW ER SOLUTION The rei sadif fer en cei n sou ndqu ali t ybet wee nth e dif fer entau di oso urc e s.
QUESTION ANSW ER SOLUTION Ica nn otc onn ec tmy Bluetooth telephone. Thet el eph on e'sB luet oo thf unc t io nmaybesw it ch edof fort he tel eph on emayn otbev isi bl e. - Che ckt ha tyourt ele ph on e'sB luet oot h fun ct io niss wi tch edo n.
335 Audio and T elematics Audio system Audio s ystem / Bluetooth ® Conte nts Fir stste ps 3 3 6 Ste er in gmo unte dco nt ro ls 337 Me nus 338 Rad io 33 8 Me dia 34 0 T el.
First step s *Availa bl eac c ord in gtover si on. On/O f f,vo lum eset t in g. Selectsou rce: Rad io;US B;AUX;C D;St re ami ng. Di spl ayth elis toflo c alst at io ns. Lon gpre s s:CDtr ac ksorM P 3fo lde r s (CD/US B).
337 Audio and T elematics St eeringm ou nt edc on trols Rad io:se lec tt hep revi ou s/n ex tpre - setst at io n. US B:sel ec tge nre/a r t ist/f ol de r fr omt hec las si f ic at io nli st. Sel ec tt hepr evi ou s/n ex titemi n amen u.
M enus Screen C Audio fu nctions Rad io;CD;U SB;AUX . T rip computer Enterd ist an c es;A le r t s:St atu sof functi ons. Bluetooth ® : T ele phone - Audi o Pair in g;Ha nds - fr eek it ;St rea mi ng. Personalisation-conf iguration Vehic lepa ra mete r s;Dis pl ay; Languages.
339 Audio and T elematics RDS Theex te r nale nvi ron me nt(hi ll s, bui ldi ngs ,tun ne ls,b ase me ntc ar par ks,...)maybloc kre c ept io n, inc lu din ginR DSm od e.
M edi a USB pla yer Thi s uni t c ons is ts of a U SB p o r t anda naux il iar yJac ks oc ket, dep en din gonm od el. Ins er taUS Bmem or yst ic kintot heU SB.
341 Audio and T elematics Auxi liar y socke t (A UX) Co nne c tth epo r t ab ledev ic e(M P 3pl ayer ,… )to thea ux ili ar yJac kso c ketusin gana udi oc abl e ( notsupplied). Pre ss t he SO URCE b ut to n sever al tim esi nsuc c es si ona nds el ec t AUX .
Thea udi osyst emw illo nlyp layf i le swit h theex te ns io n".mp3 "wit hasa mp lin grat eof 22 .0 5K Hzor4 4 . 1KH z.N ooth ert y peoff i le ( .wma,.m p 4,.
343 Audio and T elematics Useo nlyU S Bmem or yst ic ksfo rm at te dFA T32 (Fil eA llo c at io nT ab le). Itisr ec o mme nd edt hatyo uuse genuine A pple ® US B ca bl es f or c or r ec t operation.
T elephone Pairing a Bluetooth ® telephone Scre en C (A vailable according to model and version ) Asas afet ym ea sur eandb ec au set hey req uir epr ol on geda t tent io n.
345 Audio and T elematics Receiving a ca ll Ani nc om in gca lli sann oun c edbyar in ganda sup er im po sedd is playi nth esc ree n. Select the YES tabont hed isp lay usi ngt hebu t ton s.
Scre enme numa p( s ) Rad io - CD REG m od e CD repeat Shuffle play V ehicle cong* R wi pe r i n rev Options Diagnostic RDS options View Abandon 1 2 3 3 1 2 2 2 2 1 2 Screen A * T hes et ti ngsva r ya cc o rdi ngtot het r iml evelof theve hi cl e.
347 Audio and T elematics Screen C Pre ss t he OK dialf ora cc e sst o sho r t - c utme nusa cc o rd ingt othe dis playo nth esc re en.
Screen C Audio fu nctions Al ter na ti vefr equ en ci es(R D S) Ac tiva te/de ac ti vate FM preferences Regi on alm od e(R EG) Ac tiva te/de ac ti vate Rad io - tex tin fo r.
349 Audio and T elematics Bluetooth conguration 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 2 3 Normalvideo Brightness- video adjustment Display conguration De ne t he vehic le p ar am ete rs* Inver sev id e.
Thet a bleb el owgi vesa nswe r stoth emo stf req ue ntl yaskedq ue sti on sonyo urau di osyste m. QUESTION ANSW ER SOLUTION Wi tht heen gi neof f,the audi osyst emsw itc he sof f af te rafewmi nut esofu se.
351 Audio and T elematics QUESTION ANSW ER SOLUTION Thes tor eds ta ti onsd o notf unc t io n(nosou nd, 87 . 5M hzisd is playe d.
Media QUESTION ANSW ER SOLUTION Them es sa ge" U S B peripheral error " is dis playe dont hes cr een . The B lu eto oth c o nne c ti on isc ut. Theb at te r yoft hep er ip he ralm aynotb esu f f ic i ent lyc har ge d.
353 Audio and T elematics QUESTION ANSW ER SOLUTION Iamun abl etoac c es smy voicemail. Fewtel eph on eso rse r v ic epr ovi de rsa llo wth euseo fthi sf unc ti on .
V isual se arc h - A lphabetic al in de x.
E x te r i o r Remo tec ont ro lkey 60 - 63 ,105 -1 07 - locking /unlocking - bat ter y - a nti - th ef tp rot ec ti on - star ting Lig hti ngc on tr ol s 13 4 -1 3 8 .
357 Visual search Inte r i or Bo otf it t in gs 100 -10 1 - r earp arc e lsh elf - r eta ini ngs tr ap - st owi ngr in gs AdBlue ® t a n k 19 6 -19 8 Rears eat s.
In strume n tsan dc on trol s Inst r um entp ane ls 18 -1 9,20 -21 Warninglamps 2 2-3 4 Ind ic ato rla mps 35 - 3 9 Adj ust me ntbut t ons 40 - 4 1 - t r ipdi s.
359 Visual search T ech nicald ata-Ma in te na nce Runn ingo utofD ie se l 191 AdBlue ® add iti vean dSCRsy ste m (Bl ue HD iD ie se l) 192-1 9 8 Che ck in g.
3Dr earl amp s................................................ 2 17 Bat ter y ................................................... 2 27 , 250 Batter y ,charging ........................................... 227 Bat te r y,remot eco nt ro l .
361 Alphabetic al index EBA(E mer ge nc ybr aki ng assistanc e ) .......................................... 15 4 , 15 5 Eco- dr iving ..................................................... 14 Eco no mymo de ...................
Mai nbe am............................................ 134,214 Maintenance( advic e ) .............................. 14,236 Ma prea din glam ps............................... 14 4 , 21 9 Markings, identification ....
363 Alphabetic al index Radio .................................... 29 8 ,29 9,3 0 2,3 3 8 RDS ............................................................... 299 Rearfoglamp ......................................... 216 , 217 Rearl amp s,3 D .
V anitymirror .................................................... 97 V ehicleconfiguration .................. 42,45 ,51 ,3 47 V entilation .................................... 8 5, 8 6 , 88 , 92 Unl oc k ingf ro mth eins id e .
4Dconcept Diadeis Interak 12-14 Labelsarettedinvariousareasofyourvehicle. Theycarrysafetywarningsaswellasvehicle identicationinformation.Donotremovethem:they formanintegralpartofyourvehicle.
15DS3.0030 Anglais.
1 Audi o an d T el emat ic s Con nect ed ser vices L evel 1 Leve l 2 L evel 3.
Audi o an d T el emat ic s 3 I n t erne t bro ws er Aut he nti ca ti on fo r Int er net b row sin g vi a a sma r t ph one i s do ne u sin g th e Di al - U p Net w or k ing ( DU N) st and ar d.
6 2 7 3 8 4 9 5 10 11 1 Audi o an d T el emat ic s Leve l 1 L evel 2 U sa g e mo ni to r Inter net connection s ettings W i - Fi n e t wo r k co nn ec t i on Blu etooth (d ev i c e s).
1 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Audi o an d T el emat ic s 5 Leve l 1 L evel 2 Com ments Connec ted ser vices Secondar y page Bluetooth connection Search St ar t the s ea rc h fo r a devi c e to c on nec t . Co nn ec t / D i sco n ne c t S ta r t o r en d the B lu eto oth c o nn ec ti on to t he sel ec te d devi c e.
Audi o an d T el emat ic s Mi r rorLink TM Optional depending on the smar tphone and operating syste m. Applic ations Ca r mo de.
Audi o an d T el emat ic s 7 As a s afe t y mea sur e an d bec a use i t req uir es su st ain ed at t enti on by t he dr iver, usin g a sma r t ph one w he n dr iv ing i s pr ohi bi ted. A ll o pe rat io ns m ust b e do ne w ith t he vehicle stationar y .
Audi o an d T el emat ic s Back Home Cont rols Conn ect- App Ca r mo de Conn ect- App Ca r mo de L evel 1 Leve l 2 L evel 3.
Audi o an d T el emat ic s 9 Leve l 1 L evel 2 L evel 3 Com ments Connec ted ser vices MirrorLink TM Connec t-Ap p C ar mo de Connec t-Ap p A cc e ss o r ret ur n to t he li st of a ppl ic at io ns al re ady dow nlo ad ed to yo ur sm ar t ph on e and a dapt ed to Mirro rLink TM te c hno lo gy.
1 Driving S ix- sp ee d auto ma ti c gea r box w hic h of fer s a ch oi ce b et we en t he c om fo r t of f ul ly au tom ati c operation or manual gear changing.
2 Driving Mov ing of f If p os iti on N is se le ct ed i nad ver tent ly whi le dr i vi ng, a llo w th e eng ine t o retu r n to id le t hen s el ec t po si ti on D to acc eler ate.
3 Driving Reverse W he n se le ct ing r ever se R wit h th e ig nit io n on , the r ea r par k ing s ens or s ar e ac ti vated. Fo r mo re in fo rm at io n, ref er to t he " Rear p ar k ing sensors" section.
4 Driving If t he se le c tor i s not i n po sit io n P , whe n th e dr ive r 's d oo r is o pen ed o r app rox im ate ly 4 5 se co nd s af te r th e ign it io n is sw itc he d of f, a wa r nin g mes s age a pp ear s in t he s cr ee n. ) Retu rn t he s ele c tor to p os iti on P ; the m es sa ge d is app ea rs .
5 Driving St op & Star t T he S top & S ta r t sy stem p ut s th e eng ine t emp or ar il y int o sta nd by - STOP mo de - d ur ing s top s in t he t raf f ic (red l igh ts, t r af f i c jam s, o r oth er.. . ). The e ng ine r est ar ts a uto mat ic al ly - ST AR T mo de - as s oo n as you w ant to m ove of f.
6 Driving Going in to eng ine ST ART mo de T he "EC O" war ni ng la mp g oe s of f and t he e ngi ne st ar ts: - wi t h a ma nu al g e ar b ox , wh en yo u dep re ss t he c lu tch p ed al, -.
7 Driving Th e syste m is r eac ti vate d auto ma ti ca lly at ever y new st a r t us in g the key. Re activ ation T his sy ste m re qui res a b at te r y w ith a s pe c ial spe c if i ca ti on an d te ch no lo gy (refe ren c e num ber s avai la ble f r om a CI TRO ËN d ea ler o r a qualified workshop ).
Ein wichtiger Punkt beim Kauf des Geräts Citroën DS3 (2015) (oder sogar vor seinem Kauf) ist das durchlesen seiner Bedienungsanleitung. Dies sollten wir wegen ein paar einfacher Gründe machen:
Wenn Sie Citroën DS3 (2015) noch nicht gekauft haben, ist jetzt ein guter Moment, um sich mit den grundliegenden Daten des Produkts bekannt zu machen. Schauen Sie zuerst die ersten Seiten der Anleitung durch, die Sie oben finden. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Citroën DS3 (2015) - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Citroën DS3 (2015) reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. Die Informationen, die Sie über Citroën DS3 (2015) erhalten, werden Ihnen bestimmt bei der Kaufentscheidung helfen.
Wenn Sie aber schon Citroën DS3 (2015) besitzen, und noch keine Gelegenheit dazu hatten, die Bedienungsanleitung zu lesen, sollten Sie es aufgrund der oben beschriebenen Gründe machen. Sie erfahren dann, ob Sie die zugänglichen Funktionen richtig genutzt haben, aber auch, ob Sie keine Fehler begangen haben, die den Nutzungszeitraum von Citroën DS3 (2015) verkürzen könnten.
Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Citroën DS3 (2015). Sie finden dort fast immer Troubleshooting, also die am häufigsten auftauchenden Störungen und Mängel bei Citroën DS3 (2015) gemeinsam mit Hinweisen bezüglich der Arten ihrer Lösung. Sogar wenn es Ihnen nicht gelingen sollte das Problem alleine zu bewältigen, die Anleitung zeigt Ihnen die weitere Vorgehensweise – den Kontakt zur Kundenberatung oder dem naheliegenden Service.